Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 19, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Lincoln
County of Lincoln, a political sub
division of the State of Oregon, Plain
tiff, vs
Win. Combest, Abraham Abrams
(Liswis), Oregon Yellow Fir Timber
l'o., Cnmpbell Timber Inv. Co., J. K.
Weather ford. C. G. Copeland, B. Gild
ner, F. S. Brown, Sunset Timber Co.,
t'iiauu.usiia Lumber Co., Amy 12.
Hall. K. L. Weatherford. Nelson P.
Wheeler, Arthur G. Cnrter, R. G. Don, Frank Hosliali. Frances L. Par-
ter Cane, C. G. North, Augustus Wal- set opposite your respective names 'SWVi ; SEVi SEVi Sec 14 Twp 9
ker, A. J. Krlder, W. T. Sheppard, Hat- 1 In the list hereinafter Bet forth, and South Rng 10 West Anit 1103.36; NEVi
no usuuoru, u. ji. inayer, 11. f. oiler, ,you oeing me owner or owners there- f-ec is Twp 9 south Rng lo West Amt,
mas. steel, e. u. Boyle, it. W. Over-; or, as appears by the tax roll for the
lin, J. 1). Mcltea, A. & M. Oomez, &. I year 1917, now in the hands of the
A. Squire, S. A. Phlpps, John Burkley, sheriff for collection, the property and
G. M. Holmes, W. J. Schrer, L. S. the owners thereof and the amount of
Diddle, Marshall Coleman, D. A. Cur- said Mens being as follows, towlt
lib, J. K. lsiiam ftAbrenhart Co.. W. Wm, Combest, NV4 SEVi:: SEV,-
H. Jackson, John H. Kelly. W. A. Per- SEVi, Sec 19 Twp 7 Boutli Rnc in
kins, W. A. Waltz, J. E. McKlmmon. West Amount $17.04: NE'4-NEVi Sec
iwp i south ling 10 West Amount
Abraham Abrams (Llswlg) Lot 2
West Amt. 116.40
Campbell Timber Co. SEVi Sen. 14
Twp 8 South Rng 9 Went Amt. $69.32
Oregon yellow Fir Timber Co. NEVi
Sec. 18 Twp 8 South Rng 9 West
Amount $58.05 Lots 1, 2; EVi NWVi,
Sec. 18 Twp 8 South Rng 9 West Amt.
$68.03 Lot 3: NEVi SW!4 Sec 18 Twn
o oomn nng west Amt $2y.23 SEVi
H. H. Blood- & F. C. Suttllf. Henrv
Lewis, L. H. Payno. M. E. Alexander.
Eunice M. Akin, Chas. S. Rudeen, J.
E. Muszrove K. McL) Cunninirhaiii.
Thos, Irons, U. R. Smith, Jacobson &
Cullem, B, K. George. S. D. Hemblinir.
ker, A. B. Dwinel, James Stitt, M. O. Mary Alphln, Claud Warren, Lincoln
v.UKins, wm. nnnsty. r. u. t anain- to. Land Inv. Co., ii. V. Taylor, B. W.
per, Lena Charley, Chetoo Charley, Luyton, Geo. Sylvester, George Kort
Martin Finnorman, Mrs. ft Allca Uu-,hauer, Muud Burkhart, L. M. Cox, Jac
sath, Guy H. Caifee. Norman D. Root, lob Schmidt, Francis Claimo, Kittie
Steel & Stewart, Robert M. Gay, Geo. j Kutt, Clarence M. Dilly, James David
Schenck, Mrs. Mary Stone, Amanda eon, I. J. Lacy, J. M. Oglebce, Enoch
Bolandor, Ida B. Doonst, A. H. Hun-1 Brotelle, W. King, C. ' F. Sitter, G.
golf, D. J. Sellard, J. F. Stewart, Har- E. Cauklns, Stearnburg & Senders,
vey Parks, Toledo Lfsht & Power Co., 'D. W. Sears & J. F. Graves, W. H. H.
C. W. Day, Everett Jones, Edna Hop-, Rich, John Rolling, A. A. Samuels, J.
kins, Josephine Rader, Wm. Scarth, 'G. McCarty, Geo. E. Bushnell, Len
John R. Eggeman, Hattle A. Ray, ory Crosby, Margaret Hamar, J. H.
Fred Jennings, Jnnies A. Shlland, Lee (lewltt, Mrs. A, M. Elklns. Naomi.
Wade. S. G. Irvin, Albert W. Flowers, 1 Young, Sarah J. Althouse, Richard W.I
Humphrey & Smith. v. E. Vnnce, Sham. Mrs. C. S. Abbev. Carrie Nicho : Sec. 18 Twd 8 South Una w.i At
Zeb II. Davis, Georce H. Baird. John Uib, Geo. Wadox ft P. Scott & Sam! $68.04 NVi NE'4 Sec. 19 Twp 8 Soutli
C. Jacolison, Frank .1. Miller, Rorirens Smith, Geo. E. Gibson & Chas. Baum-'Kng 9 West Amt $35.04 SE; Sec. 19
& Krichel, C. B. M.irdson, Emerson garten, Z. P. Thompson. Elvln Glass 'Twp 8 South Rng 9 West Amt. t74 77
Kuperl, Woodliff ft Nicoll, Fannie S. G. W. Mason, U. L. Sabln, J. Burgess,: Vinvpbell Timber Co. SK'4 Sec. 24
nice, j. m. isoian, m. c. mum, wanro Messowlck. U. M. Holmes. J. i Oregon Yellow Fir Timber Co.
Henry Williams, H. L. Cranor, L!iza;& B. Gladstone, Ben R. Job, J. J. NWVi Sec 26 Twp 8 South Rng 9
A. Ilowland. John White, M. J. Lullis, F. M. Wudsworth, Wm. Grant, I West Amt $79.76 SE'4 Sec 26 Twp S
Bradford, L. A. Newton, O. F. Ved- Simon Grant, Lucy Dora Grant, Alex-1 South Rng S West Amt $59.87
der, Arthur BrassfieHi. Edward A. under Grant, S. ft A. Cauthorn, S. W.I R. H. Smith SE'4 Sec. 27 Twn 8
Soutli ling 9 West Amt $79.76
Oregon Yellow Fir Timber Co Lets
1. 2, E'i NWVi Seo. 30 Twp. 8 South
Rng 9 West Amt $?9.76
E. W. Ring NEV4 Sec 31 Twp 8
South Rng 9 West Amt. $69.12
Campbell Timber Co. NEVi Sec 36
Twp 8 South Rng 9 Went Amt. $89.69
J. K. Weatherford Lot 6 Sec 7 Twp
8 South Rng 10 West Amt. $6.68 Lot 3:
NEVi NW'4 Sec 18 Twp 8 South Rng
$75.82; Lots 1,2 Sec 15 Twp 9 South
ling 10 west Amt $8.07
.1. K. Weatherford Lots 6,6; N -11-12
Sec 17 Twp 9 South Rug 10 West
Amt $34.61
Amy E. Hall Lots 23,24; SVi Lots
9,10 Sec 17 Twp 9 South Rng 10 West
$70.70; SWVi NEVi: NE'i SEVi; S'j
SE'.i NEVi Sec 18 Twp 9 South Rng
, 1J West Amt. $183.80
George Schenck Vi Int SEVi SEV4
Sec 36 Twp 10 South Rng 11 West
Amt $4.65
Mrs. Mary Stone, Amanda Bolander,
Ida B. Doonst, A. If. Bungolf, D. J.
