f VOLUME 24 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 21st, 1916 NUMBER 9 COUNTY NEWS News of each Community Gathered each week by Our Hustling Associate Editors . ...... .... .... Poisons Self With Acid Newport, Oregon. (Special) This community was shocked Sunday evening to learn of the untimely and unexpected death of Mrs. Lester Martin. Sunday Mrs. Martin stayed at home all day on account of a slight cold. At about 10:30 o'clock that ev ening she complained of having a sore throat. While Mr. Mar tin was building a fire in the sad and bereaved family has the sympathy and friendship of the entire community in this sad be reavement. The. funeral ser vices were held at the undertak ing parlors of Hollingsworth & Hartley, conducted by Rev. P. O. J jones, oi uie Episcopal unurcn, and the interrnient took place In the Eureka cemetery. Mrs. Martin was a vivacious, pleasant woman, loved and respected by all who knew her. Her cheerful disposition and sprightly man ner will long be remembered by the people of Newport. A large and nelgh- Loal Fair At Harlan Harlan, Oregon (Special) We are trying to talk up a local sick list for the past few days, v Burl King, accompanied by Dr. Highlander of Newport, called at the former's home here Monday. Mrs. Frank Shermer and children, accompanied by Cara fair to be held when the little . Boone, attended Sunday school seeds we are putting in the t pole Blough Sunday, ground get to be cabbage, ': Mrs. John Sugg and son Bquash, etc. Mr. L. J. Allen, of spent a few minutes at the the extension department of O. - Boone home Saturday evening. A. C, perhaps better known as State Pig Club Agent, came over the 10th of April and spent four School Closes With Good Program Miss Alpha Rhoades brothers, Floyd and Virgil, called at the Peterson hnm Tuesday. Peter Peterson was a Poole slough visitor Sunday. Mr. ana Mrs. P. Vancil and kitchen stove to prepare her number of friends some coffee she. stepped on a bors attended the fun eial. The chair in the kitchen saying she ' floral offerings were choice and was going to get some medicine j delicate, in keeping with the life off the shelf a gargle her and character of deceased. She mother had prepared. On thSjis survived by her husband, shelf there was a two ounce ! mother, step father, and two bottle containing a Bmall quan- little brothers, tity of red medicine, about one-1 T. B. Mahler of Victoria, B. C, fourth full. Mr. Martin said 'who has been here for a week this bottle had been on the shelf getting information and looking j demonstrate canning for them. elor now. a long time. He. tola his wire over the kolp neld3 with a view ion Wednesday a meeting was not to take any medicine not of starting a kelp factory, de-lheld at the Grant schoolhouse labeled. He also said not to parted today for Portland, j with a picnic dinner and in the gargle her throat out of the bot- While here the city council held j afternoon Mr. Allen gave a very tie, so he gave her a wine glass a special meeting to consider the instructive talk on many prob to use. She said to her hus-' proposition of leasing a piece of : iems of interest and answered band, "You know I can't gargle." water front large enough for many questions, after which She then asked him to make her Mr. Mohler to put his buildings ' a general discussion was held, a cup of hot coffee. She the on. The question was discussed j The room was then darkened asked him if she would have to ' f0r some time. Finally the. I and Mr. Allen showed some in take a dose of salts and he told council agreed to lease 120 feet teresting pictures along the line ner yes. At tnis time sne was of water front providing Mr. still standing on the chair in the Mohler would build a kelp fac kitchen. Mr. Martin then went tory on It. The lease is to run Into the sitting room to build a an vears and Mr. Mohler is to fire because his wife was com- nnerate the riant seven months Wl,in an,i lya M,.ntoir. plaining of