PACE TWO LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER,. FRIDAY,' MARCH 30th, 1917. -Sett quality house broom SO to 75c. Coleman aerolite lamps and lanterns $6.00 up Michigan washing mens 5 gal. gal vanized vac- pump oil cans $2.25 Agents for International Harvester line of hay and tillage Implements Planet Jr. and Iron Age hand tools Portable drag saws Get our special prices on wagons and farm trucks, manure spread ers, etc., We solicit your patronage Information and prices on application. Peterson Hardware Co. OUR NEW GOODS . . mr- -s . Are now here. We have Men's and Boy's Suits, Dress 8hlrts, Sweaters, Neckwear, Fine Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Come In . and see ' W. P. flcGEE TOLEDO, OREGON LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER F. N. HAYDEN, Publisher OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Entered at Toledo. Oregon postofflce, Established Twenty-Four Years Ago. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One Year, in advance.... .... Six Months, In advance....... Three Months, In advance $1.50 .76 0 Phono 7003 ANDREWS BUILDING r4 The White Corner Store Wo excell in Teas and Coffees Garden Seed in Packages and Bulk Flour and Feed Quality and Price We have a fine lot of White Oats and Vetch Phone BOOS R. S. VAN CLEVE PLENTY OF TONNAGE WITH BAR IMPROVED In discussing the matter of the im provement of the Yaqulna Bay Har bor the writer has meot a number .of people who oppose the idea of tho people taxing themselves for any por tion of the money for the payment thereof. The writer has met, during tho past week, a number of different persons who have used this argument: "You say tha. two thirds of the tax t will be paid by the owners of tfmbor in Lincoln County, the- remainder of the taxpayers In the county paying the other one third. This sounds very good, but the timber will be logged off in ten years, and all we will have left is the stump?, ..nd the farmers will have to pay the bonds when they come due twenty years from now. Ten years ago I prepared some fig ures, and used them In an address that I made before the Willamette Valley Development League held at Marlon ' County, Oregon, when I was urging the Improvement of Yaquina Bay Harbor, and the building of a railroad from Salem Oregon, through the Stletz Country, to Newport. These figures were published in a number of papers, and afterward quoted by James Hill in a speech at Portland, Oregon: "The resources of the coast counties are so great that they are almost unbelievable. One acre of tim ber land will furnish as much freight for transportation in one year as will one acre of. land In the Willamette Valley in one bundled and fifty years. When the promoter talks about build ing a railroad into the great Inland empire he figures out the amount of freight to be furnished by any given territory supplied by wheat growers. When our Commercial Clubs ask an appropriation for the Columbia River they furnish great loads of statistics referring to the millions of bushels of wheat tributary to the Columbia, and r far:tured Into lumber, and would give employment to several thousand men every day in the year for fifty years. I personally know many hundreds of acres of land in this county that Is now heavily timbered with second growth timber and some of it being sawed into lumber where 47 year's a&.. there was nothing but burned snags and blackened stumps, timber lands in Lincoln County will re-forest ltsolf in fifty years. B. F. Jones. SOME CONSTRUCTIVE LEGISLATION Following are some of tho acts of the Legislature that are of a construct ive character as affecting business:-- To encourage establishment of ship ping lines by municipalities by giving a bonuB or direct aid. State highway law to connect up the center of population and producing sections of the ctate. , Changing gasoline test law to enable consumers of this state to buy at same rates as other states. Act changing irrigation securities laws so that such projects can be un dertaken in this state. Law making it possible to manufac ture denatured alcohol in this state from sawmill waste products. Giving smelters rights of eminent domain and encouraging establishment of such industries here. Defeat of the 48-hour a week law that would have crippled Oregon in dustries in many respects. Law providing for licensing kelp fields and encouraging establishment of potash industry in Oregon. Amending eight-hour .nd minimum wage law to allow operation of fruit canning and packing industries. Defeating the alien land law bill to prohibit Chinese and Japanese from owning lands in Oregon. L. J. West of Nashville was in the city Wednesday. A. Immonen of Taft had business in the city Tuesday. Frank Lindermen was down from Elk City yesterday. Order your londplaater at the Pe terson Hardware Co. Mrs. Born Ice Hood returned from trip to Portland Tuesday evening. Harold Wygant came over from Si- letz yesterday, going on to Newport in the evening. Mrs. Maude Ellsworth went to Cor- vallls yesterday where her brother, Ben, is in the hospital. Holly and Lester Gillespie came down from Elk City yesterday on the Transit to have some dental work done. D. L. Peterson's father arrived the first of the week from Eastern Ore gon where they have a big wheat ranch. if Mm -41 VP Water Front Meat Market J; L. Demitt, Prop. PENALTIES OF RADICALISM Since the European War began 204 ships were transferred to the Amerl can flag and 405 American ships were transferred to foreign flags, or regis tration. The American gains were from Ger many and England, mostly temporary transfers, while the 403 ships we have loBt have Kone Dermanentlv to Nor as a result the Government