PAr.Z FOUR LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER FR )AY, JANUARY 1913. DR. W. M. BERRY THE TOLEDO DENTIST WIU be in his office in the lianK THURSDAY AND FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK. Toledo Drug Co. THIS IS THE SEASON FOR COUGHS AND COLDS . WE HAVE THE CURE T. P. HAWKINS, Prop. M II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 f L. R. BATEMAN E. R. BATEMAN BATEMAN & BATEMAN COMPLETE HOME FURNISHER UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES We Buy, Sell and Exchange New and Second Hand Furniture liUUlHIIHIIIIHI I 1 I i it I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ttttf- ROCK CREEK Continued returned Tuesday. Gladys Horsfall called on Miss Lura Crawford last Sunday. Mr. Streitmatter is working for Chas. Bruner this week. Henry Scott was a Rocca vis itor Sunday returning the same day. Mr. Gunn of Mill Creek was up this way last Saturday. A. L. Crawford was down to the Raddant ranch last Satur day. Henry Spindel was over to Norton s Saturday. Bobbie Harris has bought S. L. Elliott's hay. A. L. Crawford is hauling it for him. Henry Scott visited Horsfalls last Friday. Well this is bad-weather we are having. Hope it clears up soon. , Howard Southwell has hen hauling wood for the Rock Creek scnooi. Lenord Crawford is working for Ernil T. Raddant. W. A. Crawford and family aim ana. a. l. urawford and n Roofs leaked, a ft v ii , chimneys, windows fences were wrecked and i olograph and telephone awn and the lines nice Tuesday was the first day we had thi3 year. Hans Larson was a passenger up the line Saturday. Tom Blower of Albany visited on the bay last Sunday. Dr. Burgess returned from Corvallis Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wren Emerson were up from Winant Saturday. Mrs. H. L. Collins and children returned to Portland Saturday. Miss Mary McCormack was a Valleyward passenger Monday daughters attended a -dance at ; morning.. urton New Years night. j Deputy Sheriff Ted McElwain Frederic Simons is home from 'had business at Nashville Wed the logging camp. jnesday. rraiiK i-oiwora is working for ere put out of commission. The riornhig train from Yaquina was ;.bout four hours late on account of a stump and a mass of earth sliding onto the track near the Cannery. .While the rain and wind were very busy for several hours the temperature was just about at the gentle spring notch. E. T. Raddant. Howard Southwell was over to Norton s Wednesday. Frederic Simons made a busi ness trip to W. A. Crawford's Tuesday. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO Wm. Kisor of Newport was transacting business in the city Wednesday. II. W. Jackson was assisting Merchant Frederick take invoice I Ne w Years Day. I J. H. Hawkins, the Elk City '.sawmill man was in the city tne . first of the week. prcdeiucl's QUALITY STORE JUST RECEIVED A CAR OF BRAN AND SHORTS THAT WERE BOUGHT SINCE THE GOVERN MENT FORCED MILLERS TO CUT THEIR PRICES DOWN. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SAVE YOU MONEY ON ALL MILL FEEDS AND GROCERIES. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. P. Frederick Items taken from the files of i Agent Spooner informs us that the Leader of that date. j we will have no more Sunday miss r:me Urosno I3 visiting' trams ror a time. friends at Elk City. ! Prof. B ethers' school at Elk City is having a holiday, and the Professor and his wife are en Joying the holidays in this place. 1 Otto Krogstad's brother-in-law, John Ofstedahl, wife and three children, accompanied by Miss Sophia Myhre, Biater of P. I S. Myhre of this place, arrived j Eugene Wednesday, uii me nui uisi. irom farKS inner, North Dakota. Mr. Of' Sam. Brassfield of Siletz re turned Saturday evening from a trip to Albany. Prof. John Blougli returned Saturday evening from his home at LaFayette. Miss Thelma Hoeflein of Ya quina returned to her studies at Geo. Chambers was a passen ger for Blodgett Monday, where iVtedahl has taken up temporary ipr,for Blo,dSe" Monday, whc quarters with Mr. Krogstad. but ;he 13 workln& in the sawmill, will scon build and engage in I cnester Dixon was down from some business enterprise. Elk City Sunday, spending the County Surveyor Derrick was day at Yaquina and Newport. hl lS'"inMynin n tHn n m ' Mlss SiSne B turned to tp!"J.01"0 mraenfalrip t0 ?t Eugene Saturday, after spending court house last Friday night I Herman Olson returned to his under the auspices of the Wood- 'work at Seattle, after spending men lodg? of this place, was the ine nouaays wun tne nome folks. HIimMHtHUIII Yaquina Electric Co. Electric Light and Power great eve n of the season, and was .1 success in every way. 1.1ms Cora Gregson arrived from Philomath Chrbtmas eve, and spent the holidays with hei parents in this city. Lie Wade and L. M. Starr went to Otter Rock today, near which place the former has tak en up x homestead. They will start the erection of a house thereon. J. H. McNeil and family ar rived from Pioneer last nieht with a oar containing their goods 1. U-1.1 -. ... uiiu u(.mt:iiimt euecis. lie WIU occupy one side of Fish's Btore building with his goods for a time. SHERIFF'S SALE In th Circuit Court of the State of ; Oregon for the County of Lincoln . 