being chiUy. In im the year and to manufacture i glde Bchoo, taught by Mis8 making the lire," saia Martin, "i Rn many tons of keln each . t ,i ,v ... w y - i j riinru, aiiV! lUv V jutiicu dluuuio Upper Beaver (Special) Our Bchool closed Aprif 7th onci o vcijr ouuueoaiui omoiiuis granddaughters, Pauline and. r Tw , , , Sul1 ,JfiS81e, were guests at the Pet Coovert. The following delight-'erson ranch Sunday. Jul program was well rendered: Evalina Peterson and Aletha Playlette, "The Coming of .Rhoades worn Ponip aim, ucnio mauc a L11JJ tvl I V U1b jTuua i cici nun nit 14108 oUIlUcLy Newport Saturday. personating 'JSpring" and Virgil Johnnie Emerson of Oyster- ; Pete Peterson, Leo Shermer , Rhoades as "Winter" were the villa was in thin viHnitv days on Big Elk going as far j and John Emerson were in this j leading characters, while the re-i the first of the week down as Salado. The people vicinity Sunday. I mainlng sixteen players were all I John Hanlon of Lower Beaver welcomed him gladly and there John Barkus, Francis Fcrr and very charming in the roles of i was in our vicinity Wednesday was a general interest in his Clarence Ridgeway made a fly- Flower Fairies, Snow Fairies, Mrs. Dora Huntsucker who work and for a fair. The boya 'tag trip to Mill creex Sunday. Sunshine Fairies, etc. The play has been visiting in this vicinity - r t i mi ll , M i . re- and girls were especially Inter-I Jesse neeaer ana nuie aaugn- was ionowea Dy a muDon uriu;f0rt he past two weeks ested ana .many aeciarea tneir i ic. iieieu, nmue a inp up x-ouie ueauiuuuy exeumeu uy eigm t turned Home Wednesday, intention of taking up pig and Plough Saturday. little girls in their fairy costumes Evalina Peterson called on poultry raising, canning, sew- j Lloyd Lewis spent Saturday Those taking part in this drill Pauline and Jessie Vancil Wed ing, etc., and later on hope to get night with John Emerson. Say, were Alice Huntsucker, Donna ,nesday afternoon. someone from tne College to .gins, get uusy: jonn is a Dacn- iviaruu, Aiema aim Aipna ( H. O. Rhoades, P. Vancil and unoaaes, iiester f eterson, Jessie g. E. Lewis were Yaquina visi and Pauline Vancil and Charlotte tors Monday. I Koch. This was followed by a j o 1 song by the school. "The Wax 1 Doll" recitation and song, by .'Pauline Vancil; Gun Drill by 7 Its leap year, too. -o LITTLE ELK FIECLES CREEK of his work. There was about thirty-five present. Friday was the closing day of the Black school, taught by Tanoati on I tVav -In! nad crVi nnla blacked my fingers and went to month. The consideration for . tuJ the sink to wash My wife was the iease will be the nominal nt8 and frlends came ln Just then coming into the sitting Bum of one dollar per year. wlth a b0Untiful dinner and af room. Just before she started whenever this lease is properly L that Important part had ln I heard her spit n the sink Bigned by the company the work 1 b -nioved the pupils of the It ntgoBttXkrand SSSShJ of construction of the buildings lgSge of went to the sink and it smelled wiU commence. The work will thp lor, ta1nt avp ' verv ln ?T?lh !Cld' By.Pi squire about twenty-five men. ; Jj ogram fotlowed by f?! .fS!? nJ Mr. Mohler was pleased with the SyIvSST mo iwm. ouo aiu i Bn rit with wmca tne peopie oi A u niM,, n ki, 1 . . - . . .DUVWCU u&vt.u&bM w - . J rntinp' nors nnri nt P o'a Evrvon is n husv hp now unoaaes. Aaoipn feterson, sew- " M 1 1" " ::i "V " there is no time for anything to ton Huyett, Ira and George happen, so items from this part Huntsucker. Dialogue, "Tattle of the county are scarce this Tales," Hester Peterson and 'wpu George Huntsucker. Instru- I Man La Grippe is making mental music, Aletna Khoades. , week. Fred Scheddler, who has been. employing Chas. Lindley to help i him make his place livable, star- am awfully sick,' She raised up rpsnonflrf to h to- re- I LX - - nnrl nttmntAd to vomit Rhn I Vi. , i 1 j i. I worn aim uuiu uiu u,uu juuug iUea BUI our ruau uuns wm ic- r--o- nut her fineera in