Winculn tedder. wcwtttp VOLUME 24 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1916. NUMBER 33 NEWPORT along. As Mr. Hughes says, r. "We want to stand square The Ahwaneda, Captain Morse 0 tne worm and t0 be abie and has gone down the coast to willing to take care of ourselves. Marshfield, Bandon and finally The play put on at the Mid to Mexico to be gone allWinter. way Theatre Tuesday by the - " - , X5H55?Ji: gineer and James McDonald as iThe titl(J of the play was .Wn0'8 first mate. Mrs. Morse will go!a Fool". Miss Lakin was the later and Join her husband at old maid; Carl Edwards, Redpep Marshfleld Per; Mr- Lakin the lover; Miss T H Fitzeerald manaeer of Ethel Peck, the young maid; and v , S . , i. Dave Lister was Mortgage, the the West Coast Railroad, has rich banker, whlle each of the moved his family to Newport performer8 did well it was the and will occupy the Hisler cot- ( oplnlon of the audience that Miss tage. The chief engineer with Lakin wag th Btar actres8 she Vila famllv will nlan livn In New- .... ..j u x ... mi , M C actea me oia maia to penecuuii. port. The engineer has charge -The audience wa8 not iarge but of the surveying party that com-, ,t wag attentive and appre menced to survey the road with datIve The troup w,u play . It view of getting the lay of the ;Toledo Wednesday evenjng and land and to make a permanent' then gouth tQ Californla and location of the road. After th at the prlnclpal cltle8 along Is done construction work will We wish them success. commence. Th re are fourteen 1 J Q persons In the surveying party. They are fitlng up a nice office FIECLES CREEK lfifESSS Se 35S J- enjoy the Harlan fair? Hotel. The building of this road W p .... Iff HiS SUeti cannot be demonstrated the fruitfulness of mo'vS unUl hlsS oadCis buS "oil while the industrial branch movea "" " of our Rcnool also won honors. CSUyraofhe with you Newport that WupMwno.nrof must as a county and state ar t?ansportation till this road Is range to get the uttermost re iraiibpoi i turn for tne money spent or lev twrountv will s be rich in led on the people. I believe that the county will still be ncn in lndUBti'r,ai work la onv 0p- W thousands of acres of rich tlonal but this should not be es bays, thousands oi acres oiricu etabes and'Ssse and wM school work! WaU for IhV city ISpnort hundred Z dairy cows or high school work? Well many indtttaoneS tni best sections, are called but few are chosen of the coast for making cheese. Bring to us of the country the and butter, besides the bays and " " en1?e!3 rivers abound with fish and the should that be In a modified th! distance from -Portland -to-epjpyable and a brave effort by Newport will be one hundred our people. There were exhib eleven miles or about five hours ,lts within territory bounded by travel from the former city. For,Mltcbler Hll. Salado, Drift J. n ilea in Creek. Fieeles Creek. Racks . ... ..i To.ifl nrpnn Creek. Sweet Home and the iuu view ui ------- - . . vlkua The scenery is grand Deyonaais- re. 1 a Days You'll Never Forget v i jmm ccvj mvji Johnson and Roger V. Loudon ; Secretary, all of Eddyville ; Assis tant secretary, jonn Miller or Newport. o ORTON THE DANVOU oeCtOED TFtar Roller S'KA.-res' VsERE NOT WHftTTMEV , VJt CKA,CK.0 OP 1Z BS will be home. niarence Davis is home from the Vallev where he has been The hon nickers have reurned i home from Corvallis and It I makes the neighborhood quite i lively again. Billie Southwell has moved his threshing machine up Rock 1 Creek where he will wind up tne threshing. The bridce over the Siletz River at Orton is about half finished and looks as tho it will be a dandy. The homesteaders are ar riving and it is hoped they can . get their building done before j the bad weather Bets in. : Mr. James Bollie of Falls City is now teaching school in Dist. 69. Supt. R. P. Goin made a trip to the Upper Farm school In district 69, Tuesday. Do not forget the basket so cial and dance which will be held at th nchool house in district 69 hn the second Saturday, the 14th all are invited, tnere win oe good music and a dandy time. o UPPER BEAVER Mrs. G. E. Lewis called on Mrs. II. G. RhoaCes Thursday. Julia Brown and brother, Walter, of Poole Slough, were guests at the J. U. liuntsucKer ranch Friday. J. M. Bowers made a trip to Newport Friday. Mrs. J. C. Huntsuclier and nnnn JampR and Georce. spent ( Saturday with Mrs. Dora