Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 13, 1916, Image 4

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A Child
if you give it our Ready Mix
ed colors in any desired
shade. It is simply satisfac
tory from every standpoint,
easy to spread and it covers
anj surface well and thor
oughly. Its durable proper
ties are well known and so is
its brilliancy. Made of pure
white lead and linseed oil
and every color well ground.
We sell it at popular prices.
Would be glad to show you stock, and will
order for you if you do not find just what you
Always Saves You Money. Make it Your Busi
ness to Come Here and Get Prices.
Fancy White Shorts
Barley Chop
Wheat nnc! Oat Chop
Beet Pulp
Plain and Molasses Alfalfa Meal
Rolled Oats
We have the Goods. And the Prices we are
giving will surprise you.
P. Frederick
III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1
From the Cheapest that is
Good to the Best that
is Made
R. JAY GREER, Dentist
I vtWiun and fcurRcon
WiRhcst Price Tald for HidcB
Yon will find Dr. King's New
Iif. I'Llla a gentle yet effective
laxative for removing impurities
from the system. Accumulated
waste poisons the blood; dizzi
ness. bUiousness and pimply,
jond'ly complexion are the dis
tressing ejects. A dose of nr.
King' New Ufe I'llU to-night
will assure you a free, full bowel
movement In the morning. At
your Druggist's, 23c.
Sunday school at ten A. M.
' fnrieca will be held at the
Odd I'c flows Hall Sunday morn
Ing at 11 o'clock. All are .cor
dially Invited. sunjm lesson
Kmnon. "Are Sin,. Disease, and
Death Real?" .
can Paint
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I II 1 1 1 M
iiit hmnmH
Thousands of children
worms that sap thtir vitality ar:d
make tlie:n lint I. 'K illlil Irrll ..!,-
Kickopoo Worm Killer kills and
removes the worms and has n
tonic effect on the syKtem. iHica
your child cat KiiaKinniMniiivv
Cry out In sleep or grind its
icetiiT Ihese are symptoms or
worms and vou nlinulil Ami re
lief for them at once. Kickanoo
Worm Killer !s a IllcnHnnr rom.
cdy. At your Druzsdst. 2Cc.
Notice h llcri'l)" fflven that Iha ....
dorMi'tied, administrator of the estato
of William Drown. Deceased, tin filed
In the County Court of Lincoln County,
Oreg-in, hi Final Account as iurh ad
ministrator, and that Mondnv tha flrh
day of November. 1910. at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M. of auld day, lias
been fixed by anld Court, aa the time
for hearing objections to sold account
and report, and the sattloment thereof.
Q. B. McClusksy.
AdmlnlMtn .01 of tho cxtute of
Wll.lnra Drown, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, guardian of the estate of
Lester A. Wilson, a Minor, has filed
In the County Court of Lincoln County,
Oregon, her Final Account as such
guardian, and that Monday the 6th
day of November, 1916. at the hour
of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said
day, has been fixed by said Court, as
the time for hearing objections to said
report, and the settlement thereof.
Ntlla Butltr, formerly Nslla Hamar,
Guardian of the estate of Lester A.
Wilson, a minor,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hodges
closed the deal on their ranch
Monday selling same to E. M.
Gilson of Portland. Mr. TTnrlp-pa
and. family expect to go south
oy auto ana may possibly locate
in Mexico. Air. nodees wan on
of the pioneers of this section
He operated a sawmill on the
upper uig em for years and did
much to forward the RettlemAnt
and development of that valley
J. C. Altree finished his con
tract on the Orton bridge the
first of the week, anchas moved
his crew and equipment to South
Beach where he has the con
tract for building the port docks
and tramway. He expects to be
kept "busy there for a couple of
months at least.
Mrs. Harry Junkin and child
ren departed Tuesday morning
for St. Helens, Oregon, where
Mr. Junkin is employed in a saw
mill. They will make their home
at that place, their household
goods having gone on the
Ferd Brown came over from
Noon on the excursion Sundav
returning Monday. On his re
turn ne was accompanied by his
daughter, Mrs. Roy Fuller. Mr.
Brown and Mr. Fuller have em
ployment with the Noon Logging
J. II. Hawkins, the Siletz saw
mill man returned Monday even
ing from an extended trip
through western Oregon and the
Northern part of California. He
says that Lincoln county looks
good to him and that he was
glad to get back.
