.... . , v , s ' tr.' Eincoin (jlj$ttfiip a mm. VOLUME 24 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, 1916. NUMBER 38 DEMOCRATS WIN NATIONAL VICTORY NEWPORT Tire election passed off quietly. The was fine and a full vote was poll- The women voters took great In terest in the election and nearly every od was out to vote. Hughes got a ood majority In all three of the pre eiacta, which shows the vote for ttounty officers In the order of "New-oa-t, Nye Beach and Pacific. Newp't Nye B. "Pacific. made many friends who extend their sympathy to the family. School opened In the Spout Creek district November 6th with Miss Dor othy Martin as teacher. Mrs. H. W. Jacobs went out on Sat urday's stage on her way to Albany, returning Monday. Billy Poland has had all the' exper ience with felons he wants as he has been afflicted with one all fall. Hawkins 95 109 W Stewart 42 68 108 Jew 92 97 107 "WugTi 37 87 "102 Pbrter 27 63 63 "Wakefield 77 104 113 "Win. Hill 34 . 43 49 Schwartz 98 136 157 Derrick 34 43 57 McMillan 104 120 146 Tfcrtcr 105 IK 173 tTook 30 19 37 LC, Smith ' 41 76 73 Armltage 93 84 102 Limb 73 99 80 'Ed Etocker 94 118 98 lavage 58 81 115 In Yaqulna Precinct: 1 C. Smith 8; Armltage 17; Lecse 21; 'blocker 24; Savage 14. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scbaffer left for Independencce, Or.,, last Monday where they will remain this winter. Henry Fleming of Southern Oregon is visiting with hlB sister, Mrs. H. W. Jones. . Lester Porter, who has been working at Philomath returnod last Monday to visit with the home folks. Watchful Wood- the honor of being the first Commls-' a total of 1268 votes, while Derrick, ' ! sloner In Lincoln county that was ! Democratic got 761. The vote by iim 'ever returned to office for the second : precincts is given thus I UW VV IT19 term. The vote by precinct follows: Alsea HARVEST FESTIVAL The Rod and Gun Club gave a dance fel their hall Tuesday evening. It was wt11 attended by the elite of the city. Music by the Pickens Orchestra. The room was beautifully decorated and 'was thronged with over a hundred per aana. Everyone had a gcod time. I .Wit refreshments were served and bo dance went merrily on till after mMnlght. The landies of the W. C. T. U. gave dinner on election day at the ban matt room of the I. o. O. F. Hall. One hundred persons took dinner. It was " fme twenty-five cent dinner. The receipts were $25 which will be used Tor the benefit of the Society. Al this writing the result of the Vrwldentlal election Is still 'In doubt. The odds seem to be In favor of Mr. Hughes. No election In the United 'States has ever been held where so runny votes were cast and where the -v-andldatei have run so evenly to gether. In some oft he states the voles were only a few hundred In dif ference. This evenly balanced nun ber of the parties is a good thing for Vhe country because the party In pow- wr will Te put upon Its good behavior od watched so the people will get ' more efficient and better govern ment Parties being long In power "beeomo corrupt and arrogant and for that reason the people change them. "The best government after all Is "by the people, for the people and of the Vople-" President Klrkland of the Commer cial Club called a special meeting Sat wrdny evening for the purpose of ad milling Into the club Mr. Wlckland vtho Is surveying for the Portland and Weal Coast and Navigation Railroad Company, and Mr. Fitzgerald the man pt. Both gentlemen made speeches Mr. Fitzgerald among other things " Id the Port Commission aught to "at-nil n man to Washington to boost for "appropriations for the harbor Improve ment, they should pay the man all his expenses and If Congress appropriate "the hinds to pay Mm a per centage thereof for his labor. On motion It vn ordered thnt the president anpolnt committee of two to furnish correct statements of the doings of the club to the Toledo pnpers. In discussing Win question It was claimed the re porter of the Lincoln County Leader Irnm Newport misrepresented a state ment alleged to have been