Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 23, 1915, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Page J,
E. W. Powers of Pioneer was
a Toledo visitor Saturday.
" Mrs. W. C. Hoeflein of Yaquina
visited in Toledo Tuesday.
. W. N. Cook of Chitwood was
in the city Wedneesday after
noon. . .
Mrs. Casteel of Yaquina! re
turned Friday evening from a
vlBit to Portland. )
Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Spooner, Wednesday, April 14, a
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Ross, Saturday, April 10, 1915, a
ten pound girl. , 1
J. S. Akin and F. N. Hayden
fished on the Big Elk river Mon
day. Mrs. W. M. Berry of Newport
was a passenger for the Valley
Mrs. Joe Windred was a Val
leyward passenger : Wednesday
A. 0. Krogstad returned Wed
nesday evening from a trlpvto
Miss Edna Stanton went to
Albany Wednesday for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. L. C. Fox.
0. R. Hollingsworth and chil
dren left Wednesday morning
for a visit to Newberg and Port
land. Walt Harding, Burt Jurken
and "I lam" Ilamaker of the Mc
Gee bridge crew were in the city
over Sunday.
Merchant Walter Ilall of Si
letz came over on the Btage thls
.morning. ; . . '
The . high school and town
baseball teams crossed bats last
Sunday cn the local diamond,
the town winning the game by
the score of seven to three. The
high school team exnects to play
the Elk City school team in the
near future.
Prof. Ports 1 having the
school grounds west of the
grammar school building graded
and fixed up preparatory to mak
ing a basket ball and play
grounds. Something of this na
ture has long been needed at the
school building, and will be
greatly appreciated by the school
children. The money for "the
work has been raised by the
school giving entertainments.
Dr. Thar) has rented the office
" Jim Winskill was down from
Pioneer Saturday.
The Oddfellows' grand lodge
meets at Newport May 18th.
I. J. Pepin of Chitwood was
transacting business in this city
C. 0. Hawkins and I. R. Wish
art fished on the upper Yaquina
Saturday.' . -
Jay Van Scholck and bride de
parted Wednesday morning for
San Francisco to visit the Fair. .
Miss Elma Waugh and friend,
Miss Davis, returned J to their
studies at O.A.C. the -first of the
C. H. Hemstreet of the Lower
Siletz was in the city Saturday
and Sunday. He left Monday
morning for Idaho, where he has
a position awaiting him. ;
Fred Duncan, who has had formerly occupied by Dr. Hamei
charge of the section at this 1 and is having same fixed up for
nlnre durlne the aDsence oi nis own use
Foreman Henry Gannon, depar
ted for his home at Albany yes
terday morning.
Wm. Graham last week com
menced the operation of a stage
from Siletz to Toledo and return.
The stage leaves Siletz at eight
in the morning and returns to
Siletz in the afternoon. He also
operates the mail stage, which
leaves Toledo in the morning
and returns In the afternoon.
Mrs. P. Deakins of Rose
Lodge had the misfortune, while
eating some fish recently, to get
a bone fast In h;r throat. Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Smith and Russell was summoned but was
little daughter departed yester
day morning for Eastern Wash
ington where they intend mak
ing their home.
Henry Gannon returned Wed
nesday evening from Ronan,
Montana. Mrs. Gannon will fol
low later. Mr. Gannon says her
health is Improving bo nicely he
wants her to stay there longer.
The Ladies of the Civic im
provement Club have called a
meeting of the citizens of Tole
do, at the Courthouse next Sat
urday evening, at 7:30 o'clock,
for the purpose of making ar
rangements for securing the
Fair here. Everyone is urged to
attend and help.
Frederick's Millinery Store is
now open for business. The la
dies are invited to call and in
spect a now and up to date lino
of Summer Hats.
summons . '
For Publication In Foreclosure of Tax
Orocon, for Lincoln County.
L. F. I 'arson 3, Plaintiff,
Donnld Flancry, and all other persons
unknown, if any, having or claiming
to have an Interest In or to the real
property hereinafter deBcrihed, De
unable to locate it without the To Donald Flnnery, the above-named
aid of an X-ray. She lert tor
McMinnville Wednesday where
she will take treatment. Willa-
mina Times.
I. R. Wlshart has purchased
Fred Russell's Interest in the To-
i r r . I 1 L A
leao urug vo., mt. wibiiari uin- j
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are heroby notified that L. F.
Parsons is the holder of Certificate of
Delinquency numbered 127 issued on
the 15th day of August, 1913, by the
Tax Collector of the County of Lincoln,
State of Oregon, for the amount of
Twenty-one and '44-100 ($21.44) Dol-
The imported French Percher
on Stallion, Houleux, will make
the season of 1915, as follows:
Eddyville, Thursday.
