Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 04, 1919, Image 1

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Hon. B. F. Jones, Mayor of Newport,
la absent on business connected with
the Roosevelt Highway. Mr. Jones is
the Father of this project and if all
citizens were 'as' enthusiastic in its
support as he is the highway would
be am assured fact m a short time.
J. A. Reed has been awarded the con
tract of building the new (Jam at the
lty water works intake. Vis btd was
for $3,096. He expects to commence
construction wlhln a few days.
At the meeting of the City Council t
Monday night it was decided to re-'
plank Front Street with new plank
tram end to end. Some of the bulk
heads on the bay side of the street
will nave to be rebuilt and bids will
be asked for including the entire Job.
Mayor Jones and the Council are to
be congratulated on taking this step.
Of course some opposition to the plans
of improvement were encountered
from those who wished to patch the
street tn the worst places and let It
go at that, but the Council wisely de-
elded that the only way to fix tt was to
fix it right. The matter of improving
Fall Street came up for discussion and
this street f ill also be Improved.
Pvt. James Briggs arrived home
from Camp Lewis last Wednesday .
Welcome home. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Stephens and
Miss Humor were visitors at the Han
son home last Sunday.
Mt and Mrs. O. C. McWlllls visited
at the Hunter home lost Sunday.
Miss- Aldura Br'.ggs and brother,
James, were visitors at the Burt
Twombly tome last Sunday.
Albert Oakland left Tuesday morn
ing for a trip to Alaska.
Mrs. F. Huntsucker and Mrs. E. S.
Oakland visited Mrs. Ryan, of Ona,
last Tuesday.
Mrs, K. Hfendrickson and Mrs. Oak
land were callers at the Briggs home
last Wednesday.
Mrs." Mary McWilHs visited over
night at the Briggs borne last Tues
day. Dr. Linton was called to the Hunter
home last Tuesday to see the baby
who was seriously 111. Little Billie
had been real sick but Is reported
better. i
farmers are very busy putting In flne
thrtr spring crops. I J Casen, Mart Pompel and J. S.
The wwtw t. An u .. Goln went out Tuesday to Albany to
in and stock of all kinds are looking
line, and we are all looking forward
for a prosperous year.
Most all the boys that were In the
oarvice of Uncle Sam have returned
and all seem glad to be back home.
W. F. Wakefield went to Toledo last
Tuesday to attend County Court
Floyd Ottman, of Portland, is visit-
Ing his sister, who Is teaching school
Al Halm an of Mill City was here
last week looking for a location. He
said If he could find a place that suited
him he would settle here.
Mr. Cutsforth, of Cervine, Or., was
looking after property Interests here
one day last week. He lias bought
tha nW lrnftn . ih n. n-l
ard place
J. N.Loudon has all hi. thing, mov-
..... .
a anu nas gox seuiieo. aown. .nr. WU-
don bought the Boyntnn ran h.
was formerly of Hlllsboro, Oregon.
The, vacant houses are filling up
I , , 1 V
has bought ths SalUbury homestead
. ...
ana n'JJS movea onto it. " ...
Vt. Leonard went to Corvalll. last,"" Scho0'' chftrge f Ue
Monday He- is bringing In his Over- ram- n
tend. i.lch he had at the Garrage I Smith end Supervisor Cos
there for the winter. , the Indian Competency emission
Our school Is getting along nicely finished up their work at BUeU
tinder the able mnnoment of Miss Joy nd leave Thursday moniing tfj10'
Ottman. Pupils will all puss their
grades, although there was much time
lost during the winter, caused by the
flu epidemic.
Mr. Schwartz, the Assessor, was In
this community last week trying to
And out how much we were all worth.
I guess he succeeded very well, all
seemed to be very well satisfied, 'even
Mr. Schwartz.
It Is reported tlmt Henry McCnmib
recently lost ftmr nice cows with lurk
spur poisoning. We cetalnly sym
pathize, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown gave a
Wolconio-lloino oynlor dlnnor fr thulr
son Evorett, who has recontly return
ed horns from OJisvllle, N. V. Those
present were N. J. Watltlns, Mr. and I
Mrs. Lloyd Drawbaugh and daughter,
Marjorte, Mro Althea Grant and child-
ren, Mirs. Nellie Davenport and child-
ren, end Vernon Folmsbee.
