FRIDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1918. Joseph Strletlmatter was in the city New Year's day. R. L. McFarland was a passen ger, up the line Tuesday. Earnest Dixon was down from Elk City Tuesday evening. A. L. Jacobson returned to Portland Tuesday morning. J. J. Gatens of Beaver Creek was In the City yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lane were over from the Siletz yesterday. Con Christiansen returned last evening from a trip to Codvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wade went to Newport Wednesday evening. Robert Reginald DePoe of Si letz is in the city today on. busi ness. Tom McClaughry was a Val leyward passenger Tuesday morning. I. J. Pepin was down from Chitwood on business Tuesday evening. G. G. Stevens was the first subscription paid tf the Leader in 1918. Raymond-Stewart returned Monday evening from a trip to Portland. County Commissioner W. F. Wakefield arrived down from Eddyvilla Monday evening. Mrs. John Davis of Summit visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spooner. Mlsa Margaret Hart returned from Albany Tuesday evening where she spent the Holidays. B. F. Grant of Harlan was in the city yesterday, having busi ness before the county court. Mrs. Ida Garrett arrived Tues day evening for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hurley. - Miss Taylor of Siletz returned to O. A. C. Tuesday morning, af ter spending the holidays at home. Capt. Jim Trowbridge brought another crowd down from Elk City to the New Year's Eve dance. Ivan Merrcll arrived down from Hillsboro Wednesday even ing for a visit with former Tole do friends. P. H. Elting was over from Orton on business Monday and incidentally took In the New Year's Dance. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schafer returned Tuesday evening from Independence where they spent Christmas. Anstruther Scarth returned from Big Elk Tuesday, where he spent the Christmas vacation with his parents. Mr. and" Mrs. Warren Hall and children returned to Siletz Tues day after spending the holidays with relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Stevens re turned Tuesday evening, from a visit at Monmouth, Corvallis, Eugene and other Valley points. Mrs. J. W. Graham and chil dren returned Monday evening from Kings Valley, where they Bpent the holidays with relatives. Ole Osness has resigned his position as janitor at the High School building, and J. L. Wright has been appointed to succeed him. Miss Hessle Sullwell returned to her home at Independence Tuesday morning after a visit with Miss Lillian Dickson in this city. H. G. Rhoades was over from Beaver Crook on bunines-.t Wed nesday. He called in and paid up for another year's Leader while iu town. John Rowe returned to Gaston yesterday morning whej he ia attending Laurelwood Academy, lie spent the Holidays here with the home folks. The Eddy place at Eddyville was purchased this week by Fin ley S. Sniithey, recently of Cal ifornia. Mr. Smithey formerly lived in this county, having prov ed up on a homestead near Nor tons. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Porter of Notions were Toledo visitors Tuesday evening. Mrs. Porter Is administratrix of the Eddy es tate, and looked after business connected with the estate w hile in town. C. W. Brown was down from Salado Wednesday, and called in and left an order for stationery. Mr. Brown says that his sons, Asa and Ray are with Co. B., Cth Battallion, and are stationed at the American University, Wash ington, D. C. His son Everett is still at Vancouver, having been qturautlactl there. Chas. E. Sheffield is un from Newport today. Roy Swavze returned to Port land this morning. J. B. Miller went to Newnnrt Wednesday evening. Postmaster Hamar In nn from the Resort City today. Miss Annie Hawkins went to Newport last evening. Albert Silota of Taft was a Toledo visitor yesterday. Mrs. Hugh Murray, who has been quite