hi? mouth to ?Ue,8t' .?ep,?t Vt tl. Stv I were much interested, and we all Bume work as soon as the not as large as was expected on , put ner nngers in ner inouiu 10 i innntprl. Inst ahove the CitVi, us i , , :u,- ncpnnnt of thA mpn of the nplirh- I aid ln vomitine. She turned on j i7" v t ho. !" " iweatner is penuiHiuuw. April showers seem to be the bys. .Virgil Rhoades, captain . i j it . j 1 .mm a lHiinTaimiror h' nvn " w uruer ui uie uay. i " 1 .1 1 1 V- T . at Harlan, returned to Albany I'rmay. Isaac Boies is doing a right smart bit of work on his place. TM -XT 1 . m ftui vr t lo i,i mental music. Aletha Rhoades. xouiig is plowing xor uw won w uii u iiionius ' . U. . . . MP MoIpb nnrt 1. Koaai thla die aoonfi viR!t to i.ittio Rik vni. oong, "woman's lugnts- rour : " " - " ley now t ! girls and four boys. Recitation, : Hup Bchool in npoP'ppRsiii? "The Candy Lion," Robbie! nicely under the able manage- Huvett- SonS- ''Dancing Palry" j ment OI rroi. Jonn K. Miner. v- ted for PnHfomia Tue.sdav on n. The pupils are getting along onn,a Marun, L-nariotte Kocn, buslnes9 Wt rriXving the &wM visited at Pea. i?emTkeeks co vls and Edward Klg"v S and Donna Martin.. Instn.- Bris. vis ed Sunday here. iL.i..6 . ."u.o mpntni music Char ott Kooh I Kmlui Allison gave a dance Sam says he had to either get "c- gS0i AU t and oard nartv at hlM IIarlaD tnfoT badVewher ) S ..r fMn,KS .aaiiSfSci uea out our ruau uu ic- r--o- -- coincidence. Jay Buford and Frank Allison ... .U1umu6. c '"'" docks. To lion. u. t: Jones De- . beautiful valley and soil, her face but could not vomit. lonp8 the credlt of invlUng Mr.!rhur Df a88ure8 u can't be She then put her hands on my Mohlpp to come here ,jnicn ne assures us, cant ue shouldPPR looking nip stranirelv ' 8 nier 10 come ner e. .beat. We were expecting Mr. ii thinA ShSU lhe, enfln68 ft, ,h5 Ahwaneda Goin t0 be here with Mr. Allen in tne lace ana pusnea nerseir broke down wftjle the vessel .nd were disannointed that he back n bed She never spoke waa off the mouth of UmpqUa ! Z not eet here after that but went Into a com- onn of the worst cales 1 6 atose and unconscious state and etrh'n Be"e8on Sh? blit and Chas- Cator loBt a valuable died in about two hours. From iS f or tw?'dava and wt up ! hor8e thls week- IIe was work- the time she took the medicine luT TZZlflnJ1 ing it and the horse died sudden- she thought was a gargle till she Bh how'pp boat ! & apparently from heart failure became unconcslous was three wlth the life 8aving crew and the or four minutes. I kissed her 0Ule g made two attempts t0 and then 1 smelled the odor of out Tue8dayf but the bar was carbo ic acid on her breath. I BQ rou h th could not g0 went into the kitchen where she But Tue8day evening the power had placed the little glass bot- boat t 0Jut and Btayed 1 torn up on the Bhelf and smelled . ht th the Ahwaneda. The vessel was anchored near the mouth of the glass rested on the u i woo h9ni shelf it left a small ring the , hL The .eat 8wellB and blg same color as the medicine In ;wave9 kept the ve8gel tOB8ed all iuc iw-u..v. . - ht Wednesday she was tooth pick and removed i small t0ed ,n b the 0'1Ue s The particle of the medicine that had veBgel wa8 entIrely helpless so come out of the bottle and f th lneg were con. placed it on my lit and I t burned cerned , tellR the captaln the lip, but the color . of the burn-, d crew werfi glad t0 t back was dark. 1 gave her the Bmall nn . m , wine glass that she UBed. ltr" ,.r I J x a V, a 4 V t . s ! Jll 111 TJ . II V It VI IUIO tllVlllll V 11 VJ BeeniB eviueui tue .u.