Sellard, Ole Osnes, NWVi SEVi NEVi
Sec 4 Twp 11 South Rng 10 West Amt
$2.22; WVi SWVi NEVi Sec 4 Twp 11
South Rng 10 West Amt $4.22; SW"4
SEVi SEVi; Sec' 4 Twp 11 Soutli Ung
10 West Amt $2.25; WVi E(j BWV4
SEVi; Sec 4 Twp 11 Soutli Rug 10
West Amt $2.25
J. F. Stewart All of the SE'i' Ex.
Chautaunua Lumber Co SU. SEW
Sec. 2b Twp 7 Soutli Rng 11 West NW'i SEVi; Sec 18 Twp 9 South Rng Lot 7 & various tracts sold that
Amount $13.97 j 10 West Amt $82.82 'part within Co. road and It. It. 1U. of
Oregon Yellow Fir Timber Co, Lots I ' K, Weatherford EVi NWVi Sec I way leaving 55 acres more or loss
1, 2; SVi NEVi, Sec. 4 Twp 8 South 18 Twp 9 South Rng lu West Amt Sec 7 Twp 11 South Rug 10 West Amt.
Rng 9 Amount $57.26: tots 3. 4: SU $59.29 Lots 3.4: EV4 SWVi Sec 18 Twn $21.62
NWVi: Sec. 4 Twp 8 South Rng 9 , South Rng 10 West Amt $103.56 , Harvy Parks, R. E. Collins. 1 A des
West Amt. $44.70: EVA NEVi. See 7 Chautaunua Lumber Co EV4 NW'i: 'crlbed as Lot 1 Stewarts Plat Sec 7
Twp 8 South Rng 9 West Amt. $24.62 I WVi NEVi; Sec 19 Twp 9 Soutli Rng .Twp 11 South Rng 10 West Amt $2.S0
w mv'A aec 8 Twp 8 South Rng 9;l" West Amt $114.95; W NWVi I Toledo Light & Power Co, Beg. at
tupi-rl. wocrtiiiii &l .mcoii, rannie a. g. w. Mason, R. L. Sabln, J. Burgess,: Unvpbell Timber Co. SEVi Sec 24
!isg, !!. J. Rayborn, Drucllla Wlglo, ('has. B. piEtt, J. D. McRca, A. C. Twp 8 South Rng 9 West $84.73 NE'i
iiiac Hulm & John Puckering, Mar- Holmes, E. A. Snares, S. A. Phlpps, E. See. 25 Twp 8 South Rng 9 WeBt Amt
aret H i,;;;, W, Willis. C. I). Kennedy, J. Scherer, Joa. Enos, D. R. Larkln, $79.76
Swatiiiun. Waldport Lumber Co., Geo. , Walker. W. S. Walker. E. W. Hocue.
E. Liny, Aug. w. ns-ner, juaua riz- E. E. Rice. Geo. Stratton, W. J. Pern.
Biieui i'iui,,n nuii, mi...;, perton, lrs. Henry V.ulf, Ed. L. La
M. Williamson, J. H Glines b. bed j M. Nolan, Ida Kennedy.
Bennet John May. L. M. Hol.ate. f,, c, k J
Maud C. Keady, Inra Allen. J. in, m wm ' Mn;" ,' ' "
.,.,Un .1 vv ln. v nrnRwie ln. . K- W1U' McDonald, James
Co., C. W. Snrenson, H. Jacobson. H.
D. Oliver. M. N. Nelson, Alex McMil
lun, Ida M. & Jack Wick. Hiram Long
Robertson, John Klngsles, W. R.
Newland, Geo. Gillespie, W. L. Beck
ner, Sarah- Fisher, Frank Conover,
coy. 1!. F. Jones. Ella Jones. Theron ! Alil'e Mary Parker, Jane Irwin,
jonn urauiey, u. u. Forbees, Annie E.
Parker, Schmidt & Rader, Lorenzo
Goodman, F. M. Drake. Abble L. , bailor, Margaret Marshall, J. Lindsey
Whltten, L. C. Smith, John H. Albert, 1 Hill, C. M. Davis, Wm. Klrby. Ollf IWest Amt $39.65, NWVi Sec S4 Twd
a nouin ling lu west Amt $49.54
Woolson. J. L. Hartman. Nellie &
Gludvs Jones, Emll Meyer, William S,
SEVi Sec 19 Twp 9 South Rng 10 Sec Cor. to Se 7.8.17,18 T 11 R 10
West Amt $15.70 W. run N 100 ft. til W 60 ft. th S 100
J. K. Weatherford EVi SWVi; SV4 ft. th E 50 ft to beg H A. Sec 7
SE'i Sec 19 Twp 9 South Rng 10 Twp 11 South R 10 West Amt $8.93
West Amt $114.95; EV4 NEVi ; SWVi i V- w- ay SWVi SWVi Sec 9 Twp
NEVi: SEVi NWVi-Sec 23 Twp 9 South 111 South Rng 10 West Amt $21.04
ling 10 West Amt $99.65; SEVi Sec 23 1 Everett Jones, Beg 600 ft. E of NE
Twp 9 South Rng 10 West Amt $99.65; Cor. of Blk 8 Jones Add to Toledo run
WV4 NEVi; SEVi NEVi; NWVi th N 30 ft th E 200 ft th S 230 ft th
SEVi Sec 25 Twp 9 South Rng 10 West W 200 ft to beg. contg IVi Acre Sec.
