LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER. .FRIDAY MARCH 10th, 1915. J "rrv MUM HW WWHW4tW --- 11 rill I tn-rriTri rrt imtv i r- a nrn mWmi tttlllHIIIIH""""""" . - . uiuviwlh -iyl EslabUH';.-'! Twenty-Two Y--b Ago. OrFiOAl. COUNTY PArER Entered r.t "initio, Oregon p-.wtofflce, a se-ci.c' Jh.E-6 matter, Ua. ii 9, 1SS3 PAGE FOUR. A. 0 Al's Smokehouse Al Waiigh, Proprietor Headquarters For POP CORN PEANUTS EALED HAY CHF.WING GUM CIGARS ancf TOBACCO LUNCH GOODS We are Manufacturers of the Famous Butter Kist Popcorn "GET THE HABIT" ti&H-rl- it' Gardner &. Peterson HEADQUARTERS FOR Builoer'j Hardware i Steel Ranges Sporting Goods .' 'Heating and Cook Stoves Tin and 'Granite Ware Plows and Harrows Aluminum, Good for 15 years I I mtHWHWtMHWH OUR NEW GOODS . Art now hare. Wa have Men's and Boy's Suite, Drese Shirts, Swaators. Neckwear, Flna Shoes for Man, Women and Children. Come In .. . and tea W. P. HcGEE niMK rum DING TOLEDO, OREGON The White Corner Siore We believe In "PREPAREDNESS And are Prepared to Rive You the $ Best in General Merchandise lor a Small Piece of Money. J Call and boo our new Ginghams, I Outing I lanela. Etc. , y, Phone 9005 I R. S. YANCLEVE U t I HWWWtHWWHWW H4i a I i ttwtwwtwi Waterfront Meat Marlx: J. L. Demitt, Prop. BAR SURVEY GRANTED The request of the To- ledo and Newport ports for a survey of tho Ya- ' quina bar has been gran- ' ted by the U. S. tnji. r.oira at WasSir -?.on, O. C. This work will be un- 0 doriakon the first thins in' the S?rir.j . . Borings will be made 'm C.imim ( ' the character of the un-' i deriving materials so that a correct cost of improv- . inr same can ba csti-na- ted. i I Ona Con. IMiss Nellie King and Reynolds lOhmart visited Mr. and Mrs. Myers Sunday. Elmer Simonson passed thru Ona Tuesday morning en route to Toledo. Mrs. L. M. Commons and sons, Lloyd, and Fred, apnnt Monday evening at the Selby home. TOLEDO COMMERCIAL CLUB ORGANIZED Last Tuesday evening a meet ing was held at the City Hall for the purpose of organizing a com mercial club. The offlers of the old club the Toledo Improve ment Club presided at- thl.i meeting until thri new officers! for the now organisation were e'ected. President W. E. Ball, I of the old club, presided, and the first business or the meeting was the election of officers. R. H. HoweH was chosen president; E. Currey. vice resident: Ewd. J. Clark, secretary: C. O. Haw kins, treasurer and R. II. Howell. R. R. Van Clevn. J. S. Akin. I. R Wlphart. Arthur Nve nd W. E. Ball executive committee. The name of the new organi sation will be the Toledo Com me'clal Club. The mrrtlngn 1 will be held at the call of the cx jomitlve committee ard the ob- 'ert or tne organization, as overvone knoa l to promote A. big t -ring car for five people 1 The top place car in its pries elzsi "Sixes" Touring Car $785 Roadster. 785 "Fours'; Delivery Car 395 Roadaters $395 r .13 Here is a (Inched example of the modem equality car. U will meet fully your.. Ideals In beauty. In lu.ury, in conUurt, in strength, in power It typifies In every feature, in every detail the newest duvelop . ments In fine automobile con . stnirtlnn. And the price $7S5 a new price for a class car. Here are reaistloss attractions If you seek the utmost In present day automobile value then this Snxon "Six" at 1785 will surely win you. It has llghtnessr-galnod through costly materials and ablest de slRn. So it is strong and rugged, too. It has power of fluid smooth ness and flexibility. No car of like price can compare we be lieve in acceleration and all round performance under all con ditions. And this Saxon "Six high-speed motor develops great- Hall Bros. er power per gallon of gasoline. It has beauty unrlvnllel yacht line grare. its finish is of sunerb and lasting lustre. It has com fortit ia a big, roomy car. All five passenscro have ample space. The wheel base is 112 inches. ' It has o;vr;itive economy. Saxon "Six" high-speed motor