Mrs. W. R. Moore's brother, Mir.
Ellenburg, and Miss Blanch Jones', of
Corvallls, have been sojourning at the i
Moore ranch this week.
John Davenport, wife and babes are
at homo to their friends on the Gopher
Creek ranch. John has the aspuds
planted, some early garden, and Is dig-
gmg up the dirt and stumps to beat the
Dutch. He tells us the rawh certainly
beats the togging camp for him. 1
The Brown family received a tele-.
gram from their son saying ho had re- i
turned from Prance, was well and
was then nt Hoboken, N, J.
The Co. Superintendant made our j
school a visit since we wrote last. He
delighted the hearts of the pupils with '
a little talk, praising Lincoln County,
and gave it tu his opinion that this
was one of the favored places of earth.
Word has just been received here of
the death of John Fohnsboe, of the
Salado neighborhood. Mr. Folmsbee
ties been a resident of this vicinity for
many years. We are not yet Informed
as to the place or time of burial.
Miss Elsie Fellows o Eugene came
in Saturday and will commence school
Monday, 31st, In the Porter district,
on the Upper Farm. Miss Fellows
wns educated In the public schools of
Eugene. She Is a practical teacher.
Verne Cabriel and family left Satur
day for their new home at Enterprise,
Wallowa, County. Mr. Gabriel was
sawyer in the mill of the Fir and
Spruce Co. since lust spring. He goes
to take charge of a large wheat and
Ftock farm which belongs to his father.
The world war closing so suddenly
and unexpectedly changed the plans
of a good many people. Had the saw-1
mill continued running Mr. Gabriel '
would not have left I
L. C. Mowery has been appointed
-mad supervisor of both of the SUett
road districts. He and County Com
missioner Jay Dunn were looking over
the roads Tuesday with a view of
making the necessary Improvements.
Mr. Mowery will have a large territory ,
to supervise. The work will com
mence on the Cedar Creek bridge and
will be pushed at fast as possible with '
: the limited help at hand.
I Farmers are very busy plowing for '
' their spring sowing. The weather Is
brhlg 1n 0Ter
the roads three Ford
cars. Mr. uoin win oe me ciiiw
one of the party. If the weather keeps
good the roads will soon be in flue
condition and it will be a pleasure to ,
. , . Al . klit (Aaa Jt fitlat
riae ..g u.o " "
and to hear the r ppl ng water falls of
ana 10 near ui tw b
. th beautiful river and to catch fl e
speckled beauties from It. clear, cold ,
tCT9- 8lloU ln ot ONf0I1'
fishing streams,
j The Siletx High School give a party
Friday evening in the Larsen Hall.
The room was decorated with ever
greens, among which the High School
colors, black and orange, figured very
conspicuously. There was nearly a
hundred people present and the even-
I . 1 A 1 .. .nnM In VtlflV.
11UJ was very pieaeumijr "!""
I lng games and marching and promo-1
"" ld "
"Moil i rimv" Com In thru the Rye,
' , .. , .
. "Pop goes the weasci , .mo vm "
Cabin In the Lane ana athuwu.
Velor'' . It was a most enjoyable even-
in nrviWMrnfi fit hh aiiu a,v.vs " v
served by tlie High School girls. Mrs.
have two weeks work In fixing up land
matters with the Indians of those two
burg and Marstineiu wne "...
nlaces. The Indian land- problem is
being settled as fast as possin.e.
Indians capaDie or muwi"
own affairs wilt got deeds to their
lands and the old helpless Indians will
be cared for by the government. The
North American is parsing away, but
tlie mixed bloods are increasing right
April Fool! I
Spring Is here at lust.
Rnlph Dodscn returned to his horns
at Dallas hist week, after a short visit
with his father, Wni. Dodson.
