Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 26, 1918, Image 1

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Thursday night April 18th, Lleuten-
ant Porter gave a Boclal dance in the
dining room of the Government build-
lng where the soldiers have been
quartered during the winter, as a
farewell party just before moving to
their new quarters near Camp 3 A on
the Wessel place. A cordial invitation
was extended the civilians In the
neighborhood to attend the dance. A
large crowd was present and partici -
pated In festivities of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. DePoe furnish-
ed the music. Corporal Snider an ex -
pert dancer acted as floor manager and
prompter. Conventionalities and style I Alkali Bill says It Is alright to play
were laid aside and all went In for a Base Ball with kids but no place for
good time. The old fashioned dances men In saw mills,
and music were very much In evidence 1 Charles Hyde is chief at the mill,
such lively dances as the quadrilles ' The Mirene came in port and de-
double shuffle polka two step parted with a full doad of lumber last
Highland fling and the like. The old jweek.
tunes and dances seemed to be popu- Miss Odum will have a picnic Pil
lar. "Hast to the wedding", Arkan- day the 26th her term of school will
aw travellei", Log cabin In the lane" jbe out.
and many others. The soldiers pres- F. W. Gerttula was called home last
ent represented nearly every state in week the Mrs. being sick,
the Union from the Empire state in I Some petty thief broke Into the
tha north to the Peninsular state In bunk house and stole Mr. Mills under
the south and to our beautiful Sunset suit. The party that took the suit bet
state In the west. Lieutenant Porter ter return it to avoid Sheriff Oeer as
Is from the Empire state. A free they are known.
supper was given by the Lieutenant '
and soldier boys. Soldiers were wait-
ers on the table and did It up In apple
pie order. Awhile before supper the
dance was suspended and a number of
military drills were put on the floor
conducted by Sergeant Wlswell and (
Corporal Story. This was very inter
esting. Lieutenant Porter took great
interest in training and drilling his The County Agent was In this lo
men. After supper the dance went callty this week to organize a mohair
on about two hours when it came pool.
to a close and the people went home, Several farmers of Little Elk and
feeling that they had spent a very en- Eddyvllle got some select seed pota
Joyable and pleasant evening. toes thru the County Agent. They are
Tuesday morning Camp 3 B struck treated and guaranteed free from dl
their tents, packed up their goods, sease.
said goodbye Silotz, Hello Wessel's s. T. Loudon departed Wednesday
and marched In military style to their for Portland where he will sail for
new quarters where they will spend 'Frisco to visit his son in the Naval
the summer working on the new rail Training Station
road. ' If the Hans keep loosing out Letand Wakefield, W. F. Wakefield,
like they have In the last two weeks v. F. Cline, W. J. Cllne and Claude
these boys may not be needed In Eur- Lemon, went hunting last week and
ope. got three large wildcats. They sure
A big base ball game was played wcre wen pad for the day's hunt.
Sunday on the Public School grounds Mrs. C. H. Wakefield departed Wed
between a team from Camp 3 A and nesday for Woodburn where she will
Camp 3 B. The game was hotly con- visit relatives a couple of weeks,
tested. Som professional players h. O. Boynton has been hauling the
were present from Camp A. One of material for a new silo,
them belonged to the National League irven Magee returned Monday from
of baseball players. A number of Woodburn where he finished the
people were present from Toledo and business of his deal. Mr. Eagleson
Newport to witness the game. The will take charge of the place here at
score stood 20 to 4 in favor of Camp once. Mr. Eagleson attended the
3 A. state fair and land products show and
The Third Liberty Loan on Slletz was so well pleased with the exhibits
including the Upper and Lower from Lincoln County that he decided
Farms will reach over $3000, much it was where he would like to make a
above our quota. Superintendent home. We all wish him success.
Chalcraft Is handling the drive. We would like to know if there will
Nearly everyone In these communities be a county fair this year as the
Is buying bonds though It may hot be planting time Is near at hand and that
more than 150. The loan Is secure, u the time to start your exhibits.
besides you are helping in a great ;
cause, viz, to maintain the freedom I
of the world. True the Interest Is
small but when you consider you are
at no expense it Is not so bad after all.
The political "pot" Is beginning to
"bllo". Judge Gardner from Newport
was over to Slletz with Mr. C. H.
