Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 10, 1916, Image 1

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r I II I : " '. - " "
Died At the Yaquina rBay
Hospital, of blood poison, Matt
Sijota,. aged 45 years. He was
born in Austria and came to Lin
coln county in 1900, and, with
his brothers and lather, located
homesteads on tho south side of
Siletz . river near the ocean.
Ills father is now 86 years old,
halo and hearty. The' deceased
with his brothers own a large
tract of land especially adapted back to where her calf was. I
to dairying and stock raising. Aldon Abbey came In on the
About two weeks ago he received Saturday evening train. 1
a scratch on the thumb. At first Rev. J.' R. Devenport did not
he paid no attention to it, but the , hold his Sunday mrvices here
pain grew worse and the swell- last Suiday. pijobablwn ac
ing Increased. Tuesday, a week count of the bad weather.
ago, cue of the stormiest days
of tho seasci, he came in an
open wagon to Newport in auest
of medical aid. In coming down
tin coast he got thoroughly
chilled. He was admitted to the
nospital Knaay last, ine in-
faction spread and grew worse
and soo'i gangrene cet in and it
was apparent that unless the
violence of the (iireae was
stoi),iJ(l ou would dxj. He wa
by this time too' weak to stand
an operation and, while every
thing was done to Btay the rav
ages of the disease, he died as
:above Btated. He is survived bv
three brothers and father,, who
live on Siletz. and a Bister who
lives in the East. The funeral
will take place at the Catholic
Church Friday in the forenoon
and the interrment will be made
in Eureka Cemetery in the after
noon. The services will be con-
ducted by Father Forget, who Is
an old friend or the family, and
who came in from Independence
ior mat purpose. raul Chat-
tenon Btartea Wednesday morn - ,
lng to Inform Joseph Siiota of
his brother's death. At Schooner
creek he fell on the rocka and
vuicvt liio ouvuiuct vui v yitxx;.
He had to come back to New-
port before getting his shoulder
reduced. He got Everett Jones
to go oa to Mr. Sijota's to inform
him of the death of his brother.
Paul has his share of the ups and
down's of this life, but he is al
ways willing to go on missions
of mercy, even though it is dan
.gerous. This will lay him up for
several weeks.
Dr. Le Stlner, head physician
at the asylum, visited Newport
during the week, a guest at The
Aooey. H2 was on
connected with the asylum.
The big concert and humorous
entertainment Will be given at
the Casino Marcli 14th, com
mencing at 8 o'clock p. m. This
will be one of the biggest enter
tainments ever given at Newport
by home talent. The program
will be arranged by Mrs. Arthur
Miller assisted by Mrs. Seley,
Mrs. L. C. Smith, Miss Harkle-
road, Mrs. Divelbiss, Mrs. Green,
MIv M?Tm Ja,me?; 5n Berry
Arthur Miller W E. Gwynn R.
A. Baynard, Dr. W. C. Belt. Bert
ucci, .11111 jvubh, iucu uaiier-
on, Bernice Chambers and a
dozen others. This prografn
contains some of the best talent
in the county if not in the sfate.
The entertainment will be for
.T k the NewI)oH Commer- havlng pa88ed examlna
ciai uub a tions at Black's school. Harlan,
St. Patricks grand ball will be Feb. 25th, will return home to
given by the Newport Circle of remaln. '
aZZ Z V w n 'vv0, I Thc Ke831 children are casting
assisted by the W. O. W. Pro-'a w,Btful ey0 towarda p, ,
ceeds will go for the bcheflt of :Creek also, according to latest
the Woodmen convention that advices
will be held hero In June. The R. E.'DartIng and son. Eskolt.
ball will be March 17th at Elk ' t a to work ,a8t d
Ilall. A big crowd and a good Gale Snane ,8 at Joe Ffad
time Is expected. It wjll be an Snoxxt Creek
all-night dance. The celebrated Mr8. DartinR and chil
Pickens Orchestra will furnish dren Orvllle. Lullu. Martha and
the music. Lorei Vi9ted on Bg Elk last
0 I Wednesday. Tho children aho
. 1 took an opportunity to visit Miss
ELK CITY j Wolcott, their former teacher" at
.the Black school. Here they
The slide that happened In the ! found a very pleasant diversion
tunnel Just beyond Mr. Miller's ". In the form of hot lunch served
place some time after the even-1 by Miss Wolcott and pupils,
ing train Thursday night and the iThiB school is also enjoying the
morning train Friday morning, benefit of the State Traveling LI
was cleared away Saturday j
morning and train service was
again restored.
