.4 r-". VOLUME 25 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23d, 1917." NUMBER 1 fountp NEWPORT The Newport basket ball team "went out to the Valley last week and was gone three days, re turning Saturday evening. The team was under the direction and training of Prof. V. C. Genn one of the teachers In the Newport public schools. They played at Monmouth and won, 24 to 6 in favor of Newport. At Independence Newport won again, 18 to 4. The Newport team was complimented at both places on their splendid playing and also on their fine sense of honor in playing a square clean JSWi Te,NewPrt tea celled in their activity and their skill in pitching the ball. The linvo wont ir c am orwi .;:.., .1 4k t .1 "-" ""icu ume. Among tneme were Lloyd the Legislature and looked upon and Fred Commons. Mrs Wolf that august body of law makers ersperger, Cliff. Phelps and V. L firm urofo -rir oil., ....... t , ,1 , . . 1. . ever thoy went. The boys came ( home in fine spirits and felt proud of the splendid record ,1jrouj ucuiui nuciu- they had made. No team can Bucceeu wno plays a dishonest : Chauncey Ohmart and wife ga,?- , . , , 'and babies were visitors at the The commercial club met at Park's ranch Sunday the call of the president Mon- Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Phelps and day evening to take some steps 'Miss Helen spent Sunday with to get a portion of the $(5,000,000 the Common's family bond issue .to build roads and Guy Lewis passed thru Ona highways in the state. It seems Monday on his way to Waldport in planning the roads through returning home Tuesday, the state Lincoln county was j L. M. Commons went to New left out. A committee was ap- port Thursday to see a dentist pointed to look after this matter. , A committee was also appointed ' 0 to waiton the county court at' ' FIEGLES CREEK its next meeting and see if they ! could not get some of the 5y ! 'Spring, with that nameless mill levy to be used in building Pathos in the air which dwells some new roads in the county. witu a11 things fair Spring, It is the purpose of the county wlth her golden suns and silver court to pay off the old debt or ram' 18 witn "3 once again." at least reduce it within the limit Timfod- of the $5,Q0Obefore constructing . lne Triliums are in bloom, any new roads, but to keep up '. 0ur children are enjoying the and repair the roads and bridges State Library now at the Grant we already have. This . course" Scbool. Eeems to suit the taxpayers of z- A- Kessi, F. L. Mulvany, the county. Get out of debt is Blanche and Percy Mulvany at the motto of the people (and tended the meeting held at also keep out). A resolution Grants School House, Sat., Feb. was also passed by the club en- .17tn for the avowed purpose of dorcing the action of President organizing a grange and the or Wilson in severing diplomatic ganizer delivered the goods O. K. relations with Germany. As Alx"t 3o members enrolled and the winter will soon be over and 1 believe the Charter is not yet the cummer noaonn xiHll enrm ClOSeu. open the club is getting busy. The survey on the Portland and West Coast Railroad and Navigation Company, on ac- count of bad weather is suspend- " , l" c, ed for six weeks. Mr. Fitzgerald thematized as old hayseed" and the manager says $10,000 has lnade the butt of all good natur already been spent In this work ?.d J"";, were dubbed and they have hardly made a"lbIe8 ,(r K.reenhorns" and beKinniiiE. Newnort exnects a bis daughtoi-s silly blushing milk cood season this vear. The " 111 VWIIIV . WlJ'Vrl, Oregon coast. As we have kept f"'1 our government acknow out of war so long w e had bet- letisest le a"!e by placing a ter continue to do so as theoat at the National Capital for coming summer will probably .tho,?e live , out In the fields decide who is master of Europe. ith Natures Ood. Therefore Several gentlemen are here tet us make plain the path for now 'looking over the conditions our, children s leet while the for halibut fishing and the black makI"g 's Sod. sand gold nines of the beach. A 0 few of the mines are being work ed ami nav all the wav from I CHITWOOD $1 50 to $2.00 