Mr. Bloom, Mr. Greenamyor and
Ralph Leonard left Tuesday mornins
April 1st, to work lor the government
between Hebo end Rose Lodge,
People aire making fine use of the
weather, these who ' havent Bprlng
fever." , '
The delegates to Pomona Orange,
Mrs. Bloom and Miss Kearney, have
returned and they eay they had a very
enjoyuiblo time. They were asked how
they got there and of course they said
they wuilked part way so in Grange
some' one said Mrs. ' Bloom and Miss
Kearney walked part way end ran the
rest The next Pomona meeting will
be at Taft, June 26th.
Opal King land Daphne Trowbridge
spent Saturday .and Sunday with
Mrs. Crispen returned home on .the
stage Saturday night
Mr. Cider and family are moving
down to Curry County, to mine this
summer. '
Sam Bauman has rented the West
property and stock at Otis and is mov
ing there now. Their son intends mak
ing cheese.
F. A. Godwin of Nashville was in
the county seat yesterday.
' Grant Hart of Ohltwood was In Che
! ctty last Friday.
Miss Verne Rdss completed a term
of school in the Ramsdvll district
above Elk City last Friday and return
ed home to Toledo that evening.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Dan Hurley arrived
last Friday evening for a visit with
Mr. Hurley's parents Mr. and Mrs. A.
Ed Avery left Tuesday morning for
a business trip to Portland.
Mrs. B. F. Swope and children went
to Newport last evening for a visit
'Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robert
son, on Ololla, Wednesday, April 1st,
1908, a girl.
About a dozen of the local boy scouts
under the leadership of George Cham
bers, departed last Friday afternoon
for tlie lakes north of Chltwood. The
boys had a fine trip, caught some fish,
and came home on the train.
The County Court is keeping the
new tractors and graders busy these
days, and the roads are beginning to
show good results from their work
already. Yesterday two of the tractors
and graders started out on the Cor
vaJUs road. One ot them will go clear
thru to the Benton County line, while
the other will go to Ohitwood and re
turn. Another tractor Is being operat
ed to the Slletz Valley. The roads
io 8llet and Newport have
"""""is w ,
both been put in shape the past week.
P nd
have lHtte effect on the roads,
Nortons, Or.,1 March 31st.
The Settlers of this neighborhood
held a meeting March 31st, to discuss
local problems and what st'jnd to take
at the Special Election, June 3rd.
We are all for progress, as stand
ing still means going back, and we
hope that the wave of Good Roads en
.,, -,in hnnoflt the mAn of the
I Settlers as well as tlie State and Fed-
lefal Highways.
The Settler with his buckboard en-
joys a trip over a good road., from Ms
home to the station, as much as the
Tourist, with his car, over the High
ways to tlie Summer Resorts.
W Androws Is having a new cement
walk built along the north side of his
store and office building. Chas Mock
end crew are domg the work and are
turning oui a urn. j.m. -
ting a number ot permanent Improve
ments these days, which are all appre
ciated. Buy W. 8. 8
Mrs. T. P. Fish will nave her Annual
8prlng and Bummer Millinery Opening
on Apr" 19th, 1919.
I Tho Dredpo Oregon cams up from
below the flrrt fo tho week and has
been dredging out tho local ' harbor.
. bho will have her wcrk on Oils-bay
complotwl In a Week or ten days.
April 11th and 12th have been select- i
ed by the Women of the Civic Club us !
Clean-up-Day for Toledo. j
One of the most successful Pomona
GiuJije meetings that was ever held in
the County, was" held with Toledo
Oram Re, March 2th. Meeting was
called to order by Master S. T. Loudon
promptly at eleven o'clock. The fore
noon was taken up with the regular
roUi'.iae of business, reports of sub
ordinate Granges, and other business.
