Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 08, 1918, Image 1

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V:'.. .
Friday evening the public school
gave an entertainment for the pu
pose of raUing money to buy equip
ment for the play grounds of the
chool. "A High School served Ice
cream and cake in . the upper room
where the various ganes and plays
were going on under the direction of
Guy Gibson end Prof. J. S. Ooln. In
the plays all took part even the min
ister and his wife Joining In like young
people. The auditorium was well till
ed with the friends, patrons and chil
dren of the school. . The primary pu
pils served cake, sandwiches and cocoa
In the lower rooms under the direc
tion of Mrs. Banee, the primary
teacher. A most enjoyable time was
had by all present. The receipts of
the evening were $25 above expenses.
This will buy a good many needed
things to beautify and fix the play
grounds of the school. The school
has seventy in attendance with eight
pupils In the high school. The high
school teacher, Prof Gorden Pritchard
resigned his position as teacher and
will Join the army and go to the
front to fight for human liberty. Miss
Frances Farnham of Portland, has
been employed to take Mr. Pritchards
place as teacher In the high school.
Percy Crawford end Frank Pot
wora have gone to Valsetz to work In
the logging camp. '
G. W. Cox and family bade good-bye
to this country last Sunday. They
have gone to Falls City to reside.
We expect to have one of Uncle
Coovert home Sunday evening.
Fred Commons made a trip to New
port In his new boat Saturday.
Mr. Dudlely Trapp assisted by Mr.
Sam's naval recruits with us this week Newman have repaired the Simpson
-Clinton Southwell will be home on Creek br,dge- t t
a short leave of absence. j Red Cr" Auxiliary has been or-
Our two schools In charge of Misses ! wlth 0,6 enrollment of twenty
Albert. Porter and Lois Hampton, are , "embers. Chairman Miss Ethel West
rft, l.l. iover. Vice Chairman Mrs. Bertha
There is one item of news that the ;'". ""-
people here have been looking for In TrMU,re' M"'j L" ,e E
iw, iAar w hv felled to find, ecutive Board Mr. E. Stelnmett, Mr. D.
and that is the number of mills levied .TraW' Mr' A- B- Dwlnell, Mrs. A. B. factory here soon, and are desirous of
for taxes In this county this year. We iDwme11- Mr8- Elmer Mart,n nd Mrs. .securing the Olson tldeland and the
uw what th. lew 1. In the counties Flora PPn- A Iar number of Red Grounds as a site for same. The
fleveral pupils . who live In the
country were absent Monday bad
weather was the cause.
Many pupils are enrolling in the
sewing and gardening projects to help
uncle bam win the war. , 'this section. He has a s:ood education.
Seventh & Eight grade pupils visit-! having spent two years attending
ed court Monda long enough to wit-; Philomath College and a year at Will-
date for the nomination for Sheriff.
W. E., or Billy, as he Is better
known, was born and raised in thli
county, being the son of Mr. and Mrs.
M. W. Simpson, pioneer residents of
nesa the proceeding of a foreigner be
coming an American citizen.
The ThorsenHendricksen Lumber
Co, expects to establish a hugh box
bordering on Lincoln, and should like
to know what it is In Lincoln unless
it Is a secret
Cross workers met at the home of Mrs. company has drafted a plat showing
amette University. Billy Is well known
among the younger set, being a great
fan and a believer of clean sports, and
has a reputation as an athlete himself.
He Is now a successful farmer, and is
well qualified for the office which lie
Mr. Paramlno of San Francisco was
and held services last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hendrlckson were
visitors at the Stmonson home Sunday
and Monday of this week.
Miss Randle Hendrlckson visited
a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs,
A special effort is being made to in-! Twombly.
crease the attendance at the Sunday
School. The young ladles have organ
ized a company under the Insignia of
the blue ribbon to solicit members for
tha Bhm1. Tha vnunff men have also
organized with a red badge and will ! e attending Court.
solicit in the same way. A handsome I S: Oakland and Mr. Leuthold went
, I lo l oieio on Business uusv i ueouuj.
