Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 10, 1915, Page Page 2, Image 2

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"Divvy Up!"
"Butter-Kist" Pop Corn is so crisp, fresh and pure,
it's almost too good to share. -
The very choicest, seasoned pop corn, popped just
light and the excess moisture dried out, then buttered
with pure creamery butter untouched by hands.
"Butter-Kist" Pop Corn
Is popped in a new, automatic machine that
does nearly everything, but make change.
7e simply put the raw corn in at the top
and the "Butter-Kist" Popper turns it out
in big, snowy, tempting flakes, freshly salted '
and buttered a delicious treat.
Come in and see it work!
Take a bag or- carton
'A! Waug V
Gardner Peterson
Builaer's Hardware Steel Ranges
Sporting Goods Heating and Cook Stoves .
" Tin and Granite Ware Plows and Harrows
Aluminum, Good for 15 years
Our New Fall and Winter Lines
now In.
DREN As good as the Market affords
W. P. TlcGBE
Dec. 11 to 18
Big Pre-invehtory Sale
. , -- .
I will sell goods from nearly every
line, for one week, for Cash, at urv
heard of prices to reduce my stock
before taking the annual Inventory.
( m
Toledo, Oregon
Docs n Gcnoral
home to the kiddies
immw "".
rf TTTTT V ff
WaterTront Meat Market J
J. L. Demitt, Prop.-
Fresh and Cured Meat. Toledo Creamery
I buy all my Beef, Mutton and Pork from ..
the the local rancher, and I pay the highest
market price delivered at mv shop. I pay
the hiRhest market price for hides and pelts
Ranking Business
Time Deposit
Established Twenty-Two ,Yars Ago.
Entered at Toledo, Oregon postofllce,
. as second class matter, March 9, 1893
One Tear, In advance $1.60
six Montli a, In advance , .75
Three Months, in advance...... .60
Display, 10c. per ln"h each Issue.
P.oadrrs, 6c. per line each issue.
"For Sale,'' "Wanted," Etc., up to live
lines, 26c. each Issue, 60c. per month
Legal Notices, regular rates. . '
The Leader has the la r (jest circulation
of any paper In the county, conse
quently it is the best advertising
medium, ! ,
Phone 7003
' Assessor . W. E. Eall is a Portland
visitor this week.
Frank Jones is working in the As
sessor s office thin week.
Miss Hawkins ot Siletz visited in
Newport the first of. the week.
Miss Essie Ball is visiting with Mrs.
Lola Cruson at Albuny' tills week.
Geo. W. Mooro, of the local lumber
company, went to San Francisco Wed
nesday morning.
Mrs. Lola Cruson and little daughter
returned to their home at Albany
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. N. L. McElwain and son, Clif
ford, returned last Saturday from a
visit at Medicine Lake, Montana,'
Mr. and Mrs. Wood of Salem arrived
Wednesday evening and went to SUets
for a visit at the L. 0,. Wood ranch.
County ' Judas R. R, Miller went to
Portland the first of tjhe week to at
tend the meeting ot the gimty Courts
In session there. . ,
A carload of small fir trees jias been
loaded at this place. These trees will
be shipped to toe cities to be used for
vrorstmat trets. -.. -- i
George Bellinger, who With his wife I
are visiting at the home of the letter's
sister, Mrs. Wishart, returned last Sat
urday evening from a business visit to
Sacramento, California.
'J. F. Kellem. the barber, has pur
chased the Bingham place up Run
Bottom, consideration 11000. This is
a fine little place and will make Mr.
and Mrs. Kellem a nice home. :
Stated communication of Lincoln
Lodge, 124, A. F. & A. M., will be held
at their lodge room Monday evening,
December. 19th. , Annual election . of
officers. Work in F. C. degree. Full
attendance desired. Visiting Brothers
cordially invited. G. B. McCluskey,
J. J. Galther, Fee. W. M. -
Word was received here last Sat
urday that Bert Howe, who formerly
worked in the barber shop here, had
died from the effects of an operation
tor appendicitis In Wyoming. This
was an error we are pleased to state.