per day. If all the gold could be saved it would pay nnifii better The local institute held last - v Lciiiuic at an in ujuer Saturday at the new high school t0 break the monotiny. Any building was one of the best (Way jiaiph Wilsons mule is well ever held in the county. Thirty again. teachers were present and all j ifs'snowing here again agal took an Interest in the meeting. ;Kanie as usual onjy a liule wors. Some able papers were read on ,er- educational topics and interest- f Dudley Trapp has finished his ing discussions followed. The., lowing for his grain and is domestic science girls prepared Waiting for some good weather the dinner and it was a credit to again before seeding, the young ladies who took ho . Archie and Raymond Wilson much pains to get It up and a joy : aro back here asaln intending to all who partook of it about to stay for some time. They are fifty plates were set. TheiBtay,ng on the Phillips place schools of the county seem to be; Where they will do some slash in good condition and the teach- jng era aro working hard to bring j p p , , , . the schools of the county up rot xS?t h C ahlgh grade of eniciency.Uherc: , a teacher's work Is not satlsfac-, " V1 " n"7' tory she is superceeded and a I ,a,l)h w 18011 resigned his po- better teacher employed. In ,RlLl as loRBer for Mr. Stout order to curtail expenses where am Co., last Saturday and now there are too many grades In a;win start fanning. school the plan is to merge them j Wm. Cook ond sons are busy and reduce the number of grades flowing on the Damon place and this makes a better school lately. and does not over burden the The "Lonesome and Lonely" teacher In her work cither, j Bachelors Club met at the res Many of the fancies and fads can ddence of E. A. Goodrich last be cut out aa well as not and this will make a much better school. ONA The reporter must have for gotten to knock wood when he said BDrlne had annarentlv h in Sieht for we are in thn mlrlar of a flurry of snow and Winter weamer. Miss Madeline Ryan also Pe ter Byrn wers Newport visitors for the week end. TT 7n PICT onrl f O TM ! 1 wnt.tM.xJ home from Agate Deach and Day points after a weeks visit. Several young people of Ona attended the H. Qt x'iof Saturday night reporting a good i " . 1 v .ucrarianu. L. C. Smith of Newport was a i caller in and around ouiw burg i Sunday on his way home from a trip to the Alsea countrv. juaging Dy appearances the grange is a fine organization es pecially for those in the rural walks of life, lime was when r. "r . "as niaKlfV Ior wll.om was set a pcr Doar mtor. The news are awful Rrnree- inc jJt:ufii; nuill uu any IU111K the people wont do any thing Sunday afternoon, and a cheer ing time was had. Those ans wering to the roll call were: B. a. uooancn, u. K. Wilson, J. C. Kurtichanov, "Doc" Wagner, and Rov Wb rf - o - ments were served and a delight- iui time was had. Any loner some bachelor or poor hen pecked husbandwill be welcome at any-time. Rod Nash was here a few days ago buying some stock. He drove out quite a number of cat tle. GLEN We are certainly having sum mer days, although the nights are a trifle wintery. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davenport are living on their homestead, here. Mlss Clare Moore came in from Corvallis Tuesday for a short v,s,t with her parents, re- tlirnlncr IVrlln, - n C. W. Brown is selh'g quite a lot of potatoes. He has hired Jesse Daniels to haul them for nim. Mrs. W. R. Moore and daugh ter, Clare, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Danieia of Riverside. Mr. Sharp went to Toledo. Wednesday. WEST YAQUINA Hereafter West Yaquinaites will think twice before they put any faith in the ground hog's predictions for an early spring. Wm. Willis and son, Chester, have just completed a job of wood cutting for Mr Sue the1 wm reclaim hun- Winant merchant gg iSS ' tanTf 'tWetandl. e Mrs.Fae Wolfersperger. Llovd 'ni! u i .J? world' .and and Fred Commons and V. Mr, Farland of Beaver CreeTc afendJ'bn Tried bv OmVni pi dth, dance at Winant Saturday cSSnlenjS' RdeR8 D. C. Miller and C. H wim. I1!.'""3"18'. and others who went to Newport