Mrs. E. S. Oakland received bad
from Portland Tuesday night.
I Her son Edd Is In the hospital with a
broken -leg.
Llllle Trapp Saturday afternoon and ; the buildings proposed to be erected. 'here several days this week looking
" ", eeumaiea mat tne plant will ;OTer our harbor with a flew to send
kerchiefs, ambulance pillows and knit- need twelve carloads of machinery. L. lumber .choonera here. Mr. Par.
w , v v Me TOo"enflendr,ckBen Lumb amino represents the Olson Steamship
u. ccu Wu. ... .,. io.. .re me owners oi me nig mill nere Co who operate boats out of the Bay
some time. and also own the Yaqulna Electric Co u . .., k
Mr. Conrad of South Beach was here 1 The Misses Jul a and Irene 8m th a. Welch of Portland being secretory Den of Portland, who Is interested
,w" DUUU" vurnom i me mum 01 me organization. Mir. Thorsen has m shipbuilding, and who, we are In
tti . lBeen ner8 aU Weelt' a WeU M Mr- formed, was looking this country over
Mrs. Elmer Martin left for Eddyville Patterson who will act as superintend- ,, vlew to establishing shipyards
'" eni oi me mm.
... wy b u is w oe nopea mat me plans ror Yesterday Messrs. Paramno and Mc
house Saturday evening, which was ap- the box factory can be consumated. A 'Donald, accompanied by Mr Thorsen
nraHntaft hv all thnt a t tan H a A i i . . I . '
; i 7 . . i1""'""" Biipomiea or the local lumber company, J. B.
Mr. Rhelnhart departed for Camp by the City Council last Monday even- Miller, A. T. Peterson, Engineer C. It,
new in omuruBjr muniiug. jmg, t0 meet with members or the com-
j J. T. Udell was a Toledo caller this pany and ascertain their needs and
week- see what can be done towards secur-
1 Mrs. A. B. Dwlnnell Is aiding Mrs. ing the necessary site.
Molly Price who fell and Injured her
self considerably. '
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Plegmen arrived
from the Valley,last Tuesday. They
are visiting Mrs. Plegmen's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Slmonson.
i. R. Walker has been In Toledo
October 30th, 1916, are here
by called and the Interest there
on stopped this day. ALSO all
warrants drawn on the current
expense fund of said county and
enaorsea to1 and including Jan
uary 4th, 1918, are hereby called
and the interest thereon stopped
mis uay.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this
7th day of February, 1918.
Ira Wade, County Treasurer.
treat will be provided for the winning
side. Thbse young men were, active
wnrlrara Kilt 4)A VAnnr InHlos tlAat heWB
them by only three members. The
contest closed Sunday. The attend
ance was increased by 27 and now It Is
up to the Ioosers to furnish a nice treat
for the winners' side. The school
now has an attendance of about sevty
five and is Increasing right along. An
honor roll will be kept for the boys
that have enlisted In the army and a
committee was appointed to get the
address of every oq of them, so let
ters can be wrote to them oecasslon
ally to let them know they are not
forgotten by the home folks. This is
a beautiful patriotic duty. The names
of all the boys will be secured and
turned over to Fred Wygant, chairman
of the committee and this work will
be attended to. This work I believe Is
being done by the Churches all over
the country. An Kpworth League was
organized at the Church Sunday even
ing with 25 members. The following
officers were elected for the term:
Guy Gibson, president; Fred Wygant,
first vice-president; Adaline Adams,
second vice-president; Miss Alma Chal
craft, third vice-president; and Miss
Alpha Thompson fourth rice-president
and Miss Mary Gibson, secretary. The
League will meet every Sunday at the
M. E. Church at 6:30 P. M. All young
people are Invited to attend.