sick, is reported bet ter. J. H. Sugg, the Wipant mer chant, had business In the city yesterday. G. T. Smith, the Chitwood merchant, had-imslness in the city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Goin return ed last evening from a two weeks' visit at Portland. Ole Osness went to Pnrflaml this morning where he mav tro to work in the shipyards. Peter Taneen returned vpster day Riornine to Honuiam Wash where he has a good job in a sawmill. Port Commissioners Ball. Pe- ' - , oc i4iini auu terson, Wade and Parrish were ; school house. passengers ior Newport Wednes day evening. Clarence Alt rep. and buildin'g a bridge this week across the slide on the Toledo- Siletz road. Leland Wrleht of PooIp Slouch went to Albanv this mnminf where he is working on an S. P. linage crew. County Commissioner O V Hurt of Waldport is in the city this week attending Commis sioners' Court. R. W. Stow came over from the Valley Monday evening. Leo Shea of Siletz returned from Portland Monday evening. Alec Catfish was over from the Agency on business Wednes day. t Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Chalcraft and daughter returned Monday evening from a trip to Seattle. Joe Welter returned to Coch ran TiiPRfiav nornlnc whprp hp has a good job in a logging camp. Henrv f!nmnhell was n d.trsph- ger for Portland Tuesday morn ing wnere ne expects to enust in the Spruce division. Miss Whitney of the Newport schools was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Schwartz In this city the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B.' Slocum of Siletz returned yesterday from Elk Citv wherp thpv snpnt New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Perry. The Sunny Ridge school, But lpr district received a fine nrean last Saturday. The money for as I fully believe it is the final the purchase of this organ was (Solution to the milking problem, raised by the patrons of the dis- 'See advertisements in your farm trlct through entertainments, ! papers i.'inoimei.ii; the NEW etc. Messrs. Oglesbee, Thomas, tiINMAN,. then call on or write and others came and got the in- inie. I will be more than pleased strument and took it over to the to show vou my own plant. Let me prove to you that if you milk s cows or more you cannot af ford to be without the HINMAN. Very trullv yours, F. B. Davis, Yaquina, Ore. GRAVELY5 Chewing Plug Whae yaa ahaw Crawly ou arc Battar 8atlflaa. A Lima Chan la Enauahji and H Laita Loni While. Tha Good Gravely Taata lasts, tod. A lOo. pouch is PROor or it I i 1 'A W IT : ' - m- J PIPE HIS EXPRESSION! UP L THINKS HE IS HAPPY WITH THAT BIG CUD OF HIS -BUT YOU'VE GOT IT ALL OVER HIM. YOU CAN READ MY! BILLBOARD AND CHEW f GRAVELY! , ' , u f i n i i.iiii 1 i ' ' H.-j IQOii HlRTHIi PROTECTION SEAL-IT 18 NOT REAL GRAVELY WITHOUT THIS SEAL Subscriptions to the Leader received this week are: John E. Tnnlmnn PhlfumriH Or W week j Beck, Toledo, Or.; A. Hurley, ioiedo, Or.; H. a. Porter, Nor toiis, Or.; G. G. Stevens. Toledo, Or.; L. F. Robbins, Eddyville, Or.: H. G. Rhoades Ona. Or.: Thomas Thomas, Roseburg, Or.; Alex Catfish, Siletz, Or.; C. W. Brown, Salado, Or.; R. L. Church, Otis, Or.; Wm. W. Bones, Taft, Or.; Agnes Craw ford, Nortons, Or.; A. L. Steph- Taft, Or. ELECTRICITY FOR THE FARM IJOUntV SUDt. and lira H P I ' Goin and son. Eugene, returned 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Schwartz last evening from a visit with entertained last Saturday even Messrs. Guy Lewis. J. R. Coo- vert, H. G. Rhoades and S. C. Ohmart were In the "Htv frnm Beaver Creek Wednesday. Billy Southwell and son, Clyde were down from Rock Creek last evening. The latter filled out his questionnaire while here. Miss Virginia Altree departed this morning for Montesano. These are long, dark nights and Rhoi t days. A big share of the farmer's work is done by ar tificial ligl.t. Why carry a sniokey lantern from place to place as you work. Why read or write by the