Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 30, 1916, Image 1

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" ' '' " ' l .... .. II II II I I, ,! , . ,, - Tl
CCi T1JT MR lQ News of each Community Gathered each
WVU1 II 1E ' week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
Monday evening while Mrs
F. H. Wells and Mrs. Eva Bark
ham were bathing in the surf in
the cove just south of the cape
at Agate Beach, they discovered
the body of. a person floating
back and forth on the swells of
the sea. It is needless to say
the women were very much
frightened and they at once re
ported it to W. B. Hartley, the
undertaker, the coroner being
absent from the County. Albert
Taylor took his auto accompan
rests were made. This speaks
well for the people who attended
this great fun making
More than a hundred automo
biles have already come into
Newport and all speak in high
terms of the condition of the
foads except Pioneer Mountain
which is bad but the new road
around it will be completed by
he Fourth of July then you will
have a good road from the Val
ley to Newport and way points
with only a five per cent grade
to pass over.
The first noon train came in
Monday but while the number
of passengers was not large, as
Days You'll Never Forget
led by Mr. Hartley, Justice of the the season opens the travel will
Peace Berry acting as coroner ; increase. The S. P. Company
went to the place designated, j has a splendid service and has
found the body and returned the tracks in first class condl
wlth it to Newport where the in- tion. The rain of the past few
vesligation took place. It being days interupted some of the auto
plain that the deceased came to rafflc but it will soon clear up
his death by drowning it was not and the roads will be in fine con
necessary to hold an inque3t. dition.
The body had been in the water j The war wkh Mexlcoif we
six weeks or two months and have onela going t0 be a ser
was so badly decomposed as to , ,oug matter and niany an Amer-
lmpossime to menu y .i. Ican 80idler W;U have lost his
body was six ieet van ami wumu life ,n tnig Btruggie Mexico has
prohamy wnen arowneu UUm a history of crilelty treachery
have weighed 180 pounds. A and crime At the Alani0 more
email lock of ha.r on the lower tnan elght 8 ganta
part of the skull was of a brown ;A the Mexican dictator had
color, tnree or lour ieeui oh me rnmn9nv nf Aniprrnn ni,iipP
lower Jaw were out, there was no , ma88acred in thi8 garrison there
shirt on the body but it had on a . were 4?5 soldiers among them,
pair of serge trousers, no under-1 Dayld CrockeU( CoL Jame8
wear and the shoe on the left Booie Col Wllliam B Trovi8i a
loot was numoer eisiu auu braye Texan ottcer were all
on notn ieei. a s ma. u.Bei murdered. The Alamo was air
watch was found in the watch- anclent m:ssion covering three
pocket hi the trousers but no;acreg Qf nd wUh & fitone
letters or papem ui vi..c. wan around it three feet thick
-.ncation were raunaou uie uy. and eight feet high. At an
me snoe was , goou uuu uu.u other tjme 400 Texan Boldier3
Drobably cost five dollar3 a pair. ,. Pn, L-nrn., ,vao lri,MnQ,i
The watch stopped running two tQ Burrendcr under promlse 0f
minutes aiter ky. ku uulu- protection from Santa Anna
11.5 w """" . u u a . Aer tne surrender they were
morning or evening. '"" divided into small companies
was pwceu ma. lo.uUU-. and -marched in different direc
lea :n tne eureka wmeit.,. tIong and shot doWn like dogs
The nationality or the deceased by the Mexlcang Not
a man
seemed to be Swede and about escaped. lf they had been
at tne age 01 nuy-uve. brought to time three years ago
Preparations .are ; going on for at Vera Cru2 k wouW nave
a big I'ourtn 01 jury ceieurauou d th u of Ameri
11 me wediuci iciiuiio. cans
pect the rain will cease by the i
time or the 4tn ana every ining
will be lovely. This rain is a God
send to the stock men and farm-,
ers, it will make thousands of 1
dollars for them. Oregon la the .
