V: J VOLUME 22 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 5th, 1915. NUMBER 51 COUNTY NEWS News of each Community Gathered each week by Our Hustling Associate Editors sir :: i t. -M Miwer. Wmt " (This road will open up a very neWpOri fine section of the country for ;. Tht. u Mf ir an 1 her of attorneys come to New port to get a sniff of ocean breezes and to get a feed of the splendid sea food that is ob tained here. Lawyers are good gastronomers and good feeders. Among the number that regis tered at the Abbey we noticed Judge .Skipworth, W. S. Mc Fadden, E. B. Tongue, prosecut ing attorney at Hillsboro, W. P. Woods of Portland, Mr. Clark and John Stevens, "jperintend ent of the C. & E. railroad. George King, mayor of Oyster City, also visited Newport. Thi3 term of Court had a large dock t. Newport citizens being well represented in the proceedings. Mrs. C. C. Copeland had a num ber of cases against the Siletz Indians, trying to collect past due accounts. She obtained Judgments against most of them and will collect the moeny later. Ott Holgate was fined $250 and costs for trying to steal the sig nal flag on South Beach. This case was of much importance and attracted wide attention. 1 Zene Copeland was fined $50 for inflicting a severe injury ' upon the person of James Gat ens, the fish and game warden. 3ir. Copeland was also fined $50 for calling the district attorney, J. F. "Stewart, a liar in open court. This is pretty costly. . The parent-teachers meet ing held Monday evening at the High School building was well attended and very interesting. . These meeting do much good because it brings parents and teachers closer together In studying the best methods of se curing home and school govern ment and the best system of ed ucating and improving the . minds of the children. Parents and teachers are at liberty to take .part In the discussion of any question that comes before the meeting. This gives the whole Bchool as well as the com munity valuable information. Some mischievous boys took a blllle goat into the auditorium of the High School building and , tied him up to a post. This was -done as. a Joke on the professors and to furnish a living example as to which was the real butt end of a goat The billie had Teen tantalized until he was right on the scrap. The boys said the goat must have got in his work as some of the profes sors did not sit down with as much ease as common. J. H. Fitzgerald, secretary and promoter of the Portland, West Coast railroad and Navigation company, met with the city council at its regular session Monday evening and asked for an extension of time to com mence building the road, on ac count of the scarcity of money because of the European war. He asked for twelve months af ter the war closed to commence the work of construction. This being a very Indefinite period of time I don't think the council thought very seriously of the proposition. The .war might last- for ten years. , However, the council promised to investi gate the matter and report later vhat they would do. 1 The com )any had six months In the first uace to commence building the road but as yet no work has been done. ' County Surveyor Derrick has just returned from the Yachats where he has been surveying a road across the Yachats moun , tains. This road when open will let the travel In from the WUlimette valley by the way of the Upper Alsea valley down the Yachats river to Ocean View, Waldport and Newport. The distance across the mountalp Is five miles. , A six per cent grade can be had and It will cost about $5,000 to build the road. Mr. Derrick says the government will help on this road and he thinks the county will also assist . In the work. The people along the road have taxed themselves to the limit. The tax running all the way from 5 to 10 tnlllB. When people do so much for themselves they ought to be helped If It is possible to do bo. stMKmsmg.OAirjing ana culture. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Backus at Yaqulna are getting along as ; well as could be expected with ; such severe burns. To be prop erly cared for thty ought to be taken to 'a hospital An effort is now being made to do that and It would not cost the county any more and maybe not as much. o ' : Oysterville; M. G. Shermer attended court three days last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dowllng were Newport visitors Thursday. Fred Gee's visited the M. G. Shermer home Saturday to make the . acquaintance of the new baby girl that arrived on j Wednesday, the 27th. Art Hope, conducton of the work train, took Sunday dinner at the Dowling home. . J. Vicars returned from Port land Saturday evening. He Is planning to leave in about six weeks for Alaska. ' Wm. Fey left Tuesday morn ing for the East. J. Vlgars attended a surprise party given for Ed Meeker, at Yaqulna Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Lewis has been quite sick for several days. C. E. Webster left for the Val ley Wednesday