saves greatly in fuel cost. It has two-unit etecti-le starting and lighting system allent, ?fflclent, . reliable. It his Tin ken axles, with full Tlmken bearings throughout the chassis. Even costly cars have no better. It has helical bevel driving gears. Thus the noise and friction common to many cars are eliminated in Saxon "Six.' It has linoleum covered alumi num bound running boards and' floor boards and nearly a score more of further refinements. Come see this new series Saxon "Six." You'll find It the top place car of the times at any where near Ita price. ' Siletz, Oregon (329) u Walt Harding spent Sunday j notice of proposed o i net i IMKKOVEMENT nnrl mit)riaio1 a POT Cf Ht . from A. T. Peterson. " -" . t.i i i it ... Wall, ttmcuuiw-n vauic uiu Messrs. Kirkland. Jones, Wy- " . , TllpBI,nv. Mlas Elma Waugh was a pas senger for Newport last evening the interests nf Toledo and Lin- gant and Miller of Newport are "oin co"nty in rvorv v:av pus- in the city today on business i HiMc. Evorv mm in Tolodo nml connected with the forming of a vMrity Is invited to loin and new port district that will in heln boost. Itn onr d'ltv we own elude the Newnort and Toledo to our town our county "h1 our- districts and a part of the Siletz selves to do so. Enroll your timber lands. y with the secretary, Mr. Henry Gordon left Saturday Clark. ImorninP' fnr San Pprtro. Calif.. 0 where he win work for Georee Albert Taylor of Npwpbrt was Walker. Mrs. Gordon and arrested the first of the eek bv children will remain here until U. S. Marshal Dave Fuller and after school in out. when thpv brought before Demitv V. S. will eo to San Pedro Commissioner Ethel Rateman Mica Vnnnino Kvnnatat rn. ror a hcarlne. Tavlor was Loriv fKio n.A i... i,k, charged with the :i1me of carry- recently In Portland xva mar. L. D. Nash ot Nafehvlllc was in the city the first of the week. Valentine Thiel of South Deach is a Toledo visitor today. Jos. Swearlngen went to Cor- v alii 3 on business this morning ;tmiiMmT,, Fresh ami Curetl Meata. Creamery llutter. I buv all my Unf, MuHoi: anil fork from the the local rancherr, ami I piy the hiKhrttt mnikrt prii-e delivered at my aliop. I py the .initial nioikct fti e lor hidea anil pel" WATER FRONT, TOLEDO, OR. MllMMUM Lincoln , County Bank ! (INCOUrO RATED) TOLEDO. OREGON i i D0C3 A dlNERAL BANKING BUSINESS D! 'tcronr V. B. IIAWKJN? WM. HCAHT1I t. . HAWKINd Interaat en Time Depoaita ng on the buslneps of a retail liquor dealer without havin naiu the social governni'it IIpppeo aS renulrcl by law. Mr. Tavior woo bom'd over lo the U. S. niKlrlct Court at. Portland under $500 bonds. C. B. Won tagne signed the romnlalnt and C. T. Ilanners and E. E Otle the stool pigeons who v ce re cently here, an named as wit nesses Mrs. W. E. Williams and little daughter departed Monday for a visit with her father and other relatives at West Chester, Pa Mrs. Wllllann will spend a day or two in West Chester next Monday, She expects to be gone about three months. Mr. Williams accompanied her as far as Al rled last wesk to A. B. Daven port, and they will make their home in Arizona. Earl Hines, waived examin ation in Justice Court here Mon day and was bound over to the grand jury in the sum of SIOOO. The bond was furnished and Hines is at liberty. Owing to the crowded condi tion of our columns this wenk we are forced to leave, until next ssue, several good articles which were haded in for publication. Gust Olson is building a shoe maker's shop on Hill street, near T.