Eimoht Mntp VOLUME 23 , , . TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 1915. NUMBER 42. C CXI TIVTTPV lJCYQ News - of. each Community Gathered each VvUl I- I ,- nEf VVO week by Our Hustling Associate Editors ' : : i 7 1 : r" NEWPORT I am much interested In reading the Hems, from "Sltookum." They are unique. I don't know where the place is located, but I know the . writer. "Hyas cumtux mamook sum. . Clonas yaka close tlllicum pe nika hyas ticka nan Itch yahka copa yahka llahee. Wakelala nika chahco copa, pe nanltcb mlka klosh kahkwa " The Elk City cot respondent seems to be worried over Newport's Sunday closing law. This Is a Blue Law something like they had a hundred years ago. Here Is a sample of the law. It reads thus, "all stores, shops, groceries and cigar stores, bowling al leys, billiard balls. Ice cream parlors and all places of amusement must be closed." Does our critic approve such a law. I think not. He may be the kind of man that would have hung -witches hed he lived in the days of Thomas Jefferson. This age is too enlightened to trlc-ate such laws. This law has already been turned down in Portland and it is not gen erally observed, only In so far as peo ple are benefitted by haveing one day in seven set aside for rest and recre ation. This is entirely in the discis sion of the people whether they will go to church or out strolling, picnics, on an excursion or bathing in the. exhllerating waters of the ocean or - sleeping If tired and worn out. Commiesloner Hurt left Monday morning for Portland, where he will be Joined later by Judge Miller and Commissioner W. F. Wakefield, the other members of the Court. They will meet with the state highway ' commission in Portland the 8th and ' continue In session three days. The purpose Is to try to get our share of. me money to aid in building a coast road through Lincoln county. The taxpayers of this county have -been paying Into this fund $2,600 each year for three years. We should get the oenent or mis money. Clatsop, Til latnooK. Lincoln. Lane. Cooa anil Curry counties are interested in tha fund. Some day, and we hope not far uiBiani, we nope to see a good wagon and automobile road built along the cum i w me vaiirornia una. The city election is over. It was . the most Interesting election we have bad for years. The women took as much or more interest in it than the men. The main Hunt centered around the marshal's office. ' The ofllce pays $60 per month with no emoluments or rake off. Six candidates were striv ing for the office. Each voter working for his favorite. From the . start Brown, Burdett and Frey were in the lead. At Nye Creek Brown began to fall behind. His friends loft him like rats from a sinking ship. The women laid off their sweaters, rolled up their sleeves and went at it in good earnest Several tussela occurred on the stoop of the voting booths. Bach one was doing her level best to put her can didate through. After" the battle closed and the smoke cleared away the vote showed the following result: R. A. Bensell Vaa re-elected mayor by a majority of 66; John Frey was , elected marshal by a majority of 28; all the members of the old council were re-elected exevpt in ward No. 2, R. F. Baker was elected to take the place of Andrew Jackson Brown, who ran for marshal and was defeated. The amendments to the city charter were adopted, except two, the occupa tion tax and the appointment of mar shal by the council. D. T. Harding was re-elected city recorder and Ar thur Wing, treasurer. ' We have had month of heavy torms. The ocean and bar have sel dom been so rough. Saturday night the wind blew a perfect gale It was not 0 miles per hour, but 65. But little damage was done save a few shingles and boards were blown off some old buildings. Fred Stanton and Jim Derrick stop ped over night at Newport while on their way to Waldport to. view and survey out some roads. 0 You will strike some extra good bargains at Mrs. Frederick's tomorrow. ONA Horace Wood and the Cook Bros made a trip to Newport Monday, re turning Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parks and son spent Sunday with the Hills. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Llssy went to B&y View Saturday. Fred Commons went to Yaqulna Friday. John Hanlon and Robert McFarland made a trip to Cook's sawmill Bun- aay. Clifford Phelps made trip to Ya- quina Monday. Fay Belby accom panled him. Ernest Lewis of TTpper Beaver was a caller at Selby's Thursday, 0 We will give away die Big $8.00 Boy Doll. One chance with every 25c, pur- cnase. Toledo Drug Co. 0 ELK CITY Proper (Wednesday to Wednesday) Last Saturday the Grange here met In regular monthly session, and all bad an enjoyable time. Wm. En os lias Just finished putting an addition to bis bouse here. Rev. R. J. Davenport came In Friday night on the evening train. He at tended Orange, and held his regular service' Sunday. .. . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Allen left for Albany Monday, where they will re main until Mr. Van Allen has finished some very Important business. The . storms still continue to. rage. Somebody pleaso cut them out News this week h short on account of the writer being busy. ...... 0 Ladles velvet grip Hose Supporters, a regular 25o. seller. To close them out, 10c. pair.. Mrs. Frederick. : o FIEGLES CREEK Indnde and it must be grand to have a President for a swateheart Me own heart is turnin' to cinders for very invy. Rivers aro up and fish migrating. The Darting boys have sold their goats to Frank Davis of Harlan. Frank Mulvany killed a' wild cat Ir.at week that was camping on the goat range. Tho Kossi's aro planning Improve ments on their l'nrtmnd property where they stay. Will enjoy superior social advantages. The Kessls came bore from Corvallis sve years ago. Will yon kindly allow me to make a little suggestion to the reporters of your good paper? I for one would rcreatly appreciate- crop reports, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.; improvements on the forms, etc. It would be a good ad for the county and encourage toll. era. Many of us can not visit the lo calities in person, therefore our cur iosity could be satisfied by the reports given. I am convinoed that Lincoln countv has much rich land 'n cultiva tion and. more still .j be utilized dur ing the near future. I am not a pes simist! Let us look on the bright side of surroundings and not hide our light under a bushel, so to speak, Not so, Mr. Editor? ' 0 Fancy Ban Bon Boxes, Candles, Toys Tree Decorations, Xmaa Cards, at the Bonbonlere. SALADO What's the trouble with the tele- nhone company In Toledo?- We have had no service there for some time. The phone man here says his lines are all in working order. Several of the young folks and some of the older ones attended the lance at Mr. Hopkins' on Deer creek 'ast Friday night There was a large :rowa and all had a fine time. Those thinking br.cie does no harm iliould note the difference now at the country dances, anl when the young ut.-u iibu oooza 10 eep uiem awake 'jefore the county went dry. They teem to keep awake alright now wlth- ut It contrary to what they used to jelleve. George Hodges was home a few days last weok. Mr. Hodges visited the nursery of which W. B. Griffith of Elk '.'tty represents. He says there Is no Iner nursery stock in Oregon and Jiat you can't beat their stock any where. We note the petition which is be ing circulated for the hatchery claims that the hatchery was discontinued on account of the underhanded work of the people of Big Elk, all of which is a He. Just ask the fishermen on the bay what they think of the way the hatchery has been handled. You don't need to listen to the Big Elkers. We hear so much about the Big Elk people killing the fish In the small streams. Why dot. t the good Rod and Gun Club at Newport send their ?ome warden along the streams of the county and then compare notes. I think he will tell you that there Is not one nan slaughtered on Elk to ten In incr piaces. Try it We note the Elk City scribe says we should nnt privately pass our opinions onto the public. Very well. This should be a oubllc question. But If vou ret down to the bottom of the thing you will see no ones mat puts up tne big fight for the hatchery from Elk nt u ini. vldually Interested on the dollar side it me question. Yerex-Brown A Co. offer avtra final. Ity Outing Flannels at 7V4c per yard. 0 FALL CREEK ' We are having some Winter. The bachelors on Fall Creek have not been as dry during the past week mey win ne in 1918. F. B. Cams Is hauling wood from rrea wesiDrooH S. Ray Shearer and Harold Anderson of Salem have taken homesteads on run creea. , Clair Trenholm. our road supervis or, Is doing some good work on the niuuB. E. M. Deals has his Fall grain all In no nas nis winter's wood In the shed Otto Dlockhoff Is slashing brush and clearing up ground. Tom Hockoma and Bryan Tom are making somo Improvements on the uscar torn place. 