if1 if 8 -ah yb mder. VOLUME 26 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 21st, 1918. NUMBER 18 Eincoln SILETZ 'came to where the boys were tnis vicinity buying cattle Wed- Th iut, hio-j, cv,i ni Putting in a bridge over Horse nesday. JuIJiJKKi and had to unhitch his Floyd and Virgil Rhoades took . hi therendering of team and t tfl dinner at the Phelps home Wed. ft?tPi?gram; com?lur canyon. The road crew then iwsday. JLU-ed 1 ln ; an!the helPed him put the wagon ac-' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bowers auditorium was wen mi5d, chow- CTf on stringers, made a trip to Bayview Wednes ine the interest neonle take In , t, ,6., wQ their public schools. Guv Gib - iffiA.SSn. - a livit sublect. brtetlir.2 with fine. . patriotic sentiments, and wel delivered. The address to the , jrfi., r iuiiaiu vriaiiL rams UVCT H.I1U nere. . , . SBSl2to'ti',I?dasr helplng!' Mre- KiWIctanor had Co5St?Bchwte Mr Caunon U8' huunt a.bear- Put the bear he misfortune to get her arm tcS occasion to sneak oTth- USt h.aV ad a teleIathlc "-We one day last wek. Her groat S Wai?anPdeStS fiSe .JHg. f U8 g0t , f, W f i&tL down o5urn,btakecare eupreme effort that is now being i"6 MnnrB ma(1(l trln (Wednesday morn ng to visit put forth by the1 AIM., to main- we-?- - -P to :ome of her iylat '"A1- taln liberty in the" world, and to I (yyj Brown J W Davennort fi t, ' " ' crush out for all tlm th irnn I Ti?' J'-V'.MveP?rt . G- L- Landls cam 1 from hand of PniMlon' TWttm.rfa hand of Prussian' Mllitiarism. hT111!1 nM0,J b i nrt and high state of civllation, had pained the confldince of the, world, but ala8 by her deception I and intrigue; is one of the most i despicable nations on earth. Her ! brutality, and atrocious commit-' ted on innocent people will be the darkest in all historv. NVm ha hitiiH .Vin r.miM o r.nA j L .wn.u( i ii vwuiu oci aiiu liu- die whie Rome was burning, cannot be compared with the at- ricious committed by the Ger- man Autocracy under the direc- . ' ai'vai ui me rvaiber. Z ' at tne nome or Mrs. John GuH- At first the Germans ware dis- feet, which he says will b used lianis on 3outh Bever Saturday posed to make fun of the Ameri- to haul wood and lumber to attern0011i jUne 15. Eight mem can soldiers. Wander what they Newport. He expects to have it bers were present ahd one visit think of the work that is bi I" -the water in about a waek. VrTlfiriSfrrS Newport, done on the western battle from Ed- Taylor a"d Earl Lan- are j ' decided bv the mer bm by the Sammies, with their ma- doing the work. . Ilra aQ sei tL conUUUion chine guns that shoot 500 times v Mrs. Earl Lang and Mrs. H. A. he club to Te a minute VVho can stand be- nteft Tuesday for Port- ftlateVederaUon of Women fore such a fire as that? Why land. to visit Mrs. Norton's Clubs A VArv niea8ant aftrr do they do this?. . Because it is .youngest brother who is station- nwm as enjo'yed by all ' to stop the efforts of Germany to ed at Camp Lewis. , Mrg IIester Coovrt ralltl(, t" destroy liberty in the world.: the Rhoades home on Upper Supt. R. P. Coin was present and ; Beaver Wedniiiay afternon. gave some wholesome advice to FIEGLES CREEK ( JIjs Faye Wolfersierer WAnJTV13 Wil1' County Assessor Schwartz Frew Commons, and Mrs. Itarrj? SS,m n,a,r,a"y in getting an slzi us ,a8t week Goldworthy attended the daiice tK mln,halVer Ha 1 ,Ke ( Will Kessi wint to Toledo last at Newport Saturday nlKht. ? ZS f ,he school board week i Mr. and Mrs. Fra-:i i!i:t- E ed0" llth hls Frank Mulvany has leased the ' '.er and Private Bluisdell A Sf-ri y m" M.E. Walker stock ranch, which O' Vbw and Miss Keti and WmTCf teJei"a.rks that will aid includes the C. F. Lindley