Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 29, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Editor Leader: Kindly allow
me space to set myself aright
with uiy life-long friend, Dixon.
m Mr. Dixon, in his able reply
In your Issue of the 15th, to my
little piece relative to the great
salmon industry on Yaquina bay
Intimates that I have been mis
informed as to tha work done at
this hatchery. I want to be
right; don't want to say or do a
thing that will hurt a friend fi
nancially or otherwise, so will
Friend Dixon please answer me
the following:
Did the large force of men, be
ing five or six, while experiment
ing with the so-called hatchery
close the river when forced to
6top them to get eggs, then force
them into the fep where they
were sorted, dipping out the fe
males, then opening the small
gate so the males could go up
the river to view the natural
spawning grounds? Were they
allowed tlii3 great privilege of
visiting the birthplace of tliem
selves and ancestoia through
mercy or otherwise?
Did this large force of men put
In racks at bridge Twenty-one,
also near the mouth of Thorn
ton creek, both on Yaquina river,
thus keeping the salmon from
going to their spawning grounds
on Yaquina and Little Elk riv
ers? If so, why was it done?
I have been told this but want
to be right. Was the Elk salmon
hatchery abandoned by a peti
tion of all the fishermen on Ya
quina river and bay? I h?ve
been so told. The trout industry
being almost an experiment (a
good word,) is it a fact the river
has been closed during the en
tire run of salmon this year, and
not a single salmon has got un
Big Elk this season, but instead
during the season the salmon
have been caught at the experi
ment station, ripped open to se
cure the eggs to feed said trout,
and at this time the salmon are
held In large numbers in the
river below the obstruction.
You and I are old scttlers-r-ia it
not a fact that prior to this
hatchery Yaquina was full of
salmon each year, that formerly
we had two canneries running
on Yaquina bay, besides Billy
Toner was shipping tons of fresh
fish? It is estimated that there
was 100 fish boats in use, em
ploying 200 men, which is a
' great many more than 5 or' 6.
If the experiment has nothing
to do with us having practically
no salmon, how do you account
for it? Please explain. No dearth
of salmon on Alsea to our south
or Siletz to the north. Two can
neries run this year and all fish
ermen did well on each of these
streams, and the females are al
lowed to accompany the males
to the natural spawning; ground.
I have not heard any complaint
of scarcity of trout in either of
said streams. Who does Marsh
Simpson blame for the great
scarcity of trout? There is a
great loss somewhere, what
caused it? Is it not a fact that
salmon trout when not detained
by racks or wire netting, go to
the natural spawning grounds?
I sympathize with Marsh in the
great loss of trout, in fact our
sports formerly went to Elk City
to fibh, came back with lots of
trout and reported such a good
time, having been treated roy
ally, but this season all visited
Siletz where trout was plentiful.
Before the hatchery we had an
abundance of salmon, especially
sllversides. You being on the
ground nd U bring only hearsay
with me, will you please explain
why both salmon and trout are
bo scarce in Yaquina and so
plentiful In Alsea and Siletz, yet
the Commission has been so
heroically spending money doing
the work of nature for Yaquina
and neglecting the other two
streams? Did not the 200 fish
ermen, besides the army of other
employes in the business bring
more money into the county
than the hatchery ever has, be
sides the railroad formerly ran
a special each year giving our
Valley friends an opportunity to
troll for salmon. Each excur
sion left more money in the
county than the 6 or 6 hands
employed earned in one season.
I don't want to knock ' the
county but you say that "hatch
eries turn out 90 per cent of all
eggs taken while the eggs de
posited by the salmon only 10
per cent mature." Is this not
simply estimated, and if so was
the estimate mnde by the same
person who estimated that Lin
coln county has 1000 deer and
therefore must have a law that
our stockmen must not ubo dogs
to protect their 9,761 goats and
sheep, as appears on the tax rolls
of 1914. No deer on tax rolls.