Hunt- sucker returning home sunuay. W. R. Peterson or the s. v . bridge crew spent Sunday with his folks of this place. Mrs. J. M. Bowers attended the Helping Hand Club at Ona Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shermer and Mr. and Mrs. L. Barker and dan enters. Hazel and Lola, of SIX REEL COMEDY Next Saturday at the Dime theatre, that side-splitting com edy, entitled, Tilly's Punctured Romance, in six reels, will be shown. Thin is onp of tha host comedies ever filmed, and you will be sorry if you miss it. Those well known favorites of the mov ie world, Charlie Chaplin and Marie dressier, nave tne leading parts. Remember at the Dime tomorrow evening. Admission 25c and 15c. "WHO'S A FOOL" The Nashville Players put on the play of the above name at the Dime Theatre last Wednes day evening, and were greeted ,by a good house. The play was wen presentea, eacn person por traying their pail to perfection ana mere were some unncuit situations. The splnister sis ter brought down the house and certainly made good, in a very difficult part. This company is touring tha county, having shown at Siletz and Newport before coming nere. i ney win snow ai rnno math Saturday night. This troup pas a number or splendid actors and will always be wel come here at Teredo. There was quite a bunch of tr, , . . """""i daughters, Hazei ana Loia, oi Big Elk fair all pronounced the , Poole slough, were guests at the fair crind. crand and beautiful. r-i m v,,- c,.rio . . i rrv. n fa nopnpn wprp a. reveiuLiuii. iuio umc me cue j mw.. wm la nu uiuuvuhwu mi, unn u nnrn wpra imiprth hi i wo for the development of the next year I sincerely hope to see .working with a thresher. fair good, grand and beautiful, H G Rhoades home Sunday, muntv than any other road in every school within our radius Mrs. Allison and daughters ,tith a large crowd in attend- K D. Martin and I. N. Huye the west Tillamook and Coos represented by work from the.and son, Frank have returned ance. rspent Sunday at Poole Slouf rnnntlPft have tneir rauroaas nanas oi our iuir aim uupwm uum a w u.uvvv. completed f and now the next children-pushing bravely on- School opened in the Black thine U to build a railroad from ward as the star of progress District October 2nd., with Miss Portland via Siletz to Newport takes Its way. Another matter Mason of Salem as teacher. Jnd flnJlly connecting it with that gave us much Mr. and Ml Young Mr other roads till we have a con- was me animated uueiesi cru.v.- aim w F Wakefield has his old 4. ' .L n. nf railroad from ed by our visitors especially the Young are enjoying a hunting '.hmi-ft torn (lown Rnd , ettin Portland to Humbolt Bay.. citizens of Toledo who arrived trip to Grass Mountain, the la- the foundatlon ready for the new ThP erade on Bald Mountain at Intervals in autos. Among dies went along to cook the one; w. F. says he will te glad I5S!3n flielv The con- those were: Messrs. Hawkins beans and dry the meat as they new hoU8(J , , ..."l 1, Mr. Macee In finishiner his new barn getting it ready for his cows. Mr. Magee has a fine dairy herd and he knows how to care for them. W. F. Wakefield has his old i- nrnm-pHlnir flielv 1 ne con- iiiuoc i.icao.o. Uv...u j --- ---- - - wuen tne new uuusu is coniiue- ls progressing nneiy. . ,,. iVaVoriAi.i mil Wauerh. r not .allowed to hunt in Ore. 1 tractors will have it compieieu -vr,-"tnn r.ant ha8 rct, i v isninfVnwmhpr Then and Ye fcuiior. inese gsnue- iiuubiuu uii .v-...- y theABJ iXTNeZ men were accompanied by their 'from the hopflelds. nptf will bJ rSod coff- families; and seemeed to enoy, A number of Harlan tea are ?J ? ThU will b ?a mat 5m- every moment of the day. T! e, planning to go to the Eddyville 11 "r ? ih neonle in the stated fact in itself was suffic- fair. If we only had a shorter Stehem end of the coun y and lent to rejay the managementroad many would attend who BwSbSrgeneUr. viz.. to get in toucli with our .cannot now dc . so Inl !SnnnlnxZtoay. ment of the people, for the peo- from Corvallis to spend Sunday a success and for fear the grange SUTgSuS fgoodVylten; pie by the people". Nlcht WahrT at home she was accompanied , h. d t be enough ted R. P. Goin passed through Little Elk one day last week oa I1I3 way to visit Turn Tuni school. The time Is drawing near for the Eddyville fair and everyone is jumping sideways to inane u Huyette f.pent Sunday at Poole Slough. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. uowers at tended grange at Ona Sunday. Mrs. K. D. Martin and child ren visited at the Vancil home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shermer called at the Peterson ranch Kiindnv afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Rhoades, and daughter, Hilda. A. Peter son. P. Vancil, H. G. Weaver, K. D. Martin, T. Iluntsucker, Mrs. G. E. Lewis, Mra. I. N. Huyett and daughter, Vesta, made a trip to Newport Tuesday. Johnnie and Gordon Emerson called at the Peterson ranch Tuesday. REPUBLICAN SPEAKING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th Gu8 Mosher, one of the fore most and best known men of Oregon will be In the city next Thursday and will deliver an address at the court House in the evening. Mr. Mosher Is stuniDlne the state in the Inter ests of the candidacy of Mr. Hughes, ana win talk on the is sues of the present campaign. The Toledo Male Quartette, comprising Jesse Daniels, Bert Geer, Geo. McCaulou and J. H. Ross, will render several selec tions during the evening. The organization of a per manent Hughes Alliance will be nerfected on this evening also. thus putting Toledo on the map politically. POOLE SLOUCH wnianl Iluntsucker made yip to Yaqulna Wednesday. by Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Frask and the management has rented the 'son, Victor, and Miss Etta Jor-8tore building near by bo as to Vlon. 1 ne party tumc to unit thla makes the country valuable. It takes a good deal of money, but the money Is wen spent u uu 6i" and waste are allowed. lip to laquina eunwuay. i ",na snorted that R. P. Mc Much Interest Is being taken , nr. aim . , - s u hoWlngg 1 Tho aurress Of the V.ElteU Air. ailU lr. n. imuauco r--. - . ..ntloa " I'"'""-- :V- ...I nonvpp SlindaV. " "luill bmu x.v..v.. r- althe Frask auto coming over lii (three and one nan nouru. ibe sure of room enough for all jthat will be there for there win sure be some crowd for every body and their cousins, aunts, uncles, sweethearts and all nro ili-'iuiiiu uua na.'-vj n- uniien, w eeimfiii i 01111 un hm in pontics, me dui.vo o. ..i.. Jn Lincoln ana nentou cuuu iroininir to Ree tne treat exn d t Republican ticket In the Thl - of thlnRS that grow In the as well as the state looks bright-, Mr .and Mrs. i os njrkcr a x i i & ..Uve w,re ,f 1, , h hat ow on er every day. The national ticket so 'sited the Rhoades nome jooBe Mac a nian calnlne right along. Mr. Sunday. Hughes by his clear, forclable, Threshing is finished in tnis iiugnes oy ui ... miss juim jiuu i u..-v., V'.clnlty, tne grain nas ueen and patriotic speeches Is making , Walter, were callers at the Hunt- -J, R pave rased Borne fine friend 3 every where. Seldom BUcker home on Upper Beaver. ' neat K0ng over thl LITTLE ELK Summer weather and farmers are busy with their Fall worK nniA on tinner Beaver. ' i iiirtv.flvn lm. has a candidate for the preslden- Friday. When returning they , th cre ty received sucn great uvauuna 8aw a Ug piacK ucar wmcu nev frnm the people as he. When he er ran DUt jBt ood upon his spoke in St. Louis, over 2000 hlnd leRg a,ong Blde of the roa(i people were to hear him. The and watched them pass they nvntlnn was tremendlous. The rnn nnookor wan a. his best. Every i " . , anlni Mr. ftlllicr anu uuiiKuiei i i ftiru. ami j v-imc i0rce g(ie gnuws aim an. nuu word was full or meaning i vonnlnn were In our vlcinl- from the hon-fields the first of :,hro nP mimou'ilmm lot everv said we do not wan . war 1 1 Tue8day ilast weeK. day for side attractions and rather than sacrifice any or our Emerson frank Casady came home amU8ements so there will be sure princlpes or Buffer our Jjl onand ffl"?!0" last Friday after two or three. to be fun aml entertainment to ne uisnoi.o.c". . a months absence. niPntv for vounir and old. Pres t 14 'IMrt .l.'OV T(l UHPI f 1 11 1, vfl IPni W 1 1 1 I f I III. W 111 LUt VV U . . . t . . ' " ' . Mrs. Nellie Hall, sister of Mrs. .T It. Turnldce of Toledo, was thl wpk the recinitent of a beautiful Veteran Jewel, pre sented to her by Unity Rebekah Lodge No. 8 of llolse City. Idaho, In honor of her continued mem bership In good standing for more than twtnty-ilve years. Tho Urothers and Sisters of Do Good Rebekah Iodge No. 70, and her many friends or Toledo ex tend congratulations to Mrs. Hall. Misses Francel Stanton, Clara, Ruth and llelga Iarsou, Grace and Margaret Hart accompnnied