Mrs. F. It. Weaver and child
ren departed evening for
uiodgett where Mr. Weaver is
employed in a sawmill. They
will make their home there this
Mrs. James J. Gaither return
ed last Friday evening from
Portland where she was called,
bv the death of her uncle. John
Miss Inez Mct!ee returned to
her home at Albany Tuesday
morning after several days visit
with her uncle, W. P. McGee,
and family in this city.
Leland Collins and F. II. Skin
ner arrived down from Portland
Sunday for a several days fishing
trip, and incidentally to visit rel
atives ana mends.
Messes. Warren and Walter
Hall, of the mercantile firm of
Hall Bros., of Silctz. were pas
sengers for Portland last Mon
day morning.
J. J. Redfleld this week moved
his family into what was form
erly the Bethers place in West
I take pleasure in making this
public statement at this time
and I hope you will receive it in
the same Bpirlt of frankness and
good feeling in which it is writ
ten. I have been the assessor
of Lncoln Countv for several
years and was a candidate for
rc-noimnatlon on the Republi
can ticket before the Mnv nrl.
mary but the voters of my party
nominated Mr. Schwartz as
their choice lor this Important
oflk'trand without aitv i!iree'in!T
or prejudice, I uccept that de
cision and Mr. Schwartz is mv
candidate for assessor and 1
most respectfully ask my friends
to indorse this decision and nun.
port Mr. Schwartz at the Novem
ber election.
W. E. Ball. .
As the Republican nominee
for Sheriff of Lincoln county, I
hereby announce my candlu icy
subject to the will of the voters
at the general election to be held
November 7, 1910.
Bart Cecr.
Paid Adv.
As the Rcmibllcnn nominee for
County Surveyor of Lincoln
County, I hereby announce my
Candidacy subject to the will of
tne voters at the General elec
tion to be held Nov. 71916.
A. J. McMillan.
' Told Adv.
Having been dulv nominated
tt the last Primary Election
nereuy announce myself as a
Democratic candidate for Kher.
iff subject to the decision of the
voters at the November 7th,
1910, election.
Very respectfully,
Al Waueh.
J'a;d Adv.
A. D. Harrison and wife are
spending a few days visiting the
former's brother, J. W. Harrison
and family across the bay.
They spent Wednesday over in
Siletz country, seeing the local
ity. Mr. Harrison and wife are
Michlganders, being from Grand
Rapids. They expressed them
selves as being well pleased with
our climate and country.
Died at Siletz, Hazel White,
age thirteen years, died Monday
at 8 A. M. , of consumption.
She leaves two sisters to mourn
her loss, Mrs. Malinda Kakaa,
and Mrs. Bell Bell.
Died at Siletz, Mabel Klamath,
wife of Louis Klamath, Sunday
at three P. M., the mother leaves
six children and a husband to
mourn her loss.
The steamer Truant has been
at the Hanson shipyard the past
week undergoing repairs and
being put in first class shape for
Winter service.
A marriage license was issued
Wednesday to Huston Grant and
Miss Maybelle AlLson, both of
Are you going to hear the
Blackface commedians at the
Dime this evening? You can't
afford to miss them.
A. L. Baldwin of Waldport was
called to serve on the Federal
Grand Jury at Portland, going
out the first of the week.
FOR SALE Two year old
Durham bull, will sell him cheap.
See Ed Wright, on Newport road.
Try the new ten cent loaf of
Holsum Bread. For sale ONLY
at Fredericks Quality Store.
Mrs. S. B. Ports returned last
evening front a week's visit at
Fifteen, entertaining African
ders at the Dime Theatre this
evening., -
Miss Clara Larson was a pas
senger for the Valley Saturday
morning returning Sunday.
Mrs. Jack Fogarty of Newport
was visiting In Toledo yesterday.
Toledo, Oregon
Office In Of3tedahl Building. Office
hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 9
p. m. Emergency calls at any time.
Phone, 1003
Mrs. Ethel Bateman will
do all kinds of public sten
ographic work. At J. F.
Stewart's law office.