Notions, Friday.
Siletz, Saturday.
' Toledo balance of the week.
Special meeting places can be
arranged by mail or phone.
Terms, $10, single service.
$15, Insures with foal.
$20, insures living colt.
J. Rattey, Owner.
lng control the first of the week, 'to, the same lelng the amount then
Mr. Russell expects to leave for moT together with penaHy, In-
Roseburg, his former home, the jterest and costs thereon upon the real
first of the month. Fred has property assessed to you, of which you
made a host of friends during his ," V8, ,owne,rJ " "P8"" ' 'ecord:
six years' residence in Toledo parUcular,y bounoed Bnd described as
wno regret, naving mm leave, dui follows, to-wtt
the well wishes of all go with
The entertainment given by
the pupils of the High School at
the Dime Theatre last evening
was given before a packed house
standing room being at a pre
mium. All the numbers were
well rendered and "The Matri
monial Advertisement" and the
"Three Maids of Lee brought
THE taste you get from "Right-Cut"
is the real tobacco substance full and
"Right-Gut" is the Real Tobacco Chew
a new blend of mellow, sappy leaf,
seasoned and sweetened just enough. .
One ten-cent pouch of "Right-Cut"
lasts longer than twice the money will
buy in the old kind.
Take very small chew lot than one-quarter the
eld size. It will be mure tatUfying than a mouthful1
of ordinary tobacco. Jutt nibble on it until you find
the strength chew that suits you. Tuck it away.
Tlu-n let it rest. See how eaailv and eveniv the real
tobaeso taste comet, how it satisfies without grinding how
riuch less you have to spit, how (ew chewe you take to
L tubucco satisfied. That'i why it ii Tht Real Tobacco
Chew. That'a why it eoati lets in the end.
ft it a redv ehc. cut fin and .hart .hrad M lh.1 tm woal have
to ariitd nn it with votir IscLh. (jruulina on ordinary aamiicd uImsm
raakes ji: pit too much.
The ticte ol pure, ricl. tnh.ron da not need to be aovared op with raoliitae and
licwict, ftjt:cc huw tUa ael. bring out th rich tobacco taata in "Kilhl-Cut."
One small chew takes the place of two bi
' chews of the old kind.
SO Union Square), New York
We have been selected Sole Rep
resentatives of The Luthur Bur
oank Company of San Francis
co, California,
A iuil assortment of
Lulher Burkank's
To Meet E' try Need
Toledo Drug Co.
Dr. R. VV. DGN0H0L,
Ofilce in Bank Building up Ptnlr3
J X J I. J. J. t. J. t t J.X-'-'. J. A J.
A1AAA - -- - a e
Expert Watch
When others fail you
Wo Guarantee Satisfaction
Lot Four (4), and the Southeast
Quarter (SK) of the Southeast
Quarter &Ei) of Section Eight (8),
Township Ten (10). Range Eleven (11)
west ol the Willamette Meridian. , -.
Yon are further notified that said li
F. Parsons has paid taxes on said
ptemiEes for prior oi subsequent
years, with the rate of Interest ou laid
amounts as follews: '
Year's Date Paid Tax Re- Amt Rate
Tax ceipt No. Int.
111 rA"uiTlsri913 I "64 1199' 116
Prices Per 8ettlng of IS Eggs
Barred Rocks, $3 to $5. Silver Campines, $3, R. I. Reds, $3,
black Mlnorcas, S2.60. S. C. White Lections. $2 to S3. Uutt Leg
horns, $2 to S3. Indian Runner Ducks, f 1.00 per 12.
We Guarantee 80 per cent of Fertility. Send for our Free Mating List
W. Q. EMERY, Propr Box 234 , Newport, Oregon
"'Minn V
"Tnree Maids or Le' Drougnt i..iJ4ar. v, i9fTT 28 J 28.29 is
down the house. The proceeds IftTSTlUch. 13, 1914"1445 j K5.20 j U
fit i i 1.1! iv. ' c Tr.i'-TA-.-iji ""m t. .
win ue useu in jjuuiiBuing iue
Illgh School Annual, which the
160 acres, 4 miles from Toledo
1 mile from tidewater, on county
road, near school; 76 acres
cleared. Price, $2500. Terms.
Enquire at this office.
class intends making larger and
better than ever.
A trial will convince.
verv reasonable.
Over 40 Years' Experience
as practical watchmaker.
All Work Guaranteed.