Mrs. Mabel Simpson and chil
dren and Miss Fay Tillotson
' were visitors at the Miller home
. Mrs. Edw. Allen, wlio has
been visiting her father and
mother and son, Arthur, left for
her home in Sherwood Saturday i
morning. .
. Well, now, what do you think
made It snow? Surely there
must be Borne cause.
Vernon Folmee was a To-
ed0 passenger Saturday even-
Chas. C. Bnnm, to new pro
prietor of the Elk Hotel, had a
cow swini -tba Elk river at the
bridge hero in an attempt to get
Dorsey Rochester and A. R
llen were pasrenpers on the
Saturday morning train as fur
83 the tunnel where tin rave-in
ocured. Tbev walked back.
It proved a bad d.iy for Po-
mona urange las; Friday, sev
eral peon'e came up from Toe
do but Eddwille people did nn
show nn. Grange was also holtil
Saturday afternoon.. Only a
fe"v wore present, though.
Yo writer is batching, so ex
cuse shortness of news.
Boro To Mr. and Mrs. DV
TIuntBucker. March 6th. a fir.
Mrther and babvare doing fine,
while Dad wwra a broad Rml'.r
Fred VonLilhVnthal and son.
Hohart. of Coos bav were 'ins-
f"1"? business In this vicinitv
Mr. Pharn jnd fpmllv. who
havr? bcn mnning tb restan-
rqnt at Ynmitna. nassd through
- on thei'- wav to Drift creek
Thnrs.liv. whpr thpv will make
their bonr?. Mrs. T. Ferr and
fomllv will tak.T their, place la
tflp r8 tail rail u 4
pev Alcom was also in this
vMnitv w.-xifiesdnv.
T- 1 tti .1 . I r i
-mpr' visited at the King ueen visiung jvirs. Hodges' rela
hoe Wednesday . jtives here for the past week.
V. D. Boone and daughter. I S. T. Loudon went t,o Summit
Aimp nnH Pin mortA n frin to last-Saturday to install lh of.
Vnorlna Srndv. The latter re-J
tu"ine nrir.- Tuesun" nignt.
.tow, s qoarne this week,
ttsn it will begin to get lively.
wan 'mm i"e nun sninen ana,
Es schnelt!
The Reserve and Sugar Loaf
are covered and it Is beginning
to cover the Big Elk country.
More cattle dying.
Z. A. Kessl has lost two cows
rinrw tv. iat fam r,-aa,
1 Jay Buford was at Black's
piace iiarlan, last week looking
after his team
Geo. Darting has returned to
his work at Mr. Pavne's.
j Frank Mulvany killed a very
nice specimen of catamount last
wppU .
Chas. Lindlev finished, a very
fine lot of shingles for the school
bouse last week. m Mr. Lindley
exceh at this work.
Blanche and Percy Mulvany,
Drary irom ssaiom. macK Bcnorii
Is continually gathering material
for mental development, putting
it foremost among the rural
The Guards will serve supper
at their dance the 17th.
,. r
Winter returned to this vicing
ity after a short vacation. It
started to work with a will'. Its
just the same old sport as it was
before. . v :
Born February 24th, to Mr,
'ana ire. j. ju. Eisner, a six id.'
BL '
J. R- Daniel made a trip to Elk
City the first of .the week for
seed oats, followed by Gerald
Calkins for the same purpose. ,
Mrs. u v. Calkins was visiting
friend3 and relatives in
neighborhood last week.'
C. A
Overlander finished the
new grade from J. R. Daniels' to Fred is a rustler and is doing a
Fisher's place laot Friday. It is Jot of work on his homestead.
n exceptionally good grade for Everybody in this neighbor
tho amount of money put onto hood is afraid tha bridge at the
it. I fish rnrUa 'I11 irn nut Tk
Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
snent Saturday and Sunday with
their son in law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Grant of
1 Rev. R. J. Devenport and A.
M. Lapham made a short visit
and business call on J. T. Cal
kins last 'week.