Thursday on rbusiness. " Chas. Plowman who reside 7 . utUe I3eaver. a tribu- inS " Toledo with a meeting of on the Jack Daly pkee at the tary t0 DePt slough, and by this the Improvement Club, basket head of Kings Slough had the means vPened UP t0 Production ball game and Washington misfortune tc lose ? one of hit 8fv,fral hundred acres of the "Irthday dance as the varied at- dairy cows last week by niireing lch,e8t land in the countv- The t1ractionu- ,De8)ite the competi down in a , Y m,relng Project on Little Beaver has tion of la"er two attractions John Hanlon and Miss Grace owe rame i fr, tt ,.. r Creek Mnnrlnv tico it..!! . xiunr ORTON Cold snowy weather. It seems to get deeper every day. Mr. and Mrs. John isi ispent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. sorter and family having a fine time. Wm. Porter went un to John' Potwora's last Sunday after some seed potatoes Rennie Callehan returned home from Taconm" WaSg- ton, last Wednesday The people were Rlad to toe him bark nJl Homer Evans and Rennln f!ni. . . - . o ' lehan made a business trip to Si letz laot Saturday, Mr. Evans re turning the same day but Mr. Callehan remained over. Miss Lavina Wilbur returned home from Corvallis last Wed nesday. There was a dance in the Up per Farm school house last Sat urday night. Miss Maude Porter, Mrs. Wal ker and Mrs. Burbank were call ers on Mr. and Mrc. Cox and family last Saturday, having a fine time. Music was enjoyed by those present. Homer Evans has nearly fin ished hauling the fence posts for the fence which la to bo built about the new school house in Dist. 09. Mrs. Blackcter who has been on the sick list U greatly im proving. Ben Stewart hasboen pretty sick for the last three or four days. Wm. Porter Has boon ldnwln land for Mrs. Blackcter in prep- eration Tor artichoke planting. Ned Evans has also been plow ing this week. G. W. Baker of Bear Creek Bpent last Sunday at Wm. Por the guest of Mrs. Sydney NIch-Li t Iarmers , lvlnS on Depot - oleson of Yanuina slough are working on a similar. ' unanimously voted to Miss Neta Phelps of Newnort J)"P08'tlon. a"l carried take'1, ladies in a? n.cmbors of was a West Yaquina visitor Sat- fhr?,ugn t0 success it is the in- "le Cluo, and we bo.ieve this was H., 4 1 r oai tention to n ace the .inm a wise move. " "J YAQUINA PROJECT DELAYED Oreironlnn Nmr. r, ..0 UUlOttU, wasnington, Feb. 19. Repre iiontoH,,. u.-i ' "W- 5w f Ke S Zy Was today ad" Vised DV the rivar anrl U m , uaiuui &!Leng,neer8 that the P'upusea runner lm- l. . . : uojr naoiwcic eieuieu ana insiauea: ri.Sni T ? ,Up PendinS receipt of Master, H. F. Briggs; Over aeflnite information from the 'seer. C. Cator: Lecturer. Mrs W f 5v.Yaqu,na as to nOW lar thev are rendv tr nn-n erate with the Federal Govern-iron ulellt. I neir renort shown that r ch,annel depth of 30 eet Will rPnillfa nn n . . 1 ' . . ... Yt.. cAenuiiure or iwrs. m. inomason; Pomona, more than $1,000,000 while a 20- Miss D. Martin; Flora, Miss Es nnn S! th1wi,1(;Ostabout$800,- ther Janetsky; Lady Assistant ooo. ihe board wants to know Steward, Mrs. S. W. Allison whether the local district will I This new grange will' be agree to bear half the cost of known as Big Eik Grange. This In ; m I , Se Priects' and if makes eight granges in Lncoln "uii.ii. iiiiuniiaiion is to be procured through the district engineer ottice at Portland. Be-1 Don't forget March 10th., the cause of the delay it is doubt- date set for Pomona Grange at nil ir any appropriation can be Eddyville. All grangers are in made this session. Oregonian. vited. FARMERS SECURE RIGHT TO DYKE OLALLA SLOUGH Last Monday word was receiv. ed from Washinptnn n r ,v, ,,. , -o"', v,. umi W thiM k ahl .biU', autl'oriz-!lng nun i t: b 1 a uam acrS8 01 me Toledo High Schooi uiaua slough near the Hans 01- Grammar School basket ball son place, had passed. This 'came, that was ninved a ih project has been under way for ee.erai years and has Iippi, hei., hni P w, Sg,.the PassaBe of the "HI. Mtn Its nassape all let .1 . , "iLa- cies nave been overrmtio nn,i worK w m soon be commenced, . Jdam.. and dyke 'hen ; --'"me prouuc - I rtthlnfL m wtn