A Inter messaere fated that Bert, was
getting along nicely.
At the city election last Monday J.
S. Akin, John Turnldge and R. R. Mil
ler were elected councllmen to serve
for a period of two years. Both am'
endmentn carried by good majorities.
The election board was composed en'
tlrelv of ladlce and they did their
work in a very efficient manner.
J. D. Mlckel, state dairy and food
commissioner, and E. B. Fltts of the
O.A.C., arrived last evening and are
meeting with the directors of the local
creamery today. These gentlemen are
Interested In the move to organize all
the . co-operative creameries in the
state to market their product through
a Btate wide organization.
Students attending O.A.C. from Lin.
coin county are reported by tho reg.
istrar as follows: Earle Boone, Tole
do, Junior in English: Ralph Coleman.
Newport, sopnmore in agriculture:
Emma I. Gllnes, Watdpoit, sophomore
in nome economics: Hallle Gllnes.
Waldport, sophomore in home econo
mics; C. Head, Waldport. uonhnmore
In home economics; and R. L. West,
wesiport, senior in agriculture.
The caRe of Grant King vs. Fred
Butterfleld was tried tn Justice Court
here last Tuesday. King brouaht suit
to collect a board bill contracted bv'
Butterfleld while working on the road
at Siletz some' months ago. Butter
fleld contended the contractor, whom
he was working under, had agreed to
pay for his board. W. E. Qwynn ap
peared for the defendant and J. F.
Stewart for the plaintiff. A verdict
was rendered in favor of King.
The Boy Scouts' entertainment at
the Dime theater last evening was
good. The little fellows, under the
leadership of Scout Master Bert Geer,
each and every one did excellent
work.the picture reels were fine, and
the audience was wen pleased'wlth the
show. The money taken in will be
used to buy uniforms and equipment
for the scouts. This organization
should have at least one hundred boys
eprolled here. , , r
' Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned Guardian of the person and
estate of William Robert Harrison,
Portia'' Louise Harrison and Minnie
Harrison, minors, by virtue ot an or
dor and decree of the County Court
ot the county of Lincoln, state ot Ore
gon, made and entered on the 6th day
of December, 1916, duly authorising
the sale of the land hereinafter set
out, will on and atter Saturday, the
a.ui u. mi j auuai j, juio, uuiy Dlisr
I ; and procepd to soil at private ale at
tne law omce of O. n. MoOlusikey at
1 1 Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, the
following described real property, to
T wit:
Lot Three (3) In Block six (() In
Rubles addition to the Town of Wald
port, Lincoln county, Oregon.
Terms ot sale, canh In hand.
Maude Hamilton,
Cuardlnn of the pernnn and eHtnte of
William Robert Hurrlnon. Portia
Lou I bo Harrison and Minnie Harri
son, mluors.
Ayredale pups, 4 months old,
thoroughbreds, rrlce, $5 and
$10. Mrs. L. A. Cook,
no ALun-no
Made from Cream of Tartar
Absolutely Pure
bkuoauui iiao a new mm. n mun
steadier than the Toledo mill and Us
product ls used at home without a
port tax. The only complaint of the
management is that he don't let the
cider get "skookum."' So we buy our
vinegar at Toledo.
Andrew Carnegie has sworn off
$5,000,000 of, personal property from
the tax roll. If he swore more than
Skookumltes does at its tax roll,
Andrew is not so good a Christian as
be supposes be is.- .
Mies Lily Storms transferred her
money from the Lisle Bank to the Lin
coln County Bunk. It is whispered
(but" not believed) that one ot the
younger bankers turned his back to
her during the transfer. . Both are too
e for that, and the counter Is
high. . . 4 ;. .