(,c a..u Wompn of Woodcraft will make ! Mrs. Chas. Godley and two small son 8 are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Grant. Earl Jacobs is visiting his par ents. He has been working at Coos bay and is returning to his homestead ln Montana. Many of our young men con template going to the logging camps as soon as the crops are in. j A box social was held at the Black . schoolhouse last week. Thirteen dollars were taken ln, eight of which was used for the minister s salary and five was .i,r.h th- fraternal visit to the lodge at medicine that was in the small n. o -.m i. HQnrl iri ortt M laa Ualrntt tpnpfiar On the 2Bth of this month the j of that di8trlct and Miss Jensen of the Mountain Side district, a present, which was a silver plate Toledo. The Ollie S. will take the party up there, about 25 members. CHITWOOD bottle that she mistook for the throat gargle. It had the same color and the Bame odor. I moved this same bottle on the shelf Sunday morning and it had the same red color. It bad no label and I did not know what it ; was. It had been on the Bhelf , . at least a year." This is the ' Mr. and Mrs R. R. Wilson statement of Mr. Martin, and he have moved back to their home was the only one present until Btead and Mr. Wilson has bought Mrs. Martin became uncon- a new Jersey cow. scious. Several witnesses were . M,rs- .Norai',n, and son, El examined and the glass and bot- !dred left for Toledo one day last tie containing tne meaicme were t. I answered by the looks of the ovi.iuit nn fop Hip roroner'a I Airs. Mima wooa went to t VI, CAIIIMI""'. " for each with her Initials on it. Mrs. Crooks and son of Drift creek visited at the B. F. Grant home Monday night, going to Philomath on Tuesday's stage to visit relatives. YVINANT Somebody must have been '.praying for rain. It seems that way. I guess their prayer was Saturday, returning j weather. lury to examine, 'lnis is tne verdict oi tne coroners jury: i t rM,i , , "We the Jury empaneled to ln- Mrs. Bculah Gilbert left for veBllgate the cause of the death Albany Saturday, of Mrs. Lester Martin, find from ' Prof. J- B. Davis closed his the evidence produced that de- term of school up on Simpson oo,i oqi'.io to hrr death bv ac- .creek Thursday. i "-u v" . . i tu dkii.. j rv,..i i iwu ui nits rldcnt caused by her own nanus. i .home Saturday, lIL'lir HUM 111 r.i il I HI II I 1 1 11 . I . Trona T Tn n'f aii)bot flnrrlmi and Henry Emerson left Satur day morning for Neman, Wash., where they will work in the log ging camps. . Mr. a;id Mrs. Frank Shermer calted at the D. Huntsucker oin,l A KnhiimakeT. foreman. Li'Kue uivi ai r.zra oieimiKuz O A Arnson. M. A. Abbey, Chas. residence and hHd a business Vtlch. Elmer Patrick, M. Walk- ; meeting Monday evening. Bmouin. w. iiihin(i"vi'i. coroner. fi, row.n. cnllcd but too late to render any fiKHlHtancc. Mr. and Mrs. Mil- FOR RENT GO acres, C acres bottom land, i.rnnm hminn Pimnlnir woIaf In lor, the mother and step-father houB(J( fruIt trce8i cbcken house of Mrs. Martin, and her two lit- and barn IleaBonabie rcnt- Get tie brothers camo in from Prt-.off traln flt Storr8 land Tuesday evening. This . Chri$ Hangonf nk clty( 0r Mr. and Mrs. John Sugg spent Sunday nt the Frank Whitney home in Yaquina. It Is reported that the Whit ncys will move into their new house the last of the month. Mike and Henry Shermer, V. D. Boone and daughter, Alma, went to Toledo Friday. The latter Is working for Mrs. Julia Parker, who has been on the account of the men of the neigh- - ..., ,.,. AIX trvm u.u a n kAinn n,iUi.j i ui iiiniicu mc in 11011;. nuuu i tj Frank Casady went to tne T CU11',UJ,CU uu people were prescn. to enjoy tUt Valley last Wednesday where he the road work. , B1,,endid conation. will work during the Summer.! 0 Frank Mulvany and Chas It will only be another year or ; Bindley are doiug quite a bit ol two until Frank will have his RIVERSIDE V fencing ln order to pasture cat- ranch so improved that he will tie. I be able to Btay at home and i Goorft Tulhn V.nr.Lino' make a living without going . Leave it to Big Elk to origin- LVRhSn5!i2" Our teacher, Mri. Daniels oi Riverside V, treated herself to a nice riding pony last week. ' Mr. Boles visited his Big Elk property Saturday. You see Mr. Boies is one of our substan tial citizens, having done much to help us develop our country here, because his heart is in