Pierce who Is a candidate for County
Commissioner. These gentlemen are'
canvassing t"e county in the Interests
of Mr. Pierce. are ln nPes tlle disease will be stamp-
Mr. J. Mahoney and attorney from e out'
Portland are here and will canvass i T1,e people of tIlls PIace were lven
this part of the county and perhaps Bn PP"lty to meet the County
all the pounty In the Interests of Stan- Aent ,a8t Saturday at Grange, and In
field of Umatilla county who Is a. can- 8Plte ' dlng. -hearing and
dldate for the United State. Senate, the unusual amount of sickness, a good
Thl. Is a large plum and several other. man'r ot out t0 near hlm- Tn8 0D
are after It. Mr. Stanfleld Is a strong eompWnt wa that his stay was too
candidate ' Pnort and tnBt ne promised to remedy
Ji H. Anderson, candidate on the ln the future' We were T that on
Republican ticket for Sheriff was here ctunt ot bB,n ,tek' Ml8'' Berth
several day. visiting the people. Mr. Edwar(I wa not b,e to 08 wllh u
Anderson went from here to Taft and alB0 as had been "P160
will visit that part of the county. In p- Martln "h,pped three dreMed
the olden times candidates for office 0 t0 F" KMag
got together and went over the county 23 cents per pound for thBm
making speeches and promising If I Mr. Stoner and his sons are planning
elected they would do something great . move over from Corvallls and make
for the people. But when they get In '"hip-knees on a piece of timber he
Boon forget the promises they made ,owna near IIarlan
and do as they please, smile, look1 Ro8S Carmlchel, our mall carrier,
wise and say nothing. That Is the way na iumPed h,B Jb and "Tobe" L118
thA owl does. Hb sit on a llmh. ha token his place.
thuts his eyes and you would think
be knew nothing but he Is a wise bird
. m.n nf .nd nnt nf wnrH.
will make the best officers.
Mil 1 dadt
The mill here will .hut down ln a
lew day. for repair, and build more
dock for lumber. .
Irish Tommy O. walked out ot the
vA Monday morning talking to him-'
self. The mill bag been running short
handed. Men are scarce, so foreman
Mills got a hair dozen boys aged 10 to
15 year8 to run the mill. Now wonder
if we can't get more young ones for
Mr. Mills. Andrew Winkler, the head
.trimmer, layod off for a couple of
weeks for repairs one spoke on the
.left wheel out of gear,
The dance at Taft was a big success
' the baskets sold brought In about
95.00, which goeB to the Red Cross,
H. Clement Is building a house on
;hls homestead,
1 The Mill Company is building a
barge IS x 4u.
The boys at the mill are all wishing
that Bill Sitkum. Sun would come back
as they are out of change,
Mr. Gerttula has got the foundation
of the cannery all ready the cannery
wl be completed by June 15th.
Dr. N'ewth of Philomath came In to
see M. H. Young one day last week.
Mr. Young Is reported slightly Im
proved. Riley Young's family Is recovering
from the measles and as no new cases
Iiqva annAflrul In lits .nninmnttu a.n
T"8 Harlan Red Cr0M worker ent
off 24 pa,r of trench-foot slipper, last
"week, xn-iv meet wus ween witn
Mrs. T. Thomason.
Frank Davis ba. been dragging the
road, both aide, ot hi. place making
iqulte an Improvement.
J r. l, Hathaway took up with the
County Agent the subject of getting
V dra from County at ha
jcould get In touch with the County
.Court and going over the country tee
what the roads need.
Ed. Brlggs has gone to Corvallls to
A dance was given at the home of
B. F. Grant Saturday night those at
tending report a good time.
We are sorry to hear Frank Mulvany
Is on the sick list, they are also hav'
lng more than their share.
The Dramatic Club presented their
Play "Mr Bob" at Summit Saturday
evening. A good crowd wa. present
and a sum of twenty-two dollars was
j - tl. j X, .
cannot be said for the royal treatment
. . . .. . ,
accorded the visitors by the people
. ,. , . . . . . . . ,
of Summit. Not only did the people
. 4V, mml,. a Klf v.
of the community do their bit by at-
. . , .. , ... . . 1 ... .
fAnHlnfl- in a til.iv hilt aloA A atari tha
use of their hall free of charge, enter-
. , . .. . ... . .
talned the member, of the troupe, and
helped by loaning articles for use on
'? ? dlnan'b8,pfa'
within their power. Special thank.
are due Mr. and Mm. Strnnfc anil Mr. :
..,, - -
p. k.-
Z T" . .1.-. 1 w 1 , .u
o-,i r.i.,,11 1-
ubiuiici uiiuiui awuuiimuiDU
th. mmw. n,.m.. nZu
Summlt, acting In the capacity
chaperone end stage manager.
