Winwln Wexdet v v. VOLUME 23' TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1915. NUMBER 4 COUNTY NEWS Ncys of each Community Gathered each w eek by Our Rustling Associate Editors , destroyed the natural spawning Newport grounds so it is up to the people . m . . ,, of the country to have the fish Hon. T. A. Rafferty. traveling lndugtr protected and the attorney for the State Game , hfttchery maintained or else let Commission, assisted County ;tne hatcnery g0 and have the Attorney Stewart In prosecuting flsh destro;e He also ex Fred Montgomery for violating lalned tn ' the the of Poole slough were guests at Jack rabbit. Bedad, and did ye J Mr. Pearce and Mr. Updike nave a8kea for ra,se- But are doing Borne clearing on the au"e are ine ame " inev were wne the T. Huntsucker ranch Satur day. . , - Harlan ever hear tell of an owld bowed over man be the name of- wno wint tnraiung along wld a lantenr lookin lor an honest man? It's history. It appears Pearce ranch. the state game law, by killirilg deer out of season. It appears Mr. Washburn was equally guil ty with Montgomery but because Washburn had a family was not even arrested. The case was tried before Justice' Berry and the jury found the defendant , hatchery was narrow and raises j very rapidly during a rain storm ! and it was an easy matter for logs to pass over the dam during j high water. He also said 'the 1 opposition was not so much i against the hatchery as it was against some of the superin iii s a i n . t guuiy ana me nne unpoBea Dy fjont u wn th cnniniiiii the Court was $30 and costs. I of tne oplnlon of the members This case was brought bythe';of tne cluD thal the hatchery game wardens, Durbin and Rus- be malntalned by all means and sell. The crime was committed tv flall onH the, Ar. in the hunting grounds of Big i tnrv of the club waB inatruc- We see by the weather that-t&e game wardin got this lan - aV li . it tern bizness on the brain so he goes trailln by Imitation. And did he find a honest man? Faith! and he did. He found two av thim and an arse bearing on his back a tiger and tigresses. . Taft Elk. Mr. Russell is an efficient ', ted to write the slate game war- Miss ivirs. i omcer. mree aeer stuns were ; f, TontoinAn.a nt found in the possession of the tne hatchery on Big Elk river, defendants and the evidence was i The Club now naa-a member conclusive The game laws may I Bhlp of 168 and la golng right not be right in all respects but alonR. Tne membership is scat- wiey snouia De emorcea ana au tered in different Darts of the offenders should be punished for violating the laws. Because a person has lived in the country a long time is no reason why he should kill the game out of sea son. All sportsmen and hunters ought to be treated alike and should be made to obey the laws. A. L. Thomas, while riding along Front street Saturday was thrown from his horse and badly injured about the face and head. Just as he waa passing the Por ter building a small, measely looking yellow dog ran out and ' Mrs. J. H. Bnes and Ella Bones were visiting Jesse Farrin Wednesday. : Mrs. Leona Bones is visiting Archie Stevens this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Woods were shopping at Taft Sunday. Forest Ranger Cockran There will be a box social and program at Eddyville March 13. Everybody go and have a good time. i Sunday school at Bear Creek every Sunday. , Mr. Stadlman, superintendent. ! riplhnrt TTnrtcPB and Rliel tWO PAvHatAn warn th mipnta nt. A. uuumvu . v ... y vv- B. Slocum one evening week. . ; Mr. Lang is doing Bome car penter work for Mr. Daniel. the present Incumbent took the posi tion. "We concede that there may be a call (or the raise of the salary of the county attorney but the raise should not be made during this term ot office." SALVAGE-WAUGH nature has awakened and we think if is time for the people to do the same. ; . ' r Miss Violet Randall came in Friday to .visit friends and rela tives, v j Miss Annie Duren, the teacher of Upper Big Elk, received a black eye Sunday while playing