most favored country In the
Mr. and Mrs. Ekman and chil
' Hron ff lri 1 o n rl onant locf tirnnU
world as failures of crops in Ore- wllh ... an(1 MrR , w n.nvpn-
gon sweet Oregon is unknown, j port and famjly
About a dozen of the live wires j "r. t. Moore went to McMinn
and sports of Newport went out 'vine last week where he will
to attend the Philomath Round- ' WOrk during the summer,
up June 22-23-24, 1916. It was jeSse and John Davenport and
the biggest thing Benton County Sam Stewart killed two bear and
has ever had. On the second ;and flve coons Monday,
day 12,000 peeople were in the , Alva M went tQ giletz
grand Btand the attendance Tuesday
during the three days aggregat- Mr a,;d Mrs Ekman MIsseg
ing over 22,000. It was estl-1 Edltn DaVenp0rt and Lucille
mated that over half a mile of iMartln and Je8Be aild John
automob les were in town placed Dayen t ont tWQ fl , t
side by side in a line. The Com- wpek on TaWe Mountaln;
pany bought 14 acres of land Mrg g j Stewart ad children
Just north of the depot and this t Sundny wUh her parents,
is all inclosed with a high board R d M w Davenport,
fence The grand stand w t E on rpad take
the bleachers will seat 10.00!.n thc'big ce,ei,ratlon at Deer
people. Over 15.000 tickets were !creck lhebPourlh
sold. The location of the 1 0
grounds Is the most beautiful in v v
the Willamette valley. On thai
east the Cascades with Mt.
Hood crowned with perpetual
snow riies above all the other
points presenting a most mag
nificent and thrilling appearance
and the Coast Range on the west
with its towering Mary's Teak
and undulating foot hills forms
one of the most picturesque pic
turs the eye ever rested upon.
Philomath is a college town,
Mr. and Mrs.
Ir. and Mrs. Frank
Frank Grant,
I)nvi:i and
sons, Wilbur and Clarence,
Clifford McDonald, Marie and
Edward Briggs attended the
Philomath Round-up aluo tho
O'Neils from the McClelland
. T T , , t 1- .
!..,. Ifl nnrf rlnnn with l.rond 1 Bolu a uu,lt" "l
stre rand splendid homes, sur- ' week to . J Al bey.
rounded with beautiful shade L u rumorcrt that Sn lth Al
treelflowers and well kept I "" ha e'ted to fight the
lawns. The water Is pure, com-1 iM e,u" ,V enH(lo rnrrpH.
inc from a cold Bparkling stream 1 1 " nal,s Salil(1 corces-
PnniT Thi crrnniwla lo'1(lnt would use some hot air
on Ma B ik; The Ero the garden ho might keep off
are said to be n uc 1 nicer than t
the grounds at Pendleton. The, '
Company has spent $16,000 In, Baen-
fitting It up and It Is to be a I, This neighborhood will cole
l.err.ianent thing. The Company ,te the 4th by p.ciilcs and a
is wealthy and It propose to -danrp. Anyone not a l.-bratlng
make the performances belter elsewhere will find a welcome,
each year. The performances ! '.. A. Kecnl butchered hogs for
this year while not bo extensive Marlin and lirlgs which they
as the Round-up at Pendleton, ; were shipping to market on
were just as good and some say .Tuesday and Wednesday,
the feats were even better be- Crops look well in this vlcln
catise of better grou:i(l3. It Is a Ity, a number of farmer' are
credit to the management to say trying out corn which looks fine
no disorder occured and no ar-at this time. Several silos are
Saw utile
ltf LOVE.
le Nashville Club Players
.iy-Drama Success Adapted from the French
"La Maison du Marl."
at the
Dime Theatre Friday, June 30
Not a Pi ture Show but a Real Red Blooded Production
Twelve Song-Hit Specialties
Prices 25 and 35 cents
being talked of at present, I. R.
Payne has idiased a binder
which he will soon bring home.
Letie Man i went to Corval
lis last week to stay through the
Lloyd Commons departed for
Portland Monday morning
where h-J will visit a few days.
Mrs. S. A. Wolmgreen wa3 In
Newport List week having some
dental work done.
