Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 03, 1915, Image 1

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News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Hustling Associate Editors
State Fish Werden H. L. Kelly
ijaet with the Rod and Gun Club
at Its Hall Thursday evening and
In an address to the Club told
Aow important It Is to preserve
our fish, clams, crabs, oysters
and all sea food as this is the
.great incentive to bring people
to the coast to get a change of
fare as well as climate. ' These
Industries brought thousands of
dollars to the people. The rea
son we have so few fish is they
have been caugat out by the
selfishness and avarice of man.
He said the boys running along
the creeks with 22 rifles and
killing the salmon during the
spawning season was causing
the loss of hundreds of dollars
to the people. He. said each
female salmon had at least 4000
eggs and by destroying the loss
to. the people would be $100, pro
properly hatched and cared for.
The natural spawning grounds
were being destroyed by clear
ing and cultivating the soil and
the only way to preserve and
propagate the fish was to' keep
up the hatcheries. Instead of
having only one or two hatcher
ies there ought to be a hatchery
on every important stream in
the county. The cannery peo
ple, who ase interested in the
progagation of fish are putting
up their own money to build
And keep up the hatcheries.
They are a good thing. J. C.
Dixon and P. J. Parks were
down from Elk City to see the
warden and to assist In trying
to get the hatchery on Big Elk
re-established. This is a good
piace ror tne hatchery, a good
spawning ground at the head of
tide on a gravely bottom. The
State already owns the ground
and plant and Mr. Kelly assured
the Club the hatchery would be
re-established. ' The Rod and
Gun Club is taking an active
Tart in the game and fish pres
ervation and propagation.
The Thanksgiving dance and
feed were a great success.
About 150 persons were in at
tendance and at least 76 couple
were on the floor at one time, all
dressed in the costumes of fifty
years ago. The dear girls looked
something beautiful in their sun
bonnets, short dresses, heavy
shoes, pantaletSi sky scrapers,
shignona, etc. The men were
also not to be sneezed at. They
made a fine appearance also,
dressed In short, . white knee
breeches, swallow-tailed coats,
long hair and neck ties, brogan
shoes and the pose and grace of
a Chesterfield. The dances
were old fashioned quadrilles,
double shuffles, doce balonet,
"money musk," and all kinds of
rollicking, frolllcklng country
dances. The music went back
fifty years when people enjoyed
themselves, such as "Haste to
the Wedding," "Arkansaw Trav
eler," "The Little Old Log Cabin
In the Lane," etc' The hall
was beautifully decorated with
hear, coon, bob cat and rabbit
skins and with bunting and
poppys. Yaquina and Toledo
were well represented at the
dance. Coffee, cake, pumpkin
pie and doughnuts were served.
It made one homesick to go
back and live over again in
memory the glorious time we
Tiad, "Dear Tom," fifty years
Henry Curl, a full-blooded
Calapooa Indian, was tried in
Justice Berry's Court Friday.
The complaint was brought by
Will G. Emery, deputy fish and
game warden, for this county.
The complaint alleges that Curl
had his fish net stretched across
the Siletz river on the "reserva
tion from bank to bank, thus
preventing the fish from going
up , the river. He was also
charged with fishing and selling
fish without a license three
separate charges. The defen
dant was represented by Glen 0.
Holman of Dallas and the State
by J. F. Stewart, district attor
ney, and P. A. Lafferty. The
defendant's attorney demurred
from the complaint on the
ground that Curl was, an Indian,
a ward of the Government, and
was therefore not amendable to
the State law, that the State had
no Jurisdiction, that Curl was
under the control of the agent or
superintendent and could ' not
transact business like a free cit
izen. After the case was very
ably argued on both sides for
some time tne tjourt, in nis ju
dicial ermine, decided to over
rule the demurrer and to fix a
fine of $75 for each of the of
fenses committed by the defen
dant, making a total of $225.
