II VOLUME 24 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1916. NUMBER 37 NEWPORT and marches and ghost stories were . the order ot the evening. Everyone TheNatlonal Campaign Is now at ,,, t ,v' ,h(, nnrt- ,nd hlteheat The Democrats are trying one helped t0 make it pleasant and to keep themselves In power and the Republicans believing the country would be much better off, are trying to change the Administration. The, Cleveland Administration and the his- enjoyable for all.' These social meet ings do much good In the way of gett ing to-gether and being more frater nal and social Mr., and Mrs. Stuart of the Life tory of the country for fifty year. SaylnK Servlc6( ,ndi fter ttle how that whenever the Democratic EarnMt( iephrU) this morning to San party gets in power we have hard t0 tev for ft lons t,meper. times. The country is very unsettled nap, aU wlnter. Tha pBptaln hag been now, and business is parallzed. While ,n poor hUn for several montnB and the East. Is prosperous on account of goe t0 btreated ,n the hoBpital. . the European war. the West Is under Hon WaUef Tooto Pre6ldent, a cloud of adversity, and no money Hugheg Aniailce wlu gpeak at Newport lnclrculatlon. Another four years of th8 poHtlcal ,BSU of the Democratic rule would be disastrous. Tnur8day evenlng at elght O.clock m Ltncouln County as well as the state the odd FelIowB Hall Mr Tooze is saieiy witnin ine nepuoncan column. The Democrats' eulogize the Adminis tration and compare Mr. Wilson with . Abraham Lincoln. . But this Is an in Vlii'ous comparison. During the Civil War, and before, the Democrats, com acii'oi to malign and abue Mr. Lin coln, calling him all kinds or .'J: n lolis names. I don't think It Is in fonfl taste now for the Democrats to eulogize Mr. Lincoln. He was a Re publican a man of the people rais ing by his own efforts from the moBt humble circumstances to the highest office within the gift of the American people. He went down to his grave mourned and honored by all the world. I think It would be more ap propriate to compare Mr. Wilson with James Buchanan who could sit quiet ly by and and let the state of South one ot the best and most Interesting speakers in the state. He speaks from a P.ipuh!!eah standpoint. , A l aMcwpcn party was also held at ttie Nyc Crck Ilest and Reading 1n:ini. A limvh win served and a good H. G. Rhoades, H. O. Weaver, G. E. Lewis and Mrs. A. Peterson made a trip to Newport Tuesday. J.. M. Bowers was a Yaqulna caller Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Bowers visited at the J. C. Huntsucker home Wednesday. Hilda Rhoades celebrated her first birthday Sunday, L N. Huyett made a trip to Poole Slough Wednesday. 0 LOWER FARM A. C. Crawford spent Saturday and Sunday at tipper Farm buying cattle. conple of gentlemen from New port were on their way down to Mr. Mowerys' last Saturday on a fishing trip. When Just about a mile below the Lower Farm school their machine quit, being unable to start It again they phoned to Newport for man to come and make tHe needed repairs. About two o'clock the mechanics arrived but owing to some difficulty were unable i We will tell you all about It next Issue. ' Halloween passed off quietly here at Toledo. John Henderson was up from the lower bay last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Waugh were New port visitors Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Guild spent sev eral days at Newport this week. REGARDING OUR COUNTY CANDIDATES The Republican party has an excep tionally strong ticket In the field this year and hundreds of voters in the county are going to vote the ticket , straight, from president to constable. ' but we believe, on election day ho will ' see the error ot his way and vote tha Republican ticket straight. Carl Moore went vo Portland Mon day.- Mrs. J. H. Jessen was a passenger As next Tuesday Is election day we tot the Valley Tuesday. believe that It would not be out of Fred Wagner ot Nortons had busl- place, at this time, to give a little , nesa In the city Tuesday. personal history of each of the candl-1 Th. a,.ndav ,, .ervlce will be con. Dudley Trapp ot Chltwood had ':168' M ome of them mlght not De tlnued throughout the month of No. business in the city esterday. r J, , , . AIJ . . .vember. ICE. Hawkins is our candidate for A. T. Peterson last week sold a new District Attorney. Mr. Hawkins has LOST-en auto chain, between To Ford car to Al Taylor of Newport, Iwn a resident of the rountv for ledo and Slletz. Finder please notify Call and see the Fall and Winter I twenty or more years, and this 1b the Hats now on display at Fredericks. "rst time that he has ever sought pub ! . . I lie office. He has been a practising ;J. H. H. Andersen of Newport has , aUorney here at ToMq mogt of that had business In Toledo this week. tmo and hag bcen very gucceB8ful ,n .Fred Wagner of Nortons attended j conducting his cases. He Is a good time wu )md. Manv funny ghost ! to trt the engine, so pulled the dts- At,ciA ..iii! told. The spooks and witches wire visible on nil Bides. The room wu.i partly dark and you could j near the spooks and spirits as they flitted around. WEST YAQUINA Mrs. P. E. Sheppard and children , T ......... . . nA ,1.