; a:... '- .7-tfc . I' .V"1-i . I: V VOLUME 23 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 1915. NUMBER 43 COUNTY NEWS News ' of each Community Gat hered each .week by Our Hustling Associate Editors - . . s . A , , NEWPORT . At about 8 o'clocH Monday morning Dorothy Holcomb,. the little four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Holcomb, was - Unowned at West Yaqulna, In the slough that enters the Bay near the foot bridge. It appears the child left the kitchen wheri If. mother was preparing breakfast and walked over the little foot bridge lead ing from the Holcurab house to the tramway. This little bridge is over the slough and from this point the child must have fallen nto the slough. The mother missed ne child In a few minutes and search was immediately made and she was found about one hundred yards from where she fell In, floating on the water face down. Chub Willis took her nut. of thi water and.wlth the help of bis father ; sod Mr. Miller, tried to resuscitate; her but failed. About one quart of 1 ' water came out of her mouth. She never sank and this seems to be a strange part of It. . telephone mes sage was sent to Captain Stuart to bring the life saving crew. The crew promptly responded and for one hour and a half worked with the modern appliances, but could not resuscitate her. Mr. Holcomb ilved at Mansfield, Eastern Washington, where he has a fine wheat farm. He came to Yaqulna Bay for the benefit of the health of his family. He first went to Nye Creek, but the roar of the ocean and the heuvy wind storms disturbed them o they went to West Yaqulna, where 1 it is more sheltered. This was about two weeks ago. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church Tuesday at 11 a. m., conducted tv Rev. George E. Pratt, pastor of the Church. The interrment took place in the Eu reka Cemetery. One lesson to be learned by this sad accident Is, that children should not have a play ground where walks and bridges are over the water. The wonder is more children are not drowned. Commissioner O. V.- Hurt returned Saturday from Portland, where he met with tbe state Highway commis sion. Mr. Hurt said they had a good session and the meeting was well rep resented by the county officials of every part of the state. Mr. Hurt thinks that if those automobile en thuslPBfs -ave their way about it in building roads they will bankrupt the state. He don't go much on bonded debts. The local institute held Saturday in the High School auditorium by Sup erintendent Goin was well attended And very interesting. All the teachers of Newport being present and took part in the program. Several teach ers from abroad wore present and took part in the exorcises of the day. Among them we no.id Prof. Blougb, principal of the To-edo high school, and Prof. W. C. Fischer of Yaqulna and . Miss Branch, ceacher in the "West Yaqulna public school. Several Interesting papers were read and da ussed. Tbe High School Glee Club sang some very charming selections. A motion was made to appoint a committee to draw up a resolution asking the County Court to appoint a medical examiner for the schools of the county. Prof. Blough is chairman of this committee. I did not get the names of the other members of this committee. This service might be done by the County Health Officer. Tbe rearing and trantng of the chil dren under the new system is being taken out of the parents' hands and placed In tbe teachers'. The home lias been the corner stone of our civ ilization, but now it is only the board ing place for the cnlldren. It Is the duty of the parents to wok after the health of the children and, if neces sary for the health and welfare of the child, to have it examined once or twice a year by a competent physician. It wbs the contention of the teachers at this institute that the children were ' loaded down too much with books; that the pupils were not thorough in their studies; that the more weighty studies, such as reading, spelling and mathametics were neg lected; that the essentials of an ed ucation should be taught and tbe frills and fads cut out; that the nobility of labor should be impressed on the mind of the pupil If he expects to succeed in the world.. The Newport school has a good corps of teachers and they are doing good work. Prof. Artman is well fitted for thw Important posi tion he holds. He dasthe goodwill and confidence of every