Do you know of any great in
crease of either game or fish and
where, in Oregon, where this
riBQ ana uame Board has bad
full power with its vast amount
of money, drawn from the peo
ple, using same as they saw fit,
without passing one dollar
through the state treasurer's
office as all state funds are band
led and audited? Our people
want results, have we got them
on the Yaquina bay? As I may
be misinformed but want to be
right, please answer.
Your Friend
C. B. Crosno.
I have two acros adjoining the
city limits of Newberg which 1
desire to trade for Toledo prop
erty. For particulars see R. J
Groth, Toledo, Oregon.
o -
. I have missed a few head of
jy cattle With tha marV-HT rlo-hr
ear square cut, horns cut, also
some calves. $5 00 reward.
Joseph Kosydar,
Siletz, Oregon.
FOR SALE Buff Leghorn
Cockerels, $1.00 each.
Mrs. J. Weston,
' Yaquina, Oregon.
Three International 2 h.p. gas
oline engines at $60 each. One
Fairbanks-Morse A h
line engine, $75. One new IV2
h.p. Little Wlnnr gasoline en
gine, price $25. One new 4 cyl
inder 16 h.p. Dunn gasoline en
gine, price $75. One Eagle 5
h.p. gasoline engine, price $75.
One open launch, 30 foot long,
o u.p. engine, price $200. Two
gasoline tanks. F00 gallons ca
pacity, price $10 each. If you
have no monev will ownnt nn
or good cordwood for any or all
tuo uuuts property.
S. Lendten,
Newport, Oregon.
Portland, Or., Dec. 23, 1914.
To the Stockholders of Yaquina
Bay Mutual Telephone and
Improvement Company:
At a meeting of the stock-
PI f t J-kVW-l 1 Jl A . . a
uuiuciB auu Directors or tne Ya
quina Bay Mutual Telephone
and Improvement Company held
at Toledo. Orecon.
ber 21, 1914. It was unanimously
Tuiuu lu dg li an or t n a mvTAvtw
of the company to Yaquina Bay
I'lcrpuuue company and: to
wind up the affairs of the first
naraea company and to Qffect its
dissolution. If
to give the stockholders thirty
(30) days within whtnh tn
- - - vw IJlwUVg
to the secretary their certificates
Ui buic ior ine purpose of en
abling them to share in the divis
ion of the proceeds of the sale
Of the COmnnnv'o rtrnrxiT.
ouicKnoiaers are accordingly
ncit-ujr uuuuea to sena to the
undersigned within thirty (30)
days from the abnvA rinta thai-
- .vw lugu"
certificates of Btock in Yaquina
Bay Mutual Telephone and Im
provement Co'mpany. At the
expiration of said period of thir
ty days the net proceeds of the
sale of the company's property
will be divided ratably among
a ui me biocKnniaers.
Charles E. McCulloch,
Secretary of Yaquina Bay Mu-
mw xeiepnone ana Improve
. ment Company, 1410 Ycon
Bid., Portland, Oregon.
In the County Court of tha Bute of
VI S(UU, iur L.IUCOID (jointly.
In the matter of the estate of C. A.
Parker, deceased.
Nntln fa hu.h. . v. - . e .
- - -- ' wm in un
dersigned, as administrator of the es
tate of C. A. Parker, deceased, has
filed with the Clerk of the above Court
his final account as administrator of
nisi mau ma. uonaajr, tne 1st
dar of March. 191 It h t. ...... .
- ' -I v. UUUI UL HJU
o clock a. m. thereof has been flixd by
vvmi uio mae ior neurrag ob
jections to said report and settlement
Dated, January 21, 1915.
r m i-i i.i
Administrator of the estate of C. A.
u tor, uoceaaea.
Management, Circulation, etc.
required by the Act of August
24, 1912, of the Lincoln County
Leader published weekly at To
ledo, Oregon, for October 1, 1914
Name of Editor, R. E. Collins
and F. N. Hayden, address, Tole
do, Oregon. Managing Editor,
same. Business Manager, same.
Publisher, same. Owners, same.