mado 1i7 Mr. Fitzgerald In this report In l..ud'.T. Mr. Fitzgerald raid we must bave 35 feet of water on the liar to lr.nlio It possible to build the railroad. Ortp.ln members claimed Mr. Fltz- rtrald did not make this statement but he did sny boost for 35 feet of water on the bar. ONA Sheriff Oeer was In our midst a few day ago arranging for voting places. Clifford Phelps delivered some fine potatoes at the King home at Oyster City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers visited Sam Hill and wife Sunday. Mr. Hill has been quite 111 for some time. Mark Gullllams was a Newport vis itor last week having witnessed the ex treme high tldo on his return hike down the beach. Mrs. W. C. Wet-r visited at the Ryan place late last week. . M!ss Doris Olson of Portland was a week end visitor at the Selby ranch, remaining over election day. Miss Ol son Is a loyal supporter of Hughes. Election day brought out the popu lace around our little school house and many ardent politicians hovered about to hear the returns of our pre cinct late In the evening. The nearby ranches receiving many callers and old acquaintances were received. Mrs. Lloyd Parks entertained a party at dinner and in the evening at. Mr. and Mrs. H. Woods and children, W. C. Weber, Lloyd and Fred Com mons and John Coovert were of the'j party. . i Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Holm green were ' visitors at the A. W. Weber home Sunday. Chauncey Ohmart made a business trip to Newport Wednesday, returning home Thursday. The latest returns give the Demo- United Stntaa lhav ho vino- ra'olantorl aV V'8W Woodrow Wilson to that hlgt office. The electoral vote standing 268 for ; Wilson and 263 for Hughes. Some fight! The result Is so close that It may take the official count to determine for j cnrtnln. hut at thla Htna tho Alontlnn I is conceded Wilson. The local Republicans have some consolation In the fact that they gave Butler Porter Wakef'ld Beaver Creek Big Elk Devils Lake Elk City Five Rivers Kern Little Elk Nashville Newport Nye Creek Toledo Orange will give a harvest fes tival November 16th at the Hall in Toledo. A good program will be pre pared. A speaker from O. A. C. will flflrlromi thA nnnrila nn thA atthlAct nf cooperation. Everybody Is invited to!"8 Democrats an unmerciful drubb-, ui in uiu cuumy lor uie cuuniy uui- ' cers, the Democratic candidates fall- lr;? 0, 7 lng to land In a single Instant. jSutth e C. E. Hawkins came off with the , r.eeK SllGtZ bring a basket and celebrate with us and we will Insure an enjoyable time. John Bradbury Mrs. W. T. Ball J. W. Parrlsh. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT Come to the Eddyvtlle Grammar School Friday, Nov. 17, at 1:30, P. M. and hear Rev. Simpson from Honolulu In "Ninety Minutes In the Hawaiian Islands" and Parcel Post Sale. Admis sion 15c. Bessie E. Knauff Teacher. largest majority on the Republican ticket, and Al Waugh received the largest Democratic vote, but lacked 1 several hundred of being elected. It was also a Republican year In Oregon, Hughes leading by about 8,000. FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE In this county the returns so far give Hamilton 724 votes Coke 807, Potter 636, Sklpworth 575, and Buchanan 606. , These returns are from only about half the precincts In the county, the rest 'not being available at this time. 48 41 89 20 1 14 81 4 23 87 8 20 5 19 28 23 48 42 12 15 8 9 10 42 15 43 75 2 64 14 27 77 15 53 104 81 89 63 64 39 134 65 41 67 8 45 12 22 13 17 36 58 8 14 21 3 19 31 3 12 27 IN CHICKEN DINNER CALLED OFF F0R representative , i . .u t ai I CONGRESS At thA taut mlnntA thA Tjinlpa nf thA I Improvement Club decided not to hold ) w- c- y. Republican candi- their dinner election day. This was I date Is leading In this race over his done as the ladles did not think it ! opponent. Mark Weathorford, Demo cratic, by a large majority ana win be returned to office by the people of would be treating the hotels and res taurants fairly, to serve a dinner on that day. O TRAIN TIME CHANCED