! ,.r ,f:. ,,'" V s , VOLUME 24 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5thr 1916. NUMBER 1 CsCl I T MTV N P A Q NcV8 oi" eaeh Community Gathered each V ' A L 4 V V 4- Wfk hv ( lilt llnetli . , " .uauiiiiM ilDCHIUUlC 1JUIIUIB mmm A . m m . ,k . . . , ., NEWPORT .'.. Saturday afternoon C. T. .Ilanners, a stool pigeon, was .given a preliminary hearing be- , lore - Justice Berry's ; court cnarrca witn violating ine uquor law by giving whiskey to mln-' ora. Four boys trom Toledo viz: Frank Wade, Lonnie Hoover, Tug Hanna and Marlon Sturdevant, all minors, swore positively that Mr. Banners gave them whisk held In his own hands, passing it to each one of the boys, who drank liberally of the intoxlcat- It, hpvp Mr. Hannera was reDresented bv W. G. Em-. o . 0. ery. The Justice, aftor hearing gone ln the interest of harbor the evidence, bound the dercn- improvements at Yaquina bay. dant over in the sum of $1000, He interviewed a good many in to appear before tto grand jury fluential men ln relation to the at the August term of Circuit Improvements and seemed to fa- Couit. He was unable to give . a bond at Newport but I under- stand the bond was made up at Toieao. This stool pigeon with his associate were setting $7 per day each for doing this kind of wni k . This comas out of the taxpayers. The whole cost at taxpayers. The whole cost at thra tsrm of court will be about $3000 with only one conviction and this by a person who ad mitted he had let a minor have whisky. The fine was placed at $50 and costs and the person is lymg it out in Jail, being boarded wish to make any more improve- Ung vrfthin eight miles of Toledo Ue sick list this week nedesks have artSSf KaS ly the county. It seems there ments or loosen up in finances on the Big Elk river that have L I m Common Tshipped a fine U up We Ukl tf Tee improve i o rrrA if aontimpnt ond but keen the mAnAv nt Vinmn un. . n. u. iu. jLuiumons sflippea a nne ii up. vve nae to see improe- S " f,Vw-"i-r 7n,ZZ Uon, even to be used as medl- cine. The granc jury as well as the district attorney took these caaes without having sufficient evidence in the trial court to convict. No one objects to en- lorclne the law but they do ob - wt to takine un these UKht and friviloua raaca where the evi- dence don't Justly conviction, where he expects to make h'i end looking after phone matters . Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Weber, Mr. It Is no harm, whatever, to use future homo. He has traded all With the Newport company. V and Mrs. King Vanvosie and Os these stimulents as a medicine nis property in Newport for land ' it looks like the editor of tho car Ryan of Ona were In this ' na "PJ iIJUuu cvciy uajr i.u w.- ry ana disappointment, uo to any home, either among the farmers or city people and you will find they use stimulants, coffee, tea and often Whiskey, vine, beer, etc. When thus used in moderation these stlmu- lantB do good, Dut tnese lean, lank- cadaverous temperance, crankB would cut this all out and lave us liv.3 on the thinnest kind 7 , . cf t, such aa dried apples and hot water. The object of the prohibition law is to stop the abuse of - alcoholic stimulants and not Its proper use. The Etool pigeon is mean and di3- reputable ln this county and no one wDl believe them on oath. The order in this county and especially in the cities has been exceptionally good. At a meeting In Elk Hall Feb ruary 17th the officers and guards of Syringa Circle, No. 21, Women of Woodcraft, of Toledo "were present to glva the floor work and install the officers of ' the new Circle Just organized, No. 