home- Helen Phelps attended the pro ?m L ",.T .e PUf lCh.01 ead. for thre years. ram and picnic at Fool Slough Sortance at SHp,7 Im" M' Kessi R,lsh en" SUnday- A I!, n tertained at Sunday dinner in I Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy Oh- Tnn uni ; T Ung honor of Mr. and Mrs. Will Rush mart and sons and R. W. Om- a A1Ste? a'-"l 'amlly. mart were guests at the Woods Kini xvAynwLanLMJS- ManK A gentleman from Montana home Sunday. Sfrhn2iI fCfk- Much was looking ov.r the Chas. Mrs. Harry Goldworthy re- Sf t rn .?n "h lmPortance Boies Homestead from a busl- turned to her home in Portland ft.mn,Lt a nes9 standpoint, acccmpar.ied Sunday afer a v?ry short visit lPtJuMlid?in?Miat S by ton-allis real estati men. at the home of her uncle, L. M. and tS. iJ rSnHrinr Mulvany was shearing Commons. fond turn ? a?hS ! n, k sheeP for I. R- Payne this week The regular annual school inderP h f"mJ ft VSi Sill? A Kentle rai Thursday night meeting was held Monday, June i onfal l S- A- "olmgreen was re- Sunt E I Xvrlft L "Figures won't lie' wa3 elected clerk and A. II. Phelps ind siS S Si. I f the sun was i)ulled f per MiE3 Belle Schr eder of y8- visit'5 hi! n a clmr f? pw, ule' 0f course Jt was not total Ur City visited at the Commons Msncd nis son at Camp Lewis. but It madi, a falr Bti1Rger ln that .home the first of the week.' CLEN This J.as been At Horn, week I for Glon. Th( Tlmurn fo were visited by Mr. and Mrs. I . Mrs. I. N. Ituyett departed foriC. S. Bunnel, and C. R. Phelps Ira St. John and daughters of Harlan Friday, where she will 'were rading in Newport W'd fchedd Oregon. .visit her brothtT. Henrv Martin, nesday. . . . . : of Toledo and Mr. and Mrs.) John Davenport and twin babies - . - ... ' ..viiirui w nlnrn Mrs. Perl Williams and little folks are at the Wm. Sharp! home and Mr and Mrs & Jelch are entertaining their Newte ' ' NMisesrSEdlth Davenport Louis mt Jessie . BrowtTattended Harlan Grange Saturday. Wm. SlmpLn Dorsie Roches-1 ter George Lang and a gentl.-'tended man whose namo we did not learn motored out to the Moore I Donma Martin returned home ranch Thursday. (Wednesday after a week's visit Mr,."d r8, J 5896 Davenport at the Huntsucker home ln Oys Mra. Ella Brown, , Louis J jssIo 'terclty. and Miss Lettle Brown and Mrs. II. O. Rhoades and baby (Miss Edith Davenport attended went to Toledo today where she the dance at Harlan Friday .will remain at the Lane home. night and report a good time. The J. H. Watklns man made e first trin ov.r the now Horse the first trip ovr the now Horse v-reek road Wednesday coming over from the Beaver Creek country. T- - . Mr. ITensnaw formrrlv n . . . -- resid'Mit prthls place years agof r - "e"aw.tunlreain M - 8. J- Stewart during the v S" ER and I "aJ?ejL.hS8i -E:..R' aud A bunch of Harlan bear hunt- whair :' " vau, ue aic uaumig Uieir ' Mrs. Emma Aplet of Salado on -us' all during-the Week -WS-8-. ELK CITY Things are booming in Elk c,ty - The HawkinB mill is work- ing full time, the loin- and Tilling camT)a nrp wnrklne' pvprv ( ' I'm o ' J available mann. Elk City can boast of being a shipyard. Capt. Norton has a D1S scow under construction, the ui4 tv,uun, Wilt? tUUlU Dll; tllclLI l?rtat things were taking place. I , UPPER BEAVER Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Rhoades made a trip to Toledo Sunday. viil tne iornier a sister, airs. , ' . very sick bctwusiy miasi inursaay night Koyd Virgil Aletha Alnha bUM 8 TPTZd bter- o . JtteialTiL fi9 day at tba Peterson ranch. anShlnaJ , Kr. ran0" Mr; and ?r8? Amlerson' from landaf lllt& W BW,, d at lh' ilsi? the MfiWJji Frank Mowrn .