with a pet goat. She is able to continue work in the school room, though. Mrs. Mae Mulkey gave her little eleven-year-old daughter a birthday dinner Sunday. Those present were Misses Ruth and IfMIM Annlna T h a 0 n vk si mm vein ncooiai , -jaiio , oaiiuci o, . Dett& and Frieda Moore. We- nona and Willie Mnlkev. Gardiner, with 14 burroea. came nieht. with a 'list of sixtv-six dine feast was served, after I.. - . - . . i i t- . j m r-t J - tnroufin Tart Sunday proine to charter members. State or- wmcn wr. ana jurs. eaivage ue- A pretty home wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Waugh in this city last last ' Sunday afternoon, the principals being Fred C. Salvage and Miss Edna Waugh. R. E. Collins, j Justice of the Peace, officiating, i Miss Katie Wauirh. sister of the Mr. Ramsdell and Mr. Kimble bride played the Wedding March attended the school meeting at Bear Creek Monday, o as the couple took their places in an ever-green bower in an al cove In the living room. Only the Immediate members of the LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE ORGANIZED HEREfamjiy were present to witneess A Loval Order of Moose was : the ceremony. After tne mar of organized in this city last Friday Iriage services a bountiful wed : country. Mr. Rafferty and Judge j Stewart made interesting speeches before the Club. Mr. j Stewart's address referred more j particularly to the hatchery and the fish Industry of the bay. On Saturday evening the Club gave one of its popular dances at their halL The Pickin's Orchestra furnished excellent music for the occasion. . It is the purpose of the Club to encourage socia bility and good fellowship and to cut out so far as possible all jealousies, envies and rivalry ilit x tt a ri i i j ' Mr Barlev of Newnort wore at Heabo-ln Tillamook county. j ganizer Easter came down from ! parted on their honeymoon, go ?uT' ii . INcewp.on; I , . Portland and assisted P. A. Laf-1 ing to the home of the bnde'i nipped the horse's heels. This that afflects so many social caused the horse to jump Into I gatherings. the air with such force as to throw Mr. Thomas violently on the planked street The fall stunned him bo badly that he did not recover for several hours. By order of the Mayor the dog was taken beyond the city limits by the deputy mar-ljuv. Mr. ProsBer. snai ana mercuesdiy snot wiin out feelings or compunction of conscience. Other dogs may go in the same way. Dogs in town are a kind of a nuisance. Mr. Hawkins, the Toledo at torney, was in the city Saturday for the purpose of defendine Fred Montgomery, charged with -violating the game laws. B. F. Jones was in town during the week and spent several days at Otter Rock, wnere he is in terested in the development of that section of the county, noted for its scenic beauty and the lo cation of the Devil's punch bowl. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Weather lord and Miss Weatherford spent Sunday in Newport. , The day was fine and everyone enjoyed strolling on the beach. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jones and daughter of Washington, D. C. spend their Summer vacation at Newport. Mr. Jones is private secretary to Senator Chamber lain. The Rod and Gun Club gave a Danquet at tneir ball Wednes Chas. Mulkey's Sunday night, Sam Campbell was the guest of Miss Vivienne McCoy Sunday. Leonard Gran, was working Tuesday on the Big Elk Moun tain. He made great improve ments. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mulkey went to Bloilgett Tuesday, re turning Thursday. They say that they never saw the roads bo bad before. P. H. Martin went to Corvallla Sunday. Farewell, Governor. Chas. Mulkey has been haul ing hay for Joe Frady. Mrs. Lena Cator has been on ! the sick list recently. Sam Campbell Is helping Hus- on Mr. 8 John Ferguson, born ln New ton Yards, Ireland, May 15, 1830, died at Newport, March 7, 1915, aged 84 years. Deceased is sur vived by his wife and one son. who live in Salem. The funeral 1 10 Grant build fence was conducted at the home by Grant 8 farm. . r. rivwr. lus mierr- iester Mcuoweu or Turn Turn ment took place in the Eureka ; visited his sister, Mrs. Chas. Mul Cemetary. Mr. Ferguson had . key, over Sunday. ' getting ready for St ring plant ling. I Quite a bunch were getting ! mussels and digging clams Sun day. Fine day and low tide. Three luanches came to Taft Sunday with pleasure seekers. Harry Filler has bought the LI Bones place on Drift creek and will move soon. . Mm Will riorttula vlaltoH Mm Fielding Tuesday. I ' Frank Mi'rray is moving his house from the Reasch place to his farm. . I lived in Newport ten years. . Capt. R. D. Morse has bought the mlllinary store of H. F. Jen kins and the business ln the fu ture will be conducted in the building being fixed up by Mr. Cahill on Front and Sase streets. . o Ona Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Lewis and mother, Mr. and Mrs..L. Parks and Fred Commons were visitors at the Selby ranch Sun day. ' Mrs. H. H. Cook returned to her home Saturday from' a week's visit at Newport. Monday of this week the Ona Good Roads Club put in a big day on the new road. Several friends of the Club who have not joined as yet helped the boys out as they wanted to make Monday a banner day on the road, owing to the fact that they must put in their crops before devoting any more time to the road. However, in a few weeks dav evenlnc PlntpB wr nnroort the work will be resumed. Road for 125 persons and every plate i Supervisor Weber reports that was taken. Mr. Paris Parks, ex superintendent of the flsh hatch ery on Big Elk river, and J. C. Dixon were present from Elk City by invitation. Mr. Parks was asked to make a statement of the way the hatchery had been conducted and the number of salmon that had been propa gated there during the last ten years. The figures given by Mr. Parks were as follows: Year 1904, 4,129,600; 1905, 7,247,645; 1906, 9,926,501; 1907, 3,894,708; 1908, 3,778,336; 1909, 1,491,309; 1910, 352,851; 1911, 3,033,860; 1912, 1,703,493; 1913, 8,816,200; Grand total planted ln Big Elk -and Yaqulna rivers and their tributaries, and. Drift creek and its tributaries, 39,353,905. This is certainly a splendid showing for so small a hatchery. Mr. Parks explained that at first the flsh were turned loose when they were too young not able to take care of themselves and were devoured by the trout and other enemies. He said now they were kept in pools and fed until they were three and a half to seven Inches long and could take care of themselves. He also explained how the en croachnicnt of civilization had about 200 days' have been do nated to date, and it will be a question of a very short "time until that particular strip of road is completed. Chester Ryan of South Beaver spent most of last week with the boys on the road and Conrad Thompson, who is living at the Ryan ranch at pres ent, came over to help the boys one day. We feel encouraged and wish to pass our enthusiasm along. o Upper Beaver Jesse Clifford and Pete Peter son made a trip to Newport Tuesday. G. E. Lewis and H. G. Weaver made a trip to Yaqulna Wednes day. Henry Rhoades and family of Toledo moved on their ranch in this vicinity last week A. Peterson and son, Peter, were Newport visitors Monday. Eugene Emerson of Toole slough visited at the Peterson ranch Saturday night. Mrs. K. D. Martin visited at the I. N. Hewitt ranch Sunday, George and Gordon Emerson W. B. Mulkey visited Grandma and Grandpa January Friday ana Saturday. Nye Scott is working at Sum mit where we think he intends to move his family. o Fiegles Creek Daffodils! Chas. LIndley Is at Racks creek. Geo. Tubbs is visiting at Mul- vany's on Big Elk. John Rankin is working for Lester Grant Mr. Briggs, the new arrival at the P. H. Martin slace. is enlov- ing his new possessions and planning a bridge to connect his house with the Fiegles Creek road. Gale Shane has quite an in- ovation for Fiegles Creek archi tecture an excavated basement Last week pedistrians on the Fiegles Creek road could have seen a small hand-full of men