1 liert Tonnyhlll mnda a flvln Mn to Beavor creek and return via Wald' Pn, ana nas ukon up board and w n ? Ularley Howe for the "lnler' hu;l,W;..Bn,0l, Mn ,oU ot blacksmlthlng the l.st few days. . Amy Fltzcharles has been sick but ls getting better. Earl O'Brien has been making roads and grubbing out stumps. D. M. Cams seys be Is going to send to Arkansaw ijr some lightning bugs and' cross them with bis bees so they will work day and night D. M. has tne right laea. N. P. Parr has been building some new fence. . . i t t o.n.. u Tnir'a 1 Mr. 'and Mrs. Long are at the St Mar- tin hot springs . j December 31st will be a big day at Waldport John Barleycorn is there now waiting for the crowd. . . o . Going out -of business . Saturday, ' December 11th Is the last day, Mrs. Frederick. O BAY VIEW It is expected that the Rev. S. MV Woods will again be In Bay View and hold Thursday, December 2d meetings over Sunday. On account of the rain and stormy weather the Bay Viewers who had in- tended on going to the Fishermen's and Thanksgiving cance at Waldport ,,. .h. ... m. Prescott having compied an added w. kn...o h. k.,i. ,. Invited np and the result was at dance. One of the-best of suppers was served at midnight and. everyone stayed till ah. early hour. It is un- necessary to say that the evening waa enjoyed by all for did ever anything occur here that was not enjoyed? Elmer Hlmonnnn nf . nn won . in : Bay View Sunday and Monday. The organ for the Sunday school and church services was brought up Saturday and hacr Its first tryout Sun day. It Is quite an Improvemet-t . 1 Miss Emma Thompson, the school -teacher, while playng football with the children Monday, got kicked quite badly. However, she is able to to eontlnua taayhlnft- Th Moo.r. ni v Dv,ini. HtaWSSS cEreewe?e transacting business In the city Tue John Coovert and Conrad Thompson of On. were In Bay View Tuesday. 0 With every. 25c. purchase we .will give one chanca- onthe big boy dolL ""do Drug Ce. 0 CLEN The dance at Mr and Mrs. W. R. Moore's Thanksgiving was not very successful on account of high water many people could not come. Ray Brown la riding around on a fine, new horso. Miss Clara Moore spent Thanksgiv ing week at home. John Davenport went to Toledo last Wednesday. R. T. Moore has almost com Dieted th maA tn Ma h.n,.....i Ti.. . StafTta a hoi'se 0me"lead- Tb" neXt Jesse Davenport went to Toledo Monday . Lots of untrlmmcd Ihaoci BOe. aaeh. Lota of trimmed hats $1.00 each. A few $5.00 and $6.00 Hats left vour choice, $2.00. Mrs. Frederick. O POOLE SLOUCH WelL It Is all wind and rain here and no news. Leland Wright who. after strand ing a week visiting his sisters, Anna and Emma, returned to the Lower Bay monuay. W.J). Roberts was moving thlncs off his place Saturday. P. Shermer has been kllllna- several fine beeves lately. E. S. Hall and Thos. Barker, dlrec tors of school District No. 11, and nars. -inos. Urown, chairman, have been trying to get tne schoolhouse fixed up with new desks, teachers' chair and paint for the inside of the schoolhouse will be the new Improve ments. , - 0 See the Xmas Goods at Bonbonlere. 0 UPPER BEAVER Archie Zeeke nf Poole slough was in mis vicinity Tuesday, Mrs. A. Peterson and children re turned homo from Oyster City Tburs- uny. f Henrv Rhoades, J. C. Huntsucker ann I. n. Huyett were trading In Ya. quina ana uystervllle Monday. Henry Emerson of Oyster City vis ited at the Peterson ranch Tuesday. The teacher and pupil are busy preparing for the play, "Christmas Visitors" which Is to be given when school closes for the holldavs, Decem ber 17th. The exercises will began at S p. m., and everyone Is cordially In vited to attend. , O. E. Lewis was busy repairing the telephone line Tuesday. Mrs. J. C. Huntsucker and daughter, Alice, and son. Ira, visited at the itnoades home Sunday, H"nr Emerson was In our midst Friday. , Mr- A- Peterson and daughters, Edith