Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 01, 1916, Image 1

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    , . '.( , rv ..
V T . M
21 Tr nni
... .j sirs. - . :
;V0LUME4 --i.
The Commercial Club met; last
.Friday at their room in. the J. O.
"). F. Hall to discuss the matter
of establishing, a. free ferry at
Newport and one across the bay fr themBeiveBi
nominations were made f or mar.
shal as three candidates are" al
ready in the field, viz, John Frey,
A.' J. Brown and J. Burdette.' It
was thought best to let them
I fight- it out among the voters
at Waldport. After discussing
the question for some time on
motion a committee of two was
appointed to meet with the peo
ple of Waldport to discuss the
question of a free .ferry. The
committe was composed of W. A.
Waterbury and Warren Hartley.
The weather being bad on Sat
urday and the committee arriv
ing late it was decided to call a
meeting on Sunday. This was
a kind of mass meeting and well
attended by the citizens of Wald
port and vicinity. It was de
cided at this meeting to appoint
committee. of three to circu
The following names will ap
pear on the ticket: councilmen,
first ward, W. D. Wheeler, Geo.
Savage, Mr. Rickman Is the hold
over. Second ward, Walter Wal
rud and R. F. Baker. Third ward,
A. Kirkland, holdover, D. E.
Hickax and Charles Rosser,
candidate L. H. Payne declined
to run again.
Mr. Wickman is still out with
a crew of men, surveying and lo
cating the fortiana west uoast
Railroad. The party is now at
Agate Beach.
Mr. Fitzgerald Is now in von
a committee, or inreeiocu-land hav, lntervlew8 with the
late petitions asking the County j drectors of the company. Mrs.
Court to grant the right to es
tablish free ferries across he Al
sea and Newport Bays. South
Beach also sent a committe to
Waldport to assist in the work.
A committe composed of Lee
Doty, Mr. Keady, and Dr. Linton
was appointed. A similar com
mittee was appointed at New
'port to circulate petitions. W.
A. Waterbury, Warren Hartley
and L. C. Smith were appointed.
John Flemming Wilson of New
York is now on a visit with her
mother. Mrs. C. II. Williams.
Mrs. Wilson may remain all
Lloyd Commons was . a west
Yaquina,, visitor Wednesday,
i i A consignment of trees ; and
shrubs fpr patrons of (he Russel
ville Nursery Co., of Portland
was received Saturdajr by .. a.
Miller local agent for tne arm.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weber and
son. W. C, Weber, eame in from
Beaver Creek Tuesday.! m.
L. M. Commons of Ona pass
ed thru here last Wednesday en
route to Seattle where he will
himself. ' ...
'i Mr. and Mrs, , Smith ; , Allison
gave an informal dancing party
The Toledo' football team went
After rth'ls week 'the Herald wilf
trial Vila hivitVinr
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Meyers .re any serious damage
Friday evening. Qn account .pf to Newport. yesterday.. on,,, .the be published, only once a ween.,,
bad weather a small crowd was .Steamer Truant, accomphWd, The raise .-in the price of prin
there, but notwithstanding ailiby allarge crowd of footers, and ape,r which h,aa..dou.bJ,ed in the,,
enioyea tnemselvea-and did -inn. urougni nome tne nacon to the mmww
tlce to the delicious: refresh- tunerof 19 td 3.
menta whioh wpro notprt ' : Nothing uncertain
. The Spout Creek schbolhouse iThis is the ecpnd game bf a;our making this change in our,
caught lire Wednesday morning, championship series and bothiPia118- .any other newspaper
caused by the siove pipe coming havebeen won by Toledo. The throughout the country hav
apart near the ceiling. .It was Aeld .was slippery, but in fairly Hound it necessary to readjust,
uuuuverea ana exaneuisnea oe- vuiiuiuuiv-aiia .uie locaia r at t& f -, vv
Newporters in all 0 0 v-v' uu "i yuu-
Some score 1 other 60. Per, cent raise, about
about that January' !, '1917, is the' cause ot
was outplayed the
of Beaver Creek ' left rxiaay i . , i-iviivo ui mc auie. n
morning for Jefferson. Oregon, - Mrs. Hutson Grant mado a vis-1 the, by? Put UP a fine defense
XriTthev will snend the winter, jit to Glen Friday. ' and , Carson, . ...CannonbaU.'.