Clean-Up Day Saturday, lite
T5aldDbnaldFlanery "as the owner
of the legal title of the above described
property as the same appears o.' record
and each of the other persons above
named are hereby further notified
that L. F. Parsons will apply to the
Circuit Court of the County and State
aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the
Hon Bffa1nf lh. ntvtnAtv o linv. cim-
The County Court of Lincoln cribed, and mentioned in said cor-
Will receive tiflcate. And you are hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty days
first publication, and defend this ac
tion or pay the amount due as above
shown, together with costs mid ac
crued Interest, and incaso of your fail
ure to do so, a decree will be rendcted
Small gasoline launch. Will
trade cattle. Write Jess Clifford,
Star route, Toledo, Ore. State
full particulars.
Nice light, freih and clean at
Merchants Hotel. 25c. and 50c.
per night Rates by week or to
Holstein Bull, sixteen months
old, registeied Thirteen aiilcs
below Siletz Agency.
L C. Mowery.
county, Oregon,
Boalori hlrla fnr rlpnrlnc rrrnh.
. , . ,0 ' j after the flrst publication of thte sum-
bing and grading a 16 foot road jm exclusive of the day of said
Deu, wnn a i loot urain uiicu
next to bank, in road District No.
6, Lincoln county, Oregon, be
ginning at station 0-1-00 and ex
tending north to station 43--35.1 foreclosing the lien of said taxes and
being on the Newport-Siletz costs against the land and premises
wnrnn rnnd i above named.
All bids to be in accordance of tne Hon, R. R.M1,ier 3uaw of the
With plans and specifications County Court of the State of Oregon,
now on file In the Countv Clerk's for the County of Lincoln, and said
nfflna unit miiot ha fllorl nrlth iha I Oraer Was niBQ8 ana dated til IS 1BW
vk .waue -v( iiia l, i u uiiiv
of the flrrit pubii.-atlon of this summons
Is the 19th day of February, 1916.
All process and papers In this pro-
County Clerk on or before one
o'clock p. m., Friday, May the
7th, 1915. Each bid must be ac
companied by a certified check
amounting to 5 per cent, of the
bid submitted.
Dated April 23. 1915.
R. H. Howell,
County Clerk,
The County Court of Lincoln
county, Oregon, will receive
reeding mav be served unon the under- tier who wm actually und In good faith further, for a decree that each of said
tmi M.Min ih. a,A 1 claiming
To Trade One half block
. . 1 VUUIllJ Ullhtlll, Will 1CV.CITO
with a sir room house a butcher Bea,ed bldtJ M followm: For fur.
shop ana a uvery smuie nishlng material and building a
trade for a place. For further
Information write owner, it. i
Cole, Gaston, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
. . . Oregon, for Lincoln county
Dentistry on easy payments. Samuei vestal, piuintm,
See Dr. Berry. vs.
. . vSylvester Smith and Bertha Smith, bis
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE , wife, defendants.
To Sylvester Smith and Bortha
. Notice is hereby given that by an smth, the above named defendants:
order of the County Court of the in the name of the State of Oreg.n:
state of Oregon for Lincoln county, you ana each o( you are hereby re-
Mara r. i nompson nas ueen appmuuju quirca to appear and answer the corn
executor of the estate of J. W. Thomp- piaIlt Me, against you In the above
son, deceased, and all persons having entitled suit on or bnforo the explnt
claims against eald estate are re- tlnn of gx weeKa (lom the dote of the
(julred to present them within six flr()t pUDiitatlon of this summons, ex
months from the date of this notice. ct...lva nt ,i18 diiv of the nrat uubll-
with tlie nronor vouchcru, to said ex- ,,,. a it v,,,, t it
ecutor at the office of A. M. Runnells, B(J , appeaI. and nns'wer.. for want
in josepu. naiiuwa luum,, v..cRUu. thereof the d alnt ff w aDDly to tlio
Dated April lOth, 1915. above entitled Court for the relief de-
Mark P. Thompson, manded in plalntin's complaint, towlt:
Executur as aforesaid. Var . Aaereo at .i,i rourt forecloln
A. M. Runnells, Attorney for Kxecutor prtll,n mnrt.ncn t-xncuted bv Svlves-
Her Smith and UeUia Smith, his wife.