A number of people are coming from
Toledo and Newport to fish In the Si
let river, one of the best streams In
the state for fishing. Will Peterson
and Ralph Salvage came over Sunday
and had good fishing. They caught
one hundred splendid salrqon trout
measuring all the way from ten to four
teen Inches. Grant King chaperoned
the party and caught a few fish him
I see some of the candidates running
for office have their pictures In the pa
pers and other candidates have not.
B. A. Armitage. J. C. Dixon and WU
llam Simpson, candidates for sheriff,
should have their pictures In the pa
pers. J. H. H. Andersen has his pic
ture In the papers and It looks fine.
I have heard some of the Sileta ladles
say if the other candidates for sheriff
don't put their pictures In the papers
they will not vote for any of them ex
cept Mr. Andersen. The ladles wish
to see the pictures and they will make
their own selections as to who they
will vote for, therefore K is op to the
candidates to put on their best bib and
tucker and their best smile and make
the best showing possible. Other
things being equal the ladles may vote
(or the best looking man.
The Government has had men In
Mrs. O. Hanson and Miss Hanson,
were visitors at the Hendrlckson
home Tuesday.
Mrs, J. R. Walker
Oakland last Wednesday,
Mrs. F. Huntsucker was taken sud
denly 111 whUe at Church last Sunday.
She Is thinking of going to Toledo for
a while for medical treatment.
O. W. Cox and family left for Falls thi. countv tha n.Bt .OVBraI mAnth.
City last Monday where they will make looklng np our gpnlcei FavorabUs re.
their home. Hoxy Simons and E. M. 'ports have been made on the tract ly
rettycrew are helping them movj. kn. hMwMn ,hn ,.. .n v.i,.(.
visited with Mrs ', 'J', U C,wfor, .rivers, and a railroad Is to be built at
visiteu with M. , daUghter. Lurl were aow4 t0 Or..once to brlng Bpnjce out
Wright, and others, went down the bay
on the launch Fearless, on a tour of
Inspection. They Inspected the har
bor and bar, and requested Engineer
Wright to make them a detailed plan
showing the channel, depth of water,
These gentlemen seemed favorably
impressed with conditions here. They
returned to Portland this morning.
Some time ago we stated that D. L.
Chesley of Waldport was in Toledo
looking for a mill site, and that he
was almost certain of locating here.
We are now pleased to Inform our
readers that Mr. Chesley and O. B. Mc
Cluskey have concluded a deal, where
by they have leased the Altree Mill
and will have same cutting lumber by
the first of June. The mill will have
a capacity of twenty thousand feet per
day, and it Is expected to rut mostly
ties. A wagon road will be built from
the mill to connect with the bridge
across the tldeland. Mr. Chesley is an
old hand at the sawmill business, and
has been in charge of the mill at
Waldport the past seven or eight years.
He will go to Portland Tuesday to ar
range for machinery, and work will
be begun at once to get the mill ready
for operation.
The principal excitement here for
the past week has been the building
of tha Streltmatter road. But It has
proved to be "muchado about noth
ng,"nobody hurt and nobody dam
aged. Mrs. C. Bruner and children are vis
iting In Portland and Charley Is enjoy
ing tha pleasures of baching this
' week.
R. H. Plank is spending ft week tn
Hall stones.
Work began on the school house
Monday morning. Z. A. Kessl, F. L.
Mulvany, M. E. Walker and Geo.
Tubbsare the angels.
Chas. H. Pierce of Otis. was in the
jClty this week on business, and left
I with us his announcement as a Repub-
office of
..wu cuiaiuaie lor tne
or Vancouver to be County Commissioner,
I (mi l-a TV . - ,
i o "... . . . ! railroad will bridge the Alsea and Ya
.Mrs. Bruner left for PorUaud last ' ulna . connect wltn c
Mr H rallrvwrt anil h rtrm wll tv. fcaitl.
