1 ' v. fontitp VOLUME 24 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1916. NUMBfcR 39 NEWPORT Mr. and Mrs. J. N. R. Bell of Corvallls are spending a few "weeks at the beach.. ,Dr. Bell Itaa spent his outings and vaca tion for mora than fortv veara at Newport. Of all the beaches n the Oregon coast this Is his favorite for health and pleasure. Abe King of Corvallis spun), icveral days In Newport, looking Iter and paying taxes on lots and blocks that belong to the es tate of his father the late Sol King. Dr. C E. Linton was in town daring the week. The Doctor says, had Mrs. Hanley canvassed In California and Washington as she did in Oregon both states would have gone for Hughes. This little woman is a wonder. Sho, in the commencement of the campaign, sold two pigs that she might get clothes and an outfit to enable her to canvass tho state in the interest of the Republican candidate. These pigs will no doubt go into the pork barrel to swell the salary of Siome Democratic ofnc? holder. Villa and his bandits, under Zapata, massacred one hundred innocent and defenceless women and children in Mexico a few lays ago. The conditions in that unfortunate country is get ting worse every day. No quar ter is given now by these cruel outlaws. Neither sex, age or condition are spared, in that dis tracted country. All are mur dered. Villa in his desperation may cross the border line and into New Mexico and Texas in his raids. He and his bandits don't seem to fear Uncle Sam or Carranza either. The Women of Woodcraft ;ave Dr. Wallace Hylander and hia new bride, nee Emma War nock, a kitchen shower and Mrs. Ed Stocker a birthday party at their hall, Thursday evening. . A large number of their friends "were present. A nice luncheon wa3 served and a good time was had by all prenset Dr. and Mrs. Hylander will continue to reside In Newport where he will con tinue to practice his profession as a dentist. Saturday morning at about ight o'clock, the residence of Airs. M. M. Ellis on Second and Case Street took fire from a de fective stove pipe. The house -was occupied by Mrs. Metzenger and Mrs. Bryon. The Are alarm 'was turned in and the fire de partnient responded as soon as tjssible. In a very short time two hose were playing upon the building but the fire had got un dar such headway that it was impossible to save the building although the firemen worked tok trogens. The most of the household furniture and goods -were saved. The upper part of the building was almost entirely destroyed. The fire started in the kitchen and the building be tas very dry the file spread rapidly. The loss is about $1, OOO, mostly covered by insur ance. About 35 years ago this house was built by Blllie Stltts at a cost of $3000. It was a fine building In those days but It is Tld fashioned and badly decayed. Mrs. Ellis had put Beveral hun dred dollars In fixing up and re pairing the building. The dry, fold weuther and the east wind blowing is a good time for a houne to take fire. The people Jihould examine their flues and see that they are all right, "A stitch in time saves nine." The state has gone bone dry and no one can handle booze but preachers and doctors. Preachers can have It for sa cramental purposes an the doc tors for medicine. The next things to go will he tobacco and coffee and this will be followed by other supposed evils and the Lord only knows -when It will stop. The world Is becoming effeminate and spine less and temptations must be re moved. The old rule as practiced by 'Saint Paul, the humble Nazarln, and others, to overcome evil must be abandoned and life made easy by removing all temptations, Instead of over coming them. When the Roman 'Rmplre fell the people had be come so grossly 'wicked and li centious' that the elty could 'ndt stand any longer. The trend of the times seem to be in that di rection now. The strong man is the one that resists and over comes temptation. FIECLES CREEK . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis and son, Wilbur, visited Sunday at Mulvanys'. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brlggs were here on horse back. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Martin made a trip by wagon after ce dar. . Frank Mulvanv has been heln- Ing Frank Davis repair his house. uuy uurord and little son were visiting T. J. Buford. They re turned to Salem with the wish to make another visit here in the spring. Geo. Tubbs has added a cow and calf to his ranch. Bert Geer called on T. J. B- ord on his way back from the uacKs country. Mr. Spencer of that vicinity passed here on his way outside. Jay Buford has returned from his summer work. Jay met with a loss of a house by fire while away which was duly noticed here to fore. C. F. Lindley is helping Mr. Tubbs on his house. Mr. Shane is making some needful repairs around and about his domicile. Frank Mulvrny is roofing sev eral square yards in a supreme