Amt $57.70; WVi SW Vi; SWVi NWVi , Twp 11 South Rng 10 West Amt
Sec 25 Twn 9 Soutli Rne 10 WeRt Ami '43.60
$02.00 1 Edna Hopkins, Beg 60 ft. E nf GV; '10 chs th S 6 chs th W5ehs to beg
it. L. Weatherford NV4 NWVi; SEVi Cor. of Blk 8 in Jones Add to Toledo, contK 5 A Sec 29 Twp 11 Soutli Rng
NWVi; NEVi SWVi Sec 25 Twd 9!run th N 100 ft th E E0 ft. th S 100 H ' Amt $1.81
11 West Amt $3.14
Fannie S. Misg, Beg 8 rds E of SW
Cor of SWVi NEVi Sec 14 run th E 8
rds th N 20 rds th W 8 rds th S 20
rds to beg contg 1 Acre Sec 14 Twp 11
South Rng 11 West Amt $.98
A. J. Ray, Beg 10 chs E of center
of Sec 14 run th N 6 chs th W 4 chs
th N 6 chs th E 14 chs th S 5 chs th
W 6 ch s th S 5 chs th W 4 chs to beg
contg 10 A Sec, 14 Twp 11 South Rng
11 West Amt $10.06
M. J. Hayborn. NV4 NEVi SEVi Sec
14 Twp 11 South Rng 11 West Amt
Drucllla Wigle, Beg 4V& chs W of
center of Sec 17 run th S 10 rds th
E 10 rds th N 16 rds th W 10 rds to
beg 1 A Sec 17 Twp 11 South Rng
11 West Amt $.95
Isaac Hulnte and John R. Puckering
Beg at pt 20 rds S of NE Cor of
SEVi SEVi Sec 17 T 11 It 11 W run
th S 60 rds th W 27 rds th N 60 th E
27 rds to beg contg 10 A Sec 17 Twp
11 South Rng 11 West Amt $21.62
G. R. Farra & G. W. Nash 14 Int..
W. W. Willis 1-14 int. SEVi SEVi See
21 Twp 11 South Rng 11 West Amt
Farra & Nash 6-14 Int, W. Willis
1-14 Int, Lot 5 Sec 22 Twp 11 South
Rng 11 West Amt $11.22
C. D. Kennedy, Bog 5 chs N of cen
ter of Sec 29 run th N 5 chs th E
South Rng 10 West Amt $114.95
;ft. th W 60 ft. to beg Contg. V4 acre ' K- K" Rife' KeK Rt SW Cor of NE4
J. K. Wenthcrford NE'i Sec 26 Twn Sec 17 Twd 11 South Rne 10 West Amt ! SEVi of Sec 29 run th N 20 rds th
9 South Rng 10 West Amt $S4.35 Lots $8.97 1 3 40 rds th S 20 rds th W 40 rds
27,o2 Sec 28 Twp 9 South Rng 10 West Josephine Rader Beg at NE Cor. of n bS '"""tK 6 arreB Sec 29 Twp U
Amt $6.32; Lot 16 Sec 29 Twp 9 South the David LIvensparger acre tract run .South Rng 11 West Amt $1.81
Rng 10 West Amt $9.38; SVi SEVi I it" K to the division line botween the J- M- Nolan, Beg 16 rds S of NE
Sec .",2 Twp S South Rng 10 West Amt 'lands of Jones and Watson run th S Cor of NWii of Sec S3 run th S 10
$10.15; NEVi Sec 32 Twp 9 South Rng 230 ft. th W. to SE cor of sd. tract th !rds t'1 w 10 ria th N 16 rds th 5 2
10 West Amt $74.77 IN to btg. Contg 1 A. Sec 17 Twp ulGalley SIX .. ..N IN1D DR M M VB
F. S. Brown NEV4 NEVi unpaid Sec South Rng 10 West Amt $2.39 ; rds to beg contg 1 acre Also Beg 16
36 TownshlD S South Rnir 1 Woof I William Scarth. Use. at NE Cnr. rd S & 10 rds W of NE Cor of NWVi
$6.78 'of Lot 7 Blk 9 Jones Add to Toledo run isw'i of Sec 33 run, S 16 rds th W
J. K. Weatherford, NWVi NWVi Sec !th E 200 ft th S 200 ft th W 200 ft th N
36 Twp 9 South Rng 10 West Amt 200 ft to Beg Contg 1 acre Sec 17 Twp 11
$20.09; Lot 6.6 NWVi SWVi; Sec 1 I South Rng 10 West Amt $8.97
Twp 9 South Rug 11 West Amt $16.63; Lavlna Altree, Lot 12; Lot 9 Ex
L.018 1,10; NV4 SWVi NEVi Sec 1 Twp 112 A sold, SEVi NWVi Ex. 16V4 A
10 rds th N 16 rds th E 10 rds to beg
Contg 1 acre Sec 33 Twp 11 South Rng
11 West Amt $2.03
Mrs. M. E. Dunn, Beg 30 rds W of
NE cor of NW SWVi of Sec 33 run
9 South Rng 11 West Amt $19.92; sold. Sec 18 Twp 11 South Rng 10 jth S 16 rds th W 10 rds tlx N 16 rds th
10 West Amt. $11.36, SEVi Sec 28 Twp Iot 8; NEVi SEVi Sec 2 Twp $ South I West Amt. $29.53
E 10 rds to beg contg 1 acre Sec 33
8 Soutli Rng 10 West Amt $39.65,
NEVi Sec 33 Twp 8 South Rng 10
s. hi . I .... Anl f lin'...... ....
. .. :iritiuita, juiuie manic., weison, ciias. ureenlleld, James R.
Eugene Williams, Crawford A. Flow- short, Joseph Dutton, Cyrilla Leabo,
l'ydM&ria? "p"' Ww r Geo- E" BiMhneta, irene Huntsucker,
rss Un1 "r:r;A-A-
Eva Jacobson. L. W. Williams. Ora f"!"1"' S ,A; b,Ra K'ttle Srl
A. Reeder. Wallace G. P.aker, Olive : old' - s- Mcradden, T. A. Bell, E.
Hampton, R. D. Cooper. R. L Muthl
Bon, J. II. Kitcblng. Walter F. Green,
E. W. & Eiimia GasRett, H. Ryck
nian, David E. Simminson, E. E.
Ciiiiwood, v.. D. McGrath, Fred Swan
son, John Landed, Helen Johnson, ('.
Cook, R. A. Burbank, Martha E. Bur
ton, Jennie Arnold, Sarah V. Camp
bell, R. S. Strahan, Frank Wood, V.
F. Reiner, W. G. McKeen, C, A. Gore,
D. H. & Ell Brennlmun. Pearl D. Stry
ker, Frank Wood. A. G. Hulbert, Andy
W. Scott. Geo. V. Happerly, Mary T. Roberts, Mrs. C. Simmons John II J- K- Weatherford, NVi SV4, Sec 22
Wolf, Samuel Collins. John G Post, Kelleyi A sinplmrt & j K' Jonn80n' Twp 8 South Rng 11 West Amt $28.57
II jnry less. H. A drlch Nettle h Jar- Marshall Hutch, W. A. Watlz Mjs'!SK' SK,- K' SWVi SEVi Sec 23
v.s. J. L. Stott. Clnra Montleth, Anna ,.; stev,,n8 i, n" " ' , 'Twp 8 Soutli Rng 11 West Amt. $4.13,
Farra & Elgin Wilcox. J. Wm. Wills, jtt J R Henklp i 'p v!i 7" S" 6- Sc; 24 Twp 8 South Rng U
Goo. W. Wright. Knhl. Smith. Joseph 11 j e P. c n derbeck. WeBt Amt $1 S5 Lot g SEy