Effective Sunday November 12th, the Sunday train will leave Yaqulna, 2 P. M.; Toledo, 2:5 P. M.; Summit, Lloyd and Fred Commons returned , 4:22 P. M.; Philomath, 5:25 P. M.; 6:45 r. m.; arriving in ai- hut Saturday from Independence Ith a bunch of registered Jersey milk cows. In the bunch isxone Im ported cow. Dr. Ethel Mason, direct Importation from the Jersey Islands, which sold last spring at the desper alon sale of blooded cattle at Inde pendence for $300, later we will have more to say of this bunch of cattle. Miss Doris Olson and Miss Made line Ryan visited at several of the Ona ranches lost Sunday and express ed their delight at the hospitality ot the communnlty folk. Among the ranches visited were the A. H. Phelps, W. C. Weber, C. Ohmart, O. Selby, and the L. M. Commons. Little Miss Helen Phelps entertain ed the Woods children election day. Mr. Peter Byrunsn spent tlie week end at the Ole Olson ranch having made the purchase of a yearling short horn, returnlnng home Monday. Corvallis bany at 6:15 P. M. Steamer connec tions from Newport will leave Newport at 1:30 P. M. 0 this district. 8ENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE T. B. Handly, Republican, has won out In good shape In the race for Joint Senator, 24th District, and W. V. Fuller, Republican candidate for Joint Representative, 12th District, al so goes in by a good majority. FOR PROSECUTING! ATTORNEY '-In the race for prosecuting attorney for Lincoln, county, C. E. Hawkins, Republican, was returned a winner over J. F. Stewart, Democrat, by a majority of 671. Hawkins polled a FOOTBALL TOMORROW The garoo between the Toledo and total vote of 1334 while Stewart got Newport High Schools which was post- 763. Their vote by precincts follows: poned last Saturday on account of the storm, will be played tomorrow on : Alsca the Newport grounds. The boat will ! Bayvlew leave the wharf here at eleven or half- Beaver Creek GLEN Mrs. Ed Heddy spent last Saturday with Mrs. J. E. Crooks. J. Davenport came homo from Mill City last Friday. Mrs. Heddy and son and Mcs. J.' E. Crooks, and erfildrrn made a short call on Mrs. W. R. Moore last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Davenport spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heddy. W. R. Moore returned from Sa'tin last week where he had his left eye removed. HARLAN Miss Sadie Mason who Is teaching xn the Black district, received the sad nt'TTB ot the death of her father and she left Friday evening to attend the funeral at Philomath Saturday. The departed formorly lived at Peak but l the time of his demise was living aU Salem. Huron Brlggs and Clifford McDon ald went to Summit last week to work Itor the R. R. Co. Mother Nature has been doing her ilaty and gave us plenty of water for tbiate who will soon float down "Salt eck." . Mrs. Slefert the aged mother of Mrs. Juhn Mltchles, died recontjy and was aid to rest In the Kings Valley ceme tery off October 20th, Mrs. Slefert t4 visited her daughter hero 'and UPPER BEAVER Mrs. Sadie Wright came over Tues day for a vlult with her brollior, Mr. r.hcniVs and family, returning home Thursday. H. G. Rlinndrs mado a trip to Vv'l nnnt Thursday." Vlrglo lllirados vltlted Adnlph Peter son Sunday. Mrs. Rhoades sister, Coldlo, come over Tuesday for a visit Returning home Sunday. II. Q. Rhoades nnd son, Floyd, made a trip to Toledo Sunday. Nearly every body of this placo at tended the election Tuesday. ' 0 ORTON Mrs. II. K. Peters of Wapota, Wash. Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Hom er Evans. , Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Walker loft for the Valley last week whore they will visit with friends and relatives. Ned Evans was In Sllcts attending to business last Saturday. Mrs. E. Blacketer Is on the sick list this week. Mrs. E. Lr Chapman and children of Summit are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Evan. past taking all who wish td go. o i Big Elk Devils Lake I Elk City TO STAGE MINSTREL AT SILETZ AGENCY Flve Rlver" The Ladles of the Toledo Civic Im- Kern provement Club are making arrange-; Little t-lk ments to stage their minstrel show at Nashville Slletz on the evening of Saturday, Newport November 18th. one week from tomor-. Nye Creek row. While all arrangements have ' Pacific not been completed, it is almost cer- ( North Toledo tain that these plans will be carried South Toledo out. O - Rock Creek Rose Lodge Sllets Tidewater Hawkins 111 " 25 29 38 35 79 9 48 60 46 95 109 151 1C4 100 64 25 71 22 43 30 Stewart 65 10 24 20 20 35 24 9 45 32 42 68 108 74 ei 9 19 27 22 28 21 Tidewater Yaqulna Yachats Indicates returns not known. FOR COUNTY CLERK The returns with three precincts yet to hear from gives Howell, Repub lican, 1315 votes, Slyh, Socialist, 321 votes. The vote by precincts follows: Howell Slyh Alsea Bayvlew Beaver Creek Big Elk Devils Lake Elk City Five Rivers . Kern Little Elk Nashville Newport Nye Creek Pacific North Toledo South Toledo Rock Creek. Rose Lodge Slletz Tidewater Yaqulna Yachats Indicates returns not known. FOR COUNTY TREA8URER Ira Wade, Republican, with two pre cincts missing, polled a vote of 1346, and C. M. Drake, Socialist, received 340. The vote by precinct gives: Alsea Bayvlew Beaver Creek Big Elk Devils Lake Elk City Five Rivera Kern Little Elk Nashville Newport Nye Creek Pacific North Toledo South Toledo Rock Creek Rose Lodge Slletz Tidewater Yaqulna Yachats Derrick 68 10 21 46 30 69 20 27 63 87 34 43 57 75 43 25 26 23 26 25 13 McMillan 113 23 33 14 24 41 13 80 33 41 104 120 148 160 120 37 19 77 36 41 39 123 59 23 14 43 13 62 12 46 7 23 3 62 9 75 28 68 13 161 16 113 17 199 38 132 33 58 5 35 15 34 12 56 16 40 10 FOR COUNTY CORONER Dr. Carter showed the people of Lincoln county that he was still some campaigner by polling a total of 1413 votes, with two precincts missing. His opponent, H. H. Cook, Socialist, poll ed a vote ot 3D4. Alsea Bayvlew Beaver Creek Big Elk Devils Lake Elk City IFIve Rivers Kern Little Elk Nashville I Newport Nye Creek Pacific I North Toledo South Toledo ; Rock Creek Rose Lodge ' Sllets ', Tidewater Yaqulna Yachats Carter 113 30 45 44 39 30 41 54 105 145 173 178 124 64 28 90 29 64 37 Cook 71 6 7 20 6 3 16 14 SO 19 37 49 36 5 21 11 8 20 15 Indicates returnsnot known. BRIDGE FALLS, INJURES TWO yaqulna Wlilln wnrVmnn warn tanVInf, tin fl.A i achats heavy timbers of a new bridge connect-. FOR SHERIFF lng the Long Tom river with Richard j Tll9 Vote for Sheriff was divided Island Snturdny afternoon last, onet,ree wayg but republican candidate end of the bridge collapsed, seriously rrrt QfeT managed to pull out with Injuring Dave Rons ti e engineer nnd jtue ilnnrtdome majority of 418. Geer MIhs Bertha Taylor, n bvstander, re- ))0ne(j a total of 1202 votes, and Al eclved a s'-nlp round. Mr. Ross Is ' waugh. Democratic, got 784. We have In the clly hospital here. His Injuries l)een unnbie to get tho total vole for are Internal but It Is thought he will ' yanderpool. Tho vote by precincts recover. Benton County Courier. follows O MRS. MAGEE DIES Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Magee of KddyvtUo who died ot a Portland hosidlul last week. The funeral tock place en Monday of this week nnd the beloved form was laid to rest In the Poho City cemetery. Besides her husbnnd she leaves six children: Ell A., of Forge, N. D.; Her bert O., of Grand Forks, N. D.; How ard, of Prolate, Snsk., Canada; Ella M., of Lewinton, Mont.; Fred J.,. of Dickinson, N. D.; and Mrs. George B. Conycrs, of Clatskanto. Mrs. Mil gee was born In Velle, Den mark, July 3, 1876, and came to this country at the age of ten years. In Chicago In 1876 she was married to Alsca Hayvlew I'.caver Creek ,I1lg Elk Devils Lake ; Klk City Five Rivers Kern Llttlo Elk Nashville Newport Nye Creek Pacific (North Toledo ! South Toledo Rock Creek i Hose Lodge Slletz Tlftnnrntn. August i'mnrnon, 10 wuicn union six , i.ii.. . i aiuln tiiimi ru wcib uui ii, nt;r nunuuiiu uyiiiB una Yachats Geer 98 20 28 41 33 Ai 17 35 72 36 92 97 107 165 82 45 27 66 17 45 37 Vand'rp'l Waugh 9 3 1 13 7 1 9 15 4 IS 8 34 20 14 6 11 6 2 19 16 61 16 27 10 15 46 17 21 28 41 37 70 102 69 80 16 14 43 31 14 20 FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT R. P. Ooin, Republican, was the only candidate for thls-offlce and with seven precincts mlrlng has a total vote of 1153. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE In the local district Cliff Crosnb, Republican, won out by a majority of 163, he receiving a total ot 272 votes, while Gwynn, Independent, received 119 votes. '.FOR PORT COMMISSIONERS The Republican nominees, C. O Hawkins, I.ee Wade and A. T. Peter son were all elected by a good vote, there being no opposition. HOGS RUNNING AT LARGE The Special amendment, for oi agnlnst hogs running at large in Lin coln county, was carried by a large majority. IN THE 8TATE The amendment known as the "Bone Dry" amendment, was defeated by about 5000. The Brewer's Bill was nlr.o lost, be ing snowed under by about 38000 ma- The fight for Assessor was another Jorlty. fight that was divided three ways and The Pendleton Normal Bill Is ver was won by Republican candidate A. close and will probably lose by abou'. O. Schwartz by the handsome major- 3000. , t ily of 485. Schwartz received a total i Slnglo-Tax will lose by about 50000 Alsea Bayvlew Beaver Creek Big Elk Devils Lake Elk City Five Rivers Kern Little Elk Nashville Newport Nye Creek Pacific North Toledo South Toledo Rock Creek Rose Lodge Slletz Tidewater Yaqulna Yachats Indicates returns not known FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR Drake Wade 63 126 9 27 12 40 18 47 9 45 3 32 14 47 23 77 6 63 10 152 41 72 44 198 38 121 10 56 18 33 94 5 20 21 51 6 45 of 1100 votes, Hill, Dmnocratlc, got 615, and Parrlsh, Sorlallst, 313. Tho vote by precinct was: Indicates returns not known. I FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Hill Tarrlsh Schwai Alsea 68 " 38 98 Hayvlew 5 10 19 Beaver Creek 11 36 22 Big Klk 13 21 31 Devils Lake 9 2 40 Elk CUy 45 55 Five lllvcrs 15 1 19 Kern 12 9 40 Llttlo Elk 26 23 53 Nnshvlllo 31 6 43 Nowport 34 08 Nye Creek 43 2. 136 Pacific 49 89 140 North Toledo 92 38 118 South Toledo 84 , 25 61 Rock Creek 22 6 35 Rose Lodge 14 13 25 Slletz' 1 15 72 Tidewater 19 2 29 Yaqulna 27 17 31 Yachats 34 0 27 ' Indicates returns not known. FOR COUNTY 8URVEYOR The way. Republican candidate Mc Millan won" In the race for tho offlre In March, 1908. She was married a second time to I. Mugoe, of Eddyvlllo, on February 8th, 1915. Mrs. Mageo had been a resident of In the race for County Commission Oregon for about five years, coming ' er the Republicans were again success- to this state from Leeds, N. D., where ful, W. F. Wakefield winning out by a of County Surveyor camo as a sur she had lived for seventeen years. She good majority. This race was divided j prise to his most optimistic supporters, urirf t mnmbnr nf lha nrilaf nf rjulorn Mi,ab wava Walrnflnlfl nfilllna- BRA It tiAln mnrpAaA that this would be Stars, at Corvallis, and of the La- votes, Porter, Domocratlo, 591, and 'a close fight. Alec came out of thai day evening, returning home yester Franc Rebekah Lodge, of Clalskanlo. . Butler, Socialist, 408. Wakefield has trace with a majority of S17, receiving day. The Ship Tax Exemption bill wlli win by about 50000. The Antl-Vaccluatlon bill will les' by uhout 20,000. The Single Item Veto bill won by i . large majority. Tho Negro Suffrage bill 1b close atiu will probably win. Tho Bill to repeal the Sunday Clor , lng Law Is winning by a small major ity. j Tho Pural Credits bill is wlnnln: by about 18000. 0 Dr. C. K. Linton of Wnldport waa It tho city Tuesday evening. Chauncey Ohmart of Ona was a To ledo visitor yesterday. Mrs. Fred Horning was a passengc for tho lower bay last evening. G. II. itorsfall came down fror Rock Creek last evening as a wltnesr In the homestead proof of Dr. Alber. Carey. Miss Maude Miller, who Is teachlnt near Eddyvlllo, spent several days wll'i her parents, Judge and Mrs. R. R. Mil ler, the first of the week. ('has. B. Arthur brought In the re turns from Big Elk precinct Wednes-