Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 23, 1917, Image 1

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    11-At ' .
Died Slindnv In Nnurnnrt oftoi.
a long illness, incident to old fllll d6al 'l1" ia be"
age, Mrs. Lottie Dennick wri;5.tak n to the Yaquina
75 years, 7 months and 3 days, ,7nM ' J" Pa W"
She was born in Pontiac, Mich- ' e ewport and Toledo
igan, August 15, 1842. ShePrt Commission was held last
graduated from the Rockford iSf J CVen ?g e CUn"
Female Seminary in 18G7 nd?annT-p
taught school in her native state llAiti C ?' "awWns
and in Indiana and in Missouri. L7 hm ,mniS8lPn ere
She was married to J. F. Den- i Major, Fre's- Gov"
nick in 1872. came West in 1873 fn VTZf '!, Cge f
and to Corvallis in 1876 where 1 wrk n th1eis , dl5rllct was
Bhe lived up to the time of the ; ftl n "3,e ln highv.term8
death of her husband in 1879. i?' the ??y a,ld Bar and thought
Since that time she has lived a w,u d be, "'"proved said it
widow with her children. In r d( lake, oar yfarts t0 Put ln
1893 she came to Yaquina Bay je,ttles' Wow oul the rocks in
and took up a homestead four clan"ei and ,s0, forth-x, H
mUes south of Waldport where bought if the loledo and New
she lived for Ave or six years, )ort ,Po.ts woul,d ?xtend their
and irom there she moved l0 boiindanes to take m more ter-
ritory each port could be bonded
the time of her death. Her hus- Z nsn money to do their
band was a Boldier in the Civil TAe tbf work' ,l is an easy
War and for a time he was Sec- harbr t0 lP"ve because of
ond Lieutenant of his Company. the snortness f :e bar and the
Mrs. Dennick Was a member of eafiy safe way U can be
the W. C. T. LT. and a very active fssed ln "lost a11 seasons of
worker in the cause of temper- lfhe year -ewport could bond
ance. She was also a member or ne frlhand loledo for one
of the W. R. C. of Newport and ton and th? Government put
took great interest In the pat- "P the ,ther half of h money,
riotic work of that order, she a "if xYi)rk ?uld be done easily
believer in women sufferage and J he Port Districts ought to bo
did all she could to enfranchise hept separate and the work of
women. She believed it was . kop "S Pi the river channel
wrong, for women to pay taxes hlou d be done by the Toledo
and have no volt in making the 'tet5ct and th.e Bay and Bar by
law. She believed the moral the kewport District. The gov
law should apply to men the ernment of course bearing an
same as the women. She lived etual Part ,n the expense. To
to see the fruition of her hopes make this improvement it would
realized and to know she took take larSe sums of money. The
a humble part in bringing it Jty work and its equipment will
nhxi.t ch. ...or. - ......,.. ,. all have to be made new. The
much ability and wrote many
mucn aDiiity ana wrote many
Interesting articles for the pa-
nn.o nnj n
mains, were taken to Corvallis, men 'cn would make times
Tuesday where a brief service for a Bd many years,
will be held after which the Rev- G0- T- was called
body will be laid to rest in the t0 Chitwood Tuesday to conduct
Crystal Lake Cemetery beside the funeral services of Mr. Lafe
that of her husband. She is PePln wbo was buried at that
survived by two sons and three Place on that day. He was a
sisters, Mrs. Anna Brown, who.Pioneer.
lives at Mokato, Kansas; Mrs. i ,
Lucy Taylor, who lives at Kenno, i
New Mexico and Mrs. Sada Her- i POOLE SLOUCH
gorn George' Bnnick'' who"1. Pter Shemer and Th. Bar-
.tlffincGwSiifoita ke5awere Newport caIlers Sat"
and Logan Dennick with whom jj, V Tr,1Q. . n
Bhe lived at the time of her JV JfT andiIrcs-.E- IIa11
(jefj, j visited in Newport Saturday.