Roy Mauch collected gate receipts
v, i c u.
at the play Saturday, also making him-
self generally useful by acting as cook
i uicamaBb 11111c, Kuerui ueiper in
the packing onerations. and Mmm.
.... .
panled the young people back to Ed- .1,... ha c.j
noon at his home.(?)
Mr. Vernon, of Albany, who has pur
chased th tn ,r bnm
the Downey place, spent a week or
more visiting In the community re
cently. He left Saturday for his home
In the Valley, .where he will attend
to putting in his war-garden and car
ing for the small fruit on his property I
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Her-
mason of Summit will be Interested tn
hearing of the arrival of a baby daugh-
ter at their home April 10th. Mr.
Hermason has been callV to The
Colors and will report for duty April
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Boynton spent
Sunday with Mrs. Boynton's mother,
Mrs. Sparks.
Mrs. Z. A. Kessl returned from Port
land Saturday.
Mrs. L. flrnn vl?(tnil XT-a , t-
Walker Wednesday.
... i o. .... ij,
Ceo. Tubbs had the misfortune to
lose a nice animal recently purchased
of M. Brandeberry
Will Kessl went to Summit Satur
Mrs. Jane Tommason visited Mrs.
Walker last week, coming In horse -
back. Some few are findlne thilr
way Into this neck of the woods.
Really our way Is difficult of access.
Because of rain Gale Shane Is mak -
ing slow progress
of Jess Atartln's
goat shearing.
At thl writfnff p,onv i.
very sick-Gale Shane and Marlon
Walker are helping care for him.
These beautiful nrin rt.r.
little delusive as there Is consider
able sickness hero and elsewhere.
It Is truly a godsend to have good
neighbors although 1 am not aware
thut it Is a new "cult."
H. O. Rhoades ond son Floyd. A. H. 'ledo to the spruce belt. Mr. Yeon ar
Phelps and Mrs, A. Peterson were Vived here the latter part of last week
trading In Newport and Yaqulna ,n company with A. Benson of Port
Thursday. Jland. Mr. ni.nxnn U n ninmlin,. nf
Airs. ai. wacUBmutn of
v-.D . uui.uujr ,ur m villi wiui
her sister Mr.. A. Peterson and fam-
lly returning home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Rhoades and
family attended Church at Toledo Sat-
iu?rJ!?,,(Z Wer" accompan'ed '
w impy who visuea nor
grandparent, while there.
Mis. Christina Peterson of Yaqulna
and Banner Zeek of American, Lake, .Tuesday for the purpose of forming an
Wash., vlBlted the latter', home Frl- organization of the wool and mohair
day and Saturday. grower. In this county was very sue-
Donna and Mona Martin visited cessful. About forty prominent grow
Edith Peterson Saturday. !ers were present, representing nearly
Mis. Mjae Huntsucker departed for parts of the county, and about
her home in Oysterclty Saturduy forty more were represented by proxy,
evening. The meeting proceeded to organise un-
Mr. and Mr. K. D. Martin and dill- der the name of "Eddyvllle Mohair
dren were gue.t. at the Peterson 'ool and Wool Growers Association."
ranch Sunday. jThe following were elected as a board
Mr. and Mr.. H. O. Rhoades and of directors: W. F. Wakefield and W.
baby .pent Monday at the Lewis J. Cllne of Eddyvllle; C. W. Rrown
ranch. of Salado; I. J. Pepin of Chit wood;
Mlsse. Delia Trapp and Jessie Van- and A. A. Asbahr of Toledo. W. F.
ell called at the Peterson ranch Sun Wakefield was chosen as president
day evening.
(Continued on Last Page)
President Tliorscn of the local lum
ber company Is very optimistic re
garding the future of the Yaqulna Bay
section, and f Mr. Thorsen rMai
out plans which he has outlined at this 1
time, ho will do much to advance the
development and prosperity of this sec
tion. In an Interview with Mr. Thorsen
last Frill nv ha ctntiui .h. k. -j v,
lold fr,Bn - . ' "
;were here flgu;,ng 7,
uinr .,,., ... . ';
tnMaT wa shaping up very favorably
towards that end.
w, Th... .........
W. Thorsen stated that the elec-
,. . . :
Wk company had been severed from
.hA ., , . "m
Mwmiii company, and that the
... ... . . ,
electric company would probably be
. '
jinnwn th- I I 1 r .
WCn vZ 7 T. h , . 7
Light ant Power Co., with Mr. Paquet
rellldent f ,ame '
enIfcrged th p 1
ioller. and a 2000 horsepower steam
lurDlne an Of this hugh
. .
