LINCOUN COUNTY LEADER, FRIDAY, ; September ?9th, 1916. "III! I A Child if you give it our Ready Mix ed colors in any desired shade. It is simply satisfac tory from every standpoint, easy to spread and it covers any surface well and thor oughly. Its durable proper ties are w ell known and so is its brilliancy. Made of pure white lead and linseed oil and every color well ground. We sell it at popular prices. X TOLEDO DRUG COMPANY Tf T'TTfTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTfTTTttTfttfTttttttT1 III II i n L. R. BATEMAN BATEMAN & COMPLETE HOME FURNISHER UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES Would be glad to show you stock, and will order for you if you do not find just what you wish. HMH FREDERICKS QUALITY STORE Wants the Trade of Close Buyers and Prompt Payers. The overhead expense of my business Is lower than any store in the State of Oregon; Therefore I can give you better groceries for less money. A trial will convince you that my prices put dollars in your purse. P. Frederick . . '? ' . ; - . Mill ! 1 1 t DENTISTRY From the Cheapest that is Good to the Best that is Made R. JAY GREER, Dentist DR. J. H. JESSEN Plivtiiian and Surgvon TOiriUO, OltKGON WAUGITS MARKET FRESH AND CURED MEATS FISH AND OYSTERS IN SEASON Highest like Paid for Hides LESTER WAUGH, Prop. . A CLOGGED SYSTEM MUST BE CLEARED You will find Dr. King's New tile Pills a gentle yet effective laxative for removing impurities from the system. Accumulated waste poisons the blood; dizzi- news biliousness and pimply, muddy complexion are the dis tressing ejects. A doBe of Dr. King's New Life PilU to-night will assure you a free, full bowel movement in the morning. At your Druggist's, 25c. o CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Sunday school at ten A. M. Services 'will be held at the Odd Fellows Hall SupHov morn ing at 11 o'clock. All are cor dially invited. Subject lesson sermon, "Unreality". can Paint II vTv m t 1 1 t E. R. BATEMAN BATEMAN t 1 1 1 I li T I T j LOST 20 hend of sheep marked with my brand which is a double derbit in left oar and a single underbit in right ear. Sheon have not been sheared this year. Kinder notify me and I will romo and get the sheep and pay fifty cents per head, or Under drive sheep to my place and I will pay one dollar per head. T. Kurtichanov, Chitwood, Oregon. o . RID YOUR CHiLO OF WORMS I uousands of children have worms that sap their vitality and mane tnem listless and irritable. Klckopoo Worm Killer kills and removes the worms and has a tonic effect on the system. Does your ciuitl eat spasmodically? Cry out in sleep or grind its teeth? TheBe are symptoms of worms and you should find re lief for them at once. Klckapoo iWorm Killer is a pleasant rem edy. At your Druggist, 25c. FOR SALE Full blood short horn bull, S years old, can bo aesn at farm mltsa north of Telsdo. DYE WADE, Toledo, Or. FOR SALE New 6 II. P. lior'.aon- tal stationary boiler complete with crate and arch bara, brltcklng and front Kor further part'.rulara and price write C. H. 8tadelman, Eik City, Orccpn. " ' ' Q RAGS, copper, brass and Junk of all kinds wanted at the See ond Hand Store, Toledo, Or. uuu The best Meal in the county for 35c, at the Merchants. John Savage of Lower Siletz was in the city Monday. A. T. Peterson went to Corval lis Sunday returning Tuesday. Remember next Wednesday evening at the Dime Theatre. Mrs. Geo. Hodges arrived down from Salado Monday even ing. Miss Borgny Romtvedt went to Taft last week where she will teach this winter. County roadmaster Porter and C. 13. Crosno were up inspecting the new Mill creek road yester day. , A. G. Schwatiz and Chas. H. Gardner of Newport and Sher iff Bert Geer of this city, return ed Sunday from attending the Rose Lodge Fair. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McCluskey departed this morning for the State Fair at Salem. They will also visit Portland while away. Mr. and Mrs. John McCluskey Vaccompanied them on the trip. Do you. know the Mule Foot Hog is the hardiest hog living? Do you know by crossing them with other breeds you greatly improve your hogs? They are hardy and easy to fatten. It is worth your while to hear Carl D. Edwards with the Nash ville players in "Who's a Fool", in his new Preparedness song, at the Dime Theatre next Wednes day evening. Con Christiansen has the frame up for a modern ten room house. The house will be on the Dutch-Colonial type, and will be one of the most up to date farm homes in the county. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Shumway returned Sunday from attending the Rose Lodge Fair. They were accompanied by Mrs. Wakefield of Eddyville and Mrs. Swearingen of this city. They report a fine iair. The following Toledo people were in attendance at the Hait ian Fair: Hans Larson, C. E. Hawkins, G. B. McCluskey, Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Howell, Al Waugh, W. M. Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Hayden. G. 0. Adams, the gasoline stump puller man, and his daughter, Lilian, of Big Elk, went to Corvallls Thursday, Mr. Adams to take the higher de- I grees In Masonry, and his daugh f ter, to have her tonsils and aden oids removed. The railroad compa-iy has de cided to keep the Sunday excur sion train on the rua during the month of October, which Is good - m . f news ior u;e peopie oi una sec tion. The schedule has been changed somewhat, however, the morning train will arrive at the usual hour, but In the even ing the train will leave Newport one hour earlier, passing through Toledo at 5:55. Road Supervisor Gillespie 1b Uhis week bloving out the old I racks at the Elk City hatchery. This is done to protect the coun ty uriuge wmcn crosses just oe low the racks or dam, and which came near washing out last whi ter. The dam causes the high waters to cut away the bank under the bridge approaches and its removal will also permit the trout and salmon to go up the river to spawn. 0 FOR SHERIFF As the Republtcan nominee for Sheriff of Lincoln county, I hereby announce my candidacy sublect to the will of the voters at the general election to be held November 7, 1916". Bert Gaer. raid Adv. BIDS WANTED Senled bids for moving the County Fair Building from Its present Bite to the ground bought by the city and leased to the Fair Hoard, will be received by the Fair Board until ten o'clock Monday the ISth day of Sept. 15HC. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Address Secretary of Fair Board, Toledo, Oregon, o HAY FOR SALE Have good clover and rye grass baled. Good oat hay later, G. W. Byers, Jr., Phone 2151. NOTICE! Did you ever look Into the merits of the Mule Foot Hog? You should now while you can. NOTICE TO WATER PATRONS On and after September 1st.. ,1916, all water rents must be paid in advance to the City Re corder. If not paid by the 15th of the month your water will be turned off. A fee of one dollar will be charged for turning same on again. By order of the Common Council. Attest: F. N. Hayden, Recorder. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF TAX SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale duly issued and delivered to me out of the County Court of the County of Llnooln, State of Oregon. un der date of August 2nd, 1916, I will, beginning Saturday, Sep tember 30, 1916, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day effer fo.' sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all the property heretofore pur chased and acquired by Lincoln County by reason of tax fore closures and not yet sold. Date of first publication, Sep tember 1st, 1916. Date of last publication, Sep tember 29, 1916. Bert Geer, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Ore. with, a FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Keeps out all the wet DEALERS EVERYWHERE Waterproofs, V0WE85 Absolute, . 2P! ere Marked thus Isttirf A.J.TOWIRCO. BOSTON PENDLETON IS IDEAL LOCATION FOR NORMAL CITY'S RAILROAD, HEALTH. EDU- CATIONAL AND OTHER FACILI. TIES ADAPT IT FOR SCHOOL SITE. . Pendleton. Ore. Pendleton'a claims for the establishment of a State Nor mal School are based upon the unusual advantages offered for such an Insti tution. It Is Ideally located with re spect to railroad facilities and In the center of the country which It will serve. Its health conditions are ex cellent It has a bountiful supnly ol clear, cold, pure mountain water. It offers a library of 12,000 volumes, to which are added 3000 annually, boused in a beautiful new building, erected at cost of $40,000. The larg est athlotlo stadium In the Northwest, capable of accommodating 20,000 peo ple; a natatortum, modern and equip ped for the use of men and women, built at a cost of $11,000; ample audi torium room for lyceum courses and lectures and a school system that la without equal In a city of Ita atze. Its facilities and the students necessary for practice teaching have been guar anteed by the city board. OREGON RANKS LOW IN NORMAL SCHOOLS U. S. BUREAU OF EDUCATION RE PORT UNCOMPLIMENTARY TO STATE'S SCHOOL POLICY. Pendleton, Ore. Oregon Is one of the moat poorly equipped states in the Union for the training of teachers according to the United States Bureau of Education. Only five statea In the Union bava lens Normal equipment than Oregon. Oregon has one Normal School and forty atatea have more than one. New York baa 18, Pennsylvania 18, Massa chusetts 12, California 8, Washington I and Idaho 2. Tbe report of the Bureau of Educa tion abows that even the little atate of Idaho, with a population only balf as large aa that of Oregon, la apendlng more than twice aa much for Normal Schools as la this state. The same report urgea that Normal Schools be located In the railroad centers with public schools sufficient ly large to give teaching practice to the Normal students. State Superintendent Churchlll'a an nual report ahowa that of the 6065 teachers In Oregon last year but 791, or 13 per cent, wera Normal School graduates. The same official estim ated that 1000 new teachers are need ed each year and the present Normal school is turning eut but 160. Tbe majority of Normal trained teachers are shown to be teaching within a small radius of Monmouth, although Kastern Oregon pays on the average of (10.41 a month more for teachers than doea the Willamette Valley. 