The body of John Rydzeski ' hXl a-Snif?81, iYaq-U,na
was buried her3 today under SiTrTf'T
the auspices of the Catholic WriiS th!
Church of which deceased was PpSL nf t i i
a member. Father Forget oflici- ... " vf,,? ";0f, T,ledo Wa"
utmg. The young nun was l ?JV Ucimty Saturday and
working fcr Joe Kosydar who ' rtf,' ,. , nrt n
lives near the Lower Farm on ' v,Sf?n "1?" Em0TS0"
Siletz KescrvaUon. lie hud i'' J8lcn'c several
ploughed all day Fi Ida v. too .dai8h S'8, VP-k- ,
his supper :ih usual, went up yXZ ' "
Glairs to bed about nine o'clock. Lr"nh' 2m V' ,t ,
Mr. K sleeping In an adjoining uSLi S'' Rar "?" V8"
room to the young man thought rL Brown home bund:ly
he said some stranga things. ; v".00"', u . t,
Mrs. Kosydar slept (low n stairs. I. iJlpS1?' h T
About half past nine the voun- "'J, ' " ' erybody Is
man got up. went down'stairs weather so thsy can get
making considerable noise. This , vv'ii J'ti, i
awoke Mrs. K and she went ! a f, nt ckcr, n,ado a
to see what was going on. The ' U lV ",na. Thursday,
young man was wild. - II (1itp ?-ck -'"tnucker and
sprang and struck Mrs. K fSl.J 5 and '"j1
two or thrpo tin,r.. m, i.or . Loon.e Iblted 0,1 Wright Creek
and said if vm. dm,'f Dt ftllt
the way I will kill you. lie had
a hallucination that someone
was following Just behind to do
mm bodily harm. This seemed
i.u uk iiic i'uob m me nine ne an eiucnaineu at cards Satur
ran out of the door and around day evening. Those present were
the house and then started to- Mr. and Mrs. Parks, Mr. and
wards Euchre Creek. In track-, Mrs. Wood. Mr. and Mrs.' John
lug him the next duy it looked Ccavert, Mins Violet King of
as though he had Jumped six or Winant, Mws. C'HfT. I'helpfi
eight feet while running. He Lloyd and Fred Commons. A
ran in a zig-zag way until he: Nelson. Dvl Shermer. Reynolds
got to the creek. lie hud passed Ohmart and tlie host uml hoistis
over two wire fences and then also MIus Helen l'helpa. All
Jumped down tln bank about rci'orted a good time,
fiftcon feet Into the creek audi Ona people thought the Japs
went down tho creek about one had come across Sunday cven
hundrcd yards. The water In ling, hearing a report about 8
places was four or rive feet, P. M. but later o;i reports had It
deep. When found by Mr. Mow-1 that it was probably a meteor
ery, Crawford and others he was! which lighted un barns and
not dead. He was found by the 1 houses in tho neighborhood of
groans he was making. He was , Guy Lowls on Upper Beaver.
lying on his back in water about MIhh Violet King of Winont
one foot deep but he was so far! was a week end visitor at the
gone when found that ha could 'home of Mr. and Mr3. A. H.
not be revived. Sheriff Ger wns ' Phlps.
on the ground , investigated the j L. L. Parks made a trip to
case and thought the young man
wna drowned, boinir cxhaiiHtod
by the long run and falling In
the water could not get out. It
was not a case for an inquest
as he was alive when found.
rock t0 extend the jetties can be
'-"'' uc
gufn UP the river and the work
would pmnlnv a larpp nnnihpr nf
jOne day last week
Mr. ni;d M-.-s Phmmnn,, rUi
Drift Creek Thursday.
. Mrs. Geo. Ryan passed thru
Ona last Saturday taking her
son Oscar home after his stay
in Ona during the school months
she also tnnk hnmo n vniinc
.IPrftAV Pfllf whlrll cha hurt mil.-
tiiaoeu iiuiii A. XI. t neips.
