PAC. TWO LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, RID A V, September 29th, 1916. vHH 5c BAGS IOC CARTONS 0 ' I BlJTTERKlST The Crackling Wliite Popcorn With the TOASTY FLAVOR The kind you lee advertised in your national magazine It is automatically popped, buttered and toasted to a crisp that makes your mouth water. It is untouched by human hands It is made only on the BUTTER-KIST MACHINE. It is sold in butter-proof bags and carton Only pure creamery butter It used When You Think of Pop Corn, Think of Butter-Klst and Come to Al Waugh's See It Made ca This Human-Like Butter-Klst Machine LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER F. N. HAYDEN, Publisher OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Entered at Toledo, Oregon postofflce, Established Tweuty-Two Years Ago. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One Year, in adruni e. . .' $1.60 Six Months, In advnnce 7f Three Months, In advance 51 Phone 7003 ' 1 i ! t 1 lJv-I 1 1 1 it I I Mill 1 tit II itlltimttYlJI 1 1 1 1 1 H i i Peterson Hardware Co. HEADQUARTERS FOR Builder's Hardware Steel Ranges Sporting Goods Heating and Cook Stoves Tin and Granite Ware Plows and Harrows Aluminum, Good for 15 years AUTO ACCESSORIES OUR NEW GOODS Are now here. We have Men's and Boy's Suits, Dress Shirts, Sweaters, Neckwear, Fine Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Come In and sea j W. P. flcGEE ANDREWS BUILDING TOLEDO, OREGON 44, 4 t Y The White Corner Store Has the largest line of Coffoos and Teas you can buy a Coffee ranging in price from a good 26c. grade to the Celebrated Seal Brand, at 45c, that has no Superiors. It is always bargain day at this Store. Phone 9005 R. S. VAN CLEVE atX.LJ.AAUJ . . . - .M. m -SL -M- -a- -SL A L A -t 1 t 1AA1A.U4 Water' Front Meat Market ? J. L. Demitt, Prop. X 4PM IS Id r Toledo Fresh nnd Owed Meats Creiiini ry llutlet I liny nil my lleef. Mutton Anil I'ork from the lnnil ranchers. iiikI 1 ay tlio liluhext mnrket price ili'livered at my hop. I pay the highest market price t (or lilduj and polls. X WATER FRONT, TOLEDO, OREGON T KOSYADOR SILETZ PICNIC At the w eek end occured the annual !'Kos;yador Picnic", su named by the guests in appre r:i:ition of the hOHpitality of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kouyador in pro viding grounds, furnishing horse feed, and for the dinner, prepar ing coltee, string beans, pickle;: and roaBtlng ears for the entire crowd besides a huge bowl of salad and a cake. The crowd was a Siletz valley one. Besides Phil Elting and wife from Upper Farm and Mr. Mowery and wL'e from Mowery's on tine water, there were pres ent Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hall, Miss Stewart, Miss Keyr?s, Sup't. and Mrs. Chalcraft, Miss Chal- craft, John Kenta and children, Dr. and Mrs. Pinkley and chil dren all from Siletz and Mr. and Mrs. Goia, Mr. and Mrs. Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. Pompel and children, and Mr. and Mrs. OJala all from Lower Farm. The grounds, a picturesque triangular piece of land at the junction of Euchre Creek and the Siletz River, were surround ed by fine trees. A long steel cable swung between two con venient firs furnished amuse ment for children and grownups. At the table made of new 2 by 12s padded with blankets and covered with linen cloths were seated fifty people who did abun dant destruction to the viands mentioned above as well as to those the ladies had brought. These Included celery, pickles, six varieties of potato salad, beet and cabbage salad, yellow pickle fried and roast chicken, beef, pork, ham sandwiches, salted al monds, apple, pumpkin and rai sin pies, fruit salad and well nigh "57 varieties" of cake. There are certainly some good cooks on the Siletz. While Intended purely as a neighborhood sociability get to gether and being a hugh success as such, the occassion furnished to some of us newcomers to Lin coln County a demonstration of the fertility of the soil. An erst while Jungle of willow, fern, wild crab, alder and fir had been transformed into fields, mead ows, and as pretty a young or chard as one could wish to see. A large