-,. 1.A-.. laet 1)1 .HUIIlllllfllV, iaODU INIU IICID WD. j Thursday enroute to Bayvlow where they will make their home this winter. Mrs. Sheppard Is a daughter of K. Hen- Carolina secede without even a protest 1 drlckson of that place. .Had he been firm and patriotic, like The Misses Myrtle and Stella Willis "Old Hlckery", by the Eternal be , ot 0,18 Place are tending school In would have made these fellows come . Newport back. Mr. Wilson started a war with Thus far, hopes for a better run of Mexico and then backed out He or-; "laou season have failed to ma dered Heurta to salute the flag and i terlallze tho the fishermen are catch- be would not do that and so to keep us out of war Mr. Wilson retired; and Mexico is left to continue her dep redations and murders. . In this war about five hundred Americans were killed. Had Mr. Whson been firm with the Mexican people this thing would never have occured. The spirit Of Washington, Lincoln, Polk, Jackson, McKinley and Grant seems to be lacking. Ing them in limited quantities. Frank Shermer was a West Yaqulna visitor Tuesday. R. A. and D. E. Miller brought down a couple of loads of hay from Toledo last week. John Hanlon and Mr. McPharlen of Beaver Creek made a trip to Toledo Wednesday. A shipment of household goods be longing to W. Hunt who has recently become a resident of Weet Yaqulna ubled car to one sldn of the road and after taking the two fishermen on down, to Mr.. Mowerys, returned to Newport. Mrs. A. C. Crawford and Mrs. S. C. Young departed Friday for Portland. Mrs. Crawford Is expected home the first of the week while Mrs. Young will remain In the city where she Is Interested In the Life Insurance busi ness. Alvah Strome who has been down on the Lower Slletz for some time re turned home Monday. George Miller and family spent Sat urday at Lower Farm. Mrs. Koblelskl and two of her child ren visited at the Kosydar home Sunday. 0 CHITWOOD Joseph Bryant of Slletz was over here on business Wednesday. John Boren has been Improving his ranch up on Simpson Creek. He has lumber hauled to build him a new house. J. I. Pepin has been covering his house with a new coat of paint Archie and Raymond Wilson left for me nepuoiirnn meeting nore luesaay. Jprof. John Dlcuzh was a Newport visitor last Saturday having como den- till worlc dr.ne. Btrlc.t enforcement ot ail vioiationu ui Mrs. I. It. U'islmrt visited at Elk tno luWi City last Saturday with Mrs. Harry Nortons. business man and we believe that with Mr. Hawkins in charge of the county attorney's olfico a great saving will bo effected for tlio tuxpuycrs, as woll as a jduy cvfi.tng fmm v( M. n:i Iiurt Geer Is our candidate for Sher iff, and needs no Introduction to most of the voters ot the county. Mr. Geer has demonstrated In a most sntlnfnc tory manner that he la well qualified to fill the office which he seeks, as dur- . Have you tried the big 10c. loaf of Holsum Bread, for sale only at Fred ericks Quality 8tore. Donald Stewart came down from Portland Sunday to spend the day,'" hu term of offlce' n0 one ,laa with his narents i raised their voice to find fault with his '.work, and when it comes to catching Mort Abbey of Newport was a paB- !crmlnaig Bert Is certainly there with senger for Portland Wednesday morn- j goodg You wlu mark your ballot ta' i correctly by voting X 69. 1 Fred Gee was a passenger for Grants R. H. Howell our efficient and ac- Wi. Uitohaa oa mflvnr nf tliA pltv nf New York and Governor of the State Jh" Just arrived from Tulsa. Oklahoma. made a national reputation for honor and great ability and by bis splendid speeches, couched in the simplest ot language, show that he Is a statesman of the highest order. The Hughes sentiment In the nation Is like a rising tide Is going right along. No mistake will be made made in electing Hughes president Mr. Hawley will be elected by a large majority and as we expect to get aid from him In the securing of arrroprla'.Iona fcr ,'ur harbor lmprov ments 'jn.ouln C)uuty should give him a :g vote. The big ghost dance given by the Women of Woodcraft Tuesday even ing. Oct 31st at the hall ot the Rod and Gun Club waa one ot the most pleasant and enjoyable affairs of the eason. The hall was crowded mostly with young people. The room waa