A- VOLuME 25 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY," JULY 13th, 1S17. NUMBER 21 gmccln womiiv OOP- ? gemier. NEWPORT !and A. W. Weber were trading The Port Commlsslon met fwport and Yaouina TueS- Siderine Z mJtSTSitTr te,r and Mrs- Wachsniutch call- ?h. P ? "? i0' bondnS ed at the RhoaJcs home Tues - YaauSSv h? mS nfy5 &tUthe! Edith Wachsmutch who has mi ! hJ?n 1 6 Newpo com: been visiting at the Peterson Se memhlrf ffthV.i0 ?J .rancf,or P week return- be aS? to JSJSd !d t0 Newporc We'Jnday afte, bond ? it thld' h6" the i!earIn of thi sudde death of SenrA Rr?--?fd ''S?" her frieud Mrs' Mrtha Abbey K?!?" Possible, pf Newport. . :r. l u,5.i:eaBa9r w Ior luiiiiou an engineer to superintend the work. The other three members took a different view thought 1 It would be best for the Rnvim. ment to lead In the matter and nave cnarge of the whole pro Ject both as to directing the work as well as expending the money. This Idea seemed to prevail and nothing else was done except a motion was passed lo call a meeting of the two commissions together at an ear- ly day to further consider the matter. $418,000 is a large sum ' or money to be put up by the p?opl ,and 'ts expenditure Mould be carefully guarded, I he improvement of the harbor Is a public utility used by all the people and the expense should De borne by taxation of the peo- pie. It will work a hardship on tne county with limited re- sources to put up such a largw sum of money. At present the government is engaged in a great war and it is not likolv nrovemy t" ProJects of lm" ... , u B unucnanen so e Will hnva in null .in a.ii geis ready to do the work CorDoral Ami at rrr rr n nHt... a soiaier in trip crront trM m.. rope eave a mnof ir,i lecture on that subject at the Midway Theatre on the evenine of July 4th, to a crowded h, -c oam uie uerman people were kept In Ignorance of the purposes of the war by their lfeve that England, France and Russia were nearly exhausted and with , cw iiiumns more of fighting the Germans would win out and the war i b hut now that Uncle Sam has ph teied tho ftpht fi-, L fenow. Mr. Armstrone told cijr unj)ieasant thin3 about Prussiaa Militarism ia its horrible effects on the innocent Selnier Tillifson and L L Mc- Chal)ter of tne Red Cross asso yee of Albany are at Newport ciatio:1' after the expenses of the ior a few days outing at the fair have been Paid- The Pr eashore before being mustered posal was enthusiastically re r ?, l.he regular service of the ceived' i hi t r.ul"l"nicn WI he on I : " ""-i win oe 01 lr18tTh2 th,B moBth at AH in e8e youn8 nien belong l to thA fi,.I ",CV V." on etnlS: The plcnlc glven the Fourth health and look ever? mch Jby the U"l0n Su"day Scho1' them soldiers. They may be 1 a howlinS success, called at anytime to the colors 1 Re,na,d ePoe came home , Robert Stewart. Walter Pll' wlth Mr-Cox the evening of the bert, John Tate and Merii riu Fourth. Robert DePoe visited Hon also are here for a few dflv ,with,the Cox family Sunday, re Outing on the beach before mus! u? home Sunday eveninS S theular sm-lS o iWl 8 8nv Lncle bam. They also belon I Lafayette Waters, a traveling to the O. C. A. These youne Pt,cIan was "P to Cox's Frida. men no doubt will make good tested Misa Eva'8 yes Sat Gregon has nobly responded to ;urday morning finding her far the Call nf ' . . .. . alar, hay 1aft o UlCn And mnnni , UPPER BEAVER Mrs. Edith Wnh fiai'uniuurr of fW p0r.t,can!eLover Wednesday bank a few days this week. They ior a visit with h .' 'in .L. . . p niaier, mtb. Ai.lf nr?n' in J-i f? Came ln ,ast Wfek Iron i 1 e. Bu.mn'ei' with her Rrand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. kJ8, hewa3 accompan- led by Mrs. J R. Coovert who nag been outside visiting for the ft Wt,wee8- nv.i.rvm i37 ma(, a tr,P l a m7 n FYI.d?y vnlnK- Ah ll k X,Vl8?d AIe,ha and Alpha Rhoades Thursday after- Mr' ,i m anH d n ." 