' " - . . . , IM 1 ) J
DIES . ;
C. F. Butler, one of Corvallis
best known and best liked citi-
rn, onri stolla I Mrs. Bernice tiodlv hno hpn I oturay , McMillan, and Ter-
Willis who are attending school vlshing her sister. Mrs. S. W. re"ce Galther were "Bears"
at Newport spent the week end Allison, the past week. iwne11 came to making yard-
:.l.ui;.L'i,. - 'I. R. Pavnfi hn.iPht o omnii age. George Andrews had the
Mr and Mrs Wm Backus of ,bunch of goats from G. Down- ;mi'ortune to have one of the zens, died of pneumonia Monday
vnmiina visited friends in this iin8 ' Turn Turn. 'bones of his left wrist broken 'night after a three days' illness.
SvThursday 'R. R. Black bought a fine !durlng the first quarter and this Saturday Mr. Butler was on
A " n frm nn I young Jersev bull from pvi n ; dampened the snirlts of th the streets. He had a severe
Wpdnesdav ;v's. of Blodgett, who makes a croXvd for a time- i cold, as hundreds in the city
John Coovert maac ms regu-i", ' U1 JerHey st0CK- , V , uie,"' "V . ,u n r
lnr weklv trio in from Beaver ' Jt is reported that R. E Dart- 'Notorious team steamed Into the all serious. Sunday the cold de
Creek Thursday. ;,ng nas bought the old Llllard local harbor last evening, the veloped into pneumonia, and as
m cnot roucn of Mortil "L -'i;i-ni; imr.i mmeu i"e "u i'"s "" .-",
Lake who has owned it fnr v, the fire whistle loose, and evorv-. the dreaded dLiease found him
Mrs. W. R. Moore was called
to Corvallis to the bedside of
hor mother. Mrs. Anna Ellin-
A asperate petition will be circu- t brng, who isn't expected to sur
lated asking tht County Court vivei
to locate a county road on the i nlr pn(j j0hn Davenport
bluff running from South Beach went to Toledo last week for a
to Beaver Creek and from the j vieit. with Mrs. Davenport's par
latter place to Lutgens ovev the !e!lt3 jir and Mr3. Al Martin,
lulls. The road to bs located on.! Miss Clara Moore came in
the best ground. From Beaver i fvom corvallis Thursday for a
Cretk to South Beach the cpun- En0rt visit with her parents, re
try is almost level, witn auoui turning Sunday
sfx inches of Boil on the saiiu- j. j,jri shays went to Toledo last
stone. This part oi tne roau v.n wec;i.
bu easily built no bridges to be jjrs. J. E. Crooks was a din
pv.t in or gvudes to be made. !ner KUe8t of Mr. and Mrc. W. R.
From Beaver crecK to um-ia jioore one day last week
Is also on good wun u.i ,
little grading to do ana no m ia
in hiii'd Bv coinc on tne
biuff it would shorten the dis
tance from Newport to Wald
port about three miles. The way
thaiu Vinv tn cross these bays
1 1 . .!- ...., It
News are scarce at present.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Carting
were business visitors Thursday,
Marion Walker was looking
CHITWOOD Pa8t two years.
Mrs. John Boren left for Port-lgoorlf!1
land Saturday. . icomes from o. A. n. h Jt,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles satter ,eet on thof nn, ".""b"'-
went to Woodburn Saturday, re- ;H0uM beat 37 to 0 '
a. ThaoHtw 1 ' n ,11 - ' ijci -
turning Tuesday. ; jsonally acauainted with
Robert Schley left ror ron-. county Azmt whn "
.-J t . n rrn : . " " " "
land a rew aays ago. iUre at everything he undertook
Edgar Johnson came in frome trI d farming a3 long as Ss
New Era Tuesday returning ; credit Vould let 1 h u
body thought we were all burr.
ing up until they found out the
occasion of the rejoicing.
1 u "- " ana men
i not because he was a success
o . uui uecause lie wan a grptluato
l OWER CARM L 9' he Rot the Position of
LOWER FARM ARent , ran.t gee ffl)w &
Joe Kosydar left Monday ;"e l"at wouki oe of benefit to
Benton County Courier:
Did you know that Wilson 1?
That Marshal 12?
That Hughes 0-2-1?
And Fairbanks 0-2-1-2?
M. E. B.
you feel after
morning for Portland with a car
load of cattle, sheep and hogs.