W. Taylor. S. K. Young. Marx & Jor- SJ-" r' I , J,1"1 "art Kfic 36 Twp 8 South Rng 11 West Amt.
gfiisi'ti. Itoht. It. Held. E. B. McElroy, c as- M. Redd. Elizabeth L. Rash, $13.34
ling 11 West Amt $16.63; Lots 12,13; I John R. Eggeman, Beg at pt of V4 TwP 11 8oulh Ra n West Amt 1-08
NEVi SWVi; NV4 SEVi SWVi Sec 12 Sec. line btwn the SEVi SWVi of Sec. Henry Williams, Beg 16 rds S & 30
Twp 9 South Rng 11 West Amt 19 T 11 R 10 W 10.96 chs from the lrds k of NW Cor of SWVi of Sec 33
$23.23; Lot 14; NWVi SEVi; NV4 center of sd Section 19, th S 24 rds. th run h E 10 rds th S 16 rds th W II
SWVi SEVi Sec 12 Twp 9 South Rng 11 W 35 rds th N 24 rds th E 35 rds tc rds ln N 16 rds t0 beK C0"lS 1 acre
West Amt $18.62 SEVi SEVi Sec 12 oeg Contg 5 acres Soc 19 Twp 11 Souti. Se' 33 Twp 11 South Rng 11 West
Twp 9 South Rng 11 West Amt $9.41 iHng 10 West Amt. $5.41 An't x-08
Chautauqua Lumber Co, SWVi Hattle A. Ray, Beg at NE cor. ol H- L- Cranor, Beg 16 nJs E & 20
SWU; SV4 SEVi SWVi: SV4 SWU SWVi of Sec 4 run W 35V4 rds. th S ria E of NV Cor of SWVi of Seo 33
$8.30, NVi, SWVi, Sec 14 Twp 8 South SK'i s! 12 Twp 9 South Kng 11 West 17 V4 rds th E 35Vi rds th N 17V4 rd to !"" th E 10 rds th S 16 rds th W 10
itng 11 West Amt. $14.38, NVi SEVi, A't -; V4 NEVi Sec 13 Twp 9 beg. Contg 3V4 A. Sec 4 Twp 11 Souti ruB ul n 10 ras lo oe8 i onig i acre
Sec 15 Twp 8 South Rng. 11 West 1 Sl)Utl1 Rn H West Amt $30.48; SEVi Kng 11 West Amt $4.07 Sec 33 TwP 11 Sou& KS H West
iAmt. $14.39. Sec 13 Twp 9 South Rng 11 West Amt Fred Jennines. Hen 707 rhu. N Amt $1.08
C. G. Copeland Lot 3; NWVi SE4, $04.66 . 8.87 chs. W of SE cor. of SW4 of William bcarin, fct'i NW4 bee 34
WV4 NE4 SE'xj, Sec 21 Twp 8 South I J- Weatherford, NEVi Sec 15 Twp 'Sec 4 run th W 3.04 th N 10.97 chs. TwD 11 South Rn n West An,t 23-45
Kng ll West Amt. $23.13
Oregon Yellow Fir Timber Co NWVi
Sec 35 Twp 8 South Rng 10 West Amt
J. K. Weatherford Lot 7: NEVi SEVi
Sec 13 Twp 8 South Rng 11 West Amt
J. !1. Milon. Hattle D. Beddings. John
McClusney. W. T. Webber, W. C
""T, ,1, jarllnur. K- A. Freeze. M. E. W. Ring NWVi Sec 5 Twp
""'"""i rtiiison iirennam. Jo in J. South line 9 West Amt. Sfifl 80
Koiik. 11. J. McJialian. Ceo. w. woir, .-seuegm, Mario Sagers. Annie M. Bie- Oregon Yellow Fir Timber Co SWVi
Jrs-phiiiB Plrona. Aucust Hodcs, E. V. telle, W .M. Daughby, Z. Zimmerman, i Sec B Twp 9 South Rng 9 West Amt
Crifloz. Llla J. Rayiiorn. l arra : ho- Alblna M;. Peterson. Annie K Mp. l$69.80
pi:e, 11. . & Addle L.. blevens, w . A. Candles. PhUo Holbrook, James Dav-1 E- W- R,n E'A Sec 6 Twp 9
A:ri liiinugn, . n. iesn, i
roff. Mutton & Harlow. John
:;:v, G. W. Qulvev. Phillip Webber
John Kllcv, Hattle Ileulv, W. C. Craw,
ford. Frank & Llllle Conover It. C,
Sherwln. John Hole,
'."BmNV7'V ('andl(l,. "HIo Holbrook. James Dav-L "
M. W Mson. K. W. Kator. H. Gerson. Monroe ! So"th
a J. Holsler. W. P. Wl,l. viv J I Oregon
Holsler, W. F, WliUe. Nick Reason
Kraeiia Memmlng, Alec Mutch. Me
Crrtney & Mutch, Samuel McCartney,
i i u....r.-..j ' " ""in. .ii. miey. w. s.
u. ll. .T.IHUU, Mnrflll ' n IN . t " . DCC I
Ina Montleth. Marion R. Johnson, ! ' ''s . ' ' ..SvJttl)
George A. Beach, S. Simpson. F. H. a,,' ,,u" " 1 Oregon Yellow Fir Timber
W. Knox Vlll inrt Sec 9 Twp 9 South Rng 9
9 West Amt $59.77
ellow Fir Timber Co NWVi
Sen 6, Twp 9 Soutli Rng 9 West Amt
! H. Gllilner 8U, NWl.'. ! VIA SWi!
sec 7 Twp V Soutli Ung 3
9 South Rug 11 West Amt $52.90 SEVi th E 3.04 chs. til S 10.97 chs. to beg! i J- K- Weatherford WV4 NEVi
Sec 15 Twp 9 Soutli Rng 11 West Amt contg. 3.33 A. Also beg 29.01 chs N & !NW Seo 30 TwP 12 South Rn" 8
?62.!0 ,11.91 chs W of SEcor. of SW4 of Seclw,",,t Anlt S2'!"'- E'i swl WH
Chautaunua Lumber Co SEVi Sec 4 run th W 3.04 chs. Th N 10.91 chs. iSK1 Sec 30 TwD 12 South Rng 9 WeBt
Rng 10
Sec U
J. K. Weatherford. NWVi Sec 25 & 17 rds W of SE P. of swu of Twp 12 South Rng 10 West Amt $7.53
Twp 9 Soulh Rng 11 West Amt $118.01 Sec 4 run th N 100 ft th W 292 ft. ' J- K- Weatherford SWVi Sec 14 Twp
SEVi Sec 26 Twp 9 Soutli Rng 11 th S 100 ft. th E 232 ft to beg. contg. jl2 South ring 10 West Amt $30.17
West Amt $126.41 A. Sec 4 Twp 11 South Rng 11 West v.J'!n e'"0",.'..'?; v?
