Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, November 24, 1916, Image 1

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    ' 7 ; f t; ; .f
', M j ft ..yjL'.v $ri sU) i J Xa . ' ""
The Women's Civic Improve
ment Club Mrs. Dave Harding
president is engaged in improv- I
ing the city park. Four teams ;
under the direction of Joe Park-
hurst road supervisor are engag-
ea m scraping sand off the hill
on the west side of the park to
fill the lily pond as it used to be
called, so as to raise it up out of
the water about four feet. The
pond is now about two thirds
filled and it wont take long to
fill the remainder and the park
"with its beautiful surroundings
is the prettleBt In the county. It
, is the intention of the Club to
place a living fountain n the cen
ter lof the park and this will add '
much to its usefulness and at
traction. After the hill is grad
ed down, a pavillion will be
placed on the ground. A build
ing large enough to hold com
munity fairs and to accommo
date public assembly3 that may
meet there. Whore this bulldirg
is to be put up, gives a-splendid
view of the Pacific ocean and
surrounding country. This park
contains four acres donated by
the late Samual Case to the city.
It is now valuable and the. name
ought to be changed from the
City to Case Park to perpetuate
the memory of the donor. The
money to make this Improve
ment is raised by giving public
entertainments. Newport con
tinues her improvements right
along and still keeps from mak
ing more debt.
The Women of Woodcraft will
give a Thanksgiving turkey din at the banquet room of the
I. O. O. F. Hall Thursday 'even
ing the 23d; and a dance at night
in the Rod and Gun Club Hall.
A general Invitation is extended
to all who may wish to come and
onjoy this festival occaosion.
The supper will be unusually
fine as the Women of Wood
craft don't make any failures.
The Rod and Gun Club will al
so give a grand masquerade ball
and supper on Thanksgiving
evening at their hall Nov. 30th.
Prizes will he given to the best
sustained characters.
Tho Churches will have a Un
ion Service at the Baptist
Church Thanksgiving day at 10
o'clock A. M- A special pro
gram will be prepared and every
body is envitod.
The election being over the
people are quietly settling down
to business for another four
years. V.'hat 4he future has in
si ore Tor us no one knows. Hut
"we will patiently wait and see.
Thore Republicans who voted
for Air. Wilson because "he kept
us i" war" may live to see
war wiih Mexico before the
trouble is nettled. Murder, rape
and crime still goes on In that
country unabated. The war in
Europe seems to be gathering
momentum and no one knows
where it will stop. We may have
n world war before we get peace.
The lowering sky looks dark and
portentous. It is Bald Mr.
Hughe.! w:i3 defeated because
lie did not canvass the 3tates of
California and Washington in
company with Senator Poindex
ter ami Governor Johnson. If
these gentlemen were peeved at
this and these states were lost
to the republican column fo
lark o" harmony, It may read
o.i the flenublican party at
future lime. As the Republicans
had a splendid candidate it
Bims !:i'i!;Hh that they did not.
Etny together and elect him. The
DeinccKits stick better than Re
publicans do ad though they
were out of power for many
yours, did not fail to keep up
their party organization and now
that they are in the saddle for
another four years, all emolu
ments and appointments will go
to deserving Democrats and the
weak kneed Republicans who
helped them In will have to whis
tle. While the Valley is having
frost, fog and cold weather, wo
are having bright sunshine.
Our legal voters save one
(your humble Bervant) were
able to make use of the polling
privlledge. I "goes" wita Taft
and the G. O. P. I Bay Taft be- j
cause the judicial mind as pres
ident of these great united states
appeals to me. At this 6tage of
the game there is no room for
bombast, brass bands or flam
beau clubs. No time to squib
away the vote which is a syllog
ism. No time to place some pet
upon a pedastal and fall down
and worship him. We must
stand by our party and the plat
form using the elective merely
as a medium or meap.s to the
end. It la a beautiful thought
that women now have the oppor
tunity to help place the right
personage in power, for when I
was knee high to a grasshop
per I attended with my mother
a Women's Right Convention
(at that time some what cen
Borcd) at Portland, where Mrs.
Dunlwaj ring leader, her sister,
Mrs. C. A. Cobura, Mrs. Dr.