Eighteen of the new Bears ft Roe
buck catalogues cam to tha offloa at
Skookum. There la no closed Season
tor suckers.: Pearson's says S. & R.
escaped paying taxes on a million of
stock for years and that would pay for
many catalogues. And .they are
among the chief offenders In the pres
ent strike ot garment makers tn Chi
cago. . But what is that to Skookum
if . people will live tn Chicago and
work 12 hours a day tor 80c. so long
as Skookum can save a dollar on
suit of clothes T We patronize - our
home stores when we get out ot cash,
and growl over our bills. And if they
don't, pay good prices for' Skookum
butter and cabbage we can cuss 'em
good. i
One stingy Skookum wldder has
put up a spite fence to shut off a
neighbor's chlrkens from her ground.
And she hasn't a chick of her own.
You can feed In my field, chlckirs,.
and lay there. My kid Is a Tenas
Skookum for finding hens' nests. Be
neighborly. - ,
,rTnCXCi:ZZZyo body struggles against cold
linquent taxes. Whv not raffle them
off as the women did the sofa pillow?
hav,e r7 tJck!!tdM a,prJ,ze-
Think what a hundred families In Bay
View addition to Yaqulna would mean!
Or even fifty families in the Fifth ad
dition to Skookum! Against the law?
Let htm who doesn't - break the law
cast the first stone.
A Newport editor was here lf
week getting new subscribers. Bill
Storm told him his paper was aa good
as the Leader before It went to press.
Bill always dlscouragea home Enter
prise, and takes the Oregon an 111!
We are turning out Butter
Kist Pop Corn by the bushel.
It's your fault If, you don't get
your share of It. Get the Habit.
Remember when you want
slab, edging or block wood and
see Johnny Yasek.
. When your liver gets torpid
and your stomach acts queer,
take Dr. King's New Life Pills
and you will find yourself feel
ing better. They purify the
blood, give you freedom 'rom
constipation, biliousness, dizzi
ness and indigestion. You feel
fine Just like you want to feel.
Clear the complexion too. 25c.
at druggists.
Notice Is hereby glvun that the
County Superintendent of Lincoln
County, Oregon, will hold the regular
examination of applicants for State
Certificates at Toledo, as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, December
15, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. ra., tnd con
tinuing until Saturday, Docomber 18,
1915, at 4 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon "
Writing, U. 8. History.
Wednesday Afternoon
Reading, physiology, Composition,
Methods in Reading. Mathods In
Thursday Forenoon'
Arithmetic. History of Education,
Psychology, Methods In Geography.
Thursday Afternoon
Grammir, Geography, American
Literature, rhytilcs. Methods In Lnn-
guage, Thesis for Primary Cortlflcctes,
ocience 01 rjnucatlon.
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice. Orthography,
Physical Geography, Engllnh Lltora
ture, ChemlHtry, History of Education.
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil
Government, Childhood and Adol
escence Saturday Forenoon
Geomotry, Botany, School Adminis
tration. Saturday Afternoon
GoneVal Hlatory, Bookkeeping, Meth
ods. R. P. Coin,
County School Superintendent.
'km G.
January 3 to 8, 1916
Z,tv Information, Practical ITelp for the Home
til farm, Mm Community.
Conventions of Oregon's (treated Industrie
' Conference on Oregon' Moat Vital Problem
Two thou aand people attended laat year. It I a
great place to make ft-ieuila with lire
. thinker and live Ihoufbt. good
. worker, aid good workf, . .
January 10 to February 4, 1016
A Practical Agricultural Couraa In Nut SbelL
Applied Science In Actual Work of
... , the Farm and Hooaekoul, , ..
CaarMsIa VkVlt RAtsIXO, PAftM CKOPft.
Campondnc Count. Wlthaot Tuition..
,, kxpert InalrueUon In Muaic .,.
Keduoed railroad rates. ,
Pot prafnm write to Tht College Eichingt, Orel im
Agricultural Collega. Canrtlilt, 1-1W to I-t)
Coughs and Colds
w '. are.
