PACE TWO LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO. OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 28th, 1918 aL V x r- WE HAVE ON HAND McCORMACK MOWERS, TEDDERS, HAY RAKES AND TILLAGE IMPLEMENTS. WE TAKE ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY, MANURE SPREADERS, GAS ENGINES, ENSILAGE CUTTERS, ETC., GIVE US A CALL LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER F. N. HAYDEN, Publisher OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Entered at Toledo. Oregon postofflce, Established Twenty-FlTe Years Ago. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One Year, tn advance.... $1.50 Six Months. In advance. ....... .75 Three Months. In srtvp.uce. St- PETERSON HARDWARE CO. WITH THE COLORS IN THE U.S. AIR FORCES Following Is a lett.T whl'h was rornivfvl hv Mr and Mrs. O t i iMi'ddlekauff, of Corvallis, from f f f f f tfftfTtl'tf TTTTf ffTyTTfTfTTlTTYTt W 1 1 r jlUtU BUU IVial IV, ttllU IV 1111.11 .ll-Z) kindly seat us. As Mark is a 4t4 former Lincoln County boy we t Know our rcaaers wm oe mter t ested in-hearing from him. Mr. I Middlekauff believes that Mark is in. active service among the ShoesShoes Shoes HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE LOVELY 8HOES AT McGEE'ST THAT IS THE QUESTION EVERY WELL DRESSED LADY ASKS. YOU CAN BE JUST AS WELL DRESSED IF YOU LET McGEE'8 FIT YOU OUT-AND THEN YOU KNOW ARE UP TO DATE AND IT QOSTS vvu NO MORE YOURS TO PLEASE, J THAT YOU W. P. flcGEE FOOD CONTROL MEANSVICTORY European Shortage Places Prob lem Before American Govern ment Farsighted Policy Adopted. NEED 75,000,000 BU. WHEAT. Food Administration Asks Aid of Every American In Gigantlo Task of Feeding Millions. Tfc I- III. KUn l.nU . j, c i . . . , I 11 1 1 1 v .fv'vt ji. nim.ui unit luri aviators sent from Southern i 1t umkl, u tood over nere. X ANDREWS BUILDING TOLEDO, OREGON tlMIIIIMI I 1 ""tW IIIHHMIIIIIIIH11VI iiillllllllMI I 1 t The White Corner Store I ask all my pitront to be GOOD TRUE AMERICANS, by conserving Flour and Sugar I have plenty of fine Honey and Syrupe and Flour Substitute galore assembled In my hugh store- Z Italy to help the Italians against t the Austrians, in the battle now raging. ... 8th Aviation Inst. Center, iU. S. Air Service, A. E. F. Dear Folks : I received your fine letter this 1 morning, Mamma; it was a fine I 'letter; sura would like to step t in and see you, all of you folks once again, i am sure geuinji tired of this blooming country. Well at last I am ranked as an aviator, have completed my second Italian Brevet and hava received my R. M. A. I finished ttaiy cross country raid yester . .... ii 1 1 Clay , It covers .... nuiea on me course. I received my, urevet when I had finished it. I had a fine ride, took me about 4 hours in the air. Nearly froze my fingers as I was at 15,000 ft. and over most of the way. Had on four sweaters, two suits of winter underwear, two pair of pants and a fur lined flying suit, and three pairs of gloves. ; ; I ran into a blinding snow storm ; ;once, at 16,500 ft. I am just ' jlaying around today, no flying, I ; am barracks police. t I will go on my vacation sun .1 . MTI1I J ft J A 1-1 i R. S. VAN CLEVE PHONE 9005 TOLEDO, OREGON If we wished to he supremely selllsh and supremely shortsighted we could go on eating as much as we like and whatever we like, without much dilll culty or Interruption at leaBt, until the Germans came I . Rut we are not doing things In that selfish and suicidal way. . We are try ing to make a great couimou pool of all of our food, and all of the food of the allies, and all of the food we can get from South American and other neutrals, and dividing It up fairly among America, England, France, Bel glum and Italy. This does not mean that all of the people In the great pool are going to have the same ration, but means that we are trying to arrange to have enough for everybody, so that the sol diers our soldiers and their soldiers will be well fed, as they have to be to fight hard and continuously, and that the munitions workers and the workers ln all the other necessury In dustries, and the men and women at home will all have enough to keep alive and well. It Is absolutely neces sary to do this if the war Is to be won, and we are going to do It, but It means planning, working, arranging, co-oper