- ir. uison or Linviue passed Mr andMrs. J. M. Bower. atJihP!w ,a8t SunJay. . the picnic on Slough Sunday Rlnirh R,,nflai A. Peterson and son. Adolnh. are bGsy tut ilm l new" roof on iffSi ZUunl "l their dwelling house cfc VHIO writing. II. G. Rhoadv'H made hln usiml --i- - I- - " - .. .. .Jv.i j mvui o naA nf ftc,t :. - v"" "W'H w,u f--8i. - Mr. Kent of Waldport-waB hi f " . CHITWOOD fUviffra 1?a1i4 Mtiimail rv tro.t. 2. m day8Jtg' &t; pending his mothers funeral land a few days ago, after at- Portland Saturday, Emma and L" t Wilson came Idown from the jungles Saturday returning sua :t. ' James Slyh and Dudlev Hen ry are working for G. T. Smith. vara ot i names Airs. (jhas. Satter wishes to thank all of the neighbors and friends for their .Kindness during the sickness :nd death of her mother,' Mrs. ,ThOS. Reid. ONA The Helnlne- Hand Club mt "V4IIUVI Hum vauaua Visited hi8 brother C. S. Bunnel O f nil) r n ira Inel uiAnli -u, itn uaja icxoi wcciv Grandma Guilliams has been wry sick the past few days. J. u. coovert. A. W. Weber. BAY VIEW r- t....ui.. "en i nuniuiy wua xanen S?:W'?Sn "u. vyn.muu rantU last Tuesday. ;At the school meeting last Monday the followlne' were elected for this district: Mrs. Geo. Stenhenn HpHt anA Dan Hendrickson director.' They are. nroeresalnir nlrnlv with the new railroad. They are ,maK1"K a 40 cut next to the and are abou.t ready to drive making a 40 foot cut next to the 111 II tl IT aitrniia ntLlnHJ. I O wuntaiiu o iiivauuiv, tiittt iue viennan unv i.-. . . v""w u"' Now that the German drive uaa ween sioppea peace prono - Bals will be offered. CITY PURCHASES PUMPING PLANT At the meeting of the City Council last Monday evening, an order was placed with the Fair banks Morse Co., for a gasoline pumping plant. The plant con sists of a 25 h. p. Diesel engine and a four stage centrifugal pump. This pumping plant will be stationed on Mill Creek just above the Hlser place, and will be used as an .auxiliary to the J present gravity system during the dry season. Tha water will be pumped directly Into the pre sent gravity main, and the plant has a guaranteed capacity ' of zou,uuu gallons each 24 hours. LAST CHANCE We are now offering the Ora- gon Farmer with, the Leader, both for the price of the Leader alone. If you desire to take ad vantage of this offer, you should do so at once, as our clubbing agreement with the Oregon Far mer expires July 1st. If your subscription is. sent in befora that date we will give you the Leader lor one year and the Ore gon Fanner for three ysars, all for $1.50. AT THE MOVIES "The Hostage," with Wallace Reid, tonight only. "Treasure Island." caste all children also Mutt and Jeff comedy Saturday night. "Hashimura Togs," with Ilay akawa in the h-ad, for Sunday and Monday night shows. Mat inee Sunday, if no ball game. "Barbary Sheep," with Elsie Fergurson, for Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday nights. I'Toin Sawyer," played by JacX-Pickford, for Frldayr June 28th. A. C. SCHWARTZ NEW COUNCILMAN A. G. Schwartz was sworn in as City Councilman last Mon day evening, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. R. Turnidge. Mr. Turnldge re signed on account of poor health. 