VOLUME 24 ' TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 3d, 1916. NUMBER 2 '5s 'Z. : ! : ; I ' ' ' .-- C fXl TMTTV NIRWS 'News of each Community -Gathered each -VUUll I .I;- ll E.YV O , ,:Yeek by Our Hustling Associate. Editors ' was taking place. The great Sunday. . , 71 honor of Archie Zeeke at NEWPORT generals in bright uniforms, I John Hanlon has been hauling home of his sister, Mrs. Thos. . . Washington among them, parad-: lumber from Cook's eawmlll foi Barker, Saturday night. A Patriotic exercelses were held ing. The surrender of York ; Myers' new house. . , .., i large crowd attended and a In the auditorium of the High Town, the pomp or war, tne v -o School building Friday auer- umnjns w w u6 the, Wrth bv Mrs. Ross, the dance "Money of Coorire Washington, the first Musk" by Washington and his president of the United States, generals and the ladies, Mad undone of the ereatest generals ames Washington, Jefferson, day, returning the Bame day. They brought a load of lumber with them DELINQUENT TAX LIST FOR TcAR 19U The folldwln list of situated In Lincoln County, State ot 1 The Stork brought a baby girl Oregon, Is hereby advertisod for de-' ELK CITY ' Miss Maxlne Macdonald, who Irina heart' visit In p MIrr Rila Ab- 4SUU OllC VI tUG Kl CaLCDl gCHVKUa ' ' " , - r f " o j and statesmen the world has Hamilton, Ross and others all . bey, left Thursday morning fori tot produced. He was born dancing tne "tiigniana rung" to on Om 22d of February,-1732, on. strains of enchanting music you the banks of the beautiful Pa- saw . unrestrained the dove of tomic river in Virginia. His peace had come and the cruel father was Augustine Washing- war was over. The times of . ton. the son of John Washing- Lincoln were represented with ton. who left England more the negro mammies with their to the home of Mr. and Mrs. imquent taxes t.soeBHed for the year. hub advertisement in n nth nr.. I targe crowa attended and ail re ported a aoiignuul time. Mrs. E. S. Hall's aunt of Al- 1 . . . ... . ... TVU V T1I.....IJ. 1 A -.1- Dany IS Visiting WUtt Her uub riwu ui ruve.a.ue mm. wee Mi b embodied In Chapter week. . I They have been using the 301 of the General Laws VL. I Archie Zeeke spent Sunday road drag on the roads this passed by the 1913 session of the Leg. evening at the Brown home. I week. We old maids and young ,B,"!e "emb1. . , Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barker 'girls hope to have good roads. 'm.IS'ii!?? , lh '0"lDg saver- Weiser, Idaho, in company with!, and daughters called at the Hall : So, boys, be sure and get your nnquent September 1, 1915 and oct her parents. ' branch Monday. ! horse and buggy ready. ber i, 1915. and are subject to a pen- Miss Sara Crahen came up. J Chester Wi' lis spent the week I 0ur mailcarrier, Giles Hodges, 01 10 per cent and interest at the from Toledo for a visit with her j end at his home in West Ya-.nad a break down Saturday JM u,MiZum sister, Mrs. C, L. Morrison, of qulna. which delaved him a little. nZ is hereby ven that six this place. . - , J Peter Peterson of Upper Bea-! Mrs. A. B. Slocum is gettlr- 'months after the taxes charged against Mr. Holem, proprietor of the ver was in our vicinity Mondav .ready to weave carpets, so get iouowing, real property first be- than three centuries ago and picaninnies and the singing of; Elk Hotel, or this plact, has;', Archie Zeeke departed Mon-, your rags ready. If the pupils " " "J Augustine old plantation songs were most traded nis property nere tor-aj day morning for Eastern Ore- KeeP on a."""ns mere woni ue Delinquency against the said trooerty His first interesting, me scnooi, unaer rarm on oiana