Ed Wood Salem passed
through Lower Farm Saturday UPPER BEAVER
Vwlirn Wood I 5ir' and. M. Thomas Barker corning.
A. C.. Craved purchased rPoTeSh"" H?l .Ex-Superintendent John Stev
some nogs oi itaipn iiamar re- th p , uXl , vna 01 tne u. &
cently. m?".S m' lni?."d.,r: through on the train
How do
"big feed".
Giles Olin came
Siletz yesterday.
Mrs. E. E. Johnson was a paa-1
senger ior rortianu last Friday
an easy victim.
j Mr. Butler had many friends
in Corvallis. He was one of
I .those kind hearted, ganlal men
jwho attract. Everybody liked
him and he was warmly admired
'by childien generally.
I Mr. Butler was 5ii years old.
1 1 Io was born in Illinois In 1861,
I and he had lived in Corvallis
(about five years.
I Funeral services were held
from Bovee'B funeral parlors
Wednesday, Rev. Leech of the
the M- E- Church olliclaUng, ana
'burial was in Crystal Lake cem
'.etery. from I widow and son survive.
Benton County Courier. 1
J. S. Co n made a trip to Al-: f.llMHron ,,1 rr Vu A, u
f-any Saturday returning home ed at the Ulloailes
IT; '? " , f.i i .i,va nn a boat after his place with intent to
lv, nrrow the b?y free improve. He has left a contract
ha consderable slashing Mr.
II n- tn fnrmnr Walker will remove his family
has to "unload his produce, put J ewJroJVn "ifT !
lrfort of Corvallis
u iinri u verv ex-1 was here also.
rci.eive. To avoid this, pet:tious
are being circulated asking 10
sunaay. 1
A. C. Crawford made a trip to
Toledo Tuesday.
Work on the new mad at Low
er Farm i3 shut down until the
weather settles.
On Monday evening the Coin-
1 Club held a soc ial meui-
Latest advices credit Willy
t.'mJl ...lili nial.'lnn' rnnlfl riro- 1
g-eBs in liii studfis at Lincoln
High School, Portland.
OUle Adams nas oeen aomg
mere al LluU neiu a suciiai -- -- - -
. ei,inr,t tn dis- 1 teaming for T. J. Buford.
Jilg i-uiicu uy u.c 1" - - , npn Vrnllh, , . ,rvln out hl9
! steed here Wednesday.
t.K the County Budget of ex
Tensc. A committee of five was
wanted to meet with the court
tt Its next term, uecemuei u,
to present these matters for con
sideration. This delegation con
sists of S. G. lrvln, chairman,
M. Wvgant. W. A. Waterbury,
"b.,:; "it 11 P.vno I diet that we all have
warren iiu.h.-j ,t.
Many matters 01 nueicsi. m....
up before the club for discus
sion. The old stle of
Winkle Is rapidly passing away
and if we wish to get on the car
of progress we must wake up
and go to work.
The city election is attracting
considerable attention. At a
mass meeting held Saturday
evening, attended by about fifty
persons, nominated,. B. F. Jones
for M..yor. Mr. Jones Is well
luiour ii, this county, Is one of
the pioneers and pathrind
rra n. ?h countv. A man who
Z. A. Kessl is getting some
good results by ditching land.
It Is said that Chas. Boles has
a wish to return. These hard
times are making us all put on
our thinking can. In fact I pre-
thinks coming
'Frank Mulvany is staying at
Mr. Shane has been engaged
to play at Harry Briggs Thanks
rlvlng Dance at Harlan. Mr.
Shane while in Salem picked up
an old and superior violin, for
an vou know, those frail in
struments unlike most creations
Improve with age. A fact that
must be- Oslcrlxed. Ah! well
we will leave that mooted ques
tion for the savants.
A school meeting was held nt
the school house November 2Cd
A meeting wa3 held at the
Grant School house on the even
ing of the 18th to, arrange for a
Christmas tree and to organize
a literary society, which was
called "The Harlan GooJtimcs
Club," whose purpose is to give
V'irgle Rhoadea visited Adntnh
Peterson Sunday.
Peter Peterson made a trip to
Newport Monday returning
home TitPbrtay.