School in Dist. 39 closed last
Friday. Miss Madeline Ryan of
Portland having taught a "six
months' term.
The young folks of Ona who
attended the St. Patrick's dance
at Newport reported a jolly good
Lloyd and Fred Commons are
at G. E. Lewis's home on Upper
Beaver getting out some cedar ; Lester anV pSSeT
fence posts to be used on the Chas. Schmitt were visitors at
Commons' ranch on Beaver the Cox home Sunday. Mr. and
Creek. Mrs. C L Burbank ind Mr T n
And still it stonns! SwiVotw J' '
Mrs. Fay Wolferspergcr made F. T. Gunn made a business
a trip to the Newport dentist, trip to Orton this week.
last Fridav Mr ond in n t r i i
ltoJuL.,, of w, v.i,.,?L?.'Tf,-..?- hSSIb.
Leonard Grant and Clifford
Mc-Donald snpnf a rlnv u-iili li
Llndlev last week enmhi? on
horse back. ..
Air. urown. cattle buver. w.m
at tne is.essi ranch the other day
tne Kessl ranch the other day.
uien ana Tantus Lake of Ppnit
snent sevp'ral dava nt Mr,1-
Messrs. Adams. Crawford,
Henry and George Garrison'
were inhaline Fleirlps Oppk at.
mosphere last week. '
uarry Lliiard of Philomath
and his brother. Llovd vlsdtprt
r. liinaiey Saturday. They
made the trin on horse back.
R. E. Darting and son of Peak
passed through Saturday on the
way to Geo. Tubbs who has been
snow bound on upper Fall Creek.
Clarence Davis visited at Mul
vany'g Sunday. - -
A special school meeting wa3
held at F. L. Mulvany'a the 10th
to transact some very Important
business for our district.
Frank Mulvany brought an
other load of bread stuff and
provender Tuesday for the sus
tenance of man and beast.
The aftermath of the snow re
veals several crushed roofs In
houses To Let.
The skies have been smiling
on one side of the face snow
by night, sunshine by day. How
we love the snow. cinuiiv
yearn for it just as the people
as the people
noosevelt. Dc
bpeaking of
u mind his
ubeu to rage arter
you get that?
iioosevelt do you mind his
out being ROPIl nr. tin l,l'
hub-bub of to-day. , Our death
dealinc Innovatin
chanically perfect and fill the bill
to repletion. I bet he'd laugh.
i-eopio used to be silly about
funerals where bereaved rela
tives actually swooned and I
my own heart almost, in sym
pathy. I've known people to die
ui a oroKon liert
' " II IS
t hat even dogs have pined on
the grave of a deceased fiimid.
I. I.. f.i
f,i j hen s i ale 01 Two
Cities until the wine of my own
heart has compressed while the
htrcets of Paris ran rod.
I ve read the history of our own
firimitt.. in. .11 t - i ..
I 1 r. 1 1U .... .
i i I I ui(i near Mo
blood of our brothers cry from
Ihn rrt-r.i!t.1 ill... t . .
,CI"-C'U' lemuuns Willi Uer-in
T.u Henrys visit clas8 at Rundav school aii lh n,s irarKs in tho Hand,
and the cternri vows of friend- 'Sar meS found where hc nad CTOSd
ship and peace between our land I T Se Z Sarim inv, L rrwk- a,ld ""ally found him ly
and the Teutons? Surely some L S ffi ?, C J W ,nS in ,h fiwift wa,(,r- b.Jiigi ig
thing has gone loose. ?Mcd ,i e and W iKmHwh,' a P'"nR snag. Ho l:cp,
Of course ; being neither pol- !are bV (Tearing he hnd a ' ,:mi,n,a 1 "o.aning. but d.'s
luwaii or diplomat cannot fat h- Ther v II b a deb- alioiit ,,,e'lne e!f,m3 of his :iivr ho
oin the dci.ihs of Hip son rfl... nerv'" a "out ,.(.Pfi ...,., i,!lv.i.r .
trouble. I believe It was Victor vEhJ bT'the SeS hroh ' S
Hu-o who said that Napoleon I noo,)"- y InterentoJ Li0,d could stand.