The defendant gave bonds and
through his attonrey the case
will be appealed to the U. S. Dis
trict Court, where the status of
the Siletz Indian will doubtless
be determined. :
On Saturday Lee Doty was
tried in Justice Berry's Court for
assault and battery committed
on the person of St. John on the
14th day of November. Doty
was charged with' striking St.
Johns with his fist, Inflicting a
severe, injury. The., evidence
showed the defendant,- in a mo
ment of anger, shook his fist at
the plaintiff but did not Btrick
him, the plaintiff dodging as if
he had been struck. J. F. Stew
art and P. A. Lafferty appeared
for the State and WW E. Gwynn
for the defendant. ,. It was a
Jury trial. The Jury deliberated
about five minutes and returned
a verdict of noU guilty. . The
cost is about $50, which will be
charged , up to the taxpayers.
The Court Bays he will not try
any more cases of that kind un
less the plaintiff gives bonds for
The steamers Bandon and Fi
field are still at the docks can't
get out because of the rough
water.. .
A mass meeting of the taxpay
payers was Ireld at the Midway
Theater Tuesday evening for
the purpose of heariner a BtatA-
ment of the City's finance and a
discussion and explanation of
the different amendments that
will be ud for adontion or r-
Jection at the city election the
6th of December. A large rep
resentative audience of taxpay
ers was DresenL Mavor nn.
Bell explained the financial af
fairs of the City and what the
council had done during the past
year .in the way of grading and
planking streets, building side
walks, etc. .The city, fathers
have been very careful and
economic In the management of
the city's affairs. The 'amend
ments may not pass as some of
them are considered not to be
for .the best Interests of the city.
Later The Bandon and FI
fleld went out over the bar Wed
nesday evening at 4 o'clock, In
tow of the Ollle S. The bar was
smooth and the shoalest place
was 18 feet at half tide. All the
other vessels have gone out,
the Patsy, Tillamook, Mlrene
and Gerald C.
-o . .
This is Bure fine weather we
are having if it will only keep it
up. If we went according to
Fiegles Creek correspondent we
would have rain all the time.
, School was supposed to com
mence Monday, but was delayed
on account of the teacher not
showing up. It will probably
start Monday.
MIbs Gladys King Is spending
a few days in Newport this
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Baldwin,
the former an old resident of the
bay, spent a week visiting rela
tives around this vicinity.
Mrs. V. D. Boone and mother,
Mrs. T. Ferr, Bpent Saturday in
Toledo. . , .
There are some Improvements
being made In our community.
George Lewis Is building a
kitchen and V. D. Boone a barn.
We are very sorry to hear
the account of the accident to
Dan Chamberlain, who was in
jured while at work on a bridge
near Albany. He was taken to
the Albany hospital.
Dick and Tracy Huntsucker
made a trip to Newport Monday.
, One work horse, 6 years old.
Weight about 1400. On Knn.
tucky Whip saddle mare. See
imbis w. Miller, Pioneer, Or.
It looks as though Winter had
set In. : . .
Mr. and . Mrs. Roger Loudon
spent the week-end with Mrs.'
Loudon'B parepts, Mr. and Mrs.
Aldrioh, returning home 'Mon
day. ... . . -.,
. Mrs. . Lois Wakefield went to
Wodburn Tuesday to visit her'
grandmother until after the hol
idays, Mr. Wakefield accom
panying her as far as Albany. i
. Mr. Lemon moved Jn with his 1
family one day last week. He
also brought his horses and dogs .
Mrs. Dee ;Shirley of Enter-1
ise has been visiting her sis-
prise has been visltine her sis
ter, Mrs. Bill Wakefield, for the
past two T5r three weeks, re
turned to her home last Mon
day, i
W. F. Wakefield went to Tole
do Tuesday to attend County
Court. .,. ... I
. S. T. Loudon was a Toledo '
visitor , last Thursday, having
business with the County Court.
We will all have to take off
our . hats to the man of
"Skookum." That kind of i
"writing puts life, into a paper.