siougn, Deionging). gon, where he will remain some many leu oy me ume me uear ;ior aeunquent taxes. The said Cer- settled in Virginia. raa married twice. -wile was Mary Butler, by vhom the direction of Prof. Artman, , to Charles Brown. Mr. Holem months he had several children. His principal, is doing exceedingly moved his goods Monday. We'1, Miss Christina Peterson and second wife was Mary Ball, who wall. The government is firm regret to lost Mr. Holem. - Messrs. Jesse, Clifford and Peter -was the mother of George Wash- but quiet. The pupil3 all like Mrs. Ralph A. Baruch was, Peterson of Upper Beaver at ington, who was left an orphan their teachers and the school, i trading in town Monday morn-J' tended the dance Saturday, at eleven years of age. When therefore good work is being ing. ', Say. did you read what the George was accused of cutting done, Creek school is out. o- TUNNEL CAVED IN th therry tree his father said "I I A petition with a dozen names would Tather lose a thousand on it win oe presented to tne trcpg than have my boy tell a County Court at this term ask- The tunnel betwear Pioneer and Chitwood caved in .last Mr. and Mrs. Slocum wereiTTnnpr ronvpr writer a tn nainight. A crew was at once put also doine some tradinz in town .! l-t wpoV ,w wich tn toil him 1 to work olearlng away the MonKv. i that anvthine he is afraid to sav , debrls and had sama .near.ly re" .'ESffi ?.6!' It looks like King Winter has out loud, please don't whisper it Paired when .a Be.cond 81 d 3 oc: i to the circui Be." This Bhows the kind of Ing that the six mills road tax. paid us another visit.' Hope he or even Germany will be tool a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clark, and her son, A. E. Allen, of this place. She intends spending a week here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Allen and baby, Alice, paid ye writer and wife a Sunday visit and spent the night with them. Ed LaPine, S. J. Whitford and Ed Gillespie were Toledo visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hodges took the evening train Tuesday for Toledo. Mrs. J. E. Van Allen is slightly stuff his tather was made ot and of. Newport precinct be enjoined , don't stav as long as beforo. his mother was still made of so the money cannot be collec- Mrs. Edward Allen of Sher flner material and greater honor, ted. This, we understand, can- wood Came In last Saturday for Washington had an earnest love not be done. The Court Is act antl deep veneration for his Ing under the advice of the At mother. He had two sisters, torney General and the' money Betty, and Mildred, and three will be collected. Newport brothers, John, Augustine and needs the money to build roads Charles, but Charles died in in- and Improve the city. The fancy. Mrs. Washington was a county road to the cemetery woman of uncommon character," should be planked to the city combining all those qualities limits. This is badly needed. that go to make the best of wo- The road was almost impass men a good mother. She saw able last Winter. The money In George, her oldest son, those can be used to good advantage generous and noble traits that and it should be collected, go to make a great character. Coast and Olive streets are be She saw with pride his scorn to Ing graded ready for the plank tell a lie that he might save him- ing which will be furnished right eelf from punishment, his hatred away, Newport is making ex of ' wrong, and oppression in . tensive improvements. The . whatever guise it came and his bridge on Fall street is comple love for the right and good. He ted and the grading nearly done, had a bold, strong, impetuous When this improvement is corn