Bonaparte "vexed God." Yes I iteniiloVoihhin la nmv uv.rU- I T1,! f'','':fl services were held
dare say, at all events Ho gave W on theSS New,,ort Mo,,,,ay- Kev-
him a good spanking. I have a I ,,,RL j wX, 'rnpd hn. tj,hpr Vorvl mxwMnK the
Junch that it would tickle the lnJ ' wJeeJ afte elT away "r The parents of the un.
httle Corncan niuss-niakor most i'-vcI wnoki iortunate young man have tho
tO death if he COIlld nppk uHth - 'kvhiuhMiv it ihn
..... 1,11,. .mi mi i my nromors Ji'e .mishos. iiianin i:oiivor, !' ian -ihco miiniing nnt some or
keeper?" I've stood on the site Christina Peterson. Messrs. Hur-'thein will weigh 18 tons. They
of a Napoleon battle field whereby Coliver and Lloyd LoWiu'woic to go on the Aloatraz but
a wind mill still stands In which made a trip to Beaver Crock t ould not be loaded,
he hid and watched the hat of Sunday. I At Hie teachers examination
bi'ttle. I can give you an Idea of Clarence Boone 'accompanied h''ld In this place a few weeks
the situation I:i abstract zum by Royal Ferr.left for Portland ipnM tho applicants to rocivo cer
beispiel ns the Germans say. Tho Knl'irday morning. Cliroiicejlillcates-to teach were, Jerry
Wllld mill tiorsnil.ntod hv I'on., U-ill lunvn tn AImuI.i, i1i II -ut ll inlu nf Clmi ni.,1 MK j U V
- " J ..111
ATn tl Iti 'n itr.U ..1. ft ..
.-u.i.iiB ituik nnui mm v.;iiaril;
Galons farm lands tho scene of
conflict. Remember please that
I said in abstract; nlso with all
surrounding buildings and fence
tbsent perhaps roads. There
fore for my own part I ask no
particular halo around about
the Great Shadow as a noted
novelist styled the man who
Stormed Ttaliuhnn Pon it then
ii, vun
nA tnriit nnr urnrlrlo nrni. r.f tnlii.T i
is tO OUt do Wntprlnn nr that
"frightful erave Ohalne?" God
Mrs. Eva Burbank callH I
Mrs Cox and daughter Friday -STS STS.Sffi
ThP iinnpr p, n.,rt't- 1 ging Company be sold at Re
n .ntJ' ceiv?r'8 sale, on the 28th day of
..u.v lliVH 1U1H3,
It snows one more !
Mrs. P. Vancil called on Mrs
H. G. Rhoades Thursday after
I mr- auu Mrs. k. u. Martin and
""uren visitea at the J. C.
iHuntsucker home Sundav
untsucker home Sunday.
Peter Peterson made a trip
t0 Winant Saturday.
Mlss Christine Peterson who
is staying at the Geo. Lewis
home visited home folks of thlsrtalrs room. In the night hear-
vicinity irom Sunday until Mon -
Mrs. Dora Huntsucker of Oys-
ter City was visiting in this vi-
cinlty from Sunday until Wed-
Mrs. J. M. Bowers called on
Mrs. H. G. Rhoades Wednesday
u 0
Rudolph Huntslcker returned
from Portland Saturday where
he spent a week.
E. T. Raddant made a trip to
Nortons last Saturday.
Joe Cason and nephew are
most through plowing oa the
Loe rnnch which they recently
rented '
Miss Celia Scullen attended
the Catholic Service held at Si-
letz last Saturday.
