PAGE. TWO LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER. FRIDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1918. Xfor xmas, birthday ano wedding presents we have t A good assortment of uaeful articles for Gifts for all. Following are a few suggestions for those who buy for relatives and friends at home nd In the trenches: . Ever-Ready Flash Lights; Hot Point Electric Appliances, Toaoters, Stoves, Red-Lite Heaters, Irons, Ovenettes, El-Comfo Pads, Etc. ;Ma hogany Nut Bowls; Nut Picks and Sets; Casseroles; Guernsey-ware; Pyrex Transparent Oven-ware; Electric Stand Lamps; Manicuring Sets; Aluminum Percolators; Universal Vacuum Lunch Palls; Daiey Glass Churrs; For the Boys and Girls Express and Coaster Wagons; Jack Knives; Air Rifles; Watches; Purses; Razors, Razor 8trops and Hones; Shaving Brushes; Mugs; Safety Razors; Child's Tea Sets. We also carry the usual line of Aluminum Cooking Utensils; Aerolite Qulcklite Lamps nd Lanterns; Guns; Ammunition; Stoves and Ranges; Electric Light Globes and Fixtures; ROGERS 1847 SILVERWARE. PETERSON HARDWARE CO. t i t mm WE WISH TO THANK ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THF.IR PATRONAGE DURING THE LAST YEAR AND WE EXTEND TO EACH AND EVERY ONE, A Happy and Prosperous New Year FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT, WE ARE OFFERING A 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES EXCEPT THE KEARN, CUTTER AND BERGMAN MAKES YOURS TO PLEASE W. P. flcGEE X ANDREWS BUILDING TOLEDO, OREGON J LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER F. N. HAYDEN, Publisher OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Entered at Toledo. Oregon postofflce, Established Twenty-Four Years Ago, SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One Year, in advanco..,. (1.50 Six Months, in advance........ .75 Three Months, in advance 50 Phone 7003 SIXTY COUPLE ENJOY NEW YEAR DANCE Sixty numb2rs were sold at the dance given by the Civic Im provement Club last Monday evening, for the benefit of the Red Cross. A number were here ! ! from the Siletz country, and the ;; Transit brought a crowd from .Elk City. The sum of $27.50 I ! was cleared after all expenses 1 1 were paid the money being turn- eu over to me rteu iruss. The White Corner Store START THE YEAR RIGHT BY USING "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE I HAVE A FEW SPECIALS THIS WEEK THAT ARE MONEY SAVERS CALL AND SEE PHONE 9C35 TOLEDO, OREGON R. S. VAN CLEVE night so will have to try my luck as I see some pretty fine looking girls up there.. I am writing in the Y. M. C. A. and Church is just about to com mence so will stop for this time, hoping all of you a merry Xmas and a Happy New Years, I close, Your brotker, Cannon. My address, E. F. Altree, Clinute Field, Rantoul, 111.; Sqd. Mo. 152. Tell everyone Hello and to write! see? Cannon. JOIN THE COLORS ,1160x1 that blossomed Into the assas sination of the Duke and his wife and all hell smiled when it saw how. 'clever ly you saddled the crime on to Servla. I saw you set sails tor the fjords' of Norway and I knew you would prove an alibi. How cleverly done, so much like your noble grandfather who also secured an assassin to. remove old King Fredrick of Denmark, and later robbed that country of two provinces that gave Germany un opportunity to become a naval power. Murder Is dirty work, but it takes a Hohenzollern to make a way and get by. ,' Your opportunity was at hand; you set the world on' fire and bells of hell were ringing; your rape on Belgium caused much joy. It was the beginning bf the foundation of a perfect hell on 8UMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN" In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for 'Lincoln County Endre S. Oakland, Plaintiff. VS. Elmer 13. Dyer, also known as E. E.. Dyer, and Mrs. Elmer E. Dyer, Defen dant. To Elmer E. Dyer, also known as E. E. Dyer and Mrs. Elmer E. Dyer, the. above named defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that Endre S. Oakland is the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 123 Issued on the 16th duy of August 1918, by the Tax Collector of the County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, for the amount of' Ten & 6-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes the year 1913 together with penalty, liferent and costs thereon up on the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears, of record, situated In said County and State, and particularly liounded and described as follows, Beglnnlng at the corners of sections 8, 9, 18 aud 17 township 13 south of earth: the destruction of noble cathed- LieUtenant J. I. Simpson Of rla nd other Infinite works of art wan the Irish Fusiliers of Canada, is hailed with Joy in the infernal regions, now in Charge of the British and you made war on friends and foe alike Canadian Recruiting Office, and the murder of civilians showed rnnen II w-PKt nf rim Willamette M,rlrt, Third and Oak Streets, Port-)my teachings had borne fruit. Your lan, Lincoln County, Oregon, running 1 3 - A J T TTT r L 1 1 .1. .1. ... J .. .- . . 1 uuiu, captain J. w. warier nav- (treachery toward neutral nations hast ing, returned to auty in Canada. Uned a universal upheaval, the thing Lieutenant SimpSOlV Wants all I moBt desired. Your undent wnr. British and Canadian Subjects fare was a master stroke, from the to know that they Can Still en- .smallest mackerel pot to the great Lus- list as volunteers, but that the time is not far distant when this privilege will be withdrawn and they will be conscripted. All British and Canadian Subjects are therefore urged to call on or communicate with him at Tils of ftc e at the Corner of Third and Oak Streets, Portland. He particularly wants English men to join English Regiments, Scotchmen to Join Scotch Regi ments. Irishmen to join Irish Regiments, Welchmen to join Welsh Regiments, and Canad ians to join the Canadian Ex peditionary Force, but volun- A REAL SOLDIER ENDORSES WORK OF THE RED CROSS A letter received by George Schenck, from a former Toledo ite, W. W. Soule, now Sergeant, G. S. I., Army Recruiting Station Nortons, Kansas, contains the following: "I find enclosed the poster got out by Mr. F. N. Hayden and I think you have cause to be proud of your soldier boys from Lin coln county and the grand good work the Red Cross is doing. I as an old "Timer" know how to appreciate the work of the Red Cross. I personally know of the great work they are doing. The names on trie roster you en- teers have the choice of joining. Gentiles lived cioseu wiiu your letter uroutui .oiihor nrmv i i i ! i . a i 1 - " uacit a iiuuu oi memories to me Borne of those boys I never can forget Vinton Jones, Frank Wade, Donald Stewart, Frank Nye, Ben Horning, Oca Hoeflein, J A LETTER TO THE KAISER itnnia, you show no favorites; for you have no mercy; you have no considera tion for the "babe clinging to its moth er's breast, as they go down Into the deep together, only to be torn apart and leisurely devbured by sharks down among the corals. I have strolled over the battlefields of Belgium and France. ' I have- seen your hand of destruction everywhere, its all your work, superfiend that I made you., I have seen the fields of Poland now a wilderness fit for prowl ing beasts only; no merry children In Poland now; they all succumbed to frost and starvation I drifted down In to Gallcia where formerly Jews and happily together; I found but ruins and ashes, I felt a cur ious pride in my pupil, for it was all above my expectation. I waB In Bel- thence south 31 degrees west along the County liond to tha shore of Alsea Bay, thence north 45 decrees west along tlie shore of Alsta Cay to the meander post on the section lino be tween section 17 and IS township and rane ns ubove, thence along the iiaid section line to the place of beginning, all in lot 2, section 17, township 13 south of ruiiKtj 11 west of the Wil'am etle Meridian, containing 1) acres, more or Iofs. You aro further notified that said Endre S. Oakland has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years with the rate of interest on said anion. : s us follows: Yr'sTnx DatePd. ftec. No. Amt. R. Int. J!li ii Aug. ,iC lSlCi i:i; 7.72M5" iffi'f, n Aug. Ti:i9iC32i2iTr7T3s;re '1916 i Mar.!;10!l917j' 6111 114.31 ''1'6 Water' Front Meat Market J J. L. Demitt, Prop. i.