effort to beat the mists and star . I light to it. I la fact the elements are giv iing each and all a hunch to make good and ready for the long winter holdup. Nothing doing. Frank Allison was inspecting Z. A. Ke88l's dalrvherd with n 'View to buy. Mr. Kessi added a steed to his ranch. SILETZ We have been having some very cold weather the last few days. Unusual heavy frosts for this time of the year. Joe Kosydar and A. C. Craw ford drove out a bunch of cattle to Toledo Friday expectine to ship Saturday. This makes four I carloads of cattle these men j have shipped this year, j We understand L. C. Mowery of Lower Siletz is to begin work i Tuesday on a new road which will shorten the distance from Siletz to the head of tide by some little distance. j Yesterday being Sunday and a beautiful day, excepting the cold. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hall, Miss Stuart and Miss Keys and .Arthur Bensell and family, sur- prised the people of Lower Farm : by driving down In their autoes. xney report tne road rather muddy and slick but said they got along nicely. Mrs. A. C. Crawford has one of the new Edison phonegraphs and some very fine selections. RIVERSIDE Miss Lula Calkins of Portland who has been visiting at Bear Creek. Is visiting J. R. Daniels this week. Quite a crowd from Riverside attended the Sunday dinner given by Mr. and Mr3. Lang for their eon, Leon, who is going away to Bchool. All your friends wish you good luck Lee. Miss Burch of Riverside and Miss Trapp of Salado are giving a banket social and dance No vember 29th, on Wednesday evening at the Salado hall. Everybody Invited a good time for all. Roy Kullender of Salado visit ed at Fishers one day last week. UPPER BEAVER Mr. and Mrs. II. Q. Rhoades and children made a trip to To ledo Friday returning home Sat urday evening. P. Vfttlrll mmln a trln TU flo Friday. ; Frank Mowers of Portland came In Friday njght returning home Monday, he was accom panied Ty Miss Pauline Vancfl. The Helping Hand Club met at Mrs. J. M. Bowers Saturday af. ternoon. , - Miss Myrtle Lane is viBitlng at he Rhoades home at this writ- ng. i Peter Peterson returned home Sunday after a two months ab sence. ' Adolph Peterson visited Floyd and Vergle Rhoades Sunday af ternoon. Jesse Gwynn called at the Pe- terson ranch Monday on his way frozen Tnnnhna Ut 'gave a splend,d talk on Co-Oper-toWaldport. Irozen up so not much news. ; ati0n. He pointed out how ' H. G. Rhoades and P.-Vri&J?2 'many avenues of revenue to the made a trip to Yaqulna Monday. rt5&lif3-.1 farmer In th,s county are be,ns Peter Peterson went over to ,a5h.1ld,rMdayTaltfrnoon; a" to go to waste, through the Bay Monday returning home Tuesday Tuesday K. D. Martin and Peterson ! Poole Slough I made a trip to w i .I Say! What is the matter with the Poole Slough correspondent, i i V, w 1 . 1 t ...:v. 1 to hear from Poole Slough once I in a while. ONA Miss Ethel Miller of West Ya- quina was a guest at the Com- mons ranch for a few days re: turning home Wednesday, Fred Cook had the misfortune to cut his knee while chopping with an ax and was taken to Waldport to have it dressed. Butchering t.me is at nand on 111U II1C W CttLUCl i V. L. McFarland left for Port land and Eastern Oregon points. Hester Coovert was a caller at the Commons Home Sun'day afternoon. Jesse Gwynn of Toledo was a guest at the Phelps home Tues day nignt, V. L. McFarland did some na - per hanging Monday for Mrs. Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wood gave a card party In their new home last Saturday evening- all reported a pleasant evening. Mrs. Lloyd Parks called o .Mrs. Commons Wednesday af ternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Waad and child ren were guests at the Claud My ers home over night Sunday. Miss Nellie V. King of Oyster City spent the week end at the Phelps ranch. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Weber en lertained a gathering of young folks at their home on Friday evening. Cards were enjoyed and the participants pronounced a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. George Selby spent Sunday at the Gus Weber T&nch. M!bs Doris Olsen spent Sun- day on the Creek In a vain ef- fort to haul In a few 'big fellows'. On the Sundav previous Miss 01- sen caught a 13 In. bass but she failed o produce it. A II. Phelps and Fred Cook made a trip to Uldport today, on i Saturday ft.r. and Mrs. H. Woods entertained a party at cards. The neighbor folks wore ,all prpesent ns well a a few fniests from down Beaver. In- Vlndlng Peter Byrne and Miss 01- sen. even the children were en- Uortnined and among the little nv,ir, Vii,..i,i. tr- j iu K 2 I ?i . ? lltt e host and hostess, Herbert ' i" i"-;i;iri wrrti. I'CIIMI Mr. and Mrs. Selby made a trip to Newport Monday return- iiir me same evening. f On Friday afternoon Mrs. L. PnnminnH with hnr hntmn cmaat 9fr - - .. w . v. miss Miner, viBitea at tne