, V 7. o , T,sllea d to Portland
Two cattle buyer, wom here boyln, TJ V M'" P'erCe be"6Ver ,n lood ro&ll'
cattle last week. "h the w" cr0M V,IM' 'Bnd be"e " value received
Mrs. Horsfal. visited at Roccu hst' "?ZL ttV H t
Thursday. " , " " " , '. " I ln8 Dru,-na entitled to representa
It la avnotian that tit n sahJ will Kk . ...
Mr. Pettycrew has bought O. W.' "- .-. :iion ana ror wis reason Is making the
, . - in operation Deiore me summer is race
Cox steam. , I .
u.ur. mo YY.rreu opruco i,o win Mr. pierce went from here to New
get oui mis umoer. ana mey nave port, Wednesday evening, thence
Frank Potwora left for the logging
camp Monday.
Howard and Harriet Southwell and
C. F. Lindley and Gale Shane killed Miss Alberta Porter spent Sunday
a bear, obtaining about 65 pounds of evening at Leonard Crawford's.
lard therefrom. j Roy Plank left for Dallas last Thurs-
Miss Delia Rush, principal of the day.
i-euu.oiuu u.6u "uv. "i. "B'u up to me uruner Word was received here Tuesdsy
-.A a 4mm k aiib anliAnl 14 la awl A l)suih ta OhbJ.- !
w lCBtu " """vu DUUUy- that Prof. W. C. Fischer, formerly of
nai TtiKKa want tt Paa V Caturilav I Ms- and UV. lf A au J j . . .
"w , w "J vmw.ura maao Yaqulna, bad died that day at
m . c. vvjiiKtsr ! ui.uuK uicMMi- a uiu u. mill v rt UtRE WAair
tions to run poultry this season coming
their headquarters at Newport.
the coast home.
having put In an Incubator.
Messrs. R. L. Hathaway and Char
lie Cator dined at Sir. Walker's Sun
day. Word has been received from our
Canadian correspondent that the tem
perature stood at 40 below zero at
writing. Some contrast between our
A. O. Hooker, for many years a real
dent of Llnrnln Pnnntv hut . .
, - j i ufc vi lutrui
rn...m. U...H.I j..u . " " l" .uiurnia, passca
Lodl CaUhan was over to Nortons the result of heart trouble. Funeral tfatur,U' n,,orn'n'
Rennle Callahan, Mathew Williams
and Andrew Washington returned
green fields, budding leaves, blooming bo",e ''om fte lola' cmV Saturday,
flowers, etc. There Is still a danger I W'Cox nd faml,y ePrtel 'or
line If we take last year to heart, when V, ty Sundy B,WrDOon he
the white silence reigned supreme, for lthejr wl" make tllelr home- We were
linsT APIn SP lllnaea ft 41. I . a .
arrlra. .or. .!.(.. n I uio iiuius Ol HIS
kiii. h., .nnH,,. h .v..m...- i?uh. Hi Elmer Helms, at Dal
Lodge of Uiat place.
Mr. Fischer had a host of friends In
this county who will regret to learn
of his passing.
a time.
H. U. Khoaaes. C. a. Bunnel. F. ran-
sorry to see them leave Orton but
wish them good luck. .
At the session of County Court held
this week. It was decided to ask the
Mr. Hooker lived for many years
on a farm near Storrs, later moving
to Toledo where he engaged In the
carpenter business. About eight years
ago nis health began to fail and the
family moved to Santa Cruz, Calif.,
in hopes that the change would be
beneficial. About a year ago Mr. and
Mrs. Hooker returned and spent sev-
eral months with their daughter. Mrs,
C. O. Hawkins, and fumlly In this city,
a.. .- M . and since that Mm. li.. h... n.i
Eddie Fry spent Sunday afternoon Mr llV, ... .
cusiueer 10 maae a survey ana io- . , .
' 11 tkA 1 A wa a a. .
at Mr. Wm. Portnra.