beautifully decorated with Chinese lanterns, black cats, Jack-o-lanterns,- and many other apparitions and de vices. The room had a very grotesque, shadowy and lonely appearance. As the ghost came in draped, in white, the witches In black, high topped hats, the devil leading, with glaring eyes, looked dangerous Indeed. . The room was darkened and the spooks were flitting back and forth one felt as though he waa among Uie departed spirits In fact This was the hour of jvlrinlcht. The superstitious no doubt thought they were passing through a grave yard. The Plcklns orchestra furnished the muslo. This was also soft, sad and lonely. After and be fore the ghost dance occupied the gay group of young people, were tripping the Unlit fantastic toe to the graceful and languid movements of the waits, two, three and one step, cheered by the soft, sweet strains of enchanting music. The good Lord made the sexes to be together and enjoy themselves, A nice lunch of pumpkin pie and cider was served. The management was un . dor the direction of Dave Harding, Os car Peterson, August Blattner and Mrs. G. A. Schumacher. The grand march came In the fore part of the evening'. This was also a great suc cess. The Rebekalis gave a halloween par ty at the Odd Fellows Tuesday even' lng. A Inrge number of Rcbekahs . and Odd Fellows were present A Bice banquet was served. The hall was nicely decorated for the occasion. The spooks and witches were In evi dence all over the room. Flays, games Pass Tuesday morning, where he ex pects to work this winter. County Commlssloner'o. V. Hurt was up from Waldport this week, In attendance at the regular November term of Court , f Married: Howard Shelly and Mary E. Flesher, Waldport Oregon, Oct 25, 1916, by Rev. OUver C. Wells. The contracting parties are residents of Tidewater. S. T.' "Loudon of Eddyvllle wisln the city this week attending the meet ing of the Republican County Central Committee, working for the establish ing ot a County Agriculturist, and where Mr. Hunt formerly resided. o HARLAN Sheriff Geer was a visitor to this section last week, delivering ballot boxes, and attending other business matters, Mr. and Mrs. O. H.-Spencer of the rtacks Creek District have gone to Dovltt to spend the winter where Mr, Spencer is employed. H. F. Brlggs took a load of pigs to Turn Turn which he had sold to parties there. Clias. Cator and R. L. Hathaway were business visitors to Corvallls last week. Miss Dorothy Martin is visiting friends In Corvallls, having closed her school In the Racks Creek District, October 20th. Wm. Mulkey was a Toledo visitor last week. Houston Grant expects to build a house as soon as he can procure the lumber. Frank Davis list been remodeling his house and will soon have a roomy, comfortable home. Mr. and Mrs. B. t. Grant of Harlan have certainly a right to be proud of their life work. Mrs. Grant came to her present home as a bride has seen the wilderness develop Into prosperous farms. They have raised a large fam ily, all have married, and five boys and two girls aro settled within a radaius of three miles of their parents who would not feel their old age pro vided for, they can go out for dinner every day In the week, and what parents could blame them for looking with prldo Vpon their stalwart sons and fair daughters. Lavera Payne entertained her friends with a birthday party' on Oct 21st, It being her ninth birthday. Cottage Grove a few days ago. Mrs. Maud Smith is spending a few looking after other business. aays in Newport Mrs. H. M. Henry came down from the Jungles Saturday, roturnlng Monday. Ripe strawberries at MOORE-AVERY comodatlng County Clerk la atso a can didate for re-election. Mr. Howell's term -of offlce has proven very satis factory to the tax payers. He Is both efficient and obliging, two qualities needed to make a good official, and the voters will make no mistake In re turning htm to office. For County Treasurer, Ira Wade, is our candidate. Mr. Wade Is known to most of the voters of the county, hav lng been, county clerk at one time. Mr, Wade Is well educated,' and eminently qualified for the office which he seeks. Is an untiring worker and will make us a good County Treasurer. For County Commissioner, W. F. Wakefield Is our candidate. "Billy", as be Is familiarly known, resides on a farm near Eddyvllle, and Is one of the most prominent men of that section. He successfully manages his large The marriage of Carl Radcllffo PIvnratflA i 3 - .i t-, i - .nuui tj ttuu cvamie r tkulcs ATorj nu . . . , . Fru'It Farm November 1st. . How Is .olemn),ed at Port,and. on Wednesday " J", ?. ltZ! !. that for Lincoln County T During Sep tember and October Just past E. A. Wlldman has picked about thirty-five gallons of ripe strawberries. The va rieties are Progressive, Amerlcus, Su perb and Pan American. 