Engineers j waVi japan anQ- France. and Congress consider the matter fa- if tilere was ever a time when we vorably, and the appropriation is 'needed Amertmn Hhins. nnrir ti, Dan Smith was a passenger for Portland the first of the week. W. J. Borthwick the Newport res-, taurant man was a Toledo visitor the, first of the week and paid this offlou a call while in the city. U. S. Engineer Claude Wright re turned to Portland Saturday morning a'ter a short stay in Toledo. Claude: has lots of friends here in Toledo who are always glad to have him come' over. The Peterson Hardware Co. last evening received a power washing ma chine which they have sold to D. L. , Peterson, who lives north of town. I The machine is a nifty little rig and operates with a gauollne motor. I Free Forestry Views, Illustrated by 100 colored slides, showing Oregon's j timber wealth, logging and saw mill 'operations, and lecture by a repre sentative of the State Forestry De partment. All free to the public at j the Dime Theatre next Wednesday Assessor A. G. Schwartz departed j evening, April 4th, 1917. last evening for tho Salmon River and C. C. Pond of Siletz was in town Rose Lodge districts where he will do Thursday having returned from Salem some assessing. where he has been to consult the The Lincoln County Bank received a j state Industrial Accident Commission carload of materMls yesterday pre-1 ln regard to his leg which was broken paratory to putting a new foundation j la8' July wnlle working on the county under the Bank Bulding. I r"- Tne Court "M agreed to set- J. B. Miller accompanied by Mr.ltle damages on tlle.rate Bllowed nn,lo crrlvoH Hn f-. commission, u seemn me ureas Tuesday evening and have been loolt iwa a very severe one' ing over the Siletz timber. They rv turned to Portland this morning. Subscrclptions received' tTTVs week are: Mrs. Margaret Margson, Corval- lis, Oregon; W. J. Borthwick, Newport, Oregon; A. K. Forden, Hay ward, Cal The bone be ing broken in two places leaving portion of the bone about four inches long disconnected at both ends. This : naturally destroys the circulation in that part of the bone and a union at if.; J. P. Harding, Wayne, Nebr.; M. W. Simpson, Elk City, Oregon. Merchant P. Frederick loaded two cars of potatoes for Texas points this week. Tills makes about twenty cars that have been shipped from the county this Fall. And Hall Brothers of Siletz have four cars yet to ship. In the hospital at Corvallls for some time last fall, during which time the bone was held In place by artificial i means and a union apparently effected. He Is now advised by Dr. F. H. Thomp son, Chief Medical Advisor of the Commission, that the bones have thus far failed to unite with bone tissue 'and a further operation will be necea- Mr. Pond has been receiving per month from the County. Toledo Fresh and Cuied Meats- Creamery Butter I buy all my Beef, Mutton and Pork from tho local ranchers, and I pay the highest market price delivered at my shop. I pay the highest market price for hlduj and pelts. WATER FRONT, TOLEDO, OREGON A ipjl wicr r nun i , it tmt VYS-iTIr v1it- n INCOLN BOUNTY DANK t (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO, - OREGON DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DIRECTORS C. E. HAWKINS WM. 8CAHTH C O. HAWKINS Interest on Time Deposit No Sir! We Have Not Raised Our Prices $15 Furthermore We Guarantee STRICTLY ALL WOOL SUITS MADE TO ORDER At the Same Old Price WARNING! DONT BE FOOLEOI All Scotch Woolen Mills suitings re GUARANTEED STRICTLY ALL WOOL, and of the same quality usually found In regular $25 suits. J, S. AKIN, Toledo, Oregon i I officials granted. Upon the other hand when the taxpayers and Commercial Clubs attempt to enlist capital to build rail roads into the coast counties they are confronted with the argument that there Is no grain raised in these coun ties, and by reason thereof would never be sufficient freight to justify the building of the Railroad. When the people of the coast counties ask for an appropriation to improve their harbors, and at the same time pledge thcniBclvos to pay one half of the cost thereof by taxing themselves, and send a petition to our delegation in Congress, a mllo long, they will be confronted with the seemingly un answerable argument that there Is not sufficient present or prospective com merce to justify the Government ln the expenditure of any money for tho Improvement thcrfof. By the way of comparison let us use a few figures, showing the amount of produce In the grain producing country as well as an acre of land ln the coast counties. Statistics show that an average acre of land will pro duce thirteen bushels of wheat. After deducting three bushels for seed, feed and bread, there Is left for shipment ten bushels, which at sixty pounds per buBhel would amount to six hun dred pounds per acre. At this rate one acre of land would produce for shipment in a hundred years sixty thousand pounds or thirty tons. In the coast counties 'the lowest esti mate placed on an acre of timbered lands is thirty thousand foot, and many timber men and Government place it at forty thousand TfTff?fMTfTf f 1TTTT1 T j feot an acre. One thousand feet of lunmer weighs two thousand pounds. Thirty thousand feet of lumber weighs sixty thousand pounds.. Then there Is left on an acre of timbered Linda, after It has been logged off, the small timber and forty to fifty feet ol the tops of trees which at a low eutlmato will ninke fifteen cords of wood. A cord of dry wood will weigh two thousand pounds. Thus an average acre of timbered lands In the coast counties will produce as much freixht for transportation In one year as will an arre of land In the Willamette Val