teacher and pupil in the school. The Salado correspondent seems to be grieved because the people of that section are accused of killing salmon during the spawning season. It has - been reported that hundreds of sal mon in the small streams and creeks during the spawning season are shot by the boys and girls just for the amusement and the salmon are thrown on the bank for the hogs to feed on and for fertilizer. The warden lias been on Big Elk river a number of times but has not been able to catch the offenders. When the war den goes Into a section of the county to catch law breakers he don't go beating a gong as Hough he was at a Chinese funeral; but he goes quietly along and you would hardly know he was around, but at such times the boys seem to "smoll a mice" and keep under cover. Mrs. Frank Grant and her son, Les ley, are at ' Newport visiting Mrs. Grant's daughter, Mrs. Charles Oodley. Mrs. Grant Is one-of the pioneers of Lincoln couasy an note with pleas ure the improvement! Newport has made within the pa it ten yean. j Hon. B. P. Jones, wife and daugh- I ters of Roseburg came in Tuesday , evening and registered at The Abbey, : and will go to Otter Rock to spend Christinas with Mr. Jones' slater, Mrs. Thomas Horning. ; Thomas Vandyne, wife and daugh' '7JmCoburg came to spend , '"lm the ,fea, shore- h gon and are proud of the state and. the great progress it is making, and. In a modest way, feel that they have done something to help this progress along. May Ood bless the pioneers of Oregon. o . Going out of bu!ni Saturday, December 11th la the last day. Mrs. Frederick. BAY.VIEW Bay Viowers are nothing if not boosters. They have Just boosted a croamTy up. just across the road from Mr. Barnes' store. Mr. Dyer, at the poBtofflce, has set uo a wheel for grinding agates. Bring on your agates!, Mies Emma Simonson started for Los Angeles, California, last Thursday. She will spend the Winter there with relatives. Mrs. J. M. Bowers of Upper Beaver v'slted thn .lost of inn wank with h son, Frank Huntsucker. Mrs. Huntsucker has been on the sick list for the past week, but In .slowly Improving. Burt Twombly is also on the sick list, Mrs. Jesse Lindqu::, who has been spending several weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Oakland, started Thursday for her home in Portland. She was accompanied by ra.ss Hunnau Hanson, who will visit relatives in Portland for several weeks. Mrs. Myrtle McWlllls spent Thurs day wttn Mr. Geo. utevens. Johnnie Hanson was a visitor at the Henderson home Tuesday evening. We understand that Mr. Simmons intends to put up a cannery in connec tion with his creamery at this place. Good luck to all sul'j enterprises, say wo. See the Xmas Goods at Bonbonlere. 0 WINANT I guest we can't complain about the weather, for we were surprised to see the sunshine a little while last week. School started December 6th with Chas, Gildersleeve as teacher. Lloyd Lewis missed school last week on account of a sore foot Mrs. John Sugg waa clerking for Henry Lewis last week. Ulas Mao Adams Is visiting with Cara Boone. . Johnnie Emerann inn hrniliAM mm A a trip to Newport Friday. Miss Violet . Klnr. vhn h hu. teaching school at Ona, returned borne iu auena me leacner institute. It Wouldn't do for the nennla nf Poole sllough to take a scow load of wooa to Newport every day If they make so much noise as they did last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Huntsucker vis ited at the Frank Rhprmur tmm cn day afternoon. Quite a few neoDle from thla viotT.it attended the dance at Yaqulna Satur day night and all report a good time. Henry Shermnr mnifn trip to To- ledo Monday. "Buy Early" whllfl onr stock ts com plote. All new, fresh stock, and prices are right Toledo Drug Co. . . - 0 LITTLE ELK ' This rain la some cold but stock of all kinds are doing fine. H. O. Boynton Is blasting stumps and clearing a spud patch. Roger Loudon la doing some slash ing on his ranch this Winter. C. H. Wakefield Is moving Into his new house this week. He says he will be looking for a cook soon. Our school ts doing good work this year, under the able management of Prof. John Miller. Albert Beers of Nortons was visiting on Little Elk last Saturday and Sun day. r,S8r,lBert Geer B"Bed through Little Llk valley on business last Sat urday. The Stanton school and Little Elk football teams played a game on the Eddyvllle grounds