-V1... T -1. - 1 1 NIL. Portland, arriving at ZnMn uZ i k- Jin 8 'clock- Every 1 tester next Monday; wUlIJ25Tallm.,e-CClip,-.ed by " toooeter 1b iBxpectecl to be pr W A. V nuiBt LUC OliVCIllO. IVCI a James Coin, who is teaching at Lower Farm, passed through X bany, returning Monday even- f1 Tue8vday evening, to ng . ue wuu ma uiuLiici wuu ib not expected to live. The Ladies Civic Improve- ,R0ftdmaster Porter Conntv moni ri.,h noontH notiiinn. a "oaamasier roner, county n Z";" ri Z Surveyor Derrick and Fred Stan .Tuiice is nerebv e von th. ., Common Council of tho City of Toledo contemplates the improvement of that portion of 4th stroet betweon the east side of the intersection tli-reof with Hill street and the weHt aid, of the intersection thereof with Graham street an follows: . Hy grading a strip 49 ft. wids In the center of said street to correspond' ;wlth the established grade and eleva tion thereof, by planking said street a uMtil of 16 ft. in the cenLnr tiif.rinf m it rji nvun,Aj k.j i wanning it in. tniclc ana 4 In. In i V; . .1 ,r TV "au. width and 16 ft. In length to be se business ia the city last Satur- curely spiked to stringers 3 In. thlrk day. :and 6 In. wide laid lpnpthwlse with Jos. Siiota Of Taft arrived in wreei. saw stringers to be five in this city yesterday morning on a ?,u,b" itatllVTJZ business Visit. ioutalde: all lumber UBed in aald' lm.' Miss Denna Currey visited at provement to be strictly sound and or Siletz the first of the week with ,g0?Iqua"t1y- , K11 , A , ... ,. Miss Onal Rrassfield This notice Is published In the Lin- hjiss upai tsrassneia. coln county Leader for two issues, Mrs. Catherine Collins went to beEinning with tho issue of March 3d. Portland yesterday morning for isia. -and ending with the Issue of a visit with her son, Leland, and p;iV!rfbrhiT.0,ftoT VT" ' inion Council of the City of Toledo, '""'J- - urrgon. dated February 2St'i. 19H. Supt. and Mrs. E. L. Chalcraft Any objections or remonstrance to and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. ,s;,!(1 improvement must be nied in puts. Holdiman of Siletz were 'ZcZ transacting bUSlnCSS-In thlS CltV flrt nnhllr-ntlnn of 1M. nnlira u Monday. - 'oetouU F. N. Haydan, J. N. Davis arrived from his m VLy Recordcr home at ClendorR Piillfomli N0TICE 0F PROPOSED nome at uienuora, i aiimrnia. , street improvement last evening for I short Visit' Notice la hereby given that the with his daughter, Mi3S Grace, Common Council of the City of Toledo in this City. contemplates the improvement of A,..n.,' ti.i r- that portion of Seventh street west meeting of the Toledo Com- from ', gtrcet pianUlng t0 connect mercial Club Will be held, at the with that portion of Seventh street City nail next Tue3day evening which is now improved by having a Toledo rnnnwa" maae oi lies, approximately xdv leei, uy grvuins aaine ana pinna Intf tn m v'dlh nf IS fnt In thll rnntAF Frank Lane Is very sick with 0f said street. By grading a strip 40 typhoid fever at his honie near ft. wide In the center of said street to thin rltv Mr Un with hln correspond with the established grade iniB cuy. air. Lne witn -V8 and elevation therof. by planking aald family made an overland trip to Btreet a wlQth of 16 rt. i the center Idaho by team last Fall, and it thereof with planking 3 In. thick and 4 is thought contracted the dis- In width and 16 ft In length to be ease then. It is reported that he ZTStX'SjiA is uui oi uitiiRer uuw. ur. j. ii. wlln sald gtreet. said stringers to be the Citv Council last Mnndgr ' - u DUU1' " wul uu , with said street, said stringers to be nini went t0 the Hamar Jesson is attending him and Mrs. five In number and be laid four feet evening, requesting the Council to call a special initiative elec tlon to vote upon the purchase of a city park for fair grounds, place above the Agency yester-:Calista M. Lewis is nursing, apart from center to center beginning- day to survey a bridge site. The comedy drama given by IZ'L " V'2 . A . n r 1. . V. 1 V. Innl TT.t .In I. n. . . - BUpC. ana Wrs. U, r. UOld iue uigu buiiuui iubi niuo; .;- 0f l00(l quality, 4avH4rW4TTTHWWWWHt 1 1 1 M I H NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT WATCH CHILD FOR WORMS Notirn is hen by given Hint tiin un-1 Worms Bap child's strength, d..rttlgn,-d has bn. by ordiT of tho rob tnll(j Qj f00(j an(i niake child couuiy fuurt of Lincoln cotinty. ore- . . . irritated nervous, gnn, duly appointed srtmlniBtrator of irftlIU' , lmiaiea, J"u"; "h"Mt0 of John i. Nag.