you going to Eddyville tomorrow? Have you seen those Christ ines Goods at the Bonbonlere? Cards, both Christmas ana iew Years, 6c. to 25c. To ledo Drug Co. . Tlis. Toledo Hand and band orcb - jtra will funiish the music for "Those Dreadful Twins." CmI Moore of the Moore Lumber company was a passen ger for the Valley this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Welsh of Newport have been visiting the past several days with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Stuart in this city. WANTED A PARTNER Young man preferred, to in vest small capital end devota his entire energies in building up a good business. R. W. Hinton, Toledo Bakery FOR SALE CHEAP . Holsioin Bull, registered. "King Prilly Scgis of Kent" Ilis !-m made 18.489 lbs. of but ter in seven days; grand dam, 25.201 lbs, and great grand dam 29X18 pounds of butter in seven days. Ili3 great grad sire has eighty-three A. It. O. daughters and fifty-nine proven daughters and twenty-three proven sons. His"gTand sire was the first bull to boU for $10,000 as a calf. Where is there a better one? Age 3 years. Terms or trade. J. A. Silver, P. O. liox 77. Elk City, Or. TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC Bills are payable at the Tele phone office, Toledo, beginning November 1, 1914. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice Is he. .by given that the underpinned administrator of the es tate ot Lucy L. Rowln. deceased, will, by vlrluo of an order of sale, duly made end entered of record In the County Court of Lincoln county, Ore gon, on the second day of November, 1914. authorizing, empowering and licensing the undersigned adminis trator to sell all the real estate be longing to br Id estate. In pursuance thereof, I will on and after Saturday, the day of December, 1914, and ofti i!.e hour of fn o'clock a. m. of said duy, at my residence at Waldport, Oregon, offer for sale at Private Sale to tV highest bidder, all of the fol lowing described real property, be longing to said estate, to-wlt: The east half of the northeast quarter of sectSn thirty-two In township twelve south, range eleven weBt of Willam ette Mt-ld'.an In Oregon; also lots five and fi'. In block eighteen In Rubles First IJition to the Town of Wald port, !n L ncolu county, Orogrn. leni.H t;i naie. v,m in nana. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, Nov. 2. 1914. George L. Rowln, Admr.istrntor of the estate ot Lucy L. fiiv.iti, deceased. NOTICE OF CONTEST Serial 02314. Conte.t 366 S. LnndofRce, Portland, Oregon. U November 30th, 1914. To James Wadsworth Travers of Nor ton!!. Oregon, Contested You are hereby notified that John Kopp, who gives Norton a. Oregon, as his pc3tontre address, did, on Novem ber 44ili. 1914. file in this ofllce his duly corroborated application to con test ai.d so ure .the cancellation of your Homestead Entry No. 02314, Ber lin Jo. 02314, made November 16th, 1914, t'T Lot 1, Section 30. Township 10 south, Range 8 west of YVillametto Merldlnn, nnd as grounds for his con test he alleges that said James Wads worth Travers has wholly abandoned said land ever since making said en try; tnut he never made any settle ment tMeriMin; that he never establish ed residence thereon nor Improved said i-ind in any manner. Yr.i ure. therefore, further notified that tlm said alli-Kntlons will bo taken as run. vised, and your said entry will be in u eled without further right to be h' -rd, either before this office or on appfiu, if you fall to file In this office within twenty days after the Fourth publication of Uils notice, as shown be low, your answer, under oath, spec IIW' responding to these allegations of contest, together with duo proof that you have served a copy of your nnsftir on the said contestant either In person or by registered mall. You should state In your answer the name of the postofflce to which you .login future notices to be sent to you. H. F. Hlgby, Register. Geo. I. Smith, Receiver. Date i f first publication December 11, Kill fk... .nnnnJ B...l.ll...l..n Ttm- .emher lsth. 1914. Date of third pub-1 licatlnn, December 26th, 1914. lttte ' of rmiPlh riltlil lru t lrt lanilo 1W i l u i NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In tho County Court of the State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Dillon, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned. as administratrix of the es tate of Thomas Dillon, deceased, has Tied withe the Clerk of the above Court, her final account as adminis tratrix of said estate and that the 7th day "f December, 1914, at the hour of ten ociock a. m. tnereoi nas Deen' 1.; by the Court as the time for T i.T.V ini j i hearing objections to said report and , ber lilh 1914' 11 ,8 t0 a settlement thereof. Joint meeting with the Grange Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 31st , of that place. day of oct r. n Arrangements have been Administratrix of the estate of mate to give a prize to the pu Thomas Dillon, deceased. pil Who writes the best COIlipo- We take subscriptions for the Por 8ltlon On the subject, "My Fav- land Dally Telegram. Kor