Few of us realize the danger
or Coughs and Colds. We con
eider, them common, and harm
less ailments. However statis
u KU-U8 eveT Ultra person
dies of a lung ailment. Danger-
tics tell, us every third person
ous Bronchial and Lune diseases
I follow a neelecteri r-nld. Aa
germs, no Detter aid can De naa
jthan Dr. King's New Discovery.
Its merit has been tested by old
I A ,,,, r .. I
years. Get a bottle today. Avoid
tne risk or serious Lung ail
ments. Druggists.
Lost In the Chitwood district
two weeks and two days ago, a
hound dog, weight about 56 lbs.,
brindle in color, with a white
spot on nose and white chest
and feet, has lonjj ears.
J. T. Dailey,
Nortons, Oregon.
O ;
For slab, edgings or" block
wood see John Yasek.
. 0
notice to creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lincoln.
In the matter ot the estate of Bernard
Friar, deceased.
You will please take notice that C.
H. Chick has been appointed Admin
istrator of the estate ot Bernard Frulr,
deceased, " and all . persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
requosted to file and present the same
to said C. H. Chick, Administrator,
at his office in the Lumbprmens Bank
Bldg., Portland, Multnomah county,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of the first publication ot thlt
notice, towlt, the 19th day of Noveta
ber. 1916. v
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this Novem
ber 16, 1915.
C. A. Chick,
F. H. Whitfield,, Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator,
1201 Northwestern Bank Bid.,
Portland, Oregon.
When you are going to see
tne movies or an evening stop
arid get a nice Back of that de
licious Butter-Kist Popcorn,
for sale at Al's Smokehouse.
rhysician and Surgeon
One work horse, 6 years old,
weight about 1400. One Ken
tucky Whip snddle mare. See
Nels W. Miller, Pioneer, Or.
Buy one at i.Im Mrrr'.uMfi
II. 1 el. 1 hlx ssnnrc meals for
in the Circuit Cou -t of the State of
Orenron. for the County of Lincoln.
O. H. Martin, Plaintiff,
Prank Mclntyre' and Clara Mcln
tyre, Defendants.
By virtue of an execution and order
of sale Issued out of the above en
titled Court In the above entitled ac
tion to me directed and dated the
?Gth day rf November, A. D., 1915, In
favor of O. H. Martin and against the
above named defendants for the sum
of J218. 5 with lntoreat thereon at the
rntc rvf 6 per ont per annum from
llio SO'.'i day of .lulv, A. D 1916, and
i further sum of $26.00 attorney's fees
?nd 12.00 costs-and cost of this writ
commanding me to sell the foilowmg
describrd renl property situate In Lin
coln county, Oregon, as follows, towlt:
Lots numbered Nine, Ten, Twenty
'hree and Twpntv-fcnr tn section Four.
Township Ten South, Range Tea
Went of tho Willnmotte Meridian in;
Liniola county, Oregon.
Now, Therofore, In compliance with
the demands of said execut'on and or
1'or of sale I will on Monday, the 3d
day ot January, A. D , 1016, at 1:00
o'clock p. m. at the front door of the
C- unlv Ccurtuotis'i, In the City of To
ledo, L'ncoln county. Oregon, sell to
il.o hianMt b'ddor for cash, all the1
right, title and -lntcr-st of the nbovt
named Frnnk Mclntyre and Clara Mc
' defendants In the above named
action, In the above described proper
ty to satisfy Bald execution and order
of sclc, Interest, costs and accruing
Bert Gser, '
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Dated this 1st day of Dec. 1115.
Date of first publication, December
3,1415. Date of laat publication, De
cember 31, 1915.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County of Lincoln.