"mounl 01 enerRy generated. Mr.
Thorsen said that their shipyard would
U8e 450 horsepower, the new bandsaw
mill t,,n,,J ,. mM ,
mU1 would UBe 600 horsepower, and
the other 1050 horsepower would be
lor sale to other enterprises desiring
AlOOtrip nnwar I. la lm n n J
th. nr't ' , ,7 . TV .
Pre8ent sawmill would furnish suf-
flclent fuel to operate the electric
, w ...
- " ! " lne ma"nery
ior me oandsaw mill to becln arrlv.
,h, . , ' 8m arrlv
,ng wlthln a fe oays. and construe
tion on the mill will be begun at once,
The mill Is to be located Just back.and
ufc.. u,u u.-j preseni mill,
tin tha olmml. , .1.. . . ...
ttUU win
have a capacity of 160.000
each ten hours.
Last Monday a number of Newport
ers came up to fix the bad hole In th
Toad Just west of town, so they could
get into the countv seat. Thl. mH
was all but Impassible and has been
lhat way for the past several month.
A bunch of Toledoltes went down and
helped on the Job and after a day',
hard work had this hola nlnnkprf In
good shape. The road from Tnlortn n
.Newport Is now in pretty good shape.
.but the road from hr t sn,. tl
"something fierce."
Servlrpn .-in ho 1...M .. c. i u
faerylces will be held at St. Johns
i II 11 rp n Tllutti a. ...... I .. t ii on . i
!.t" 7:. Tl SXlZ?
Thr .n .
Holy Communion at 7:30 Wednesday
i morning.
L. Pt K Nortm of Elk Cltr and
I"1'" w- of Slletz are
1 , , ,or ,M0 onlre or 1 ort 1 -
'itlliBUn.. . IL. r-. -. r . . .
' ' ,,,B "neao- "i0"8
aie uuui guou men ana win no doubt
be elected. There nre three comuiis-
"n?r8 to be elettPd t,l!s yoar- and
I6 belleve l,,nt Rt eaHt one of the
""ouiuDeeiectcu Herein Toledo.
John B. Yeon the Portlund million
aire and road builder has been ap
pointed by CjI. Dlsque to tako charge
Of the rallrnnrl mnatnlcHfm frnm T,
look n tha Ituntlnn nvor Mr rion
gon went to Wadport ,ne flrt ot tlle
The meeting held at Eddyvllle las:
and A. A. Asbahr secretary of the as
The lieutenants here In charge of
the various soldier camps have plan
ned a big military ball for tomor
row evening. A four piece Jazz or
chestra from, thu Valley will furnUh
jnuslc for the ocasslon, and the pro-
coeds of the dance, above expenses
will go to the Red Cross. A charge of
one dollar will be made, spectators
iIbo charged one dollar, although lady
piancers will of course be admitted
rree. Several new stunts will be pull-
(ed off by the soldier boys, and a good
time Is promised for all.
The dance will start promptly
9:30 o'clock.
Six Lincoln County boys will leave
for American Lake tomorrow In re
sponse to the draft Those to go are.
Elwln Uaac Young, Newport
C. A. Gardner, Salmon River
Irven E. Rlgel, Newport
Clarence H. Ridgeway, Vaqulna
Ed. C Terman, Nice
John Schlmmelphenlng, Waldport
Two more boys will leave for Camn
'Lewis next Thursday, May 2nd, they
Erllng Brautl, Toledo
Henry Campbell, Toledo
Eighteen head of horses arrived on
Monday evening', freight for use of
the Warren Spruce Co. here. Two
Pile driver outfits arrived Wednosrfnv
evening and will be used on the rail-
a construction. A carload of rail-
road material. Including switch, etc.,
for connecting with the main line ar -
rived Friday. Each freight brines
several car loads of material for
of the spruce camps here
Mary Pkkford in The Little Amerl-
can one night only Wednesdnv m,J
1st. 25 cents and 20 cents.
mill has been progressing very satis
Jack Wells, recently of Portland, fuctorlly this week and they expect to
and In the employ of the S. P. Co., has aw U'e first log Monday or Tuesday
been annntnfoH vnA . . , . ... . ,.
. . ' "uir nere at
Toledo, and we now have a
engine and crew to tako care of the
switching In the local yards. There
win ne quite a bit of switching to ut
tend to here as the Cheslpy snd Rob
erts mill soon be running, the Yaqulna
Day R. R. & Lumber Co., operating
b"u Bniiin, me jetty rock passing
through, and the Warrpn Spruce Co..