Adjourned for dinner and Oh! what a
dinner, fit for a king, and plenty left
for supper. The 'afternoon session was
called at 1:30 o'clock. First was the
election of officers. There was a bunch '
of officers elected and all were duly In- !
stalled and we have a right to expect
some good work during the next two 1
years. Tift was elected as the next
place of meeting. The following Orang
es wore represented: Lincoln Grange,
Slletz Valley Grange, Salmon River
Grange, Eddyvlllo Grange, Elk City
Grange and ToleJo Grange. The Po
tnena dr.rrne. was given to a large class
of candidates and after closing Grange
all present- enjoyed dancing until a
late hour. All went home feeling well
pail fnr time and trouble.
S. T. Loudon.
Where is your Roosevelt Highway
Dr. II. D. Burgess went to Corvallls
Good roads will lift Lincoln county
out of the mud.
lUx Steele was a passenger for
PonUuid Sunday.
County Surveyor Ord Castle was in
the city Saturday.
' Frank Parker was over from the
Agency Saturday.
Clayton Dickson arrived home the
fire", of the week.
J.w.k Fogarty of Yaqulna passed
thru to Portland Sunday.
Dudley Henry came down from
Chltwood Monday evening.
Cliauncey Ohmurt of Ona was a
Tokdo visitor Wednesday.
Merchant W. P. McGee was a pas
senger for Portland yesterday.
Finest' Bryant was over from the
Agency Soturduy with his car.
Mrs. J.A. Peterson returned Sunday
evening from a visit at Corvallls.
Quite a bit of street Improving is
planned for Toledo this Summer.
John Buckley of Newport was In the
city on business Monday afternoon.
R. E. Chandler the Slletz merchmt
wr..' !n the city on business Wednes
T.-. C. 2. L'Jiten of Waldpcrt was In
tho city on business last Friduy atto.
nocn. Mr and Mrs. 0. V. Hurt of WaWport
pawd thru yesterday enroute to Port
land. Mrs. Elmer Ellsworth of Marshfleld
pased thru Saturday evening to Otter
Rock, where she will visit her parents,
Mt. and Mrs. T. H. Homing.
Cabbage, Parsnips, Carrots, Ruta
bagas, White Turnlpe, Sweet Potatoes,
New Potatoee, Fancy Ripe Tomatoes,
Green Peas, Extra Fancy Asparagus,
Cauliflower, Horse Radish Root, Bunch
Green Onions, Rhubarb, Ben Davis
and Baldwin Apples, at Frederick's
Quality Store,
T- ,-1 I 1 r If T.T
was In the city Wednesday. Mr. Hurt
wont to Port kind yesterday where he
will meet with the Forestry Dept. with
regard to the building of a rood down
the Alsea river, connecting up Corval
lls iad Waldport Mr. Hurt Is a meet
entliUHlaetlo good roads booster.
Mr. ond Mrs. Wm. Rmlcllff arrived
tn tho city .Monday evening for a visit
with Mrs nodollfT's unclo nnd aunt,
' Mr. und Mirs. P. Frederick. Mr. and
Mrs. Uudcllff wcro married at Gorvals
' lost Thursday, nnd ero here on their
honeymoon trip. Mrs. lliulcllff was
formerly Mki Vlvlnn Splcer, snd Mr.
nailcllff 1s a merchant at Florence
Following his usuiail custom when
Congress Is not in session, Represen
tative W, C, Hiwley Is In Oregon in
vestigating he needs of tlie various
tocalttlea and conferring with his con
stituents. He will arrive ln Toledo on
this afternoon's train, and remain here
all night, and will address the people
st the Court House this evening. To
morrow he will go to Newport and re
main there tomorrow evenftve.
While here be will view the harbor
improvements, the various diking pro
jects, etc.
-Buy W, 8. 8. t ,
County Court has been 1b session
here fthls week. Besides tlie usual
grist of bills, several petitions came
before the Court for action. The peti
tion for the organizing of the Depot
Slough Diking Association was grant
ed. The petition of J. W, Walker, et
al, for the sum of 1 0,000 annualy for
use on the Abtea highway was not
allowed, for tlie reason that the Court
at a previous meeting, had provided
for the expenditure of ? 10,000 e.v!
year on this road, to match a like Bum
expended by the Forest Service.