I Mr. Lapham has recently
! bought G. M. Devenport'B place
at Riverside and has rented it to
J. T. Calkins.
Vance Daniel and Burl Bright-
haupt went to Portland on busi-
ness Monday.
I Well! It Is raining at River-
f o
We, of this vicinity, are won -
Bering who wrote about the
' beautiful snow? ,
mere is high water In this,' UPPER BEAVER
Part or tne country. All the
! creeks are out of their banks. !
I Mr- Most and baby, Flora, re
turned home last Saturday. Mrd"!
occiii;? ijuiie uayyy now.
I Mr- an(i Mrs. Walter Hodges
; returned to their heme on Big
FTIIr laat 1rvAnir rrViAn 1.
fleers of the Grange at that
iv. reports me summit
'grange in a very nourishing con-
u u "su u me newiy
eiecieu master.
II. O. Bovnton
hay one day last week. Hav is
getting scarce in thiB vicinity,
"" ia luunuig weu COUSIQ-
ering the hard Winter.
Old Man LaGrippe is quite a
persistent visitor in this com
munity. All will be glad when
he takes his departure.
EddyvlUe Grange will give a
dance at the Grange Hall March
17th. The committee is work
ing hard to make this the best
dance of the season. There
will be a good floor, good music
and good management and a
good supper. All ara invited to
come and have a good time.
Remember the date the 17th
of Ireland.
S. T. Loudon attended tho
Pomona Grange held at Elk City
niuav me oa. lie renorts n
good time. There was a good
uLiciiuance, gooa order and a
dinner. There were Borne good
resolutions passed which will be
published later.. We believe the
Pomona Grange will be the
means of lotB of good being done
In thus county. There were four
Granges represented, Toledo,
Rose Lodge. EddyvlUe and Elk
City. The next meeting will be
held with Toledo Grange Borne
time about the first of June. All
granges are cordially invited to
A foot of snow Saturday.
Some weather for gardening.
But it melted Monday and raised
the river out of its banks.
Wm. I lodges' new holloa lilnw
dowm Sunday night about II
o'clock. Bill says he got some
scare but 'was otherwlsn nil
right. This was a now hoiiao
Just completed about a. week
There was quite a gathering
at Mr. and Mra. E. KuiinniW.
.last Sunday.
Nes of uacii Community Gathered each
week by Our lUistlinir Associate Editors
Dell Hodges is home after a
couple of weeks' work for P. H.
Martin at Harlan. i
Mr. Robert3 of Mill Creek
stayed Sunday nlglit at Salado I
he had to gouown
Kamsaell bridge to cross whlch
makes five miles extra to get on
to the trail. But th KntPmrlRn
at Newnort don't think wn nfl
roads to get to Toledo, but I
should come to Newnort by flv-; t
kltr mhrhlno run hw hrt ol
M. W Randell of Harlan ha3 !
been visiting relatives here the
Fred Montgomery Is building
!a road to his nlace thin winter
water has cut around the racks
and causing the banks to cave
in und3r the bridge.
Miss Burch finished a six i
months' term of school in this '
district and will go to her home
ot Gresham this week.
J. A. and Mort Hodges have
just finished putting up a mile
of fence for C. A. Brown. Mr.
Brown is doing Bomo very ex
tensive improvements, having
slashed, fenced and sown to
grass about thirty or forty acres
in tne last year.
A. S. Aplett has been .doing a
lot of clearing thlB Winter. We
believe Mr. Aplett has the best
Improved homestead in the
county not patented.
Jim Hodges took a nice bath In
Laige Elk Monday when his boat
J turned over,
H. G. Rhoades, Perry Vancil,
Peter Peterson and .Tpssa riif.
lord went to Oysterville Thufs-
" ilenry Fmerson of Oysterville
visited at the Peterson home FrI.
1 J
A. Peterson had the misfor
tune to Jose an ox, and Mr.
Bowers a cow las: week.
Mr. and Mrs. Vancll's two
daue-hte'-s from Chicaco and
jl'ortlan'l, and granddanehters
'Jessie pnd Pauline Vancil came
in sunaav for a vis t
Peter Peterson was a Yaauina
caller Trnsday.