atlng, being careful, not waaUng, eas ing. And It meant that each and every one of us has got to help. Now, we have enough and more than enough food for ourselves, and the PHONE OUR ORDERS TO THE Toledo Cash! Grocery WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF FLOUR, FEED AND GROCERIES WITH FREE CITY DELIVERY REMEMBER WE DELIVER UP AND DOWN THE RIVER PHONE 1915 FREE DELIVERY kJ. Jt-I. SX.JC3-C3-, IPrOTp. . m. M. m. M. M. J. m. a hocolates 7 TV 1 1 1 1't H,,t4' CHILDREN LOVE CANDY but their parents should see to It that they get none but the purest and most whole some. Any other kind Is to be shuned. Good Candy Is an aid to the health as well as to the happiness of children. We guarantee our Candy to be pure In Ingredients, In make and In handling. And yet our prices are admittedly moderate. !,day. Will spend 7 days at Rome, Government la going to see to It that tiiiiiinmHHiiniiHimiiiiiiiiinir'f""" i ' -rtV Water Front Meat Market J. L. Demitt, Prop. I w) Fresh A Cured Meats, Vegetole, Pure Lard A Compound; Lunch Goods A Meat Condiments. We Buy Vesl, Beef, Poultry, Pork & Mutton; Hides & Pelts Fish, Oysters & Clams In 8eason WATER FRONT, TOLEDO, OREGON $ , lit I 1 1 1 1 1 f T T HUHHWM I Lincoln County Bank j (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO. - OREGON DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DIRECTORS C. K. HAWKINS WM. 8CAHTH J. B. BOOTH Interest rt Time Deposit . iiiiiiiniiiittiniM"U , Vver 1 Naples and the Island of Capri, in the Bay of Naples. Y:s folks I think that I am fairly competent as an aviator, finished up very quickly and have never had even a broken wire; am knocking on wood. It is a wonderful game, and Is worth the: price you must pay, iwhatever you have to. Mine !has been neelibible so far. I Have had very few letters ! from anyone lately. Papers by thd wholesale. I intend ta have a bunch of pictures taken tn Rome, and will take a bunch myself, and will send you some of I will try and cable from Rome, in Fwhich case you will hear from hie before this reaches you. A number of my Delta U brothers from Ames are here now, or rather in France, and 1 hear from a number of them. Saw Lyman Burgess last nlp-ht! ho fnll.iri tn nmkr n. flvprr h---o J , was not confident at altitude; that is where you are safe be cause you have the advantage of altitude if you should take a fall. Had a funny expertance yesterday on my raid; got lost when over the sea in a dense fog cloud which was over 300 feet thick. 1 could no tll whether I was flying right slda Xip or up side down. I got my J directions 14 miles further on, ana was neauea stialght ,out tne sea. Much Love, Mark Dealers in Cigars, Tobaccos, Stationery Supplies, Candies, Nuts, Soft Drinks, Ice Crei n, Fruit, tc. Try our Rest Room McFARLAND A SON, Toledo, Oregon COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND GENTS FURNISHINGS WE GUARANTEE STRICTLY ALL WOOL MADE TO ORDER SUITS . WE ARE AGENTS FOR M. BORN, SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS, AND ED WARD E. STRAUSS A COMPANY Made to measure Clothing. Come In and let us take your Measure for that New Suit. p A ARNOLD. TOLEDO. OREGON PROCLAMATION JUMimttlllllTT ss.f SI- f is stop: AT AUS CASH GROCERY AND LOOK OVER THAT FAMOUS DIAMOND W LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES OR PHONE YOUR WANTS AS THE DELIVERY The President of the United States has called on the people t.of the nation to indicate their Itself denial by pledging them- nt-ives uii June oui iu purciiase War Saving Stamps for the re malnder of the year. In order that the citizens of this city may not tall belhind other comunltles In responding to the call, I hereby proclaim Friday, June 28th, as War Sav Ings Day for the City of Toledo upon which day all persons shall give their pledges for the War Savings Stamps, at such time and places and In such manner as may be appointed by C, Jackson, the War Savings Di rector for Oregon, acting under the authority of the Secretary ,of the Treasury, and pursuant to the Proclamation oof the Pre sldent of the United States. R. D. Burgess, Mayor 0 0 R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Toledo, Oregon Office In Andrews Building. OfTlre hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to p. m. Emergent? calls a; any time. we keep here at