Restoration to Entry of Lands la Na- on the 9th day of August, 1013, on Lots
tional Forest. Notice Is hereby given seven (7), eight (8), nine (9) and
that the lands described below, em-(twelve (12) In section eleven (11)
bracing 111.47 acres, within the SIus- township eight (8) south of range
law National Forest. Oregon, will be eleven (11) west of the Willamette
subject to settlement and entry under Mertdiani In Lincoln county, Oregon,
the provisions of the homestead laws and that the above duscrlbed property
of the United States and the act of be sold by the sheriff of Lincoln
June 11, 1U06, (34 Stat., 233), at the (county, Oregon, as provided by law
United States land omce at KoseDurg, to satisfy the amount due and owing
Oregon,, on June 12, 1915. Any set- to the plalntin's on said mortgage; and
Beware of Ointments for
Catarrh that Contain Mercury
aa mercury will surely destroy the senee
of amell and completely derange the
whole ayatem when entering It Ihrouih
the mucous surfaces. Such articles ahnuld
never be uaed except on preemptions
from roputnbla ntiyalrlane. aa the dainitge
they will do Is ten fold to the good you
can pnaalhly derive from them. Hall e
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by r. 1.
Cheney A Co., Toledo. O.. contains n
mercury, and la teken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucoua aur
fiicea of the ayatem. In buying Hall e
Catarrh Cure be aiire you get the genu.
Ine. It ta taken Internully and made In
Toledo, Oblo. by F. J. Cheney Co. Tes
tlmnnlala tree.
Bold bv nrugalata. Price TSc per bottle.
Take lull's 1'aially 11 1 la for coneilpaUea.
Farm Land Near Nashville
to trade for residence property
in Toledo. Apply R. R. Miller,
ToledJ. Oregon.
Three International 2 h.p. gas-'
oline engines at $60 each. One
Fairbanks-Morse, 4 h.p. gaso
line engine, $75. Ono new l'2
h p. Llttlo Winner gasoline en
gine, price $25. One new 4 cyl
inder 1G h.p. Dunn gasoline en
gine, price $75. Ono Eagle 6
h.p. gasoline engine, price $75.
One open launch, 30 foot long,
8 h.p. engine, price $200. Two
gasoline tanks, TOO gallons ca
pacity, prlco $10 each. If you
have no money will accept note
or good cordwood for any or all
the above property.
S. Lendten,
Newport. Oregon.
signed residing within the State of
Oregon at the address hereafter men
tioned. .Hawkins McCluskey,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Address. Toledo, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon fbr the County of Marlon.
H. 8. Olle Ororrv Co a corporation,
Plalntirr, vs Young, Defendant.
By virtue of an execution Bnd order
of snle Issued out of the a?-ova entitled
Court hi the above entitled action to
me directed and dated the 4th day of
February, A. D., 1915. In favor of the
H. 8. one Grocery Co., a corporation,
and agamat J. W. Young, for the sum
of 22O.O0 with Interest thereon at
the rate of 8 per cent per annum from
the 30th day of Janimry. A. rvi9U,
and a further sum of f 100.00 attorney's
fees with Interest In like coin from the
29th day of January, 1916, at 6 per cent
per annum, and costs and cost
claiming any of said lands for agrlcul- defendants and all of them, and all II
tural purposes prior to Jaauary l, persons claiming by or through you,
1906, and ha not abandoned same, has , the said defendants, or either of you,
a preference right to make homestead , may be barred and foreclosed of any
entry for the lands actually occupied. I estate, right, title, lien or Interect In
Said lands were listed upon the appll- ,0r to said mortgaged premises or any
cations of the persons montloned bo- part thereof and for such other and
low, who have a preference rtgni suD-IIUrther relief as may be equitable and
ject to the prior rtgni or. any aucn sot- Must
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Oyster
in Season
Highest PriceTald for Hides
Hani Norga aid, Prep
wood or a suspension Bridge at
the Louie Fuller ford and the
Mat Ojala ford, both hi road dis
trict No. 15; also for furnishing
material, or building, or furnish
ing material and - building a
bridge and trestle across Salmon
river near the J. A. West place In of this writ commanding me to sell the
road district No. 17: also for fur- following described real property, sit-
nlshinjr material and buildlnz I?.1.8 In Lincoln County, Oregon, as
two bridges near Agate Beach,
in road district No. 6
tier, provided such settler or applicant
Is aualinef to make homestead entry
and the preference right Is exercised
prior to June 12, 1915. nn which date
the lands will bu aubjact to settlement
and entry by any qualified person.
The lands are as follows: The 8W14
SEVi 8WU Sec. 35, T. 14 8., ft. 11 W.,
the WV Stt and WVt S of Lot 2
This summons Is served upon you
.by publication In accordance with an
order by the Honorable K. R. Miller,
County Judge of Llnco'n county, Ore
gon, which said order Is dated March
19lh, 1916, and which requires that
this summons be published In the Lin
coln County Leader for six consec
utive and auccesslve weeks, beginning
T M " . TiR A T A f. Mint"" I
OppoHtte tlio Batik
(16.S1 acres) and Lot 3 (32.66 acres), with the Issue of March 19th, 1916, and
Sec. 2, T. 16 8., It. 11 W., W. M., lending with the Issue of April 33th,
bit.97 acres, iihvihi upon application oi :yjjj.