flood gates, across the P, , !? a" Unqt and we can see proved an unqualified success, ana we can see no renann i no reason why .theOlalla project should not. rru ... tention to nlaee the ln the slough at the Dundon bridge. A committee of two, A. T. Pe We like to see these projects tl'rs011 and Edw. J. Clark, was carried out, as they mean much appointed to drart a resolution to the future growth and devel- for sending to the Albany and opment of thin mnniv Corvallis Commercial Clubs ask- 0 THE NEWPORT TEACHFDR' imctitiitc . .lueu Wfls well attend- ?da"d tne teachers and others h i 1 I,lcaseu wl,n wlial iney leanieJ- 'forTJ flvenl",8 YaS Ca"?d at Vl! t p"' fpe!,,nR, ith l2,.c.I?5a-.T.h ' Professional Cer- 1 1 1 1 1 il I H inn I'ltrlU i:rnr n I.1., , . . v..uug j-a- (iuuihilj uuiiiiiiiiiee, aim in animation, The Reading Circle structed to get up matter for nork, The County Fair, The N.;the printing on letterheads for H: A n rwl lVi C!l.i f... .. . ... . ... Term, each had a few minutes ' w ".-". 1. . discussion, then the siihWt of Language, by Mrs. llalleck, Ar ithmetic. Mr. Miller, and flrnin- TJ' Lmh.hy. .MlHS W'.,'t- "Wi "M 1'icauui.uu uoiuiu tun ner. The lunch prepared and serv . I-... .... ...... ed by the domestic class of the Xewport High School was all , t hiH city yesterday, for the pnr that anyone could wish for pose of starting the ball rolling when he was hungry. for a bigger and better county The afternoon was taken up fair this year than ever. With talks liv M!a Mlvl Joseph, Prof. Plough, Prof. Ort- llln - Mm l.iu..,.l 1 , 1? nuuuinu aim i-roi. m. norry 01 Newport was.eioct Coleman. led to fill the vacancy. The por- The entire school board was sonnol of the board now is: W. present Which shows that thrvlM. Ilorrv if NVwnnrt nreHldnnt are pleased and proud of their scnool and they have the right to be, for the building is well ar- rnwA.l -. -1 .1 . 1 . milieu nim i no loaonors prove to be doing the best work R. P. Coin. FOR A SHORT TIME After Feb. 28th, The Dining room of Merchants Hotel will be discontinued. GRANGE ORGANIZED AT HARLAN waa a Biange organized at IIarlan Saturday the 17, with 0 V i i ' There was a grange organizes ou cuaner memoers ana a good re-outlook for more in the near future. The following officers P. H. Martin; Steward, C. Mc- ITVinoM. ,ii d,. ' j tt.. Briggs; Chaplain. Llovd I.lllnrd TriHciin C.rnnu r..i . rseortit!T., t ti,. -i- Keeper, Frank Mulvany; Ceres, m. county with with about 8-Hi members in good standinu. 5. T. London, District Deputy. SIXTEEN TO ONE nee silver is not aeain be- agitated, it Is just the score No, free silver Is not again be- hall last Saturday evening. The nieh sh nuch for the Grammar School ' crllu o.,,l .,,.-11, ...1 w ...1.1. .1. to aim nuincu uu Willi llie cuino,. nt n, m,. j Grammar girls put up a game fight, but were no match for the larger and more experienced girls. The High School boys beat ln.e 8econd team hV the : score or 28 to 14 ROUSING MEETING OF IMPROVEMENT CLUB Last nlcht was a. busy even. ing in Toledo with a meeting of tne meeting of the Improve ment Club was well attended, and much enthusiasm manifest. .1 lug their assistance In securing I recognlzatlon of this section in the road building plan proposed bv the state 1 A committee of three, A. T. P - torson, W. E. Ball and R. II. 1 1 lowell, was appointed to attend "e cannery meeting today, and do what they can to forward -thi8 '''n'rise. K Ua"' Fred Wuter8 aml F. N. I layden, were named as 1.1!.. I... , , llie UUVCllinillK 111 L111H ESCLUUll. Another iiioolim; will he. hold on Thursday, March 8th. COUNTY FAIR IS A SURE GO THIS YEAR A mooting of the Lincoln , , inifi, i.i Llirr 1.IIIIU1I1 Countv Fair Board was holil In nation as -president, and Dr. W. .. i. , . . 