9' Rhoad08 r.fT m nlcat,"lil the )ic- MrJnJM08?"?; A'tln r ?d Mr" J-M; Bowers and Ainin Cox attended Granite at Ona Sunday. Miss Christine Peterson und Henry Emerson were visitors at the Peterson home Sunday, returning to the Bay again Mon- aav; n II. G. Rhoades A. Tctcrson The big plcnio was postponed! ana tne founn passed very quietly here, o RIVERSIDE 1iafvhnv frnm DUaiwMa ....... on hand for the celebration held at Deer Creek. A large crowd was in attendance and a .fine time enjoyed by everybody, Miss Nellie Fisher, a niece ot J- L. Fisher spent several days visiting her uncle and family last week, J. R. Daniel received a letter from Alfred Pearce recently stating that he was on his way to England. He enlisted in Canada. Roy Kouas had the misfortune of getting quite a bad cut over one of his eyes when ' a mule which he was taking the shoes off of struck him a glancing blow. Mrs. J. R. Daniel and Mrs. Helen F.. Daniel went to Corval- lis last week. CTaude Green helping J. R. pallid in tue nay neia mis week HARLAN The picnic in aid of tha m r' held at the moth of Deor Creek- Ju,y 4th was a good .success. Over two hundred peo- ' e "ci"K i'iubciu. ah report havinS a glorlou3 time and lots t0 eat- A'ter tne Picnlc a dance w cm. met iue ijiuuii; it umice WaS hplll at tllO hnma nf fl on1 Mr8- T- Thomason at which about one hundred persons w .re "a, by Gale Snane. R. L and Harry Briees. present. Music was furnished Hathaway a proposal was made by the VAST Kit Fair Wr,ari in Aovni 11 proceeds from the above picnic u uai"-c' ttmuunung iu over $co 00' aild al3 that all exLibits of l)roduce De 8old and the pro- MILL CREEK WPnU ho fitted hnv anfni-tlni,1.. weak, he fitted her accordingly rwith glasses. He expects to go to Siletz and Lower Farm next. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Curne from the Valley visited with their menus, Air. and Mrs. C. L. Bur cuuea on me tjox iamny .'Friday evening and Saturday all nnade a trin to Siletz. Sunday horning the Curnes departed for their home. f The Orton Sunday School was well attended Sunday. I Mr. Hubbard made a business I trip to Cox's Monday. E- M- Cox. J- O. Swanson, F. 'T. Gunn and stepson, Charles, -were all In Orton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Cox. Mrs. 'J- T- VVillet. Marguerite Walker and Eva Cox all made a trip to Siletz Wednesday. I Who said the un couldn't thine up Mill Creek? o OOTON Mrs. Tinner visited at Orton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Southwell visited at L. W. Walkers Sunday. I Frederick Simmons and Skin- were up to the Raddant ranch last Thursday. ' Mrs. Evans returned home ; from Summit where she has been visiting. Henry Davis of Siletz was at the Upper Farm last Sunday. Mrs. E. T. Raddant returned 'home from the Albany round- m last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Eltine went to Nortons Sunday John Isaacson, Hoxy Sim mons and Tony Porter helped Mr. Bemrose fill his silo this week. ROCK CREEK Frank Morrison autoed over from Dallas last Sunday. Mr. Bemrose went to Nortons Saturday. Mrs. Potwora and son, Frank, were in Siletz Saturday. Mr. Bemrose is filling his silo with clover this week. E. M. Pettycrew, Clinton Southwell and Joe Kekua are helping him. Mrs. Horsfall returned home from Dallas where she had been visiting. Mr. Donckel was in Orton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ward of Falls City visited here Wednesday and 1 1 nursaay. I Jay Wright of Camas, Wash., (has enlisted in the army. Jay is well known here FIECLES CREEK News galore! Sultry days and moonlit nights. Will Kessi went to Summit Sunday. M. E. Walker returned "out side after making further ar- , Jaiixeiiienis io onne nis wile anI little onn Doli.k A VI- mountain ranch. Mrs. Walker was Miss Delia Davenport, grad uate of O. A. C. and popular teacher. We were very regretful to hear of the death of