1). Murray. I'laintitf. vs. Henry Brll. Dofomtant. , Notice of Sale ! T5y virtue of un exorutlon dcrrpb and ; cxdtir of sale lxnuod out of the alov j eui titled Court In the nhove entitled 1 rtloa to mo directed and dated the ' ui. ouv or jannnrv a. i. i.m in iHr .a p. ). Murray ria'nllff and acnlnHt the ! hove named DflVuiluut fur the sum e.r $1262.00 Willi intern I thereon at Ui rate of 10 per rent per annum 1 fnnii Uie 18th. day of lieeeinher A. 1). U17 and further sum of 100.00 at- tomey'i feea and routs taxed at $18.00, . and eoKta of Uii writ ronimamllna; me o acll the followiim desrrlbed real ! property altuate In Lincoln County, ' Cre.nn a followa. towlt: Lot Nnmber Two and the .Norm unit f Lot Numbered Fifteen of Section Itve, Township Ten South, and the Eoutli Half of Let Thirty-one In Sec tWm Tlilrty-lwo In Township Nine tootft. Hanite Nine Went of Willamette Meridian. alo the Wem Hulf of the Southeast Quarter of the 8outhcant tjaarter and the Sotitltweal Quarter of the Southeast Qimrter and Lot Num bered Four In Si-etlnn Seventeen In ?iteoMhln Ten South of Hanite Kleven Weat or the Willamette Mvrldiuu lu Ijnroln County. Oregon. NOW. THEHKKORE in compliance with the demands of said Monition decree and order of aale 1 will on Saturday the 2nd day of February A. 0. 1818 at 1 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the County Court House, hi the City of Toledo. Lincoln County, flrecon. aell to the nignesi oiuuer ior ash. alt the right title and Interest at Uie above named defendant In the kbove named action. In the above de Bribed property to aatlsiy aaio execu too. decree sad order f aale, lntereat, 1 ana accrum -" Bert weer, ansrni, f Lincoln County. Oregon. of Tlrrt Publication Jan. 4, ISIS. 1 of Lt Publication r eb. 1, AL WAUGH Dealer la Cigars Tobacco and Butter Kist Pop Corn TOLEDO, OREGON ELEVEN YEARS AGO M Expert Watch Repairing When others fail you T We Guarantee Satisfaction t A trial villi convince. Price very reasonable. t Over 40 Teari' Experience j as practical waicnmaker All Work Guaranteed. X HA.NS E PETERSON r H MMM Itom? taken from the files of the Leader of that date. Mr. and Mrs.' Ed. llanlon were victors from Yaquina Wednes day. J. A. J. Fleming, the well- known architect and builder of Newport, had business in the city Monday. Deputy Sheriff aad Mrs. Wal ter Ball visited friends in New port from Monday evening until Wednesday morning. Frank Hyde and family of Ed dyville came down bYiday even ing ror a visit with County Treasurer and Mrs. J. L. Hyde. W. H. "Dilly" Parker has en tered into cahoots with W. T. Fogle and purchased the Forest Grove Time3. I3illy is a son of Mrs. Allen Parker of Toledo and has for several years been em ployed In the State Printing Of Trof. J. B. Horner of Corvallis (nearly everybody knows hlml 1 passed homeward Monday morn. Ti"6 wren n vibu ur ine XJIU'sort City. While In Newport T 1 ror. iiorner delivered his lllus CALVES WANTED CITATION I am in the market to pur chase 200 head of calves, and am prepared to pay the highest market price for them. See or write, A. J. Dickson, Toledo, Oregon. FOR SALE In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln In the matlor of the Estate of Henry Korpl, deceased, Citation To John Kenttn, administrator of the Estate of Henry Korpl, deceased, and John Korpl; GREETING; In the Name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear In the County Court of the TT , ,., State of Oregon, for , the County of Team, Harness and Wagon. (Lincoln, at the Court room thereof. Call at this Office for PartiCU- at Toledo in the County of Lincoln, at Im-g. 10 A. M. on the 4th day of February litis, in tne aoove entitled court, then and there to show cause if any exist why an brder and uecree made anil entered on the 14th day of November Ijl914, settling and allowing the final Account of the administrator of the '.oHrtva on 1 it 1 a A oalota aimiilfl am. vacated, and set aside. Witness, the Hon. It. It. Miller JudBe of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of-Lincoln with the seal of said Court affixed, this 28th day of December 1917. R. H. Howell. Date of first publication December 28, 1917. B. F. Jones, Petitioner, Address, Newport, Oregon. DULL AND SHARP SHOOTING PAINS Michigan Lady Suffered Such Paint In Back and Head, But Says Cardui Stopped These Bad Spells. Palmyra, Mich. Mrs. Chat. T. Ful ler, of tbls place, writes: "In 1911 I cot run-down, and I suffered great pain... with both dull and sharp shooting pains... alBo back and head. I was weak and could only drag around, and should have been in bed, for I really wasn't able to be up. At times I would have spells that would be so bad I'd have to go to bed, and suffered Intensely... I decided to try Cardui, and saw a great Improvement in less than a month's time. I nsed 7 or 8 bottles and was stronger... I got so ranch better that my strength returned and my work was easy for me. Cardui did me a world of good. It built me up In health and strength. I haven't had one of those bad spells since. I haven't had to take any more medicine since or have any doctors either and have been able to do my work right along ...I recommend It to other women highly as the best medicine I know of for women who suffer from female trouble." If you suffer from female troubles, follow this advice. Get a bottle of Cardui today and give it a thorough trial. It should help you, as it has helped thousands of other women in the past 40 ears. At all druggists. EB-14 LOGS WANTED We are in the market for saw logs, and will pay $6 per thousand for same. Hawkins Bros., Elk City, Or. FOR SALE One full blood Bui:, Milking strain Durham, 1 year old In February. A.Martinson, Tidewater, Oregon. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Services wiH be held at the building first door north of City Hall, Sunday at 11 o'clock. Subject lesbon sermon. God. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. All are cordially Invited. FRESH COWS FOR SALE Lambert Nelson, Pioneer Oregon. R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Toledo, Oregon Office in Ofstedahl Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 at.d 7 to S p. m. Emergency calls a. any time. Phone, 1005 FOR SALE Two month old ChesterWhite pigs. Phone or write, A. G. Jones, Toledo, Or. Launch Transit Leaves Elk City, 7:30 a. n. Toledo, 9 a. m. Returning;, leaves Newport 2:30 p. m.; To ledo 4:30 p.m. Every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. t rated lecture on the Holy Land in the Presbyterian Church. It is reported that the large audi ence was delighted with the Pro fessor's entertainment. He may be persuaded to extend a similar favor to Toledo. One of the worst rain and wind storms that ever hit Toledo and the Yaquina Bay country prevailed Wednesday night and yesterday. While no great dam. age resulted, it wasn't a bit fun- E. M. Fraizer. tlie Orton mei- chant was in the city Saturday, departing on the morning train. Do you write it '17 or '18? Tom McNally was over from the Agency on business yester day. Mrs. Bert Morrison of Lower Siletz was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ball in this- city last Friday. Mrs. R. A. Bensell and sister were up from Newport Wednesday,- visiting with Mrs. A. T. Pe terson. Chas. Samuels departed Sat urday morning for his home in Canada, after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Currey. Misses Vivian and Doris Spicer arrived down from Portland Monday evening for a visit with their aunt, Mrs. P. Frederick. Miss Mariam Inglis returned from Gresham Saturday evening at which place she spent the hol idays with her uncle and family. Steve Kobielski returned to Portland Saturday, after a few day3 visit with his parents on the Siletz. Steve has a good Job in Portland. Miss Ida Olson after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Olson, re turned to her duties as school teacher In Portland. Andrew and Gust Jacobson ar rived down from the state of Washington the first of the week for a visit with their brother, Ja cob Jacobson, at Pioneer. J. D. Barber cume over from Salem Saturday evening to look after property interests and vis it with his daughter, Mrs. Ogles- bee, and family on Mill Creek. He returned to Salem Tuesday. Victoria Kobielski returned Saturday from Lower Siletz, where she spent the holidays with her parents. Miss Victoria is attending high school here this winter, staying with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson were down from Chitwood last Friday. Mr. Jacobson getting some legal advice regarding his questionnaire wniio in tne city. Mr. Jacobson called In and sub scribed for the Leader while in LEADER .1. .41 ,;'f i Makes Clubbing Arrangement With The Oregon Farmer Offers Unusual Opportunity to Its Readers A V MONG our large circle of readers there are a great many who are in tercsted directly or indirectly in fruit growing, dairying and other branches of farmine. All of thesa naturally wish to keep in close touch with ag ricultural activities throughout the state; find to know about any fight which is being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agricultural interests of this state. We have, therefore, made a special dubbins arrangement with THE OREGON FAR MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, who is one of bur regular subscribers and who is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination with this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone. This offer applies to aO those who renew or extend their subscriptions as well as to all new Bubscribers. If you are interested di rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual op port unity, bat send your order in now. THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests of Oregon. It has a big organization gath ering the news of Importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and poultrymen! and it has the backbone to at tack wrongful methods and combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaden and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers will congratulate us on ear being able to make this splendid and at tractive dubbing offer. 208 PAPERS FOR ONLY $1.50; TWO FOR PRICE OF ONE. The LEADER every week for one year and THE OREGON FARMER every week for Three Years, all for only $1.50. This Is merely the price of the LEADER alone. the pity,