There will be, a Pomona
Grange meeting at the Eddyville
Grange hall December 18th, The
grangers -of Eddyville are mak
ing preparations for a good
time. All grangers are reques
ted to attend as there win ha
business to attend to that is of
interest to every one in thei
county. All members In good'
standing in the fourth degree
are eligable to attend and Join
the Pomona. So come and help
us. ; Remember the date Sat
urday, December 18th, and don't
fail to come. .
" m
! . ,
I . .. .
R. L. Calklna and fnmn .,
M w , '
daynilht wiSi T HPTrntn!atUr;
uay nignt witn T. H. Lang, and
then went to ChUwood.
retAurne tSSSS wS
nesdav. .
wrut' Zt' C' Young went t0
Washington to visit her father,
ai vuy m'
- -I iLUI I1UU
home after a few weeks' visit on
Bear creek.
Marie Slocum annnt b fom
days with the Thompson's.
mi o.; sAocum mafle a triP to
City Monday.
after a visit at Bear Creek
" wimuii i cuurueu Dome
L.. V. Calkins of Chitwood
spent Thanksgiving at Big Elk.
o '
W. J. Southwell has moved his
sawmill over, from Eddyville
and has Bet it up on Hoxle Sim
mon's place whei he is now
sawing lumber. This will be a
great convenience for the people
of Itock creek valley and Upper
Siletz, as we understand Mr.
Southwell Is going to sell lum
ber at very reasonable prices.
Notwithstanding the weather
conditions work is progressing
rapidly on the Valley and Siletz
railroad. A large force of men
have been employed on this road
all Summer and recently the
force was increased by 80 men.
The road is graded almost to
the summit of the divide be
tween the head of Rock creek
and the Lucklamute.
Ralph Harrington of Falls
City, accompanied by his wife
and baby, has been visiting his
Bister, Mrs. W. J. Southwell
Alvis Lynch of Dallas Is visit
ing at the homes of J. L. Morri
son and G. II. llorsfall.
. Mrs. J. T. Dalley is visiting her
husband In Albany. Mr. Dailey
Is working for the S. P. railroad
Titus Kurtlchanov, Sr., re
turned home from Portland one
day last, weetf, after spending
several weeks at a sanitarium.
Edgar Johnson left for Salem
Friday to attend the Y. M. C. A.
convention there. He returned
home Monday. .
William Price came In from
Philomath Tuesday and has
moved onto ' his ranch near
Prof. John Kurtlchanov came
home Saturdey and made a
short visit with his father and
niother. ; He returned to his
school near Orton Sunday.
- Members of the Simpson
Creek Telephone company met
at W. N. Cook'B residence and
held a business meeting one day
last week.
R. R. Wilson made a trip to
Toledo Tuesday.
:- V 0 ' .
cirri reoce 1
It. P. Goin, school superinten-
dent, visited our school, which
closed a four months' term last
Friday. , Our . teacher,. Miss
Winnie King, returned to her
home at CorvalllH Saturday.
George Titus went to Philom
ath Thanksgiving Day to visit
the Scheddlcrs.
Albert Lake has been visiting
Chfls. Lindley.
Maine and Huron Briggs
were on Fiegles creek Jast ween.
. Clarence Davis has been haul
ing fence posts from Sure
Thing for the Davis place at
George Tubbs went to Sum
mit for sunnllfta last wopU
' Jay Buford li busy supplying '
his own and his father's ranch j
with edibles.
The grubstake for the home
steader assumes something of!
the same aspect as It did for
Klondike during the gold
fever Rvonr nonnw mint v.
hoarded Jealously and applied
to absolute necessities first, last
and all the time. We realize
this. wore fully where a nelghrU-.George Hodges Jeft Tuesday
borhood is altogether made up morning for Portland. He is on
Dornood ,a altogether made up
of new homes acquired from the
. .
ivaipu ua. unB uua gone oui-
8,,de agaiDt havlns found era"
J The building of a schoolhouse
cauus buuihm me coming cany
sPrinS- The session to extend
over the Summer months. That
! season is an inspiration here.