Dr. William Austin Cox of Albany who sp?nt considerable time in these ; mountains ior nis neaitn. tie j was a good sport having enjoved the world's sights, keenly enjoy- health. He ing and understanding life as seen wnn tne eyes. It is the old, old story; because we must all wink out sooner or later. Mrs. Isaac Boles of Corvallls has been givHg the children in structions in hand work includ ing latse designs. Mrs. Boies is a loss to the list of teachers giv ing private lessons only. Blanche Mulvany entertained at an informal picnic luncheon, Sunday. Miss George Kessi is home for a rest after a year's teaching at Pendleton High School. Honors galore! Will Kenr.I and Miss Elizabeth Kessi are at the top notch in the Cardinal, the organ of the Portland Lin coln High School. Will earned the U. of O. scholarship, valued at $200.00 cash and Miss Eliza beth was class poet. Look for her picture in the magazine lit erature or I miss my guess. It is plainly a case of good-bye Fiegles Creek because it has been commanded that a light must not be hidden under a bushel. Z. A. Kessi has just returned from Corvallls where he deliv ered beef cattle. How did we honor the Nations birthday? Well, something like thls.MeBsrs. Jerry, Albert, Glenn and Tantus Lake visited Chas. Lindley, returning to the'r homo at Peak the morning of the 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Boles. Miss Boles and Blanche and Percy Mulvany, T. J. Buford and son Jay attend ed the Black picnic where Jay Buford and Mr. Boles tooli part In the program. Blanche and Percy Mulvany, thanks to the fulfilment of old mother Shlpton'g prophecy (car riages without horses shall run) took in the Deer Creek picnic also, all of which they described as superlative, etc. Mr. Boles and family returned to Corvallls by auto the Oth Come again. George Tubhs came after his (Continued on last page) SOUTH-SIDERS HOLS PICNIC ON FOURTH The Fourth of July witnessed a jolly meeting at the Schlechi I home on the east branch of Mill Creek south of Toledo of the people across the bay. Be sides celebrating the Nation's birthday three other birthdays rwere also observed,' namely, Miss Rosa Schlecht, Miss Ag nes Hisor and Mrs. Ina Sturde 'vant. The birthdays of the 'guests of honor did not fall on the Fourth but so near that it : was decided to hold a joint party as more fitting the occassion. At noon a bountiful picnic din ner was served. Many valuable gifts were presented the three j whose birthdays were observod. i Sixty-eight were present, be ing, Mrs. Ina Sturdevant, Miss Agnes Hisor, Miss Rosa Schlecht, E. L. Ste'nhoff and family, J. W. Harrison and fam ily, G. W. Buyers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ojjlesby, Alvin and Arthur Schlecht, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boeckman, L. Thom as and family, Tom Butler and family, Mrs. A. M. Burnett, Ad da and Jessie Frizzell, Ole Am undson and family, Nelse Strand and family, I. F. liisor and fam ily, Butler Bros.. Mrs. Mork and grandson, R. W. Wollas and family, R. J. Wollas. E. S. Good eve and family, II F. Clark and family, J, J. Morley and John Stiger. j APPRECIATION I The family of the late Martha Abbey wish to express their thank 3 to the friends and es pecially to the Women of Woou craft for their many acts of kindness and beautiful floral remembrances. J - E. J. Abbey, (husband), I and family. NEWPORT TO SHOW "THE BIRTH OF A NATION" Every genius has his master creation, and it is no discredit to Mr. D. W. Griffith to say that when he turned out The Birth of a Nation, he gave the world and prosterity to come the high est possible attainment of his powers for he also gave a mar vel that no other man could sur pass. To see The Birth of a Nation the first time is only to be elect rified at its enority, stupified at its myriads of flashing wonders; to see it a second, a third time many