Mecember 4th. It was a hard fought battle all the way through ; neither side scored until the third .quarter, when one of the Little Elk boys got away with the ball and made a touchdown, aid then when all was over the score stood 10 to 0 in favor of Little Elk. Little Elk flrnnva Vt ltd i1,a election of officers last Saturday The I a JL" vrv ul new oincors elec ted: C. H. Wakefield, master; Earl Weltln, overseer; Mrs. L. L. McBride, lecturer; Christ Weidman, steward; Clifford Hunt, assistant steward; Mrs. H. B. Sparks, chapi-.rn;, R. V. Loudon, secretary; IX. O. Boynton,. gate keep- er; Mrs. Mageo, Ceres; Mrs. Albertsen, i-uiuvub; mm. mii',B flora; MIES Maud Albertsen, lauy assistant Btew- ard. There is almost a new set of officers, and much good can be expee- ted of them. , o - ' ! Wa will riv .hA hi. ta nn n Doll. One chance with every 25c. pur- chase. Toledo Drug Co. ELK CITY Proper (Wednesday to Wednesday) M, unit Mm T 1J Van A Tlan m. ' turned from Albany Wednesday even-; )nB. . ! cnaries vsn urden and family left fcr Oregon City Friday morning. E. B. Graves and son, Scott, are do- lng some work cn a wagon road for themselves. J;m Winsklll came, in on the Satur- day evening train. Ed LaPlne came up from Storrs Fri day afternoon. The Grange held a card social Fri day last An enjoyable evening . be ' ins spent A. B. Clark went to Toledo on busi- ness Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman 8chmltt and children were passengers on the Transit for Toledo Saturday morning. E. B. Graves had the misfortune to have a calf drown in the river last week. i An old landmark has been IaVbh do this nL Th.iT down in tms p. ace. . The Old Shed which was standing between the Wm. Enos bouse and the street is no more, Things look betler there now. Again I repeat what I said in the; TjTenDort went tn Harlnn Issue of this paper of December 3d. TuV,Tv enin Salado is a little mixed in his or ber,TUe!Mlay evenlng impression. I said . in part "before M'8 Clara Moore and Ltge Grant passing their private opinions," not as "Pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. be or she has it, "we should privately Davenport nass our options. I am not putting I ' o myself up to be a person fully versed ' All kinds of Christmas Goods at the In the hatchery business, but I do Esnbonlere. . claim that the fish hatcheries of onr - state do benefit the fishermen. Iamti iitti not lalklni o( any one certain hatchery or the management of the same. Hatcheries are a benefit You know It What the real cause here is that aome are sore because they themselves are not the ones who manage the hatchery.. Please, please. Mr. Newport Writer,' give me sometning easy. Don t take hung any witch or wltohos and I'" not going to. but let me whisper uiiuiiin in ihin. .... "Six days shalt thou labor, and do all that thou hast to do, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord tt Ood. In It thou -hall do no mannor of work; thou and thy sou, aud thy daughter, thy man servant, and thy maid - servant thy cattlo, and the stranger that is within thy gates," (In pan;, even tierore ina days nt men started their engines rolling to Thomas Jefferson wevo these words ; ward the mill site Monday morning. spoaen - and the same being handed aown rrom one generation to another, If It were thrue then, why not now? Why? Because the peoplo ot today uo not minx or tne tilings ll.c-y should. In reading an article the otlior day I ran across these words: "That it had been found that the man who works I ,,.-, jii v,An t. .aven day. In a week doe. not live a. W.taS.weBt t0 Toled0 TUe8' long as the one who work only fx, f" 00 DU8me8' and not only that, but the seven day I Everybody is getting ready for the man turns out an Inferior grade of big Xmas tree to be held at the M. E. work." Tel me ho you do It, Church by the M. E. Sunday School Skookum. I can't iio it uor any the .on Christmas Eve. rest of us. Kn E u ciialcuirt and daughter, Mrs. Jacobson. accompan'nd hy Mury Ml Alice, went to Toledo Monday Holm, paid a vliilt t- Mm. Myrtle Allen on the Brook Dalo place. Mrs. Holm, accoinp.inlod by Mrs. S. J. 