potato patch dug into showed 12 to 20 salable spuds per hill. In the large garden were beets, carrots, kale, par snips, string beans, and corn all of good quality. A granary with 000 bushels of fat grained oats, a large barn full of hay. large draft horses, and full blood llcrksblrc hogs attested the feeding value of Siletz valley land. Here as elsewhere the road to success lies in industry, econo my and perseverance. Thftt continued prosperity and ever increasing good fellowship may be the portion of this ho:-. liable family and all other Li icolu Comity fellis is the wh:h of one of the new comers. o IpS On imn ttU xl jfrfiJ ' i & s s it'ilil'iMr r""-"- Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought could be is yours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette 1 Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat isfaction your smoke appetite ever hankered for. That's because it's made by a patented process that curs out bite and parch 1 Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality I Nnce Al the national joy smoke has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never tasted the like of itl And that isn't strange, either. Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A, a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming -their way as soon as they invest in a supply. Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story 1 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. C. bu mads thrmm mmm molt nlnaa whan mm smoked b Wore I . . . i-i Boy Vines Albert cotry tehtrc tobacco is told in toppy rmd bagt, 5c; tidy rmd tint, lOci handtomm pound and half-pound tin humi dor and that corking fin pound cryttal-giatt humi dor with tpongo-moittmnor top that kctpt tho tobacco im tuck clmBw t rint alwayt I B. F. Jones spent several days this week in Toledo. Mrs. Ben Reimers Monday evening from Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Ches Morrison were down from Elk City Sunday. INCOLN wOUNTY DANK (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO. OREGON DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DIRECTORS C. E. HAWKINS WM. SCARTtI C O. HAWKINS Intsrsst on Tims DtposlU Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norton I were down from Elk Sunday returned evening. Everett Miller was a passen ger for Summit and the big hills Chas. II. Gardner was up from F. R. Weaver left for Summit Newport Wednesday looking af Saturday morning where he will ter business Interests here, work In the mill. j c N Plowman of wst Ya. George Hodges of Salado had quina spent several days this business in the city the first of week In Toledo. the Week. Mrs T.plsintror on1 -lM,l.-n Jim Frank of Siletz was a pas- and Mrs. Langhel returned Sat- senger for Portland Tuesday i unlay evening after a two weeks morning. j visit at Valley points. Len Butterfleld and brother. I E. P. Currey and B. O. Snuffer CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. All warrants drawn on the general fund of Lincoln County, endorsed prior to January 13th, 1915. are hereby called and th Interest stopped this date. Toledo, Oregon, May 31, 1916. G. B. McCluskey, , County Treasurer. Guy, (arrived in Toledo Lower Siletz Monday Sam Kinunel and daughter were over from S:letz Monday from ! spent a day this week at Lower Siletz In the vicinity of John Lloyds and Scott's. Mrs. Geo. King and daughters For Sale three good sightly level lots within four blocks of depot. Cood building lots. Will S. Nor- wood, uorvauis. WttWWHtMHIHHH FOR SALE Well bred, young pig for sale, $lf0 each. Tel. or inquire of, D. L. Peterson, Old McCluskey Place. o looking after interests in Toledo, i were up from the lower bay Sat Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chambers !lSf,LK and family returned home from :friend3 ia Toledo the Independence hop yards Sat-' Kle Chambers spent Saturday urday evening after a few weeks visiting relatives and friends in outing. .Toledo, returning to his home tr .il,,, ir,i -1,11,1,,, ,11 Newport In the evening. i raine down from Salado Satur George McCaulou of the To-,1 IVlavwpll ir T ...... . l,,lr l.'