Known bondholders, mort
gagees, and other security hold
ers, holding I per cent or more
of total amount of bonds, mort
gages, or other Bccutlties, none.
R. E. Collins and F. N. Hayden
Editors and Owners.
Sworn to and subscribed be-
1915me h'8 2l8t day f January
(Seal) C. B. McCluskey,
Notary Public for Oregon.
Editor Leader:-
I would like to say a few words
about the fish hatchery, especi
ally to agree with Mr. Dixon
when he says it was past the ex
perimental stage and all the old
time fishermen will agree with
me that it is a demonstrated fact
that the way it has been worked
here; it will in a few years more,
exterminate the salmon. He
says that there- is a gato where
the salmon can go on up the
river, but he don't say that it is
a hole two fbot square in a per
pendicular wall and discharges
the water on a smooth floor
about 8 by 16 foot square, and
has about a 12 foot hend with nil
of Bis Elk behind It, and the
water m tnls pen is Just foam
and is seldom ever thren fpst
deep, so you see the fish have
to put on some steam to get
throueh. Ho tells von that. thiv
sort the fish over In this pen and
Keep tne ones tnat tncy want to
spawn, but he don't rv that
they don't hold them for the
eggs to ripen as tncy did in days
gone by. but SDawn them with
a butcher knife and use the eggs
for trout bait. Hs says that the
trout hatching is an experiment,
but he don't tell vou that, it
could not help this country
wueiuur mey natcn any eggs or
not, as thev onlv eve the ovn
here and ship them to Bonne
ville and never put any of them
back in these waters. Thin vpar
will about finish the trout. The
six horse team industry has
dwindled down to a two man loh
and it won't take but one man
to run it next year on suckers,
for there are Dlentv of them in
Lincoln county. If there wasn't
what few steel heads we have
left would not have to beat their
life out at these racks waiting:
for the butcher knife route to
tne spawning prounds.
NOW about corntn T rlnn't
think that I know any more
iiiwui mm man orotner Crosno,
as we have both of us put in
about all of our spare time for
me last s yearn following . a
hound doer, but we hnth bnn
that a few years ago we had lots
vi eaimon ana no coyotes and
now we nave lots of coyotes and
no salmon. Nov I suppose you
will be told that I am irresponsi
ble and a kicker of Improve
ments and industries, but I have
told nothing but what anyone
can find out for himself and I
wish everyone interested would
Investigate right now so we
would have a few trout and steel
heads left And say when you
come just take a pike pole and
6ee how far you can stick it in
that hole that the salmon go
through. If this rack was open
ed now we would save the spring
run of fish. Hoping that some
one who has the right Bort of a
puu win neip ub in this matter,
I remain,
Yours trulv.
Ceo. Hodges.
No Bessie
vMuuww uiano
your Voice Clearer hs onlnin.
"Sir TOU have tha a
of me." Quite rieht VOU are sir
almost evervhodv
vau VU1U1UVU
sense has.
A Writer to an ae-rlniltiirol no.
per says, "I have been raising
hogs for twenty-five years and
have eleven children."
There Is said to he an nrvanL
ration of young ladles in New
port who are sworn to dlBcour--
age the Wearinsr nt mmiaahna
they tickle so. .
There arc so many breach of
promise suits nendlnir In rtpn.
ton COUntV that all nIH hnohol.
ors are having printed on their
mm . . .
ctti uu; uooa ror tms call only."
At mis Beason of the year
glasses are being worn both
over and under the noBe, the lat
ter style being very popular in
the cities, but are not helpful to
Beelng straight.
The State of Matrimony Is one
of the United States. It Is
boundless. Its chief products
are population, broomsticks,
staying out nights, and divorce
suits. It was discovered by
Adam and Eve while trying to
find a northwest passage out of
Attorneys at Law
Toledo- - Oregon
Attorney at Law
Toledo- - Oregon
CHEW 7 '
(HELP I.HELP! ijV sf' J
NOW you can get the tobacco com
tort you are after. Trv a nonch
of "Right:Cut the Real Toblefo &
It will satisfy you better than any other
kind you ever used.