scnool house. MIbs Laura Weber and Mrs. G. Selby also made a short call. Mlsa Violet King spent the week end at the Phelps place, returning Sunday evening to her duties as teacher In the I lass man district. The Community Club met with Mrs. Bowers, at the meet ing on Saturday and all re ported an enjoyable time. On Monday the Good Roads Club met at its regular monthly meeting. The members came out In full force and a good days work was contributed to the county road. Twelve were In t man handed us good weather for r" 6"""5 "ujr 1U1 l" that Lloyd Commons made a trip' .Wllaj;d HuntBucker made a to Yaqulna Tuesday bringing in itrl? Ya,lulna Saturday a pig which was shipped in from hn Peterson returned from inrtnnonri0n.0 i Toledo the last of last week. attendance and a new member, Christopher Cook, was voted In. I There was one accident reported 1 t Fred Cook cut his knee very 1 badly while at work on the road . ' POOLE SLOUGH Well! Poole Slough Is still on the map even if 1 naven t been heard irom lor so long. But it is so cold ' d ""h, " daughters Hazel and Lo a, visit- ea Mr and Mrs. hi. Hall Satur- day afternoon. , cici i ciciouii ui upper ueu- ver was in our vicinity Monday and Wednesday and Thursday. Dot,... o - tt t u. f . 'lruax went to Albanv returnlng Wednesday. Mrs. 1 homas Brown and chil dren visited Mrs. Thos. Barker and daughters Tuesday after - noon. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Shermer and daughters, Gretchen and Elaine spent the week end visit- ing the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter shermer. Mr. Rasmu8sen of Yaqulna, and Mr. Hall and Willard. Hunt Bucker are working for Mrs. Wright this week. They are kimi uiL . nam crafting raoL lk PORT DIVISION MADE A joint meeting of committees of the Newport and Toledo Ports was held at Toledo last Saturday for the purpose of reaching an agreement as to the ' enlargement of these port dis- tricts. It has been decided that it will be better for those ports to maintain their individuality as at present, rather than to con- BOlidate the two into one. It was agreed that the Umber lands of Siletz be divided equally by the " , action two. The work on the bar will thls Pfr- Game called at the be paid for equally by the two jusual tlme ports, and all local Improve-j 0 ; ments be paid for by the port j LOCAL TEACHERS' MEETING making the improvement. Ed I Stocker, R. F. Baker and B. F. There will be a local institute Jones represented the Newport Port and Lee Wade, A. T. Peter- son and W. E. Ball lepresented the local Port. While the agree- ment reached was not iust what the local committee wanted, still t is thought that It is better to have the matter settled in an amicable manner than to have continual bickering. Now let us all pull for a bigger and better Yaqulna harbor. p , o i ELECTION NOTICE ' Notice Is hereby given than an .election of the legal voters of the lty 0f Toledo, Oregon, will be i held m the Baid clly ot Toiedo, .Oregon, on Monday, December 4th, 1916, for the election of the following City officers: )ne Mayor, two years term, 0ne Recorder, two years term. 0ne Treasurer, two years term, Throo AMpnnpn iwn veam emi Que Marshal, two years term ffu m i ...11, 1. ... puiimn; inures win lie in, n,v T,:, 0 tho said City of 'Tn1n,,rt nMn n, ,m I Tho polls will rt"'i of H np1rrr ?n fhft trmml n or atui wm continue open until 8 o-ci0ck ,n the afternoon of said day F N Hayden. City Recorder. I MILK PRICES RAISE Beginning December 1 1 91 G I will raise the price of milk to ten cents per quart. E. M. Stanton. NOTICE! Church Services at the Meth odist Church. Sunday School, 10 A. M. Preaching, 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Prayer Meeting Thursday 7.30 P. M. Everybody Invited to any one or all of these servicee. C. R. Ellsworth, GRANGE HOLDS HARVEST FESTIVAL ,. The Harvest Festival held by -the lacl grarige at their hall yesterday proved to be a marked Bllfipaaa A onlanrttrt fllntiAi. ivab served at noon after which the fnlka vial tori nmmrf tiHtK rtAtrrh- bors for a time. Then a pro- 'cram wni rendered nftoi wViIpVi g. Lansing Hurd. of O. A. C. lack ot -operation on the part of the farmers. After the speaking came more sociability and the affair wnnnii nn with o . . . : . ....... big old fashioned dance in the evening. THE RASCAL PAT The Toledo Dramatic Club will stage a farce comedy at the ; Dime theatre, next Thursday evening:, November 23, entitled, The Rascal Pat". An admis sion fee of 25c. and 35c. will be j charged. Following is the per- sonnel of the cast: Patrick McNoggerty, a son of the bogs Bert Geer Major Puff jacket, of a warm heart and a warmer tem per Alec McMillan !Chas. Livlncstone. with a great love and a small In- . come Clyde McMillan Laura, true and trusting Edna Stanton Nancy, with a mind of her own Eleanor Grady SCHOOL MONEY I have some State School money to loan on improved agri cultural