toe 7im fflBbtfc- Id9 EVERYBODY IS NOW FIGURING FALLS CITY BOY WINS D. S. C. I Alvin L. Bowman Carries Ten Wounded Comrades Across Meuse River TAX P m 7 Where and WE SELL VALLEY FLOUR FOR $2.70 SK. HARDWHEAT, FOR $2.85 SK. A BARS SOAP FOR 25c. 13 LBS BEANS FOR $1.00 GOOD BROOMS FOR 90c. WE ALSO HANDLE GOLD EN WEST TEA, COFFEE, SPIC ES AND EXTRACTS AND VO CANS CHOICE CONFECTIONS Try Us OT1 S3 A WORD BY WRITING A VICTORY SLOGAN Omt Vlnory Liberty Loan Khvioai sn wanted by the general CMicin mmm;;i"f of tho Twelfth Federal Rcnervp r.lsirlrt with head qaartKnt In Sun Prunciuco. The nsmmllleo will pay ai high aw $3 orJ. Vtrstt ijiliH will be $30, second tufiM Ci, and third-prize, $10. 81 off rhould be limited to 10 or II aiwdx. Staid a!1 slogan to 81.00AN SUTOtt. Rftom 301, 430 California &tmt. &ta Francisco, California. In contest closes Saturday, i Mae XL no 'Liberty Loans ahead eST ymm after the Victory Loan, so roar future for Victory Tooasands of our soldiers and ssrfun omrtxend their futures. Tear bar will be a bettor man than ymi am ft rna give him a weekly al kfistt lb Thrift Sumps. Let him Buy these tilmielf. FARMERS IN BEST FIHMIAL SHAPE OF RECENT YEARS SnrcsJa Transition of Agricul ture to Peace Basis Predicted . by Federal Reserve Board asnrkata farmers are In better fiauackaf stupe than they have been ior lana. aorwrdlog to a recent report eCSaa rMml Reserve Boardt Wash- afc also predicts a smooth at agriculture and Industry to a peace bull. Ths fa nrtVw of economie conditions (be country U based on dkrt04 reports mads to It by ths r tas tweivo federal re- knH Samer 1 said to be la ths shape for many years," ays. "Id the South bs 'Is to hula, till cetton for better ptkcaw wmt marketing his output aaera9an)y. ITmSent crop prospects are re sortarl fnaa the wheat states of ths Vest ami from California. On the FSaMe Camst the prospects for excel sl crofa are exceedingly bright." "Tfctory year" crops, according to another government report, added m.OiWJaftfl in our wealth. The srtarfaal contributions were: Caret lJWx,8H.O0O bushels. I3.G28,. 111000. WbH-7.100,000 bushels, $1,874, U3.000L Oat.e-IJfcM.r.9,000 bushels, $1,092,- Itart-7-t66.37r..O00 bushels, $235,. ttiJXi. Kye J3Ji00 bushels, $134,947, no. Iratwa 2.17,C76,000 bushels. $l75e IJioe. na -n,ir, tons. $1,622,473,000. trntKurot 1,340,019,000 pounds, TI4 j msjs. AirW-l7fl.3I,000 barrels, $"?,. we.txA Hit At Elk City Prices are Right Quality Better C. H. WAKEFIELD, Prop. When the Fat Years Return By F. C. Amlnlance 1-8G, Western Front. When tho fut years return, and, rich tml free, Tou half forget, as men have ever done, Tho price once paid for your security. Thinking too much of fortune lost or won, Too much of pride and laughter, food and ease, Or of Bomo public favor cheaply earned, Oh, then turn back the page and think of these Who gave their bodies for freedom to be burned For these lived, too; they, too, loved ease and laughter, Sunlight, the green earth. All that you still keep I They had, and more vision. If you come after And dare forget them, burled so young, so deep, And dare forget this faith for which tbey stood Ah, but you will not, being of their blood! The Outlook. Start figuring now on your personal quota of Victory Liberty Bonds. If you don't, start figuring on Increased taxes. QUOTAS OF LOAN WILL DEPEND ON WAR STAMP SALES Oversubscriptions of January and February Savings Cam paign Allotments to Re duce Loan Task Victory Liberty Loan quotas of the Twelfth Federal Reserve District are to be determined In some measure by the amounts loaned the government by each district In War 8avlngs Stamps during January and February. If a district oversubscribes IU War Savings Sump quotas for the first two months of the year, Its Victory Liberty Loan quota will be decreased to the extent of the oversubscription. Conversely, If a district falls to reach Its January and February Stamp quo tas, Its Liberty Loan quota will be Increased. When Lewis B. Franklin, director of the War Loan Organisation, was la dsn Francisco recently) ha revealed that on the day the armistice was signed there was In progress In Wash ington a meeting to formulate plana for the continuous sale of Liberty Iionds such a plan as governs the sale of Thrift and War Savings Stamps. Moreover, the Liberty Bond and War Stamps work was to be closely coordinated. These plans were Immediately dis carded wbon the Germans signed the armistice and when Secretary of the Treasury 'Glass took office he an nounced that the Victory Liberty Loan would bo the last. In ths fuco of sug gestions that the Victory Loan bo put on a cold commercial basis, bo added that the men making these sugges tions were discounting the patriotism of the American people and he would depend upon the patriotism