horns a sufficient sup ply of every essential kind ef food to support our people. But over there they simply have not enetMh. Lord Rhondda, the English food controller, recently cabled the American too ad mlnistrstor, that unless we can send the allies before the next .' uropeaa harvest 75,000,000 bushel of wheat In addition to what had been stnt up t January 1 of thia year he could not assure the people ef the allies that they would have a sufficient supply ef food to carry on the war. He did not say anything In this cable about the other food oecvmary, bat be has told of these needs In other cables and by his actions ka England. For example, his latest regulation compels a reduction of meat eating tn the United Kingdom to a maximum of one pound per week per person, this pound Including the bone and other waste parts w the meat m bought U the shop. The allies must have mere whesrt, more meat, more fats, more dairy prod ucts, more sugar. Their harvests were very short France had less than half ber aormal crop of wheat and the available shipping is small In amount and constantly being lessened by sub marines, so that It Is now practically Impossible to use any ships for the long voyage necessary to bring food from Australia and other remote markets. The food must come chiefly from America. In specific figures It Is nec essary for tie to send to the allies ,100,000 tons 01 loodstuirs a menca This Is a great responsibility and a great problem. The food must be found, and also the ships to carry It It Is being done, but can only continue to be done by the help and fall co operation of all of ua over our broad land. We must produce and more. To supply the wheat necessary until the' next harvest, we must reduce our consumption by from one-fourth to one-third ; we must cut down our usual average consumption of meats and fats by from 10 to 15 per cent and lalry products by about 10 per cent Over there they are tightening their hefts and doing everything they can. They are eating war bread'; they are cutting down their sugar la Koglaml to two pounds per person per month. md In France and Italy to one peundr now much are you eatlngV-and thef ire using ration cards for nvwl of tte itaples. We must meet sacrifice wtfn acrlflce. If we don't, we are belpfcig t lose the war Instead of helptac to vtn It. . - ., , DR. W. M. BERRY THE TOLEDO DENTIST Will be in his office in the Dank Building THURSDAY AND FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK LEADER Makes Clubbing Arrangement With : v-.t The Oregon Farmer t OffersUcusnal Opportunity to Its Readers AMONG oar large circle ef readers tfcere are a great many who are'in terested directly or indirectly In , fruit growing, dairying and other branches of farming. All of these naturally wish to keep in close touch with ag ricultural activities throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is being waged for the measures Oregon fanners) want and against all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agricultural interests of this state. We have, therefore, made a special dubbing arrangement with THE OREGON FAR MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, who is one of our regular subscribers and who is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination with this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone. This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their subscriptions as well as to all new subscribers. If you are interested di rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual opportunity, but send your order in now. , THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests of Oregon. It has a big organization gath ering the news of importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, steckraisers and pordtrymen; and it has the backbone to at tack wrongful methods and combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaders and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers will congratulate us 'on our being able to make this splendid and 'at- a f a mm 5 tracuve oasung oiier. 208 PAPERS FOR ONLY $1.50; TWO FOR PRICE OF ONE. The LEADER every week for one year and THE OREGON FARMER every week for Three Years, all for only $1.50. This is merely the price of the LEADER alone. - i I" - I L m Buy Local Feed-