Thompson and my mother were '
principles assisted by spirits of
progress. One of these spirits
was Rev. Elliot, D. D. of the
Baptist Church clleganf, ello
quent of polished ebony. For
aught I could determine he was
St. Claire's valet, and his mouth
did not run on shutters.
Harking across the years it
makes me wioth that splendid
plea and peroation for the en
franchisement of women. The
attainments of that black man
born In slavery Bhame me as
does Helen Keller, Booker T.
Washington and Abe Lincoln.
Mental champions Ability to
whip natural talent Into use and
Ini'luence ior self and others.
Gale Shane went to Summit
election day to purchase "Jen
ny" a burro. This makes two of
a kind on Flegles Creek viz.
"Banjo" the trick artist. Jenny
spent one winter here before.
Morty Lake was sizinir un the
hills and dales of ours the other
C. Lindley returned
Racks Creek today.
Air. Kosydar arrived back
rrom Portland Saturday and at
once began buying cattle for aa-
ot.ncr carload.
Mrs. Mowery bnent Sunday at
! trc Crawford home, returning
clown the r:ver Monday morning.
Mr. Arnold of Toledo is doing
some piuir unig tor A. C. Craw
ford. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Coin drove
ci!t to Toledo Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Crawford
have moved to Siletz.
Mr. Moyery i3 making rapid
progress on the new road he Is
opening up. Ho has a crew of
about fifteen men.
A. C. Crawford arrived home
from Portland Tuesday.
Well our good old Oregon
weather is here once again.
There will be a play, basket
social and dance nt the cannery
December 15th, every body be
sure and come and don't forgot
the date. Good music.
Dick Hiintsucker fs working
for Zen,?g Copland at Newport
this week.
birthday dance 2ivn
."?t the hoto of M. G. Shortver
j SrMrrday J'.'ght In hond'r of Mike
i P! cimer's birthday. A vm-y
j h :v;e crowd it tended and nil re
port n Jolly time. We hope for
0'ic In the rear future.
Quite n few attended the ball
game at Toledo R-jr.dny.
Mrs. V. D. Boone nnl t!ons,
George and Robert, and daugh
ters,' Cara and Nellie, and Mrs.
Francos Huntsucker called at
the Sugg home Monday.
Miss Florence Dowling vhltcd
Miss Cara Boono Friday.
Thomas Chrlstensen returned
home Monday after fishing with
Dick Huntsucker this fall.
Alma Boone Is now working
In Albany whore she will stay
all winter.
Thomas Barker was peddling
beef in this vicinity Wednesday.
Miss Cara Boone is working
for Mrs. Jane Ferr in the restau
rant at Yaqulna.
Well don't forget about the
big time December the 15th.
Lloyd Parks and family moved
on to the Selby rauch last week,
a permanent home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Selby left
Saturday for Newport on their
way East where they intend to
spend the winter months. We
hope that they will return some
future day as they have retained
property interests here. "
Mrs. C. Holmgreen visited
with Mrs. H. Hill on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs.I. Lewis were In
(ho vlplnlft, RVIH HnQtr.aa0
mi, a Liu mi d. luvjrviD blcul
Sunday at the Phelps ranch.
L. M. Commons left Tuesday
for Portland and Sound Cties
where he will vbit for some
Mr. and Mrs. Meyers enter
tained at cards on Wednesday
evening as a farewell gathering
They are leaving this week for
tieueiBuii, wui-iu ucji cA-
T-fPn-nnn l H ..rtnHn r.
peui tu remain uuruig me win -
Lloyd Commons attended the
Freshmen's dance at Waldport
Monday evenig, and reported a llshing a railroad station and
very enjoyable time.- 1 putting In a telegraph office at
Madeline Ryan spent the week J Morrison. The amount of busl
end with Doris Olsen at the ,ness now done by the quarry
Gwilliams place. would seem to justify the com-
Ona folks are looking for- ipany In doing so.
ward already to the big dance j Chauncey Trapp was up from
to be neld in the Grange hall
early in December celebrating
the anniversary of the Commun-
lty Club. A good time is assured jer where he will endeavor to re
to all and everybody is invited. cuperate his health.
