Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 07, 1919, Image 1

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    r "' ' " ' V
1 "7"SH6
No. 3
SILETZ last Monday. .
I Mr. B. Dyer was a visitor at the 8.
8. T. Loudon, the Grange Organizer R, McWlllis home last Wednesday,
-of the County, was here Saturday and Mr. Ole Olson and Miss Millie Fisher
re-organlzcd the Siletz Valley Grange, went to Toledo to be married last Wed
nd the following officers were electr nesday. They were accompanied by
ed: Master, A. B. Slocum; Chaplain, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hendrlckson.
Edwin L. Chalcraft; Overseer, Chris Mr. Oscar Oakland left for Portland
Lareen; Lecturer, Mrs. Martha E. Slo- last Wednesday morning.
Cum; Steward, H. Mi Sorensenj Assls-. Mr. E. 8. Oakland went to Newport
tant Stewart, Ralph Hamar; TreaBur-
er, A. L. Crawford; Secretary, Walter
Ross; Gate Keeper, John Walno;
Ceres, Mrs. Lennle Hamar; Pomona,
Miss Alice Chalcraft; Flora, Mrs. El -a-nor
Crawford; Lady Assistant Stew
ard, Mrs. Anna Bell Hall. Seven now
members were Initiated making "a
membership of twenty-five good work
ing members. The Grange was ham
pered by war activities and the pre
valence of the flu, so they could not
moot regularly. But now with har
mony and a splendid set of officers
there Is no reason wiry Siletz Valley
Grange should not be a large factor
In making the beautiful Siletz Valley
the best farming section in the county.
The Indians will in a short time get.
deeds to their land. Th'ey then will
be as free and unhampered as any
other citizen to go ahead and improve
their farms and be a unit In th-
munlty like other people; Alec Cat-
llsh, Ned Evans, Hoxie Simmons, Scott attaclc of ,nfluenz
Lane, John Adams, Charlie Chetco and Harold Grosser, who has been in a
Wblverton Orton already hv wpII training camp In Texas in the service
Improved farms. Deeds will not be
Issued to the old people, as the com
mission believe they are incapable of
taking care of themselves. The num , vlsIt!ns" ln thls cIty- He arrived Mon
ber of such Indiana will he, small. Tl. da? evening.
commission Is very fair in the treat
ment of the Indians. Each Indian is
called to the office and the commis
sion ascertains whotner ho wains a
deed or not; and if ho doevn . want
a deed, the commission will pass upon
his ability to manage his own affairs
and if they think he Is capable he will
get a deed whether he wants It or not
Aleo Catfish expressed the sentiment
of the young men ln this way: "Years
ago when the reservation was new we
bad no roads, no bridges and no school
bouace. But now we have pretty good
roads, six bridges across the river,
one of them steel and one cable, and
a number of good school houses. Our
children are being educated and our
community Improved ln every way
end for this I am willing to pay taxes
to make our roads still better and to
build more bridges If necessary." This
Is the sentiment of the young people
generally. The commission say the
land of the old people will be held ln
trust. The commission Is composed
of Inspector Smith, Supervisor Chas.
E. Coe and Superintendent Edwin L.
Chalcraft The commission will be
ln session about one month.
Mrs. Chalcraft and Miss Alice Chal
craft went to Salem Monday morning
to be absent a week or ten days.
Mrs. Chas. Hyde of Millport staid
over night at Siletx Friday, while on
her way to visit her mother-in-law,
Mrs. John Hyde.
Mr. Gatula of the Lower Bay was a
Visitor at Siletz Friday.
If there Is anything in the old say
ing "If March come In like a lion It
will go out like a Iamb" be true, we
ought to have a splendid going out
because the month come 9a like a
roaring lion with wind, rain and a
clap of thunder that shook the glass
out of the windows and sent the birds
and animals niBhing to shelter. The
old Indians" say the "Sah-ha-lee Tyee
was hyas sallex (very mad), nesika
fayas kwass (much afraid)"
ThA vnnn neonlB of the Enworth
League will give a party at the Gov
ernment school house Friday, March
7th, at 7:30. A light lunch will be
served and a short program rendered.
Cards of Invitation are already out
Grant King has put a new side walk
and wire fence in front of the hotel,
which Improves the appearance of the
place very much.