light of a coal oil lamp, when you can have ci rrrnA i iot ito ing at cards. Twelve couple . ' mv n ' e:' were present and spent a pleas-, Wn , ,f ,...,,,,. ant evening at whist. At mid-1 , )Z tuU t nisht a delicious luncheon was '' j .t t. v. iilh yi.ui can nave llluikii; served, after which cigars were t iru-rc; Jri-,'"v r.. " This is what a WESTERN IJiize winners wtre lieri ueer FIEICTDT FAPM I irt-ITlMr and Mrs Uth Vvo flrcts nnH EHy'"' hARM LIGHTING fca uu ' t w iiiuioi uuu R S. Van Cleve and Mrs. Rose mary Schenck, boobies. The house was beautifully decorated with streamers of colored paper Washing et, ,.,ni ' .and bunches of mistletoe. Mr. with herTunVand Tschool. and Schwartz had planned . on a watch party for Monday Mrs. Day has rented her place, levelling, but changed their plans four and a half miles northeast on account of the dance being of town, to Mr. Pickens, who given that evening. fnrmprlv llvul r V. r 1. . v.u...v , . iiii lur I I II 111 II H I ' i - - place. One Red Cross manager is Turn a switch and electricity A niarriaee license was iSRe,i '1"8 .n,aLreP?rt ,fo ows a"?. 7LnBAh.e cl?thes- vMtPrdav m it,i iit.iiim i insirucuons receivea irom i " swucu ana me cnurn yesterday to Harold McMilUn c,at- hpn,imi0ptor. n iiaf hie is dnne both rSdI nt tf?ZUe7t ina,U9 of a wh0 did not and I Turn a BWltch and the carPet3 Dotn residents of the north end LV(1 h rpnsnna .nH c, lari rlenned withmn E,i,.ri,J the reasons given are "out of ja particle of dust. . 1..,, .. TllMn ...!. 1. .t .1. uiiv no uecu iu ne .oi u owiicii aim me crearn PLANT on your place will mean to you : No dark nights. No gas to explode. No lamps to fill. No matches to burn. No smoky chimneys to clean. No pressure tanks to blow up. No water to carry. Turn a switch anywhere, day or night, get a flood of light. of the county. MiSS Delnhia Parrish returned to Portland Tuesday morning, Have Pacific Plumbing Fixtures installed in your new home. PACIFIC bath tubs, lavatories, sinks and closets are of graceful lines, beautiful easy to clean designs and substantial appear' ance. They are made of Vitreous China and Porce lain Enameled Iron Ware, therefore have a high glazed pure white surface, which with reasonable care will last forever. Although PACIFIC Plumbing Fixtures are of superior quality, they cost no more than any other reputable brand, and are guaranteed forever against any defects in workmanship or, materials. Before you build or rcmadel, write for a copy of The Book of Bathrooms'. It is a 56 page book brim full of ideas. Free on request of PLUMBING FIXTURES For Sale by ail Plumbers Main Offices, 67 New Montgomery St, San Francisco PORTLAND AND LOS ANGELES Factories. Richmond and San Pablo, California 4 SHERIFF'S 8ALE The Electric Sep- In the Circuit Court of the State ot i the circuit Cr .u. e. . npi fprf Ip.K whilo onn fnr h. rn,.u i ,n J" circuit Court of the State of attending high school Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wad worth returned to Portia nri vpk. teraay morning after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. JaniPB T Gaither in this city. J. II. Hawkins ths Elk ritv sawmlllman was In the city Monday evening. He called in and left an order for job print ing. monev 3 ernwn hnva In th Ms separated micie sue is siavine wnn npr ianuiy. couiu una worn anvtunp" iraior 00es a nertorr in j whip, oreoon for the Count of Lincoln sister, Mrs. Chas. Bradeson, and "Gave to the drive in June, J101' do something else. Western state Uauk, a corporation Dttonrltncr Vlcrh .V,1 ,Vilr.1, .!,. I. u.t m,....i i I T.... n I i Plulntlff. intiina iuai is euuugu uuiu ''" oniun aim your iron- ltlA tf inirt rfY lnt.rrA nnll.. fnir ta ftmiA In tinlf V II..,. ... : " 8- J"" i"' i'65 laiiuijr o "v i" an me Uijie mi Eimer Patrick and Ethel Walrad Tut njciievuy excuBame wants to i" citnuic iron mat stays not rick, ins wire, Dofendnms. " know where the money goes to" .and clean. I Notice of Sale . The management Is fnrpwnrd-1 Turn a switch and th RW.1 ?y virtue of an exoruiior ing all such reports to Head- trie Motor ruiu any small ma . . . . . . . . 