7 V - x VOLUME 24 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDA Y.MARCH 17th, 1916. NUMBER 4 Newport Has Rip rnto4mflnt Dig t,nieriainmem Newport, Oregon (Special) The big concert and humor ous entertainment given Tues day evening at the Casino was a 0JrMA .,r,w, Tk. ,oii oa eplendid siuccess. The hall was decorated with green fir and hemlock trees, the Stars and Stripes, shamrock and ivy. It looked like a Bmall forest, the green blending with the red, white and blue? made a pleasing Bplendid entertainment in all its parts, special mention might be made of some of the best per formers. Tha audience was large, appreciative and respon- olvA iuet cilnV. an BiirUnn. on stage perfom.-rsdcligh.Uo have, The opening piano solo by Mrs. . 1 . Seley and MIram Seey was very fine and impressive. Song by MrH rvplhlRa m oToafW nl Joyed. She was nncored and bo wers the most of the performers. Se'etio'i bv Dr. Bell wnq wall rendered. It was Irish and humorous. The brogv.' was nerfect. Song. "When Irish Ryes. Are Smiling" bv Elmer Patrick, was a gem. Mr. Pat- in go0d measure a real, old fasfc 25i !irtnd,d llce; We" toned cbaravarl which wns n Til a"dahlk" h0W,t0 UM neatly appreciated by the happy L wa refd and !fng couple. The boys received from wTZ ,ianUKUlT se ectlon,i the free-hearted groom a spier, . ArinnhaiirhdanlfobnBero, Cca did treat of nuts, candy, etc. in,nalae..88eJLSe tl Mr. Nye is engaged In the" meat and Earnest Stuart, was the iL'fi," -?',tAeJ?Ienl,l a.ndwa 3 aiT ';ua-J- "eea rored Bernlcn Chambers Cid the training on this perfftrm- mice, ii was a grana succeess. Song, "A Little Bit of Heaven.' by Hoy Baynard. Mr. Baynard Is noted for the power and vol- ume of his voice He is one of 4j.vB D.fcCi0 a..u U.U- Berry. This was one of the Bweetest, softest pieces of music played during the evening. Ce cil has good taste for good mu sic. Character song, "The Three Old Maids of Lee," conducted by Mrs. Seley, Babe McDonald, Marlon Seley and Thelma.Tin. J It MIL i - , . , dall. This was a laughable. comical piece which was highly appreciated by the audience. Jocal quartet ' Killarney " Mrs. ' . MTl. ilruttU. Elmer Patrick and Mr. Reislnger. i Thls quartet Is master in the art of singing. The song was so well rendered as to call for an encore. Song. "Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds You." by Bert Geer. This was so well sung and sentimental as" to captivate the audience. Mr. Geer was rl- called and responded with a j Bhort,' witty pun. Violin and pi- ano song without words, by the composer, Rich Chatterton, This was beautifully executed and loudly cheered. Rich Is also a sweet player on the violin. I Lee. Evans has purchased a Vocal duet, "Whispering Hope,'.' 'new violin and he is teaching it Mrs. Green and Miss James, to play with considerable vim. These ladles are accomplished I We are glad to note that Perry singers and this was one of the Batlse is back at his home, sweetest songs of the evening. o It pleased everyone. Song, "Mother Mackree." Those who WEST YAQUINA have heard Mrs. Smith Bing will 1-now she always pleases her Mr. and Mrs. Eugene IIol audlonce. Selection by Dr. comb and children spent Friday Berry. This was Iri3h, humor-: at Newport, visiting at the home oi?s and dramatic. . It was solof Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb's well rendced as to be greeted mother. with rounds of applause. Thej Clifford Phelps was in from Doctor h a great impersonator Beavei' creek the first of the Song, old melody "The Listjweek. Rose of Summer,", by Miss Lloyd nnd Fred - Commons Harklerpad. This was so full of were West Yaquina visitors pathos and sadness as to make .Thursday. the whole house so thoughtful Mrs. W. M. Willis was a guost and quiet as to hear the least .Tuesday of Mrs. General Lyons umjra. hubs IIUIKIUIUUU 11U3.UI lMngs BlOUgn. , a iramea voice ana sne Knows hows to bring out the melody, harmony and expression to the b03t advantage. This grand. old song was a favorite of the turn of good weather. late JameB Ball. Mrs. Arthur The steamer Bandon, with a Miller received a beautiful bo-1 heavy cargo of lumber from To quet given her by the members lledo mills, passed here Wednes of the Commercial Club for her I day morning cn her out-bound efforts ln getting up such altrlp. Bplendid entertainment. The bouquet was presented by -Mr. Klrhland. president of the Club. This closed the entertainment. The recelnts of the evening were . $80, which amount will be used , for the benefit of the Club. CO! T NT V MPW Q NcMS' wf ' each "niuiiity Gathered each W U n 1 1 A, V TvP week by Our ltustliiti? Associate Editors Great preparations are being matte for the ball to be given on st- Patrick's Day, March 17th, by the: Women of Woodcraft. Newport Circle, No. 782, assisted by the W. O. W. at Elk Hall. A good time is assured to all who V. fnl . i il toul' . 1 ue dance wUl be usnd to hem pay the expenses of the Grand Lodge which will meet here in June. , The Bandori, with 600,000 feot of lumber on bo-.-.rd, passed out oyer the bar Wednesday ia tow The people of Newport are greatly elated over the prospect of having an eaiTy survey of the bar and harbor. ' This was brought about by1 the united ac- UOn of the people r' Tolado, March J,2,. 1916, Mr. John Nye find Ultra f.ultt TVflilii Tqt7 f D Tlny """""" " " worth officiating. The bride and groom are coin memoers oi wen groom kr.own pioneer iarniii??i Lulu Is a daughter of Mr :ni Mrs. Ira'Mltr and Mr. Nj n son of Mr. rj.O Mrs. John Nye the former oer eased, whit caiae to Yaquina bay as early as 1SC3. a ri, J t,i where he and his bridr, will rnke their future home. Their many ,negg throu h llfeJad none of ft sorr0W8 b The gasoline launch Enter prise ln going out over the bar Monday evening, the engine be came disabled prd the life sav lng crew wlth the ower boat nRd t0 g0 out an(1 bring.ber in. She was on her way to Siletz. No damage was done. ORTON Fine weather we are having. Aint it? Some of the industrious farm. I .'"I'I'v V 114 V IUUOU &U.L 111 M Pnrl work between showers, The on who BePm th( m,siest are. NM EvanSt j w Mcqufre and V). T. Raddant. J. W. MicGuIre had the misfor- tune t0 lose tw0 of his catUe from lark r ' . r.,m The , UKpper, Far,T baseba11 '!T,?5fhiri i P.S1 ults this season, I i0-'- C. Kurtichanov was a '8ue8t a th ba"e:r apart" ents of Prof. R. E. Wood Sat- ,u'da?. nlg,. ,an ,S.undav Mn j Wood 8 wife 18 siinB with her relatives near Wren. Miss Jeanette Evans In on the .8ck list this week. Wm. and -Leslie Willis and R. A. and D. C. Miller of this nlace are again working on the Tole- do-Yaqulna road since the re Oh, yes! we believe In "pre paredness" here In Yaquina (for an early garden). One would think so anyway when one sees the way some of these people around here are niaklng the dirt fly. (v.;. Oinrrv OnAne vuairy upcns - . at Elk City I Elk City, Oregon. (Special)' ai iam openea up. stAVAvni there, among them are .Mi. Ing 'or Mr. and Mrs. Homer merclal Clubs of Newport and Schmitt, Scott