Brave the wind
tafifcM i,v tKa bcst
W ar togs
ever iiwcrvied
KLlrii'' TV.ilnr evorviuKor 1
ffl$t' OvrBOttyoar.
. Shoemaker and
Harness Peptirer
Shop on Ilih Street
In The County Court Of The State
Of Oreoon For Lincoln County.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob
Ilolgftte, deceaned.
the undersigned has been appointed by
the County Court of Lincoln County,
Oregon, Admlnlntrator nt the estate of
Jacob Holgate, deceased, and has duly
qualified as such. '
All persons having claims agnlnst
the above mentioned estate are hereby
requested to present the ssme, duly
verified as by law required, tn the un
dersigned Administrator at the office
of Wilbur Hutlott. Eliot Building,
Hood River, Oregon, within six mont'
from the date of thin notice, whlcn said
date will be the date of the first pub
lication of the ssme.
Dated September IS, 1916.
George R. Wilbur,
J-.'i5" Administrator.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Llnooln.
In the matter of the estate of Alvlna
F. Holgate deceased.
me undersigned has been aPDointed
bythe County Court of Lincoln County,
Oregon, Administrator of the estate
of Alvlna P. Holgate, Deceased, and
has duly qualified cs such.
All persons having claims against
the above mentioned estate are hereby
required to present tho same, duly
verified as by law requl-cd, to tho
unoorsignea Administrator, nt the of
fice of Wilbur & Hazelett, Eliot Bulla
!mj, Hood River, OroRon, within nix
(6) months from the date of this no
tice, which sa'd date will be the date
of the flrBt publication of the same.
Dated AugUBt 25th, 1916.
George R. Wilbur,
By virtue of an execution duly Is
sued by tho Clerk of tho Circuit Court
of the County of Coo. State of Oregom
dated the 27th day of September 1916,
in a certain action In the Circuit Court
for said County and Stato, wherein
W. P. McKenna es plaintiff recovered
Judgement against Geo. W. Moore
Lumber Company, defendant for the
sum of $7,255.67 and costs and dis
bursements tnxed at $20.70, on the 27th
day of March, 1916.
Notice is hereby given tha I will on
the 14th day of November, 1916, at
the Court House Door of Lincoln
County in the City of Toledo In said
County, at 10 o'clock in the forpnnnn
of said day, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder, for cash, the fol
lowing doscrlbed property, to-wlt:
The SW Vi of the SE SEV. of
SW4; W V, Of SWU Rnrtlnn 17
Township 10 South Range 10 West of
tho Willamette Moridian, also, the E
H of SE 14 ! E 'A of SW V'. SE U of
MV Va Section 18. Townshln in Smith
Kange 10 West of the Willamette
meridian, also The S H of NE alt
of the SE U and Lot 3 In Section 19,
Township 10 South Range 10 West
W. M. and also the S of S of Sec
tion 14, TownBhlp 10 South Range 11
West, W. M. oIho all that portion of
the S V, of NE Vtl SE of NW M;
Lots 2 and 3 lying East of Toledo-Sl-lets
County Rood; and beginning at
the NE corner of NE 4 of SE Sec
tion 20, running thence W ?6 rods
thence S 1C0 rods thence northeast to
beginning point, all in section so
township 10 south range 10 West W.
M., also the S y, of NW 14 ; lots 3
and 4 and W Vt of Lot 2; all In Sec
tion 21 township 10 South range 10
west of the Willamette Merldlnn! -
nnd all of the timber of every kind and
nature upon the following .described
real property situate in ' Lincoln
County, Oregon, to-wlt: the Northeast
quarter of Section 17, and Northeast
01 section 30 Township 10 South,
Range 10 West of the Willamette Mer
idian, the Southeast Quarter of Sen.
tlon 24; the Northeast quarter of Sec-
?f. in Township 10 South. Range 11
West of the Willamette Meridian, and
upon Lots 1 and 2 In Section 20, Town
shln 10 South, Range 10 West of the
Willamette Meridian lying South of
the Sllets Reservation line, and upon
ire r.asi nait or tne Southeast quarter
of Section 20, Township 10 South,
Range 10 West of the Willamette Mer
idian; the timber In Sertions 24 and
25. Township 10 South, Range 11 West
of the Willamette Meridian
Also the land
Commencing at a point on the
Section line 1090 feet South of the
corner of Sections 7, 8. 17 and 18.