'Whltford, wers vialtors" nt the Jacobscn home hut Sunday. "Showers of blani'ngs we iw d," but ' piease cut out the ram. 0 A' great, big line of Boys. TJndor wear Just received. Yerex Brown A Co, WEST YAQUINA . Monday morning the Angel of Death came suddenly and took from our midst the dearly beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Holcomb. The traglo death of the little girl has cast a doep shadow of sadness over the entire community. It Is not definitely known how the fatal accident oocurmd but tho fact tbat the body, badly bruised about the right shoulder, was found floating faco downward In an eddy in the slough Indicated that the child's death was not due wholly to drowning but that In falling from the "bridge she had probably struck on a log, rendorlng ber un conscious before she ' reached the water. The body was recovered by Chester Willis a few yards from the little girl's home, a Htiu mtta- elght o'clock in the morning about ' fifteen minutes after the child had I in oa uotiii niiKnuu Dy ner parents. Dr. Faucett and the life saving crew were Immediately summoned from Newport bUt all efforts to restore, life proved unavailing. Tne. little . spirit had passea into the great beyond! Into eternal rest. Dorothy Mae Holcomb wa born at Mansfield, Douglas county, Washington, June 10th, 1911 and died Monday, December 13th, 1B1B, at the ago of four years, six months and threo da; a. Besides her parents, Mr. and Mra, Eu;er.e Holcomb, she leaves to mourn Ji'T k:s3, her twin brother, Donated Holcomb, and three sisters! tun:u uraco ana Uernfpa Hnrnmh The fuu'.ml services were conducted nt Newport Tuesdi-.y morning at 11 o'clock at the Presbyterian Church by P,.v. Pratt Burial took place at the Newport Cemetery where many beau- tlful floral tokens innrtn hoo,.Hf.,i t, ,,",t resting place or the departed. ; i no wre aveo. ones nave the sympa I thy of all who know them. Mr. and Mrs. A. Phelps of Ona were guest. Sunday at the R. A. Miller home. They left Mnridav mnrnlnsr for Euwne, where thoy will spend ; . the holidays with Mrs. Phela's brothor. ' Ar.'hlm tTnn r,ln wr , ' A m ; Eu' Weber and R. W. Ohmart came 'in yesierdf.y trora npavcr with a four- j horse team. They took back a load of household goods. Cl'.ffrrd Phelps waa a West Yaqulna visitor Caturduy. clmuP(.py ohmart was m from Bea. ver Crix-k Sunday. Oir noHdov stock Is more comolete thnn ever. Come. and see our line be-1 fore you purchase. Toledo Drug Co. . CLEN A snrpr'.se dnn-e vos given on C. W. ' Mrs. Roy Walker went to Eddyvllle Brown last Saturday night. The this morning for a violt with her par evening was most pleasantly spent ,ents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bachman. M. WIH'nms returned to his home i Robert McFarland of Summit was at. Lvors Tuesday, after an extended transacting business in this city Wed visit with his son, Luke, and family, i ncBday. j- e- Ct " Ehner Watklns went to Tea i1 I Miss Clara Moore spent Monday night with Mrs. W. W. Grant at Har- ; Ian. , it" . eil '' OlLfcTZ Mrs. A. C. Crawford and daughter. Florence, of Lower Farm went to To- ledo Saturday to spend a few days, returning Tuesday. Joe Wind red went to Toledo Friday on business. ?f.th" f - ChnIcS?T Ver,t0 Bl" "I ' Tm QU"' terly meeting Bunday at 11 a. m. ! Sara Brassfleld went to Toledo Fri - , day. returning Saturday. ' , ' , . 1 '1 HZ IS l,I?"0 MTf"n, ' !Jfinrf . ? on BUBlne". returning Wed - ! y- ' The company of loggers and mill I V.. T. Raddant retumod home P.n" day after an absence of four weeks on business. n. 8. HubnH. tl' carnenter, ram over from Dallas Saturday, on busi- ness. and from there went to Chemawa and other Valley points Tuesday morning. MIhs Alk will go on to Portland and visit a while. Mr. nd Mrs. Chas. Hnldlmai re turned from the big fair at San Fran cisco Monday. . The government te-i was at Toledo to bring them on to Si lets. Andy Goodnll was over from the log- ging camp Sunday to visit hi. family. He Is employed at the camp loading logs with a donkey engine. Mrs. Robert DePoe went to Salem Wednesday morning to visit her brother, Emtl Hauscr, and family for a short time. Lester Waugh Is over here to look after his stock interests. He has a large number of cattle to Winter here. ' Miss Cook, principal of the Silets school, ' went to Toledo to take the examination for a certificate In Ore gon, as she only has one for the state of Washington. She left 0. C. Scudder In charge of her sonool room while away. The teachers of the public school are preparing for a Christmas true, at the schoolhoiise on Thursday evening for the pupils of the school. They will have an interesting program also. 0 - POOLE SLOUGH WelL I guess if we are all going to f.al LWani,n".t !!! M'? to qulf,.n! 