Graves and Geo. A11611 wa8 weH attended and ev- Toledo met in joint session In the Lang. . . eryone reports a dandy time. parlors of The Abbey Wednesday I Mrs. Jleath of Abeais visit-! ;Mrs- Frank Shermer and chil- in the afternoon affd-effected a ing her mother, Mrs Chas C dren and brother, Trace, spent Permanent organization by elec Brown of this place. ' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. t,nS B- F- Jones chairman and Miss Gra'ce Irwin of Whh Huntsucker. George McCluskey secretary. A Salmon is visiting with Mr and Daniel Boon-j vi3ited with Tom resolution, offered by Mr. Jones, Mrs. C. L. Morrison Christenseh Sunday. ln relation to treating a new A card party was held at the ' Mrs- Jpfan Sugg and" son, Clay. Prt district and urging the clt I. O. O. F. hall Saturday night visited at the George Lewis home jzens of tne county to use their You could also hear the usuai Sunday afternoon. influence to have the Yaquina complaints afterwards About I ' Charlie Greil made a trip to bar and harbor improved. It poor players t Yaquina Monday. wa.8 t0 tne be8t Interests of the Miss Maggie Bell of Plonker!" Mr. and Mrs. Bush Davis were whole county to have but one came down for the card party in this vicinity Monday. Port district and to concentrate Saturday evening. Quite "a few people around our efforts to have but the one Mr. Slocum wa3 busy hauling here seemod to enjoy the sun- f arbr improved. The resolu some lumber up to his place Sat- , shine Sunday. ' "on was unanimously adopted, urday afternoon. .. W hear that Gordon and A committee of three was ap- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Van Orden,' Henry "Emerson are going to nlnted on legislation, lookiiir to recently of Portland, have ro- leave for Washington where they tne. jp 'ot 8 aw creating turned to this place to make their home. They report that their home wan mtW tnnov. their home was rather tonsy. turvy, but all things are being put to rights. A new waMt among other things being laid. We, are glad to have them back again. Mrs. H. Matteson left for Newport Monday evening for a visit with her granddaughter, i Mrs. Joe Conners. I Mrs. I. , Stejn of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived Monday evening. Mr. Stei.1, her husband, is the owner of the "Lincoln County Ranch," formerly owned by J. A. Silver. I Our school here received an addition of pupils last Monday, lueie ueui5 mice new schuiars starting, all in the Eighth urade. .Their names are Misses' Young .and Slocum and Master Frank i Lang. Ye writer actually put ln a whole day falling trees for hb neighbor, J. E. Van Allen. Some surprised arn't you? Iam. j .Mr3. George Hodges of Sa lado was a' Tuesday evening pas- : 8enger for Toledo. ' I E. B. Graves was doing a little .livery business Tuesday up the Big Elk river. Mrs. Heath, who has been staying with her mother, Mra. C. C. Brown, returned to her home Wednesday morning. J. II. II. Andersen, Republican candidate for Sheriff, was up !n this city, looking . after his chances. ONA Chauncey S. Ohmart and II. J. Woods went to' Newport on business Thursday, returning Friday. Mrs. Horace Woo'ds visited with Mrs. Geo. Selby Friday. Lloyd Parks was hauling'lum ber from Cook's sawmill for Mr. Myers Tuesday. A farewell dance for Mr. and EydjMhl.ihB echoolhouse Sunday after- HolniCTeeil Waa iHvon at hA Ule VRBl weeK DUt ' BlOWiy lm- . annllr. woi-a nr. lllolmgreen was given at the urange Hall Saturday night. It was a dandy dance and every body had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. VanonchI leave Boon for their home In Aberdeen and Ar thur Holmgreen left Tuesday for Bend, Oregon. Lloyd and Fred Commons were in Yaquina Friday. Mrs. King VanonchI and Mrs. C. Weber rode over to South Beaver, Monday to visit with Mrs. Geo. Ryan. The Helping Hand Club met Of Ilia 1 11 1 1 linn.. O . , pt.1 beautiful weather brought out a good attendance and a most pleasant time was enjoyed. Four new mombers were taken Into the Club. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weber were callers at the Selby home Sunday. The Ona Good Roads Club met Monday and the work con tinued on the lower Beaver road. This was the fourteenth meet ing of the Club and at no meet ing yet has the work had to be discontinued on account of bad weather. Surely a good rec ord. Mrs. C. S. Ohmart spent Mon- day viBiting Mrs. Commons and Mrs. Wokersperger. J . , . : . 4 OYSTERVILLE , iae iareweu aance that war given at Yaouina Fridav even- , work in a logging camp. Mrs. Samuel Case called at ithe Kine home Tuesdav. " - ' i - j o GLEN Miss Mabelle Allison and Hub- ton Grant of Harlan spent Sun- day with Miss Clara Moore. , Geo. Davenport is transfcring his thing to his place near Oys- terville, which he purchased some time ago from Mr. Sharp. I Mr. Davenport intendds to move 'his family as soon as the weather ouiittme. ...j .v. 113 BQhcoUast Friday J. E. Crooks went to Toledo batu ay. . . Asa Brown went to Elk City Sa.ray- . t . W. R. Moore lost a nice cow V.fna loot n.Vith rrt down in a mire hole. John Davenport went to Elk Citv Tuesday. W. R. Moore went to Toledo , Tuesday. . BAY VIEW Everything is auiet around na,Y Yle.w:. We would bn nore suited if there were more days of sunshine and less of rain. But "I should worry." lift. Ti. wlr c 9n ni tl Vtna MnttnJ jback to th Doc Linton Dlae near the bay and will probably remain there. during the Sum- 'mV. nd Mrs. Dan Hendrick- son returned to their home In Eastern Oregon last week. Quite a few paople from here t:" i . . w,luilluc and nearby points are going to the Joint meeting o be chair attend the St. Patrick's dance at man .ftthe cn,n'i"ee. Another Nfiwnort FrWnv niirht committee was also appointed bv Mr lAhnEn ni day and built a man and dressed S'r Sli 1m, Jrnd.n,, f Z' b'n P boy9' Wothes. Bet were doing some trading at the . , ' . ,, .,, , ,,, Barnes mercantile establishment l;rJ0CkMS .h""0 Z Jw ' last week :boys. Maybe It was the girls. Mrs. Frank HuntBucker hnsl A Sunday school has been or-j-..- . eanlzed. A nicotine was held at proving. Grandma Yoacum. Miss Da- vnnport and Miss Yada Yoacum tif, t.- at . home last Sunday. . Saturday. He went back to Mrs. Barnes and Miss Bartoe LZ? M h'8 were visitors at the John Walker , bp?.thcr'T c. ,efi,t,er- , . home last Saturday. , M J" la Brown visited Mrs, Mr. Stevens has been on tl.ejFrk Sn "nefr Wednesday, sick list for several daya, but Is' TraL ,u",Bk,erlan' M hotter at present .Frank Shirmer visited with Mr. Mrs. Ilendrlckson's sister. Mrs. flnd Mrs. pick Huntsucker Sun Chase, of North Dakota, who has & Je aC(lualntance i.oon viuiMno. infi.. several weeks, started East last I U'nnlf llllt tl -11 1 ai r, n . itlme ln the Valley, where she has relatives. Edwln Oakland attended the dance at Ona Saturday night, Farm work Is rushing at Bay1 View and nearly everyone Is busy , putting In garden when It don't rain too hnrd. ' Frank Iluntsuckcr and Wll- frodStevon3 visited at the Elmer I sininnHnn hni.ia at nn.l vor last Snndnv FOR SALE 6 acres. 