Nelson P. Wheeler NWVi Sec 28 Amt $1.75 NWVi SEVi EVi SE4 NWVi Sec 2
Twp 9 South Rng 11 West Amt $101.18 : Lee Wade. Beg. 23.28 rds W of SE iTwD 12 Sou,h nn 11 West Anlt 28 B0
Arthur U Carter EV4 SWVi SEVi cor. of Sec 4 run th. N 28.28 rds th W ! , . u ll,e 1 or OI
a iwp boutli Rng 11 West Amt th E 3.04 chs. th S 10.97 chs. to beg. , ,
$67.52; NWVi Sec 23 Twd 9 South f onts. 3.33 A. Soc 4 Twn 11 s..iitl. line I A- Howland SV4 SKVi I
Rng 11 West $117.91; SWVi Sec 24 11 West Amt $3.14 !sw' Sec 10 Twp 12 South
Twp 9 South Rug 11 West Amt $142.37 1 James A. Shlland. nee 28.28 rd v (West Amt $23.18; SW'i SWVi
litigate, G. M. Alien, James Robert
son, li.ilph Ingham, Mrs. ('. A. Siaiv
ton, Almeda Lewis, C. W. Bull, S. 0
wlmliiKton, John E. Goody, 1). I). v
IV.vii'. (I. F. WasliO, Ruben Norwood,
l.-a W. Tanton, H.irrison Phillips.
w heeler. Bruce L. Carr,
H. Grahh. Allonl
Luton, Dorothy
n T 7 ul'i c a T ii
t:r2Tr,U West Amt $44 85
. W Pnlmr W ISCC 18 T'P 9 SOUtll Rn
'. w. Palmer, W. ,, ,.
lobklru v w Amount $3Mo
Troiitcr, John Tonge
laec 33 t wp 9 South Rng II West Amt 28.28 rds th S 28.28 rds th E 2S.28 rds "le, " " J'.,1"" " ?, Vi r8
I $17.08 to beg. contg. 6 A. Sec 4 Twp 11 ? 2" rd th N J rdiLlh ?,2J? rd!
Chautauiiua Lumber Co EV4 EV4 Sec South Rng 11 West Amt $13.58 ;J? beB l,?n6, acr18 GTWP 12 boul11
134 Twp 9 South Rng 11 West Amt S. O. Irvin, Beg. 6.20 ft N of SE Cor. ".U8!, ,. , i'lh, Jj,i-- o .
$92.75 of Iot 3 Sec 7 run th w ion ft th s O. F. edder, SWVi NW A Sec 16
p . ...... . . T,,.n 1 '1 O. .nil, T 11 ttAI 4FPP
West Amt I - weainenora Wft WV4 Sec 34 150 ft. th E 100 ft. th N 150 ft. to beg. I . " " "5, V".
iTwp 9 South Rng 11 West Amt $92.75 contg. 1-3 A Sec 7 Twd 11 Soutli Rne L.r.V1'"' ' -ss. PeR.. l'--01 ft S
Co SW'i !-NW' Sec 3& Twp 9 South Rng 11.11 West Amt. $26.59 Ii. . . ll,e t,t ' or or bec 25
West Amt , West Amt $118.01; SW4 Sec 35 Twp Albei t W. Flowers, A strip of water 'fa " n in li,l ul " F.
u l, Q Knllfh Itnv 11 U'au A m, tltfinl. . nf . cm., . ... tO SK Cor Of SK'u Sec 25 TUn th M
SV4 NE'i E'A SEU See SB Tun Q ;inin. orf in f,f f t . ..... 1 46.50 ft til W 110 ft th S 46.50 ft to
her Co, NE'i
g 9 West
South Rng 11 West Amt $16S.50
R. G. Donthlt, Frank Roshuk, Fran
ces E. Parker. NWVi SW'i; SEVi
l.eo. W. Cooper, t has. Aiuer. rrann ,T;impa i,.p o i.r. i a nt iV I . Brown Lot 2 Sec 31 Twp 9:k'4 tW'4: bw4 SWVi Sec 28 Twp
W. Sl.umaker, Jennie Hendricks. C. w,rilinVl f'ni.Tt.t,,n vnn '- i" i South Ri'g 9 West Amt. ?5.45 1 10 South Rng 9 West Amt $18.95
& E. Cains. Harrison Jones. H. II. prBon; ; ,,.! r.ur.r. J" K- Weatherford SW'i See 1 Twp I A. II. Dwmel WV4 SE'i; EV4 SWVi
Morrow. C. I. Lee ,A1. C. Brown. An- nePitate Svlvla Stewart i V i. 9 South Rng 10 West Amt $56.11 S. E. i 'x. 85 A Sold Sec 31 Twp 10 South
nlo L uderman. H. S. Hoode. Lottie , in,! Tobn I! v-T.v F r'n,iVi7.i n I '-4 se- 2 Twp 9 Souta Rng 10 West Ung S West Amt $39.20
Starnuui. Sweedlsh Mission Church,,, .''V. J V . P' Amt $5.99 M. O. Wilklns (Part). Martha John-
.1. a.iu, umiu ixiii v. i
und directly opposite N 25 ft, of Lot begc.1 A An,t 9 75 Se 5 Twp
t In II II O C Q T. '. "
11 South Rng 11 West Ann SU.1.64 Edward. A. Swatmnn N4 SWVi See
Beg. at SW oor.
9 run th E 2.95 chs th S C degrees
W 10 chs to high water mark th south-1
- 11 West Anit Sill R cnwani a. awaimnn :i ayt see
'ftSmiUit-hlnt.!2?, jwp L 13 South Rng 9 West Amt
or. of NE4 NWVi of Sec f,11" '4 Sec 29 Twp 13 South
2.95 chs th S 5 d.!ifreeH,,ln.?.9..Wc8t An,tU"
Waldport Lumber Co Vi Int, Geo.
. Lilly V4 Int, NWVi Sec 31 Twp 13
I'inlsime ChrlstetiMn. Murk Stom-, .,. ., T, ,
.Martlia Helm, John Osterdnlil, ''im 'Troutnr w '
ts'.eicani, i lias, iiy.i tjuiii, j. a. aiui,
J. Aimer, Nystron;. Clias. W. S.lig,
A. V. Hi nilr'cksr-n. r. S;nnstoil. J. A.
& lius. B.k 'Ksimid. Alfred Swaitz. M.
I . ..;alMIl. ixnusa lir.;ii'Ki, om iimuuu. 1 i, l.
Ii. E. Undburg. l.vdia LlnilMo-iin. ',,,, w'-n." Gullwa'y. K. H. Hatsforili ' pr Twp 9 South Rng 10 West Amt ! $iC.ll
" nn. v,
.Nelson, l l:r.t!;ne, i
D. Hxllil. Alex Fla'.hciid. Geo, II. lion-
Ji . M Gownn. W. II.
C. Fri ll. Nellie Mnvrt
Varv McCnrlhy. C. J. C. Hiirr's.'lt.
II. Thompsrn S. B. Rlgcen. W. S.
'Whim. II. x. n,.l'r,.n, e. J. W. Gillninn.