25 MORE REGISTER ' IN THIS COUNTY Th followhig Is a list of those who nave became 21 years of age since June 5th, 1917, and who were registered on the 5th of this month. It is expected that these men will soon be ex amined and classified by the lo cal board. , Those registering are as fol lows: Henry Jolm Stocker, Newport. William Aaron KohkI. Hiirlun. John Wesley Dnvcnport, Toledo. Walter Leon DeVaney, Newport. Dasll Lutey, Toledo. Eugene Howard Emerson, Wlnant. Kruno Rydzeskl, Taft. Leroy Phillips. Ona. Rowland Robert Howland, South Beach. Pete Peterson, Toledo. Roy Shelley, Tidewater. Alvln Cook, Chltwood. William Thomas Burton, Otis. Dewey Earl Clbson, SHverton. Joseph Henry Johnson, Waldport. Thomas Earl Weltln, Eddyville. Anlrew Jurvla George, Spokane Wn. Alexander Jule Thompson, Toledo. Levi W. Hunt'. Eddyville. Stanley Ross Anderson, Toledo. Owen Rudolph Buse, Newport. Julius Inland Wakefield, Eddyville. Antone Wlsnlewskl, Taft. El wood A. Towner, Siletz. Fred Linden McCaulou, Toledo. PROCLAMATION The President of the United States has called on the people of the nation to Indicate, their self denial by pledging them selves on June 28th to purchase War Saving Stamps for the re mainder of the year. In order that the citizens of this city may not fall behind other comunilics ln responding to the call, I hereby proclaim Friday, June 28th, as War Sav ings Day for the City of Toledo, upon which day all persona shall give their pledges for the War Savings Stamps, at such time and places and ln such manner as may be appointed by C. S. Jackson, the War Savings Di rector for Oregon, acting under Capt. W. A. Arnold, who has the authority of the Secretary charge of the L. L. L. L. work of the Treasury, and pursuant m Kist-1 gave a vey interesting to the Proclamation oof the Pre- talk at the Dime Theater Mon sident of the United States. day evening. He impressed upon R. D. Burgess, Mayor us the great part that the fir and o o spruce workers of.theNorth- MILLER CAMPS TO weet haye in; winning this great TO RESUME LOGGING The J. B. Miller Logging Camps expect to begin putting ln logs again tomorrow, after a shut down of about a month while the track was being ex- tended farther into the timber, i ue extension tunaiBieu oi isuw feet of standard guage road, The construction work was quite' neavy as several large cuts ana nlla had to be made, and one long, high trestle built. The road 4s . steadily climbing, and will soon drop over the summit snd down into the Siletz valley. The jto the Signal Corps at Vancou end of the road is now within :ver Brks., where h would re- about two miles and a half of the Siletz Agency.. The new road will be given its first tryout tomorrow, and Mon- day everything will be in full swing. : They are now logging in Boms excellent timber, mostly fir, and Mr; Miller says he can put out twenty car loads a day.. o ' 0 ; ' REWARD $25.00 J? rry,r"LPaLr J,fl about 1300, the other 1260; branded with lazy K on right stifle; forotops have been roach- Led, but grown out 5 or 6 inches; should have colts with them. Phone or wire me collect,- Pay ette, Idaho. J. H. Hanigan, Sheriff Payette County. o o . vuit vvneeier, wei'a nmng in the 'car, and all escaped injury. EDDYVILLE WILL HAVE t Orrin Lyday of Kingo VaT " COMMUNITY SERVICE FLAGJcapsized while speeding on the There was a meetln? hold at !)tacn- Several were in the car EddyvKst week Jt J " Zt?J.th0V? I rangements for the purchase of a community servicj Hag. The 'following are the names of the imes oi uie linvs fnr whnh thvra will l.n otnr i ...i .... n- Ora Roscoe, Roger Loudon, Vance Clinle-, Emerson Harris, Brown Wakefield, Clifford Hunt, Clare McBride, Eugene Girdler, Icsley Fee, Elmer Lehn, Walter Trapp, Wallia Miller, Elmer Martin, Louis Parker, Chester Sparks. Should you know of anyone serving, whose name has been omitted from this lint the com mittee would bj pleased to have you notify them. Send name to Mrs. II. U. Sparks at Eddyville within the next week, and there will be a star placed on the Hag or8 working' on the railroad pro for tW jin. The money Is all raised Jt south of Waldport have and ready and want to send for reached a point near