H. G. Rhoades. P. Vancil. J.
M. Bowers and G. E. Lewis made
a trip to Yaquina Mondav.
Pete Petersen spent Monday
at i-ooie Biougn.
Mr. II. II. Coovert, our school
teacher, wp a guest of Mrs. J.
M. Bowers Thursday night.
MIbb CelPBte Martin h vlsitl'ig
at the Lewis ranch at this writ
ing. Peter Peterson and Jcrrb Clif
ford called at the Huyett home
Monuay evening.
luim, rami we w sn von
would go away, for it Is time that
, everyone should oe making gar-
Chester Willis spent the week
end at West Y'aqulna.
This kind of weather Is cer
tainly Hard on stock. Everyone
has been losing boiiio lately and
all stock owner3 are praying for
no more cou weather.
uur Bcnool started on a six
mouths voyage Monday. March
Ui, Mrs. Amy Campbell of Cor-
vallls at the helm. There were
nine scholars enrolled the first
day and thirteen the second day.
Mr. Truax and slBter, who
have boeii visiting Mrs. E. S.
Hall, left Thursday.
Wlllard HuntBuckcr made a
trip to town Monday.
Leland Wright took a ton of
feed to his sisters, Anna and Em
ma, Saturday. "
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hall and
sons, Leroy and Arthur, and
daughter, Nancy, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Barker Wednesday.
We are still on earth, but al
most Bwamped. When will this
March lion leave and the lamb
Charles Wooding and Gust Ek-
loff are busy these days hauling
feed, seed potatoes and provls-
ions over from th nv P
, T, ul UaVlS and BOn- Cllf" '
fnrH luff Vil . i .
w.-, img ween ior ruruana
and Eastern Oregon, where Cllf-.i
uncle during the coming season.
Mrs. Davis will return in a week
or so.
A farewell party was given at
tne Davis home last Saturday
evening lor uiinora Wetzler,
who is leaving for RnntAm n.
gon. A number of his young
mciiuo euiprisea mm and a
-.;u uuu uiiu a
evening was spent play- '
iner enmoa ' aln A luki i..v.
Mrs. Colver and daughters for delinquent taxes. The , said Cel
have been on the Bick list during tlllr''es of Dellmiuenry Bhall bear In-
the past week. Guess Old La WuVLh? te' --PBr cent per
Grippe has not forsaken us yet I deemed. the Certlflcate w
Mrs. Gust Ekloff and little son, I , At any time after the expiration of
I Harry, returned from Portland f, reo yenra from t!'e first date of de
ilast week, where the little Imv "nf? f tox included m a
has been in school, n B,n
l j . . -
bad When people have to loive
home and go 30 far to go to
school, but three or four miles'
'"""w 6" nu accompiiBn
nnvtlltnor In T 1 1
county ought to have more
, I . ...
- tj i u tt .
Kaipn Hamar ha3 moved hiB
family onto the place purchased
of f.mi... ...
Thta will Ta7i ' C riU- navl8 n'1 J- & Sul"vn. lot. 1 2. 3
inis will be their future honie. 1 4. 5. 6; sw ne4. nww nw
I Miss Florence Ennis and,SE'4' N swy4. sec. 24, B28
; mother, Mrs. A. C. Crawford, v?-33-13-.. unjman p. Henry,
Fnnfs h M0HdY MlB,8 J'''A. Canfiffd. $'3$OTJ
EnnIs had Borne dental work'Nwvi. N skm. new swv so
done by Dr. Greer of Toledo. !29-203 acre.-m3.75. Flora E.Biinn
.They returned home Tuesday. !N NK' NWW. s..c. sn, 120
Steve Kobllskl went to New- 'nTsu nW ""bE V"Tnnd'
;Port Wednesday In answer to a .K. Baffin a'iweV s .
.messag.i announcing the death '8nc- as. i;o acre. m.SR. John c
jof Matt. Sijota, one of'Tita old tiVi"' 8E''4' 8eo-- ". W wres-' '
friends who lived on the Lowcri t.Lmb..