3-room house, barn. chicken coop, berries and young nnnnff" . m0' YUn2' op enquire at this office. Joint Meeting Held Yesterday Newport, Oregon. (Special) me commiuees or nve mem- Der8 each appointed by the Com. t:, " z: u,0n,mFuaill. Tnls commUtee consists of Geo. McCluskey, J. F. Stewart and A. IlflrlnnH i, V V nHn. M the chair, consisting of L. C. Fmlth, Lee Williams and Charles Gardner, to Interview the peoplo and ascertain if they desire Buch a chmt 11 wfa urRed he "L LBko i'lVJJ" ifnP S'" lv ?n Trir nH Z 7S fertK VrSTdetel eJf "51?; ,t?l , . , nni.-0- n j j ndner, Walter Ball, O. TV McCb'skey. Pert Geer. C T.pii,oVov Uort P.oor P 11! Hawkins. 1. R. Wishort. .T. F. . Ptewart Hi o. Guild and thw. SomrBOUiBtlrr,ng and rousing speeches were made by a num- bero;Rentlpmn. Charles Gr- dner started the fire works bv rnof onooPh nHnc ' ' O' '-" ' -I' " " - the whole peorle of Lincoln coi'T'ty to stand bv the Imnrove n"ts of the harbor. This was r, Oliii, " "ti jinn, 1 lIrv. Arbr Mil'er. Lee WU- lws. L. C. Smith and M. Wv pant. Orent harmony nrevalled nd it looks 8 though Bome- iVifnnr ivnnlH Via rlntlo now. The n. ndnnmed suhjeel IS the -can of the chairman. POOLE SLOUCH I d d h ph t g t. day afMr . 'andyMr8 .Wrker's. . ZKStodSE dn .fl.l0 'went Into their cabin the other ...... .. i uri . I , 3 :vl school Anrll 2d. I L-esiie wiius was in our vicin- baby, Leora Leon. 4ii. auu hud. nun, iiui nci visited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rob- , T n Thos. Barker was a caller at the Frank Shermer home Sun day. - 'r' a"? aTCr wero Oytervlllecallers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schlrmcr .,. UPP.ER.Bf AE.R a . ' ... , , ,' Mr. and MrB. Vancll's dauch i'er8 'eft for their homes Mon- dny. Jesse Clifford acconipan led them as far as Portland, where he expects to spend a few Mr and Mr8, IL 0 Rhoades , and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. J Continued on page 5 DELINQUENT TAX LIST FOR YEAR 1914 " The following lint of real property Bituatecl in Lincoln County, State "f linquent taxes MHessed f..r h .... "Thl! advertisement Is author.. ioi 7iaMt em'jndtcd m Chapter 301 of the General Laws of Oregon ai passed by the 1913 session of the Leg islative Assembly. 8 ttsed list of real property becafte de llnquent September 1, 1915. and Octo- DPr 1. 1915. anil nra ol,l,.. 4 alty of 10 per cent and interest at the . tho.M . Per,cen- P"r al"uni until the said taxes Bhall have been paid. Notice Ih hnrehv ol .1 . . months after the taxes charged against ... luuuwuiK real proporty flrRt be came delinquent the Sheriff Is re quired by law to Issue Certificates of . "K BKumm mo Paid rropcrty for delinquent taxes. The said Cer tfflcates of Dellnquenry nhnll hear In terest at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum until the Certificates are re deemed. At any time after the expiration of three years from the flrr.t date of de llnquency of any tax Included ln a Certificate nf !.,,,.,.... u.i. .-.....tm j nits numer of such CertlflentR ,..n .,. jtnons to be served on the owner of the property aescribeU ln the Certificate notifying the owner that he will apply I to the Circuit Court of the county In ii leu buch property is situated for a decree foreclotilng the lien aainst the property mentioned in such Certificate. The cost of publlnhinir this nun will be added to and become a part of the penalty charged against each des cription at tho rate of twenty cents pui ucnuj ipiiuil. Township 6 South, Range 9 Wet Helen L. CHdnv. lntn 4 R f. 1. SEli. NWU Sac. 19 r. n,.rLuii: nn John W. Boyer, a part of Sec. 20, S'A acres J3.50. J. E. Sullivan, SH. nuc. a, iuu acres- -fui.25. John C. Davs and J. E. Sullivan, lots 1, 2. S 4. 