Mrs Llllle Cox stumi i..t v '" the brlde croM the .", " mMf rr,ends
the M;0 J . home ' Wee" at'nd d" P- 'or th. building of "o
...,......" . the structure. Bvdoln thi. th. ro lu eBrn OI aemise.
iu iom or rim lwii inn m m Manila ' -
cllandMrs. A Peterson and daughter. p0 - Tuy afternoon . mMt "
Kv.lln. Hd.t-r .nil Jn.onhln. war .nwuwil M.. u- n . .
Mrs. Stella Fry's home. i'"" " ul" vommiBsion. ana wnen
Mrs. J. W. McGuIre and son Jamie V T . 1 M P W
Evalina, Hester and Josephine were
Newport and Yaqulna callers Thurs
E. R. Vennum arrived here Thurs
day morning.
Miss Delia Trapp visited friends at
Ona Saturday and Sunday. I
Mrs. Edith Mowers and nleca Paulina '
Vancll were guests at the Peterson
ranch Sunday.
Clifford Phelps and Delno Shermer
were In this vicinity Tuesday.
spent Sunday evening at Mr. and Mrs.
Emil T. Raddants.
Abraham Tom, departed for Grand
Ronde Saturday morning.
George Baker of Mule Creek de
parted last week for the Toledo log
ging camp.
standard and
will not have to be
1917 INCOME?
iievenue Agent Tom 'Wilson who
was assigned to Lincoln County by Col
lector Milton A. Miller to give Informa
tion regarding Federal Income tax, ar
rived here Monday evening and ha.
taken up headquarters In the office of
Judce a. F. Bklnwnrth .n.nanilail all
Mrs. Elizabeth Dlacketer and her business In rirrnlt Pnnrl la. I n(nrla Sheriff flear In tha rviirl tl... .k...
daughter, Margaret haven't returned .ftnmonn anil a mamnrlal lai.lnn m. !ha will h. fniitiil 1 n u - ... i
w u. u.w 11.11111 a uvouaj. trnm thai i i , .. I 1 " i - - -"--- w. vtiw uaiauua
Mrs. Edith Mowers departed for her ,1 Jt he,d ln nonor of the tau J- F- Stewart, of this week. Next week up to and
home la Portland Wednesday morn-'., , J ,, 7 ' wno nal DMn on Attorney Fred E. Yates of Corvallls including Friday Uie ISth, he con be
H. Q. Rboades made a trip to Oys
tervllle Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Phelps returned home
Wednesday after a three weeks' visit
with friends and relatives at Wood'
the sick list. Is greatly improved,
made an eloquent address, paying trlb! found at the office of the Western
ute to Mr. Stewart's ability as a law
yer and as a citizen. Attorneys Haw-
It Ins and Clark of this city and W. L.
Cooper also spoke, Judge Sktpworth
Idella Bovlea. who h.. haan V.fl.
finAd in hat hAffls i. . 1 fenpondlnf from the bench.
. n sawa aawusa TV l ui uunuiuuuia a l J .
land Washington and In the Wlllam- some Ume Is slowly recoverln. The Judge PPo'nteo' C. E. nawklns,
tie Valley. Puplla who are In th. habit of .t. Edw- J' clarV and w- Wtbnry
Mr. and Mrs. Oh mart and little sons ing out of school for reasons other
visited at the L. . Parks home Sunday, than sickness should acquaint them-
Miss Delia Trapp of Upper Beaver
pent the week end at th Phelps
Delno Shermer of Oystervllle who
has been visiting Clifford Phelps, re
turned home Wednesday.
H. J. Wood, Clifford Phelps. Helen
Phelps and Leoia tlewett called at the
selves with the law In order to save
themselves embarassment. No excuse
Is valid except for sickness. Seven
days ahaeoce during the year is the
maximum. After this, the teacher
should report.
Don't forget "The Patriot dlrr
some time soon.
as a committee to draft resolutions,
a copy to be sent the family of the de
ceased and a copy for publication.
W. E. Simpson of Elk City was In
the city Saturday and left with us his
announcement as a Democ ratio oaadl-
State Bank, Newport.