In the County Court of Lincoln
County, 3'ate of Oregon
In tho MaXtw of tho Estate of John
A. Turnos, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given thait the
undersigned Ad in hi hit rat or of the Es
tate of John A. Turkts, docoased, has
filed his final account in the
Court of the State of Oregon for Lin
coln Co-Jirty. That on Monday tho 6th
day of Mhy, 1919, at the hour of 10
o'clock ln the for moon ol said day arA
at the Court Itoom of aald Court, has
been appointed by said Court as the
sune and place for hearing of object
Ions thereto and a sefetlemrnt tlien-of.
Dated and first published, April 4.
M. A. Selti, Atnnlnlstrator.
In the Matter of tlie Estate of J. F.
Klnw-y Deceased.
Nbtloe in hereby given that the
undershmed lias been duly appointed
by the County Court of Lincoln County
Oregon, administrator of the Estate
of J. F. Kinney, deceased, and has
duly qualified. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same to me at
my office In Toledo, Oregon, properly
verified, within six months from the
date of flrjt publication of this notice.
Dated and first publishM April 4th,
Ira Wade,
Administrator of the Estate of J. F.
Kinney, Deceased.
In the MHtter of the Estate of John
Kelly, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dnrsigned has been duly anniented by
the County Court of LIn.:o!n County.
Oregon, administrator of the F-"'
with the will annexed of the estate
of John Kelly, deceased, In the State
of Oregon, and has duly qualified. All
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to prexent
the same; properly verified, to m nt
my office 1n Toledo, Oregon, within
six months from the date of first pub
lication of this notice.
Dated and first published April 4th.
Ira Wade.
Administrator of the Krtnte with tits
will annexed of John Kelly, Deceased
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lincoln
Albany Btato Bank, Plaintiff.
va. l
Carl 8. Dsvls and Eva Davis, his wire,
and R. L. Sabin, defendants.
By virtue of an execution decree and
order of sale Issued out of tlie above
entitled Court In the above entitled
action, to me directed and dated the
19th, day of March, A. D 1919, ln
favor of sold Plaintiff ond against the
nbove named Defendants for the sum
of $1624.25, with Interest thereon at
the rnto of 7 per cent per annum from
tho lath day of March, A. D 1919. and
a further sum of f 1R0 00 nttornny's fec.i
and costs taxed at $21.55 and coHts of
this writ commanding me to sell tlie
following described real property sit
lis tn Lincoln County, Oregon, as
follows, to wit:-
Lot three (3), In block six In
Slletz Townslte, together with all
buildings thereon.
NOW THEREFORE In compliance
with the demands of said execution
decree and order of sate I will on
Saturday the 20th day of April, A.
I)., 1919, at 1 o'clock P. M., nt the
front door of the County Court House,
In the City of Toledo, Lincoln County,
Oregon, snll to the blithest bidder for
rnnh. nlr the right, title, and Interest
of the shoved nnmd Defojidntn, In
lh;i nlmvo named action, In tho nlmvo
dnsrrlbcil property, to ni'tlfy said ex
reiiHin decree mil Mir of Hale, In-
i torest, cosls and nccnilnn rer-
Sheriff of Lincoln Co., Oregon
Dote of lnnt publication Apr. ?5 IMS.
Datcof first publication Melt. 113, 1U19.
The Elk City Lumber Co received,
a new donkey engine yesterday, tin.
loading saine here at Toledo. The,
machine win be taken up the river on,
a big scow.
The engine U one that was used
lost Summer by the Warren Spruce
Co. at tta Camp 3-A, and was later
taken to Vancouver where It was sold
to Its present owners.
The donkey will bs placed on Bear
Creok, uibout four nillos abovo Elk City
on Big Elk, where tlie company Is log.
ging. Clyde Van Orden Is engineer.
