Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 14, 1915, Image 1

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News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Hustling Associate Editors
The minstrel program given
fcy the Newport High School
Athletic Association at the Mid
way Theatre on the evening of
May 6th, was a success In every
way. The stage was Deautuuiiy
decorated with flags, banting
and pennants. The house waa
crowded to the doors, a good
many standing. Some 25 per
sons took part in the exercises.
All exemplyfying the colors and
costumes of the darkies of the
South. Mrs. Thompson pre
sided at the piano. The pro
water on the bay and near the
ocean, like the plat on the New
port side of the bay. Toledo
made no free proposals. Sev
eral places were spoken or Dut
all had to be paid for. Gust
Upper Beaver
evening at Mr. Slocum's last
Diuiic aim iativ T Hlintfuirkpr T N Huvptr
visiting on Big El this week. ftnd R D
made a trip to
Mrs. Bond Daniels returned Yaquina Tuesday.
Olson Olson offered a three-acre from Portland last Saturday. j Un Fumle McKlnney and
tract located on the tideland j Merrill Davenport, who has children, who have been visit
and includes the old ball grounds i Deen visiting on Big Elk, drove ing in this vicinity, returned to
for $2200. One thousand dol- out to his place near Corvallls their home in Waldport Satur-
Mr. Boren will look after the
crops this Summer. Mr. Wood
son will probably move in next
Fall. I On the fifth of this month
Albert and Ed Goodrich were Miss Ellza Bruseth closed an
called to Lebanon Saturday by elgh months' term of school in
the, rWh nf their father. District No. 19, known as the
i o . a v. i
lars to be paid down and the on Tuesday.
twelve hundred to be paid in
three years at 8 per cent, inter
est. In this case the county
would get no deed to the land
for three years and the people j
of Toledo would have to put up
the $2,200 with the Interest, be
sides the eround is on tideland
Mr. and Mrs. silver went to
Eugene on Monday to Inspect
their newly acquired property.
Miss Clara Slocum has been
neither absent nor late to school
for the past eight months.
Mr. Slocum assisted In hold-
Jesse Clifford and Peter Peter
son are the possessors of a gas
oline launch. r-
A. B. Clark was up from Elk
City Friday.
Lester Gilbert went to Toledo
and back the first of the week.
Supervisor Boren has com
pleted the new road through the
Stelnmetz place, but it win not
Miss Bruseth had one pupil,
Mildred Severson, to graduate
from the Eighth Grade, exempt
from all the examinations, as
her average has never been bo
low 97.
This little Miss has lived in
Archie Zeek, who has been De ODened for travel until drier Lincoln county four years and
eram was beautifully renaerea, I ,j 0v0ro winter when a. ct.v.v r. oin
. , , , ,.!.-, r irk UVIUVttvv - - j lllK llltS iltllLil uiauu CAaiiim
rovu . " inign water ana uig uuco tumc
excel the other In performing j don-t Delieve the people of
ation at Bear Creek School last
I.,.!- ortc TV, a nofrrn notion V . , 1. . "UJ'
vucn Lincoln county wui want. iu put , , . . . ,
and dialect were perfect. A per- JPnt buildings on land I Frank Lang has finished
son looking at them on the stage " Bubmergea Very Winter slashing for Mr. Brown,
would think they were from the thg hIgh tideJ A T peter- Kiel Milner and Harry Slocum
Sunny South. One old mammy gn oJfered t0 continue the lease 1 are slashing for Jim Parks.
dies were sung with such feeling f . 0 if the JJiJ the fair there, i completing Its most successful
and pathos by the Business "n"6 tQ h
tnat one wouiu . nt T,p.,n hllt the land l.uu DV""U' " " D"T'
in the South i i"-i" .t j tne cnnaren maintain eouu m
working at the K. D. Martin I weather comes
rancn reiurnea nome saturaay. '
-., ...... Mrs. II. M. Henry
iui. uiiu uira. iienry xvuuuuch
and children and George Emer
son visited at the Peterson
ranch Saturday evening.
Pete Peterson and Jesse Clif
ford went to Toledo Saturday.
Is down
from Nortons visiting friends at
Mrs. W. N. Cook Is on the sick
W. F. Cooper came ln from
Monmouth Monday.
has attended Storrs school these
four years without having to be
absent nor tardy once.
We wonder how many there
are in the county who can show
that record.
Please let us hear, especially
from the rural districts.
he was
among the real negroes.
Bones as "Massa in the
Cold Ground," "fjwanee River,
"Swing Sweet Chariot"
"The Little Log Cabin In
i got to be considerable of a white
Hodges were
Glynn Aldrich,
and Bill Bridwell
S earth and Dell
in Elk City Sun-
I was back on the hills and did i tere8t and aU tfae
BuT ITthm" ' Eighth Graders are confident
Ridered. The people of Toledo . . i.,
and -emed to have t Ured of the gh work next year
IL. T1U It U1V1 VV l'"J
tn5 I m ..M H horl renllv
V 1 . .nl 1 .1 .AnMrn mOflfl . " . ...
