gender. VOLUME 26 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27thr 1918 No. 32. SILETZ crimes they have committed &oon as he can find a partner to '.and Mrs. C M wnrrpn tnnb- con. without any punishment or any help puH the boat over the briny fond. Mr. Sam Bauman took the effort to stop the norrlble aeeps to nisco. grand prize for men, with R. J. slaughter. Retribution has Ground Is being cleared and j Hunt second, come at last ana these awful the ways are being layed for the A short program of songs by crimes will have to stop. Ger- construction of several large Una industrial rinh nr, on ri. 'many is of tha same kind and , barges and scows. The work dress by Mr Cooter successfully mvr iate 13 uitsu searcu. iiu biujj- ;iu ua 'suing iuii uiabi uy me .Closed th, first dav of h Fair ping uniii iaiaensiiL is oompieie- jiiim ui kmjxi ween. ly distroyed and the world made Denny Van June went to Cor- He got back rs oi t e. free for Democracy while we are vallis to register, SZtlu was -ft it we had just as well finish in a rush for he knew the Mill- WfU flttenrtari irrA vraa thn mnar ine JD' On Friday afternoon. Mr. Fun 'deman made a rousing appeal 'In behalf of the Fourth Liberty ljoarr. to which tho fIH7nnc lnvol. :Port people could not get alone ,iv rPRTwmdwi hv niiHncr av.rf i J -a i. jl ia.i.i i r . do -v pleasant social affair of the sea- " , 1 1 m.o a v, , ' , . . thirteen hundred dollars ($1300) son. A number of boys in Olive attendinS the Stat Fair at ' ,iss Sophla Wlsniewski went itt bonds. A dance to the even- . , . - ptti .tii vpwnnn rT rna i ncriav uan urao were present and as they f -Buy W. . 8 expressed it, it made them think of home and loved ones far away where they have similar social gatherings. Twenty five soldiers came from South Beach by in vitation chaperoned by Sorgieanti ternoon. Lhlvriil. They -ame in autos. i Pom TY ,to isewpon on tne nustier wed- 'ine mmniPtwi th Pair mvn-9m jnesday to visit her sister, Mrs. I The Grange wishes to Jake BAYVIEW Miss A. Briggs was a caller at the Oakland home Sunday af- rogany. sopnia sam she en. Joyed the trip and didn't get sea sick. Irish Tommy was up from Tart yesterday. (Mrs. Gertula cut her finger yesterday. We only hope Bhe this opportunity of thanking its many friends who helped to make; the Fair a success, and to extend an invitation to attend the next one, which will be "big- Jgier, better than ever." Mr and Mrs. Dan The entertainment opened with Hendrickson a tn pound .boy on ST "til n 1,? u short program consisting of September 19th f r,ntrinti LnZ - AwA,i. I J.v. r . Vt . The fish warden has been seen """6" '"'- vui- i-rivaie ian rienuncuson re- rm tha cmt i..bu at me iiauu, mi. uirnea to uamp iveamy, uani., men v. owtuui uiiug m ummer jast sunaay arter spcntimg a 30 of ceremonies. After the con- jay furlough with his parents, elusion cf tho musical, the sale Mrs. Molver and niece Pearl of baskets took place. One of .Casteel, returned to Albany last T'?LLart "t:' Z ;su"day- , ' We are Just feeling bully on Wre purchased from J. J. Gai. At XJ T -If- v i. v 7,u"' Mr- aT i-wommy ana Fiegles Creek. For why? Be- W-r and one from Mr Locie on wi -gooa tais. Lacn Dasnet con- Ajrs. George Stephens were vis- lamlne enoueh for thrpn or fnnr r if u . . . r duw,uuu " nr? " "J-'' tianan rair. ifive each neigh- rrhohmson ha 1 ii r km if. ill 1 1 .1 v. u 1 1 u 1 n .. '.... . 1 . . i - iiunie msi ouiiuuy. Look out "Flsher- "He'll get you yet." Buy W. 8. 