6. 6: SWli NEW. Sit Nivi. Kivti SEW. NV4 SW'l, See. 's. 68 acres $4332. Ucnjman P. Henry, NE4, Sec. 28, 1K0 acres $72 80 Julia A. Canfleld, NW'4 NWU. SEV1 v, on-.'t, n&Vi HW'i, Sec. 29, 203 acres $113.76. Klora E. Rllnn. NA NEi. NETW KWi: 1,, ,,a acres $17.50. Ida P. lVsmo'nd. Vu o-, r.wi, nee. 3J, leo acres $14.00. Napoleon 0. Avery, SH. NH, SeC. 3S. lf.0 Bime "r. n 'RY8' SE"' Bl'c- 100 . acres- Township 6 South, Range 10 West O. I. and Nlua M. King. NEK SE, S SEU. Sec. 20, 120 ncres $19.00. C. A. Hakor, lot 7; SW!4 See. i. 84 acres S8.no. C. A. rtiiror wu NE4, Sec. 26. 80 ncres $U.98. Franklin McCormlck, V'i NEV4. NW'A SEU. NEU VX. fitw. 5l in acres $19..",5. I. O. aud Nino M. Klne. NWVi NEK, Sec. 29, 40 $3.80. John Mulr, lot 4, Sec. 31, 35 acres $9.08. Delia Lane. EU KWi. Sno -)i en acres $17.20. A. D. linker, a part of fec. 36, 10 Bcres J.23. Almond D. Baker. N',4 SW. Sec. 3(t. ir0 ii-ni -$11.27. i Township 6 8outh, Range 11 West Henry Curl, lots 7. 8. 9, 10, Sec. 25, 80 acres 138.00. Allen w tt. wn of lot 24, Bee. 26, 10 acres $2.88. Allen N. Lowe; lot 17, Sec. 27. 20 acres $3.80. ' Ernnnt lvnn In 99 aA j O ' ' ! .... UH, .ll.- . Ol, 28 acres $9.50. Ernest Logan, lots io, an, sec. 3ft, 40 acres $13.20. Township 7 8outh, Range 9 West Luty C. CtSelll. U Ini i-hn. n n. Klll. Int. lots 1. 2; SEi NE, aec. t, n acres yj.so. O. L. Arthur, NUi RWV. Rnx 9 sn aom. nr. in Oeo. E. Prost, Sr., SW NW(4, N' on-, dbc. if, j.'U acros $01.00. Oeo. E. Frost, NEU SEVi. Sec. IS, 40 acres 817.00. nalmrt v. i-imaii Jr.. E EV4, Sec. 16, 10 acres $2.80; j. ii. iiorncr, hoc. m, mo acres $18.40. A. A. Werly, E K'j. 800. 21. 160 acres 31.55: Fred I). Prost, NW fc inc.. Eft NW4, NW, Sec. 23, 160 acres $57.50. nutli A. nrvPey, EV4 EVj, Sec. rt, 100 acres 48.80. Itaymond C. Hradloy, WU NE'4. 8E'4 NWVi, NW14 SE'.i. Sec. 28. - inn fr.n -in Sadie M. Swett. N4 Kw'k, 8V4 bwv.. "c. zx, 120 $34 50. Sadie M. Swett. NE'i SEV.. Roc 91 in .r... $16.10. Old .Tnmf nl. .i.ir.l K IX VPU 8oc. 34. 80 acres $109.24. Ole Jem tegaard, SV4 NW'i, Sec. 35, 80 $109.26 T...-.l.l- V A.. 11. m . ... ivmianip 1 ojuin, Kango tu won David Pnrntit Into 1 9 Son 9 fil .v., ' v.. i, m, v., ttt U L. acres $10,75. Aug. WaHenburg. 8H SK'4, Sec. 2, 80 acres $10.75. Adam J'ylkltanen. SW!4 SK'.J. Kic. 9, 40 BCMB-M4.20. Aug. , V;iltcniirg, E4 NE'i. Sec. 11. HO ni.rrni S Cn VII... both J. Llnfoot. WH NE'.i, Si-c.12, bu acres Ailutu I'ylkk.non, NWVi NEU. F)U MWU H.,.. in nn acres $12.60. Henry Kimtto, SE4. Sic. 16. 160 acres $17.86, Jacob Lohtl, NE',i SE'4, SVj Sl'I'xi, Sec. 22, 120 acres 113.80. Ilm lira-iml mwu Sec. 26. 160 acres $9.20. Jacob Lohtl. NE'4 NE'4, Sec. 27, 40 acres $3.40. Thos. M. McCllntoek. EV NW'4. NE'4 8VVt, 8V4 of lot 3. 8oc. 30, 148 acres-$11.60. fl. A., W. A. and T. M. McCllntoek, lot 1 and NV4 of lot 2, Hon. 30, 85 Bcres $9.77. Wal ter A. McCllntoek, BK'4 8WV4, lot 4. Sec. 30, 96 acres $8.05. Walter A. McCllntoek, Lot 1, Soc. SI, 67 "acros Township 7 8outh, Rang 11 West A. 8. Thompson, B SE'4, 8eo. 1, 80 acres 81R.B7. Victor l.lnil ln. 19, 20, 29. Sec. 11, 15 acres $11.10. A. S. Thompson, lot 6, Sec. 12, 46 . acres $7.43. 8. A., W. A. and T. M. , McCllntoek. NEV4 NE'4, NV4 8E14. NEV4. Sec. 25, 60 acres $5.75. Thoa. in. mcuuniocK, oft NEK BE, Sao. (Continued on Page 2)