.w.i,. . ...... T jMrent.i.'Mr. and Mrs. F. IJ. wr for l'orthmd Tuesday rioni Frry near this city. Ing. Mrs. Walt Harding and child-! Tlio. TlriKieicv of Tve- Creek ren departed Monday morning was in the city Monday making for their new home at Hillsboro. , proof on his claim before the They may return to Toledo in county clerk. Mr. and Mrs. the spring. Lor.gdon were his witnesses. Ed. Gillespie of Elk City was J. S. AKIN The Dry Goods Man HAS A FULL LINE Ladles' and Gent's Furnishings, Crochet and Enibroidcrlo Ma terials ALSO ' I A full line of JEWELRY which X Is Guaranteed. t ii,i$it W. E. CWYNN Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Newport, Oregon FOR RENT Three husekeeping rooms, partly furnished; city water, on business street In Toleldo. $5.00 per month. Enquire at this office. FOR SALE Six cows, some of them dry; 5 calves; 5 2-year-old steers; one roan durham heifer, 2-year-old; 3 saddle pon'es at SRO dollars each; on mare, nlngle driver, good one for $75. I ask the mar ket price for this stock, inquire of Geo. Hodges, Salado, Oreg. o Launch Transit j Leaves Elk City, 7:30 n. m. I Toledo. - 9 n. m. Returning. I It avcrf New port : :?.() p. m.; To ; ledo l::.u p. m. Every Tuesday, j Thursday and Saturday. I H. A. Norton, Cnptsin. in the city Tuesday. Mr. Gilles pie Is road supervisor of the J. C. Hocfiein was a passenger for Yaquina Saturday evening after visiting relatives and roads around Elk and has made friends In Toledo and vicinity. 011113 lit TT p,iaUl'0 IUIO DUIIIIIIC1 I lip HVPn flt I Ohllt'2? which greatly improve the roads in that section. Mrs. Mabel McDonald of Falls o . . h ... , City arrived last Saturday even Come to the Eddyville Fair if Uur for n vluii uiih mnthn. you want to see a Mule Foot Hog Mrs. Catherine Collins, and other me uiuy uug lorme racmc relaUvcs near this city. She coast. A registered Mule Foot cnllpd hnmA vppr(inv h .. ... . . t . . has never been known to have the dreaded hog cholera so It is claimed. Robert R. DePoe returned the first of the week from Corvallls. While in that city Mr. DePoe staged the Indian Drama Hia watha, and he received some very flattering press notices in the Corvallls papers. The Ladles Aid will give a sli ver tea Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 3d., in the building next to tho Telephone Ofllce. Mrs. Freder icks and Mis. Stewart will serve tea from 2 to 5 P. M. A cordial invitation Is extended to the public. Fred Taylor has the contract for placing the gas engine, used In the Pioneer quarry, on the cars. The plant is being dis mantled and the engine will b taken to Seattle. Fred Is nois ed lu the work by Goo. Cham bers, Hilly Hoone and Guy!.cM. the Illness of her husband. A Leader reporter had the pleasure of taking In the Harlan Fair last Saturday, and was agreeably surprised at the good showing made by the farmers of that section. There was the us ual profusLn of large pumpkins, turnips, beets, cucumbers, corn, potatoes, apples, pears, plums, etc., etc. Then there was a large platter of ripe strawberries which made a fellow's mouth water. A number of fine horses and teams were on display, and quite a showing of high grade dairy stock was made. Goats arc another of the assets of this section and a most creditable showing was made. These fairs are a good thing to bring com munities together and we are glad to see that they are being held !n all sections of the county. I lie people or tnc I laruin Hccthni have a line valley and we expect to hear more from It In the future. W. N. Cook & Son CHITWOOD, OREGON Agts. for the One of the most mod. ern and up to date ma- X chines cn the market. Has the same equip- ' ment as the larger cars. J. W. Hamilton Of Roseburg DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE for CIRCUIT JUDGE raid Adr. EDW. J. CLARK, Attorney at Law Toledo- - . Oregon FOUND Ladles brooch or pendent. Owner can have same by calline at this office. NOTICE Pfnn," Cnt.t 1 . , l. lnl 'am at Merchants are 35 and Cue. Meal tickets 21 menls 15.00 FOR SALE Two cows, one In rnn.1 iin for beer and the other one good milk cow. Address: T. Kurtichanov, Chit wood, Oregon.