H. (J. Kho:!u.-3 and 3011 .Floyd,
made a trip to Poole Slouch
Sunday. "
J. C. Huntsucker and son,
James, were Yaquina callers
K passed
Mr. and Mrs. James Coin of
The last .act of a 3bov that
has mide a world's record by a
two years rim Is now being pre
pared at the Panama California
Siletz were passengers for Phil- International Exposition at San
01.1:1th Saturday morning. iDigo. Because the Inst day 0"
John "Brick" Miller or Nev ; falls on Sunday. Exposition
port went out to the big football 0"U'hils have chosen New Year'
game at Corvalli l.,t , r ! T i,y for rln-l"R down the cur-
returning Sunday. " ' ,. , f ,
I'red lienieyer of Siletz was lion are filled with events o'
a county seat visitor last Friday, : groat intercut and the aim a
and called in and subscribed for ; the directors to make the tina
tne Leader while in town. month the boat of the two ycarf
Miss Annie Hawkins came "I'l'H's to be 1 ealized. A record
over from Siletz Wednesdi'v tn brcakirg Cat Slow, a Mothe:
spend Thanksi;ivi,iK vJth ilor 'Goose Day, with n great p:geant
We arc in receipt of a letter
from W. A. Wood, recenilv nf
Siletz, instructing us to forward
Mr. Smith of Corvallis made
who will come a. profitable rVT1 ",y l,J "0"b
and pleasant time during the w, pnr(or mn,, 1H3 Leader to him nt E;io ill
winter T io fi,t tniutlnir with . . c u u'onrb8 i
" ,", " "'"inp to io edo Mon Jay rpturnlne
a program will be given the first Tuesday niuht ' ni"g
Saturday evening of the New jytr vvniiTa-',1,.i, ,
Year. Everyone is invited to poJy' Ualker l,urchased a new
join. A Christmas tree will be inia K'in,oit. 1 ,u ,
haH .tn ihntin,. o . 1u18 K,amath had the mis-
ment w H Te m de l, ,of baby boy.
ne uieu last Aionuay morning.
Mr. Bently of Long Prairie
made a trip up to Ned Evans
ranch to get his colt.
ior the childien, a mammoth
Thanksgiving service, anil spec
ial musical program were fea
tures of the final days of November.
.ment will be made later,
Mr. Rohrbaugh of Albany was
on Upper Big Elk last week,
where he held several cottage
meetings and an all day service
was held at the Black school
house Sunday, the 19th. A bas
ket dinner was served at noon
and a pleasant and profitable
day was enjoyed by those pres
Dorsey Rochester and 'Shorty'
ang of Elk Citv took in Hip l,ln
football game at Corvallia last
Miss Mamie Hawkins nf si-
DECEMBER 9th, 1916
L se f iuade whb'has overcome j for the purpose of filling vacan-
IS BUI maul., w" " .. , nn thn Imnvd fialn fihano
one obstacle after another until
he has attained an enviame rep
utation as a good lawyer, a suc
cessful legislator, a progressive
rnd indefatigunbio worker for
the good of the city, county and
Mayor Bensell declined to bo
a candidate to succeed himself
on account of declining years
and a desire to seek the quiet
of home, free from the worry
and vextatlons of a public life,
lie haa already served the city
ns councilman or mayor Tor
twenty years or to. Mr. Wal
rud, ono of the leading business
men of the city, a councilman
and a Spanish War veteran, la
also a candidate for mayor.
The meeting endorsed D&.'O
Harding for recorder and Ar
thur Wing for treasurer. No
cles on the board. Gale Shane
was elected chairman and Mrs.
Frank Mulvany Clerk.
As the year is on the wane we
are all beginning to spmit two
faces like Janus and Jambrus. -
Sunday night witnessed one
of the worst storms of the sea
son which thicatenod for sever
al hours to sweep away the
county dock and float at West
Yaquina. That they still re
main Is due probably due to the
fact that the storm was of such
short duration, as they are much
weakened because of a lack of
proper repairing.
Mrs., Sarah fteckclhlemcr of
this place Is a guest this week of
Mrs. Wm. Backus of Yaquina.
That is the day the Grangers
and tliA Tpnrlirra nra tn h..
Mr. Rohrbaugh expects to 'their meeting nt Kd,ivm ?
return again after the Holidays believe that "in union there Is
. iu cAj. ia w linn bt-rvicjR ni .strength" to wo have our meet
vinci jjijuiia uii tut; liver.