morning. Fiegles Creek . Beautiful moon-lit evenings. iiancyiuu. Well, my dear colleagues, if we are to correspond for such a formidable, business paper as the Leader we had best stall - ieea our regaBUi ana run nun around some Just for exercise, you know. Zeb- Kessl la keeping up with the procession as far as enter prise goes. Rarkin & Walker succeeded in delivering the goods, viz, a fine Durham bull. Mrs. Fred Scheddler was an outward bound passenger on Tuesday's stage. Frank Mulvany visited Fiegles Creek Sunday. ' lie is daily re ceiving ads for machinery cal culated for road building. All the men are eagerly awaiting the prospective work. Houston Grant and Clifford McDonald with their famous pack of dogs aro patroling the hjlla trying to locate the marauders disturbing turkeys, chickens and ducks. Some of Frank Grant's goats on this side of the hill have come up missing. Wild cats ' are . becoming - bold and plentiful, an awful menace to stock industry. It Is easy to read, between the lines where the country Is broken and fit only for foraging animals. Such wild and ferocious creatures as cats and cougars can easllv knock the profits off and dis courage the owner of flocks. Will Randall and, family are enjoying a siege of mumps con tracted at Harlan. After this they will be immune from that small coccus at least : A good many of us act like the goblins will get us.' This one does and don't you forget It. . These dandy little contagious diseases are not the Joke ; they are cracked up ; to ,be. I .know whereof I speak. The mumps are like love and a cough they can't be hid. This reads kind of mumpy, but Just now we all nave mumps on the brain o Glen The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Davenport the night of the 19th and left a girl. Mother and child doing niceiy. Mr. Davis, the school super visor, visited our school last week. lie gave us a nice talk on the meaning of education and the practical, things to be laugnt. lie also talked to us about the Home Credit System. This is something Just recently started in the schools. It Is to get the pupils to do more work at homo. We have tried it In our school and it has proven buc- noru-iCesBiui. Jesse Davenport went to Elk City last, Thursday. ; Miss Edith Davenport Bpent Tuesday night wth MIsb Jessie Brown. Alva Moore went to Harlan' last Thuraiiav last inursoay. m - Ray Brown went to Toledo iasi inuraaay. . . J. E. Crooks went to Toledo last Thursday. j. iwn j , w C. W. Brown went to Harlan Tuesday. Everett Brown went to Elk City last Saturday Miss Gertrude Johnson snent Saturday with Miss Helen Gard- ner at Salado. Miss Jessie Brown spent Sun- !dav with Mrs. Geoiee Daven- port. Ona am Rpihv wnf in Tiin -- rv . Thursday to serve on the jury. He returned home Sunday after- " Lloyd Commons met with a serious accident Thursday after- noon while at work on the new roaa mat is being opened by the ....... Ona Good Roads Club. Llovd ii wo and Chauncey Ohmart had sawed down a large alder tree,' which split in two and did not fall as the boys had anticipated. They did not realize their dan- ger until warned by cries from their fellow workers and then it was too late to escape. The Sparks, Muriel Franklin, Rich- county and must hire all depu-jThe county has gono to the ex tree struck Lloyd breaking his ard Glrdler, Fred Michel. Itles. Here is a fair statement pense of making these surveys leg and bruising his body very, . Mrs. Downey is sufferm from of what the Sheriff has to ray;for us and we feel that it 1b .Daoiy. ine noys. made a stretcher of their coats and , shlrts and carried him to the , home of Road Supervisor Weber 1 where he was made as com fortable as possible until Dr. Tharp of Toledo came and set the break. At this writing he is doing as well as could be expected.. Lloyd Commons is a progressive youne man and is much Interested in the work of the . Club. The aocldent com- ing as It did at the commence- ment of their work, caused every member much grief. They have uune everyxning ior me injurea nuea miss spauidlng's place, the young man that is possible, and, latter being absent on account like true Spartans, they are of illness. . pushing the work they have un-1 Eddyville grangers are de dertaken. The Commons family lighted with the progress being has ther sympathy of everyone, made on the nf.w hall. It is Mrs. L. M. Commons, who has hoped that it will be ready for been visiting relatives at Port-1 occupancy by the next meeting. land and Hillsboro the last four weeks, was called to her home Saturday to take care of her son, Lloyd. - A. W. Weber Is attending court at Toledo this week. Andrew Gallagher and Georee Edwards went up to the IL H. Cook Co. Bawmlll one day last week. . Eddyville Social events at Eddwllle are booming. Miss Anna Mauch .was Bur prised by about forty friends from Eddyville, Little Elk and Bear Creek on the evening of Friday, January 22. The even ing was spent enjoying games and music. Dainty refresh ments