PAG: TWO LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, FRJDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, 1916. V f I ' t 5c BAGS IOC CARTONS j BUTTERKlST The Crackling White Popcorn With the TOASTY FLAVOR The kind you tee advertised In your national magazine It li automatically popped, .buttered and toasted to a crlcp that makes your mouth water. It Is untouched by human hands It Is made only on the rBUTTER-KIST MACHINE. It Is sold in butter-proof bits and cartons Only pure creamery butter is used When You Think of Pop Corn, Think of Butter-Kist and Come to Al Waugh's See It Made en This Human-Like Buttsr-Kist Machine LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER F. N. HAYOEN, Publisher OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Sutured nt Toledo, Oregon postofflre. Established Twenty-Two Years Ago SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One Year, In advance $1.60 .Six Months, in advance 7r Three Months, in advance BO Phone 7003 Slip a few Prince Albert smokes into your system! CoffTTtthl mi ay ft. t. lUyiMMa Tvbaoea 0 Peterson Hardware Co. ! HEADQUARTERS FOR 'Builoer's Hardware Steel Range3 Sporting Goods Heating and Cook Stoves Tin and Granite Ware Plows and Harrows Aluminum, Good for 15 years AUTO ACCESSORIES & OUR NEW GOODS Ars now here. We have Men's and Boy's Suits, Dress 8hlrts, Sweaters, Neckwear, Fine Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Come In and see W. P. ricGBE ANDREWS BUILDING TOLEDO, OREGON 4 WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH OREGON? We all admit that this state needr "or its development plenty of cheap aptinl. and for its prosperity more employment for its people. We must , eliminate the land spec ulator and we must turn our backs on '.he exploiter of Industries for . pollt!--al purposes payroll scuttlers. Whether it bo laws to close ice "ream parlors on Sunday or laws to xntagonize transcontinental railroads, they are Inimical to development. Hubert H. Ward of Portland hits the null on-the head In discussing "What s the Matter with Oregon" in a Port land Fun-lay paper: "We have permitted every spe.les of crank theorist and ralnliow chaser to convert Oregon Into nr. experiment ti:tlnn for every kind of governmental nntl social theory. Although we need money to develop our country nnd al though money Is; Invested oi'y where It Is safe and pr.ys a reunounble re turn, we hove adopted schenis cf!ns hut mlniuMd persons which have made invcsl:r.ei:ts unsafe and have caused them to pay 'Irish divi dends.' "Were Oregon a state where the 'and Is fully developed, where home labor and rnpltr.l are ample to use every opportunity the state offers, we mlnht permit speculators to prey upon us and political and social theorists to experiment upon us, for then the loss would fall upon our own citizens and they would promptly induce us to mend our ways. Hut the state has been speculating and experimenting at the Immediate expense of othars of settlers and investors from other states though ultimately at our own expense, as we have been learning to our sorrow. "In adopting political experiments mid plans of social betterment, a stato like Oregon, which is 'Ions on lnnd and opportunity, short on men and money,' cannot afford to pet far ahead of tho procession. If it should, the subjects for experiment will disap pear nnd employers will cease to pro vide for social betterment in the shape of employes." ff You've heard manv an earful flhnnr the Prince A .her patented process that cuts out hitfi nnH nnrrh onH IpKj vnn Smoke your fill without a comeback I Staltft vnnr ruinU- mil that li proves out everv nour or m inv Prince Albert has always been sold witnout coupons or Dremiums. W prefer to give quality 1 There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling your own, Dut you Know that you ve got to have the right tobacco I We tell you Prince Albert will bang the doors wide open for you to come in on a good time firing up every little so often, without a regret! You'll feel like your smoke past has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot back up for a fresh start. You swing: on this sav-so like it was a tin to a thousand-dollar bill I It's worth that in happi ness ana contentment to you, to every man wno knows what can be gotten out of a chummy jimmy pipe or a makin s cigarette with Prince Albert for the national joy smoke 'packing"! THE Prlne itrCN C-tO 1 Thli U the rev, ih i The White Corner Store "IT IS UP TO YOU" WHETHER YOU DO YC'JR TRADING WITH US IN ALL LINES OF GOODS OR GO ELSEWHERE AND PAY MORE FOR AN INFERIOR ARTICLE. WE HAVE THE REST GOODS AND YOU HAVE AN OP TION TO BUY THEM RIGHT. 