the. work. Assessor Fred Chambers was here last week looking after the tax business. The assessor lc away to work. ,aie a gooa time, 'the party at Mr. Crocker is building fence .F. H. Lang's was a great success, along the road on his place. A There was in the neighborhood much needed improvement, for of seventy-five jolly fun-makers. he can pasture his own stock a very nice program was ae wlthout pasturing other stock. Hvered, including the German Our young folks are Dusy uy i.eon ana miss practicing their pieces and songs Clarice Lang. The Robin song for the Easter program next by the three young children and Saturday at the regular grange the Umatilla Indian feather meeting. From the way every- dance by the Big Elk boys. Duet thing looks now there will be a by Jesse Daniel and Jesse fin npofrram. ; Philips. Buck and wing dance .i-u a tv. i. hv Vppti rtiivnnrl P.prnlH PolUlna I uuieo. arove oi came, tuueiuenug iuo u...v.. hard Winter and the scarcity of Lapnam delivered a recitation hay his cattle looked 'fine. He that made a big hit. There bought the most of them on the were also several other reclta- Siletz. :tlons that were grand. . Every Thppp will bn a dance at the moment during the night was a Eddyville grange hall Friday ev-i busy one, especially when tin enlng, May 5th. There will be Pler hour arrived. Everyone good music; good floor; good enjoyed themselves immensely management, and a good supper and were overjoyed with the and a good time Insured. All are time they had. Miss Boss Gillott invited to come. Remember the ,of Corvnllis attended the party, date, Friday night, May 6th. I also A. N. Lapham of the same o place. MOHAIR CROWERS NOTICE c,rant of Glen passnd by hero on his way to Harlan Tuea- The Eddyvill.3 Mohair rool day. will Bell on Monday, April 24th, j The gardens G. S. Parmele and family have returned home, and are putting (he sawmill and donkey in run ning order. The donkey whistle is heard already. They tell ui, the sawmill will whistle next week. The Enterprise passed oui over the bar Thursday morning Its cargo consisted of potatoes and moss. Hoyt Parmele made a trip to i m i . . .. . immediately after the arrival of 'seem pretty slow on account o( I'T , V . n , . u,a wpt Lnnntl trjiln. All ner-ithe cold waather. I ciiphs. eek.-. IIe says things look sons wishing to Bell mohair in I Mr. Ullman made a trip to Elk E'U. 'H, , Lint01ln unty. thi noni nro ppnuPRtod to notify Citv Mondnv. K'bert Knight, Jr., has rentec (he secretary as to how many I o fleeces they have, at their earl- lest convenience. All hair must UPPER BEAVER bo delivered at Eddyville not, the tax payers great or small. o- TAFT later than Monday, April 24th. W. F. Wakefield, Secy. iSancte EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AtlOOFBuilclirc Dancing Commence:) 9 P. M. Good Music the Jesse Farrin place. Mrs. Anion Bones ninda Le ona and Mrs. John Bonos a visit last week. Mrs. Derby and Miss NelhY Miss Mae Huntsucker of Ya-! Nixon were ciiests of the Tomn ,qulna is visiting friends and rel-.klns people Sunday. I ho Lower Schooner Creel school closed luHt Friday with ; grand picnic. o atlves of this place, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wachsmuth :of Newport were gueste at the 'Peterson ranch Monday. I J. C. Huntsucker und son, James, wero Yaquina visitors , Tuesday. I Mrs. II. O. Rhoades and BEAR CREEK A. H. Slocuni hi tloine som( Good Floor daughters, Aletha. Alpha and farming over on thfl Siletz. , Hilda, and Mae and Alice Hunt-1 Ottilia oung and Marie Slo 'Buckcr and Evalcna and Hester , cum. who are both attcndln: 1 " o Peterson called on Mrs. Bowers 'nchoiH at Elk City, went horn Horse shoeing at the rcd vcuneHuay auenioon. ,r n uay n.gnt io speiu Saturday Front Blacksmith Shop. F. W. 1 Carson, proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and moth- ;and Sunday with their parents er were guest' at the Rhoades Henry Stadclmnn went to Ell. 'home Sunday. CouHucd on last page