Siletz near Taft r 7 lp.?. 8outh' Ran8 10 w
ouliz near lail. 0. 1. and Nina M. King. NEK SEW
James Coin of Lower Farm .a sky., sco. 20. 120 ncrw-iisoo
I was called to the bedside of his ,; A- naker- lot 7' sw SE'4. Sec!
I mother at Waldport Tuesday, nkw "ET'm0, A 1,aker.',
iHe rode through to Newport Frki.nMcm", wiTif '
there by the South Beach stage
- j ouu vv triii jiuiu
I Miss Margarett Cook, our pub
lic school principal, resigned her
position here onjiccount of. poor
health and departed Wednesday
morning. Miss Mahoncy ar
rived Saturday evening from
Portland to take her place.
I Mr. and Mrs. Chalcraft and
daughter, Alys, and Mr. and Mrs.
pnas. iioiaiman went to Toledo
on business Monday, returning
in the evening.
I Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Martin
; moved Into their farm residence
a quarter of a mile below town
last Sunday.
Chas. Holdiman went to To
ledo Thursday morning after a
government official, who had
business here in Siletz.
Reynolds Oh mart and Fred
Cook were in Yaquina Thursday
on business.
Mrs. Horace Woods and
daughter, Florence, wero visit
ing Mrs. Joe Llssy Sunday.
Charlotte Koch, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. smi.v i...
been absent from school for a
few dayB on account of a bad,
sore throat.
Llovd Commona
and Monday with Arthur Holm
green. Mr. and Mrs. Llovil Pnrka en
tertained with a delightful card
party Saturday evening. Four
tables of penochlo was played
and at eleven o'clock dainty re
freshments were Rfrvorf Th nun
enlovlne Mr. nrwt Mra rnrt,r.
hoBpltallty were, Mr. and Mrs.
t . r a
jiiu. i.uuvcri, jvir. ana Mrs. w.
C: Weber. Mr. and Mr. n,i
Myers, Mr. and Mrs. King Van
onchi, MIhs Nellie King and
MeBsrs. Selby, Holmgrcen, Fred
Commonfl, Lloyd Commons and
Clifford Phelps.
Mrfl. II. II. Took war vlnltlnc
Mrs. Horace Woods Monday.
Clifford Phrlna nnil T.lovr!
Parks went to Yaquina Tues
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ohmart,
Continued on page 1
DELINQUENT tay i ict rr,
..' '" YEAR Jii t T F0R
K. in".. .V "
L0"'" 1 Bt ' Property
u0' 18 heT0iy advertised tor de-
linntiant . . . . uo
.Va.. -HBea ior the year
r,H - avertisement is author-
J by the ma stssU of Z u S
lslatlve Assemlilv
TSeltalIei on 'e following adver.
Bed lht of rettl property became d
111? ien,t,ptembor l 1916- nd Octo
lu ,.1,16, 8nd are BUbJect Pen
alfy of 10 per cent and Interest at the
f?- .a per ,cont Per nnum until
the said taxes shall have been paid
Notice Is hnrohtr !.. .i t
"" uutr me uixeg charged against
months aftr the taxea charged against
rem property first be-
came delinquent the ShoriiT i. ...
. ,lm lniWttcy t" ""ider
. ... v i-iunraie may cauaa sum-
mon8 to be served on the owner of the
p?rery described in the Certificate,
;? IK. f ",.lSner tl,at he wU1 "pp
"" fee lorecioeing the Hen against the
nmnprt V mnnttn.. t. 1. ......
propnrty mentioned In such Certificate.
P cont of Pub"Hllng UiIb notice
will be added to and become a part of
the penalty charged against each des
cription at the rate ot twenty cents
per description.
Township South, Range West
Helen t Ollday, loto 4, 5. 6 and 7:
?EU. NW Sec. 19, 95 acres-$35.00.
lJolin w- noyor, a part of sec. 20, z
, lcrTP J- E- Sulvn. NV4 s. .
l8ec- 22. 160 acres--161.25. Jnhn n
i' " 4 or, Nwt, sec. 26, 160
acres $19.35. I. O. and Nine M. kine.
"n-. oeo. x, 4(113.80. John
Mulr, lot 4, Sec. 31, 35 acre. $9.08.