2 Phone 9005 R. S. VAN CLEVE sf sAsfcsfc fif ff ffffffftttttfTtttftyytfttTTTTTTTTfT iXjiWr ...v'J Water Front Meat Market J. L. Demitt, Prop. .i Fresh and Cuied Meats Toledo Creamery liutter I buy all my lleef, Mutton and 1'ork from the local ranchers, and I pay the highest market price delivered at my shop. I pay the highest market price for lild;u and pelts. WATER FRONT, TOLEDO, OREGON L INCOLN B OUNTY DANK I (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO, - OREGON DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DIRECTORS t E. HAWKINS VM. 8CARTH C O. HAWKINS Interest en Time Deposit 4 .Ail- CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS DIST. 47. Notice Is hereby given that ail war rants up to and including warrant No, CC, dated June lPth, 191C, issued by district No. 47, Slletz, Lincoln County, Oregon, are hereby called and the In terest stopped this date. Dated this 8th day of November, 1916. W. 8. Hall, Clerk. H Hilt III HI 1 1 UmHt4ll4tttUt T yTTTTTyVTTTTttTTffTTFttfttftttttttttWtttl J. S. AKIN The Dry Goods Man HAS A FULL LINE Ladles' and Cent's Furnishings, Crochet and Erubroideiie Ma terials ALSO A full line of JETWELTtY which Is Guaranteed. i Claua Ludemann was up from Tide water Tuesday. Miss Anule Hawkins was over from Slletz Tuesday. Jim Franks of Slletz was a Toledo visitor Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Moore arrived on Tu' mlay evening's train. J. .1. Catena of Ona paused through o the Valley Wednesday. dipt. Jn'.'olison of the Htn?.mer New port wuh in the lt '.Vednesduy. Warren Hall of Slletz was a passen ger for Portland yesterday morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Hall autord over from the Agency Wednesday. Mltor H. II. Cook of the Waldport Watchiuan was In the city Wednesday. T. H. (jllderslccvo came down from Nortons Tuesday evening, where he has been 'visit Inu for somo time. lilowrr Bros, of Mill Pour shipped a car of fine fut cnilhs to t'ne Portlund markets yeKterday. Cucll accompanied the car to Portland. Miss Jennie nooth was a passenger for Portland Weducuaay morning. She will visit with her sinter In Astoria before reluming, nnd expects to be gone about a month. J. K. Taylor of Elk City was in the city yesterday. Mr. Taylor has Just recently purchased tho Hotel Elk at that placa and rssumed the manage ment of same. Mr. Taylor and fam ily cume from Alsca. lit nton county. Pavo Ttnrs who was recently hurt while working on tho Long Tom bridge near Monroe is reported as better. Dave was struck by a falling timber and was badly bruised and his back was Injured. The accident occured about two weeks ago. Word was received hero Tuesday by John Turnldge Uiat his brother In law, ('has. Powell of Airlle, Polk, county, had beoo killed while working in the woods, ills slHtms, Mesdames Tur dldgo, Hall and Parrlih ail of this placo rent cui cn '.tic tvz'.n V.'sinos Car uit'rn'.nj. DISCUSSION OF TAX ESTIMATES Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Lincoln, Oregon, w ill meet at the court house In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, on Wednesday the Cth. day of Decem ber 1916, at 10 O'clock A. M. in reg ular session, and will discuss with the Tax Pnyers, dally, until Friday Decem ber the 8th, 1916, at C O'clock P. M. the following estimates required to de fray the expenses of the several of fices, and other departments within said County for the yenr 1917. County Court, Salaries, expenses, print ing, etc $3400.00 Circuit Court 4000.00 Justice Cotyt 1500.00 Rebate of Taxes 500.00 Publishing Delinquent Taxes. . . .380.00 Janitor, Wood, Lights, Water and repairs for Court House .1000.00 Jail and care of Prisoners ....600.00 Care of Poor 3000.00 Fire Patrol 1C5.60 Care of Insane .t 100.00 Truant. Officer 75.00 Election Expenses 1000.00 Scalp Bounty 500.00 Viewers, Axmen, Chalnmen etc. on roads 600.00 lealth Officer 150.00 Widows Pension 1500.00 County Fair 600.00 County Hlrh Schools 4000.00 Sealer of Weights and Measures 100.00 Snlnry of Clerk . . . . 12f.0.00 Salary of Deputy 900.00 Records S.'O.OO Stamps and Stationery 150.00 Total ..(28C0.0O Salary of Sheriff .... $1SOO.OO Salary of Deputy 720.00 Collecting Taxes .. .. 450.00 Stamps, Receipts, Dooks, Stationery and blanks. 470 .00 Total $3440.00 Surveyor's Salary .. .$1400.00 Field Notes, Stamps and Inncldentals ,, ..600.00 Totul $1000.00 Treasurer's Salary .. ..$800.00 Statlouery and Dooks... 100.00 Total ....$900.00 Coroner's Ofllce 150.00 School Sups. Salary ..$1000.00 Traveling expenues 200.00 Teachers Institutes ..160.00 Examining Boards ., ..155.00 Stamps and Stationery .140.00 Total ..1645.00 Expenses District's Atty's Odlce SOO.OO Salary of Assessor ..$1200.00 Field Deputies 700.00 Olllce Help 1000.00 Dooks and Stationery . . 