It. Meniletihnll. J. L. & K. II. I.tlllnti
Sunset Timber Co. Lot 4; SW'i ". ' NWVi Sec 3 Twp 10 Soutli
NWVi Sec 3 Twp 9 South Rn? 10 : Kng 10 West Amt $16.25
West Anit $26.41; NV4 SWV4; SE', Wm Hansey (Heirs of) Lots 6,7 Sec
SW': SW'i SE'4 Sec 3 Twp ' 3 Twp 10 South Rng 10 West Amt
South Rng 10 West Amt $56.03; Lots 1 -0.72
11.2,3,4 Sec 4 Twp 9 Soutli Rni; 10 West ' J. K. Weatherford Lots 9.10,11.23
i-rlv ale. sd water Iimrk to a. Til 15 chs
W of E linn of SWU of d Sec 9 th ,5,0"lM 10 W eKt Amt $50.69
N to N line of sd SWVi th W 6 chs to Mv" SW V XW' -WU
neg contg 10.14 A Sec 9Twp 11 South v,, M i W V, .un
',!,. ii u' Ami ti SW '4 N'. Vi Sec 8 Twp 13 South Rng
iv J' v:;L r, v-p mi, oc n West Amt $2.03
'.n town of Alexandria run N 10.44 chs
11 W 12.60 chs to N line of Blk 30 sd
;inWry' V.' H." Thorn")-1 An,t ;"'.6J0: S,K''4 NKU: X SK' , Sec 8 Twp 10 Scuth Rng 10 West Amt town th alg N side of sd town to beg.
K. NowhouHn, A.'i.
FuiiiIp P. :.IcPhciln. Fr.-.nk R. Keller! l'TW1
I J. K. Weatherford. SW'i
F. O. Stand inger, Lots 31.32 & 2 A,
NE1,; I "ft S end of Lot 30 Sec 10 -Twp 10
NWVi SWVi See I Tii :1 Si uth Ung 10 West Amt $26.76
Lena Charley Lots is TJ Sec 10 Twp
ontg 6.58 acres Sec 10 twp 11 Soulh
::ng 11 West Amt. $11.67
Emellne Owens Va lut Beg 30 ft E
(f NW cor of SW'i SW' Sec 11 run
William M. Williamson. J. II. Gllnca
SWVi SE'i; Ci'i acres redeemed)
Sec 19 Twp 13 South Rng 11 West Amt
S. W. Bennett, Beg at the NE Cor of
NW'i SE'i Sec 19 T 13 S It 11 W
run th S 210 ft th W 210 ft th N 210 ft
th E 210 ft to beg con 1 acre Amt
M-irr J. Court ne Ii m..i,i nu iv... South Rng 10 West Amt $42.S4 : SWU I Lena Charley Lots L'S 29 Sec 10 Twp i; 200 ft th S 90 ft th W 200 ft th X 90 ft'..'-? 'lv ,1, l" UL ton 1 aLTe Aml
ide. .;.iry At Ahiiie Ji niioii. J:i. l-.l,.,.n j u1 T, ., .. ; SW'i Sec 4 Twp 9 Soutli Rng ID West ' 10 South Kng 10 Wei-t Amt v8.32 io beg contg Vi Acre Sec 11 Twp 11 i'1-"1.
Panne. . H. O Donn.H. J. W. l,.-t. r ; ni.Morfr P. I,-lo WailVworili Kut'i" lAml K- Ki'- SW' KU:i' t'"'t(- l,"'r,"y NWU ''Vi Kouth Rng 11 West Amt $.37; Also , Joh?., n,T,8' ft J?;ilnt 420 ft 8
O. C. .Mclean. C. F. GiJlaut. J. Ln A. i.llrdonl T 1 Poitor I'l'as A SKU- SWVi Sec 5 Twp 9 South Reg 10 Sec 14 Twp 10 South Kng 10 West i.,.g ;0 ft E & 150 ft B of NW cor. of I" c"!; of N ' bI'-' pc 19 T
SeiieMl.uhr. John : ,1'iVr. K. A. B.l- rl;. ,. . VMi.v W V s,n'lw'' A,;,t- 40": SW'i NW'i See 5'A:rt $4.23 KU NWVi NE'i; NE'i LW'i SWVi Sec 11 run E 200 ft thj.3.b " ,v. ru,a t' 82,0 th W 315
I on. L. H. Dixon. Thou. Samuel-.. Ad-Seal Rock l-iv Co Mrs ' Aiipiip.ii TwP 9 South Rng 10 West Anit S13.34: ' NE'i Sec 15 Twp 10 Soutli Rng 10 t, 00 ft th W 200 ft th N 300 ft to beg " V' -fl 1,1 ' 1115 l l" bt'8 con
die J .b. Jo,, Wadl.o. F. A. Goodwin. 1,,,.,, Mr, j,,, ,f;,,ln,:' l'i'.rr'ls Vtor l',u', l SV4 NEVi Sec 6 Twp 9 West Amt $12.22 i.ontg. 1V6 A Sec 11 Twp 11 South Rng 1 , ,'?'. .
Fred Sahiy. W. C. Andrew. Ai.lone K ' Vn e line P irns V I Aim ' South Rng 10 West Amt $17.S; lls ' Lena Charley EVi NE'4 NWVi: WVi U West Amt. $.47 I. L- M- Holgato. TJrg nt a pt 210 ft.
Punch. John Clark. W. P. 1 h;m-' ", f. A KleeiiiBii A T Cnr.l3.6: SK' NW1 Sec 6 Twp 9 South 'NW'i NK'4 Sec 15 Twp 10 South Rng Zub H. Davis. Beg 467 ft E & 10.20 (r J .r of t,,e Nw'i SE'4 See
dltr. John W. Iluv.y. John A. I n,.r V Mrllrde Mr, G R Pw- " 1 WestAint $31.45; Lots 1.2; Seel 10 West $8.22 ft S of the '4 Sec Cor. on W Una of ,J,9 J 13 S tt 11 W run th S 219 ft
L. J. Ilorgendahl. .E A. Merrl. I.. Ed-:,-.' .'.' irnnM 7 Twp 9 Soutli Rng 10 West Amt I Chautauqua Lumber Co WV4 SE'4; Sec 14 run th E 427 ft th'S 102 ft th h 105 ft 1,1 N 210 ft th E 105 ft to
Irwin Robertson T S Dearborn turnip s-26: Uts 9.10; SE'4 BW, ; Sec 7 Vt rr,:n see in iwp lu oouin ung w 427 ft th N 102 ft to beg. contg 1 1""''"" "'""ureur mi
S. Stlner K ' Fiid H C?oft Levi W .Twp South Rng 10 West Ami $23.23; 10 West Amt $15.11; All of Lots 2,3.4 A Sec 14 Twp 11 South Rng U West L Maud c- K"-. WVft NWVi Sec 29
Ball Frances W ' Watson T Cntlierlne s sl:'-i N'E1i SE'4 : Lot 6 Sec S. of Res line & Lots 6,6 Sec 19 Twp An,t. ,98 jTwp 13 South Rng 11 West Amt $23.45
Scott Mourl'o iWmion C Rng 10 West Amt $16.68, George 1L Balrd, Beg 467 ft E & " NE,i E SWVi
rhen Isaac Small Una M 'l llnloT NKV NK'i Sec 7 Twp 9 South Rng ,SE NWVi Sec 19 Twp 10 South Rng 714 ft S of Vi Sec cor on W line of NEV Sec 30 Twp 13 South Rn
n,:.Mi",2' !r in v-, t Amt u 4S 10 West Amt $30.69 11 rn ih is A-7 ft ti. a m? ft th West Amt $342
j. iiini-n. Jim. iiamiiL nciui. ivijiv .n. " - .
