Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 22, 1915, Image 1

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    VOLUME 23
The Patsy wpnt out over the
bar Sunday morning on her way
o Sluslaw. , .The bar. was .so
rough that several big breakers
struck the cabin, "but no damage
' was done. A big storm has been
raging off shore -for several
days and the ocean has been so
rough that the bay has been
covered with sea foam..,, .. .
. . The Ahwaneda came in Satur
day evening from Bandon with
twenty-live tons of coal. for the
Abbey. She had gone to Ban
don with 85 tons of freight for
that city.. She went out Sunday
bound for Astoria. -
' ILL. Collins and F. B. Skin
ner of Portland and R. E. Collins
of the Leader stayed fcver night
In Newport, Thursday, while on
their way to Yachats on a big
. fishing tour. They rode , down
the beach on their bicycles. The
Yachats is a great place for fish
ing and hunting and the scenery
Is grand and inspiring. The
roads are good and the travel
has boen better in that country
than ever before.
The excursion train Sunday
brought in 60 persons who spent
the day strolling on the beach
enjoying the roughness of the
ocean and the great waves and
breakers that was caused by the
recent storm. It is , a grand
sight to see the ocean in a
storm. A good. many people
come in from the Valley for that
. .. , .-i. -'i . r: vj
- Sunday was a dull day if or
. Newport. :i The Sunday cloBlng
law took effect, on that day.. The
business houses were all closed,
no places ;of -.amusement' or
pleasure kept open,' ieven .the
drug stores were closed and the
druggist went, fishing., Said It
did not pay to keep open for the
little medicine they might sell.
One gentleman, a visitor, ate a
lot 'of crabs whlcli gave him the
stomach ache and be came near
. dying for. lack of medicine. ,r. An
other man came In from Siletz,
walked all the way. lie wanted
a bath but everything was closed
tip so he could not get it ' All
places of amusement and' profit
were closed, such as bowling al
leys, billiard rooms, candy stores
fish markets, cigar stores, soft
drink houses, ice cream parlors,
etc. tThis is an old "Blue Law"
passed in 1864, amended in 1908,
and now at this late date is be
ing enforced. - The next things
to be excluded are tea, coffee
,uid tobacco. Tobacco and cof
fee being narcotics will no doubt
be placed under the Harrison
Law. Our liberties are gradu
ally slipping away from us and
soon it will be no pleasure to
live. The laws are bo convex
and numerous that it is impos
sible to keep them all. It is like
the old rules that use to govern
the district schoolsso . many
rules that you could not help
creaking tnem. n The game and
fish laws are so complicated that
'It is hard to enforce them and'it
is hard to convict when they are
volated. You can not hunt deer
with hounds and if you don't
keep down the predatory ani
mals they will kill the .sheep,
deer and goats, so there would
be no chance for them to in
crease. If a breed of dogs
could be raised that would run
predatory animals only then the
flame would increase as well as
'the goats and Bheep. The un
'dorbrush . is . so . (hick in this
country that it is almost impos
sible to find the deer without
dogs. Wesley Satterlee owns a
" ranch of 400 acres near Tide
' water and he says on his place
i there must be fifty deer. You
can hardly ever see one of them
because the brush is so thick.
But few deer have been killed
Jthls year for the reason you can't
' flndthem still hunting. l am
told a single cougar will kill
twenty deer within a year.
B.. F. 'Jones of Roseburg was
in town during the week. He is
Interested In developing his
property at Otter .Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Trapp of
Toledo, accompanied by their
son, Hgrry, and wife of Los
Angeles,, were victors at New
port Sunday. Mr. . Trapp, ,'jr.,
says he enjoys the green forest
and mild climate of Oregon. . Los
Angeles -has jxo, shrubbery ..or
trees except as they are planted.
The steamer Fifleld came In
today (Tusday) fit 9 o'clock a.
m. on nign tide ana paesea on
up to Toledo for cargo of lum
ber. While the bar has been
shoaled for the past week the
lumber vessels have no trouble
In passing in and out.
S. T. Loudon was In Newport
the first of the week soliciting
exhibits for the' Portland Land
Show which commences on the
25th. He is much interested in
this kind of work. .
Claude Myers of Beaver creek
made a business trip to Toledo
Friday. He returned home Sat
urday morning. -
Fred Commons was., a .West
Yaqulna. visitor. Sunday.'.
Chester Willis went to" New
port Monday on business. ,
. A. W. Weber and Mr. Parks of
Beaver creek went to Newport
Saturday by way of Yaquina.
. -Wm. Willis made a trip to To
ledo Friday-
Clifford Phelps was in from
Beaver creek Tuesday.
0)' 'i '
. ELK CITY - ;
. f r, , . ,. . -')
Paris Parks is remodeling his
building here, same beng put in
condition for the pOBtoffice. .