by Mrs. lewls as chaperone, boarded the train last Saturday ed word from Buffalo Lemo-i ;'"or,"K jor i-,ik yiy. r... .hat he will Kurn be there in full Elk City they hiked up Big Elk CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE Several Greeks formerlv em ployed on the local section gang were arrested anu ineci ivionaay on a charge of bootlegging. When the case came to trial It was thrown out of court by Justice Crosno for lack of evi dence to convict. The Greeks as soon as re leased on this charge were again arrested on a charge of bringing whiskey into tin state contrary to law. This case was tried Wednesday and it was also non suited by Justice Crosno. At present the Greeks ar again under arrest, til's time charced with ktnlng n dlsor- ; derly holism. The trial la set for ' to-day at 9 A. M. J. F. Stewart Is prosecuting and B. F. Jones of Newport Is defending. the ground and then there will be the Better Baby Contest. All are anxious to know who has the best baby and to see the medals and diplomas and the dinner all are more than anxious to get some of that and that hot coffca which will be served free. The management have recelv are uuojr wim m-n inat ne win sui'J uu in tun ----- --- , - ,.i Mr. Miller and daughter of i Mrs. Mary Cline came home!force lde Bnowg a!,d aIIt And ! river several nhes and camped - 1 .1 aU rf ... lif nnnlll fT Ilia pafllll RlinilllOA war la to be prepared for it. The wood Mexican troume wouiu been Bcttled long ago had the government been firm with that neonle. At Vera Cruz was the time to have shown the strong HARLAN tt. 1.. Hathaway and Clifford time to have Bh0nw";nBu7Z McDonald took a bunch of cat arm of the government, but the Phllnmnfh lnB, wpek where president was too timia anu .t . were dellvered (0 0e0 ZuSh we well a fa'df 1 hem jUroVn who had bought them of and they kept killing Ameri- different ranchers here, cans untlll we lost more men ChaB. Cator came In from Cor than were killed In the Spanish- vallls last week. He reports his American War, and the trouble wife getting along nicely but It la not yet settled but goes right will be Borne time before she rnr ar hnol started last Mon day with Maud Miller of Toledo weildlng the slick. Mrs. Magee returned home from the hospital one day last week much improved in neann. Mr and Mrs. C. II. Wakefield visited friends on Yaqulna last Sunday. S. T. Loudon returned from Roae Lodge last Tuesday. He says the Pomona Grange was a success and the Salmon River fair was more than a succeesB. ldent Wilson will nresa the elec tric button promptly at ten A. M. That will start everytmng mov ing and it win continue to move until Thursday morning, and there will be something doing an the time. Just one continual round of pleasure. Now this Is the last call. Bring well filled baskets and come prepared to enjoy the day and stay over to the masquerade hail wnicn win be worth while. The board of directors as elected are: S. T. Loudon, F. C. Aldrlch, George out, packing the camp supplies on their backs. They returned Sunday walking to Toledo, they report a line tune anu a scarsuy of fish. Dave Williams this week i brought us In a sample of "Bll- ijlon Dollar Grass" grown on his 1 ranch between nere anu tew port. The grass is about five and a half feet In height and Mr. Williams says that he has five acres of It ready to cut. It makes fine feed for either horses or cattlo, and gnwB very pro lific. Gabriel Dahl Is building a fine new house on his farm near town. Mrs. Frederick invites vmi to l call and inspect the Fall and Winter hats now on oispiay a: Fredericks Quality Store. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Ludemann nrrlvnil mi from Wnldnnrt vpnrer. Iday, going on to Portland tfcl I mnmilnfr Ott Nye returned last evening from Spokane. Washington, where he has been the past sev eral months. Ralph Pepin of Bend, Eastern Orceon. was In the city yester day. He is building several brklgeB In Benton county. Chas. Overlander of uppe , Big Elk was in the city on busi j ness Tuesday and Wednesday 0 this week. Mrs. R. A. Anderson am' (laughter returned from an ex tended visit at Gresham las. week. Mrs. E. R. Junkln came over from Corvallis last Thursday, returning Friday accompanied by ner daugnter in law, Mrs. Harry Junkln, and children. Regular meals 35c. commer-, jclal mealB 50c, meal tickets 2' meals $5.00 af the Merchant.