-r. d.neaard. , Watch stool and at flrst sign or All persona having i liilma ncalnat said HUBplcloll of worms give one ratote are hereby nnllllel to prK.nt .)a.j tQ on0 ozenRo KlckapOO KaVr o:!n,Worm Killer, a candy worm re- OreKon. wiililn six months of thaj duie mover, (ilves Immediate rcsuus, cf itiia'noiKa. . , is laxative. Paralyzes and re- Datrd at TuleJo. Or. t. 19W jmovog tne womiH. Improves dl- raUito of John grsiniii huu niinuii ncui . child. Continue giving Kicna ipoo Worm Killer until all slgnB of worms are gone. 2Cc.atyotir The reouest was irranted bv the were called to Waldport Tuesday enlng. enUtled, "Mrs. Brigg's j This notice I. published in the Lin ine request was granted y the . . .,. 'f pmiltrv Yard." was certa nlv a ln County Leader for two issues be- i iii iiitii Him it hv n ii w in Ktr n " 1 . .. - said election day. Mr. Coin's mother. mirth producer, and the differ- f" ""u ?mh Ti. V; Mm W nfafotoM nH n, ent Onei aertalnly did fine. Miss order of the Common Council of the The survey of the Yaqulna bar U. m ntu v nul iMabel Booth as Mrs. Brlges and citv of Toledo, dated February 28th, nnrl hnrhnr niAnno milfll n I In. I ' ' . . TT'.i.lnlla nnlhnra no Mra n'Pnn. 1918. -. . ... . - i - " ...... m.-a tinannnrrnro vnw 1'itw nn jjuucug utvuvio so ' v' . . . . . .vi. M i " - looomvn ki . uiiiuiiu , , . Any oojecuon or remonairancn 10 coin county and we thank our UpB,i- !ner brought down the hov. ' imn m ... h. nioi in representatives and congress- -Owing to the stormy weather the writing with the city Recorder on or men for their good work in on- oVri . r. .i j 'crowd waa not as large as was before ten days from the date of the tnlnlnc thft survey. No small r Shirley, went to Portland ' vnti bHh ti, r-liaa treaanrv first publication of this notice as here- measure of thank are also due Tuesday for an extended vis t. -enrched BOme $35 or $40. , Gt out- Mr. F. R. Pendleton for his as- w. uyers, who formerly 0 L Blutance In the matter, Ailmlnlatrntor of the U. Narr, decouiitd. O- CHRISTIAN GCIENJE Pe-vlres will be held nt Mrs. : Druggist V. C. Clark's rrHlden.'c on Fourth . t'.1..v mninliiff lit 111 MOrSO IHOOin? HI in rou oMocli' yubjcft lesson Her:non, Front Dlnckimirh Shop. F. W. "Subjtaucc." All are invited. (Caron, proprietor. MIhb Cook, principal of the Siletz schools, was In the rity Wednesday, enroute t- Cheney, Washington. Miss Cook has had to givo up teaching on ac count of poor health. She spent a couple of duys at Newport leaving this mornjng for Wash ington. W. Polok, thn Albany chill Im dealer, was in the city Tuesday Tuesday for an extended visit. O. W. Byers, who formerly lived near town, arrived in the city Wednesday evening. Quite a number of local Odd LOST Bunch of keys, on kevrlng, al- lnmlniim fair on rlnur. Plense re- fcllowB attended a banquet at jturn t0 Jame9 McDonald, City. IUOI CTVIIlllt , w Q 1 1 m E. T. Raddant of Upper Siletz was In the city yesterday with a load of chlttlm. 0' F. N. Haydan. City Recorde. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tho County Court of L'nnln cun'y, Oregon, will receive sealed bi'is for .furnishing material end building a piling trestle at the Monterey Hotel, I nnn. Mnwnnrt. Dreirnn. All hlff in tM In -nccordaneo with plnns and speclfl- 'cntlnns on file In tho Clerk's office, and Sized, muRt .be accompanied with a cheek Free; amounting to 5 per aji nt of the bid COW FOR SALE Fresh milck cow, 3d calf, good Hvcred milker. Max Havdon, City. Peterson, on old Larson farm. SEED POTATOES I have good, uniform aaoA Tintntopn for anle. i. in i ra submitted. irom bcuu or imihi. .i.uw r-i . A D(), mHBt ,)8 flp(, w(h thft hundreel at rancn, or $i.t o-icounty Clerk before 9 o'clock A. at. In town. PllOlie, D. L. , VediiCDdu7. tho Sth dnv of Anrll, lOTfi. R. H. Howell, County Clerk.