8 FIECLES CREEK BUYS BLOODED STOCK C. A. Thompson, of Ona was in the city Monday and while here purchased five full-blooded 'Jersey cows. Four of the cows persons. place. Mr. 1AAM Ml tl Irl 11 caused conidfah1 Hvairv I htJ j Si ci uu,uwu wwwib n6cnt iu twelve cows tne past summer among the bSerf Most an tK L-pnt Stin An h ?imT" to rustic up all elliglblec. See Ld expects to milk more next bSE , wiH!?". w S I J!" !.ToIjd0 0,1 bU3lne83 last. Lh resources left behind on flummer. Ho is building up a InliM and onld rHllv f., . A i-wn a.vic. jl wajvea rrr . ( Aira. uicKenson ana fliiss l- mo hlnali ona Prescott were visitors at the z. A. Kessi went io Portland PHYSICIANS ATTENTION All physicians in the county are ordered to report at once all cases of influenza to Dr. R. D. Burgess, County Health Of ficer. This action is ordered by tha State Board or Health and the Military authorities. This Spanish influenza, is making great inroads in some sections of the United States, and every pteevntatlve measure is bean taken to prevent its further spread. This malady has prov- DIME THEATRE MAKES MANY IMPROVEMENTS The Dime theatre has been greatly improved during the (past week. New theatre chairs have been installed and the old wooden chairs done awav with en fatal in the East in hundreds system of indirect lighting is ' ttuiiuw 01 me reatures. Car pets have been put down in the aisles, two projecting machines (Installed in the operating room, yum unrated Dy electric motors. The theatre is now modern in every respect and the improve ments are greatly appelated uy me movie fans. of instances. Buy W. 8. 8. POOL ROOM, BOWLING ALLEY, SHOOTING GALLERY, ETC., ETU Chas. North, wTio was a pas senger for Portland Tuesday morning, has leased the lower floor of the I. O. O. F. Hall and expects to put in a modern club room and confectionery. ITe will have pool and billiard tables bowling alleys, a shooting gal-i Buy W. 8. 8 . SOLDIER KILLED AT CAMP 3 A Last evening- Rosa Afatn. V..VT. onoy rancn at wnviue last ; Rev. Mr Albers of Albanv vls- 52.50 to 56.00 oach. Some 30 baskets were sold bringing the conoy ranch at Linville last Wed .Friday ' neE Bum of $88 25 This mnn. i ' i. x r Fllud-J- ... " vunuy ran fT Will na iiaod trt Vialn nnv Vi nv . . " r n. i csaay- ited the Kessi ranch lust to view ministers saiaxy ana to niaKd .. . ... . . . ouy vv. s. 9. viic Diiciiuiu gaiuciii last, wtrcjv. mii i pADT ' M- E- Walk?r of Blodgett vis- . .,, P ,RT. . ited friends here and attended to 10 1U"U,"8 ls buciness some improvements on the par Bona!2e. Several persons were over from Toledo amony them feergeant Hurt and his wife fine herd, and takes great pride in his stock. LARGE MUSICAL PROGRAM FOR THE CAMPS Howard E. Pratt of San Fran fisco, music director for the e 'capacity day S It is the GSa; Tif Tn DMsion NaUonai War .onfy mm in l7ncohf County tnat Council. Young Mens O la turning out aoronlam unn.oo . . " "-o. ni Rood as H is now. - The minis- and Is turning out as much of , v r,,a, T,1!",, OI 8Hfep ma ters salary is pa.d In full and all the material l,Sck 'thTlIu!! TkS? '.Mr' tnor PTnrnRPa and n- hivj :n i, i. i .1 x. v era ana no rayno visnea 'rn Association is here akiug a tour of the camps with r. Rasnr dlatrlpt anntr londor PayilO Visited Wnniotins' cniinrlrnn alnrlncr ond rev Mnlvnnv nlii T . ? , " " 0 , i inenas ana rarl and Arthur Tftwiio filin.'Tnv I """ I. War JlOarU " "nroerrams. Music is tn hnvo other expenses and we have as any mill Its size in the north ni , '4 p some monpv lo't Mr and Mro Blanche and ft Ross don't claim all th credit ; The Sohooner Rustler and ror this good wult. Thd people several other schooners are kept " t nart in the life of the have helped, including the sol- busy on regular runs between fay' suffe1r:ng V 1 lj P)ruce can,P thIs fal1 and wl dier boys, especially the bunch Toledo and Mill Port haullne ,ee caused by a fall from house te according to the. "Y" lead- from South Ri arh Mr Praa u i. i . ... ..." DaCK. '-a . . mC luiiiuei 10 ue tuaueu on me nas gone 10 me conierence held fars at that point. lery, etc., for the amusement or '" p " q r J eniP'oyed the soldiers stationed hern. Z , 1 , T' msianuy Chag. is a rustler and will have "f1 having a tree fall on an up to date establishment. """ jL Be.e"18 ,ine lree. being ". ft-HUit-, uprwiea ana Buy w. 8. 