and Joseph In., called on MraTlL O. Rhoades a few hours Tuesday after- noon. Peter Petorson was an Oystervilfe caller Monday. J. M. Bowers and H. 0. Rhoades made a trip to Newport Thursday. The writer isn't going to say any- thiny about the sunshine in this week's items, if this is the way the weather is going to act o Children's Hose 8uDDorten. the tl'nQ"t end best mads, 7c the 'pair, ' . ; Mr- Frederick. . . , . .,.. MILL FOUR " The "Skookum" creek correspon debt rather puts some of the rest of , us In the shade, for interesting news. Vome again. Leland Wright Is helping his sisters this week at their dairy ranch. Mr. Colver spent Friday evening at the Davis home. sir. and Mrs. Weaver called at the JrisomM ranch Thursday. me uuuer neighborhood is prepar- ".. 'T" l " ' lor V"18 . Ti . ' JT " f ' ?ef, on"- fam: 'J? J"? bf,,et and banta Claus will finer the little ones for be8l gooa a nner. . wooaing u on me sick ubu Mr. and Mrs. Weaver spent a very pleasant day at the E. S. Hull ranch Saturday, Thomaa Butler la repairing the tel- ephone line along the county road .this week. Our holiday stock is more complete than than ever. Come and see our line be - r you purchase. Toledo Drug Co. SILETZ Earnest Bryant Is building a new residence on his 6-acre tract bought at auction saie iasi year, ana will toe ' " haJ Jjjft1 PM?VrStaT U sreTa 1"' tTbaul freight over. This road needs to be planked If any road dts." , Harley Tjr,or of slIeUVM . Toledo TliUor tha t of y,, week ,,,0 Wednesday. Mr. Toberer of Lower Siletx went to Toledo Monday to make final K21 " J "? iST? BUeU country. He took Guy Butter- ne,a lon " nlB witness. Mr. and Mrs. Grant King sued Fred Butterfleld and wife for a board bill in wn'ch Mr. and Mrs. King were given , Judgment against Butterfleld. i Hawkins Bros, ft company have signed lue contract to saw and lay the " "r ' rott i u,:',w,":u WB lwo new onuses towara i . ' . . . . rung t mcuonaia nave taxen , ? "V? d V? IoB,n5 engine that belongs to this road dls- trlct down to do tha logging with Hoxle Simmons and Billy Martin wtnl to Toledo, returning Wednesday. Hoxle brought a load of freight Miss Opal Brassfleld went to Toledo Tuesday, returning Wednesday. The patrons of this school district met at the schoolhouse and voted a tax levy of 6ft mills and some are bowling at that Such people surely have no use for schools, and think they should not have to pay to keep them up for others. It we had voted a 20-miIls tax like Bandon we would bave had a few funerals here. It might break them up In business. I don't think there tan be too much done in the way of education, so do a majority or the people. Misses Hart came over from Toledo Friday to visit thai? sister, Mrs. Geo. Miller of Lower Farm, and to attend the masquerade ball at that place. There was a large crowd at the dance ana an report a fine time. 0 All kinds of Christmas Goods at the Conbonlsre. CHITWOOD SCHOOL Names of Duotla on rtnii nf nnnn. for the month ending December 3, are - - Laura Smith, Irene SmHh, Zeta Smith, Levi Smith, Ines Weaver, El mer Smith. Those neither absent nor tardy dur ing the same period are, Laura Smith, Kdlth Batter, Ralph Smith, Emmett Smith, Cecil Smith. Grace Smith, Ed Dwlnnell, Elgin Rnld, Marlon Mlnogue Zela Smith, Levi 8ni!;h. The per cent of attendance for the month lias been 90.1. Pupils having "A" In scholarship, Irene Smith, -0 . Don't wait until the last few days before Xmas. Come tn early and make your selections. Our stock Is complete. Tolsdo Drug Co. 0 TO EXCHANGE Willamette Vallev farm, 100 acres, to exchange for sirall ranch In Lin coln county. If Interested Investi gate. John Bradbury. Aurora, Oregon. 0 Ladles' Hose, to elsan out the bal ance ef the stock 10c a pair. v ,. Mre. Frederick. GRAMMAR SCHOOL ITEMS Elsie Gordon was absent from school Tuesday on account of sick-' ness. ' Jim Ross was absent from school Monday afternoon, because of neu ralgia on the brain. The Seventh and Eighth grades are making some demonstrations in agri culture. The demonstration last week waa to test the raising qualities of milk. At present the classes are demonstrating the mould In cheese. Kenneth McCaulou Is absent from school on account of sickness. . 