The Bchool is now doing nicely
under the two teachers.
Henry Mattes6n and Arthur E,
Allen:, : were Toledo, visitors
Thursday. They wept, across
the hills and seemed to find
plenty of water hanging around.
Fish at Elk City seem to be
waiting to be caught the past
week. Good catches being
uiade. ..... .
Pasture among the valleys and
hills around here is taking on an
encouraging growth.
Mrs. R. B. Hoffman .left this
week to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Ryerman, who lives at Oakland,
California. The daughter re
cently gave birth to a son..
S. J.. Whitford, fishing,
reported a poor catch of salmon
the last week.
, Carl Bristlen was a Toledo vis
itor on business Thursday after
Miss Florence Ennls and
Mauno Pompeii were at Siletz
Saturday taking lessons on their
Joe Kosydar and children
were attending church at Slltcz
aunaay. .
R. P. Coin came over from
Toledo Sunday evening and
spent , the night with Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Goln, leaving early the
next morning for Lower Siletz
and Salmon river. '
' A. C. Crawford and Joe Kosy
dar went to Toledo Monday, re
turning the same day with a load
of freight.
After having completed saw
ing thirty ricks of wood for the
Lower Farm school, .Mr. Goodell
returned with his woodsaw to
Siletz Saturday.
John Anderson went to the
Agency Monday for a load of
lumber to use on his new barn.
Mrs. Bob McKay made a trlD
to Toledo a few days ago to con-
suit a doctor in the interest of
their little boy, who suddenly be
came ill.
Sunshine tinting the glory of
the Autumn leaves!
Miss King, who is teaching a
very successful term of, school
in our district, made a flying trip
to her Corvallis home this week.
Besidep her regular grade work
Miss King is instructing pupils I
of the tenth and eleventh grades 1
of the high school work. Thus .,
er culture' tt us tere Vithln th'e.
recesses of our. mountain homes.
A beautiful thought? '. ' )
' Tie road -work;, is , gping on
apace. Geo. Tubbs, Ralph DarU
ing. Jay Buford and Frank Mul-
vany are busily engaged with the
Racks creek and Sweet Home
contingent. , . ;
Lake Bros, have b.en visiting
Chas..LIndley. . .
Mr. Buford, Sr., visited Robt
iliaCK 01 mrlan last week.
.... . .
Mrs. Frank Mulvany is hoping
f,', emi n-S
nome soon. . Airs. Mulvany nas
ing five months with inflamma-
tory rheumatism in the accute
form, . fighting the inevitable
inch by inch. Mrs. Mulvany is
one of Fiegles Creeks ardent!
boosters and will gladly return
to a locality much admired. .
Fred Scheddler is really build
ing a bona fide home on his
homestead. Chas
doing the work.
Llndley is
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boies re
cently announced the marriage ,UttU "4 K'T, y' ie urei"'leww'
of their daughter, Bertha, to Mr. .which he Purchased in Toledo. Mr and Mr8 Thomas Barker
DeWitt Doxsee of Crescent City, h Milton . Hendrlckson of this , and daughter had a picnic din
California. ,. , . , place is assisting Henry Sim- ner in the . woods , Saturday,
Isaac Boles anl family occas
ionally beam in upon us.
a ndcr to Ev&.
John Rankin has vacated for
Sam in the Indian service.
.- That bridge across Big Elk at knd happy life. .,
iSJffln 'Tlfcl' McFirl
wav othfra h fwi rrIir.
m.nM u it ir. ao,Am. .
ing in their feyes. too. .-. .
. f 0 :
' : SILETZ r '
'o " i 1' j : ' ' "
. Superintendent Chalcraft re-
Itnd, Where he had been on busi-
ness. .
: -'i V stage Monaay, enroute to Sfletz
Luman. Butterfleld and . Mrwhn. ha intiHo floh
Aicieiue paBsea inrougn siletz
Friday on their way to Toledo.
Mrs. M. .3. Collins is home
again, after an absence'bf nearly
three months. . .
Miss Florence Ennls of Lower
T7 ' nit... ..I ...
, . T ,
Arthur Bensell drove his car
in- from Salem Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Will Towner came in with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franks re
port a very pleasant trip to the L
Frisco rair and many otheer
places of interest in California.
Jim Brown of Lower Siletz
passed through town Friday on
his way to Portland, returning
Mr. and Mrs.' Manning and Mr.
and Mrs. M. S." Collins spent
Sunday at Newport.
win ant
Mrs. ' John 'Sugg 'visited with
Mrs. George Lewis Sunday..
Mrs. John Ilanlon. who ' has
been at Newport for the past
montn, returned home Sunday,
by her sister,'
Miss Daisy, Ferr and ' sister,
Rose, of Newport spent Friday
visiting at Boone's. . .