of ths American people rather than place se curities of the United States govern ment upon a plaie with the piper of private corporations. WE BUY BUTTER, EGGS VEAL, HOGS HIDES, PELTS WOOL, MOHAIR AND CASCARA BARK AT HIGHEST PRICES. ALSO EMP TY GRAIN SACKS. LOUISIANA CURRENCY "Back whore I come from," sold Kenneth M. Robinson of the 80th Squadron, "around the southern part of i Louisiana, the principal industry is that of catching turtles for the New York and Eastern markets. II Mor gan City, for instance, even tho largest concerns pay their employees in tur tles; a fair monthly wage being six to Beven sacks of them. I "I worked a month in Morgan City before I found out the currency In vogue there, when on the first pay day the Boss pointed out several dripping wet gunny sacks In a corner of the Iroom as my pay. At first I was lndoubt I whether to take these or no, but, see ing the other employees accept their was still some doubt In my mind, bo Backs, I also took mine. But there I wended my way to the first saloon end Invited all the loungers up to have drinks on me, throwing the largest turtle In my sack -on the bar in pay ment. "The barkeep set out the drinks, took the turtle tnd dropped It Into a box under the counter, reaching under again to take out tour smaller turtles which he threw on the bar as change." HELP THEM OUT The old version sr.ys: Eve 8 and Adam ate 2 totrJ 10. Nebraska Herald says: Evo 8 and Adam 8 total 16. Mississippi Gazette adds: Evo 8 and Adam 82 'otal 90. New York Steamer corrects: Eve 81 and Adam 812 total 893. The Ohio Advertiser remarks: Eve 814 herself and Adam 8124 Eve total 8938. The Illinois Telegraph puts It: Eve 8142 know how It tasted; Adam 28142 eee what It might be like 36284. The Whitman College Pioneer wants to get on too: Eve 8142 know how It taeted; Adam 81420 let the old lady get the best of him 820662, The Gaelic World suggests that: Eve with the ourlostly of her 68l4i J.i Knowledge; Adam 812420 h m.. 1-. aorant than bis wife total S806M. W 0 ft-- FREE BULLETINS The following are some of the bul letins available at the County Agent's office. If you would like any of these or bulletins on any other subjects, you may secure them free by writing or calling at the oHIce. We call your attention particularly to the bulletin entitled, "A fillo for Every Farm." Potato-Tuber Diseases. Bed Clover. The Road Drag and How It Is Used. Good 8eed Potatoes and How to Produce Them. Trapping Moles and Utilizing Their Skins. Tile Drainage on the Farm. Heneflts of Improved Roads. Durk Raising. Hemorrhagic Septicemia. A Silo for Every Farm. Contagious Abortion of Cattle. Housing of Chickens. The Angora Goat. Winter Rarley. Dees. Breeds of Reef t'attlo. Ilrecds of Sheep for the Farm. The Feeding of Dnlry Cows. Hog Houses. Killing Hrs and Curing Tork. Tweed of Swlnu. Marketing Hops In Orogon. (The following was handed us by Mrs. Elraa Hyde, and relates to, her grandsons, who were raised near Ed-dyville). By carrying wounded men across the Meuse river on a pontoon bridge under heavy artillery and machine gun fire, Alvin S. Bowman, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bowman of Falls City, Or, won the distinguished service cross. Alvin has a brother, Roy, and both of the boys are with the 2d V. 3. marines, ambulance corps, and were In the last heavy American fight ing before the armistice was signed. They went into action last June ai d so iar nave received no injuries. In speaking of the winning of the cross, Alvin Bowman writes: "It was hardly my good Judgement. ut a case of saving ten of my com pany, i was the only one to do the work, as the other three were Dur out of action, two killed anil th i... wounded. I was in the same nrnrilr.. ment two months ago when brother was wounded. I sent you some money Just before I went over the top, be cause I was pretty sure I'd never need any again. "The paymaster came yesterday and treated us all very well. When I gave him my name, he looked ip and asked If I was lany relation to Hoy H. Bow man and told me that he was In base No. 1, which had headquarters in that building. I at once found him and we have been together almost all the time. Brother is looking fine, is still on crutches, but uses his leg to some ex tent. He is getting the best of treat ment Two days after brother was wounded, the other corpsnvan, who was with us, was'killed, as we thought, but we did not turn him in as such for sev eral days, as we thought he might ap pear, but he never did. As I was pass- lng ho,el fiIled wltn prisoners this morning I saw him. He said he went to get a wqunded man and the Ger mans surrounded him and as he had m. gun the only thing to do was to give up. "The 20 of us that came from Marc Island, Cal., were pretty lucky. None were killed, although all were woundod but fcuf. I was fortunate enouht to be one of the four. One lost both legs and two others, one a leg and one his right arm. The rest were not such serious wounds. "We do not feel half so kmoeome aa we did a few days ago. How do you feel without a President?'' duy W. 8. 