Ned and II Rvnns w r nr.
ton. J. Albert and II Simmons
'attended the Fa m
jletz on Saturday
I Mr. Eiiiot of 'nock Crppk f .
nded and tauKht the Bible
around the school house. It l
a treat to see roses In bloom so
early in this part of the c'oun-
Quite a few young folks from
here and Yamiina nitondod (lo
.1 t i , .i
flniinn n. X"... . 1. 1 1
mime ui i1l-WIIMl llll'y Hli TC-
:port a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Loi-oiikh Kmor-
... . . .
b(, a"" ir. and .Mrs. George
Campbell attended the dance at
Vivan Potcrncm and Guy Al-
I roe were in this vicinity Fridiy.
i .i . ... . .
nun- ina frttm., n i. r..ll 1 .1 ...... . vi viiihv .uiiiiiiuii"
'"unny iNyo called at tne. uiraui m nannie. nioy are liig
iOirlstepHon homo Saturday. 'rock for the arch for a San
... ... . .. .. .....
---.', a... ...u.lf mm; 111 ni I7i I
. 1 . ... .
April and Royal will return to
I. I.. I '
his homo hero
Miss Violet King called nt the
Ohmart and Pholns ranch nt
Ona Saturday.
Mrs. John Backus and child
ren called at the Boone homo
Mrs. Geo. King and daughter,
Gladys made a business trip to
TVvin,),-. o..,...i
lureuu, uaununj,
Circuit Judge J. W. Hamilton
arrived over from Roseburg
Z "?sLUd.evemn5 a weanea-
S sfyuJ claims iVZVt
com, Lv Thi minf 1
KramriSt XPJn
V ,m?' Tnt of way etc-
27 000,d
Before makinc thP ordr r
'salVSi llamntm, ifiL ?
Ba'e Juage Hamilton listened to
"button, of all who were
l,pt.t cnri,,l 1, fU U..J..
" ifi "i " ' luc ,mv,"s OI
I .Tnhn T? vrlvoclfl 4V 01 -
01u son or Mr. and Mrs. Anton
nyuzeBKi or Tatt. died last K"ri.
'day evening from exnosure. thn
'day evening from pvitneurn tv,.
.result of temporary insanity.
i John had been working for a
I week for Joe Kosydar at Lower
Farm, and he slent I n nn nn.
'ing a noise like some one falling
'down stairs. Mrs. Kosvdar arosn
to see what was the matter, as
,she neared the stairway she was
encountered bv voune Rvdzski
who appeared under great men-
tal stress and demanded that she
' open the door and let him out.
I Before she could comnlv he
.brushed her aside, tore the door
open and bounded out Into the
! darkness in his night clothes.
SJ"8, TT PTed
!"h 8 fr he'P a
r r J, Z 7 organized A.
' 2 Vnrt VhMWery' ,J?
:R',a,d thera, re8P0ded-
?ydz!rk nwas ea,8ily tracpd by
5 8 h"t00 trlck?
,d rt r, a, l)lo"ed field and by
his weird waillngs which carried
1" Jm'K From the
"fth of h 9 Btr df he aPI'eared
,to be, run,n,"8 at top speed. It
' was 'ound at one place where he
had run ilUo a barb wlre fcnce-
again they found where he bad
,0Ped down a twenty foot bank
Into the waters of Euchre creek.
i ny tra, ed him down the creek
Davis and Winant have added
a handsome cash register to
their establishment.
Thf utnnmnr Alrntpiv nptf.i.l
last Monday and sailed Tucs-
I,!,... ....... ..I..
llilj 111(11 lllll.
The steamer Bandorillo ar
rived in Wednesday.
I lie steamer Homer arrived In
''m I ucvuiay morning with a
i full cargo,
The rock quarry folks have
'sent t-onie big utone down to tho
' ":iy l hat tho derrick people are
. . . i . i .. ....