0 "Buy Early" while our stock Is com plete. All new, fresh stock, and prices are right Toledo Drug Co, M. E, CHURCH NOTES On Friday evening of this week the Ever Ready Bible Class will meet In the parlors of the Church. At this meeting will occur the annual election of ofllcers. After the business sess'on the social committee will have chat-go. They have a pleasnnt time planned. Promptly at 7:30 p. m. on Friday evening the first quarterly conference will be held at the parsonage. Dr. J. T. Abbett. of Eugene will preside at this meeting. All members please meet promptly so we can get through in time to go to the Ever Ready meet ing. . - , School; . .oonjylree'aolfllireshmmebme Sunday services: 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a. m., morning Worship. The pastor wty preach at this service. 7:30, Evening Worship. Dr. J. T. Abbett of Eugene will preach in the evening. 'u.t?" L?le.Ala P-Jc:etjr Is going to na luncy work of various klnds on Friday, De- tlflratos which will certify that the cember I7th. A more complete an- holders have not only taught success nouncement will be made next week ! fully during the proceeding year, but th?rhrd,e.nnHn'1 'D?cember 18 ihat they are progressive and have SfariA0": 'hn PP" Professional spirit to- will be one of the best musical pro ' -aw .uviuuu avwuih. lino grams ever heard in Toledo. Under the efficient leadership of Mr. Ralph T. Moore they have :een working hard on this. We hope you are planning to attend. A great, big line of Boys, Under wear Just received. Yerex Brown A Co. BUCKING THE BUTTER TRUST A Federation of U the Co-operative Creameries In Oregon Is being :r:'JT.S- "r.!K" 1"8 : -cT. and .Talf TSFSZ a 80ciatlons. for OL n Lrv. Ing the "Butter Trust." At present the small creameries are operating ; under a serious handicap, having to , take practically whatever price the "Butter Trust" will give them for then- product regardless of what It is really vorth. Under the proprsed new arrange ment all the co-operative creameries In the state will Join together and have a selling agency of their own. The plan In detail Is too long for us to give here. Members of the state committee are meeting with the di rectors of the Toledo Creamery today, and are explaining and presenting the pian to mem. 0 Children's Underwear, to close out, will sell at about the price of ths but tons, 12c to 18c. a garment Mrs. Frederick. 0 Mrs. J. R. Turnldge Is reported very sick. S. C. Brassfleld of Siletx Is in this city today. Mr. and Mrs. Grant King of SJfoti were In Toledo last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Butterfleld of the Lower Siletx were In the city Tuesday. Shem Lafayette, Billy Mctcalf and James Franks of Siletx went to Port land Monday. Ed Palrte this week razed the shop building used by Geo. Walker on the bank of the slough. Miss Opal Brassfleld of Siletx was In the city Tuesday, as a witness In the Klng-Butterfleld law suit I have Celery, Lettuce, Sweet Pota toes, Oranges, Bananas and Lemons for the Holiday trade. R, 8. Van Cleve. W. H. Price, who recently bought kn n n nn... ..! - r. , , i . v. v, unci ia.v bi vuliwuuu, waa ..'miiv oTjufc vinuui ma mat ui tun 1 week. Attoreny W. E. Gwynn, candidate for district attorney, was In the city Tuesday In the Interest of his client In the KiiiR-llutterfleld suit The big sale at Henry Lewis' Is on today. This Is the first big sale at the Lewis store. Goods are going fast at right prices. See the big ad on page four. John Bradbury of Aurora was In the city this week. Mr. Bradbury wants a farm In Lincoln county. He has a fine farm noar Auroi which he wants to trade for one here. See his ad In this Ihbuo. The Toledo schools will close for a two weeks' vacation next Friday. School will resume on the 3d of Jan uary. The schools are plnnnlng Christmas entesjnlnmcnts for Friday afternoon. - The onnunl Moose dunce will be hold at tlietfiddfnllows hull In this city Friday Vvenlng, Dec. 2h, (Christmas Kve.l This promises to be a big event. The N committeo- having the dance In charge Is dulng everything to make It a most pleasant affair. Re member, It Is Just two weeks from this evening, " FREE LOCAL TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Saturday, December 11th Is tht date and Newport Is the place. Hoi.'t stay at home or go sonlewhere etse because you are not a