'Jos. Swoaringon, of Toledo, soc- rotary; S. W. Scoville of Pioneer, and R. P. (Join, of Toledo, direc- . tors. Mentis) of trot 1 hi tr the evhllilt building In shape and other busi ness pertaining to tne noiiiing of a successful fair wore dis cussed, and the laying of plans for a good live fair begun. Another meeting will be held today to further go into the matter. TEAM STANDS STILL! WAGON RUNS AWAY!! While hauling a load of bark up Fourth street last Saturday mowing Gorge Altree, who anves tor Billy Graham, had a peculiar runaway. As he was neartng the top of the hill, by Ira Wade's place, the wagon hammar worked out, allowing the double-trees to come loose. The wagon released from the horseD started on a mad rush down the hill. George sent out the "S. O. S." and jumped for safety. After attaining a good lively speed the wagon slewed out of the road, cramped short ly around, broke off a front wheel, and stopped, and stood patiently waiting while George approached and caught it. WILL PERFECT LOAN ASSOCIATION A mooting will b hold t iha county court house on Wednes day, February L'Sth, 1!U7, at ten o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of perfecting a Federal Farm Loan Association. All interest ed are invited to be present and take part in the meeting. W. H. Osburn, Sec. Pro. Tern. DELIN UENT TAX LIST FOR YEAR 1915 Tile following list of resit property BltimtPil In Lincoln Countv. State of Oroison. la hereby advertised for de linquent taxes assessed for tlie year 11)15. Tills advertisement I, ni.ih,..i..j hy an act embodied In Chapter 301 of the (ieneral Lawa" of Oregon, ns passed "j urn iau session or tlio K'Klslatlvu assembly. The taxes on the followlnB advertis ed list of real property became delln luent October 6, 1916. and are sub ject to a penalty of 6 per cent and lnt ertes at the rate of 12 per cent per annum until the said taxes shall bare been paid. Notice Is hereby piven that tlx ,T,-n naftf r t,le 111X08 cllarK' awlnst the followlnn real property first be came delinquent the Sheriff Is required by law to issue certificates of delln. quency awilnst the said property for delinquent taxes. The said certificate of delinquency shall bear Interest at I he rate of 15 per cent per annum uu til the certificates are redeemed. Any time, after the expiration of hree years from the first date of de nqueiicy on any tax Included In a cer tificate of dellnmieiw-v ti.o I ... 1, i.,,i,t;- '"'-nio may cause summons to be served on the owner of the prop- . , , vne ceruiicate, no tiryliiK the owner that he will apply to the Circuit Court of the county In which such property is situated for a decree forecloslmt the leln ajralnst the property mentioned in such certlfi- Tim nist of publishing this notice will be added 'o and become a part of the penalty churned UKuinst ouch des crlption, proportionately. Abbreviations and Abitrary Slant Sec. - Seel Ion. T. Township. S. S.mtli. It. l!:niKe. W. - West. Hlk.- Itlock. Kx. Kxcept or oxceptlng. Kst. Instate. I''ract. Kractlonal. N. North. And. Kt. I'eet. Inc. Incliislvp. Con.-Coiitulnliig. II. Kast Township 6 South, Range 9 West John It. Doyer, metes ami hounds description. Sec. :-0. Tp. ( S, II I W 2 acres $:i.4J. ' John C liuvles and J. K. Sullivan, NW,.; Sec. 24. Tp. S..Y w j 303 acres -$:!23.la. Mary K. c. Marley, Kt, (fira patrol 1. Sec. 2!t, Tp. 6 S., It. il V.: 80 ill-res, t(l.!l(i. Mora ! llllnn. NK1 i, NEU NW S.T. 30, Tp. ti S, 11 1) W; 120 acres-$17.10. Keudrlck II. Satnpson. Kl,', Ei4 K'4 Si:i.,. Sec. 32; Tp. U S.. il. 9 VV 1 acres Jf25.ti.ri. ' Arthur (I. Smith. NV,, Sec. 33- To K, It !) W; I till acres-$.'S.22. ' TownthlD 6 South. B mi. iniriiiiiK, i-;',j, SK'., Sec . . Iw ,li,l 33. I p. ' S. It 10 W; NO acres - i.-.l.20 llella Lane, K'i, SW, Sec. 33 Td 6 H. U in W; NO acres l.i.i;s. Chan. MardliiK, SIC4. SW'i. See 34 Tp. ti S, It 10 Wi 320 acreM $123.48. ' Nellie K. Kletcher. NKi. ki.M'. u- 35. Tn. (I S.. 11. in W in ,.ro.'i o Nellie 10. Kh'tcher. SU. sire a..' 3t!, Tp. C S II 10 IV: SO ai res ilQn ' Township 6 South, Range 11 West' Henry Curl. Ixits 7 S. i nn.l in u 25, Tp. ti S, H 11 V; so acres l':i4.2(l' Krnest l.ni:aii. Iit :il. s... m t. a S, It 11 W; 25 acres--ls.55. liruest Ijii-.iii. a1. " . nn 1 ! 35, Tp. ti S, It 11 V: 40 acres- MS.BS. ' Township 7 South. Range 9 West Helen (I. Knox. KW'ti NKi;, BEU NW4 (Klro patrol), -Sec 1, To. 7 S, It U V; NO acres-10.0. Arthur Mcl'lillllps, Uts, 1, und 2, SKU NK4 (Klre Tatrol), Sec 2, Tp. tCoutlnucd on I'aue 2) ter's.