Jane. inese uiu nuujo mouv
the coioreu ioiks ou tue , - h t
i a , iViow An when ! eiepnant.
under great emotion In the M. S. Durbin, head ranger of,i a -,ni ann hv i the forest service, come to New-
Miss Springer and a dramatic . port rrom iuib " Bear creek Saturday.
TprMtntlnn nv will ej. uwynn pacn. uunun. iz . . .
renta"...,i"'.- L- Lo tn w.Mnnrt. where he will Mr. and Mrs. A. B,
KdtaSutoff' a loa'd ine iiltle donkies with wire and M. S. Updike went to SUetz
cornet solo, "Old Blind Joe," by i ana equipment tw
There was no Sunday school
Sunday afternoon on account
of so much sickness.
Miss Edith Casteel returned
Monday evening from Corvallis
where she has been visiting
friends. I
Gus Hassman was a Sunday
visitor at home.
! Tom Barker and Archie Zeek
Rose Lodge
Deputy County Assessor Cecil
; Cosper gave us a call last week
' and if he saw any new improve
ments he was sure to raise the
valuation a notch or so.
I The surprise party given on
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Flster last
Saturday n'ht was a grand sue- betterment of Toledo. The sum
The social meeting given by
the Civic Improvement Club last
Wednesday afternoon was a
complete Buccess in every way.
About seventy-five ladies were
present and enjoyed the pro
gram and jitney lunch. Nine
teen new members v.;ro en
rolled and will now put their
shoulders to the wheel for the
cess, there uems snmeimng iiko
54 present. The evening was
Elmer Lehn
were over
The school ohldren are tak
ing examinations this week as
this la the last week of our
Slocum school.
Prof. Dawklns. A solo by Mr.
Van Cleve was very fine. The
quartet, "Kentucky Babe," by
four Southern belles, was well
received. Finale entire chorus
splendidly rendered by the whole
troupe. Personnel Enterloc
utor, W. B. Gwynn; end men,
Mark Jarniln, George Gurnee,
Lynn Van Cleve, Lyl Colver.
Ladies' Quartet, Madelin Ryan,
Barbara Buckley, Ella Dixon,
Alda Berry. Manager, M. S.
Taylor. The door receipts were
$77.70, which amount will be
used for the benefit of the Association.
telephone line from Waldport to
Florence and from Waldport to
Table Mountain, where a look
out station will Ve established.
Mr. Durbin says the forest ser-
were Yaquina visitors yesterday, spent ln games of various kinds.
V. L. Bloom and Frank Mann
made a trip to Slab Creek Sun
day to got a pack load of rnlves.
Chas. Harding returned from
Toledo last Sunday. We under
stand he has the contract to fur
nish the lumber for the trestle
and bridge across Salmon river
and tideland near Otis.
J.jiA. Messenger is hauling
milk to the Otis Cheese Factory
this Spring. After a few days
Fiegles Creek
Henry and Bessie
Gillett were m Elk city tne last Dream days!
oi me ween.. I Z. A, Kessl is planting an acre
Murell Milliner, Harry and of parsnips. How is that for
deforce is Veil organized and Marie Slocum made a flying trip high?' He Is also experiment--S.T-i
3ir in nre- i to Elk City Sunday. ing with artichokes obtained
venting forest fires and other! Mrs. F. H. Lang spent Sunday m Alfred Brooks,
destruction of the timber. Mr. i at Riverside.
nnrhin had heen ln TlllamooK .... i
. .. i itiiHH rvRLiH rariHLieu came m I . .
from Corvallis to visit her par-' D a wPto le-
I t uicuw iflDb muiiuaj , liu&liuig 1, A. UttKcr WCUl lu luc , oucj
of Sweet
of $14 was added to tho Club's
treasury during the afternoon,
$6.50 of which was from the
lunch which was served t five
cents a person. The Club Is ex
pecting to ptve more of t ne
social meetings, also has sev
eral schemes for the improve
ment of our city.
Bids will be received up to 7
o'clock P. M. of .Thursday, May
20th; for the furnishing of wood
for the Toledo schools. The
bids must be for the wood de-
with a force of men planting
in the burned districts. He
he will have an
i Home,, who has made a signal milk route from his place to Otis hvered at the school building.
; success of the crop. and. will haul for anyone wishing Ten cords of wood at Grammar
School building; twenty-five to
Jim Parks is helping Mr.