Felix Gatens of South Beaver , 0
is visiting his parents this week. ,
The Helping Hand Club met ' ELEVEN YEARS AGO
at Mrs. J. M Bowers' home on , 1 Locai3 taken from the filea 0f
Saturday. Nearly all members i November 24th, 1905.
being present, also added one ' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clark aro
new member to the membership, visiting at Elk City and Storrs
The table talk orators who made today .
history was very ably responded j Miss Mollie Blower and broth
to under the leadership cf Mrs.!er Cecil of Mill 4 were Toledo
C. Ohmart. Lincoln's Gettys-' visitors voRtprHnv
burg Speech wa3 given by Mrs,
II. Coovert. On account of Mrs
C. Commons leader of Domestic
Science Subject not being pres
ent that subject was not taken
up at this meeting. The busi
ness of the Club being disposed
of the hostess served refresh-
msnts. The next meeting
InR to
ert on
be held with Mr3. II. Coov
Dec. 16th, 1916..
Regular meeting of the
Grange was held on Sunday
with a good aUendance. The
suDiect or poultry raising for
1 i' -
number of i.lens were exchang-
cd. It was decided to have Po
mona Grange here on Dec. 14th.
Wm. Porter and Mrs.
beth Blacketer made a business
trip to Siletz last Monday re
turning the same day.
C. Thompson of Siletz made a
business trip to Orton last week.
Mr3. E.T. Raddant was on the
sick list last week.
Mr. Brown of Nashville nude
a business trip to Wm. Porter's
ranch last week and bought
some hogs.
George Wilbur and hto diugh
ter, Miss Lavina, went to Siletz
last Saturday returning Sunday.
Alfred Lane brought C. II.
Gardner of Newport up to Wm.
t-j-.a-.i n. i
-uiius luwuay,
Mrs. IT.-irry Jonoi hid the mtf,-
fortune of loosing h-r b. by.
unaricy Kcnnutt returnerl to
wm. sorters rp.ncn tonny irom
hi3 brothers In lavv-'s Joe Slriet-
Mrs. BlackPter'a two children
have started to school.
George Backer of Bear Creek
is going to start to work on his
farm soon. '
John Crooks the WatkhiB ihan
was In our vicinity Wednesday
and thursday.
II. G. Rhoades, W. Weber and
Lloyd Commons made a trip to
Toledo Thursday.
Pete Peterson was a Yaquina
caller Thursday.
Miss Myrtle Lane returned
home Thursday.
Mrs. II. G. Rhoades visited
Mrs. P. Vancll Thursday after-
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lewis made
a trip to Waldport Friday,
Eugene Emerson called at the
j Peterson home Saturday even-
Pete Peterson attended the
dance at M. G. Shermers of Ovs-
terville Saturday night.
.Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lewis and weie '"" lo 111 lue eign
son and Alice and Mae Hunt- borhood of Seal Rocks- He at
BUcker and Donna Martin visited nce one dePuty sheriff Jim
at the Rhoades home Sunday. i Kent of Waldport, and the latter
iMr. and Mrs. J. M. Bowers ifound them early Saturday
were guests at
ranch Sunday.
' Pete Peterson
the Peterson
went to New-
I" "" j- w ua.c ovine ucill.
Ifll"t Mnnrlnif 4-s Vimm j-va Innl
al work done.
The cattle buyer. Mr. Brown,
was in our vicinity Tuesday.
Locals taken from the files of
the Leader of Nov. 22, 1894.
The Government work coine
on at Yaquina makes thlncg look
1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 pl '
miuer nveiy aown mere, i ue
.snipping is increasing very rap-
idly and things are In a conslder-
! ably better condition.
I There is strong talk of estab-
I Yaqulna today.
Fred Chambers expects to go
to. California on the next steam
S..J. Robb of Mill 4 returned
yesterday evening from a busi
ness trip to Portland.
County Commissioner Frank
Thomson of Salado was In tho
city Saturday, Sunday and Mon
day. Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Carter and
daughter, Lora, of Yaquina, were
i the city yesterday.
ineiKsnadaDigtimein io-
ledo Saturday ninht at Wood-
nian Hall
About a dozen and a
half of the antlered band came
j fr0m Albany togged a la ho-
uo anu were later reinrorced iy
members from Yanuina. The
ouject was a love reast witn tne
bunch , and it appears to have
been a howling success. A larrrc
pile of oj'Ftci-d, crabs and other
, Yaquina bay staples were stow-
cd away by'the Elks and Invited
guests, and the heavy rain which
lell all nn?ht was a guarantee
against thirst.
