nil Will MPiU LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18tftv 1916. Absolutely Pure Cade from Cream of Tarfar OALUU-N0FH0SPKATE WINDRED'S MARKET FRESH and CURE MEATS Highest Price Paid for Hides . Bring them to me ' JOE WINDRED. Prop. XTLETZ, - - OREGON C. C. North was up from Ncw t' the first of the week. Mrs. Jennie Arnold returned a a visit at Siletz Tuesday. Xcis W. Miller of Pioneer was x county seat visitor yesterday. C. S. Teck of Nortons was a Toledo visitor the first of the Tsaock. Mrs. T. P. Fish went to Port- bed yesterday morning to pur- J Aise her Spring millinery I nock. She expects to be gone aiout a week, n Merchant Walter Hall was over from the Agency Wednes day: The Messrs. Hall have takc.i the agency for the Saxon auto in this county. They have afrcady sold Bcveral cars for Spring delivery and expect to aril a liUiuber here this Spring. 8. 13. f kagen arrived in Toledo Wednesday evening and at once prof ceded to the home of Ole S"fc"T?ftta Kfr filrncran ranroanntu ..(,v.. B North American Insurance SV nrl Via nl ntipo rv n' nrl im b O'e and about talked a wing 6T him. Finally seeing that Ole retting impatient, he In formed him that his name was JSagen and that he formerly Iml next door to Ole in Norway, y h-ivlng been boys togeher. T ay hat Ole was pleased to mm 18 putting in mildly. -o FOR. RHEUMATISM As soon as an attack of rheu matism begins apply Sloan's Lin ir.ent. ,ron't waste time and Buffer agony. A few drops of kpn's Liniment on the affected aarta is all you need. The pain U&es at once- A grateful sufferer, writes: "I mas suffering for three weeks th Chronic Rheumatism and &T Neck, although I tried may medicines, they failed, rsruinately I heard of Sloan's liniment and after using U three r four days am up and well. I an employed at the biggest de partment store in S. F. whore tfiry employ from six to eight rjidred hands, and they surely anJI hear all about Sloan's Lln aacnt II. B. Smith. San Fran .fero; Cal., Jan. 1915. 25c. at aJ7 Druggists. -o LAUNCH FOR SALE ftandard size Columbia River Till Boat, equipped with 5 h.p. J'wrnfin engine, fully equipped, 33S0. Also 16-ft. row boat Carpenter tools. Chiap for tauk if taken at once. Address Leland Wright, Yaqulna, Or. An Optimist , A man who owns a Fun BraaJ Reflex Slicker $3.00 when Old Prob aays rain, . WiUtf proof. J tbtoluUtf t NllllH Hat, Tl SilUbction Cmtrwnlfd Scad far catakff k. i. TOWER CO. L. BOSTON SOCIAL TIMES AT SALADO Dear Editor: ,We wish to kindly call the Salado reporter's attention to the fact tha he has omitted mention of the good times Salado people have beea having Friday evenings. Como over and help us enjoy them, re porter. The river is low enough now. the first party took place at the home of E. Kullander and was so thoroughly enjoyed that if was followed by one at the Hodges Hall. Since that pleas ant time we felt that It would be folly to give them up. Mrs. j unas. vv asnDurn was Hostess for the next delightful affair, fol lowed by one at the home of Mortimer . Hodges. Children and all in the neighborhood have been invited and everyone is pleased to help with the cooking. For a good, sociable time we SSSSS? toeSAPsaurbUscntr "at Mrs"! community. A Subscriber. Park8 Monday ( SEVENTH AND EIGHTH " . Lloyd Commons spent Mon GRADES SCHOOL NOTES ! day wlth John Hanlon South Eugene McCaulou is back at school again, after an absence of a week. Helpa Larson was absent the latter part of last week on ac count of the grip. day and a hawhile attending 10m uarcnng was absent a Court Myrle Collins was absent the first of tho week on account of her grandma's illness. The 7th and 8th grades at tended Circuit Court the first of last week. The 7th grade Is going to ex periment and examine root hair on raddish seeds. The 7th and 8th grades had a Valentine box Monday. We had no exercises on Lin coln's birthday, but will have a Lincoln and Washington pro- pram next Tuesday- Washing- ton's birthday. Twentv-ftve acres one mile from Toledo, dike and upland, house, barn and well, qrchard pnd berries, horse, harness