1. 1 . quarters togetner witn the mine you nave. names of all who do not join What is vour pxniRp? Will I ? i . ,. . . . . iu'.uv we in u afK Btui vh p-iarm. - ... ..... : . . . " nui when it Is pent in? Will It look ' Don't even turn a switch. s tiwroon m iim r..w. i m ..or i ..- "'H- wlt" '"tTt thoreon nt t;. Aulouiatio Water Svstrui """ '-" ay of n...--1 7,,, LR' r"'" tl" ves you t.l.Mitv of runnlm. wn. ."'r A: 1,1,7 . fl",h,'r "f 'u furth.'r nf lir, 7 . . . ' " r. i nl 1 n rn ii V fiu.u utwl j-.uiu - . V """'"vj n ivvt mi. mid !ihI of tl.lH writ . .I... ., , " '. man com i Oregon for the Countv af l Jay W. Dunn, I'laintlff. vs. Molinda J. Plummer and Homer S jAiruaniels and Klta McDanlels, his wife. Defendants. I It-.! . n i d. I nv.l Of oalB order of sale Usuod out of the il-w j;Xh S,ut m i"' entitled Court In tli hIiiivp enllll...) ..... i T'T.. l0. '.8HU out of ""V0 uc - - ,7' om-w. nun iu nits uiit-ticn nuu u.nru inu IHI. ,,ti In nm Hlt.w..,,i i . 7 in Turn a cwltr-h on,l vm dav of January A. I). liix l f,.v,,r tt ' ...... M.' ?10 "cU'd and dated the 2nd. ile-iarm. f(ir ,., ,, ,,, ,,.,., ,vo nnmrd I).findaius for the m of tho fiini 'the Geo. McCaulou Is acti.ig as mill wright for the Pioneer Lum ber Company. They now have their mill practically completed, jand will. begin sawing lor coni ;inercial lmnioses nt miff. TIipv ihave been sawinc maiPrlnl f ,n-, n l'0." .pnfinuinir ih ...m ol the Ked Cross. ine eu i ross ior uncolu county has In hands now $717.ii5 and Newport, Waldport, Ya quina, Yacbats, Pioneer, Chit wood, laft, Nashville and Lut- well when It Is coupled wilh tin property you own. the income you have if you are on a salary? .fr anywhere on the place, house n. ZFcti7:T ZV coin county will bo listed and r( poned to Stat1 Headquarters to F.vihei' with all available inform ation unless you are a member TO THE FARMERS OF LINCOLN COUNTY I wish to announce that I nni On tilntanl a. ,11. ..... ll I I ' " Mrur)CU Willi II IV nilX- gens have not been heard from.jMAN MILKING MACHINE that I Elk City, Denzer and Harlan .want you to know what It Is do- n Q m 1t n fin nnlti . i I a . f it . . mouc um; 4iaiL ui uiuir re- ing ior me and thousands of olh-Vrt8- ers In this country. or Liarn For further lufonnation h phono or write to Western I"! Ilk- Company. Incoi'iiorrHi i' .Marlon St., Seattle. OU , F. E. DAVIS,, ! YaqmYa. die. I SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the St.-.te Oregon for Lincoln County I Solomon Toliin, I'laintlff, VS. I ' Ma Tcliln, I( fendunt. To Idu fendnnl: e- S of llill'I'lllIK me tl) Hi'll the Inll.m iiiu tl. i .rll.ed leul nruui'i'ly' ,i-"!ii Couuly, Cretin dh follow a li I A'l or Lot No. (101 Ten In l'.l.ii U N.i. S1a'',o (tin in f.iM. ,t lla.l.y'H 'Srer.nd Att'lltlnn tn the Cllv o! New ;iion, l.liuoln Ciiuiity, OreKim. iim the uii.f iK (.tatted mid recdnleil In the (.'erh'M olllee In Hiiid I'oiiiity ami Sl.ite. I N')V, Tl'.KHKFOUi: ill i oinilliin o Willi tho llt.nint.iltt of K.thl pliii'iitlnn .1... rree mid order of sale I will on Satur day the 2nd. dav of February A. 1). 1918 at 1 oVtoik 1'. M. nt the front door of the County Court Homo in k writ romniundliiK n.o to sell tli ii.iiiiu. nir iiiu... ...... -...!.. III w.H In I. toe. .In f'.. ....... . jliiwa, ti.Hlt: .. I IVKinuliiic 27.176 chains norlii zi acKreeu 27 nilniite east 'f tl:o V, Hoctlou corner lietween iieit'on four (1) unj five (") Township eleven koiiLIi, ranmi eleven went of the Wll iamctto Meridian, Lincoln County, Ore gon thrnro hH decreed Da iiiIiiiiIch weHt 40.02 chains, thenco north, vnrlutloii 21 decrees 27 iiilniiteH eunt 12.258 chain. i iiiwiiHiiip nne thence cast on townnhlp lino variation 21 decreed ni nuica I'HHt 411 rln.ii.u .1, .... Viirliition 21 deicreeg 27 minutes cam