! Born November 22, to Mr.
jand Mrs. William Thayer, a son.
! At a Caucus held at the City
Hall yesterday afternoon the fol
lowing citizen's ticket was
placed in the field for the an-
' nual city Flection which will be
held Monday, December 4th,
1910. For Mayor. Dr. R. D. Bur.
gess was placed In nomination.
For Co'incllmcn, W. K. Peterson,
m. W. .Ir.iull unci- V;n. (.raliam.
For Reccrdcr F IHvden l.'nr
treasurer, v. u. iiav.Klns. For
Marshal, O. R. Pcl.cfk.
Some fiy rr morn atteiidd
'he cavciis nnri everything went
off harmoniously. F.vrv'r;o
Hocmed to think that Billy would i
make a good councilman, so !
they nominated the three "Bills"
- Billy Graham, Billy Small end
i;illy Peterson.
j. . nayter, j. w. orant, c.imany months, and there were
r. Load and Jim Harris left early few people In Oregon who thot
Sunday morning for the Siletz , it would Jo'n the dry column.
basin on a several days fishing 0
trip. Reports have been circu
lated In Dallas recently of larce I NOTICE
catches of both salmon trout and
mountain trout In tho Siletz and
several fishing particB have
formed to make the trip to the
basin. Owing to the rough con
dition of the road the trip has to
be made by wagon. Falls City
I Last Friday Sheriff Geer learn
! ed that the two runaway boys.
wno escaped rrom the Siletz jail
arter uaving Deen captured at
tnat P,ace tne flrst 01 tne week-
morning camped In an old cabin
near Seal Rocks. Deputy Kent
brought them to Toledo and
lodged them in the county jail.
The bovs sav that their name
is Wygant and that they are the j
BOns of Cass Wygant of Ballston,
I'OIK UOUnty. i neir iatner me iveouneis. vvhch luieuugui
formerly lived in the Alsea Bay the ball, however, they sur
section. The bovs had been on 'prised their most optimistic ad-
Jthe road about six weeks, nnd
had broken Into several houses j
to obtain nrnvlsinna nnd wi nl-
Thp hnva um ho returned tn tho
, custody of their father,
Whereas It has pleased the
Great Master of the Universe to
bid our esteemed sisten Mrs.
Caroline Magee lay aside the
implements of labor on earth
and enter tha: Paradisi not
made with hands;
. Orange No. 428 extend to he-
iiiveu uiiBu our uwpebi binpa -
! IL SArll
them to Him
things well".
Be it farther resolved: 'thai
one copy of these resolutions be
Bpread on our minutes, one sent
to the Lincoln Co. Leader, ani
one sent to the Oregon Grange
Bulletin. Com.,
Lillie Trapp,
Louise Wakefield,
Mamie Roubins.
Last Monday word was
celved here that Calvin Butler,
who lives at Corvallls was dying.
His brothers, Tom, Rudy and J.
M. K., at once made arrange
ments to go to his bedside
They went to the Currey Garage
and hired an auto, and with W.
A. Cooncr as driver, started on
the lone hnni irin tn rwvnhia
The roads were in pretty bad
condition, but by getting out and
shoving occasionally they man -
aged to get through nnd arrived1 a'"
m the sl. k one'a l,o,l',lo n rnm.ln F. Allree
of hours before he passed away
The futleral services were held
at Corvallls Wednesday morn-
inir f'nlvln wna vuo kimu'ii
here on the bay and for a limn
owned a store at Summit.
"The Rascal Pat" was staged
at the Dime Theatre last even-
lug according to schedule and 'wmnn: Mci niRitey nnd Ilard
the efforts of the performers i,nK tlmokeepen.
evoked mucn applause. A return gamo will b( pliyed
iThe misfortune of "Chas. Liv-,0 Newport on ThaiihRglvinp
, inrstone". and hl undvinir love.
'touched the hearts of all, and the
soba of "Laura" would have
melted a heart of stone, but
! seemed to be wasted on the np
Ipoplectic old "Puff jacket." "Put"
was Eome liar himself, and
I was certainly there with hells
I when it become necessary to
: lick an Imaginary foe. "N.ncv"
I undoubtedly lo-ed "I'r.t" ahlrht
! r,,ie ",u" 1 UIM1K 11 '":c;iry
1.. .11.1.. a lUl.l. li ..