' .
i Hampton, of Nnshvllln, first
I. I.. .l... T.. ... in .... rt
.. m.U J .... ii. ...... I u ...
. - .... t ...
grade: Miss Inez IVpow, of
Waldport. MIi;k Bertha Plunliott,
of Kings Valley, Miss Kilio Cros.
no, Miss Bell Butler and 1011 Gai
thcr, of Toledo, second grade;
Miss Alice Trenholm or Wald
port, Miss Ida Skinner, of Nash-
'vllle, Miss Laura Malay, of New
port, Miss Nellie Ghormley, of
Newport and Jos. Ewing of To
ledo, third grade.
The passing of another Lin
coln County pioneer was mark
ed on March 19th when Lafay
ette F. Pepin departed this life.
In Lincoln County, sparsely
settled, the pioneers have always
been few, and those remaining
to enjoy its later development,
those hardy men who braved
the dangers and endured the
hardships of that new country
of forty years ago, are rapidly
leaving us.
L. F. Pepin was born April 24,
1550, in lloscoe, Boone County,
Illinois, and, in 1878 found his
way across the Continent to
near what is now Chitwood, Lin
coln County. This section of
the country was without means
of communication except by
horses until the construction of
the Corvallis & Eastern railroad
about 1883. Mr. Pepin aidsd ln
the construction of this enter
prise which afforded railroad
communication from Lincoln
County to the outside world.
. Mr. Pepin took a pre-emption -claim
in the Chitwood vicinity
in 1878 and was preceded in that
'vicinity by only three settlers.
He continued to live there during
ine iouowmg 3a years and until
his death which came after a
protracted illness of about two
years. He was the proprietor of
a mercantile business at Chit
wood for many years immediate
ly prior to his death. Besides '
the widow, Mrs. Flora Pepin, he
leaves nve sons, William b. Pe
pin. Arthur.J. Pepin, Fred Pepin, i
Archie D. Pepin and Floyd Pepin.
County Commissioner 0. V.
Hurt, who returned from Port
land last evening, says that he
called on S. Benson of the State
Highway Commission while In
Portland, regarding Lincoln
county s status in the road mat
ter. Mr. Benson talked very fav
orably and told Mr. Hurt that If
Lincoln county would put up
$1000 that they woulj take
$1000 from the Federal money
and $1000 from the State money
and use it on our roads. $3000,
while not a large sum- when it
comes to building roads, will do
a lot toward putting th? road
riom the Valley to Newport In
good shape.
We talked with County Judge
Miller regarding tho matter and
ho assuron nn dm the county
will put up tlic necessary money.
After having twice boon post
poned, the "l-augli ?g Cure" is
to be staged al the Dime theatre
this ovcni.iK. Tho nl.iv i
by the seniors of the high school,
and (he receipts ot the evening
will go toward getting out tholr
school annual, the "Mine and
Gold." The comedy Is a scream
from start to finish and you
ca i't afford to miss it. Admis
sion 2." cent 3.
Justice C. K. Croum wna n
busy man last Fri lay. having
two cases lor r.o.iiinu; before his
court. The first was that of Wm
KlHor and Key Coliver. both of
Newport. It M-ei is that Mr.
Kisor pun liascd some property
Irom Mr. I'oilvr. tho latter giv
ing a warranty d"ed lor same.
Alter having tii,. p pei(y for
soiiii. time Mr. Kisoi- discovered
that there were some back taxes
which had never boon paid. He
brought suit in .lust Ion
and received Judgment.
The Rprmid irviun u-.m 9
l. v . Jones vs. Shorn Uifayette.
ir. joncs suing to collect attor
ney foes duo for defending Shorn
Laiayette recently in the Fed
eral Court al I'orUMiifl Thi
was a Jury trial and a verdict
was brought In for Mr. Jones.
Those sitting on the Jury were:
C. O. Ofstednhl. K. B. Shumway.
J. W. Parish. ICd. Stanton. Roy
Swcaringen and Fred Chambers.