Heceta the flag as soon as possible. By IIfiad lighthouse on the coast of Bending in the names an soon as Lane county and are running a you can, you will help the com- mlttee greatly. S. T. Loudon, Mi's. E. Mauch, Mrs. II. B. Sparks, Committee TOLEDO WINS CAME SCORE TEN TO ONE Toledo got away to a t,i th K1U Pltv nll trwuo.ro tn thu tune of 10 to 1. Elk City put up ' f, Royemment a now con a game fight but could not stop rucUng the road In a southerly the hard hitting locals. Hauser direct Ion from aqunia bay to- knocked a home run in th3 7th inning, with the bases full. The following was the lineup 'Ti1irHn Elk City Wright sc. Galther Simpson F. Iang 13. Lang Taylor Norton II. Gillespie 3d S. Andereon 2d Ross c Hauser rf Lutey If McMillan 1st N.Anderson p Patterson cf Mills L. Gillebpto Brlstlln Substitutes Elk City, Morrison ;: Edison and Columbia Phono Toledo, Andrews. ' 'graphs. Will sell you an instru The Toledo boys are expecting ment on easy payments, or take to play the champions of Van-your old Piano or Auto in as couver Barracks, at Newport part payment. Comjlnandsee next Sunday. .us. .... . CAPTAIN ARNOLD HERE war-He made a special appeal to me loggers in tne arait to take advantage of being Inducted Into the spruce, and to feci) that by so doing they were not shirking their duty to their country, for the experienced logger would bo able to do more good remaining w uie woous tnan.tr ne.wiTe in the trenches. He said for the men to wait Until drafted, then get a letter from, his employer 4!c-Uimgj of his usefulness to the ' Co., take this letter with him to camp, and ask his commanding officer to have him transferor! cieve soinl? military training and jbe sent back again to the woods not as a civilian but as one of Uncle Sams soldiers . of the Spruce Production. The Red ' Cross work was aloo outlined by Cant. Arnold and h dirln't iforget to mention the great part ,that the women of this country are performing in this great iWorld's War. . SEVERAL AUTO ACCIDENTS There were several auto ac- cidents recorded in this county the first of the week, several of which might have resulted much more seriously than they did. Whet-ler Cline went over a grade near Eddyville Sunday and turned his car upside down. Ills own little boy and another boy. the car was pretty badly wreck ed. Walter Clinc nnt with an accl- ,i. a i uu " u'"s ""Ving near lum luin. He sustained a bro- ken wrist and it Is reported that the car Is a complete wreck. I Chris Larsen, of Siletz was run into Sunday, while driving on the Pioneer Mt. road. Mr. Larson's car was quite badly jammed, as was also the other car, which was driven by Valley .parties. I Seth Rowe ran out of the road and upset while going to New port Tuesday. Th accident hap ipencd n.-ar the R. II. Williams place. Mr. Rowe was accom panied by his family, and fci tun iattly no one was hurt SPRUCE RAILROAD IS i PUSHED SOUTHWEST ! FROM YAQUNIA BAY That the government survey- Hnedow.ii the coast, presumably to the Siuslaw and po3sibly fitv4li(. m. I. . . . 1 1. . 1.-0 . jiuiiuvt ouui.ii, wua in Jiuoiiiia- jtion given out by John Berg jUian, the. Florence banker, in lEugena yesterday. ( Mr. Bergman says that 25 teams left Cuchman, on the ooa Bay branch of the South- Jrn Pacific, a few days ago for the Bceno of operations in the ivtuincoici II " 'UUU Ul IjUU . .COUIlty '".u vaiupori couniry. anu it Is believed that It will be pushed on down the coast Into .thfer spruce districts. o PIANOS-PHONOGRAPHS A Music Branch of Long & Cooper, of Corvallu, has been established in Toledo, In the Frederick's building on Hill St. AVe are representatives of the Baldwin Pianos and Players,