were served at midnight. All expressed great pleasure in the Mauchs hospitality and ex pressed the hope that they might come again soon. miss Lean Rutledge enter tained about thirty truest from Eddyville and Big Elk at the Leah home last Friday evening. The evening was passed playing the usual games. Dainty re freshments were served and the guests departed unanimously aecianng an . unusually eood time. The beautiful moonlight evening added not a little to the pleasure of those who walked from Eddyville and the old say ing tne longest way 'round is the sweetest way home" was proved beyond a doubt. A pleasant and agreeable sur prise party was given to Miss Amber Spaulding on January 19th In honor of her 30th (?) birthday. Her school pupils presented her with a large birth day cake. The evening was spent making candy and playing games. All report a Jolly, gocd ,ume January 26th belli e Miss Leah JRutledge's birthday anniverslty lw ner frieuds Journeyed Quietly up the mountain and KavD ner a uiue Hurunae. Alter i After Miss Rutledge into the cuoi waiers oi uie spring me ired to the h0U8e and t the evpnine nlavinel "Rook" "Plaza" and similar enmeR. i r. The Grange program under the direction of Mr. Rohhina a8 very enjoyable. It was the first of a series which will make i up the contest between the two divisions. The program ren- ered was a follows: Music by j Mrs. Ralph Pepin; Btory by Mr. Bynton; reading by Mrs. Vergil ""uuuu UJr aim. x-epm; dialect reading by Mr. McBiide; ittnn ui t a,-J 'Mrs Robbins- readine Mrs Sparks. The 'concluding num- bcr was a bachelor's button-sew- ltir oontPRt In tuMfh Mr Rnvn-'tne con t8It'B hr A3 gn, Mr ? tllf.SS First prize was won by Mr Mc- Bride itnd consolation bv Mr Mrr-T ' ! - . . . . . 1 U'n r nun nAf fffl onrfl a n Am 1WO ClOUDie ae.K8 ana a new .i i , . . . . . . .l""ow ?na?e na.ve Deen aaaea scnooi equipment. Mr- Davis, surervisor, visited the school recently. " j Those neither absent nor tar-' dy during the fourth month were: Roy Mauch, Loren Mauch. Hazel Mauch. Jean a severs attack ol la erinne. ciare McBride has been spending several days visiting hi wtr r. nn-M,? his brother, Lawrence McBride. f Jr k 8 .V, V Fortnd,wh'ire 8he -wUl be emPloya- " " M- D. Weltln celebrated his ill n..it. v v m M hlrthday anniversary Sunday, January 31. A number of din ner guests enjoyed the day with nlm' Earl Weltln proved his nedo- gogical abilities Friday after noon when he very successfully Elk City The party given at Mr. Lehn's last Friday was well attended. TMrty-slx were present and all enjoyed themselves. Miss Bessie Gillett was the guest of Mr. Slocum and family oaiuraay ana Sunday. Mr. Scarth lost one of hla horses Monday evening. Mrs. will Porks and Miss Win nie Boydston went to Toledo Saturday to have Bome dental work done. . Mrs. Jim Park's children have been on the sick list but are im proving. , . , It has been too rainy for plow ing. Mr. Mlllner returned to Can ada last week. . Upper Beaver W. H. Weaver made a trip to Yaqulna Saturday. '. Peter Peterson and Herman Henke made a trip to Yaqulna Saturday. Jesse Clifford returned home Sunday from an extended visit m Portland, accompanied by his uncle and aunt. George Emerson and Thomas Barker of Poole slough and Peter aid WUUam Peterson spent Saturday night visiting Herman Henke, Henry Emerson of Oyster City and Wm. Fey of Oysterville were In this vlelnltv sundnv Mr. Brooks and sons of Wald port visited at the O. E. Lewis ranch Saturday night. Mrs. J. M. Bowers viBited at the T. Huntsucker ranch Sun day. Mrs. T. Huntsucker and chlld- ren, Alice and Kenneth, called on Mrs. I. N. Hewett one day last week. "' Mrs. J. M. Bowers visited Mrs. L.N. Hewett Wednesday Mrs. W. C. Martin is on the 'sick uBt this week Mawere guests a the t! j i MlltltBiiplfr hnm Snndnv Huntsucker nome Sunday. Misses Evallna and ChrlsUna , ierson cauea ai me neweic home Monday afternoon. I William Peterson of the C. & & brldSe cre.w "pent the week- end vt8lUn nome rolk8 at m18 place Mrs. Guy Lewis called at the Peterson ranch Monday after- noon EXPENSES OF SHERIFF'S OFFICE Having nreDared a bill to be nresented to the lee slature al- lowing one deputy for the Sheriff's office and having ex- Plained the cost of maintaining Office Dy tne Bnenir out OI his salary to more than a hun- dred residents and taxpayers of Lincoln county and having re- ceived their endorsement by pe- tition to allow one denutv to the Sheriff at 60 ner month. It is I i ii, t l -. ii vj iuuio uiau i it, in, aiiu i "arc m-omlsed. to submit to each of the county papers a statement 0f the cost of maintaining the sheriff's office which he must pay. It Is not generally under- stood, but a fact, that the Sheriff receives no fees, no mileage and no traveling; exnenses from the out oi ma aaiary; One office deputy to keep . the record of delin quent ' taxes and re main in the office while the Sheriff is out serv ing papers or. on crim- inal business, $50 per; month. . ...... .... $600.00 Outside 'deputies, 'their traveling expenses, sheriff s traveling ex penses, $30 pr month for ten months out of the year $300.00 Same expenses for the two months out of the year when circuit court meets, $75 per month 150.00 Expense of hiring Jailor to feed and care for prisoners when sheriff is called away from county seat, estimated sixty days out of year, $1 per day. . . 