Mr. Zlb had a very pxclti
time one day last week while
SnTiifli h 1 loware brok , Remember this is to bo for the
and hit the horses which caused Teachers, GrauRera. all others
l" "-" ue who arc friends to cither
l.iuw hiiii run iiwny,
Tillamook cheese Is now belt?
nt 'I'll' Tllliinionk. mid 11 lars-t
Ietz arrived In Toledo on Tues-'consignment haa been sold a'
day evening's train, going on that price for shipment to thi
uer in aueiz the fol ow np- 'pust. Sonin .if it nuiv nosslbh
go to Europe. 10,000 Poxes 0
cheese which was held in colt
At the meeting of the Council
me nrst or the week, A. Hurley,
storage on the coast has bco:
ing togehcr believing that more I ma; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gilder
He r0nntWlbe a"co,n',ll8hed than sleeve. C. E. Hawkins , Dr D,
:!: ifzr; k -,.Jh-. 9- chr....inKn ad
Allen Gill and C. R. Ellsworth i leaned up and the prospect:
were named to serve on the City
.election board next Monday.
The following Tbledoltes took
In the O. A. C U. of O. game at
Corvallis last Saturday: Mrs.
u;ster Waugh and daughter. El
Rre that cheese will remain a
the present price. Tillamool.
F. N. Ilaydcn.
The Southern
Pacific Com-
II. L. McFadden and Mr. Stal;
had a close escape from death n
I Harrisbiirg Sunday morninf .
when Mr. McFaddeu's automc
iblle was struck (y the Shast
1 iipv rnri - 11. iiuiiv iihb niinn ihpm iia i,..
- j r.iiiuuin ur ine era cps. nnio". ....vx-u ,,a mkiii- ., . ... n
ror nnout an hour before they ,ay you may be a ier7cher ir not 1,0,1 of mwntaliilnB the Sunday r 1 V. , l;UUi L
could bo stopped. ' thaj a pranrpr or no doubt vou lra,n 8ervlce d,iri"K the mont h ,c,08sln ,hfro- T,,, and.
Frank Allison had the mlsfor-; would be " better t erson If IZ of ''"ber. and will, no doubt. ,arKe V"ojiBe obstructs h
tune to have a horso dia Friday vr Vn ,t; this train on all Winter vlw. of the tracks from th
morning, it waB
blind staggers
place by
fen co.
P. II. Martin
rence, went
both. Regardless of what you
ru t a t i t i wine 1 1 1 1 nitiri Willi u
S i . . . ' ,n,lirovIl'S his nnd we wll, nl, ,,0 bnttcr M
- ' your uasiiciB well lined witn the
,,, , , (things that always make people
tin and wm. Law- Rlml thpy aro lorc dur, tn
to Corvallis Friday t,,, if , . ,i, "
"T -S!..Jtemen,ber the date, DECEM-
.......... .w. ti ,uhf.,j i v.i uiiu p. v . ijirii nTii inn
J.lulvaney. They returned Sun-1 - '
Marlon Walker, farmer of
ll.e Warm Spring Agency Is In
TT 1 . t . . a
"2 1. We thought that our city ax
A V:, - ""' levy or ten mills was pretty h gh,
to farm and Is going to rent Z. I but note that Falls City has
A. Kessl's place and farm forvoted a cl(y tax of 21 mill
R. P. Coin,
School Supt.
Thn (mill lino tirntrn.l n n..nn SOUII1.
convenience to the people of this Tll roar ,of ho a" omobil
const spctlon. and all would re-l'a8 8ln,rk ,by tho engine, an'
gret Its being withdrawn. I fhc ''ar wu,n,'1(i,, c,Bar u
. , track. Mr. McFadden was brulr
Toledo not only won the foot- j ed on the chest and his face wf
ball game at Newport yesterday , mdly cut by flying glnss. an
but also succeeded in carrying , Mr. Stnln sustained a broke
off both prizes at the masquer-.arm. Witnesses siv the tral
ado bn.l. Miss Edna Stanton i wan runnlnt; 20 or 25 miles a
captured tho ladles prlz. for the hour. Eugene RegUter.
ui-ni. nuniuiiieii cnaracicr. sne
representlng an Orhn'al Lady".
Bert Goer as "The Rascal Pat."
captured the gentlemen's prize.
A large bunch from Toledo went
The City Council at thej
meeting last Monday evenlnp
made a levy of 8 mills for th
down nnd nil renon fln dnnno I funeral Fund of the City and
and a good time. I '"vy ,of 2 mlU8 tor tho Wate:
'. Fund.