and farm tools; boat landing on place. Price, $1900. Terms. Box 24, Toledo, Or. o Judge John Fogarty of New port is acting as a juror In the Circuit Court. Horse shooing at tho Red Front Blacksmith Shop. F. W. Carson, proprietor. Frank" Thompson of Harlan was in the city Tuesday looking after business matters. W. D. Horner has been in the cltythe past two weeks attend ing Court as a juror. J. S. Brown's bridge crew ws here Monday night after tlr.f bers for repair work on bridges near Eddyvllle. Ed Avery returned to his home at Portland Wednesday morn ing, after a couple of weeks spent in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Am Cook and family returned to Corvallls Monday morning, after a couple of weeks here, where Mrs! Cook, nee Ryan, had a damage suit in Circuit Court. Mr. and Mrs. Ira St. Johns, who have lived on the Wm. Toner plttco here for the past three years, departed Tuesday morning for Shedd3, where Uiey will reside. G. W. AndrewB arrived down from Boring Tuesday evening to look after his property In terests here. Mr. Andrews has been very sick this winter and is just recovering from the ef fects of his illness. Helen, the little daughter of Judge and Mrs. Skipworth, has been very sick during their stay In this city. Dr. Burgess to at tending her. . The Judge and family have been stopping at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. George Schcnck while the Judge pre sided at Circuit Court. The students of the High School are preparing a comedy playlet which they expect to stage at the Dime theater about the first of March. The produc tion is entitled "Mrs. Brigg's Poultry Yard," and eomes with the guarantee that it will cure the worst case of the blues. o FOR SALE I One upright boiler and 4 h. p. engine; also some cheese fac tory supplies, all In good condi tion. $75. Address, Harry Thorpe, Rlckreall, Or. FOR SALE Team of work horses, color bay, weight nbont 1400 each. ages four and six years respec tively; also saddle mare. Ad dress Nelt W. Milltr, rioneer, Or. ONA II. H: Cook returned to Wald port Tuesday after - spending several days at his home and Toledo, The Helping Hand Club met at Mrs. Bowers' home at Upper Beaver Saturday afternoon. It was a beautiful day and a de lightful time was enjoyed.. Horace Woods is doing car penter work on Claude Myers new house. Mrs. Geo. Selby and Mrs, Lloyd Parks called on Mrs. A. W, Weber and Mrs. Kihg; Vanoosie Tuesday afternoon'.. Mrs. Joe Lissy and son Walter spent Monday with Mrs. W. C. Weber. Mrs. C. S. Ohmart, Mrs. Com mons and Mrs. Fay Wolfer- sperger, Mrs. Selby ami Mrs, Mrs. Hester Coovert resumed her teaching on Upper- Beaver Monday. , - The Ona Good Road3 Club met Monday. The washout be- low the postoffice was filled and J? J iD and new road. - . ' 0 GOOD EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE And lot 50x100 on good street Oregon City, price, $2000.00. Also modem 7-room. house, lot 50x100, on good street, close in, Oregon City, price, $2500.00. Will exchange either one or both for good, small farm near Tole do or Newport. . . A fine seven-room house, modern, four lots, each 50x120, highly improved with work house, henhouse, woodshed, fruit, berries, garden, etc. Six blocks to business center of Cahby, Ore. Also two Lots on main street, improved with a warehouse. 34x50. two story, fine chickenhouse, berries, fruit, garden, etc. Price. $3000.00. and $1500.00 respectively. Want good stock or dairy ranch. One already stocked preferred. Ad dress, Baker & North, Newport, Or. o MANY PEOPLE DON'T KNOW A sluggish liver can cause a person an awful lot of misery. Spells of dizziness, headaches, constipation and biliousness are sure signs that your liver needs help. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills and see how they help tone up the whole system. Fine for the stomach too. Ala's diges tion. Purifies the blood and clears the complexion. Only 25c. at your Druggist. 