-. Fresh tnd Cmed. Meats. Toledo Creamery Butter I buy all my Beef, Mutton and Pork from the local ranchers, and I pay the highest market price delivered at my shop. I pay the highest market price for hldos and pelts. WATER FRONT, TOLEDO, OREGON L INCOLN C B OUNTY DANK I (iNCOItroiUTED) TOLEDO, - OREGON ..- DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS : . DIRECTORS U. E. HAWKINS VVM. SCAiliU C. O. HAWKINS? Interest on Time Deposits Marion Sturdevant, Newt Cen-i ter, Clarence Ofstedahl, Han Wygant and Willard Carson, glum when you drove the peaceful pop- Lous Syberkop of Creston, Iowa ulatlon before you like cattle Into bas won much fame In recent weeks slavery; you separated man and wife Suid Klmer E. Dyer (or E. E. Dyer) and .Mrs. Elmer E. Dyer, ub the owner of the lcral title of the abeve describ ed property as the same appears of record, imd each of the other persons aboved named are hereby further no tified that Endre S. Oakland will apply to the Circuit Court of the County anil State nfi.rcBald for a degree foreclos ing the lien axainst the property above described, and mentioned in said cer tificate. And you are hereby summon ed to appear witliln Sixty days after the first publication of this summon, exclcusive of the duy of said first pub lication, aim aeieud tills action or pay the amount due as above shown, to- ici, .aicnve wioicuam, nium ,rul.l !,,.... t,.- . v.i ' tr.ho. 1 .. .,.! I fl lillCIUli UBTO bVUlQ iW lallU , wuv,,o. A naif Dccu MIC IIIUOl AlCliU' !!'"C" LhE a Roosevelt, and the people of every and those who were forced Into mater- Jt. v.D u.o tome, ut men ,na ,., K . ,.. .,. .,.. I state In the union and in Canada have finrl urhnnovAr vnu coo tha fatlv ers and the mothers of these toS ,cople8 ot Mr" s''be'kop'' ' young men, give them greeting from me, for the sake of ' auld lang syiie." " 'WITH THE COLORS" Dec. 22, 1917, Chjnute Field, Riantoul, 111. Dear Brother: Well, Larry, will try to write you a few lines and tell you about Army Life, etc. This is Sunday and I was tucky enough to get out of work as we each have to take our turn working in the kitchen. Squadions 153,-152 left left Kelly Field just one week ago to day. George Parrish was in the 157tlf and it went to Ohio some where, I Just don't know where so you see I and George got split up there; and he sure hated to leave me. When I joined 1 went in as an Electro want to Kelly Field to take my "trade test" and pass ed second class; they also tried tide. It Is THE INFERNAL REGIONS To W'llhelm von Hohenzollern, King ofspring and I began to doubt If my .the land and premises above named own inferno were really up-to-date ThU Hiimmons is published by order You have taken millions ot dollars ' 'norable It. It. Miller Judge from innocent victim, and called it In-' Jo,, XSLVfJ0 'of Prussia, Emperor of all Germany demnlty; you have lived fat on the 'said order was made and dated' this and Envoy Extraordlndry of Almighty , 'and you unsurped and sent the real'2''11 lay of November 1917 and the God: owner away from all legalized wanUBl ol 1118 Ilr81 publication of this "My Dear Wllhelm I can call you by that familiar name methods and Introduced a code of your JjJi'f. " "n """" uay 01 ovemoep own. You have killed and robbed the I All process and naoers in thin nr. for I have always been very close to people of friendly nations and destroy- 'ceedlngs may be served upon the un you, much closer than you could ever ed their property. You are a liar, a designed residing within the State of know. ; hypocrite and a bluffer of the highest , r, "1 """" me- From the time that you were yet an magnitude. You are a part of mine 'Attorney for Plaintiff Ariiiru. Tnio. undeveloped being in your mother's .and yet you pose as a personal friend do, Lincoln County, Oregon. womb I have shaped your destiny for of God. Ah, Wllhelm, you are a won- o toy own purpose. der. You wantonly destroy all things ! of FINAL SETTLEMENT In. the days of Rome I created a " your path, and leave nothing for , 'M U',1S hereby given that the un- roughneck known In history as Nero. lie was a vulgar character and suited my purpose at that particular time. In these modern days a classic demon and efficient super-criminal was need ed and as I know the Hohnzollern blood I picked you as my special in strument to place on earth an annex of hell. I gave you abnormal ambi tion, likewise an over supply of ego tism that you might not discover your own fallings. I twisted your mind to that of a mad man with a certain normal tendencies to carry you by, a coming generations. me on gasoline engines and they most dangerous character placed 1n found out I knew somethin: about one, so they sent nie here to school just what I wanlvl. We go to school for 8 hours a dav, for one month then v.o take lower. I gave you the power of a hyp notlst and a certain magnetic force that you might sway your people. 