All bids to be In accordance
follows, to-wlt
BV4 of NKV4 : SE14 of NW' ; NE14
of SW and NWfc of SEV4 of Section
n, iownsnip 14 south of Rnnge 11
E. H. Slnnn, Independence, Oregnn;
List 61551. The KV4 NW NW14
the NliVi SW'A NWlti the 8K'4
NW'4 HWK NW. Sec. 12, T. 14 8.,
R. 10 W., except a strip of land within
Sec. 12, above township and range,
aald strip being 60 links wide, des
cribed as follows: lleglnnlng at a
point 20 chains west and 14X0 chs
south of the north quarter-corner of
8nc. 12, T. 14 8, It. 10 W.; extending
thence S. 41 degrees W 6.66 chs;
With lllans and Specifications eBt of 1,10 Willamette Meridian, In thence H. 19 tierces W., 4.3k chulns
nm nn flla In tho Pnnnt. pi,i, ;wMln tnillllr' Ol""1. contilnlni 160 : thence 8. 26 degrees W.. 2.25
thence 8. 43 degrees, 30 mln. W, 3.90
chs.; thenre 8. 71 dog. W., 1.42 chs.;
thence N. 61 deg. V., 1.81 chs; thence
N. 87 deg. V 1.22 chs.; thence 8. 44
deg. 30 mln. V 2.02 chs., to tho placo
where the end of the strip closes on
Ofilce, and must be filed With tho Now therefore In compliance with
County Clerk on or before one 1,18 demands of said execution and
o'clock p. m., Friday, May the "H?" f a'a J w' ?n ,U'I' '
7th. 1915. Each bid must be ac- ! 2Jlirn i, A' "A8! ' 1
COinpanlcu by a ccrtllled check County Court House, In the City of the southern boundary of tho tract,
amounting to b pr cent, or the I 1 0I,,. wncoin t'ounty, Oregon, sell
bid submitted. Proposition on i?J'fV,,,l1K,ICHl, b!(1,'"r '"r c.aH!'' tt". llie
ntivnMnfili(,m ii,rii right title nnd Interest of the above
any one of the foregoing bridges ! named j. w. Young, defendnnt it. the
win oe coiiuuiereu oy tne court.
Dated April 10. 1915.
R. H. Howell,
County Clerk.
above nnmed action In tho above de
scribed property to satisfy sulci ex
ecution and order of sale, Interest,
costs nnd accruing coals
the net area being 31.32 acres, appll
cation of J. R. ThompHon, Hllvertiin,
Oregon; List 6-150K. The NW',i
BE'4, Sec. 8, T. 14 8., R. 9 W., 20
acres, npplliatlon of llnrluntl M,
Iong, AIhcb, Orvrcn; Lint 6165i).
March 22, 1915, I. M. Bruce, AhhIs
,tnnt rnmnilsHluncr of thu Gunerul
Land OOlco,
Hawkins eV McCluskey
and M. J. McQulnness.
Attorneys tor plaintiff.
Your' Child's Couch
Is a Call for Help
Don't put off ireatlnn your
Child's Cough. It not only sas
their strength, tut often loads
to more serious ailments. Why
rlHk? You don't havo t). Dr.
King's New Dlncovcry Ii Just the
remedy your Child needs. It is
made with soothing, healing and
antiseptic balsams. Will quick
ly check the Cold and soothe
your Chlld'B Cough away. No
odds how bad tho Cough U or
how long standing, Dr. King's
New Discovery will stop It. It's
guaranteed. Just got a bottle
t f roia your druggiut and try 1,
Rheumatism Yields Quickly
To Sloan's
You can't prevent an attack
of Uheumatlhin from com r .:,
but you can stop it almuui im
mediately. Sloan's Liniiiiont
gently applied to the sore joint
or muscle penetrates In a few
minutes to the inflamed spot
that causes the pain. It soothes
the hot, tender, swollen feeling,
and In a very short time brlngn
a relief that Is almost unbeliev
able until you experience It. Get
a bottle of Sloan a Liniment, fo,'
2Cc. of any Druggist and have
It in the house against Colds,
Sore and Swollen Joints, Lum
bago, Sciatica and like ailments.
Your money back If not sntUflod,
but It docs give almost instant
Wanted 4 gootl cows to
milk on shares. Have plenty of
feed. Will give one-hnlf.
R. R. Wilson,
Chitwood, Or.