teacher, for It . is for everyone who wlshus to nttenJ,. and the more the betten 1 would Hk to see so many that mony of the teachers would have to stand that you flight have a seat , . - The Toledo teachers 'and others along the river and -bay will go, on a launch and It will be perhaps ten o'clock before We ran reach the schoolhouse, so we will begin at. that time ten o'clock. Remember the hour. , : . ' These meetings are held for' the good of the pupils more so than for the good of the teachers, yet they are never called pupils' meeting?. A good program will be rendered' and you will miss something you would like to hear if you' fail to attenrt. As tho heading Indicates, it will be free, no collections at the door. . R. P. Coin, County School Snperlnten'le'it. 0 Fancy Celery, New Navel Oranges, Cape Cod Cranberries. Yerex Brown A Co. TEACHERS MAY EARN A NEW ' KIND OF .-. CERTIFICATE A pllan for Riving Dubllln rernnrnl. tlon to those teachers of the state who have proven themselves to be progressive as well as successful In their work, has been announced by Superintendent of Public Instruction, J. A. Churchill. To all teachers who meet the five requirements adopted by ,the State Superintendent there will he given Professional Teachers' Cer- iwarn Tfifiir wnrir The certificates will be Issued by the Superintendent uf Public Instruc tion upon the statement of the county superintendent that all of the require ments have been met and that the teacher deserves especial recognition of his attainments. While the certificate will, In Itself not entitle the holder to teach, It wir oe oi great assistance to school boards in helping them to select thoroughly progressive and"up-to-date teachers, who have been especially successful In their work. The requirements which must be met for the Professional Teachers Certificate are as fallows: 1. Having taught successfully for at least eight months durlnr h school year 1916-19'6. 2. Having met all thn rAnillrOTflAnf a for a teacher in a standard school and having compile 1 strlctlv with the laws relating to fire dangers and fire drills. 3. Having sent promntlv to the county superintendent all reports re quested by him or required by law. . Having attended the annua) teachers' Institute ir teachers' train ing school, and at least ono local 1n Stltute. 6. Having read durina- tha under the supervision of the Univer sity or uregon or the Oregon Agri cultural College, at least two bonka on the teachers' reading circle list R. P. Goln. O Come In and see our line of HniiHav Goods. We will gladly show vou the line and give you price below any cat- lugue. loitao Drug Co. 0 TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO TODAY The following was taken from tht files of the Leader of 21 years ago: O. A. Hooker of Storrs waa in the city Tuesday. Chas. Don Caster was ud from New. port after horses Tuesday. Rev. S. W. Potter is holding pro tracted meetings In tho old school house. Dr. Dlven was up from Waldpor' Monday. He returned to Newport t take the steamer Augusta to Alsen bay. , Luke O'Brien, the Yaqulna clothier, was In town the first of the week. Rev. A. L. Hawiey, who was on thl- circult last year, has beeh asslgne I to work at Newberg. At the city election held last Mnr. day the following were elected: Councllmen, O. O. Krogslad, Rltt Dcdrlck,. Wm. Alexander, and M. E I'ealrs. , Pellet Felix went to Yakima, Wash. Tuesday. The steamer Volunta stoDnnd her on her way up the river Monday. wesiey uavis made a trip to thr Valley the latter part of the week. Married At the bride's resldenc In this city, Thursday, December 6t' 1894, Christopher C. Kubler and Mrr Emallne A. Glore, J. A. Hull. Justin of the Peace, officiating. Married At the Siletx Agerfcy, r Sunday, December 2. 1894. I)r. C.u and MIrs Humphrey, Rev. Potter . nciating. Tom Horning roports that they hn the last mess of roasting ears of tv soaaon at their homo lust Tuesday. ir.u ... . i .... . . . tiii. u. moninr was Killed at H' Pioneer quarry yesterday, bv hel cruHhed by a heavy timber of a d rick they were putting In place. Governor-elect W. P. Lord and 8c ator Mitchell called on I'resldoa' Cleveland last Thursday . o .: 8ee the big Boy Doll In our wlndrw we will give away. One chance with every 25o. purchase. Tolsdo Drug C