Mrs. K., Mrs. D., and Mrs. H. Hen-
drlcksou were visitors at the Simon-
ion home last Sunday.
Mrs. E. 8. Oakland was a caller at
the Hanson home last Monday.
Mrs. Andrew Slmonson and Mrs.
Dan Huntsucker visited Mrs. Sheppard
to Met-W
on business last Wednesday.
Pvt. Dexter Twombly arrived here
last Wednesday. He came back to
the U. 8. from France a few days ago.
Anotfer Bayvlew soldier safely home,
Mir. and Mrs. J. R. Walker visited
at the Sheppard home last Tuesday
Mrs. Ryan and her daughters, Ethel
and Esther, moved to Grants Pass last
Monday. Mrs. Ryan rented her place
here to Mr. Henry Hendrlckson.
News has Just been received In this
city of the death of Charles Ernest
Stuart, 16-year-old son of the late Cap
tain Charles Stuart of the Newport
Coast Guards. Young Stuart was liv
ing with his mother at Long Ben- '
Wash., and the cause of his death was
complications resulting from a sevc.
of Uncle Sam for the past year, re
turned home Saturday.
Donald Jam3, of the XJ. S. N., is
Jack Cleland, an honorably discharg
ed soldier of the 8. P. D., and Miss
Marie Soule, a teacher in the Junior
High School, were married Saturday.
The.', have many friends who wish
them the best that Ufo affords.
It is also rumorod that Johnny Plck-
ens Bnd Mls CUI EwlnK ha,e Ten
tured into matrimony. We presume It
Is true as a license has been Issued
them to wed but Just where or when
the knot was tied we will have to wait
until they get back from their honey
moon to find out
The City Council held a meeting
Monday night and the matter of fixing
up Front Street was discussed. It
seemed to be the sentiment of the Coun
cil that the price of lumber was too
high at this time to make permanent
repairs so it will have to be patched
up any old way to make it passablo
for some time to come. Plans were
outlined for securing Newport an ad
quate water supply for the coming
summer and Mr. Edwin J. Clark, of
Toledo was engaged at City Attorney.
It transpires that the Newport Com-
' merclai Club was not lost, only tem
porarily mislaid. A meeting was call
ed for Wednesday night for the purpose
of electing officers and transacting
j other business.
' And now the News accuses your
Newport correspondent of knocking
his home town. If It Is knocking our
home town to tell of. existing condi
tions then we are glad we knocked for
, the knocking is beglning to bear fruit
! The rotten condition of Front Street
is an undlsputable fact and we dont
care who knows It We are not the
city official newspaper and the City
. Council has no strings on us. As far
as knocking our home town Is con
cerned, we do not believe we are any
worse In that respect than the aald
City Council which turned down a
'pon lor ' '
attorney ana gave iiu a lo.eao man.
Verily It Is as Shaekspear hath said:
"Consistency, thou art some puuit-
W 8 8
Nve are sure having our share of
Alva Strome Is seen quite often at
the mud flats. Wonder what the at
traction Is?
Ernost Bonos Is going Into U.e Stock
business, going to get two cows ana
two calves on a deal inai ne is aicxer-
ing at
j Tony Westlow has been trapping up
I the river. He has caught quite a few
of the furry tribe.
i Ward Nlckols was seen drifting
down the river ln the launch that he
bought from L. C. Mowery.. That's
O -
right, Ward, paddle your own canoe.
J. T. Simpson has sold his. ronnb
to a man ln Washington, consideration,
not known.
. Paul Chatt has bought a full blooded
short horn bull. Paul Is xoing Into
the stock business too. "
L. C. Mowery from Toledo Is spend
ing a few days on the river.
Carl King was seen up the river a
few days this week, buying stock. I
persume he Is going Into the stock
business too.
Alvah Strome has returned home
from getting his teeth fixed.
Hurley Taylor has a big smile on
his face. Wonde.' what is on the map?
Mr. and Mrs. Wallls Nh, who havo
been in Corvallis since Dec, where Mr.
Nash has been' under the Dr.', care,
have gone to Newport for a short ntay.
The Misses Bessie and Qna Allen,
of Corvallis, spent the week end with
their sister, Mrs. Hershey.
Mrs. Jas. Davis and Mrs. Wm. Cot
chell returned from Portland Sunday.
Mrs. Ben Hogvohl and two small
children returned from a visit in Al
bany Monday.