.i. . . ' . i J v . I
Dance! ; A masquerade dance
will be given at the cannery on
the 30th of this month. Every
one is invited to attend. All
should come masked if they wish
to have a good time. Come and
help us have a good time and
lots of fun.
' Horace Woods passed through
here on his way to Cougar
Miss GladyB King made a trip
to Yaquina Tuesday, .
Everyone is busy fishing these
pretty nights.
Henry Emerson and Pete Pet
erson made a trip to Newport
George King made a trip to
News of each Community Gathered each
." week Our liustling A&bciafe. Editors .
Newport Saturday.
' ' ' .
' JJon 1 toSet to come to the
"B'aYVIEW .....
(Toola'te for last issue)
Mr, and Mrs. John Olson and
son of Llnvllle departed from
here Sunday on heir wy t0
IronwoM. Michigan, where they
! Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bna in- K "u1
sucKer maae a inpto j. m.
"uao ouuuav. nuiu lucid
'Frank and Mr. Bowers went to
Toledo In Mr nnwAm' launch
i - - .
where Frank purchased a load of I
Pmin nt vr Timwn s, rr,
Columbus Dav exercises at 1
nitj bcnuui were wen aiieuuen
here Tuesday The children
ve wjth their SDeaklne.
Miss Emma Thompson is the
. . . ...
' i011" "anson maae a inp 10
Toledo Sunday, returning Mon
i E. S. Oakland made a trip to
'oledo Sunday, returning Mon-
Frank Huntsucker came in
n 9 1 T 5
pons with bis fishing on Drift
crees. mis weeK. . f
Elmer Simmonson gave the
week when he came, in with his
UP a homestead on South Bea-
-ver, nas been bauung lumber the j
,fore part of Wst week.
'"'Blanchard .TuIlock has been
hauling lumber for Mr. McFar-
I Andrew Simonson spent Sun-
aay at LinvlUe.
. ' Joe ay of Waldport passed
.through to Toledo on the mail
. Ed Oakland Is working for Ole
uiHumms ween.
. " ""f &Ion8on Veiurn.?
lfl t1 r f a I
1"U1UC ""Utt' ",B Vlia,.Bmall . son visited
Elmer, wav awav.
. Miss Emma Simonson- and
nauico ui '6t spcui uio evening
, with Mrs. Frank HuntaiipWir
, Tuesday.
(Too late for last issue)
We have been having quite a
bit of rain lately.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Barker and
daughters visited at the Hall
ranch Sunday. '
Mr., and Mrs. Frank Shermer
and son and daughter called at
the Brown ranch Sunday.
Misses Julia, Ida and Isabel
Brown and brothers, Robert and
Frederick, vlsitel at the Hall
ranch Tuesday.
Leo Shermer took a bcow load
f WAAfl tit MnilfriAl4 fs Annnn
E. S. Hall. Thcs. Barker and
Archie Zeeke Tuesday.
Everyone has - begun doing
their fall work.
.K. D. ; Martin and H.. G.
Rhoades were transacting busi
ness in Newport Tuesday.. .
A gentleman from .Dallas
stayed at the Martin home rti
day night. . .."
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Selby and
children of Ona were guests at
the Lewis home Sunday. '
J. M. Bowers and T. Hunt
sucker made a trip to Nevport
Frank Huntsucker of Buy
View and J. M. Bowers were To
ledo visitors Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Martin and
children returned to their home
at Corvallis WedueBday, after a
few days' , visit with relatives
W. C. Martin is improving,
Fred Cook of Ona was a Visitor
at the Huntsucker home Sun
day. . , "
Peter Peterson and ILsnry
Emerson, visited at the Peterson
home Saturday. ,
Mrs. Frank Huntsucker of Bay
View visited with Mrs. J. M.
Bowers Sunday. '
; Walter Weber of Ona was in
this vicinity on business Tuesday-
: ; ; . . . .
MlsBes, Aletha and Alpha
Rhoades visited Miss Donna
irittiLiu ounuav. , ,..
. . .
Mr. and Mrs. W. Weber and
'Mm. Ae-npq Ratona aril children
-v ...
this vicinity Sunday,
H. G. Rhoadoa tnd children
called at the Peterson home Sat
urday evening. 1
Mrs. G. E. Lewis and mother
were visiting friends at Ona
- ; ' 0 '
We had quite a few showers
iv. a 1. - . 1 i
where Mr. Barker is cutting
Miss Julia Brown and Bisters
Hi .!5
Mrs. W. D. Roberts, who are for
son place, at Oyttervllle.
MrB, Thos. Barker and daugh-
ters, Hazel and Lola, visited Mrs
Edgar S, Hall and children Sat
urday afternoon. , .