times, is to be enabled to sit back comfortably and enjoy it Immeasurably more at eacn successive sitting. A celebrated eastern critic has said of it that it required one sitting to catoh "every other high place" of the terrific ac tion; a second, to catch all the high places; a third to com mence to realize all the wealth of drama that is continually go ing on between thee high places and after that, the ordinary spectator can commence to fol low the entire production, as it flows, marveling at the tremen dous harmony of the whole. its indisputable spell is being continually proven In every sec tion of the country capacity houses turning out everywhere to see it every time it returns and most of them to Beveral of the performances at each en gagement. I D. W. Griffith's Birth of a Na tion is coming to the Midway in Newport, July 23-24 for the first time. There will be a spec ial Matinee at 2 P. M. on Tues day. I The production Is accompan ied by a splendid three hour musical score played by the or ganization s own director. They also carry their own machines and operators Matinee prices are CO cents for adults and 25 cents for children Evenings at 8 P. M. Prices 75 cents and $1.00. The latter are all reserv ed seats and on sale at the Ar matage Drug Store on July 14th. No children prices at night, owing to the limited seating ca pacity, also on account of the length of the performance, which is 3 hours. OLD FASHIONED DANCE WILL BE HELD JULY 21 Don't miss the old fashioned dance at the Oysterville can nery, July 21st., 1917. This Is the place where everyone has a good time. Country dance country music country supper. All are cordially invited to be present at this dance which will be held a week from tomorrow evening. NEW ENTERPRISE For years and years there has been any quantity of hot air peddled here in Toledo, which has been allowed to entirely go to waste, with no effort being made to conserve It. At last a part of this waste Is to be stop ped, the air will be condensed, refined, cooled and bottled up, and the finished product will be furnished to automobile owners, for the inflation of tires. I The Peterson Hhrdware Com pany this week received the con denser and a large storage tank which will be installed near their place of business. The compressed air will be used to pump water for Mr. Peterson's residence, as well as to fill auto tires. Call around and get a iree sample. LOOK HERE All white wash goods greatly reduced. All sport wash goods greatly reduced. Girls middies going for $1.00 each regular $1.50. Many other good bargains. Sale days July 18 19 20. Mrs. T. P. Fish. DRAFT LIST COMPLETE The draft list fnr hia -w VI0 VVUIIIJ ,uas Deen completed and is ?iow posted at the courthouse. The list gives the names of all who registered In this county, to gether with the number which nas Deen assigned each one. When the drawi-iv mnria n. Washington, the numbers will be leiegrapnea Here, and thus those saving tne number chosen wil.' kiiow at once that they have been drawn. We intended pub lishing the list of names and ! numbers this week, but had to leave it out ror lack of space. We will trv and cIva a mv week if the drawing ha.i not tak en place before that time. BOX FACTORY WILL HANDLE CLASS G. L. McCaulnn rf tha l Box Factory has purchased the aium oi giass oi tne Toledo Drug Co., and will hereafter look after your wants in this line. NOTICE PUBLIC SPEAKING The underslirned will a general plan and discuss the same ror tne covering of one hundred and fifteen miles (115) of County road In Lincoln Coun ty, and costs thereof. Covering to be of plank, shell, and rock. Main roads suggested to be im proved I From a point on the line be tween Tillamook and Lincoln Counties, down the coast by Tati iio iewport, a distance of forty- une nines; I From Newport via Toledo and Elk City to Benton County Line I fifty (50) miles. From Newport down the coast .to Alsea Bay fifteen (15) miles. From Toledo to the Siletz, I nine miles, Including the bund ling of bridges over the Siletz I river near Taft, over the Ya qunla River at Toledo and over .the Alsea River near Waldport. Cost of Improvements to be by nona issue with Federal and State aid. AT Nashville, July 202 P. M. and Little Elk 7:30 P. M. Elk City, July 272 P. M. Waldport, July 282 P. M. Siletz July 302 P. M. and Toledo 7 :3o P. M. Newport, July 317:30 P. M. B. F Jones. AGENCY FARMERS INSTALL SILOS Joe Kosydar, John Isaacson, J. W. McGulre and Wm. Porter all of Siletz have purchased silos and same are here at the depot at present. These silos were purchesed through Monroe & Crissell of Portland. Mr. Bern rose has Just recently built a silo, filing same last week. John Walno, A. C. Crawford and Ralph Hamar, expect to build silos at once. Hall Bros, are agents for a good silo, and the Siletz sawmill i3 also getting out silo lumber. AN UNUSUAL FOURTH The superintendent of the Sunday School at the Orton school house proposed we have a little Fourth of July picnic The secretary, Miss Eva Cox prepared a fine program and John Williams ably looked after the sports. Mr. Elliot sent for oranges, bananas and lemons to supply an expected crowd of j iy or nriy people. Not know ing how many it would take he I ordered ,ten dozen lemons ex pectlng to have a goodly supply !ieft over for himself. I H Elt ing sent for eight gallons of ice cream and some cnewing gun. Peanuts and candy. We put up a stand to sell out the stuff, the proflts to go to the Sunday School. The neanuts ui half an hour, the ice cream last ed till noon and by three o'clock In the afternoon everything was aH gone but the lemonade ia tne evening the boys fixed up a bowery and gave a jitney dance. A mn- Lj...t J,ll"ey - uiueny aancp Nw wyer given. EverySdJ ; of the big crowd present enjoyed theniselvpa an ,oli .1.. J7'ea u me oovb were encouraged to give anothS Die nanoa. Coi.j ... "4V' vonT lemonade, lasted till ele- C,Ck- After that time the hirsty ones begged In vain to; he sweet, Juicy homemade lemonade with the toganbSr? f0 00 foveas or the 22STO.!??.75; and. if the o-- .,au ueen on hand flftv uollars could easily have beef, taken In frr.,,. .k- . UWI' Z,h, I as tne Sunday rchool came out over sever dollars to the good. I I ho nnlir i. u .. , 1 u,1,luI'Py event o tuna occa,8,sion was that Mr. El liott could not be there to over- Wi . r aHer W('IIng so i-'ard to make It turn out well. v,., i.iunuuy morning Mr El Hott started for Eddyville to get the supplies for the picnic H, was using Mr. Zbinden's hors! t"CLrt;lhe hor8e. ot bee" " ,""cu H"'"e nine and afte going a short ways began buck Sf th,rowlnS th cart from one side of the road to the other I the left wheel. His face am shoulder came in contact with snag, breaking his collar bon on the left front side and Cl,tun7 a deep gash under the left eye Wfc'.u Be.u .y ue,"K struci e can wneel n it passe over his body. Mr. Elliott caller" to the horse which stopped short distance ahead, lie Un hitched what was yet holdim It to tnn furl 1. I I. . ..' 1 . , icu ll UiK K CO tn. oam, unharneRHPfl it o., '. It loose. Putting everything bu j the cart away, which still sit j up on one wheel in the road, b !JSk,M'!?-..to hl home .v , u ""nuagea himse. up the best he could with on. hand and then walked up to Mi Pettycrew's. over a half mile wlu) looked after him the bet he knew how. After resting a hour he walked back to hisow home with Mr. Pettycrew's ar slRtance, who Is now stayln with hlm. Several of the ladl fixed him up a nice box of goc things to eat on the Fourth. Mr. it c. Ilemrose and fan y are doing what they can t lighten the old gentlemar misfortune. Pilot Rock 300,000 poum" wool sold here at (il cents d pound. , . a v- Hermlston Local rallrorj yards showing much activity. I