lands. Rate six per cent. Apply to Sara Crahen. FOOTBALL SUNDAY The Toledo and Newport town teams will play a game of foot- al on tne 'ocal sridlron Sun Th,s l3L the first time that ror tne teachers of this county ai jNasnviiie isovenioer zi. it wl11 be the first meeting of the ' k'-n(1 in the fall schools start- ed. Miss Gronnel Is teaching the scuooi mere mis year ami sne will have everything in readi ness to make it pleasant for the visiting teachers and friends.. The teachers along the rail road can go and return on the train. There ara about thirty I teachers who can attend and we hope to see most of them there. Saturday, Novembere 25th, remember the date. R. P. Coin, Co. School Supt. TWENTY TWO YEARS AGO From the files of the Leader of that date. Frank Frary returned from the Valley last Monday. Judge Burt went to Pioneer and Elk City yesterday. Alfred Harmon killed a hugh ; cougar on the Olalla last week that measured nine feet from tip to tip. Jos. Bryant, of Nashville, sent us down a fine sample of tobacco j which he raited, coino of the i leaves of which measure two ! feet across. Also, Mrs. S. A. Bryant of the same place raised 800 pounds of good tobacco which sells readily at 25 cents per pound. Miss Sada Chambers Is on the sick list Dr. A. II. Dlven has been ap pointed health officer at New port for Yaqulna Bay. Lee Wade has gotten his new store nicely opened up and has a prospect of doing a good busi ness. We wish Lee complete success. The lighthouse tender Man- zanita was In the Inwpr hnv vni. terdav. She renlaced the whist. iling buoy, which recently went astray, with a new one. NEWPORT 3; TOLEDO 0 The Toledo High School foot ball boys went to Newport last Saturday and played the high school team of that place, the game resulting as above. The game was a good clean game from start to finish, and no pen alties were given either side. The Newport team was considerably heavier than the local bunch, and we consider that the boys did fine to Jteep the heavy New port backs from making several touchdowns. In the early part iu me game iuc ncwpurieiB I rushed the ball down to within the shadow of our goal posts. Then our boys stiffened up and held them like a stone wall, and secured the ball on downs, punt ing out of danger. The Newport boys made their score on a well executed kick from the twenty yard line. Toledo had one chance to win when McMillan intercepted a .,1 ., .1 4. 111. jiuitvaiu uaa uuu away WJUI !a clear Held, but unfortunately tor j oiedo s hopes of victory, he stepped in a hole and fell bciore crossing the enemy's goal line. In. the last quarter was when the superior weight of the New porters began to tell, and they ploughed through the line for long gains, but Toledo always managed to get the ball In the nick of time and would punt out of danger. The stars for Newport were Ralph Culver, Mark Jarmiu and Simon Lond ten. For Toledo, Earling Brauti, Basil Lutey, Tcrrence Galther and Jack llaskett and the punt: ing of McMillan furnished the thrills. Officials were: Referee, John Miller; umpire, C. O. Hawkins. ELEVEN YEARS AGO From the files of the Leader of that date. John BuBch of Drift Creek de parted last Saturday morning for Chicago where he will work for a brother who is in business there. Mrs. George Bethers exhibited some ripe raspberries from her garden last Saturday. Novem ber 11. The berries were as per fect and finely flavord as those which ripen In season. Oregon climate is still withom a rival. James MeUonoid of Chltwood. visited in Toledo the fore part o" the week. Geo. llodgea of Big Elk was lr the city yesterdjy en route home from a trip to ire b! woods. Valentine Till.: or South Beach had business In the city Tuesday. M. L. Trapp wns down from Chltwood Saturday. Paul Chatterton of Bald Knob passed through Monday morn ing on a business trip to the Vnl ley. J. Q. Adams and R. D. Wild man of Chltwood had business in the city last night. Sheriff Ross returned Monday evening from Ilarrisburg where he visited over Sunday with hi-daughters,-Grace and Edith, whe are scoring a bucocsb in tho rru fectloncry business. Mrs. T. P. Fish wns a passen ger for Portland Wednesday. Dr. Carter of Newport hni' business In the city W'.d.iesday Merchant Walter Ibll wa over from the Giletz Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hardest were passengers for tho Vallo yesterday. R. N. Warnock, our former fel low townsman, writes this wee', telling tis to Bend his leader tc Spuria, Oregon, Instead of Port land. Assessor W. E. Ball was a pai senger for Salem and Portlani1 Wednesday. While away he wl " attend a meeting of the State Tax Board. Wm. Eno fell off a roof Tn. day and severely sprained hh aiiKie. - uiii was painting tn Beams on some rubber roofln when he accidently stepped op some oi tne paint, and not nav Ing chains on he skidded Into the ditch. Dr. Burgess was call ed to repair the damages.