nature and when aroused it ' pleted automobiles can circle the was hard to control. He was city on planked roads. This fearless and reckless of danger, i will be a great blessing to the biH his mother kept him strong public. will under subjection to reason. ! Dr. Sanford Whitney, one of Ills passions and faculties were the leading surgeons of Portland cultivated and suppressed. " In is spending a week's vacation at the wild forest of Virginia he , Newport a guest at The Abbey, went to the district' school, j 0. V. Hurt, County commisr Here he became Inured to prl- Bioner, stayed over night at New vations and hardships. Here he ; port while on his way to Toledo learned self-reliance and love of '. to hold Court. He registered at Justice and physical strength, he ' The Abbey, became a teacher among the I The sad news of the death of people. In school he was noted Mrs. H. J. Minthorn was re for hard study and good lessons ceived today. She died at New and good deportment. At thlr- berg and was buried in that city teen he made some rules to gov- the fore part of the week. Mrs. cm his actions in life, such as, (Minthorn had a great many fTfftn Tint nn tha htamlafiad s ! . . . t , i. A ill w t- "" yji i rrifinaa in newDun wuu win uo sorry to learn of her death. Last Fall Dr. and Mrs. Minthorn went to Alaska to engage in mission ary work, but that climate was cold and rigid and no doubt had something to do in causing her death. Her wise counsel and Christian work will be greatly missed in Newport. 0 close. But whatsoever you do don t be caught .napping again, 1 o . WINANT y cured, wrecking the repairs and making it impossible for the pas senger train to get ouf today. It is thought traffic will be re sumed tomorrow. Con and Claus Christiansen tnd Henry Campbell went to Elk Cilv this mornins to attend the this vlcinitf although I can say meeting of Pomona Grange be- 1U 111 DCOOIUU 1.1 1 V. 4 V IWJ Dr. W. M. Berry and Jack Porter camo up from Newport tills morning. 0 t Ideates of Delinquency shall bear In terest at tne rate of 15 per cent, per annum until the Certificates are re deemed. At any time after the expiration of three years from the flrct date of de linquency of any tax Included In a Certificate of Delinquency the holder of such Certificate may cause sum mons to be served on tho owner of the described in the Certificate, the ownor that he will anDlv Circuit Court of the county In that everybody Is putting in gar decs. Tto dance at Yaqulna Satur day night was a success. A large crowd attended and every one reports a most jolly time. Mrs. J. H. Sugg spent Satur dav and Sunday with Mrs. F. Whitn y, STEAMER FIFIELD IS WRECKED AT BANDON The Bteamer Fifield on enter- lr.tr fVia Vinn of Panrtnn TiiPRilnv Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor , 0)b- tha under the weather at the pres- I spent the week-end at the M. G. !m hle ln her Bldei whicn iet ne. SV4 NW. Sec. 32, io ent writing. .- 'Shenrler home ffh wnfiP- !n ,iio,hilne- her 'en-T1400'.: Npoieob-D.-ATery. s Henry Shermer attended the, , d 8ne drifted a8hore( dance at T. Barker's Saturday , nere gne nQW ,ie8 pounding to m?ht' ir r n a j v. ' pieces. The lateBt dispatches Mrs V. D. Boone and daugh-, j h fa broken ln tw0 ai;d tara Alma Poro and Mollio via. i" ' . . T. .11 V U W V V.. " r others, and ask not how they came;" "What you say to a friend in secret do not tell to others;" "When you Bpeak of Cod, do so with reverence;" "Honor and obey your parents, thought they be poor;" "Keep jour conscience clear." This is the kind of foundation upon which the great character of Washington was built. It is worthy of our imitation. Thus