Delia Un(, E4 SWy, Pec. 33, 80
acres $17.20. A. D. nnker. a part ot
Sec. 35. 10 arrni II 14 1 j T
"... .1 . . . 1 .11 1 u u ,
Buker. N BWA, Sec. 36, 160 acres
Township 6 South, Range 11 We.t '
Henry Curl, lota 7. 8. 9. 10. Sec. 25,
80 acre. $38,00. Allen N. Lowe. WU
of lot 24. Sec. 26. 10 acres $2.38
Allen N. Ixiwe. lot 17. Sec. 27, 20 acres
$3.80. Ernest Lnr.nn, lot 32. Sec. 84
28 acres $9.60. Ernest Loican, lota
25. 26. Sec. 35. 40 acre. $13.20.
Township 7 South, Range 0 West
Luty C. CoKlfl. Yt Int.. Chas. C. Co
Klll, H Int.. lot 1, 2; 8E14 NEU
Sec. 2.159 acre.-$2.80. O. L. Arthur!
NH 8WV See. 2. 80 arres-35.40.
Geo. E. Frost, Sr., 8W14 NV. NV
Sec. 14. J20 acre.-$51.00"
Oeo. E. Frost, NE4 SE. Sec. 15.
40 acre.-$17.00. Ilobert B. Darnell
Jf K'i E. SPF. 16. 1fifl nrro. t in
J. n. Horner, SE'4. See. 19. 10 acreo
a. A. werley. K V,, Sec.
21. 160 acres 31.C5. Fred D. Frost,
NW14 NE14.-EH NWti. SW.i NW,
See. 23. 10 acres $57.50. Huth A.
Hradley. E E4. Sec. 28. 160 acres
48.K0. Ilavmond C. Ilradlny, W(4
NK'4. 8E4 NWVi. NWVi
8E'4, See. 28. 160 ares-60.30.
Sadlo M. Kwplt. NU Kvi. sivu
SW. Spc. 28. 120-$34.Sf). Sadie M
Swett. NK'4 SlO'i. Soc. 2!. 40 arre
$16.10. Ole Jeiiiteitnnrd. S',4 NE14.
Sec. 34. 80 acres $109.24. Ole Jem
tognard. S NW'W, Sec. 35, 80
Township 7 South, Range 10 We.t
David l'nnila. 1nf 1 sn 11
acres $10.75. Auk. Wnltf nlinra;, SV4
SE'4. See. 2, 80 acres $10.T5. Adam
Tylkkanen, SWU 8EU. Bee. , 40
aires 14.ZO. Aiik. V.'altnhiirf, EV4
NEVi, Sec. 11, 80 acres $8.60. Eliza
beth j. Llnfoot, WH NE'i. Sec. 12.
80 acres $6.80. Adam Tylkkanen.
NWU NK'4. E'A NW. Bpc. 16. 120
acres $12.60. Henry Knntto, 8E?4.
Soc. 16, 160 acres $17.80. Jacoh
joU, NEW BE'4, 8H SEVi. Sec. 22.
120 acres $13.80. Hen "ccRal, NWi
Sec. 26, 160 aires $9.20. Jacoli
Loll 1 1. NEU NE'.j . Sec. 27 i! .xr...
$1.46. Thos. M. McCllntock. Ey,
NWVi. NEU 8W4. SV4 of lot S. Sec'.
3n 14R tiir.n a a ur a
and T. M. MfPllnlnxIr l.if 1 tA
of lot 2, Sec. 30, 85 acre. $9.77. Wal
ter A. McCllntock, HKij 8W, lot 4.
Sec. .10, 86 acres $8.05. Walter A.
McCllntock. Lot 1. Sue. 31. 57 acr
Township 7 8outh, Range 11 West
A. 8. Thorn nson. RU RRU. Rnn. 1
80 acres $15.67. Victor Llppl, lota
19, 20, 29, See. 11, 15 acres $11.10.
A. 8. Thomnson. lnt 6. Dm. 1 At.
acres $7.43. 8. A, W. A. and T. M.
McCllntock, KE14 NEV4. NV SEVi.
NKU . 8m..2K. SO m R TR Tk.
M. McCllntock, 8V1 NE"4 SEVi, Beci
appear? Question.
(Continued oa I)