The salaried man, wage earner, farm
er, merchant, professional man and
others receiving an Income equal to
$2,000. for the year 1917, If married, or
11,000. If single, should give this atten
tion for If you are subject to the tax
nd do not return, you may latter be
Notice Is hereby given that all
warrants drawn on the general
fund of Lincoln County, Oregon,
and endorsed to and including
A list of the Judges and Clerks of
the various election precincts In Lin
coln County, Oregon, appointed at the
January term of the County Court in
the year A. D. 1918, and verified at
the February term, A. D. 1918.
Alsea Precinct: Day Board Earl
McMlllln. Chairman; F. E. Walters,
Judge; Daisy Overlander. Clara Ever
wm ana fern Ludemann, Clorks: Night
ur:u. Wellel( CnRlrman. jQe
Tunstall, Judge; Tency Brynjolfson,
cteS" V'U8hn and Cora Baker-
Chairman; E. S. Oakland, Judge; J. B
Brlggs. Mluda Twombly and Anna
Stephens. Clerks.
Beaver Creek Prerlnct:-L. M. Com
mens, Chairman; J. R. Coovert, Judge
J. M. Bowers. Gertrude Ohmart and
Mary A. Lewis, Clerks.
Dig Elk Preclnct:-T. J. Buford.'
Chairman; Charles Overlander. Judge
Martha M. Arthur, Lora M. Young
and M. D. Brandebury. Clerks
Devils Lake rreclnct:-Hen'ry Curl
Chairman; S. W. Iler, ju1?e; F. a.
Murray, Clerk. Ruth Blattner. and Lo
la A. Church, Clerks.
Elk City Precluct:-Clias. Allen.
Chairman; Rose Abbey. Judge; Mary
D. Craves. Ruby Taylor and Margaret
Morrison, Clerks.
Chairman; J. N. Taylor. Judge; Ella
Cox, Grace Wilson and Clem Clark
Clerks. '
Kern Preclnct:-J. 8. Lloyd, Chair
man; W. S. Bones. Judge; J.T. Malon
ey, Nora Hyde and Fannie Morrison.
Glen Prcclnct:-C. W. Brown, Chair
man; W. R. Moore. Judge; Delia
Moore, Jennie Bolianon, and Nellie
Davenport, Clerks.
Little Elk Preclnct:-C. C. McBrlde,
Chairman; S. T. Loudon, Judge; Mary
O. Boynton, Mable Glrdlor and Stella
Cllne. Clorks.
Newport Precinct: (Day Board)
Chas. H. Gardner, Chairman; Chris
tine Read, Judge; W. II. Daugherty,
Z. C. Copeland and Olive Hampton,
Clerks. (Night Board) C. F. Day.
Chairman; D. S. Conrad, Judge; G. c!
Volgt, Eleanor Putnam, and Jane Par
sons, Clerks.
Nye Creek Precinct: (Day Board)
Chas. Saunders, Chairman: W. 8.
Whltten, Judge; Mllllo Cvffleld, Eva
D. Thomas and Ina Irvln, Clerks.
(Night Board) G. L. Gray. Chair
man; L. D. Pickens, Judgo; Ellen Ar
mitage, Nellie Cramer and Berates
Waggner, Clorks. ,
Nnshvllle Precinct Fred Wagner.
Chairman; J. O. Davis, Judge; Lou
Wilson, Mildred Edwards and R. N.
Nash, Clerks.
PacMo Precinct (Day Board)
John Fogarty, Chairman; A. E. Wat
kins, Judge; Cora Berry Ade McKas
key and A. L. Nye, Clerks. (Night
Board) John Buckley, Chairman; 1.
Priest, Judge; W. II. Osburn, Helena
Perrin, and Lena Saxton. Clerks.
Rock Creek Freclnct: Eatella Cit
ing Chairman; Llizle Simmons Judge;
Mary E. Horsfall, Ella Southwell and
Minnie W. Reddant
(Coatlnaed on Page S.)