782, Into their respective places. A number of new mem bers were taken into the circle. The Installation ceremonies were witnessed by the general public Grand Manager Annie P. Hawkins, assisted by Grand Organizer Hattie Green, In stalled the officers. Each of theBe grand officers were pre sented with a nice boquct. W. E. Gwynn made the presenta tion Bpeech. Neighbor Haw kins, in reply, said it had long been her wish to organize a cir cle In Newport. This wish was now gratified. She hoped the Circle would prosper and be a great factor for good in the Bocial and business life of New port. Neighbor Green was also eloquent and felicitous in her reply to the speech of presenta tion. The beautiful boquet of flowers was presented to Miss Green by the Syringa Circle of Toledo. The Circle Btarts off under the most favorable cir cumstances with a good work ing membership of forty. The grand ball given by the Circle on the 22d was a suc cess In every way. The cele brated Pickens Orchestra furn- Ishcd the music which ia a guar- antce of its excellency. J The Rod and Gun Club also fV n Tin n mn i A A 1 It i6., u 6iauu ou nl ueu Uttu t! w nets luiuiouou oy tne imperial Harkleroad Or- chestra. Both dances were well , attended and all had a general, . good time. The halls were ucauuiuiiy uetoraiea wiui nags, bunting . and evergreens, The u gave a. luncn in tneir Dan- quet room. For wit and good cheer these dances were fully up to the standard. 'The Commercial Club m.H tonaav evemne tor tne nurnoR of hearing a report of F R. Pendleton, one of tbn large tim- ber owners of Siletz, who had just returned from a Wd - to . . - Washington, D. C, where he had vor tne improvement. Tfie first thing to be done is to get a pre- I'm nary survey of he -harbor. ims he thought would be done right away. The" Oregon ad Washington delegation stands vor the survey and the local board ot engineers recommen- ooara or engineers recommen- ded that the survey be made. It la now up to the board of en gineers at Washington, D. C, to say whether the survey should be made on not. The Dem ocratic administration' dou't til this crurf ; T, 7 a gooa many or the business men o' Newport wenj present to hear the report and many of them took part In the meeting. The C b gave Mt Pendleton ;a -vote of thanks for the great interest ,he takes In this matter.- ' . F. H. Macdonald has moved wita His iamuy to Welser. Idaho. gave & grmiu Dau ai meir nau practlco-what- ----- the stock business. Mack has lived in Newport 25 years and we are sorry to f.-e him leave, r'ir witn a lare Tamil" he can do better up there. Yerex Brown made the trade. wrcx vArtinaia . WEST YAQUINA i Mrs. Claude Meyers of Beaver -i, -.. j ,v v . . JIerfuPafoed. JrnSrttUnrday nroute to Jefferson, Oregon. Clifford Phelps came in from , Ona Saturday morning. He was accompanied by Miss Violet I Km, who spent a few hours at t be home of her parents, Mr. and ; wrs. oeorge King, or oyster- ville. Mr. Phelps and Miss Kinar returned to Ona ln the after- Miss Barbera Bucklev. who k.h..T..1,M(.ni,.v; Mr Tan- pw MfTOj rv'JT. --er week. Frank Huntsucker was over from Bay View Mondav for a load of freleht Cb ester Willis snent the week - end at his home here Fred Commons came in from Ona Tuesday on business John Hanlon visited at Oys- tervllle Saturday. Wm. and Leslie Willis and R. A. and D. C. Miller are working ontne Toieao-yaqulnaroad. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Branch of Kings slough was the scene Friday evening of a most delightful party, when the Misses Irene and Josephine Branch entertained In honor of Saint Valentines Day. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion, red being the dominating color. Music and games were followed by dainty refreshments. Those who en- reiresnments. mose wno en Joyed the Misses Branch' hos pltality were, Mrs. Jesse Reeder, Misses Inez Reeder, Barbara Buckley, Daisy Ferr, Margaret Ferr and Messrs. Lcland Wright, Jesse Reeder and Royal Ferr. o . SALADO Stung again! I have often envied a newspaper editor for handS and say "hlver again !" after the slap by the "Salado Subscriber" last week. If you it.' , . . .. . 4 MJ( Bumeuuug uiai uon i ui you hCW LUC BttlllC IU1L. 1 WOIlUer 11 Ithe "Subscriber" will do the re- .. ........ porting from here and get alii the news. The parties are all ! O. K. and I should like to attend tnem. Dut now about tne sick wife and little children walking from Uiree to six miles over Ore-... gon B famouB pav..d roads, from nix inches to two feet deep, ,WeU the undertaker would have the next lob and as I can't attend tha -nortina if .i say aometninz that don't fit von .much of an account of thenC V- Miss Nel e rang wen Tto W George Hodges was in the'nant Saturdav to? Tshort Z it Drift creek country a few days with i ha nartntV rtn?w h. .k innun. . m. Hm.-'ler.I,lreilti' wturnln8 " -www..-, wvv. Bwiuwiw . , Zf a. uverianuer, . our roaa boss, had a crew out draeirin fha rnaA inot ir ci a 'J iue roau last ween, oome aon l approve or the road drag? and some do. It is hard to please after' the d has 'been dragged j Just after a storm or prior to a. B "T" ,V V , " good spell of wither you wlll.ter a few dava find them ereatlv imnroved. i'T.,8:... i., vveiioie uy me urucie pniueu uy tue waicnman ana tjeaaer e .v. V . t .i . l j i. . l , of the benefit that would be had if the county would put a bridge if the county would put a bridge across the bay at Toledo. This woum De tne greatest accommo - datlon tO the Country all SOUth w uie wiih ii,ci iu wuw l 'f n m fi i nprq nr Titannio 1 1 v " e"v1!!" settlers in the Big Elk and Drift creek countries that have to travel the extra eiehteen miles U the get to Toledo with a horse 0r wagon. aU for the need of1 three or four miles of road and the Toledo and Rlir Elk hrldirea. the Toledo and Big Elk bridges, T.m Jim Hodges, the telephone. wao i w-b-f ne preaches DCore nanaing Our such sli'ra as he did last week to tne justice of the peace at loieao. o B.AY. W . . . 1 Sunshine! Yes, of course, Mr. Editor. Sunshine good and nww n n : ' w' VT, " luJ:. i waauuigiun 8 Dinnaay was BuitablT commemorated at the ,r,nv v,' onhni K . Bay View school by a fine pro- gram given- by Miss Thompson uu wj pupua. yuue a numDer of visitors were present. There's a brand new baby at vi cu jMcwiuiB'. u arrived very early Monday morning and is the property of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Bales. L-,?1' "un.t8U!r P16 a yP lo xaquina Monday and : rougni DacK with him a beau Itiful new organ, a blrthdav eift I j ! 1. 1 . . . . v Auaa WUVAU 141 lO tX "uwu "l "eB"oors ana rnenos i " 'i1 luesaay arternoon to fee ana aamire tne nne gift. ' Anarew blmonson drove to j epuri ana DacKiast Saturday. ' v s" t.Burt Twombly and son "cmicm, were visiung witn ner hiiiuii wuiiuay. A crowd of Bay Viewers Im- proved the fine weather Sun- day by spending .the day on the . ocean beach. Mrs Chase and daughter, Lil - lian, of North Dakota are visit - Ing at Mrs. Hendrickson's. L. T. Thompson of South. Rhoades and brothers, virgll mo his family to Siletz Wed Beaver was transacting business and Fi0V(i, visited at the Hunt- nesday and they are occupying with the