1 am responsible for the deformed arm that hutiRH helploss on your left, for deislKiitd. ad:nimi.trator de bonis non of tho mkIiiIu it r,.. t.. r. . I was amazed when I saw you form hns tiled In the Count v Court of Lin' a partnership with the Impossible coin County, Oregon, his linnl ai count Turk, the chronic killer of Christians a3.SUl':i a'l'ulnistrator of said estate, and you a devout worshipper In the : " , ,e ,I" aay or Keb- t m ...... . 1 i ai nie Hour oi iv a clock I confess, Wllhelm n the forenoon of said day has been Lutheran Church, you are a puzzle at times. A Moham medan army commanded by German officers, assisting one another In mas sacrelng Christians Is a new line of warfare. When a Prussian officer can witness a nude woman being disem boweled by a swarty Turk, committing a double murder with one rut of his saber, and calmly stand by and see a house full of Innocent Armenians lock ed up, the house saturated with oil and find, then my teachings did not stop with you but have been e.tended to the whole German nation. clock fixed by said Court as the time for hearing objections to s;iid report. Andrew Kent, Administrator de bonis non of the estate of John Bain, Deceased. 0 SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Lincoln County C. E. Sheffield, Plaintiff vs. C. J. Pillion; also all other persons or parties unknown clulmlng any right title, ctate. lien or Interest In tnj rcai ?;naie uescrlbed heroin, lilifS STlli and 1'oul a hatred of all tliincs Knulbh. fr ,Mruik the doom of damned souls since "', , t . "'i,, ,,,, ?eT COME IN AMD SEE OUR LINE OF CUT CLASS, JEWELL ft Y AND OTHER CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES .. WE GUARANTEE STRICTLY ALL WOOL' '' as the (.'urtis S-cylimlor, Jlonry Jsmtlmnit and pity; 1 placed In your ,'ver to yon fccott hieivcml I-cyliiHlcr Liberty U -cylinder. We lourn ,of all imthms on Kurth l hute Enqhuui ,'!ino brgnn is yours, to 8crai)i lii'Mrine-i. to fit crunk MOM: wherever Kncland uluuts h. r , with what I have done tifihafu and tha like. I sure was , Vliig she brings order out of ihno and SUITS MADE TO ORDER At the Same Old Price S15 COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND CENTS' " lURNISHINGS TOLEDO, OREGON Il.trtmltmfa To ( J. DiUiim; also all otlu'r tif.r. I confers my Satanic soul grew sick .,"in,, r p:iriics. unknown claiming uny destroys all noble Imptibr ' "d there and then I knew the P'p!l ' 1,1 lltl!- 'tate or Intcreht in .1... . 1 ..!..,... 1,1, r,, ,l,.l,l,. I . I,.,.. : l.ud lieililC. tlin lllimtpr nill ni tf ,l,i., , ' . ' '" !U " "'- illtl.l COtTl- me tints, iu t-irijf uiivc rami.,'"""'"' v,.,,t.,rL. - . - , .... Vv.v.v., uereiu; tlie above named I)o- thei'P Is Ull instructor. All OUT . hut your strong sword arm Is driven1"''111'"'. abdicate In your favor. ;iiil;intH. work is on ain.lniip ontincmjiich 'by your ambition' that S'liieli hes nlllTii0 Rrtflt key of hell will bo turned our examination and arc ( lav.-r.d. '"" crippled condition embitters your In the school there are four toi'ife and Tlie K.tval that has In tno Name of tho State of Oregon. ion and c:i'h of you ore summoned R. A. ARNOLD, ' m STOP ! AT AL'S CASH GROCERY AND LOOK OVER THAT FAMOUS DIAMOND W LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY CROCERIES OR PHONE YOUR WANTS AS THE DELIVERY GOES OUT EVERY DAY PHONE 2202. -r lucky to get toconie to this. school pa they took but oii'i from every three hundred men and I couldn't hardly believe it when they told me I was one of the lucky ones. They picked 300 men out of 40 thousand men Jiibt think. I sure am trying to make Rood. If we m3 we Ret X from $U0 to $150, it all depends J on the grading we get 1 sure u... .. u....,.n vvi i.iuin. In Kelly Held we had to sleep In tents and cots. We were about eight miles from San An tonio and I never got to town but once and that was the night m the hated Cross follows ttm 1-nlon Jack; under her rule the wild triben t am BBtlsfl.Ml -now i,n tile In :o ollice of County that HIV nh--f-'l"rk of Lincoln (Viunii- rirj,...n !. diction In your fnvor Is for the very !T ,'ef';,, the dutc of tho'lnst piibllca best interest of hell-in the future I ,'"," ' th."