4 60.00 Total 1110.00 Salary , 1800.00 Balance.. .. ..690.00 Bert Goer, Sheriff. LADIES AID SOCIETY TO HOLD BAKERY SALES The Ladles Aid Society of the M. E. Church, beginning tomor row, Saturday, the 6th, will hold monthly bakery sales, selling all kinds of bakery goods, such as pies, cakes, cookies, etc. To morrow the Bale will be in Les ter Waugh's meat market win dow. The committee, for this sale is composed of Mrs. P. Fred erick, Mrs. E. J. Avery and Mrs U. G. Hart. The public Is Invited to call and purchase and thereby help a good cause. $10 REWARD To the one who will return my In re A hlnrk nnH ton hnnnrf Antr 'Short ears, weight about 57 lbs., name, "Prince." He was last seen by me Friday, January 22. He was trailing and it Is thought probable he Is on the Upper Si lets or - Rock creek. Owner I "would be very glad of any infor- imai,on concerning mm John Jacobson, Chltwood, Or. State Manager Bliss of the Columbia Life Insurance Co., of Salem, was In the city several days this week In the Interests ! of tn.e .M.P,n ,,e ere he appoiniea . u. rons iocai agent. i R. W. Pepin, the bridge build er, went to Ocean View Wednes day evening to build a county bridge over the Yachats. Burt Junken also went to assist with the carpenter work. They fig ure that it will take about three weeks to do the Job. ONA GOOD ROADS CLUB ! Road Supervisor Walter C. i Weber, President of the Ona Good Roads Club, had a force of men at work Monday on the 'new county road up Beaver I creek. This survey was made (at quite an expense to the :?fflL J!!" ""i"""" ment B0 far a the d(J l8 con. cerned, over the old road. This road was not opened sooner ow ing to lack of funds. Now our Road Club Intends opening it up with volunteer work. Up to the present date forty days' work have been volunteered, each member reserves the priv ilege of either giving his own labor or employing someone In his place. We have one pro gressive member who is not In our road district, having paid his membership fee and contrib- uted five days' labor. He con- tends any new road In the county Is a lasting benefit to all me county ibb iuu cuarges an luiua- tlon fee and a small amount each month. This money will be used to buy tools necessary for the road work, being done by the Club. The amount of work done thlo far la a Bnrnr.no tn tha mnnt w .t. ww enthusiastic and not all of the Club members have turned out yet. and wo hope to push this road to completion before a great while. The object of this Club Is to open new roads where there are no available funds for the work. now "up to us ' to neip our selves a little and not act like helples Infants. We hear strangers talk of "The Oregon Spirit." They tell ub that one portion of pur beau tiful state is afraid another por tion of it will secure reome needed Improvement and thus" detract from itself. They tell us this spirit exists between the different sections of the coun ties and runs from there to the cities, town and localities. Fan cy anyone not believing in a good road just because it does not pass their door. We be lieve this spirit exists only In the minds of the few. The ma jority of the people are for pro gress. We never need hope for fortune to reach us if we sit by and Idle away our "days of grace" In vain complainings. "Let us then be up and doing" and help Bud Weber boost for good roads. MAY RECONSIDER ALSEA BAY CASE IN CONGRESS Representative Hawley has asked a reconsideration of the proposal for the survey of Alsea bay on which Major Morrow has submitted an adverse report, based upon the contention that local Interests would furnish 15 per cent of the required funds for the proposed improvements. Local business men have advised Mr. Hawley that they will fur nish 60 per cent of the funds. Washington correspondent Port land Telegram. o The boys at the electric light plant believe In having light on the subect. This week they in stalled a 1000 candle power light In the plant and a 250 candle power light on the front of the building. . This lights the whole vicinity. Among the prominent attor neys from other cities attending court here this week we note: W. S. McFadden, Arthur Clarke and O. Mlddlekauff of Corvallls, E. B. Tongue of Hillsboro, Mark Weatherford of Albany, A. O. Condlt of Salem and W, L. Coop er of Portland. o FOR SALE Or exchange a Pool Table In good repair. Will sell or exchange for billiard table Address, L. C Smith, Secy Newport, Oregon, o Wanted To buy or rent place suitable for Bmall dairy, with plenty of grass. Must be good terms. A. P. Ayers, Newberg, Oregon, o See W. P. McGee before buy ing that raincoat.