ward J. Kirch. J. S. Mchenzie. H.nry
Nathan. John McGce. .Mrs. Emma lie
Kihii, Annetta Wynn, Heriiir.n Klb
Iit, Jolin B. Grim, .Marion R. Johnson,
Luke O'llrloii, John Priest, William
Peek. James O'NIel, J. N. Stark, John
Guasou. W. K. Wheeler. Geo. Gannr,
S. W. Staple, Mary Ackloms. S. H.
lAHik. W. (1. Porter, Frank Whipple,
tt. A. Waggoner. T. J.Buford, S. .
Hemphill. W. II. Mlllholm, John
Gr.iff, Carrie liirlandsen, B. F. Ar
nold, John Snyder, John Bloomberg,
Otto Kopp, Chas. L. Brush, James V.
Pipe. C. Allison, M. .1. Conner. W. M.
Boden, Mury K. lleiikle, Sarah Whit-n-y.
1J. W. Ijton. A. Cauthorn 6 Son,
E. M. Brldwell. A. B. C. C.
Case, W, B. Scott, Frank Whlppm.
Wm, G. orter, Geo. Mercer, Jos. Hib
ber, Herman Klblr. L. L. Horning.
T. J. Stewart, A. T. Kelsee. Fanulo
Holder, W. it. Monkers, Urenhelm fc
Maumr, Gotdeld tirlmmer, Ind Inv.
Co., Sol. King, Iul & Van Buehklrk,
P. O. WDson, Chas. Lutjeus, E. Gult
tard, B. R. Forbes & A. K. Gallupe, S.
K. Brown, D. M. Large. A. A. Bkenk,
V.'. B. Nukit. Geo. Washington, Alice
Grlmnieii J. A. Saltier, Anna Carlson.
J. B. Ie, Cornelia Kelsey, Farra ft
Lee. J. 11. Uryson, A. N. Berlin, Cyrus
J. Dluiiert. Alfred Peterson, Chris
Pnulsnn. lyireiuo Larson. Annie Ieck
man, Iena Holt. P. J. Lund, J. N. Per
kins. Chas. King. .1. K. wniD. r. i:
Green. M. W. George. M. A. Uugh
lln. F. A. Strong. Frnnk Holton. Csro-
line Burgoyne. Ethel M. Reynolds, Al
la 2. Coiilan. C. H. Pickett, Ernest M
Smith. A. Spear, H. E. Sellwood
James Yeakey Jr.. H. M. Abott. C. A
Youngburg, O. A. Taylor, Marie Vor
man. A. W., Chu. KraU. lint
sle M. Hammond, C. P. Wells, Fo
Rlre lli'll Jxasun Otto tlonlmr W I Chauinuqua I.uniDer 1(1, UOIS 3,4,5 IManin riunermau, mm k miss
ArmMrong Glaise'r & KerJ L W NU NWVi ! 8WV4 NE'4 Sec 7 Twp! Alice Busath. Guy 11. Caffee. Norman
Armsirong, uiasser Kern. u. w. - wu kku nwh: wu bwu
tade Nelil" BowerjohnBrant. Sara I Weatherford Lots 11.12;' NEVi 'NWVi; . SVi NE'4 BW14: NKVi John C. Jacobson, Beg 610 ft S ft!" West Amt 8.90
' . 1 L'l . T 1 3 1 1 r KT L'l L'na U T ... fl V L' I'. W Y. Mnn VH I D7 T III Mflll T
Br & D ossein. E. J.iic,ii t nit i "
smbert & R.nU w! ' South Rng 10 West Amt $21.64 Rng 10 West Amt $9.83
1 Cratz. Helner
Hern, CrelU, Iiimbert
is w 427 ft th N 102 ft to beg contg 1 1 '5Kra A,len' KEU SWVi See 32 Twp
an Acre Sec 14 Twp 11 South Rng U " Soutli Rng 11 West Amt $8.00
:West Amt $.C3 J- W. Ingle. NWVi NWVi Sec 84,u,
South; 469 ft E of Vi sec cor on W line of Oceanslde Inv Co. Occanslde Lake,
Sec 14 run th B 427 ft th S 61 ft th W ' " i ,nc B1 1 nn 1 to 16 Ino
A. Cuslck. Mrs. C. Kirn. Eva Lee, A,
n. Stelnback, W. F. Wood, Sol. Open
helmer. Mrs. Estelle Batty. T. J. Bab- Twp 9 South Rng 10 West Amt $16,631 J. K. Weatherford NEVi Sei
cork Allr Morley. Geof W. ilahni ! J. K. Weatherford NWVi NE'i; NV4 10 South Rng 11 West Am
Wm." P Stilt Wm McCarty Mary J 'NWV4 Soc 8 Twp 9 South Rng lOjSMi Ser 4 Mp 10 f.ouln
n Tm. 7o: An,t $123.08; 8 SEVi NE'i ;! West Amt $76.82 1 EM, NE-J
Blk J Am $4.68; 1 to 16 Inc Blk S
Ami 4.bB
Joseph Curte, 1 to 16 Inc except !
Chautaunua Lumber Co Lots 1.2; Steel ft Stewart V4 Int. Lots 2,3 Sec 427 ft th N 61 ft to beg contg V, acre
NEVi SEVi SVi SEV4 NEVi Sec 8 130 10 South Rng 10 West Amt $12.92 Sec 14 Twp 11 South Rng 11 West
,:t 1 j. k. west herrnra rst-'i sec 4 twd Amt t 4
Ami bu.b 1 Frank J. Miller. Beg 467 ft E & 102 "' " J-'7
Rng 11 ft S nf 16 See Cor on W linn nf Kw ! W. A. Ruble. 1 to IS Inc Ex I Blk
l (1 m . . . . . K A i r a
Burnhnm, 8. T Richardson. John west Anil; B" sr. "4 isnvt ; ; vesi Ami o.o cva nt,i nec o 1 wp M run tn vbi n ln a loz rt tn w o mm, ,i.v.