Township 11 South of Range 10 West
or mo Willamette Meridian, running
hepce South along said Section line
,258 feet, thence South 43 degrees West,
f.8 feet, to a point on the left bank of
Depot Slough, thence North 67 degrees
il5 minutes West 200 feet, ulnn lh
left hank of said Depot Slough, thence
orth 8 degrees 45 minutes Eist 200
feot, thence North 38 degrees 30 min
utes East. 158.8 fpt: thnnco Enr.t 119
jfeet. thence South 98 feet, thence West
30 tet to the place of bilnnlng, con
tttln'ng f sto more or 'ess.
Also the land described nn beginning
I at a point on the Section linn 1010 feet
i South of Hie corner of Section 7. 8, 17
li-nd IS. Township 11 South of I'rnge
;10 West of the Willamette Meridian,
j running thence North Sfl d;reH 40
minute East 212 fet. thence South
7 drgrees 32 minutes East 212 feet
i';ence romn 16 degrees 43 minutes
Vont 213 fct to the left bunk of De-
pot Slough, thenre North 54 decrees
1 52 minutes West along the bank of
said Depot Slough 208 feet to a point
on the Section line, tlience North 70
neirrees oz minutes west along the
bank or said Depot Slough B0 feet,
thence North 43 decrees East 58 feet
to tl.e Section line, thenre North along
I sa'd Section llnq 258 feet to the place
of pcginnlng, containing 1.64 acres
more or less.
-Uo lot No. 1 In block No. 1 In
Orahnm's Sixth Addition to Toledo.
Oregon, according to tho plat thereof,
Inrliiillrrg all tenements, heredita
ments and appurtenances of and be
longing to alt of the above described
property, together with the sawmill,
sheds, wharves, machinery, engines,
boilers, appliances, tools and all equip
ment used In cmiiicctlon with said
mill locnted on tho Inst three des
cribed tracts, nil In Lincoln County,
Oregon, It being Intended hereby to
describe the Toledo sawmill plant and
tho Innrts nsert therewith of the Oeo.
W. Moore Lumber Company on Depot
Slough, Lincoln County, Oregon.
And all of the right, tltlo, Interest
and estate of tho defendant therein
nnd thereto at or subsequent to the
date of levy, December 23d, 1915,
taken and levied upon as tho proper
ty of the said defendant Oeo. W.
Moore Lumber Company or as much
thereof an may be necessary to satis
fy the said Jurfgmont In favor of said
plaintiff McKenna against nald defend
ant with Interest thereon, together
with all rosts and disbursements that
havo or may accrue.
Bert Oter, Sheriff.
By J. H. Ross, Deputy.'
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, October 10,
First Insertion Oct. 13th 1916; last
Insertion November 10th, 1916. v
. Well bred, young pics for sale.
$2.60 each. Tel. or inquire of,
D. L. Peterton, Old McCluskey
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon In and for the, County of Lin.
Hannah P. Jenkino Plaintiff,
Jas. C. Howard, Oeo. E. Quiggle
and Fannie Quiggle his wife;
J. B. Miller and Jano Doe Miller
his wife; Henry L. Bancroft and Mary
Bancroft his wife; Emery M.tcholi and
Esteulla Mitchell his v.ife; N. A. Nis
kern and Jane Doe N-'skorn h!s wife,
whose correct name Is unknown, to
the plaintiff, dofondants.
To Jas. C. Howard: Geo. E. Onlcirla
and Fannie Quisle hln wife: J. B.
Miller and Jane Doe 'Miller his vita-
Henry L. Bancroft and Mary Bancroft
his wife; Emery Mitchell and Estolla
Mitchell his wife: N. A. Nlsltcrn and
Jnne Doe Nlskern his wife; whose cor-
reci name is unknown to tho plaintiff.