Cliains lo nt I. ..!.. ..I.,.. tllf Mrs. Ralph Slurdevant arrived ' h Li""1!., n,!ik,,n , V down from Monttsaiio, Wash Innton. the first of the mother in law" lowlng reasons: "?l Mil?' 1. ttmnllclty-There beinu Ington. the first a visit with her Mrs. Ina Slurdevant, in this city. She returned homn i thl accompanied by the cider Mrs. aiuruevant. rne latter will make her home with her daughter in law. O. M. Plummer of Portland was 1 the cltv Wednrailuv nnd called. Mr. Plummer is a re publican candidate for State .Treasurer, and says that he is qualified for the ioh. I In an. dressed the students of the Hif 1. Schoolin the afternoon on the Bllblect of food fnnservntlnn and appeared before tho Court wun regaru to tne appointing of an aericulturlrit. lln wpnt tn Newpprt on the evening train. ta. 111 A in.... ... .i. . . . fMtv nt IV.laflo t Inrwiln rminlu I If... luiini, iiih uoove named Uo- - ' , ' ' clia ns to ulaco of beclnnln ;K'in. Kcll to the IiIkIicmI bidder for cash, I ,... . ul ' S'linni In h. w.-. . ..... 'all thn rlitht tlllo nn.l lulerem of Hi.. ' . " .. rf lvu re" olu 1 H'h. - . nun or uregon, i , ------ ----- ,er r. niciiantels and Etta MeDor ,. ,you are hereby required to appear and ; above named Defendants In the above out of Ul0 northwe8t corner o ' ' answer tho complaint filed mtnlnst you named alon. in the above dem rit.eil ubov dem rlW tra. t in tho above entitled Court and cause ;PruP"y to .atlsfy said rxectit on de-, N(JW on or neiore inn mi mi nn .if ,i, i'i anu oiuer in huiu, iniereni corns .i,.. ,, . . . . - ui nmu rxecuuon d' free and order of sale I will on Sutu T,?,ya 11,0 .2nd- dB)r of ''euruary A. litis at 1 o'clock P. M. at the fro ....or oi me county Court Hoiiso. hi t 110 COIlinlicated. dollrntn mprh aillHniH tn rnl nnf nt rtrlor 2. lx)W Cost First cost !d1lv"r,e' ,ha' Plnlntlff be awnrdod much less than other standard WdISlf machines. Upkeep COSt BO small and sons of thu plaintiff and defendant, that it. Is practically nothing. n1 u:h other relief as to tho 3. Ease of Operation r',r: Hrem JUHt tt''" citable, mechanic needed; any person ,vTk! "!rrc.d.."po".'l!u weeks suecesHlvn ii.iMi,.iin t i.i. aud accruing cohIs. summons, and If you fall to so answer I Bert Geer' B,,prirf, os appear, plnlntirf will apply to tho ' I'ln,ln 'oty. OreRiui. Court for the relief demunded In the Dato ot F,r"t ''"''"fatlon Jan. 4. lis. complaint, which Is for a decreo nf l'ut0 ot ,J,l,t J'ubllcatlon, Feb. 1, l'JIS. consecutive weeks In the Lincoln County Lender a weekly newspaper published in tho Cnunlv nf I.iiic.1.. OreKim, by order of lion. It. It. Miller can easily understand and opcr i 4 1 . .a a . 1 ate. i myseu installed and start ed my machine without anv as bifUailCP No pxiiphrIvp nm tiuI ." 0,',, r . It. Miller uZ'r. PXl,ei'S've man and t'0nty Ju,iKe of ij1u.o1ii culitv, ore travelling expenses to pay in in-on. duted November 20th. ti7, pro stalling, serlblnn publication thereof Iu said pa 4. Ease of Cleaninir An oor for t'"'". easy to clean and keep clean bh ' . L Copr. Attorney for plaintiff. . 1 I A fill rPMU W'il f'ln.n.t.,.11 rt a im.K pan or a separator. llull;lln- ;,,;; j - t .L, I,.8??' th.e, AH n r,"l( "f ""t ' "Hon Nov. 80. 1017. Lincoln County for the HINMAN Jouto ot u-m Putihati,.,, j 4 n . i j , Jiiis. WAUGH'S MARKET FRESH AND CURED MEATS FISH AND OYSTERS IN SEASON Highest Price Tald for Hides LESTER WAUCH, Prop. l.liy r 7oled.l. Lincoln ,s Ron, .en to Uie blithest bidder for cut all the rlirht I It In n..rf i-. ......... ... .. HlutVI. h.mnil t... . . . ie..-iiuiuiis in tne abov 'named action, In the above described H'i'irijr 10 sausry said execution do creo and order nf sale, Interest cosu and accruliiK costs. Bert Oeer, Sheriff, m Lincoln County. Oremm Hato of Klrst lulill, .iinn a Hato of Ist Publication, Feb. 1, 1318 o TO LOAN State School Pi inria tn inn. at C per ctut interest on Improv .' cu ngiicuuurai tana. Sara Crahr, Toledo, Oregon