0 ' SHERIFF'S SAtE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor the County of Lincoln. Robs, Hlgglns & Co. plaintiff. ts. Jaakop Vtek and Ida M. VIck, defend ant. By virtue of nn execution and order of sale Issued out of the- above entitled Court In the above entitled action to nie directed, and dated the Z2d day. of January, A. D., 1916, In- favor of Ross. IIlRKlni & Co., and against the above named defendants, for the sum of $1893.71 with intercut' thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annnm from the 31st day of July. A. D:, 1916. and a fur ther sum of I20.RO, attorney's ffe a, costs of suit, and cost of this writ commanding me to sell the following described real property situate In Lin coln county, Oregon-, as follows, towlt: The 8outhwest Qnartei of Bectlon numbered Twenty-four tn TownBhlp numbered 8oven south, Range num bered Eleven west of tho, Willamette Meridian, sltuntef In the county of Lincoln, state of Oregon, together with all and singular the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise ap pertaining. NOW, THEREFORE, In compliance with the demands of said execution and order of sale t wltl on Bnturdav, the 26th day or February, A. D., 1916, at 1 o'clock p. m. at the front door of the County Courthouse, In the City of Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, sell In th hto-heitt hlHrlnp f,,i raali all tlia I right, title and interet of the above named defendants In the above named action. In the above described prop erty to satisfy said execution and or der of sale, Interest, costs and accru ing costs. v ' Bert fleer, BherltT of Lincoln County, Oregon. Pated this 27th day of January, 1916. Data of First publication. January 28, 1916. Date of last publication, Febru ary 25th, 1916. HOW TO CURE COLDS Avoid exposure and drafts. Eat right. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. It is prepared from Pine Tar, healing balsams and mild laxatives. Dr. King's New Discovery kills and expels the cold germs, soothes the Irritated throat and allays Inflammation. Search as you will, you cannot find a better cough and cold remedy. Its use over 45 years Is a guarantee of satisfaction. railroad wins in damage; suit : The suit of Mrs, Effie Ryan vs. the Corvallis & Eastern rail road was tried in Circuit Court here last Friday and Saturday ana resulted in a verdict for the railroad company. It re- memberd that J. Ryan was struck by the evening passenger train in December 1914, he sus taining a badly fractured leg. At the hospital it was found necessary to amputate" the leg, and Mr. Ryan never recovered from the operation. Mrs. Ryan was sumg for $7,500 damages. marsnai Also Wins Suit Tuesdt morning the Harding vs. Nye smt was oa,.Jh which Harding, a minor, was suing Marshal Nye for $5,000 damages for the alleged false Imprison ment following Ilalliween dep- leuiiuuns. mt courtroom was packed during this trial, stand ing room being, at a premium. Tut. jury waj cut about an hour rnd returned a verdict for the defendant. Attorney Lafferty for the plaintiff, Informs us that they have sixty days In which to fJc their exceptions and take an appeal, and that an appeal will undoubtedly bo taken. Baynard Not-CUiilty The case of the State of Ore gon vs. IV.y Uaynard, the New port druggist, who waa under indictment for violation of the local option law, was tried Mon day and Baynard waa Immedi vUy acquittal. It appears that one of the Vool pigeons" pur chased the alcohol for mechan ical purpose, signing au afll lavit to that. effect. Taylu- Not Guilty, . Albert Tayla-, who was under three for violation of the local optio.i law; was giv en a trial Wednesday, on one count, and w.h acquitted. The ether two indic;n;ents.ari nn.