0 : M. E. CHURCH SERVICES Service at the M. E. Church next Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 in the evening; and on the following Wed nesday evening the first quarterly meeting will be held, preaching at 7:30 and quarterly conference Immediately after. of this week. Mr. Moore Is one bf our most prom inent young business men. Is a mem ber ot the firm of the Moore Company best Commissioners ever had by Lin coin county. Mr. Wakefield Is a good road enthusiast and his ambition Is to see good roads In all parts of the rmintv nAlnir hpnvv fnxnaver htm- which owns the local sawmill, alsoge,f hg ,g fc gafe man t0 ,ntrugt wlth muis at ttanaon. He nas maae nis home In Toledo the past two years, during which time he has been Iden tified with the upbuilding and growth of the Ever Ready Bible Class. He Is an excellent musician and added CHICKEN PIE DINNER The Ladles Civic Improvement Club will serve an Election Dinner on Tues day Nov. 7, 1916, In the old Drug Store. Price 35 bents.. much to the social life of the town. Miss Avery Is the eldest daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Avery, of 761 East Ankeney St., Portland. Miss Avery made her home In Toledo for about twelve years, prior o moving to Portland about a year ago. She Is a beautiful and talented young lady and has a host ot friends In this city. We understand that the happy cou-1 pie will make their home here In Tole do for the present. The Leader joins with their many friends In wishing them a long, happy Raval Club Coffea The Coffee vau i r. .ur. to ilk.. For a.i. oniv .and prosperous married life, Fredericks Quality Store. -0 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Services will I the handling of the county finances. I A. O. Schwartz Is our candidate for Assessor. Mr. Schwartz Is a young man and one ot the successful business men of Newport. Having been sue cessful In conducting his own busi ness, It Is reasonable to assume that he will make a success of the County's business. We believe that Mr. Schwartz, will make us a good asses sor and that the voter will make no mistake by endorsing him. R. P. Goln Is our candidate for County School Superintendent Mr. Goln Is a candidate for re-election, and Is personally known to almost every man, woman and child In tho county. Mr. Goln Is a progressive, up-to-date Instructor and has done much to put the schools of Lincoln county on the high plane tret thny are today. Mr. Goln Is Justly entitled to be re turned to the office which he fills. A. J. McMillan Is our candidate for SILETZ DAY-SCHOOL NEWS The Scookum Wawa Socloty organ- ,bo held at the building first door iCounty Surveyor. Mr. McMillan Is a lzr for the coming school year on north of City Hall Sunday at 11 October 13th, and held their first ' o'clock. Subject lesson sermon, meeting on October 30th. The Presl- Auam ant' Fallen Man, All are cordlafly Invited. Sunday School at 10 o'clock, o H. UPPER BEAVER Mrs. J. M. Bowers vlidted Mrs. G. Rhoades Thursday afternoon. Evallna, Hester, Edith and Adolph Peterson vlsltod at the Rhoades home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and son, Francis visited at the Rhoades home Sunday night A. H. Phetps and son, Clifford of Onn, were In this vicinity ono day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and son, Francis, made a trip to Waldport returning 8unday evening. dent Emll Reginald Dcpoe, sent In vitations to all the parents and pat rons of the school through the secre 'tary, Miss Sarah Mattle Adams, and a very appreciative audience was pres ent .The curtain went up promptly a 8:00 o'clock, and the following program was rendered: 1, Song, The Autumn Brings Us Cheer, Socloty; 2. Rec., October, Charles Herman J)cPoe; 3. Rec, Going a Nutting, Elmo Brown; 4. Song, Aut- Horse and saddle In good con umns Olory, Society; C. Rec, Corn ; ditlon, gcnt)e and true to work, Song, Couquelle Thompson; . Rec, weight 1000 pounds, age 8 yeara Jack Frost, James Brown; 7. Rec., .old Enquire of Autumn, Sarah Mattle Adams; 8. Rec, Octobers Party, Emll Reginald DePoe; 9. Song, Merry Autumn Days, Society. . NOTICE! Will cure salmoned dogs, $3 dollars piece, money returned If not cured. i Mrs. Jim Slyh Pioneer, Oregon at Tunnel 24. FOR SALE CHEAP OLIO 1. Going to Jerusalem, Socloty mem- Frank Huntsucker, Bay View, Ore. o WHO WANTS "RUSH" young man, has resided In the county most of his life, and Is well qualified for the office which he seeks, ss you can ascertain by rending the several roferrrnces published In this Issue. Mr. McMillan Is an enthusiastic work er and will make us a good official. Last, but not trait, on the County