with these characteristics he se renely, as. if .In harmony with nature, arose in the world, and after Beven yeras of weary war, he established a free govern- mrnt for the people, and then, aa though his work was done, un stained by any crime or dis loyalty sank to rest amid the praise and plnuditfe of a free V'Cople.. . It was the biggest day Newport public schools have ever had. No less than six htin dred people were presen U!bers had taken great pains train the pupils for the occas ion. It -waB no small task to do this. Each pupil performed his pn t well. The stage was beau ONA Mrs. Claude Myers returned to her home Tuesday after a week's 'visit with her daughter in Jeffersoon, whom she reports is much improved in health. Nellie King spent Saturday night and Sunday as the guest of Mrs. John Coovert. W. C. Weber made a business trip to Toledo Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Lewis of """lUpper Beaver , were guests of ln6, Tra W n Wahor film. itll , aiiu i'ii a in 11 u um day. I An entertainment and leap year dance was given by the HelDing Hand Club at the .,ri-Grange Hall -Tuesday night. 1 k V a .The entertainment consisted of JL1 ThATh 'Vr; a Pantomime, several musical VTeens. The 6th, 6tl 1 7th and . nuniber8 and Impromptu feat- f"!r!t?Lt.daoy.Biures after which' dancing was 7 V3.v rJ3T rnan enjoyed till a late (7) hour. Si Si t Thl I Jhn IIartIon and Mr- McFar dariLU".C-vPe land passed through this vlcin moJI JsS1 01 goat8 tlress and costumes of Lincoln's ' Wednesday afternoon. Hffaa m 4 IfiiH T-i T Inntf nn1 V under the direction of Miss !y9R3nev Mr' BIld Mn' UU" Twrt inritWnrt rVi a r,rPRlrt- !llams Sunday. InirRt thenlano. As the various II. II. Cook spent Sunday with jmrtB were performed on the , hls f aml'y on Elkhorn. taite, ln memory, bne would go Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ohmart to the day when tho real event were calling on the Commons' Did anyone ever tell you that if "March came ln like a lamb, she went out like a lion ? " Well, if that's so, I'd hate to be a lamb like the present weather feels like. Mrs. Scarth came up on the morning train Wednesday. ' She has been absent some time. o UPPER BEAVER Jesse Clifford returned home Friday evening after a seven months absence. Mrs. Edith Wachsmut of New port and Johnny Emerson of Oysterville visited at the Peter son home Friday and Saturday of last week. G. E. Lewis was hauling hay from Poole sluogh two days last week. J. C. Huntsucker, I. N. Huyett, P. Vancil, K. D. Martin and Peter Peterson were trading at Ya quina and Oystervlll1 Friday. H. G. Weaver made a trip to Poole slough Saturday. . , Miss Christina Peterson, Jesse Clifford and Peter Peterson at tended th9 farewell dance given for Archie Zeeke Satuiduy night, ited at the Bill Backus home Sunday. Dick Huntsucker made a trip to Toledo M&nday. Archie Zeek passed through here Monday morning on his . m ii r V. way 10 luunuiKe, ureBun, wuere ,.. 0Q,i tria Intr, thla -,rr ,in it vl h.tVio. ronnn dv.v.c" r--- .uo will juiu hid uiuura, fc.a..i.c. . , H- f 1.,n,l,r 1 r .1. n linn - tiAi. . w ' Aiuia uuuuc, jsengers and crew were all saved The vessel was on her way from San Francisco to Bandon wltn a cargo of grain. The Fifleld was a sister bMp 0! the steamer Bandon, and has Henry Emerson of OystcrvIUo the at who has been working for Mrs. G. Walker, re turned to her home' Monday evening. The latter left for San Pedro, Calif., Wednesday morn ing. George King is reported quite 111 at this writing. Dr. Burgess of Toledo is attending him. Lucille Gildersleeve was our teacher one day last week, tak ing her brother, Charles' place while ho attended the dance at Toledo. . 