Abbie drive cattle to Corvallis.
in tne oumeu uu u. - ent8 near City
says it is mucn Detter to uei iu
trees out when two years old in
stead of sowing he seed. Niney
per cent of the trees grow
when set out while forty-five per
when the seed is
The graduating exercises will I BOwn Table Mountain Is a no
be held at the High School Mon- ted piace it rises 2000 teet
day, the 17th. W. E. Gwynn I above tne level of the sea and
will deliver the address. Four contain8 about two sections of
graduates, Fred Boughton, Wal- land To tne Indians it was
ter Belt, Madeline Ryan and I a 8acre,i mountain. Here It was
Lorain Bentley. The Eighth j that tne In(iian prophet and
Grade pupils will hold their grad- me(uclne man went to commune
uatlng exercises at the Midway lth ,ne Great gnt and to
The Gerald C. and Awaneda 1
passed out over the bar at high I
.1.1. r. 1 v n.l I I
uuts ouiiuiiy, may u.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Johnson
went to Wlllamlna Monday on
John Rankin has been work
ing on Frank Grant's new resi
dence, which eclipse the old
Lome, it is said.
Geo. Tubbs visited
Big Elk Saturday.
Chas. Llndley returned from
Fell Creek, where he and Geo.
Tubbs interviewed a black bear.
Theatre Friday the 21th. Twen
ty-one pupils will be ln the grad
uating class. Prof. Dawkins
will present the diplomas and
deliver the address. The bac
calaureate address will be de
livered next Sunday at 11 a. m.
at the Presbyterian Church by
Dr. G. E. Pratt, pastor.
R. D. Morse and John Lloyd
were appointed to fill tho vacan
cies on the Fair Board, caused
by the resignations of A. M.
Wheelock and S. T. Louuon.
The County Court, some time
ago asked for bids to perma
nently locate the fair grounds.
Several bids were submitted.
Newport offered five acres, loca
ted one mile from the I.O.O.F.
Hall on Cape street. This plat
ot land Is level, cleared and ac
cessable with good roads from
every point of the compass. As
make medicine. Here he would
Clarence Elston of Bridwell
left for his home Saturday after
sit and listen to the roaring of j B,)en(iing a week at Taft visiting
the waterfalls, the siEhing or
the wind as It passes through
the forest, the scream of the
night hawk and the howl of the
wolf. Here he would go thru
his mysterious incantations and
then he would return to his
his sister, Mrs. Johnnie Bones.
Mr. Liswig lost a fine two-year-old
colt last week.
Charley Hyde is busy with
his scow and boat, bringing
lumber from Mr Labour's mill
tribe and tell them he had been i cu siletz river to Pike's Camp
talking wun tns ureai ojmn. IOr tne unit creeit roaa
and whatever he told them was
the same as though the Great
Rnlrlt was talkine to them. He
represented God and they must
do Just as' he told them. He
took up his medicine by absorp
tion and gave it out by incanta
tions and beatir.g of the torn
toms. The prophet or medicine
man had great influence with
hla tribe and they would do
about as he told them. He was
generally blessed with eight or
the city grows this location will ;ten of the prettiest women of
"be more central. The city will
deed this land, if selected, free
of charge with only one string
on it. If it ever ceases to be
used for Fair purposes the land
will revert back to the city. If
this plat Is finally chosen it will
be a good place to hold the Fair
and will no doubt be patronized
by more people than any other
location in the county. New
port la destined to be the largest
citv in the county. Mr. Acker-
the tribe as hla wives. He did
no work, not even to hunt ln
the forest or to fight In battle.
Elk City
Mrs. WinBklll stirred nip her
bees one day last week in order
to make it Interesting for Mr.
Daniels who was plowing near
by. The bees also gave the
son offered a very beautiful lo- M McDonaW.s car was very red
cation for the Fair on the South i ...
- i ... - T-l 1.. !. ...... I I 11IU1. ttH--l IIVWII.
Bide OI IIIC Lilly in iuc new iuhii
of llarborton. This ofTer is
made free to the county, pro
vided It Is chosen as a Fair
grounds. It is high, level and
composes ten acres. llarborton
has 140 acres and comprises tho
old L. E. Davis homestead. This
ground Is 800 feet from deep
Mr. and Mrs. Slocum and Mr.
Updike drove to Siletz last Sat
urday. Mrs. Silver had a very enjoy
able birthday party on Saturday.
Several members of the com
munity spent a fine musical
The road work is going on
very nicely since they have a
new road boss. Mr. Stone be
ing the lucky man.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. McClintock
visited at Mrs. Jesse Farrin's
Chester Horner cut his foot
with an axe while working on
the road last week.
Jack Fendell of Wlllamlna has
rented the Abe Logan place on
Salmon River for five years and
brought ln a bunch of young
Jesse Fan-in la now foreman
of a six chair barber shop at
Joseph, In Eastern Oregon.
J. W. Bones lost a fine cow
one day last week by falling and
breaking her neck.