'l 10 ,ct 1 ?8 l we " have to . do as the ' Upper Beaver writer suggests, about ft" - "Not say anything Dick Hnntsnclcer has moved bis floating bouse from here. W. D. Roberts and Mrs. Roberts gi.si.er and little girl, who are visiting vith the Conner, were in our vicinity Saturday. Our community was shocked Monday to hear the news of the drowning of 11,t!e Dorothy Holcomb at WeBt Ya- lulni' There has beu so many fatal accidents around here the past year, but eem that w:'en God call to us w ,oftVB u,1s land Bnd me to h,m it is pot in our powet to stay his com- I1U.I1UB1 I' U Ull uui pjiuciii to the loved ones that this little one leaves behind. I Island Wright Is visiting his sisters here this week. Chas. Brown was at the W. D. Rob- ertB ranch Sunday.. t . Buv your Chrlstuus Pop Corn at Al'e Smokehouse. , R. F. Baker of Newport was in this city Monday. . Mrs. R. B. Hoffman of Elk City was In this city Monday. John Nye, the Newport butcher, went to Silets Monday looking for cattle. Miss Born Ice, Hanson was a passcn- Ber 'or Portland this morning. Orover Cleveland Tlson of Drew Is is visiting at the Andrews home In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Selllnger and Mrs. I. R. Wlshart went to Albany this morning isit 1 Mrs. Catherine Collins returned nome l8Bt evenlns from month Y'Blt nnUlnnil and San Francisco Calif , 0altlnnd Bna bttn "ancisco, i.aur. Edgar Johnson of Pioneer was in the 'city last evening interviewing Dr. Greer, the dentist He returned home this morning. Miss Essie Ball is assisting in tbe local telephone office, while Miss Free man is at Newport Elmer Horning went to Corvallis Monday to take the examination tor service on the C. & E. bridge crews. Miss Nadlne Copeland of Upper De pot slnugh was visiting with friends here Monday. - Mrs. J. H. Sugg, of Wlnant waa atv- slstlng at Henry Lewis' big sale the flrBt ot the week. Mrs. A. C. Crawford and daughter, Miss Ennls, were over from Silets the f,',, ' tne week viBl"i the Ira . Wade home. Mrs. S. S. Gossman of Chltwood was visiting friends in this city Tues day night, returning homo Wednesday morning. t ' Mr8' tC' ,0;Cpe. , Jit it i,3Wp, VlBnlng , ? ,1 d?"Kf , 'Mrs; Esther Copeland, the first of the , Week' Miss Bertha Andrews arrived home ' ,ne chrlgtmM nollanvi Ust TuM. I day evening. Miss Andrews is teach- lng school at Drew, Miss Queene Freeman went to New port Wednesday evening to assist on the switchboard In the telephone office there for a few days. The Ever Ready Bible Class held its regular monthly meeting in the parlors of the Church laBt Friday evening. A goodly crowd was in attendance ana a good time was had by all. Bert Geer and 0. R. Hollingsworth have been having lots of fun these days shooting at snipe down on the tidcland. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walker returned home from the Lower Columbia river, where Mr. Walker has been operating the dredge Chetro during the past svernl months. He will now operate the port dredge Lincoln. Rev. Abbott, district superintendent of this district, of the M. E. Church, was in this city over Sunday. He held quarterly conference at the Church and preached Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoidlman ot Sllotx returned Monday evening from a month's visit to the world's fair at gan KranrRC0. Mr. Hoidlman is the Agoney clerk. County Judge R. It. Miller returned home from attending the state high way meeting at Portland last Satur day evening. The Judge was accom panied home by his mother, who will visit here with the Judge and family. Rev. Searles of Salem, of the Friends, denomination, will hold ser vices In the building formerly occu pied by Jacobson's sr.loon on Wator Front. Meetings will be held every night W. D. Batteries of Tidewater this week sent to C. B. Crosno a sample of corn ralnod on his farm. The rorn stalks stand twelve feet high and the ears are well filled uat and large, in fact old Missouri hss nothing on this corn. Why do not the farmers ot Lin coln county raise thousands of acres of this corn. It surely Isn't because it can't be done. H. 0. Guild and family have moved here from Newport and will make their home In the A. L. Jacobson res idence. Mr. Guild has purchased the Senttnol of J. II. Davis and will now be a permanent fixture In Toledo. Mr. Guild