Barnes company last BucUer home Sunday. -the Chas Carmlchael house. Tuesday. , tl UnA ..,iThl8 will Increase our Bchools Ole Olson of Linville took din-' eAL U fome, as there are five children ner at Mr. SImonson's Sunday. lrS ln the fam,,y t0 K t0 Bcho1- Elmer Simonson and family of , t ' . . n, - ,. We have one thing to be proud of snnih no.,- -i Ye writer is guilty of another Rnf-nnr ar,hnni at home ranch Sunday I .T Ln ounuay' ir you want your wood sawed send word to j. c. TtnrnAa. ii- has bought the Dr. Linton easo- k , i. . ,i. : r7 . . . line wood-sawing outfit and Is ready for orders. Business Is rustling around here. Just hear it rustle! A big crowd of Bav View nTJS.W ?1? e "If8 - querade at Waldport Tuesday ni v. - " Miss Bartoe of Lutgong spent Monday with Mrs. J. C. Barnes Mrs. John Walker and son, Johnny, visited with Mrs. Oak land Monday. ; Mrs.- K. Ilendrlnksnn nnH dIq. e'. Mrs. Chase, the Hrpaontt ranth WlAr.r.A-. -vww muva VTCUUCDUajt 1 ONA, m,i rnn.. . i...., mT Horace Weeds vent to' New- port Sunday on a business trlD returning Monday. P' , Mr. an5d Mrs A H Phelns and a8Pl7SAlX .i.c ... . " " BtiniH nav. - I ml Mr. and Mrs. Commons and Mrs pv ivnif.n. a ' ,1 :i . J?"u - u.w w. iutji aut kii mill ; c" viuiiuig jvirs. w. J. ,Wphpr Kimrlav John Ilanlon took Mrs. Claude Meyer to Yaquina Saturday morning to catch the train. Her da&hter ffl Tin Person where she hn ,1 to h S t3r, visited v.ith Mrs. C. S. Oh- mart Sunday . 1 ' Lloyd Parka has taken advan- L8" 111 tape of the8 good day3 and ha(J gotten all his oats in. - Fay Selbv walked to Wald- BOrt to thn msmnnorad. Hanno -iTrsnay nigM. i nr.. - i :r t0 ruana Tuesday morn- o UPPER BEAVER UPPER BEAVER ...... . The farmers of this vicinity .re commencing their Spring work. P B work. n v. t, v G. E. Lewis returned home . m i i m a . t i . vicinity Tuesday ... H. U. KtlOadeS. 1. N. IlUyett and Peter Peterson were trading at Newport, Yaquina and Oyster - vine rnuay. - iwtr tt.i, J K D. Martin, J. C. Huntsuck- dena 1 er and Archie Zeeke made a trip'. Died Dr M F Clauslus on t0 T0lcd0 Sat,Urday , . Fry Sd i916 at S a. K. D. Martin with his plowing year aeed 63 vears 11 months the first of the week, returning r,,j ,' 6 fL"?. ,AU aayB- "1S youngesi .son, 7 A ""i. " w. u. reierson oi tne u. ft a. bridge crew, came over Saturday ii, oi H(fc fit0 night for a visit with home folks. He returned to Chitwood Sun- aay auernoon. Miss Julia Brown and sisters, Ida and Isabel, of Poole 6lough, ana Mr. ana Airs. j. m. Bowers were guests at the reterson home Sunday. Archie Zeeke of Poole slough drove hls cttle- t0 V16 Hu?' sucKer rancn saturaay. jnr. Zeeke intends going to Eastern OreEon for the Summer and Fall U1WII l110t CaiSU iA i llUUlOULnCI 1(7 t . .. li J going to care ior nis cauie uur- ing his absence. i Peter feterson was nauung Peterson was hauling wood for Mr. Vancil Wednesday, uoraon umerson ana ueo Shermer of Poole slough were ln tnis vicinity sunaay. rmer rciRinun w3 au ujioici- ville caller Monday. Perry Vancil was working at the Peterson ranch Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Rhoade3 ,a J a"" htw ill torwerTytelt: , II.," CL-of. Jl.- iln? at thp Lewis homo Sundav. ml Ai.1.1,0 aimio m,8take' 11 wa9. reP?rte iflRt wprU's items that Mrs; G. E. r" 'a an nVBprviii miw crr.",.