ley ln a hundred and fifty years, and after the timber Is loggod off, It will produce more pasture on an acre of land than will an acre of land In the Wlllumette Valley by reason of tin moisture from the ocean. It Is estimated that in Lincoln Coun ty there Is eUhteen billion foet of merchanlablo timber. If this timber was sawed Into lumber it would take a vessel of the carrying rapacity of on million feet every dny ln the year for fifty years to transport this lumber to market, and It would renulre the ser vice of one hundred cars every day 1 1 4 ft IHW4HW4rH4M In the your for fifty years to haul this I timber to the saw mills to be manu- WE HAVE ESTABLISHED AN OFFICE IN THE NORTH-EAST CORNER OF OUR PLANT WHERE BILLS MAY BE PAID AND ALL BUSI NESS PERTAINING TO THE COMPANY WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF. YaquinaElectric Co. American flag that time Is now, but the too -radical Seaman's act of Con gress drove them out. A great nation is practically without adequate representation on the seven seas to carry its own malls or diplo mats, because It allowed a few radi cal labor leaders to dictate Its shipping legislation. Frank Nye came over from Corvallls 'sary. last evening to Btralghten up his affairs $50.00 here. He left this morning for Van-, He Is now seeking a settlement in full couver, Wash., where ho will join his in a lump sum hoping by this means company, the Third Oregon. Frank Is , to be able to take the steps necessary a member of the machine gun squad, j to save his log. t Now is the Time to Visit I Califorina Her beauty, her brilliant city life, her joy ous sunshine, her facinating haze of history all draw you on. People never tire of re discovering California and never will. She is an old, old land, yet ever young. Go there. Refresh mind and body. See that your tickets read FOR SALE 8 Young Cows, grade Jerseys. Will be fresh soon; and some young stock. A. K. Oilar, Waldjiort, Ore. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been, by order of the County Court of Lincoln county. Ore gon, duly appointed administrator of the estate of Orrln Howe, deceased. All persons having claims agninst said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified and with proper vouchers as by law re quired to me at the law office of O. B. Mcciuskey, Toledo. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated Whrch 16th, 1917. M. Howe. Administrator of the estate of Orrln Howe, deceased. G. B. McCluokey, Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for the County of Lincoln Frank Priest, guardian of Harriet Wtnant, a minor, Plaintiff, vs. May Butterfleld and Fred Butter field, Defendants. By virtue of an execution decree and order of sale Issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled action to me directed and dated the 19th, day of March, A. D. 1917 in favor of Frank Priest, Guardian of Harriet Wlnant, a minor Plaintiff and against the above named named Defendants for the sum of $500.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 14th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1914 and a further sum of $40.00 attorney's fees and costs taxed at $10.50, and costs of this writ com manding me to sell the following des cribed real property situate in Lincoln County, Oregon as follows, towlt: -Lot Two In Block Fifty In Case and Bayley's Second Addition to the City of Newport, in Lincoln County, Ore gon. NOW, THEREFORE In compliance with the demands of said execution decree and order of sale I 'will on Saturday the 21st day of April A. D. 1917 at 1 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the County Court Hon no, In the City of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell to the blithest bidder for cash, all the right title and Interest of the above named Defendants In the above named action, In the above des cribed property to satisfy said exe cution decree and order of sale, in terest, costs and accruing costs. Bert Geer, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. Date of First Publication Mar. 23, 1917 Date of Last Publication Apr. 20, 1917. Shasta Route Portland to San Francisco California Exprcss-Shasta Limited-San Francisco Express This route offers a remarkable service of comfort and enjoy ment. Steel cars,- rock-ballasted road bed. Past Mt. Shasta, Shasta Springs and other wonders. Ask for Booklets, Helpful and Instructive JOHN Jf. SCOTT, General Passonger Agent Portland SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES 1 1 1 1 I ! T;.-,:,,,.,,m,-,. " -j! SJSmF 320817 1 Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since August 1, 1919. These figures 320.817 represents the actual number of cars manufactured by us since August 1st, 1910, and delivered by our agente to retail buyers. This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford cars makes tt necessary for us to confine the distribution of cars only te those sgents who have orders for Immediate delivery to retail customers, rather than to permit any agent to atock ears In anticipation of later spring sales. We are Issuing .this notice to Intending buyers that they may protect them selves against delay or disappointment In securing Ford ears. If, therefore, you are planning to purchase a Ford oar, ws advise you to place your order and take delivery new. Immediate orders will have prompt attention. De lay In buying at this time may cause you to wait several months. Enter your order today for Immediate delivery with our authorixed Ford agent listed below and don't be disappointed later on. PRICES: Runabout $345, Touring Car $360, Couplet $509, Town Car $595, 8edn $845, f. o. b. Detroit, FORD MOTOR COMPANY A. T. PETERSON, Local Agent.