Gives you the comfort, the satisfac
tion and substance you are after.
Pure, rich tobacco seasoned and
sweetened just enough.
Ji?" " u l"
. .u. .
. . "" cuuy ana evenly tne reul
1 riLA'w-i, hoW
. , ' . ' '" "Lj"t " icw cnews you take to
Lcw. Ihsts why it costs lets in the end.
It U mdr elMW, M Iim tnd ihort ,hrai mo that mi ),.
vuc Diiidii ciicw taKcs .tne place of two bia
. chews of the old kind.
BO Union 8a.tua, Nw York
SUMMONS . .. .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lincoln county .
Edwin M. 8tanton, Plaintiff.
Margaret M. Hultord and W. 8.
Hufford, her husband, Lerlna Altree,
Margery Alexander, Catherine M.
Orady, and Daniel Grady, ber husband,
J. W. Graham and Rebecca Graham.
his wife, Addle Graham, B. P. Jones,
and Ella Jones, his wife, J. W. Jones,
J. N. Jones and Olive Jones, his wife.
Mary Horning and T. H. Horning, her j
uuBoana, i nomas a. jonos ana una
Dell Jones, his wife, Joseph W. Rose
brook and Catherine Rosebrook, his
wife, J. M. Graham and Hattle Graham
his wife, John O. Blake "nlso all other
persons or parties, unknown, claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or Interest
miM'm MMniMin
To ; i H .trnrH w a 1,18 nd th County Judge's of-
hh?.J f TLw 7f.' S c Courthouse in Toledo, Lin
Yi I ' Tin,Altr"co county. Oregon, as the place, for
rrX i rCa,th0rhiDeK ' hear,n V and all objections to the
J' h"8bhand- said account and for settlement there
J. W. Grali am and Rebecca Graham.
hi. t UJI. r 1 n wm VI.
.Zi Vn.' 7 ,.r
Fb .. . J A,, , '
m. ind l .0nl,, h.U Wife
Mary Horning and T. H. Horning, her
husband, Thomas A. Jones and On
wni, . a ? i D v l . uT
wife, J. M. Graham and Hattle Graham
his wife, John G. Blake "a la 3 all other
persons or parties, unknown, clalmlnc
any right, title, estate, lien or interest
in the real estate described In plain
tiff's complaint, above named defend
ants. In the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint or the plaintiff in the above en
titled suit jiow on file In the office of
the County Clerk of Lincoln County,
Oregon, being the county in which the
above etltled suit Is pending in the
Circuit Court for said County and
State, on or before the day last named
in the order for the publication of this
summons made by the Honorable John
Fogarty, County Judge of said Lincoln
County, Oregon, which said order and
time for answering said summons are
hereinafter referred to, to-wit: On or
before six weeks from and after the
date of the first publication hereof;
You are hereby notified that If ybu
fall to appear and answer the said
complaint as herein required, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled Court for the relief de
manded In plaintiff's complaint, name
ly; for a decree of said Court Uiat
plaintiff's title to the following de
scribed real property, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point 1320 feot north
of the suction corner to sections 7, 8,
17 and 18, Township 11 South of Range
10 West of Willamette Meridian, run
ning thence east 1320 feet, thence
South 260 feet, thence west 1320 feet,
thence north 250 feet, containing 7.57
acres, more or less In Lincoln County,
Oregon, Is good and valid; that you
the said defendants and all of you
have no right, title nor Interest what
ever In or to said lands or any part
thereof and that any and all claims
that you may claim against said lands
Is wrongful and without right what
ever; that you the said defendants be
forever enjoined and debarred from
asserting any claim whatever In or to
said lands or any part thereof adverse
to plaintiff, and for such other ana
further reliof as may be equitable and
This summons Is published In the
Lincoln County Lead or, once a week
for six consecutive and successive
weeks, beginning with the Issue of
December 25th, 1914, and ending with
the Issue of February 6th, 1915, under
and pursuant of the directions con
tained in an order made by tlio II n,
cheT-J thrt ons-quarter the
uiDDia on u until you bad
j.,lm Focarty. County Judge of Lin.