digging, digging until their arm 8 were like to break digging not ror goia out ror a right of way to Harlan postoffice. They made it through by Saturday night on double quick time. too. The names enrolled were, Z. A. Kessl, ueorge Tubbs, Gale Shane, Geo uarting and Eskolt Dartlne. It is said that the Kessl Hill is now passable for teams Blanche and Percy Mulvany will attend the Black school this Summer. Miss Lena Walcott of Corvallls has been selected as teacher again, entering upon her second year s work ln that dls trict There has been quite a large school of fish in the head waters of Fiegles creek the past week their spawning ground. Begorra! and I must be afther splnnln ye the yarn about the game wardin as is goln "the roundB. I'll tell ye but it will scarce be afther bearin the re peatln but if ye'll promise fa'th ful to not be afther lettin the women folk get hold of the tale for if the gentle sex get wind of it Oregon will not be afther ferty with the organization. I sister, Mrs. Alta After the organization the fol- tvo miles above lowing officers were elected: Dictator, Dr. R. D. Burgess. Vice Dictator, Alexander J. I McMillan. Past Dictator, Frank Cham berlain. Prelate, Warren T. Ball. Secretary, P. A. Lafferty. Treasurer, Mike Mackey. Sergeant-at-Arms, Fred Sal vage. Inner Guard, Wm. P. McGee. Outer Guard, Anton L. Jacob- son. Trustees, Edw. Mauch, Ralph Pepin and Al Waugh. Committe on Quarters, J. C. Altree, M. Mackey, A. L. Jacob- son. ' The class consisted of the fol lowing citizens of Lincoln coun ty: I - J. C. Altree, R. A. Andersen, Chas. A. Anderson, J. E. Altree, Dr. R. D. Burgess, W. T. Ball, Jack Bellany, John F. Cummlngs, Joseph Deraltt, Dr. R. W. Donohoe, J. W. Graham, C. W. Hardlnir. John Hammond. H. E. Ham. Sondre Romtvedt made a trip aker, H. c. Howe. a. l. jacobson, f. a. to Toledo Tuesday. I Kemp, P. A. Lafferty, John McGee, R. . v i n m bjj i v. Mann, Geo. Mccauiou, C. A. Mackey, Mrs. Mabel Beera of Eddy- MUe Mackey. w. p. McGee, A. J. Mc- Well, how do you like the first ville Is spending a few days visit- Milian, Kris Norgaard, H. E. Peterson, number of the Leader? ing With Mr. and Mrs. A. B. JAI Reed. Fred SalpKe. Dr. H.Z i.Tharp,; ftfknowift(1irft tt n1-int Dwinnpll !u- ' J- irowunago. i. . , - --o- - r--- kJ " llllicu. ! .it nr u t i. nnHJuJ nail fAtvi Mra f T. llnnriil aw1 Mrs. Jacob Jacobson came up Yttsek and J-J- fogarty of Toledo. jMiss Hattle Reeder this week, from Elk City Saturday. u 1'' ur' w' mTTJ All the County' officers have Prof. J. E. Davis was up and Edwin earns of Wren. j filed their bonds and qualified visited the Chitwood school one 1 ,Jank. ChamDerlaln- - E- onst for their respective offices. , John Bones Is seeding oats on the Gilmore place, which he rented. (Cecil Cosper thBweek. ia in Portland Chitwood " Prof. John Kurtlchanov came down from Eddyville Saturday. Swearingen, town, from there they went to Albany for a few days. The bride Is the second daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Waugh. She was born and grew to womanhood in Toledo and is one of our most popular young ladles. The groom is one of our most worthy young men. He has resided here for the past sev eral years, during the time has held good positions as clerk in our business houses. He is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Salvage, now residing in Albany. We have no better boys than Fred Salvage. After their honeymoon the' couple will be at home to their friends ln the cottage just east of the bank buildWgt-rr v The Leader begs to join the many friends of the couple ln extending congratulations and best wishes for a long, happy wedded life. o TWENTY-TWO YEARS AGO TODAY day last week. Rose Lodge Mrs. Wm. Crenplen has been quite sick the past week. Alvln Ackerson went to Til lamook the first of the week as witness in the Boyer-Burton case. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McMillen were Taft visitors Saturday and Sunday. Miss Wilson, the school teach er, called on Mrs. J. A. Messen ger Sunday. Allie Griffith and family vis ited with his mother, Mrs. Slelgar, last Sunday. Wm. Dodson left for Wllllmina Monday morning. Chas. Harding expects to have his sawmill running ln the near future and he says he will de liver road lumber in two miles of the mill at $7.00 per M, and that means we will have some planked roads this Summer. The Salmon River Grange passed resolutions at its Satur day meeting ln favor of the county bridging and trestling Salmon river near Otis school house. It is to be regretted that there are a few knockers against It as it would be a great improvement to the Salmon river country and cuts out about four miles of the worst roads ln Lincoln county. o ot Yanulna. Edw. E. Craig, C. C. Cllne. C. O. Damon, Edw. Mauch, F. Schools, and T. F. Wllloughby ot Eddyville. Elmer S. Chapman, of Summit. J. M. Ergtsh. D. W. Gillette, J. E. Hamar, J. M. Westfall of Nashville. I The first marriage license is sued in Lincoln County was j granted to A. C. Taylor and i Tabltha Burns, both of Toledo. The public school closed last Friday. After a short vacation i it will again be opened by Prof. C. W. Mosier, A. B. Mosler, Ralph W. Pepin, of Chitwood. H. S. Porter, Fred Wagner. J. B.'Betber8 Which assures a good White, of Nortons. ' Dor. E. Rochester, of Elk City. H. J. Shermer, M. J. Shermer, S. J. Shermer, of Oystervllle. school. Miss Eunice Alexander came ,over from Corvallls last week to Another class will be taken in .visit her parents. at the next meeting of the lodge i Uncle Billy Stevens has been which will be the night of the on several fishing excursions al- 26th. ready this season. A marriage license was issued this week to Wm. M. Howell and Susan J. Hoover both of Tide water. Al Waugh, of Happy Valley. ! has built a new residence on his REGARDING COUNTY SALARIES We have received a number of Inquiries regarding the nature of the article printed in the Sen tinel in its issue of February 19, farm and Is busy ditching and 101E . ... n 1 . ... . ifivi w ty uiuu wo icicweu ui i improving oinerwise. Elk City havln any more gamelaw than a week. The school meeting at Bear Creek was well attended. Mr. Silver was elected director to fill the vacancy of L. V. Calkins. Ellphlet Follett was a Bear Creek visitor the first of the our issue of February 26th. As it seems the Sentinel is not very widely circulated we are here with reproducing the article as it appeared in the Sentinel, for the benefit of Inquirers: "BROKEN PR0MI3E8 "The Legislature has lacked a good deal of sticking to Its promise ot econ omy madejbefore election In some ot the smaller matters. It has cut down two or three big Items and let through a number of smaller ones that more than balance the few big ones. "At the first ot the session the Legis lature made a great to-do about being against a raise ln the salaries of any officers. Yet two officers ln this county have had their salaries raised by the present session of the Legislature The sheriff received the deputy lie wanted at' a salary of $00 a month and the county attorney has had his salary raised from 1000 to $900 a year. The taxpayers will foot the bill. "The Bontlnol can see no good and sufTlclont reason for raising the salary ot the county attorney at tlilB tlrao. Had there been more duties to perform there would bave been a reason to Henry Dohse is Installed as head waiter at the Blake House. Daniel Grady was out Monday. the first time since last Novem ber. He still wears crutches. The first warranty deed filed in Lincoln county was filed Wed nesday, and was from W. G. CreBsy to S. G. Irvln. Capt. Bob Campbell was up from Newport Wednesday and Thursday. o RESOLUTIONS ResolvedThat Salmon River Grange, No. 516, P. of H., favors the building of the plank trestle, or tldeland bridge, across Sal mon river, near the Otis school house, as soon as possible; and Resolved Further, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the County Judge and to the various local and county papers for publication. (Seal) Chas. Hart, Master. P. Deakins, Secretary,