WhIUiker, R. 8. Bean, J. II. McQuade iNE'4 E'4; Lots l.z; K'b swu ouin ung 11 vvesi Ami; 53 ft tn N loz rt to beg contg Z acres 1 u""l '"v i.o, 1 10 in inc B1K
M 8 Durbln Orlena Ruble J C Rey-,N"i; N'4 ec Twp v .-vi'.n pec iwp iu oouiu nng n hcsi aec 14 Twp 11 soutn Kng u west Amt f-" o "J 10 inc a s redeemed
no'lds Henrv Bobell Fstella'cilcher South Rng 10 West Amt $29.60 IAmt $26.21; NWVi Sec 9 Twp 10 $2.17; Also beg 467 ft E & 204 S of Hlk 7 Amt $3.39; L to 16 Inc Ex 6,7.8
has r Bennett Defendants i-nauiauqua i.minier 10 iiu 1,.; nuum mm ihii, 071 , y4 sec cor on nneoi nec 11 run n " " "mv ..,, a u, 11 mo m
Tn on. l. .nri nil nf tha .Imv. l8 NE'4 Bec 10 Twp 9 South Rng 10 SE'i Sec 9 Twp 10 South Rng 11 West 853 ft th S 102 ft th W 853 ft th N 102 .? ,nlt MSI: 1 to 16 Inc Blk 10 Amt
named defendants, and to all persons West Amt. $42.95 SE'4 Sec 10 Twp 9 IAmt $12 44 ft to beg contg 2 A Sec 14 Twp 11 M''. 1 t0 16 ,nc nlk 11 Amt 4 Bi 1
nun u ui itiiiiniiin, biiu iu mi lit-rnuiiB ,,,.. .....-,,., ah '(l,nrfn,l VU. Sl'l! BW. 1,.. 11 ur..i a,oi? tn 1 R Inn niV 1 ) k ... i r.o . 1 a a i
known or unknown having or claim ouuwi iHnna m vin mnv j a. . , duuui iuk 1 i nun t.n ,,v iin, a m 01 inu
Ing to have any Interest In, Hen or eunsei iimoer 10 r.'i wis ec 11 ,mv. pbc 10 i raimn mm 11 : j. i- ucrgens t mi, uergens iKnc-,"" "" .uo; 1 10 a inc iiik
claim upon the respective properties Twp 9 Soutn Kng 10 West Amt $49.54 west Ann; 1x11 b boc zi iwp riel Beg 467 ft E or Vi Bec Cor on W I "'"' "; to a inc ex 7 to 14 Ina
hereinafter described, i i nnuiauqua L,uniDer 10 nec i iu isouiu nng n n mm. nne or aec 14 run in r; n ri m a iui "" n ti.i i 10 a me t.x 4 Dig
In the Name of the State of Oregon " Twp 9 Houtn ling 10 West Amti J. K. weiunenora ec-i nee a mrp rt th W 427 rt th N10Z rt to beg contg " a.ui; i io 34 inc Blk 17 Amt
You and each of. you are hereby no- $46.25; NVi SE'4 Sec 11 Twp 9 South
.10 South Rng 11 West Amt $39.98 l A8ecl4Twp 11 Bouth Rng 11 West;9.66; 1 to S4 Inc Blk IS Amt $9.66:
Rng 10 West Amt $19.92 I Chautaunua Lumber Co All of Lots Amt $.48 II to 33 tno Blk 19 Amt $9.26; 1 to 32
J. K. Weatherford NW'i See 12 11 & 2 lying S of Res. line; SVi NE'4 i c. B. Marsdon. De at SW Cor of , Inc Blk 20 Amt $8.99: 1 to 32 Inn Blk II
Oregon, Is the owner and holder of a .Twp 9 Soulh Rng 10 West Ami $49.64 Sec 23 Twp 10 South Rng 11 West Amt 'SWVi NEVi Sec 14 run th E 132 ft th 'Amt $8.99; to 32 Inc Blk 22 Amt
tilled that the County of Lincoln, a
political suiiaivisinn or me Slate or
general tax certificate of delinquency
Issued to It on the ninth day nf Oc
tober 1915 by the tax collector of said
county, said general certificate being
for the amount then overduo and de
linquent for the taxes for the year
1911, together with penalty, Interest
and costs thereon upon sundry pieces
Chautauqua Lumber Co NVi SW'i $70.40; All of Ixt 3 ft 4 Lying 8 of N 330 ft th W 132 ft th 8 to beg contg
C. W. Sarenfon. H. Jacebson. H. TI.
Oliver, 1 to 32 Inc Ex 29,30,31 Blk 23
Ami ss.ix
Sec 12 Twp 9 Bouth Rng 10 West Amt Res line; SE'4 NWVi: NEVi 8W'4 Bec 1 A Bec 14 Twp 11 South Rng 11 West
$19.92 23 Twp 10 soutli ling ll wesi Ami Amt $.98
Bunant Timlin Cn HU VWl! SWU ' im A- All of lllla 1.2 Ivlllff 8 of Real I'morann Tlrninri Ttov ! ft V t
NEV4 i NWV4 SWVi See 13 Twp 9 ; line ft SVi NEVi : All of lots 3.4 lying 8V Cor of 8WVi NEVi of Sec 14 run th N. M. Nelson, 1 to 32 Inc Ex 4,5,6,8,
South Itng 10 West Amt. $96.59 ,S of Res line: SVi NW'i Snc 4 Twp E 132 ft th N 330 ft th W 131 ft th S ' Blk 24 Amt $6.80
J. K. Weatherford SEVi NE'i ! NVi '10 South Rng 11 West Amt $S3.42; 1 3.10 ft to beg contg 1 A Bec 14 Twp 11 Oceanslde Inv Co 1 to 32 Inc Blk
SEVi! 8WV4 SEVi Sec 13 Twp 9 NW'i Sec 25 Twp 10 South Rng 11 South Rng 11 West Amt $.98 25 Amt $8.99; 1 to 32 Ine Blk 26 Amt
and parrels of real estate situate and 'South Rng 10 West Amt. $96.69 'West Amt $32.71: NE'i Sec 26 Twp Wood I Iff ft Nicoll, Beg at SE Cor of $8.99; 1 to 32 Inc Blk 27 Amt $8.99:
being tn said county and state, such I Chautauqua Lumber Co K'i SWVi: 10 South Rng 11 West Amt $11.60 I SWVi of Sec 14 run th N 20 rds th W 1 to 32 Inc Blk 28 Amt $3.99; 1 to 13
portions of said real estate being as-SW'4 SW'i See 13 Twp 9 South Hon I Robert M. Cay SVi SW, See 34 , 24 rds th S 20 rds th E 24 rds to beg Inc Blk 29 Amt $3.77; 1 to 8 Inc Blk
sessed to you and each of you as are 10 West Amt $61.06; WVi SWVi i SEVi Twp 10 South Rug 11 West Amt $13.60 contg 3 A Sec 14 Twp 11 Soulh Rng 1 (Continued on Page 3)