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy Oil
man were Lading In Waldport,
Misses Cava and Alma Boone
of OyHter t .ly attended the
dance at Hit Ona Grange Hall
Saturday nlj'lit.
C. M. Myers went to Toledo
Quite a number of young peo
ple from Bay view attended tho
dance Sat urday night.
II. J. Wood and J. M. Bowers
of Upper Beaver were trading at
Newport Si'tuiday.
Despite the rain about thirty
attended tho picnic Sunday,
everybody reporting a good time.
Even if some did get cold feet
and not.
Mrs. Th'w. Brown visited Mrs.
E. S. I Iall Tuesday.
Cara and Alma Boone parsed
through hero on their way to
attend the dance at Ona.
Leo Shenner mode a trip to
Leland wright was on Wright
ureeK t rtday.
L. II. Payne was up from New
port last Saturday.
Supt. Chalcraft returned yes
terday from Portland.
E. B. Graves was down from
Elk City Monday on business.
Mrs. John Sugg was up from
Winant yesterday afternoon.
W. II. Price of Chltwood was
a county seat vtsitor last Sat
urday. Ed Paine purchased a new
Chevrolet car from agent Maur
ice Andersen this week.
Mrs. Hester Coovert of Ona
visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Coovert
in this city yesterday.
Miss Violet King of Oyster-
ville was a county seat visitor
Supt. E. L. Chalcraft of the
biletz Agency was a passenger
for Portland Monday.
Miss Anna Tanglemann of Si
letz was a passenger for Port
land the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Ilayden and
children autoed to Portland Sat
urday returning home Tuesday.
Hans Olson returned from Al
bany yesterday where he was
called Monday by the death of
his brother.
Mrs. Lola Cruson returned to
her home at Albany Wednesday
arter a week's visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wade, in
this city.
Miss Mary Mahoney, who has
been teaching at Siletz the past
: several months, departed for her
'home at Portland Monday.
On Wednesday morning an
'officers' special passed over the
local line of the S. P. on a tour
of Inspection.
II. Lewis had the front of his
store building decorated with a
new coat of paint last week, G.
K. Freeman doing the work.
Mis3 Dickens who has been
'teaching at Siletz the past win
ter passed through Monday en
route to her home at Silverton.
R. S. Derrick of Crabtree, Ore
gon, was visiting with his broth
er, Jim, in this city the first of
the week. Mr. Derrick formerly
lived on the Siletz.
Tony Jacobson has purchased
O. R. Holling9worth's speed boat
this being on of the finest little
boats on the bay.
I Mrs. Z. Nichols, housekeeper
for L. C. Mowery, at Lower Si
letz, was a passenger for Port
land Wednesday where she will
spend the 4th.
Teachers from all parts of the
county are here this week tak
ing the examination, following is
me nst:
Mrs. Glenna Stewart. Wald
port; Mrs. Irene Johnson, Wald
port; Mrs. Helen Daniels. Elk
City; Mrs. Delia Hodges, Salado;
Miss Cecille Head, Waldport;
Mrs. Orpha Norton, Tidewater;
miss iiitnel Tooze, Newport; Mr.
P. L. Coleman, Newport; Mr. C.
E. Freeland, Newport; Miss Lu
cile Gildersleeve, Toledo; Miss
Bessie Neill, Siletz; Mr. John
Kurtichanov, Chitwood; Miss
Delia Trapp, Chitwood. This
is the smallest number taking
the examination in a great many
Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson
autoed to the Round-up at Pliil-
iMigar nail, cnas. Brown and omath laHt Friday afternoon
L. Cox made a trip to Newport They also visited at Corvallls
Thursday with a scow of wood , returning to Toledo Monday,
and a raft of piling.
Not much news iiere everyone I Mrs- w- CM aml ch"'!"
seems to be getting ready for have "ovi'd to Shedd to join
the 4th of July. Mr. Gill who is employed by the
'o Shedd Monitor of that place.
500 second hand sacks, 5)0
cords seasoned wood, alder and
vine maple.
E. B. Shumway,
Toledo, Oregon.
16 feet, 3 H.P., In good condi
tion, apply to T. P. Fish.