."'""' iU " 0r ... , neinro tlie 1st duy of February iiih am ut your majesty's serv ce. nml vnn ,.,,,1 ....i. .. .. ... v " . become tillers of the soil and In dne tlmo practical citizens; she Is the great clvillzer of the globe and I HATE HE ft. I planted In your soul a t-ruel hatred for your mother because he was English and left my good friend Dlsmark to fan the flame I had kindled.. Recent history proves how well our work was done. Affectionately and sincerely, Lucifer H. Satan. and you nml each of you are hereby notified that If you full to so appear and utuwer said cuiiiDlulni. - rr"r' for aul thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the above entitled i.uun lor me NOTICE TO BIDDERS we landiul there at eleven o'clock .than I had expected i plaintiffs complaint, namely; for a jdecre that plaintiff is the owner In fee .... . . , . . . . ""pie oi me ioiiowIor described reul Notice is hereby given that ; Property situated In Lincoln County bids will be received for the con- 0rr''". Lots nineteen Rn.f It broko 'otrnctlnn Vf . olilourolb In n ?entr ,n "i" one. Cottaite Hlnrkii. your royal mother', heart, but I gained J city of Toledo aS follows: Z niZZZ? .'1 "eT, Lots 1, 2, 3, Ulk. 7, Orahams ald defendants and eax h of them may 5th Add, South Side 7th. St. be determined by said decree; that Lot 10, Ulk. C, Grahams 5th 2 ! al!l1and eaJth ( '. r Add North Rldo ?d ?t I? 7 d0Lr!e' be declared and adjudged ""'a oiioiiio m, iii r 10 saia mnas above des- my purpose, The Inherited disease of the Ilohen lollerns killed your father, Just as It will kill you and you beenmo the ruler of Qermany and a tool of mine sootier at night so you see I didn't get to see much or it, Here we have nice wood bar- To assist you and farther hasten my work, I sent you three evil spirits, Nletzche, Trlotche and later Bcrnhurdl, crincn. or any part thereof; that the said defendants and each of them be torevor oarred and enjoined from as serting any claim adverse to the plaintiff's chilm, und for such other and further relief as mav aDnear emiit. lighted and up to-date In every, Germany, who In good time would I rians and specifications on r'hr."-..". i.u.h .. e nave to gel up 111 tnei w ing ano loyal subjects and eager file at the OfllCe Of City Record- Lincoln CounTy liader. once a week K "l ll' IIllvvll UIHl IIIUSIl lu nyut iiivir uiuim miu uuit 1110 ClieSl- , , 5th Add, Kast side (Iraham St Lot 1, Illk. 8, Grahams 5th Add. East side Graham St. Lotg 1 and 12, Illk. 9, Grahams racks, steam heated, electric I whose teachings inflamed the youths fjth Add, East side Graham St I 'be In bod by eleven all llliu'nuts, yours and mine; tlie spell has T.out at nine sharp, so you see ibecn perfect you cast your ambitious some change In life for nie The little town of Rantoul Is about one mile away so we all take a walk up there and back every night. Someone snld last qigHt they were going to havtj a eyes toward the Mediterranean, Egypt, India and tlie Darnanelles and you be gan your great railway to Dagdad, but tha ambitious archduke and his more ambitious wife stood In your way. H was the a that I sowed the seed In yuur nids will be opened Jan. 7th, 1918. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the, common Council. R. D. Burgess, Attest: Mayor. F. N, Hayden, City RceordcTj tor six consecutive and successive weeks, beginning wlUi the issue of On. reniber 21st, 1U17 and ending with the issue oi reoruary 1st, mis, under and pursunnce of the directions contained In an order made by the Honorable R II. Miller, County Judge of Lincoln Comity. Orpgnn. on the 21st day of December 1M7. y iHflwklns A MeCluskey, Attorneys for flaintli'r