A. W. Weber and A, H. Phelps
of Ona'made a business trip to
i Newport Wednesday by way of
weai x aquma
O. W. Rvan camo In from
Beaver Creek Monday. He re
turned Tuesday,
from Ona with a load of rrpnm
Clifford Phelps was a Yaquina
visitor the first of the week.
E. M. Holcomb and family,
recently from Masfleld. Wash
ington, have taken a cottage in
Wnnt Vamiina o .h ,n i VSoM-
Z'etoZ Z Winter
ELK citv PrM,
. V . I 7P. VT. .
(Wednesday to Wednesday)
Thanksgiving has passed and
also the effects of the big din
ners. No serious attacks of in
digestion having been heard of.
Mrs. S. J. Whitford partook
of the turkey at the M. W. Simp
son home ThurBdayi
Mr. and Mrs. A. EL Allen and
daughter, Lois, spent Thanks
giving with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clark.
Jim Wlnskill was sojourning
In town the latter part of the
past week.
Paris Parks made a trip to
Newport the first of the week,
in the Interests of the hatchery
business. 1
It might be observed that it
would be well for those opposed
to the way the hatching and
fishing business is run to look up
data . from both sides before
passing their private opinions
on to the public. Some people
differ from others, with good
reasons. , . .
Ed Graves was busy cutting
down some of his apple trees the
first of the week.
Quite a frost was reported
last Saturday at this place.
S..J. Whitford was assisting
our postmaster and merchant,
A. B. Clark, last Saturday after
noon. ; j
The "Skookum" , items of I
last week'a paper we're enjoyed :
by the writer of this place. ' ; j
According to the Newport;
writer popr oa Newport can t
close up on Sunday. Too bad;
too bad. , ...
I may be wrong and I may not
when. I say that if .the Medicine
Man reported to his 'tflbe .that
the Great Spirit Bald so and so,
they "believed" and that is
more than somV of the beonie
of today do. ..Tell a man that
there are so many billion or bo
stars and he'll believe you. hut
nang up a 8ign ',Fre8n Paint"
notnm8 doing until he has made
" J'W WWMi waul
his finger,
j Willie ' Jacobeon returned
n nurennol avomlnotlnn rttv.
fKHA Rlidlv.' California whvra
i he had been visiting relatives
j for the past thre weeks.
I Victor Jacobson visited with
, A. E. Allen Sunday. . ,
The run of salmon in the
I creeks is very surprisingly small
t bo far. Will the hatchery have
to stand for this, too?
Mrs. E. B. Graves returned
from Newport Monday morning,
having spent Sunday with her
j Mrs. J. H. Matteson nearly
J met with an accident the early
i Dart Of last week. Shn wnn
I ntnnrilnor tnn nine. fha Anf
of the stove and her apron
was drawn Into the stove and
caught fire. It burned to her
waist before it could be put out.
Dick Carter left for the Val
ley Monday morning. He ex
pects to return the last of Jan
R. A. Abbey has had the bad
luck to lose a cow the early part
: of this week.
morning for Portland. He Is or
the Federal Grand Jury and ex
I rta tn hA rnn imtn onmsiin.,
' Pec" l0.De Sn unul sometime
in Marcn.
Mrs- Ryeraon left T"e8day
mornine for Portland
falKSteton and
ecu luenuny.
T. E. Van Allen and Henrv
Matteson were Toledo visitors
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Morrison
returned from th Vnllpv"Tin.
day evening, where, they had
i been visiting for the past week
or bo.
William Southwell has started
a sawmill at this place. It is
now running and has orders for
The Siletz river In now vprv
high, following the heavy rains
of last week.
E. T. Raddant left for Portland
Tuesday morning.
MT' "exiora or ltocca was (
at 0rt0n Tue8da' Ven
Mr. Kexrord of Rocca was a
J Edward Evans, Jr., di
.(Wednesday morning, al
I lingering illness of several
Edward Evans. Jr.. died on
after a
His funeral was held Friday and
was well attended.
E. M. Fralzer and wife visited
Siletz Sunday. .