-""rm .r.irr " r naay. ne visueu wau H. Q Rhoades Instead. Ye writer had better answer the Poole Slough writer's calls this week. I have tried In vain to think of something nice to say but I'll whisper it. -The writer 1 might be one of the gentle sex, .w. i i aiiu, ueuig us lino to ic jc. if I Bay lt I may have to go tc Germany after the war(?) Horte shoeing at the Front Blacksmith Shop. Carson, proprietor. Red i F. W. POOLE SLOUCH a wuiard Huntsucker made trip to town Monday. xuicuu visuuru inursaay were E. S. Hall. Thos. Barker. Mrs. tk r ., v " ' ' ' TrCrT ; real sick but he thinks he wUl be able to save it now K Shemer J Gordon Em- erson were ot Beaver cre?k creelV ... . ... and son John aid daSer Evelvn l and Tr'Jv hJSS SfS'Ln ! ,lted lt 11,8 Brown nncl1 Sun- nnv day. Miss Julia Brown and sistem, Ida and Isabel, visited at the a! mq tua :L' " "' ' eiei nun rauuu on upper weaver Snnri9 Mr. Truax called at Brown ranch Wednesday. Chester Willis went to auS SurtaTretS.? Sun- rtav baturaay' returnlnS bun Ya mt and Mrs E Ilolpomh an.l ' JUl. t nd- 2 "??f" Saturday and Sunday. A rrh I a i.acAra nroa on TTnnoi. Beaver visitor 3undav Z. Lnli be qulte an attractIon 'u'p there, luuai Archie? Tracy Huntsucker made a trip Hnwn thA Hlniio-h MnnHav Our Bchoolhouse is g getting .it ..... m. mnts being made -i ri rr . l visitors Fridav Mr Truax ramn down fro, .L:ul .,W.... New 'ort and here Sn Asking his daughter m , Edirai S HaU His s ster "..fi- i"8,.u t, wiion nho la vinitin- uuu, u.uumm o SILETZ I . Arthur Bonsell went to Sal- mnn rlvnr MonHnv on hnclnoea The good weather has started . nonrlv all the farmers to nlow- nir anrl nlnntine the r par v cir- wuuam, was tne oniy one or n s famlly with him in his last ill- npsfl. Thp horlv wi t nit An to Toledo Wednesday afternoon, preparatory to be taken on to' Portland to be cremated. The members of the family have the heartfelt sympathy of his host Cf friends he left behind here in siletz. i Mrs. Wilbur Martin is recover- inft very rapidly and will soon be able to be around again, Ernest Bryant and wife moved up to the Spencer Scott place this week. Joe Bryant is putting up a - - " 1 1 house on their Ave acre tract, to move into as Boon as finished, as they have to vacate the place they are now In by the 1st of ..." . ... . March, as James Franks has rented the place from Joshua Tom for three years. -me sawmiu men nave aoout 'three quarters of a mile of tho i Lower Farm road planked and it i la surely a pleasure to ride over " now. ine bower Kami peo pie are delighted over the work Lnrrinn. being done I James Brown of Lower Siletz I Gus Lovegreen and Mr. Spark ciu. v.i.. K "V.l ""C"'Tr r1 w 1,1,8 weeK 1,1,3 1,1 terest of the government W. S. and W. R. Hall went to Portland Tuesday on business. Trace Newman is loft as head clerk In the Btore while they are away. o ORTON Who said that It was all rain? During this fine weather the farmers are beginning to shine up their agricultural implements 1 (Continued' on page 4) (DELINQUENT TAX LIST FOR !. YEAR 1914 . The following liat of real property situated In Lincoln County, State of UreKOn. In hnrahv .r1n.tHn.i assessed for the year ?91- This advertisement Is author. 17 art hU n m.l 1 11 . . 2 - m J".hr" JOQ,ea . ln Chapter Be88I0n ot the Le" ' Th on the foiiowinn adver J,Ued 1,8t ' real pp wimX wqU,enitiSKopte,?ber J- 1915' and 0ct rl'.l16' nA"e Bct to a pen. : . "m """"ai im thi lnali Notice i. hereby given that six jnonths after u,e taxes chafed aKaiB,t ?.,.to?,ta wi..ln)Pt7 tint k raTn8 delinquent the Sheriff Is re- Sh!J JJ? CBr,t1,flcntef' TSSZSiiSSSi iume aeiinnnpnt t ia Rhovirp i 0"m".ui.w- The said Cer- inicates or uennquen cy shall bpnr In. terest at the rate of IK per cent, ner tha t1nn,,ra unt11 the Certillcates are re lu" deemed. At any time after the exnlrnMnn if To ' iCflr'tlfl(.afe of three years from the flrnt dnte of de- any tax