0 BEAR CREEK visited the week-end Huntsucker home. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Rhoades and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. Vancil Saturday. Lloyd Lewis of Oysterville vis ited at the Peterson home Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lewis and mother visited at the W. C. Weber home at Ona Sunday. Fay Selby of Ona was an Up per Beaver visitor Sunday. Mrs. II. G. Rhoades and daughters, Aletha, Alpha and Hilda, visited at the Peterson ranch Sunday afternoon. Miss Mae Huntsucker went to Yaqulna Monday where she will stay with Mrs. E. S. Casteel and attend school. James Huntsucker attended the play and dance given at the Ona Grange Hall Tuesday night. Perry Vancil was assisting Peter Peterson with some plow ing Monday and TucBday. 0 POOLE SLOUCH ' The first of March certainly came in like a lion and everyone hopes it will go out like a lamb. A farewell dance was given in Sunshine! Now is the time to make garden. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Perry and Harry Slocum went to Toledo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Kullander also went to Toledo the last of the week. E'.iphalet Follette, Elmer and Carl Lchn spent Friday evening at the home of A. B. Slocum and family. Sadie, Cecil and Jack Calkins of Chitwood are visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Lang. Dell Hodges is working up at Harlan these days. Will Yoder of Newport was visiting' on Bear Creek last week. Mr, Buarch went to Philomath Monday morning on a business trip. A. C. Young did some hauling ! for Mr. Stines last week. John Davenport and Gerald Calkins were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lang one night last week. DIED Mrs. Louisa Maurer died at her home in this city last Sun day night at one o'clock, aged 73 years. Mrs. Maurer is tne wife of Fred Maurer and had been an Invalid for years. Mr. and Mrs. Maurer were married in 1889 and moved to .their ranch on Beaver creek, where they resided until about eight years when they sold their ranch and moved to Toledo to reside, building their neat little home In southeast Toledo. Funeral services were conduc ted at the cemetery Tuesday at 1:30 by the Rev. C. R. Ellsworth. 0 Remember Mrs. Brlgg'B Poul try Yard at the Dime tonight. Joe Kosydar of Lower Farm was In the city. Tuesday night. The following morning he left for Portland. The Guards of Syrlnga Circle No. 21 will give a big dance and supper March 17th, St. Patrick's Day. Everyone Invited. Ivan Kynlston, while working In the Miller logging camp, Inst week sustained the fracture of a couple of ribs. Dr. Jessen Is attending him. Mr. and Mrs.'j. A. Hodges came down from Salado Tues day evening. Mra I lodges will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frary, near this city, and take medical treatment. Tho committees appointed at Toledo and Newport to draft suitable legislation regarding the 1 forming of port districts, met The Bear Creek school gave a and perfected organization. C. Washington program last Tues day afternoon. The visitors present were, Mrs. A. C. Young and daughter, Berthllla, Mrs. R. A. Baurch and daughter, Mabel, Mrs. L. C. Perry, Mrs. A. L, 11. uaraner of this city was chosen chairman, and O. B. Mc Cluskey, secretary. The com mittee consists of, Newport B. F. JoneB, Lee Williams, A. Miller, L. C. Smith and A. Kirk land: To- Slocum, Mrs. Straddelman andiledo C. II. Gardner, O. B. Mc- Glles Hodges. Cluskey, w. K. Ball, J. b . stew M. S. Updike and Lee Lang art and F. R. Pendleton. which such property is situated for a decree foreclosing the lien aKalnst the property mentioned In such Certificate. The cost of publlshinK this notice will be added to and become a part of the penalty charged aRn!nst each des cription at the rate of twenty cents per description. Township 6 8outh, Range 9 West Helen L. Gildny. loH 4, 5. 