8. I fell, ho saw it coining and ran WAR BOARD'S ORDER 7" , T -,Lluun "s away CARRIED INTO EFFECT , ' A?" 1 With this issue we are putting into effect the order recently is sued by th War Board and are discontinuing subscriptions not paid in advance. This week we are discontinuing those who were notified two week3 ago, next week we will discontinua the balance, being those noti fied last week that we are oblidged to "g killed instantly. is at Htacey, a. His home - V S t in. thi niftrnnnlia and ntlr " Di'i'V " ,, ay nieht. will net do him much yallcv toints scnaois aione. acnooi teacaing ,)ear also Sundav tne sale of the has-1 Xni vknn 's "eiuw iar uu8 1 . t,rvif.f t n-jwh 1 v nil 111.11 vjii 1 111 - . .. 1 a "in - - : lunch was served II up 111 air dojs. as iar as 1 Wnrk nt tii Tniodn illV iu i.-icui-s. a ierson must last Sunday from a two weeks nave a morn naiance cr ms ea ucation j?ood. After Itets a nic vuiioisuuB 01 pie, cane, couee, mill with the Willamette Valley sandwitchss, salad and we were Stock & Land Co to have ice cream but owing to I The Gertula cannery is run the train being late Saturday ning regular and .xpects to be venin th: cream did not come, working night and day before I never saw a more Jolly crowd long as the fish are coining in. than assembled that evenimr. iin la rrro rmniitt iocs Tha Frank Mulvany assisted by, noth Mr Pratt and Mr n,. Mill Port will soon have one of f"!"! 'wr are Capable live wire fellows, - arKi the men appreciate the o)i- 1:b 1 Creek . bridge at Paynes. 'portunity of xpoundlng their It la said that "all things come hestg to tha strains of tne ol(, 10 tnose w no wan ana 1 am ie- glnning to believe it. What Mr. Co, this week in Portland, feeline tnat nis work ras not been in the best water supply systems in vain I am sure every commun- the state. The large rrservoir Is ity is bettor off by having, taking on form fast but Jue to churches and Ffhools in it. If the scarcity of labor it will not it were not rcr tne moral forces be completed on schedule tim.v , of Christianity tho wm-ld would I m- v' ' . about those teachcre? . ! viuv .viun reiuriieu Supt. you'd better get a move on if you supply all of the 5 Harlan am able to see either the stand ard must be lowered calling in old teachers who would think these standard $50.00 wage a bonanza. In that cace a manuai or hand book would have to ac company the studies, viz. Lan- Arithmetic because familiar songs as well as the new ones. The local Hut at Toledo is to have a real live Sing Song Fri- When these men an- a roligocus The education Hut is get ting a splendid start and some new class rooms are under con struction! to care for the needs of the men. Ed Fletcher, local secretary, is pushing the educa tional work and urging the ful lest use of the service at hand. One. of the biccest events of Everyone was pleased and full 'and thoir frfana ,ir.,,i . i Cl'iaso and of fun and if there was a sour or cream social last Friday nicrht of 5han'?e of f crtma an,d methods ,the 8ea"son at Newport is a com- tvmnth.. hM,nxi 1.. .nt . . . J 0 ' aiiH li'irQ 11 ?a tha rltl ao r Tiara . . . ..... . ... b.vuj, i,,CBcail. ue uiu ana every body present enjoyed z i. a V v. V punuy -uoerty Slug' to tak? ;have not had the chance to at it.lnl coaching schools. How- place Sunday afternoon V clock. The plan is for nt 3 a m not snow up. from the cheerful a good time. spirits or tnat party a person There euro was something do nuuiu iiui nuun a, great HIl'J ;lr.g 1 bloody war was going whore 'even! their own kindred are in the con- flmle, flict, but we know how to keep iSlim oil sorrow and