Miss Ella Bones is laid up with
a badly sprained ankle.
Arthur French gave a dance
Saturday evening, May 1st.
There was a largo crowd In at
tendance and all had a good
Mrs. William Scott and Mrs.
Stone were shopping at Taft
Frank Mulvany went to Tole
do the first of last week bring
ing back powder, etc., for the
road work in District 25.
Road work began below Sum
Thing May 10th.
Gale Shane ia busy at work on '
his place. i
Jay Buford and his fathar rie
busy opening roads to their
cedar timber. i
George Darting ia at Waits
burg, Washington, his former
home, enjoying old associations.
Ralph Darting is kept busy
looking after school affairs in
District 72, getting advice from
neaaquarters. we are very
young as yet in District 72.
Frank Mulvany and family
T .nr..i John Coovert and Clarence
on l,PPer, Edwards made a trip to Bay
jView Thursday.
i Geo. Selby and daughter,
Charlotte, went to Newport Sunday.
Deputy Assessor Parrlsh of
Toledo was assessing in this
vicinity Tuesday.
I W. C. Weber went to Toledo
Wednesday to attend Court.
Mrs. L. M. Commons and son.
i Fred, made a trip to Waldport
Monday of this week Mrs. A.
II. Phelps entertained the ladies
of this vicinity. Those present
were Mesdames II. II. Edwards
and sons, Kenneth and Clarence,
L. M. Commons, J. Lissy and
son, Walter, W. C. Weber, A. W.
Weber, L. L. Parks and son, Al
ton, and C. S. Ohmart. All en
Joyed a very pleasant time.
George Ryan of South Beaver
forty cords at High School build
ing, owing to kind of wood fur-
-; nished. The board will consider
' ! bids on old and second gron th
ill, naiu nuuu aitu Diau wuuu.
F .N. Hayden, Clerk.
rortland, April 30, 19iB.
Editor Leader: Please send
the Leader to me at 1125 E.
Taylor St., Portland, On-gon, aa
you probably know by this time
( I waa recently appointed a U. S.
surveyor under the civil service
'and have been detailed to do
l highway engineering in the Na
jtlonal Forests. I am just now
working on the Little White Sal
mon river in the Columbia For
est. Very truly yours,
B. F. Beezley.
was injthis vicinity Saturday.
spent Saturday on Fleglea Creek Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coovert
getting the old cabin home ' were visitors at the
ready for occupancy again.
Frank will keep bachelor hall
and hold down his homestead
until school closes at the Black
school, Harlan.
Everything looks nice and
Summery here now. The ever
George King of Oystervllle
was in the city Tuesday.
Prof. George Bethers came
home from Summit Sunday on
the excursion.
John Pickens of Newport
drove up a bunch of Newportera
in his auto Saturday.
Rev. Dr. Gwynn will hold ser-
Bowera i vices at Siletz Sunday in the ab
sence of Rev. Pearce. In the
morning he will preach in En
glish and in the evening In Chinook.
home on Upper Beaver Wednes
day night.
The regular monthly meeting ;
of the Ona Grind Rnada Club i
was held Monday. The fore- The Newport High School will
noon waa spent blasting and P"t on a minBtrel show at the
rlearlnsr the Btunina from the I fMme theatre tomorrow evening.
lasting hills are being draped right of way on the new road up I The Bhow received a good house
with fronds of fern, but we. who Beaver creek. A short business at Newport and from all reports
remain the year round become session waa held at noon, when " waa fine. We predict that
more or less dead to our Oregon It was decided to spend the after-
scenery, i noon helping our supervisor with i
Our April showers are rather
late, but how they do make
things grow!
Jim Brown's bridge crew has
been hero for the past week
driving piling at bridges No. 24
and 25.
some clearing. We all felt that
we owed him a lift as he Is be
hind with his work on account
of the amount of donation work
he has done.
Tho mint mnWPH It nml undor tlie torms
COMPANY you can ouro it at 6 orr
cent, for any IcKnl purpoHo on approved
Mr. Woodson of Lodl, Callfor- r" uttnlo. Tcrma cnny. toll u your
nia. waa hero Sntnrdnv nml Sun. , wants anil we will cooperate with you.
See Dr. Berry about that easy ' day looking over tho E. L. Gear I petty a company
payment plan. I place, Which llO has purchased. 613 Denham Building ..Denvar, Colo.
they will get a good house here
in Toledo. Admission 25 and 15
The county road between
Toledo and Newport has been
widened out during the past
Winter and la now in first class
shape. In fact tho road from
Newport to the Valley Is in bet
ter condition than it ha8 been
for years and an unusually
heavy automobile travel to this
section should result this Sum
mer. Supervisor Lane la put
ting the finishing touches on the
Newport road now, and will soon
turn his attention to tho Siletz