1. In the name of tho Stato of Ore.
Ron you are hereby required to annnr
and answer the complaint filed aga-nst
you in me oDove entitled suit within
ten (10) days of the date of the serving
ui mis summons upon you lr sorvea
within this County; or if Berved with
in another County of the State then
within twenty (20) dnys of the serv
ing of this Summons upon you and If
you fail so to answer for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in hlo Com
plaint, namely; that she shall nave
and recover from the defendant James
C. Howard the following sums, namely,
One Thousand Five Hundred ($1500)
Dollars, together with interest thereon
at the rate of 7 per rent per annum
from December 15. 1911; the further
sum of One Hundred Seventy-five
($175) Dollars attorney's fepg anil her
costs and disbursements herein Incur
red. 2. That the plaintiff's said mort
gage, recorded In Book 12, Page 294
et seq. of the Official Roccrds of Mort
gages of Real Property on file In the
office of the Comity Clerk f Lincoln
County and State of Oregon, he de
clared a prior and superior Hen In and
for the amount or amounts which may
be adjudged and decreed due the plain
tiff on account of the said note and
mortgage upon the following described
real property:
All of Lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, G, 6,
7, 8, 11, and 12 In Block 71 and all of
Lots numbered 4 and 9 In Blocks 28
In Case and Bayley's Addition to the
City of Newport, Lincoln County, Ore
gon, according to the duly recorded
maps end plats thereof.
3. That the said mortgage be for
closed and the premises conveyed
thereby be sold by the Sheriff of said
LlncolnCounty according to the law
and practice of this Court, and that
the plaintiff be permitted to purchase
the said real property upon execution
sale by the Sheriff. .
4. That the proceeds of the sale
of the said real property be applied as
follows; first, to the payment of costs
and -expenses of this suit and sale:
secondly, to the payment of tha
amount or amounts decreed to he due
the plaintiff from the said defendant
James C. Howard; and thirdly that any
Daiance or over plus be nald to the
Clerk of this Court to Be disbursed by
him as by law provided.
5. That the plaintiff Have execution
against the defendant and his property
lor any aenciency in this Judgment
remaining after the application of the
proceeds of the sale of the above des
cribed real property hereunder.
e. That the defendant and all those
claiming or to claim the said property,
or any part thereor, by, through, or
under said defendant bo wholly barred
and forclosed of and enjoined from as
serting any right, title. Hen, claim or
Interest In, to or upon the said real
property or any portion thereof save
and excepting the statutory right of re
demption. 7. For such and further relief as
tnav seem to this Court meet and prop
er in the premises.
Allen 4 Roberts,
Attqrneys for the plaintiff.
This summons Is served nnon you
by publication In tho Lincoln Co. Lend
er a weekly newspaper of general clr
culatlon printed, published and circu
lated at Lincoln Ccuntv, Str.te of Ore
gon, pursuant to an order of Hen. R. R.
Miller a Judge of the above intltled
Court. Said order was mt'de, dated
nnd entered tn the 18 day Scptembor,
A. D., 1910. and requires thin summons
to be nnhllKhnrt fn tha ..dl
s:x toi successive weeks nnd requires
Vu to nnpenr In the above entitled
'Court nnd answer the conitilnlnt of h.
plaintiff on or before the 10th d.-y of
November. 1916.
September 29th, 1916 In the date of
'"18 nst pubfcatlon of this summons
a'" rsovemoor 10th. 1516 vf'll be tha
date of the Inst publicctlcn thereof.
Allen & Roberts,
Attorneys for the plaintiff.
A rtetfr.lored Trotting Bred
Marc or will trade for a good 2
or three year old colt.
Chas Severson,
On old Logan place.
In the County Court of the 8tate of
Oregon, for the County of Lincoln.
In the matter of the Estate of Edward
Casey, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that Isabella
. """"n-''minlstrntrix of the estate
of Ldward Casey, deceased, has filed
tier final account as such admini.....
trlx of said estate In the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for 'he County
of Lincoln, and that said Court his
3MteJ 'BA"T"!?!. 7th
" i L v";"'""". u. ii, at 9:80
o clock A. M of said day. In the Couru
room of said Court. In Totodo. In said
nZ nn.ri,B hPB.r,n" ot objection " to
snld final account and tha settlement
nd tht all person. Inte?..?."
o m j".1" mV,PI"',r on or be-
in?re" dat' ,n flle ,njr "Wectloni
T0'ed0' re"on' 0ctob
L ti Iwbella Patterson,
W. H.W.rd Administratrix of th.
Attorney. Mtat, or Eo;J
Casey, Deceased,