Team, buggy and harness
$150.00. Frod Taylor
of mules, 900
For Salo
three good sightly
within four olocks
Good building lots. Will S. Noi
Newport Tuesday with his straw wood, Corvallls.
each, delivery wagon and har
ness to trade for goats or sheep.
Enquire, Currey's Livery, Tole
do. o
John Morris and Miss Lnvina
Glllam, both of Rose IiOdge,
were married at the Commercial
Hotel in tills city Wednesday,
the Rev. C. R. Ellsworth officiating.
W. K. LlngenfeUer is chief
i clerk for Al Waugh tills week
while Fred Salvage Is away.
Upon Fred'8 return from Albany
he will locate at Newport for the
summer with the Butter hist
Popcorn Machine.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hawkins
'and son Tom, and Mrs. Peniilng-
poundslton returned Saturday from the
Round-up at Philomath. Tom
Inspected the State Normal
School at Monmouth, also, while
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hyde re
turned yesterday noon from a
My wife ban left my bed and several weeks visit In the Valley
board and I will not be respon-'; While away they visited th
I'li.loinalli Round-up, visited at
! Falls fit y, Dayton, Kdtlyville and
s:i)ie ro r any Mils she may ion
tract. J. H. Culver.
Redwood and cedar posts
Joseph Blower, Newport,
:sii-u is planning a Hg t
linilion for the 4th of July,
i They expect to have an old fash-
jioucd picnic with a barbecue
dinner. They will have races,
level lots hall game and sports of all kinds,
of depot. Everyone hi invited to come and
don t forget to bring a well filled
Items of inteiest taken from
the files of the Leader of that
Wallis Nash and family have
moved to Albany where Mr.
Nash will continue the practice
of law.
Jas. E. Dixon of Elk City is one
of,, the jurors in the famous
smuggling cases being tried at
M. L. Trapp and Clark Cope
land deserve worthy mention for
some mighty good labor per
formed on the streets during the
past two weeks.
The long expected channeling
machine arrived at the Pioneer
rock quarry this week and op
perations at the quarry will now
assume a lively aspect.
Items of interest taken from
th files of the Leader of ten
years ago.
Jim Derrick and family, are
now residing on the farm near
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Litchfield
and son of Yaqulna are visiting
with the latter's parents in this
The Firenion will give a big
Ball July 4th.
Mrs. Goo. Hoeflein and daugh
ter, Bertha and son, Oca,
returned Wednesday evening
from a visit at Coburg.
J. S. Akin, a former well
known citizen, has returned to
Toledo and will embark in the
dry goods business In the south
room of the Landreth building.
Mr. Akin conies to fill a long felt
want. Tell you about It later.
o ,
Miss Rosa Schlccht departed
on yesterday morning's train.
George Parrish returned home
on the Saturday evening train.
C. A. Brown of Salado was a
Toledo visitor Monday.
Assessor W. E. Bull was a pas
senger for Albany Wednesday
Mrs. Fred Stanton returned
last evening from a visit with
her daughter, Flora, nt Albany.
Chas. It. Gardner and B. F.
Jones came up from the Resort
City this morning.
Alpha Thompson . departed
this morning for Southern Ore
gon where she will spend the
Its worth while for you to go
to Fredericks Quality Store, Sat
urday, July 1st tin oc big Spec
ials. The Ever-Ready Bible Class
has a social meeting this even
ing at the Methodist Episcopal
Church. A program of patriotic
nature has been prepared.
Miss Queen C. Lvnn and Miss
Sawyer after spending a few
days with friends lu Toledo,
pasH"d on to New port last Fri
day evening where they will
spend the summer season.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Salvage
were pai'.sonju'rs for Albany
Monday morning for a visit with
the fonn-'r'a iv-cm's. Mr. and
Mrs. James Salva: ,.,1 formerly of
While going up the river Fri
day tho I'Vrio II, owned by Dr.
Burgess, struck a submerged
log, doing considerable damage
to the propeller and shaft. The
boat Is now In dry-dock at the
Anderson boat works.