Mr. George Frary went to Philomath
and Corvallis Sunday, returning Mon
day. Mr. Walters, the piano man of Cor
vallis, was In Nashville Monday.
W. H. Mhrtln left Wednesday on a
business trip to Portland.
Mr. Robert Justo, a member of the
1919 graduating class at O. A. C. re
turned to his studies at the College
on Friday, after prunnlng the orchard
on the Raddant ranch. Mr. Justo for
merly came from Buneos Aires, Ar-!
gentlna. to out In Dractlce his know.
ledge obtained while at the college In
the U. 8.
Business transactions brought Mr.
Ralph Hamar Into our midst on Sun-dAjr.-is'o
mad or rln seems to scare
A. Bensell braved the rain Sunday
to carry out Government Instructions.
He was accompanied by his family,
who stopped for a few moments on
the hill. Come again.
Mrs. O. W. Davles, of San Sranclsco
Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. T. Raddant
Henry Zblnden came from Siletz
to the Upper Farm Sunday selling
beef. The rain never can come down
too hard to scare him under shelter.
Bill Elting Is ln visiting his brother,
P. H. Elting, at Orton this week.
Tom McNally returned Thursday
evening on the mail boat
There was a Grange organized at
Taft Hall Wednesday. Twenty-four
members were Installed by Brother
Loudon, and a big dinner was served
by the ladles of the Grange. The
Grange will meet every 4th Saturday
In the , month.
Wesley Bones, Friday, hauled a load
of freight from the Taft store, up
Schooner Creek to different parties.
Mr. McMlllen was ln Tart Friday
after a four-horse load of feed and
seed oats.
Knoble Felix and his mother receiv
ed a telegram to come to Portland at
once. Mrs. Fellx'iavlng gone to Port
land about four walks ago to be doc
tored. Andy Winkler is In Taft as a book
i-mniey ana cnesiey uoues were i
called to McMlnnvllle by the serious
Illness of their brother Frank, who
had a second stroke of paralysis and
also has heart trouble,
Tony Reed wns a trader at Taft
Saturday -and reports Jos Dick very
much Improved.
Mr. Maclor went to Salmon River
Sunday to visit with his son.
iDick Rondy, of Rose Lodge, was at
Taft Saturday after a load of feed and
seed' oats.
Bruno Rejiska and John Sijota were
Taft traders Saturday. 1919, and requests that all members of
Wm. Gertula was shaking hands ln ' tho town, and city chairman, be pre
Taft Saturday. Isont as well as all other citizens of
Mr. Wolf and Fred Doberoska were
J I ttM SSATOWSM &53s34 J
,n Taft rrday.
Carl King was a Siletz River visitor
1 ,aa of the week'
'Miss Sophia Wisnlewskt was trad-
log In Taft Monday.
, Mr. Moore of Salmon River was trad
ing ln Taft Monday." He reports the
roads nearly impossible to get over.
Bud Knight, wife and daughter were
at Taft Monday. He says the roads
by Devil's Lake are nearly past travel
ing with a team.
'Mr. Frandula and little daughter,
who have been visiting at Mr. Sarrl's
at the Lake, left for home on the mall
boat Tuesday morning. While here
Mr. Frandula bought a piece of land
from Louie Holton.
At the Movies
"Under Four Flags"
""3rd Governmental Feature
Adults 20c Children lOo
Governor James Withycombe died
suddenly Monday evening at bis Salem
home, death being caused by heart
failure. He was 66 years of age and
was just entering upon his second
term as Governor of Oregon. Funeral
services were held yesteidjry after
noon. Secretary of State Ben W. Olcott Is
now Governor of Oregon.
Buy W. 8. S
A good-roads meeting is being held
at the Courthouse this afternoon with
representative citizens from Newport,
SlU-lx and Toledo present The idea
' Is to 'work out a plan for a bond Issue
' and then put the matter squarely up
! to the State Highway Commission I
gnt us dollar for dollar In a paved
highway from Corvallis to Newport
Buy W. 8. 8.
Goorge W. Caldwell, representing
the S'-Ve Chamber of Commerce, will
hold a meeting at Newport, Oregon,
on Wednesday evening, March 12th, I
the county who may be able to attend,
1 I AURWrff.-CX-eMAW THC-"ANI I l KR MAM6 WAill ,w, VAl, tne 1 ' I I
' -i
Drive on Coyotes and Cats
Starts at Daylight. There will
be Music in the. Air when the
Hounds Hit the Track.