-i. hg Abbey Not Guilty - The trial of Mort Abbey, for violation of the local option law was tried out yestordav and same resulted In an acquittal for ADDey. ' Folmsbee Pleads GuHty The Indictment aeainKt Vanr Daniels, Vera Folmsbee and Nor man Usher, for giving- Ifquor to a minor, was dismissed when Folmsbee pleaded guilty as charged. Judge Skipworth fined him $150, remitting $100 tending his good Behavior. Folmsbee paid the $50. Other Cases Disposed of State of Oregon vs. Henry Curl; indictment, argued a de murrer and Judge took same un der advisement. C. O. Roe vs. Silas Buow, et al, foreclosure of tax lien, Judg ment for plaintiff. Eflje Ryan vs. Corrallis & Eastern R. R. Co., action, decree for defendant IL B. Nicholas vs. J. B. White and Mrs. Dottle WMte, decree tor plaintiff. Paul Kukel vs. L. II. Payne, action, continued. Albert Taylor respondent, vs. simon Lienaten, appenant. ap peal, non-suit. B. F. Beszley vs. May Butter- field, et al, foreclosure of tax Hen. decree for plaintiff. Thos. Harding vs. Earl Nye, damages, decreo for defendant. Jennie Booth, adm. of est. of Ole Knudson, vs. Mrs. Reg. Hud son, et al, Buit, decree for plain tiff. State vs. Vorn Folmsbee and Norman Fisher,- Indictment, dis missed. State vs. Vance Daniels and Vern Folmsbee and Norman Fisher, indictment, dismissed as to Daniels and Fisher; plea of guilty entered on part of Folms bee, fined $150, paid $50 and pa roled. Stato vs. M. H. Abbey. Indict ment, verdict for defendant. State vb: Roy Baynard, indict ment, verdict for defendant. State vs. Albert Taylor, three Indictments, verdict for defend ant on one Indictment, tha other two cases still pending. State vs. Otto Holgate, In dictment, distributing liquor ad vertisements, continued. 0 FOR SALE Household furniture for sale cheap. Inquire of Mrs. G. C. Walker. 0 d BABY'S SKIN TROUBLES Pimples Eruptions Eczema quickly yield to the soothing and healing qualities of Dr. I lob son s Eczema Ointment. No matte where located, how bad or long standing, Dr. Hobson s Eczema Ointment will remove every trace of the ailment It will restore the skin to IU natural softness and purity. Don't let your child suffer don't be em barrasscd by having your child's O. H. HOiLINGSVpaTH' Complete Home . : . Furnisher v v : 1 una in tft in nrum 1 1 11 X"S.;-'-AKIN ' The Dry Goods Man HAS. A FULL LINE . Ladles and Gent's Furnishings, Crochet ami Embroulerie Ma terials ALSO A full line of JEWELRY which Is Guaranteed". ' (WWWTvHtlWWMW I t 1 1 a tI 4sssiM sfciTi IsatiiliiJ t sT i , y fifspTT t l'TTT TTTTT rTTT Not to other people's goods, but in keeping yourself in perfect physical condition. Your teeth are the main fac tor in sustaining, good health and a prudent man or woman will consult a fiist-class dentist the mo ment they notice any trou ble. A stitch in time saves nine. it R. JAY GREER, Dentist 'M'MMI frWWI Mil III HUH llll t Tooth . hairbrushes, nail, brushes, manicure sets sponges, soaps, perf umerey, etc., are a few of the articles' we carry in our' Toilet Depart ment You get everything first-class at second class, prices, as also in our regu lar Drug and medicine de partment. You will be Bur prised at the preparation we have made for pour comfort. TOLEDO DRUG COMPANY" THE. QUALITY STORE IS Always Trying to get Something Better for You By special arrangements I am now receiving f Royal Club and German-American Coffee t B$ Express, twice a week "From the roasters to. your breakfast table in twenty-four hours" This insures you a splendid cup of Coffee. PHONE YOUR ORDERS P. Frederick face disfigured with blemishes or ugly scars. Use Dr. HobBon's Eczema Ointment. . Its guaran teed. No cure, no pay. 60c. at your Druggist 0 FOR SALE The only confectionery store in Toledo. Established 10 years At a bargain for cash. Address P. O. Box 294, Toledo, Oregon. 0 Remember when you want slab, edging or block wood and see Johnny Yasek. DR. J. H. JESSEN Thyslclan and Surgeon TOLEDO, OREGON t huh n 1 1 mi , TT . f ttff'f f44t4ft4444'sV4ftii4XAlJ TEETH . Without Pistes. 5, $3, and $10 per 'Tooth t t? SM Brushes llllllll i tl.t O. R, HOLLINGSWORTrT" Funeral Director and Embalmer Calls answered Day or Night TOLEDO, OREGON BARGAINS IN PIGS t Duroc Jersey, registered stock Nice sows and boars. Will sell for less than grade stuff is worth. Two young boars and five young sows subject to registry. riueen young pigs, subject to registry, and five grade pigs. M. u you need any or these coma and see me, will make the price right. B. L. Barry, .... Newport, Or.. ;