Is an old newspaper man. A few years ago He edited the Newport 8lgnal. We extend to Brother Guild the hand of fellowship in the news paper Held again. GRAMMAR SCHOOL JTEM3 Miss Mabel Booth taught tliu Sev enth and Eighth grades this week dur ing the absence of Mr. Ports, who was taking the teachers' examination. Edna Altree quit school Monday. She will leave soon for her home in Portland. At present the Eightli grade is demonstrating bacterial fermentation. The Seventh and Eighth grade pupils worked hard, to decorate their room for Christmas. The school Christmas tree and exercises will be held Friday afternoon, on account of the school closing for the holidays on that day. '0 Come in and see oar hue of- Holiday Goods. , We will gladly show you the line and give you price below any cat alogue. Toledo Drug Co. 0" CARD OF THANK8 We desire to express our heartfelt appreciation to our neighbors end friends for their comforting sympathy and assistance in our great sorrow, and for the beautiful floral tr'butes re ceived. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Holcomb and Family. 1 Q - I have Celery, Lettuce, Swoet Pota toes, Oranges, Bananas and LemonB iur uie nonaay trade. A. 8. Van Clave. o TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO TODAY An LlOO pound horse was sold by the chief of police f.r Corvallls at auc tlon this week, and brought the sum of one dollar. At last ABtorla has the contract signed up for a railroad. The proposed new county to be formed from western Lane and Doug las counties does not meet with much opposition. Tt is proposed to call the new county Blaine. The steamer Homer has been kept inside thebay and the steamer South Coant otuslde for several days on ac count of a rough bar. Jesse Craft and Geo. Hodges of Big Elk were In the city this week. Assessor T. E. Parker and wife are f' n"re,1th eaaor Is at- tending a convention of the assessors ot the state. A. T. Peterson is extending the tel enhone line from the rock nuarry to Elk City. ' Miss Sada Chambers ts onslatlng In the county clerk's offlca tills wcok. Mrs. Wesloy L. Davis experts to go to Monmouth for avlslt with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Cressey. next week. Arthur Rochester is In Portland this week. Hon. J. W. Ball of Newnort has hn "omlnated as collector of customs at Yantiina. Word comes from Corvallls that Prior Scott, an old resident of HiIb county, ts missing and it 1b feared he has committed suicide. County Commissioner Chas. H. Wil liams has been elected mayor of New port Married Robert Campbell and Miss Nelly Brlggs were married at the home of the bride at Cape Foulweather Mondav. December 10th, 1894, Rev. Chas. Booth officiating. 0 With every 26c. purchase we will give one chance on the big boy doll. Toledo Drug Co. 0 NOBODY Can afford 'to miss the big Moose dance to be given at Oddfellow Hall In this city on Christmas Eve., Frldav the 24th, by the members of this flourishing order. The committees having the work In charge are working like beavers and are leaving nothing undone that will tend to make this dance one of the big events of the soason. Tim music will bo fine the very best. The supper, under the sup ervision of the noted chof, R. V. Munn. will be good, and everybody is ansured a good time. You aro invited. Don't wait until the last few days bofore Xmas. Come in early and make your selections. Onr stock Ir complete. Toledo Drug Co. i " i 0 TO EXCHANGE Willamette Valley farm, 100 acres, to exchange for small ranch In Lin coln county. If interested Investi gate. John Bradbury. Aurora, Oregon. 0 Ladles' Hose, te cloan out the bal ance of the stock 10o. a pair. Mrs. Frederick. 0 See the big Boy Doll In our wlndov we will give away. One chance with every 25c. purchase. Toledo Drug Co. 0 Fancy Bon Bon Boxts, Candles, Toye Tree Decorations, Xmas Cards, at the Bonbonlere. Lot. of untrlmmad shapes Cdc. each Lot. of trimmed hat. $1.00 aach. few 15.00 and $6.00 Hat. left, your choice, $2.00. Mrs. Frederick. 0 ' Ladle, velv.t grip Hose Supporterr a ragular 25o. seller. To close then out, 10c. pair. Mrs. Frederick. 0 Yerex-Brnwn A Co. offer extra qua' Ity Outing Flannels at 7 Vie. per yarr" 0 Children'. Underwear, to elose ou' will sell at about the price of the bu ton., 12c. to 18a. garment , Mrs. Frederick. 0 You will strike some extra goei bargain, at Mrs. Frederick, tomorrow. - :4 I 1