In the Circuit Court of the Stats of
Oregon for Lincoln County
Ella Haynes, Plaintiff,
Homer S, McDanlels and Etta McDan
leU, his wlte, Defendants:
To Homer S. McDanlels and Etta
McDanlels, his wife, the above nauiel
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of plaintiff filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of six
weoks from the dote of the first pub
lication of tills summons, and If you
fail to so appear and nnswer, for want
thoruof. tiro plaintiff will apply to tha
above entitled Court for the relief de
manded in li If complaint, to-wlt: For
a (lecreo of ihU Court foreclosing a
cerialn mortpajte executed by the said
Homer S. Mi'Duniels and Kttu Mc
Daniels, his wife, on the 13th day ot
January, l'JIO on the following describ
ed real property situated In Lincoln
County, Oregon, to-wlt: A piece or
parcel of land "Commencing at the
W Section corner on the North
lloundnry of Section 1'ivo (5) In Town
Bhlp No. Eleven South of Rntme No.
Eleven (11) West of the Willamette
Meridian, and running thence S. 0
dei;ri es. .07 minutes West on the cen
ter line ot said Suction No. Five (5)
above described GOO feet to a post near
Wagon Bridge, thence East 660 feet
to a post, thence North 0 degrees .07
minutes GOO icet to a post situate on
the north boundary of said Section
No. Flvo (f) above described, thence
West alo.ig the North boundary of said
Sfigljon No. Five (6) 660 test to. tha
place of beginning, the same contain
ing Ten (10) acres according to tha
survey thereof. And that tlie above
described tract be sold by the 8herlff
of Lincoln County. Oregon, as provided
by law to satisfy the amount due and
Owing tn Illntntirr nn mnlil mntff.n..
and furthpr for a decree that each of
sma aerendants and all of them and
all persons claiming by, through or
under you mild defendants may bs
barred nnd foreclosed of any estate,
right, title, leln or Interest In or to
said mortgaged premises or any part
thereof and for such other and further
relief as may be equitablo and Just
TblB summons Is served upon you
by publication In accordance with an
Order hv tho Mnnnmhla n n Mm..
County Judge of Lincoln County, 6rs
Bon, which saiu oraer is aatea Febru
ary 1919, and which requires that
this summons hn nilllllalmH Infl.n T in.
coin County Leader for six consecutive
nnu successive weexs neginning with
the Issue of February 28th. 1919, and
ending with the issue ot April 11th.
Hawkins A McCluskey,
Attorneys for Plaintiff. Adress; To
ledo, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the Stats of
Oregon, for the County of Lincoln
W. J. Henderson, Plaintiff.
C. K. Croxno and Jesulo Crosno, his
wife, defendants.
Ily virtue of an execution decree and
order of sale Issued out of the above
entitled Court In the above entitled
action, to me directed and dated the
19th. duy of March, A. D., 1919, In
favor of sulci I'lulntlff and against the
above nnmod Defendants for the sum
of $550.82. with Intercut thereon at
the rate of 6 per cent per annum from
the llltli day of March, A. I)., 1919. and
a further sum of $50.00 attorney's foes
and costs taxed at $12.75 and costs of
this writ commanding me to sell the
following described .real property sit
uate In Lincoln County, Oregon, as
follows, to wit:-
Lots three, four, five, rlx, seven,
eight, nlno and ten, In block, six: also
lots five, six, sevon, eight, nine, ten,
eleven and twelvo. In block nine: also
lots seven, eight, nine, ten nnd eleven,
In block eilit, all In Stanton's addition
to Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon.
NOW TIIKKEFOHK in compliance
with tlie demands of said execution
decree and order of sale I will on
Saturday the 201 h day of April, A.
D. , 1919. at 1 o'clock P. M at the
front door of tlif County Court House,
In the City of Toledo, Lincoln County,
Oregon, sell to tho highest bidder for
cash, all the right, title, and Interest
of the aboved named Defendants, tn
the above named action, in the abova
described property, to satisfy said ex
ecution decree and order of Sale, In
terest, costs and accruing costs.
Sheriff of Lincoln Co., Oregon
Dntoof first publication Mcli. 2S, 191J.
Dote, "f ltt publication Apr. 25, 1919.
Toledo, Oregon
Office In Andrews Building. Office
hours: 10 tn 12 a. m.: 2 to 4 acd 7 to
9. Bi. Eim-meuk; ftltt a' any tlxa,