0 Ice Cream and Cake served every Saturday and Sunday at the Bonbon- lere. NOTICE TO CREDITOR3 In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln. In the matter of the estate of Alvlna F. Holgate deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, Administrator of the estate of Alvina V. Holgate, Deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against the above mentioned estate are hereby required to present the mine, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned Administrator, at the of fice of Wilbur & Hezelett, Eliot Build ing, Hood River, Oregon, within dx (6) months from the date of this no tice, which said date will be the date of the first publication of the same. Dated August 25th, IMC. George R. Wilbur, Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The County Court Of The State Of Oregon For Lincoln County. In the matter of the estate of Jacob HoUtnte, doccased. , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Thnt the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, Administrator of the estate of Jacob Holgate, deceased, and has duly qunlined as such. All persons having claims against the above mentioned estate are hereby requested to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the un dersigned Administrator at the office of Wilbur & Hazlctt. Eliot Building. Hood River, Oregon, within six mont' from the date of this notice, wlilcn shiu date will be the date of the first pub lication of the same. . Dated September 15, 1916. George R. Wilbur, Administrator.' FOR SALE Three thoroughbred Shrop shire rams 3 aud 4 years old. One of these rams has taken first prize at two state fairs. ' Address N. W. Miller, Pioneer, Oregon. I have for sale at a reasonable price a few registered Ilolstein Friesian bull caves. Very fancy markings, from my best cows and from a bull of the world's champion strain, Ormsby. Get my prices before buying ;grade and all registered, papers furn ished and every animal guaran teed write Bud Knight, herdsman, Taft, Oregon, or Jess Farrin, N. W. Bank Bid. Barbershop, Portland, Oregon. Have you any thrashing to do, we will bring the machine down and do It for you, call or drop a line. Lincoln Ranch, Elk City, Oregon. R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Toledo, Oregon Office In Ofstedahl Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. tn.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. tn. Emergency calls at any time. ' Phone, 1003 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mrs. Ethel Bateman will do all kinds of public sten ographic work. At J. F. Stewart's law office. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the Lincoln County Bank, at To ledo, In the state of Oregon, at the close of business Sept. 12, 1918. No. 202. Resources I-oans and discounts ., Overdrafts, secured and 374,779.72 unsecured .Bonds and warrants 20 Stocks and other securities ..2 Banking house 3 Furniture and fixtnroes 1 Other real estate owned 6 294.P2 951.99 000.00 500.00 pnn no ,476.00 Due from approved reserve banks 8 ,1120.10 ,007 98 ,532.39 Clinks and other rash Items. 1 Cash on hand 7 Total .. Liabilities ..$132,961.71 Capital stock paid In .. ..$10,000.00 Surplus fund 1,000.00 Undivided profits less ex penses and taxes paid .... A3.3S Due to banks and bankers ..1,229.49 Individual deposits subject to Check 105,830.62 Demand certificates of de posit 2.606.94 Cashier's checks outstanding 254.15 Certified checks 43.00 Time and aavlng deposits ..11,934.13 ' Total $132,961.71 STATE OF OREGON, ) ) County of Lincoln, ) I, C. O Hawkins, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly awear that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. O Hawkins, Cashlor Subscribed and sworn to before me thla 25th day of September, 1916. O. B. McCluskey, Notary Public. My commission expires Aug. 31, 1919. CORRECT Attest: C. E. Hawkins, VVm. Scsrth, Directors. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon In and fr the County of Lin coln. Hannah P. Jenklnn Plaintiff, vs. Jas. C. Howard. Oeo. E. Qulggle and Fannie Qulggle h,n wu'e; J. B. Miller and Jane Doe Miller his wife; Henry L. Bancroft and Mary Bancroft his wife; Emery Mitchell and Estealla Mitchell his wife; N. A. Nis kern and Jane Doe Niskern Mb wife, whose correct name is unknown to the plaintiff, defendants. To Jas. C. Howard; Geo. E. Qulggle and Fannie Qulggle h's wife; J. B. Miller and Jiyie Doe Miller his wlfo; Henry L. Bancroft and Mary Bancroft his wife; Emery Mitchell and Estella Mitchell his wife; N. A. Niskern and Jane Doe Niskern his wife; whose cor rect name is unknown to the p'uintlff. 1. In the name of the Statij of Ore gon you are hereby required to appear and anr.wer the r omnliiint filed against you In the above entitled suit within ten (10) days of the date of tho serving of this Summons upon you if servea within this County; or if served with in another County of the State then within twenty (20) days of the serv ing of this Summons upon you and if you fall so to answer for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to the, Court for the relief demanded In his Com- nlntn, .. . - Un, 1, 1, 1 1 V. - nnd recover from the defendant James C. Howard the following sums, npinely, One Thousand Five Hundred (31500) Dollars, together with Interest, thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from December 15, 1911; the further sum of One Hundred Seventy-five ($175) Dollars attorney's fees end her costs and disbursements herein Incur red. . . 2. That the plaintiff's s;ld mort gage, recorded In Book 12, rnr.a 294 ot seq. of the Official Records of Mort gages of Real Property on fi'.3 In the nflee of the County Clerk f L'ncoln County and State of Orcpon, bo. de clared a prior and superior ll-a in ad for the amount or amounts vhlch.Tny be adjudged and decreed due the plain tiff ou account of the snld n'jte and mortgage upon the following described real property: All of Lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 11. and 12 In Block 71 and all of Lots numbered 4 and 9 in Blocks 28 In Case and Baylcy's Addition to the City of Newport. Lincoln County, Ore gon, according to the duly recorded maps snd plats thereof. 3. That the said mortgage bo for closed and the premises convoyed thereby be sold by the Sheriff of said LlncolnCounty according to the law and practice of this Court, and that the plaintiff be permitted to purchase the said real property upon execution sale by the Sheriff. 4. That the proceeds of the sale of the said real property be applied as follows; first, to the payment of costa and expenses of this suit and sale; secondly, to the payment of tbe amount or amounts decreed to be due the plaintiff from the said defendant James C. Howard; and thirdlv that any balance or over plus be paid to the Clerk of thta Court to be disbursed by him as by law -provided. 5. That the plaintiff have execution against the defendant and his property for any deficiency In this Judgment remaining after the application of the proceeds of the sale of the above des cribed real property hereunder. 6. That the defendant and all those claiming or to claim the said property, or any part thereof, by. through, or under said defendant be wholly barred and forclosed of and enjoined from as serting any right, title, Hen. claim or Interest In. to or upon t'.e said real property or any portion thereof save and excepting the statutory right of re demption. 7. For such and further relief aa may seem to this Court meet nnd prop, er In the promises. Allen A Roberta. Attorneys for the plilntlff. This summons Is aervd upon you by publication In the Unooln Ci. Lend er a weekly ncws-ni."r of general cir culation printed, puhl'ahed and clrcu-, luted at Lincoln County. S'rte of Ore eon. pursuant to r.n order of Hen. R. R. Miller a Judge of the above entitled Court. Raid order was n-.ndo. dated and entered tn the IS day Ji pteuibor, A. D., 1916, snd requires th's summons to be published In the said paper for six (G) successive v-eeks and renulrrs you to appear In the abovo entitled Court and answer the complaint of the plaintiff on or before the 10th day of November, 1916. f September 29th. 1916 Is the date of the first publ'catlnn ct this summons and November 10th. 1 9' 5 will be the dato of the Inst publlcrtlcn thereof, Allin 4 Roberts, Attorneys for the plaintiff. FOR SALE A Registered Trotting Bred Mare or will trade for a good 2 or three year old colt. Chas Severson, On old Logan place. FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE When the fire bell rings and your house on fire what do you think about first after you have lost everything? I am sorry but , It Is too late to speak 'to C. K. Crosno about insurance, or I am sorry that I was not carry Ing enough to cover all my loss. Dry season Is about here, pall at my office or write and get good insurance in the very best Old Linea. C. K. Crosno, FOR SALE 600 second hand sacks, 90 cords seasoned wood, alder and vine maple. E. B. Shumway, Toledo, Oregon.