Included ln a DellnquGnry the holder ,ot su:h Srmto may cau8e BUra' l.r-s to be served on the ownc-r of the iotifylnr the owner that he win apply t the Circuit Court of the emintv ln rteree forecloslnn the Hen pi'alnnt the pertyoned in sut;h Certificate. The cost of puhllshliiK this notice Yin be ?.dedllto and Decome P'"-' ' the penalty charged agalnut each des- crfotmn at the mtA nf twantv Mnt, per description. Township S 8suth. Range 9 Went Helen L. Ollday, lota 4, 5, 6 and 7: NW Sec. S5 acres $35 00. John W. Boyor, a part of Sec. '20, 3V4 acres I3.B0. J. E. Siilllvnn. HV, 8U. o an aa , Davis and J. e. Sullivan, iota i, 2, s, '!! BW NB.-s nw. nw SE' bwm, Sec. 24. 26 ?iaA. Cannefd, Jlw N SE- NE" swv4. Sec. ??20A"eB-ll3.7B. Flora E. Bllnn. new, nkh . nwu. Sec. so. 120 acres S17.60. Ida P. npnrminrl Wli 'NE4, SH NWld, Sec. 32. 1C0 acres 114.00. Napoleon B. Avcrv, EH, NH, Sec. 35, 160. Bc.res-Jfil.2R. John C. Davles, SE4, Sec. 23, 160 acrea 26.25. I .Township South, Rang. 10 West ! O. I. and Nina M. King, NEH SEU, SH SE4. Sec. 20, 120 acres $19.00. U. A. Baker, lot 7: SWW 8EU. Sec. 24 m cr m tin C. A. flaker. WU NEW. Bee, 25. su . nrres Jia.on Fr"nklm ' McCormlck. W-JS, 'IZLf4!VRNnNWA,,8ec;.2y60 iTNSe'c.08 " K lUolla Lanp- E sw'. Sec. 33, 80 A. Dicker, a part of 8b 36i 10 Borcs-$3.23. Almond a , Baker, nh sw. Sec. 36, io acre. m.27. Township 6 8outh, Rang 11 West Henry Curl, lots 7. 8, . 10, Sec. 25. 80 acres $38.00. Allen N. Lowe, WW, of lot 24. Sec. 26. 10 acres $2.88. Allen N. Lowe, lot IT, Sec. 27, 20 acres $3.80. Ernest Loaan, lot 32. Sec. 34, 28 acres $9.60. Ernest Lopin, lots 25, 26, Sec. 35, 40 acres $13.20. Township 7 South, Ranne Wast Lutjr C. CokIH. V, Int., Clms. C. Cc rlll, H Int., lota 1. 2; 8E',i NE4. Sec. 2, 1B9 acres $2.80. O. L. Arthu. N SWy, Sec. 2, 80' acres 35.40. Geo. E. Frost, Sr., 8V NWV. NH SWM. Sec. 14. 120 acres $51.00. Oeo. E. Frost. NE'4 SEW. Sec. 1R. 40 acres $17.00. Robert E. Darnell. Jr.. EH EH. See. 16, 1C0 acres $2.80. J. It. Horner, SEH, Sec. in, lfiO acres $18.40. A. A. Wcrlcy. EH EH, Sec. 21, 160 acres 31. r.5. Frert I). Frost, VA ETC ?.W,W- I .. tUI.UU. UIUI1 A. nradley, EH EH. Sec. 28, 160 acres 48.80. Raymond O. llrndloy, WH NEV, SEH NVVH. NW 8EH. Sec. 28, 160 acres $60.30 Sndle M. Rwett, NH 8W'4, SWV, SW4, Sec. 28. 120 $34.50. Sadie M flwett, NEH SEVi, Soc. 29, 40 acres 116.10. Ole Jomtefrsard. SH NE. Bee. 34, 80 acres $109.24. Ole Jem tesaard, SH NW4. Soc. 35, 80 $109.25 Township 7 8outh, Panes 10 Weot David Parola, lots 1, 2, Sec. 2, 81 acres $10.76. Auk. Waltenburg, 8H BEH. Sec. 2, 80 acres $10.75. Adon rylkkanen. SW4 SEi. Sec. 9. 40 acres $4.20. Am. Waltnnhurg, EH NEH. Sec. 11, 80 acres $S.60. Eliza beth J. Llnfoot, WH 8 or. 12. 80 acres $6.80. Adam l'ylkkanen. NW'4 NEH. EH NW!4, Sec. 16. 120 ncres $12.60. Henry Kantto, 8EH, Soc. 18, 160 acres J17.S6. Jacoh Lohtl, NEH SEH. SH REH. Se-. 2?, 120 acres $13.80. Ben negrol, NWH Sec. 26, 160 acres $9.20. JacoI Lohtl, NEH NEH. Sec. 27, 40 acrei $3.46. Tlios. M. McCllntock, Ey, NWV4. NEH SWH. SH of lot 3. See. 30, 148 acres $11.60. S. A., W. A. and T. M. McCllntock. lot 1 and NH of lot 2. Sec. 30, 86 acj-es $fl.77. Wal ter A. McCllntock. SE'i SWVi. lot 4. 8ec. 30, 96 acres $8.05. Wsltor A. McCllntock, Lot 1, Sec, 31, 67 acres $04. "Township 7 South, Rang 11 West A. B. Thompson, SH SEU, Sec. I. 80 acres $15.67. Victor Llppl, lotr 19, 20, 29, Sec. 11. 15 acres $11.10 A. S. Thompson, lot 6. Sec. 13. 41 acres $7.43. S. A.. W. A. and T. M McCllntock, NEH NEH. NH 8EH. NEH. Sec. 25. 60 acres $5.76.. Tboa. M. McCllntock, SH NEH 8EH, Bee, (Continued oa Pag I) L