Philip II. Eltlng, who has been
confined to the house with a bad
cold for a few days, is about
again with his ever-smiling face.
The roads are in very bad
condition, due to the reavy rains.
A very successful basket so
cial was held last Wednesday at
the Orton schoolhouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert be Poe
Were . Visitors at Siletz nvor
Thanksgiving. ,
The pupils of the Upper Farm
school held Thanksgiving exer
cises Wednesday morning at 9
. . o
We are certainly glad to see
the sun shine again.
Archie Zeeke of Poole slough
assisted K. D. Martin in harvest
ing his potato crop the first of
the week.
. Mr. Weaver was a Yaquina
vlflltor Saturday.
H. O. Rhoades, G. E. Lewis,
I. N. Huyett, P. Vancil and Peter
Peterson were trading In New-
port Monday. Mr. Rhoades de
livered a fine beef to the Sani
tary Meat Market.
Mrs. A. Peterson and daugh
ters, Edith and Josephine, went
.to oyster city Wednesday for a
visit with Mrs. Dora Hujitsucker
and family. , ..
K. p. Martin went to Toledo
On business Monday.
Mr. Bowers was a Newport
caller Saturday. .
, J. M. Bowers and Peter Peter
son were at Poole slough Friday
looking after their boat houses.
Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Rhoades
and children spent Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. P. Vancil.
. G. E. Lewis was busy last
week repairing the telephone
Mrs. I. rj. Iluyett and children
Robert and Vesta and Miss
Celeste Martin visited the school
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Iluyett and
children and Miss Celeste Mar
tin dined with Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. K.
D. Martin on Thanksgiving.
Mrs. W. C. Martin, who is over
eighty-one year of age, pre
pared the dinner.
Everyone has returned to'
school after Thanksgiving1,,
none the worse for wear.
The chimney has been re
paired and surmounted by a
hood and vane to make better
draft and keep out rain. .
Edgar Johnson returned Mon
day from the Boys Conference
at Salem to which he had gone
as a representative of the local
Boys' Club.
Parents are urged to take
notice of the grades on the
pupils' report cards. A "U" in
dicates unsatisfactory work and
a condition which niiiHt be rem--
edied If the pupil is to finish the
work of his grade.
It Is still raining in the Siletz ;
regions. The river is raging.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Labour!
came to Siletz Sunday in answer
to a telegram stating that their
son, Bert Howe, who is now in
Wyoming:, has lust been oner.
ated on for appendicitis. Mrs.
Labour expected to go to her
son's bedside." but a later tele
gram stated that he will be al-
ngnt. sne went to Toledo to
be n direct .telegraphic connec
tions until he is past danger,
i John Adams of Siletz returned
home from Salem and Chema
wa, where he went on business
last Wednesday.
Arthur Bensell drove the gov-
ernment team to Toledo Satur-i
day to meet Dr. ClauBiua on htn
return from Grand Ronde res-:
ervation, where he was called
last week. That reservation is ,
a part of his charge in the gov-
ernment service. . '
H. H. Schwartz, attorney of.
Portland, came to Siletz Saturn
day on business with S. C.
Urassfleld. He returned to To
ledo Sunday afternoon.
Rev. G. C. Scuddcr went to
Upper Farm to hold services at ;
that place Sunday. ,
Mrs. J. IL Graham, mother of
William Graham, came to SiletM
Tuesday and is a guest of her '.
niece, Mrs. Warren Hall.
Miss Florence Ennls of Lowe"
Farm was a Siletz visitor Tues
day. v ;
A. C. Crawford, road supervis-;
or, was doing some planking on '
By fill down by Alex Catfish';
place Monday and Tuesday.
This place was getting nearly.
Mr. Brown of Nashville
passed through Siletz on hit'
way home. Ilo had been dowr ;
looking for a new location I '
Salmon river district.
Lester Waugh was a Silet
visitor Wednesday and Thurs
Mrs. Francis Gatens left lag' J
w?. orJLa "Je, where she
will Join her husband. '
O. B. Ryan went to Yaquina.'
(Continued on page 2)