restraint and Thev Rlirn had a irnnil lm nave a gooa time, mis is char-1 The tow beat "Hoffman" was no1, A-sea captain is granua Earl Rasor district song lender atrterlstlc of the American. ThesJaunched last night at high tide. a comPa9s and chart, a survey-!ls directing the big Liberty Sing acteriatlc of thd American. She has been on the dry dock or of land a I1010 and a ,)Uot 'and a fine large program Is ar They do ot lie down because or some much needed repairs. a nibl- Then not a scho01 "ranged, Mr. Pratt will assist Mr. 01 irouuie dui oniy uig me nara- ihe will resume her regular du- ,ieac,,cr; w. no em aur'u Rasor in this bier undertaking, er. .ties towina-loiro fmm r-nmn T,.r. with" facts stored away in the ,nnri in11v p.-n,i lf. . tn 0,, .. "P " ""1' i.i, , ii o" ,o u.v. i to the mill. iiuKuni . u a cur i.n s, wii:n.-f 1 1J l 1 l l " uvar mi' n f 111 aannnpo niua n n . . across the river Sundav ." out-aoor meet in front of the "Y" ng. VernK' Mae-ie. S(: a nana in lurn smng us our m. ,hut theP8 Arrangements in- Cutle and Muggins invited UB- 3u.( a"u law niakcrs4,to,ludo seating all who come and to a watermelon fPPd W nothl.ig of pedagogues. Give Siavo a real tln. of n . , teachers a manual? es, why'v-nnp. r o The Executive Board of the the mill. Clips, wnai 'for (Iiosp atndlno- Fourth Liberty Loan consists of I All the ftirls are wild over the thon? Tnpy ,iavo 110 mca9 Sundays program will Include the) following gentlemen: James Lliut. CLccr up girls, he's mar- whatsoever to prove the correct- flections for the 83rd Bouadrcm Franks, John Wamo, Christian ried. ness of their method'?. Even an nand The community sing will i-iarscn, Annur uensen, 11. jj. i wur sergennt turns up missinir ?"6"- a -ui Rft-'. unnnaier anu Kuwin u cnni- ,at anil time, seem to me there 1 craft, chr.mnan. The commit- .are an awful lot of girls cuttln teei hr.s been active and have there hands of late. succeeded In selling $2,!)00 All speed records wer? broken bonds up to Sept. 25th. The for the city of Mill Port when the SALMON RIVER FAIR That, tho Fair held on Sep- I be led by I Iowa -1 E. Pratt of iSan Francisco. Toledo's quar-!jett-3, boIos by Mr. Ras ir, and 'short talks by Chaplain Ross and 'Attorney Jones. The invitation Is a request to people are patriotic and don't Sunday Oregonian arrived In the tobcr 19-20, wa3 tha best oneihe community and the camps compiam aiiout uuying Donna up my at i o eiock A. M. Monday sever given on camion luvcr, i throughout the district to Join to their ability to pay. They niornlg and the bopg read the .the opinion of Salmon River ,in ,n,i maice th, a roai gct t0. want to help finance the great paper before breakfast. .Grange. No. r,1(5. which Is Justly 'ether patriotic affair. . war and back the boys at the The; Mill champion horse shoe proud of Its success. A splendid . front who are fighting gallcntly whlrlers challenge any team of exhibit of farm produce, can- rnnd plving up their lives that horso Bhoe artists either scrubs iil"K, baking, and needlework, DR. W. J. CURTIS, of Corval the world mny hs made free to or professional to a game In our nnd a special booth of Industrial , lis. Oregon, will bo at the office all the people. ibeautlful city and guarantee to ,'work by the children, attracted of Dr. Burgess, Wednesday Oct- Turkey Ig being carved up and ,ve them a beating or buy the many visitors. County Agricul-lober 9th, 1918, and every two nor amu:s are ueing conquered .uhiiks. otunst, Mr. uooter and wire, were and her people are Just now re- Sea Lion Chas. launched his "present, giving very valuable aid celving the retribution they so ,new dory last night. He expects in Judging. Among the prize richly deserve for the murder of ;to make a trip to the land where .'winners, Miss Lilliam Leonard a million Armenlons and. other the sun shmes all the time as took the grand prize for women, weeks thereafter. All .lasses fitted by me are backed up by n written guarantee. .If you don't Know me ask Dr. Burgess. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M, MIDWAY THEATRE FIRE From The IVuvey. The Midway Tlioatro of Newport hat been forced to suspond operations for a short time to accouipllh repair necessitated by a fire which occurred last Satunl'iv nic)., tm. a . it la with R.n.a, . ' ' ' DTOM V." ;out during a nerrorman n.i that we are oblidged to op :tln,rMt '.V T names from our lift, names o ."SS? TZtT persons who are our personal .DlndBll .,, n mato n" friends and good pay, but the w .1 : .. l" v s orders are plain, IZ, " "T0.Wia aiacor- and nil subscriptions iurt be to Blv: :'DeKan paid In advance or the publisher pv ",7 ' , " '. wn,cn WM 1 ., .... ' .lllI,t everybody but the on irlvlnn. h .orders slioulcl lcoep h or hor aeat. ;Aa a result !0 per cent of the audience jleft In somewhat of a hurry and after itllR frtta ivcro trA at.. d. , , c in, ui oiuer in twr Saturday a mixed program. lce"f uml no troubl ,n out. 0 , , ,, , , 1 t,0,,li,!, ilV0 valuable oHslntance Sunuay and Monday. Hilly manning the lire apparatus and ubdu- inn w ui .ii m umu wiu viii i. inij in, flames which had Bill .t,' ro1' "r ,!lt luilldlnc. nil in a will be called to account. riuy w. s. s. AT THE MOVIES eaten Into Tuesday and Wednesday Hart hr "lllue mazes Rawden." Thursday and Friday, Wallace Reid and Kathlyn Williams in "The. Thing We Love." Also "Al lied War Review." Above shows, adults 20cents, rl ,' " " , """I'puca to hildren 10 cunts (Change our hour of going to .nmireii, iu cuius. !)ros8( ai((, hcnanef wjU rmt Coming, Saturday October 5 (Friday forenoon Instead of in the Oerards' 4 years in Germany, afternoon as heretofore rham. Buy W. S. S. TAKE NOTICE Owing to the ch:i llffe 111 train Kim;!, we have been compelled to one night only. BIG PATRIOTIC MEETING Music 4th Reg't Orchestra. Sclo3. by Mrs. Cotton O. A. Macy and Bert Geer Male Quartette Address Lieut. Ross Sunday Sept. 29th, 1918 2 o'clock p. m. Y. M. C. A. Tent Every body Invited fa oi advertising should bt brought in not later than Wed nesday evening to insure-their jUppearam o in the issue of that iweek. We obliged to jnake this change in order to eiucii xne west Pound mail. -Buy W. S. S- BUY A FOURTH LIBERTY 80ND By H. V. NU. AMERICA My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I Ring: Land when my fathers died! ,iimi ot me pilgrims' pride! From evry mountain Hide wi freedom ritiR! My native country, thee, Lund of the noble free. Thy iinnio I love: 'I love thy rocks nnd rllln. jThy woods nnd templed hllU; :My heart with rnntuie t!irlll Like that above. r Hark, k vole tn ynu proiillnr, Mrti of Frn-dnm, ThuUKlit mill Feeling-, Innocont tiiiploro )nn kiiuL'lliiK. "IJuy a" Hon of Hell are Hlnht rti-f j-liiff, Spurlnn not the Hl.-k or flylMtc; llrikuu It.-urtH tn you nru t-rylu?, "liny a ltnu.l," For our lwy who. In the fltfht, Stun.) fur I'.S.. iinl an. I ItiuM, K. p II. "Ir himm rir's liuriiliiK prlxht, iluy n lion.. In thn nciini of, Htrlko ti c uloiv tn iimfcn ition Fru, Help to win th l.-toi-), Duy a Mdij'1! Buy a Wear,' This Button ..Lot music dwell the breeze. "And rlnff from nil the tree . I Sweet freedom':! son: Let mortal tnmmes uwake; Let all that breathe partake; ; rocks their slb'-iei lt ta!; I The soiuiil prolons. I r lOur fatiier's Rod, to Thet, Author or Liberty, f Tn Tliee wo ilntr: Loni; mny our land bn brlht wiin treedom'a holy llsht; Jl'rotect us by Thy mli?ht, Creat Cod, our KIiir! Buy W. 8. 8.- I Portland Columbia Dasln Wool Warehouse Co. leases jbullding containing over 200.000 square feet of floor space here. North Bend Kruse & Banks get contracts for 6 wooden ships of 5500 tons each,