?0,n H111'1 Oregon, being the County
in will h the above entitled suit is
pendu, in the Circuit Court of said
County and State, which said order is
dated Decumber !3d, 1914.
Hawkins A McCluskey
Attorneys tor plaintiff.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon,, for Lincoln County.
In the matter of the estate of D,
McGlynn, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the estate
of D. McGlynn, deceased, has filed his
final account as such administrator
with the Clerk of the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Lincoln county
and the said Court has fixed Saturday,
i nuur ui iv uviuL iu iuv lurvuuuu.
i Dated this 20th day of January, 1915.
John N. Taylor,
'Administrator of the estate of D. Mc
olynn deceased
I Flrgt pubUcatlon January 12. 19;
l0Bt publication February 19, 1915.
McFadden & Clark. Attorneys,
Corvallls, Oregon.
Jim, Run
This Editorial
THE law-abiding citizens
of this citj want the
privilege of drinkfhg
beer the drink of True
Temperance. They are
weary of blind tigers, epeak
easies, blind P'PS holes in
the wall the off-springs of
Prohibition has driven
away the material pros
perity of the people, it has
cut off from this community
the revenue derived from
decent beer saloon and has
increased intemperance. It
has largely increased public
expense in the vain effort
to enforce laws which can
not possibly be enforced.
It bos added seriously to
the burden of taxation. It
has depreciated the value
of real estate. It has thrown
many out of work. It has
discouraged investment-
capital has learned to shun
prohibition localities.
Cira the proplo whst they
want tha right to drink mod
erately of bwr and practice tbo
teachings of True Temperance.
D, Ulrlch, Chrtmber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
We hav'o been selected S6a Rep
resentatives of The Luthur Bur
bank Company of San Francis
co, California.
A full assortment of
Luther Burkank's
vTo Meet Every Need
Toledo Drug Co.
Office In Bank Building up stairs
Expert Watch
J Repairing
Whet others fail 'oil
We Qnarantee Satisfaction I
T A trial will convince. Price X
vurv reasonable.
Over 40 Years' Experience X
si practical watchmaker. X
All Work Guaranteed.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
rannot ruch th Mat of th dlseasa. Ca
tarrh Is a blood or constitutional dlsoase,
and la order to cur It you muil take la
lernal nnwdl-s. Hall's Catarrh Cur M
taken Internally, and acta directly opoa
th blood and mucous surface. Hairs
Catarrh Cur Is not a quack medicine. It
u prescribed by on of th beat phy
slclana In thl country for year and la
a recular prescription. It la composed of
th beet tonlca known, combined with th
beat blood purifiers, acting directly on th
mucoua surfaces. Tha perfect combina
tion of th two Ingredients Is what pro.
ducts such wonderful reaulta in curing
catarrh. Brnd for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Sol bjr Druftlne. price 70c.
Take Hall's Family Pills (er eonstlpatloa
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Oysters
In Season
Highest Price Paid for Hides
Haas Norgaaid, Pro p
t MB ALB AT AT.T.Hnttk.s I
Opposite the Bank
The County Court of Lincoln
county, Oregon, will receive
sealed bids for the construction
of a bridge across Salmon river,
known as the Logan Bridge, In
road district No. 17, County to '
furnish all material.
Each bid must be accompan
ied by a certified check amount
ing to 5 per cent, of the bid sub
mitted, must be in accordance
with plans and specifications on
file In the Clerk's office and must
be filed with the County CIrk
on or before 5 o'clock p. m., Feb
ruary 2d, 1915. R. H. Howell,
County Clerk.
Novelties, toys, fancy boxes
of bonbons at the Bonbonlere.
Fresh cow for sale. Enquire
atTolido Livery Stables.