Lincoln CWBty Bank, a corporations
Plaintiff, -- -,.
vs. i
John Kentta, Matt Rlnto and John'
'. Ulutla, Defendants. -
By virtue of an execution and order'
ot sale Issued out of the above ei-
titled Court In the above entitled ac
tion to me dliected and dated the
26th day of November, A. D1., 1915, In
favor ot Lincoln County Bank, a cor
poration, and against above named de
fendants, tor the sum of $1000.00 with
Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per'
rent per annum from the 1st day of
January, A. D., 1914, and further
sum ot $80.00 attorneys fee, kud
costs of this writ, commanding ma to
sell the following described real prop
erty situate In Lincoln County, Ore
gon, as follows, towlt: - . .
Tha West Half or the North wee
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of
Section Fifteen, and the West Half of
the Southwest Quarter of tha North
west Quarter of aald section Fifteen;
bIbo the East Halt ot the Northeast
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
Section Sixteen and the East Halt of
the Southeast Qua.ter of the North
east Quarter of snld Section Sixteen,
all In Township Ten South of Range
Ten West of the Willamette Meridian
In Lincoln county, Oregon, containing:
Eighty acres. .
Now, Therefore, in compliance with
the demanda of said execution and or
der of aale I will on Monday, the 8
day of January, A. D., 1916, at 1:00
o'clock p. m. at the front dnor of the
County Courthouse, iu the City of To
ledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, sell to
the hlr-hest bidder for cash, all the
right, title and Interest ot the above
named John Kentta, Matt Rlnto and
John Ululla, defendants, in the above
named action, In the above described
p-operty to satisfy said execution and'
order of sale, interest, costs and ac
cruing costs.
o. Ber Gsr,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Dated this 1st day of Dec. 1915.
Date of first publication. December
3, 1915. Date of last publication, De
cember 31, 1916. .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lincoln.
Isaiah B. McJunkln, Plaintiff,
William F. McJunkln. A. E. Brooks
and Laura Brooks, Defendants.
By vlrtuo of an execution and order
of sale Issued out of the above en
titled Court In the above entitled ac
tion to mo directed and dated the
26th day of November, A. D., 1916, In
favor of Isalh B. M.-Junkin and aglnst
above named deferdants for the sum
of $1500.00 with Interest thereon at
the rate of 6 per cent per annum from
the 1st day of January, A. D., 1914,
and a further sura ot $150.00 attorney"!
fees, and $31.60 costs and costs of this
writ commanding me to sell the fol
lowing real property altuate In Lin
coln county, Oregon, as follows, towlt:'
Beginning at a point 2 rods
North of tha Section corner to Sec
tions Sixteen and Seventeen, Town
ship Eleven- South, Range Ten West
of the Willamette Meridian In Oregon;
running thence West 98 rods to Olalla
Slough; thence up East bank of said
slough to 1-16 Section line; thence
East to 1-16 Section corner; thence
North 20 rods; thnce East In Seec
tlon Sixteen 80 rods:
H3 3-4 rods: thenr
beginning, containing 95 acres more
or less and being In Sections Sixteen
and Seventeen In Township Eleven
South; Range Ten West of Willamette '
Meridian In Oregon.
Now Therefore, In compliance With
tho demands of said execution and or
dor of sale I will on Monday, the 3d
day of Junuary. A. D., 1916, at 1:00
0 clock p. m. at the front door of the
County Courthouse, In the City of To-
ni0'. Mnro.ln. f ?uaty' Oregon, soli to
1 J,1?1'.,f"t bid'.1"' h,T cftBl'. the
right, tltln and Interest of the above
named Wm. McJunkln, A. E. Brooke
and Laura nrooks, defendants In the
above named ac tion, In the above des
cribed property to satisfy ald execu
tion and order of sale, Interest, costs
and accruing costs.
n'!!:7!!r.of,L.,n:n,n ?mm5!oSe.
i,, in iai unj oi Dec. 1B16.
l1"!? ' flrHt P'll'llcntlon. Docemhel"
' " " . J'"10 ' last publication. Do.
comber 31, 1916,
Boys Underwear, Right price,
Rt-Vit goods. Right cie for air
aha boys. Yerex-Brown & Co. ,