Tlckot Is the office of Coroner, for which Dr. F. M. Carter of Newport Is our candidate. Mr. Carter Is a good staunch Republican, has served faithfully In tho capacity of Coroner before, 'and makes a good ofllclul. Put an X before 75. For our local precinct offices we have Cliff Crosno as a candidate for Justice of the Peace and Fred Taylor for Constable. Mr. Crosno has served as Justice for the past six months and has given general satisfaction, so there Is no doubt of his re-eloctton. Mr. Taylor for Constable has no opposi tion and will be our next constablo. ' For Port Commissioners we have G. B. McCluskey, Toledo, Oregon. J. H. Fitzgerald of the Portland and West Coast Railroad, was up from Newport Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Wlshart will at- tend the bis Oiti,oii-Washington foot, ball gano at Eui;no tomorrow. Mrs. A. C. Cru-ford returned Tues- :i v!iit at Portland. l.cr Inure ilt Lo- V. V. was u im-ji .it,'' Cot Cor- vallis tho latter pnrt of lni,l woo'.c, re turning to his work on the Sllcts bridge Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wnrren Hall and son, Rex, of HIIpIz, were Tolvdo and New port visitors Wednesday and Thurs day of this week. Chas. Hassman of Yaqulna was In attendance here Tuesday nt the meetr lng of the Republican Central Commit tee. Anstruther Scarth and Wlllard Car son were among the new students en rolled In the Toledo High School the first of the' week. Carl Davis ot Slletz was In the city Tuesday attending the meeting of the Republican County Central Commit tee.- County Commissioner Wakefield ot Eddyvllle was here attending County Court this week. Mr. Wakefield has made us a good Commissioner and we -think the voters should show their appreciation of his good work by glv. Ing him a handsome majority at the election next Tuesday , President Lester Martin, and Sec retary, L. C. Smith were in the city Tuesday presiding at a meeting ot the Republican County Central Commit tee. A very successful and harmon ious meeting was held and several good talks were made. About twenty attended the meeting, coming from all parts of the county. The Suffragette Minstrel Show, pull ed off at the Dime Theatre last evon Ing, drew a packed house, and every body certainly got their money's worth. The dancing by the younger folks and the jokes by the "End Women" were enjoyed by all, the jokes were clean and In many cases original. The pro ceeds of the evening will be used to purchase books for the library. Big Election Dance, Good Music, and a good time at the I. O. O. F. Hall Tuesday night, November 7th, 1918. Supper will be served In the banquet room at midnight Come out and get the returns And have a good time. Tic kets one dollar per couple. Including dance and suppor. This (ianco la riven by the pupils ot the High School and the proceeds will be used In getting out the High School Annual. Roadmaster Porter and Purveyor Derrick asslitlml h Kd Stanton, El mor Homing, Fred Htunton, Jack Bel lany, and J. J. Redfleld of' this place, Ord Castle of Slletx, and You.ig Coolt of Chltwood, returned Monday Irom a surveying trip thronu'h the esti'ir. par' of the county. Tho survey w:i made to get data for the "inking of n plat of the roads of the -. inty, a!o to as- tibllsh mile posf i .i' ng tho county rond. A splendid surprise party was bad at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ityers' last Sunday In Imocr of Mrs. flyers' birthday. Mrs. Ilyrrs was the recipient of many useful and valua ble presents and all went joined In wishing her many returns of the day. In all 47 persons were present being as follows: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dyers. Mr. and Mrs. L. Thotans, Mr. and Mrs Tom Butler and family, Mr. and Mrs Olo AtnundHon, Mrs. Inn Sturdevant. Miss Agness Hlsor, Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Darnlny, Mr. and Mrs. Nelse Strand and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Walling, Mrs. C. M. Klrkwood, Mrs. A. M. Burnett, Mrs. T. BohRnnon, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Oglcsby, O. W. Comer, Rosa and Arthur Schlcrht, Mr. and bors. 1. Vollev ball relay races. So- Mv Mtiln Font Hoe? 1I welffhH clety teams. 3. Volley ball relay races, 400 lbs.. I wish to go away and Le Wde. c- - Hawkins and A. T. , Mrs. Chas. Boeckmnn, Miller Ltmbach. Roclntv vs. Vlltnr 4 itncnntlon and ho la Inn trnrul tn hntr-hpr Sam , Peterson as candidates, with no op-, It. W. Wollas, Mrs. Mork and grandson. refreshments to parents and pupils. Ilrassfleld haa his mate. Price j position. Mr. Peterson has backslid S. Good Night, $25. J. A. Hodges, Elk City. 1U. " nU leanuigs toward Wilson, R. J. Wollas and family, Butler Bros., and J. W. Harrison and family. v