- Mrs.- Thos.- Brown and child
ren visited Mr. and .Mrs. Dick
Huntsucker Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shlrmer
land son, Leo, were Upper Bay
S. Parks of Salem is visiting
hi hrh t i
Mr. arid Mrs. C. S. Ohmart and
at the Selby
I oma bunaay'
hnmt Knnnov
I i y-,
Fred Commons made a busi
ness trip to Yaquina Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Parks and
family visited Mr. and Mrs. A.
Weber Sunday.
Elmer Cook returned to his
home Monday, after an extended
stay in Corvallis.' ...
Mr. and Mrs. L. Commons,
Mrs. J. H. Wolfersparger and son
Walter spent Sunday at the
Phelps ranch.
A. W. Weber and Llovd Parks
went to 'Newport Saturday.
George Edwards and family
moved to Newport last week.
"Clifford Phelps made two trips
to Yaquina Monday and Wednes
Horace Woods went to New
port Monday returning Tuesday
evening. .
o .
A. Peterson, I. N. Huyett and
K: D. Martin were trading in
Newport Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bowers
were Newport visitors Saturday.
G. E. Lewis, II. O. Rhoades, P.
Vancll and Fay Selby were re
pairing the telephone line Fri
day. Mr. Rhoades and children
spent Sunday with Mrs. Rhoades
who Is visiting at Newport.
Mrs. K. D. Martin Is reported
on the sick list.
Road Supervisor Weber was In
this vicinity on business last
Mr. Bowers delivered a fine
veal to Newport Wednesday.
G. E. Lewis worked for Geo.
Selby at On a few days last
week. .
Two cattle buyers stayed at
the Bowers ranch Friday night
. Mr. Rhoades arid children vis
ited at the Varicil home Satur
day. . Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lewis arid
imother and Henry Rhoades went
to Newport Wednesday. Mrs.
Lewis and mother will remain at
the seaside for a tew days' Visit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bowers
visited at the Peterson home
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Vancll called on Mrs. J1.
M. Bowers Friday afternoon.
Miss Mae Huntsucker worked
a the Martin home the week
end. .
Married at the. home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich,
near Eddyville, October 20, 1915,
Miss Rena Aldrich and Roger
Loudon, Rev. Devonport officiat
ing. -The room was nicely dec
orated with ferns and Autumn
leaves. The bride was dressed
in white and carried a bouquet
of white dahlias. ,
The bride is one of Eddyvllle's
most popular young ladles and
Mr. Loudon 1 is a prosperous
young farmer ori Little Elk, and
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. T.
The many frleftds Join in wish
ing them a long and pleasant
Journey through life.
Yaquina is on the map as far
as ..public highways are . con
cerned and it is quite a novelty,
as in the past nothing but cow
trails ever entered Yaquina, but
during the Summer our Super
visor has opened up a fine ',
thoroughfare from ..Toledo to '
Yaquina, and' a. fine grade it is,,
too. :,. ' v ... '.
Today, the , 20th of October, .
the first automobile run' between
Toledo and Yaquina and if we
fhadn't been so fortunate as to
have.' been "where . people call
outside r and seen such wonders
before, we surely would have
had a nervous shock to see an
automobile. . But - the ice is
broken, the first automobile has
come and gone, and in the fu
ture we expect to see more auto
mobiles and motorcycles and all
kinds of vehicles. Everybody Is
Come and get your fish, crabs,
clams and oysteiM and boost for
Yaquina bay.
District No. 7 can bp proud of
Its beginning on thlsvroad be
tween Toledo and Yaquina.
An old reader in Dlst. 7, .
J. J. McDonald.
The following is a report of
the Eddyville -school for tha
month Just paBt: '
Perfect Deportment Richard
Girdler, Jean Sparks, Florence
Hunt, Bertha Edwards, Neal
Neither Absent nor Tardy
Hazel Mauch, Loren Mauch,
Walter Mauch, Richard Girdler,
Fred Michel,. Florence Hunt, Al
len Blrdwell, Neal Blrdwell, Ed
ward, Albertson, Ilan Sparks.
Bessie Knauf, Teacher,
Lost In the Chltwood district
two weeks and two days ago, a
hound dog, weight about 66 lbs.,
brindle in color, with a white
spot on nose and white chest
and feet, has lopg ears.
. J. T. Dailey,
. Nortgns, Oregon.
The only restaurant In Tnlodrv
Investigate this proposition. Ad-
uress or see Harry Swayze,
Toledo, Or. .
The finest line of Fruits and
Vegetables In Lincoln county on
sale at Yerex, Brown & Co.
Snap, Must Sell, account or
leaving, Sludebaker 20, mode".
1912, fully equipped, practlcallv
new tires, touring body with
fore doors. Running order, 5
passengers. Address box 333
Toledo, Oregon. . . . ,