8 BY THEIR EGG YIELD SHALL WE KNOW THEM Poultry Project Committee De termined to get Slacker Hens. NOVEL CONTE8T PLANNED (By the County Agent) The poultry project committee of the Farm Bureau has hatched out a novel Idea. It's a dandy; it's practi cal; It's -ducational; It's aim Is to show up the slacker hen and give all honor to the biddy that lays the eggs. It's going to be lots of fun, so do not miss getting In on it "There Is to be a cow testing as sociation In Lincoln County, I under stand," said Mrs. Ross McElwaln. poultry project leader, "so we are not going to be outdone. We are going to have m hen testing association," We haven't much space to outline our contest, consequetnly wa mast bu brief. Here you are: Contest open to all poultry raisers In Lincoln County. Six or more hens may be entered. No limit on number of pens entered from each farm. Egg record to be kept by owner of flock and reported to county agent's office at the close of each month. No re striction on the breed, age, color, feed ing or care of chickens. The number of hens entered may be Increased or decreased at the end of each week, provided the county agent's office Is notified In advance, and the same noted on the record rendered at the end of the month. Judges of the con test will be andouneed later. Contest will open March 1st and close June 1st Special credit of 10 per cent will be given all contestants who present at the end of the contest a record of ! the cost of feed and profit from the flock. Final score of each pen will be determined on the percentage basis. Special Instructions on feeding, care, and methods of culling out the non layers, will b provided all contestants and a complete sot of bulletins and other literature on poultry culture wilt be given all persons entering the con test, and special prizes, to be announc ed later, will bcglven ths first, second and third plaTo pens at the end of the contest. DR. NUNN Veterinary Sur geon. Formerly veterinary bur geon U. S. Army. 445 S. 3rd St., Corvnlli. Phr-nes: Inc. 4307, Bell 10C. In Order to Be Helpful to Public, Internal Revenue Bureau Has Every Available Officer in Field. SEVERE PENALTIES IF YOU ' DELAY BEYOND MARCH 15 With the due date for Income Taxes only a few weeks sway, the collection of this far-reaching tax on 1918 In comes has started oft with a ahg. Everybody hi figuring Income tax. Payments and sworn statements of Income most reach Internet Revenue faces OB or before March 15, and there are severe penalties for delinquency. Residents of Oregon are required to make their returns and pay their taxes to Milton A, Mller, Collector of Inter nal Revenue, Portland, Ore., or to any of his deputy collectors who are now doing free advisory work on Income Tax. "Pay your Income Tax by March IS," Is the slogan of ths Internal Rev enue Bureau, which has sent every available officer Into the field to belp the public to understand the require ments snd to prepare ths returns. Who Must Maks Return. It Is estimated that many thousands of single and married persons In this section of the Unted States who have never before made annual returns are required to do so this yenr. Income tax returns must be made between now and Murch 15 by persons who come under the following classifi cations: Any unmarried person whose 1018 net Income was $1,000 or over. Wid ows and widowers, divorcees and mar ried persons who ore living apart from their husbands or wives, are for the purposes of the Income Tax classed as unmarried. Any married person living with wife or husband whose 1!)18 net income was $2,000 or over. The Income of both husband and wife must he considered, together with the earnings of minor children, If any. Revenue Bureau Offers Aid. Ench person In the United Stntes who Is In either of these clarslflcatlons must get busy at once If penalties are to be avoided, no should secure a blank Form 1040 A for reporting net Income up to $5,000, or Form 1040 If bis net Income exceeded that amount Forms Are being distributed by Collec tors and their Deputies, also by banks. By following the Instructions on the forms a correct return can be prepared at home. If a person needs advice or aid, the Deputy Collectors In the field will furnish this without charge. The new Revenue law places the In come Tax duty on cltlxens and resi dents. The Internal Revenue Bureau is sending Its men to work right with the public to get the tax and the re turns In. With active co-operation every tax