-in. i ii. i in ii. in i'ii . ii v.
secret. Taking lt all hi all It wit3
ccrt.ihily some k!iov aud (ho
l.rtlclpants nil deserve . pnU::a.
Reports received here from i
; Hornbiook, Calif., arc" to the ef-
;fect that the people nf that clly
i voted dry nt the election held
iTuesdny. Hornbrook hns been
a liquor distributing point for
On December 6th, 1916, the
County Court of Lincoln County,
Oregon, will Bottle In full with
Cox & Faulkner for the con
struction of the Ralph Hamar
Bridge near f'letz Agency.
R. H. Howell,
County Clerk.
The football game between
Toledo and Newport played on
the local gridiron, last Sunday,
proved a surprise to everyone,
and demonstrated that "pep"
counts for more than "beef" in
a football game. The Newport
ers outweighed the locals con
siderable, still they were out
played in all departments of the
The game started off with To
ledo kiclfing to Newport, and
the flrst few downs the heavy
Newport team ploughed through
Toledo's line for big gains, and
;'t looKect line an ea3y victory tor
mircrs by the way thev tore
through the Newport line for
yardajie. Carson. McMillan. Al-
tree ana bturaevant seemed
never tire, and made good sub
stantial gains on almost every
down. "Cannon-Ball"' proved
that he was well named, as a real
cannon-ball could not have
wrought much more havoc.
Sturdevant and Carson pulled off
a double pass that mystified
their opponents and netted a big
gain. A foreward pass, Carson
to Ofstedahl, gained about twen
ty yards and paved the way for
the first touchdown. The locals
jgoaj Ull0 fmir t,m but tvdce lt
j wag brought back for off-side
iPlaying. nnd the Toledo goal line
never was in danger. McMillan
and Carson did the pinning for
Toledo and got their punts off in
.better shape than did Coffield
iwho did the punting for New
port. Genn for Newport tore off
a long end run that netted con
siderable yardage, and did Borne
I good work tackling. Fogarty
and Coflleld each bad their heads
ihurt, and McMillan received a
sprained ancle. Miller, and IJelt
(and Dougherty also put up a'
Igood game for 'Newport. To
re. Ilcdo's line held well and the ends
anu tackles did good work.
RK Hockstt
RT Lendten
RO Blattner
C Bolt
LG Foparty
LT Bain
LR Dougherty
Q Genn
BlI Collver
Lit Miller
K Co Of Id
L. Altrcc
1 McMillan
used were: ?
port 1 locket
for niaiincr.
W" for Fogarty. Tuletlo Wado
for OfstednM, l'.onti for Bnrtl.
Il.utey for C. McMillan, A. Mc-
! Mllliin ffir l.utrtv
I '"'' nawkms rcrcreo1
!7re,,n mW' Vmmo Tinnf
Leclie Blades Takes CIissos ol
English Fro'ftscor Who h III
I'niveisily of Oreo-en. Kiisrouo
Nov. lm. Although wltliotr.
fli.lit. Led!.? I'lji.dcs 1:; (onJurt
uk th -(: .-.u . in l.:r.rUrih a
, . t . . t .
ine i niver:'uy en l M-e:;n.i.
t . I i. ..I'.i . ;. : .! I ilii II 11 UIS
Jure, 4.; i; prvl-grou.
, won,. !li: N (. r-.'i a
iurtic. :a!y goxl :U: i.sif. Hi
!( caching o i i-it i; . ; I v ramo wher
V. F. (!. Th: r-h r, rrnresHor o
jl'iglish, fell 111 i' ptionmonla
rtul a FinVtitrii? hr.l to V foun
for part of the woi k. The hea.
of the (leiiailni'Mit chose M-
Blades, who continues to huidl
the classes during Mr. ThacherV
Mr. Blades uses raided letter"
for his class notes. His horn,
is in San Dimas, Cal.
o '
Church Services at the Meth
odist Church. Sunday School,
10 A. M. Preaching, 11 A. M.
and 7.30 P. M.
Prayer Meeting Thursday 7.30
P. M.
Everybody invited to any one
or alK)f these services.
C. R. Ellsworth.