"ringing in logs. This latter com
pany expects to have three lotomo
tlves here within a short tlm, snd
have one here now which Is used In
That the Yachat. Spruce will be
brought to Yaqulna Bay by rail Is now
an assured ti.l. Friday monilnj all
ti e available workmen and carpm-ters
li-re wore enraged and taken over to
South Beach and set to work clenrlr.g
ground and erecting buildings for qnul--tors
for the troops and commUary sun
piles, etc., and the first squadron of
Signal Corps men arrived on the scene
Ing, making something over one hun
dred men. Others will arrive as fast
a. quarter, are ready. Camps will be
established at different points along'
the route and It Is expected that be-
tWAPn twntlf V.fl Vn ... !... .
I thousand men will be employed on
rushing the construction work to com-
The line begins at Hlnton's point on
the South side of the Bay and follows
the coast a short distance Inland down
to Alsea close to Bayvlew and across
the Alsca river above Waldport.
The Spruce logs will be cut and
hauled, to this Hay but what deposl-
tlon will then be made of them has
not yet been made public but the supo -
sitlon la that a cutting mill will be lo-
cated at some point convenient to the
terminus at Hlnton's point
The troops are now under the com-
mand of Capt. Brown and Lieutenants
rt ..j 1, a . . i n
uruTB BHU uiiciiriBii ana major nan-
Tord Whiting, Surgeon. - Newport
The launch Windemuth, a trim little
36 foot tow-boat, arrived on Wednes
day evening's freight and will probab
ly be launched today. This boat ia
here for the use of the U. S. Signal
Capt. Ceo. Chambors will be in
charge of the new boat.
A baseball game Is scheduled for
next Sunday between the soldiers of
camp 3 A and the Toledo team. Game
starts at 3:30. An admission of IE
and 25 cents will be charged, and all
money received above expenses will
be turned over to the Red Cross.
Last Monday one of the fine draic
horses of the Warren Spruce Co. was
Injured while working on the railroad
grade near Dundon bridge. The ani
mal was one of a Bpan working on a
wheel scraper, and In going down over
the bank the scraper caught the horse,
leg, breaking same and also nearly
severing same from the body The
horse had to be killed.
"Broadway Jones" with George M.
Cohan in the lead. This play Is George
M's. greatest stage hit on Broadway.
Dancing; old dances for newcomers:
Irish dance, Tamborlne, Highland
Fling. Sailors Hornpipe. To be shown
on Friday and Saturday nights of this
week. 20 cents and 15 cents.
' u,ld,!r8tan(1 tl,at Yaqulna
Mige questlon w111 conie UP before
the Court at Its meeting next Wed-
nesday, and a decision will probably be
reached as to whether to go ahead
i witii tho coiiHtructlon of saniA now,
r not' A ,arge QuleKuUn uf bridge
booster Intending to be present
! W-S-S-
Work ut tho Cliesrey Lumber Co.
vkh, una mo mill win start
ud full blunt w.,anH m.. l.
They will probably operutQ a nine
''our shift.
. -W-3-3
The Lincoln County Simtlnel ha
al",'(, " ,rlre from ,l 0 to ,l B0 Per
year, same taking effect with It.
Ihhub of this week. This raise wa
niado necessary by the greatly In
creased cost of print paper and labor.
' Several farmers In the vicinity of
Toledo are cooperatively purchasing
a carload of dralnago tlle thru the
County Agent Office. Several more
orders are required to make a full car.
Inquire of the County Agent.
Toledo Ik becoming quite metropoll.
tun. We not only have a switch en
gine, but we have nonieone who la
shoving the queer." The bogus mon-
Imitation, but lacks the proper ring.
We haven't discovered where the mint
is located, but we have lots of lino
type metal which we would like to
have coined into hulvi-s.
(By the County Agent)
The Hoard of Illrectors ot the newlv
reorganized Kddyvlllo Mohair Poof
and Woolgrowers Assn., requests that
all growors who have mohair 10 enter
In the pool, notify the secretary, A. A.'
Asbahr, Toledo, as to the number ot
pounds or fleoces they have to enter,
1 The directors are negotiating with
several purchasing firms and will in
all probability not conduct a silo at
Eddyvllle this year. Consequently It
becomes necessary to load all ot the
mohair at Eddyvllle for eastern .hip-
. . . .. ..
mem ana grower, are asxea to deliver
at Eddyvlllo only at a date to be set
and published later.