600.00 CITY BUDGET There will bo a meeting of the City Council of the City of Toledo, Oregon, at the Council Chambers, on the even ing of Monday, November 27, 1916, at 7:30 o'clock to discuss the City Dud get and make a tax levy for the year 1917. Marshal flSO.00 Water Commissioner 540.00 Recorder 300.00 Street lights 720.00 Sinking fund for water bonds .CCO.OO '. Ceneral Fund warrants and interest 600.00 It Is estimated that It will take a ten mill levy to raise the above amounts. The Council does not con template making a special levy for road purposes. By order of the Common Council. Attest F. N. Haydeti, Recorder. NOTICE OF PORT MEETING Notice Is hereby given that there will be special meeting of the Port of Toledo on Saturday November 18th, 1916, at the Office of Lee Wade, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. for tho purpose of levying a special Port tax. The total amount of money needed by the Port District during the fiscal yenr beginning January 1st, 1917, is 'estimated in the following budget, BUDGET Interest on Honda $3.r.C0.00 Sinking fund 600.00 Delinquent taxes 500.00 AIL-irney fees 120.00 Ofllce and other expenses .. ..100.00 Total estimated amount of money tu be expended for all purposes during tho year.. $4,550.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Rent of water front leases .. $216.00 Income of Warehouse 60.00 Total estimated receipts $276.00 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for yeur 1917 $4,5S0.00 Total estimated receipts 276.00 Balance, amount to be raised ty tax $4,304.00 We estlmato that a levy of Z'A mills will be required to produce the amount of special tax money shown above. Dated this 2Sth. day of October, 1916. I. R. Wlshart, President Board Commissioners Attest: Lee Wade, Secretary. 0 DR. C. A. SMITH, M. T. Four and a half years In Newport. Specialist In Paralysis, nervous and chronic diseases. Electric baths, vio let rays, massage, vibration, diet and pxnrnlfin. Manv ao-ealled Incurable Total 3400.00 men and women can testify to the mer- Booka for School Library ..,.240.00 It" of my work. near roil unice, ntnrjni win. 0 School levy 2 mills, est!- I mated 24800.00 Estimated State Tax 24000.00-, CALL FOR COUNTY Estimated Interest ot Debt . 4000.00 WARRANTS. Road Levy 6 mills, estl- ' All warrants drawn on the ' nuted .. 56833.00 general fund of Lincoln County, For Bridge across Yaquina I endorsed prior to May 6th, at Toledo 884.oo 11916, are hereby called and the Proposed County Agriculturist 1600.00 .interest stopped this date. Toledo, Oregon, Oct. 19th. 1816. TstJl l1Bv.J12.50 R. H. Howell, G. B. McCtuckcy, Albert tidv red tin. end in fact art, Prin.a Albert phcUui'e. ! a real nii:ii)f-to- you oniUrevenekiile. Youll read: " lrorr Pui.nt.i4 July 3lith, 1907." That meant inat ttie united state Govern ment baa granted patent on tti nroccea by which Prlnca Albert ( made. And by which ronlue b're and throat parch are cul our bvery. where tobacco taaold you llhntl rrlnce Albart awalttnc you in toppy red tidy rtd tint, luc; handaom pound and half-pound tin humldore and in that clever cryatal fJuaB humidor, wit apongt - moietenar top. that aeepa tho tobacco tn auch) nna condtUoo alwayal NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY CtVEX To the legal voters of School District No 2 of Lincoln County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at Grammar School on the ia uay 01 uecemoer, lyic, at one o'clock in the afternoon to vote on the proposition of levying a special dis trict tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year beginning on June 19th, 1916, and end ing on June 18th, 1917, la estimated In the following budget and Includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, special district tax. and all other mon eys of the district: BUDGET Teachers' salaries $4977.00 Furniture 75.00 Apparatus and supplies, auch ns maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, curtains, etc 100.09 Library books 125.06 Repairs of schoolhouses, outbuildings or fences 100.001 Janitor's wages 640 fin Janitor's supplies 25.00 rm" 155.00 LW't 2.00 .63.06 Clerk's salary C0-00 Postage and stationery and freight io.oj For the payment of bonds, war rants, notes, and other indebted ness, contracted prior to May 2?, 1315, and for Interest thereon m0( For the payment of bonds, war rants, notes, and other Indebted ness, contracted on or after May 22, 1915. and for Interest N""-" 1634.09 -1 otal estimated amount of money to be expended for all pur- I poses during the year $?456.00 I ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1 From county school fund during the coming school yenr $2:95.09 From state school fund during the coming school year 47nn Cash now In the hands of the district clerk 390.12 Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during the coming school year.... 1273.00 Total estimated receipts, not Including the money to be re ceived from the tax which It Is proposed to yote $4334 13 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for I th0 year $S460.0O , Total estimated receipts not In cluding the tax to bo voted. .4334.12 tiainnce, amount to be raised by district tax $4121. We estimate that a levy of 8 mills will be required to produce the amntm of special tax money shown above. Dated this 27 day, of October, mj. Att"t: R. t. Van Cleve, ' P. N. Hayden, Chairman Doartf District Clerk. of Dlrectori. O- . .At The Merchants. Meals 35c ctt!cfactlon ?riiaranteed. County Clerk. . County Treasurer.