The Coyotes and Wild Oats are
doomed. It facts were known, It is
probable the wIbb old critters are right
now turning talis on the county seat
and heading for the county line. Bet
ter they do for at daybreak, March 9th,
every dog In the county worth feeding
will be on their tracks. Every man
and boy capablo of bearing arms
should station himself on the hill and
watch for them to come over the Top.
By no means are co-ed sportswomen
In behalf of the dogs, all persons
having traps set, should spring them
this day. Parlies not hunting will do
their community a favor If thoy will j
protect the dogs, feed them, and phone
the owners should they stray and stop j
all night with you. I
In order that a report of tho day
may be had, all parties are requested j
to report to the County Agent's office j
the success of their chase. Who gets ,
the best bag? .t
Pass the word along.
(In the leads)
7 Reels
Notice Is hereby given that ell City
Warrants no to and including: warrant
No. 2121, dated Oct 26th, and eudoritud i
not paid for want of funds, are hereby
called and Interest stopped this date.
J. B. Booth, City Treas.
L. H. Payne of Newport was In the
city Tuesday.
' Jim Franks was over from the
Agency yesterday.'
Joe Kosydar of Lower Siletz was In
the city yesterday.
B. F. Jones will toll Toledo Peo
ple what the Legislature did
for Us.
Good Roads Is the most discussed
question ln Lincoln County today. Are
we likely to get the Coxvallls-Newport
road 7 What about the Roosevelt
Highway? Where will these roads be
located. What will they cost? Shall
we bond? What shall we do at the
June 3rd election? These are some
of the Important questions which Hon.
B. F. Jones will discuss Saturday after
noon. Mir. Jones is coming' to Toledo at
i the special request of the Toledo
j Grange, but the speaking and associat-
ed program Ib open to the people,
j Special music and a series of steroop
, ticon pictures of Lincoln County will
also- be shown.
I The program will be held in the
j Odd Fellow's hall and will begin
promptly at 2:00 o'clock. The Public
j la cordially Invited.
Buy W. 8. 8.
Also G Reels of Motion
Champion Bag Puncher of
the World, in Scientific and
Fancy Bag Punching; Also
Head, Chin, Feet, Knee,
Musical and Blindfolded
Bag, Punching. A refined
Vaudeville Act for Ladies,
Gentlemen and Children.
Don't fail to see this Great
Vaudeville Act.
One Night Only, Sunday,
March 9th at the Liberty
Admission, 15c and 30c.
First show 7:1 5 P. M. Sec
ond show 9:00 P. M.
Mr. Derby, In his great Novelty
Bag-Punching act, will appear again by
special request at the Liberty Theatre,
Sunday, March 9th, with a complots
change of picture program, which will
consist of a five reel feature and one
reel comedy. Mr. Derby will offer a
prize for the best local bag-puncher.
Come and boost your local talent
John Q. Adams came up from New
port Monday noon.
' Hon. B. F. Jones was up from the
Resort City yesterday. .
Fred Taylor and wife were passen
gers for Portland this noon.
John Gwyn of Eddyvllle was In the
city several days this week.
J. A. Peterson and son, Vivan, were
down from Elk City Sunday.
W. A. Cooper of Newport passed
through to the Valley Tuesday.
The Fischer-Storey Mill Is expected
to start sawing in about a week.
W. 8. Sail, the Siletz merchant, was
a county seat visitor yesterday
1. B. HV1. the e'tnntsrd Oil 'Agent,
was in the city from Yaqulna yester
day. Mrs. M. Espy and Mrs. W. E. Rich
returned Sunday from a visit at New
port Chas. Overlander of Salado was t
county seat visitor the first of the
week. .
I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Oshurn, of near
; Newport, were Toledo visitors Wed-
i nesday.
. Mrs. Lee Wade and daughter, Carrie,
i were passengers for Portland last
Assessor A. 0. Schwartz departed
for Harlan this noon where he will do
Arrangements are being made for
the Installation of two nioreVJtollera
in the light plant
Born, ''Saturday, March 1st. to Mr.
and Mrs. Byron Snuffer,' in this city,
a nine pound son.