6 and 7; SE'4. NW14 Sec. 19, 95 acres $38.00. John W. Boyor, a part of Sec. ,20, SV4. acres J3.B0. J. E. Sullivan, NV, BH, Sec. 22. 160 acres--161.25., John C. Davis and J. E. Sullivan, lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 6. 6; SW14 NEVl. Sti NW14. NW14 SEy. N SWli, Sec. 24. 628 acres $433.12. Benjman F. Henry, NEU, Sec. 28, 160 acres $72.80. Julia A. Canfield. NWVi NW4, SEU NWH, NH BE. NE SW4, Sec. 29. 203 acres $113.75. Flora E. Bllnn. Ntf NEK, NEK NWK. Sec. 30. 120 nrrrs $17.50. Ida F. Dosmond, W acres B'A.N.- .Sec. 35, 160 acres $G1.T5. John C. Oavles, SEK. Sec. 23, 160 acres $26.25. I Township 6 South, Range 10 West O. I. and Nina M. King, NEVt SE, SSi SEW. Sec. 20,. 120 acres $19.00. C. A. Baker, lot 7; S SE4. Sec. 24, 84 acres $8.60. C. A. Baker. WH NE'4. Sec. 25, 80 acres $13.98. Frsnklln McOormlrk, WH NE4. NW14 SEK. NEK NWU. Sec. 26. 160 acres $19.35. I. O. and Nine M. King. NW14 NEK. Seo. 29, 40 $3.80. John Mulr, lot 4, Sec. 31, 35 acres $9.08. Dolla Lane, EV4 SWK. Sec. 33; 80 acres $17.20. A. P. Btxker, a part of Sec. 35, 10 acres 93.23. Almond D. Baker, N SWK. Sec. 30, 160 acre -$11.27. , Township t South, Range 11 West Henry Curl, lots 7. 8, 9. 10. Sec. 25. 80 acres $38.00. Allen N. Lowe. WW of . lot 24, Sec. 26, 10 acres $2.38. Allen N. Lowe, lot 17, Sec. 27, 20 acren $3.80. Ernest Logan, lot 32. Sec. $4. 28 acres $9.60. Ernest Logan, lets 25, 26, Sec. 35, 40 acres $13.20. Township 7 South, Range 9 West Lutv C. Coglll, K Int., Chns. C. Co gill. H Int. lots 1, 2; SE4 NEK. Sec I, 159 acres $2.80. O. U Arthur. Ntt SWK. Sec. 2, 8a acres 35.40. Geo. E. Frost, Sr., SWK NWK. NVi SWK. Sec 14. 120 acres $51.00. Geo. E. Frost, NEK SEK. Sec. IF, 40 acres $17.00. Robert V. Darnell. Jr., E'4 EH, Sec. 16, 160 acres $2.80. J. R. Horner, SEK. Sec. 19, 160 acrei $18.40. A. A. Wcrloy, Ett E'4. Sec. 21, 160 acres 31.55. Fred n. Frost, NWK NEK. EH NWK, SWK NWK Sec. 23, 160 acres $57.50. Ruth A. Bradley, EVi EK, Sec. 28. 160 acres 48.80. Raymond C. Bradley, WV NEK. SEK NWK. NWV SEK, Hoc. 28, J60 aires $60.30 Sadie M. Swett. Ni SWK. SWK SWK. Sec. 28, 120 $34.50. Sadie M Swett, NEK SEK. Sec. 29, 40 acres $16.10. Ole JemtcKiard. S4 NEK. Soc. 34 80 acres $109.24. Ole Jem tegnard. SVi NWi Sec. 35, 80 $109.25 Township 7 8outh, Range 10 West Darld Parola, lots 1. 2, Sec. 2, 81 acres $10.75. Aug. Wnltunburg, Stt SEK. Seo. 2. 80 acres $10.75. Adar Pylkkanen.. SWK SKK. Sec. 9, 40 acres $4.20. Aug. Wnltenfciirg, EVa NEK, Sec. 11, 80 acres $8.60. Eliza beth J. Llnfoot, WK NEK, Sec. 12. 80 acren $6.80. Adam 1'ylkkaner. NWK NEK. EK NWK. 8ec. 16. 12) acres $12.60. Hmiry Kantto, SEK. Sec. 10, 160 acres $17.86. Jaco' Lohtl, NEK SEK. SH SIC'i. Sec. 2?, 120 acres $13.80. Ben Beggal, NWK Sec. 26, 160 acres $9.20. Juco Lohtl. NEK NEK. Seo. 27; 40 acr ' $3.46. Thos. M. M-Cllntock, E, NWK. NEK SWK.'SK of lot 3. Be . 30, 148 acres $11.50. S. A., W. A. and T. M. McCllntock, lot 1 and NVi of lot 2, Sen. 30, 85 acres $9.77. Wal ter A. McCllntock, SEK SWK, lot 4. Sec. 30. 96 acres $8.05. Walter A. . McCllntock, Lot 1, Seo. 31, 57 acres $4.94. Township 7 8outh, Range 11 West A. 8. Thompson, SK SEK. Sec. 1. 80 ' acres $15.67. Victor Llppl. lot 19, 20, 20, 8ec. 11, 15 acres $11.10 A. 8. Thompson, lot 6, Soc. 13. 4' acres $7.43. 8. A, W. A. and T. V McCllntock. NEK NEK. NVi SEK NEK. Sec, 25. 60 seres $5.75. Tho M. McCllntock, SVi NEK SEK, Sec. (Continued on Tags, )