due March 15 will be paid I and every return required by law will be In the Revenue offices on time. Exemptions Allowsd. A single person Is allowed a per sonal exemption of $1,000. If ht Is sup porting In his household relatives who are dependent upon him he may claim the status of the head of a family who has the same exemption es If married. A married person who lives with wire or husband is allowed a-personal exemption of $2,000. The head of a family Is entitled to claim a similar personal exemption. An additional exemption of $200, Is allowed for each person under eight een or Incapable of self support who was dependent upon and received bis chief support from the taxpayer. , A husband and wife living together are entitled to but one personal ex emption of $2,000. If they maks sepa rate returns the exemption may be claimed by either or divided. Accuracy Required. Absolute accuracy is necessary in making up Income fi fares. Any per son who Is working for wages should and eat exsetly bow much he received daring the whole yesr 1918. Tees, hank Interest, bond Interest dividends, rests received snd all ether Kerne must be reported correctly. Mere guesses sre net accepted, for they are unjust alike te ths taxpayer and the Government and defeat the proper ad ministration of the law. w w INCOME TAX IS TRULY POPULAR. w "The Divment nf fnrAtn on new significance which should be understood h every citizen. The tsxatlon sys- tem of this country Is truly pop. ular, of the people, by the peo- pie and for the people. Every citizen Is liable to tax, and the amount of the tax fs graduated according to the success and for- tune attained by each Individual In availing himself of the oppor- tunllles rrented and preserved by our free Institutions. The method and degree of ths tax Is determined by no favored class, but by the representatives of the people. The proceeds of the tax should be regarded as a national Investment." Daniel C. Roper, Commissioner of Internal Revs- nue. NOTICE The launch Transit will discontinue tho Elk City, Toledo, Nowport rn Saturday, March fith, 1919, I wish to thank all who have glvea me their patronage. H. A. Norton. ' SIX PER CENT State School money, for farm Joans. See Sara Crahen, Toledo, Oregon. FOR TRADE 2 unincumber ed Portland lots, one block of Woodmere school, 5 blocks of Mt. Scott car. for acreage at or near, Toledo. Address box 105. Toieoo, Oregon. FOR EXCHANGE My 32(1 acre stock ranch at Glem., with or without stock, for suitable ranch property reasonable closa to High School at Waldport. Newport or Tiledo. . . J. W. Davenport, Salado, Or. PURE BRED Black Minorca Eggs, 60 cents per dozen. See Ludwlg Anderson. FOR TRANSFER And fun eral team work, Bee Ed Nelson. FOR SALE A young cow. fresh in a few days; also heifer that will be fresh soon. Chas. Severson, Toledo, Or. . FOR SALE 155 acres and the Elk City Telephone Circuit Will sell for assessed value $1500 cash. $300 incumbcrance. Address Jim Hodges, Elk City. Oregon. WANT To buy a stock ranch in Lincoln County. M'ist have some iniprc vementd. Hive 1 om- plete description ana price la first letter. C. O. Morgan, Loma, Colorado. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Is land Red Ejs for setting, $1.50 per setting of 15, from a good laying strain. Everett Miller, Toledo, Or., or Phone 1026. FOR SALE 160 acres of un improved land, three miles from Toledo, on Depoe 6lough, suit able for stock ranch. Address. G. A. Landreth, Newport, Or. TO TRADE A fine Burrey with top, for a good work horse. G. J. McCauley, Elk City, Or. STRAYED Two heifers, com ing 3, both have left ear split. Phone 1803, or write Weyde meyer & Johnson. Toledo, Or. SALT HERRING New nachr Just a few kits loft, soi-iir at S2 iper kit See John Ande.-ocn. MONEY To loan on rood real estate security. Edw. J. Clark, Toledo, Or. FOR ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Write to Graham & Wells. Oor- jvallls, Oregon. Agents for Lin coln tjoumy. 160 ACRES Lincoln county, partly Improved, stock or dairy; 94 acres Benton county. 60 acres timber, bal partly Improved; $15 per acre. Adress 533 Yamhill Bt. Portland, Oregon. GOOD BUY Five acres 1 mild from Toledo In Olalla val ley. Tbfoe acres In cultivation; good house, fine water, family orchard bearing; new barn and chicken house. Price reasona ble. Address J. O. Young. Tole do. Oregon. For Ladles or Gents wrist watches. Write F. M. PTncli, & Son, Jewelers and En era vent Albany, Oregon. TUB NEW WEST f AOAZIItB "IUIm Tfc. " Watna iMwirltB, tI' .ir, mini.,, .11. 4 SttTMIklM. O' .f. U. th. mm """". wnwr and .,). Print m '--rl vtrm will, ivr h:f.on Vw, I! : raty, !.. Swpl., 10a. bMk EI! 7 , J W Mitt , "9xr"' .ivr iv AddrtM G. L. PERKINS Shoemaker and Harnes3 Repairer Shop on Hl'.l Street TOLEDO, ORECON