a short I Klm. nt rM'i. ' .. ' period only, we will be allowed to lpr,,e Klnd ?r Chickens. take subscriptions at 13.60 (or full Everybody Is cordially Invited rear. Regular price tt.oo, I to be present, R. P. Coin. I Pictures and Christmas tree decorations. Toledo Drug Co. Fancy Boxes Chocolates in all sizes at Al's Smokehouse. Suit H'or Xmas presents. "Get the Habit." Al Waush. Remember the lance at Odd fellow Hall tomorrow night. Don't wait until the last day for your Xmas gifts. Get them early. Tclodo Drug Co. See those "Dreadful Twins" at Woodmen Hall Friday even ing. Toys are cheaper this year than ever before. Come in and see them. The Bonboniere. The band boys have bought the piano of the Woodmen and Circle lodges, which has been in the Woodmen Hall for several years. They also leased the Odd fellow Hall, lower floor, for a period of one year and will give dances and other entertain ments. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO TODAY County Clerk Jones has the grip. Dan Hurley, the sealer, will start for Victoria, B. C, next Monday to again enlist in the sealing fleet. Marralge license was issued yesterday to Mort Lollis and May Butterfleld. The people of Elk City have petitioned the county court to!j appropriate $300 to purchase lumber and timber to erect bridge across Yaquina river at , J that place. W. J. Wade, who is on the I federal grand jury at Portland, is reported very sick. , Lee Wade brought down a raft of logs from the head of tide on Depot slough to the To ledo mill Tuesday. Commissioner Trapp and Tom Horning have smarted a clam mery. They made their first trip after clams Tuesday. They got about four bits worth and Mr. Trapp thinks he can cure his lame back and side and also his bad cold with about $3.85 worth of medicine, and he wont count lost time for anything A batch of ten coal laud leases were filed with the county clerk for recording t'lii week These leases wero made by D. J. Derby, G. A. Whitney, Allen Parker, Mary E. Ben sell, Thos. Rlexlnger. Lavlna Altree, W. P. Fnrrl n P Tnnpn Frnnlr Prlonr j , ,,' Jne,8' Tan "lest and W. II. ParhW, and all Of mem run 10 j. m. Ayier ana k. A. Bensell. By the terms of ithia ipnR(1 h Inttpr-nnmod nnr. i , M laite-namea par ties are given the right to mine coal, dig tunnels, build right of ways, etc., on the land of the above-named parties, and the mines must be developed within 'five years from date. WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW The heads of the state Insane asylums are drafting a parole law that will result In reducing bv 200 the "Umber of patients Kept at state expense. Marsh field is planning a new city hall. In Washington the Blue Sky law was defeated at the polls, as it was in Oregon when first proposed. The Tillamook cheese product for 1914 will total 4,101,962 lbs. The fight to cut state expen ses half a million and to limit Introduction of bills to five for each member is receiving unan imous support from the state press. , To get men employed upon the land is one of the problems to come before the Legislature. A 20,000 brick will displace the old Comstock hotel at Klam ath Falls. North Bend banks are cashing more pay Checks than ever be- fore. Last half of November coaBt ports shipped 17,000,000 feet of lumber to 'Frisco. . Silverton has more buildings going Up and taxes Coming down. A 31 pound gold brick was brought out of the Ogle mine, Clackamas . county, the past week. The Celllo canal is being rushed to completion with 850 men. INSTITUTE AT EDDYVILLE There is to be a local institute F,i,ivnio Rotnprlnw rwm The That Gets the Dirt SPARES THE WOMAN AND HER CARPETS GUARANTEE We absolutely guarantee tho Yaxley Vacuum Cleaner for 5 years to do its work right, and vill make good any defects which may develop in material or workmanship. We back every machine with a Safety Dona protecting the purchaser. For Sale by . tO. B, HOLLINGSCT OETH ! THE FURNITURE MAN Teleph one Electric Bills Are Now Payable "iff - T wince osgmnmg novemDer 1st. SUMMONS For Publication In Forclosure of Tax Lien In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. Verne Ross, Plaintiff, vs. R. A. Stratford, Defendant. To R. A. Stratford the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby notified that Verne Ross the holder of Certificate "of De linquency No. 71 issued on the 2'th day of April, 1911, by the lax Collect- lor of the County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, for the amount of one and three hundredths (1 3-100) Dollars, the "" uo," luevauioum men aue ana QeiinqUent for taxes for the year 1908 together with penalty. Interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said 'County and State, and partic ularly bounded and described as fol lows, to-wit: Lot one of section nine teen In township ten south of range eleven west of the Willamette Meri dian, In Lincoln County, Oregon. You are further notified that said Verne Ross has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows: Years Date Tax Re- Rate of Tax Paid cptNo. Amt. Int. 1909CA"prT27ri9il' "3254" :tf3"Tn 1910 j "Apr. 27, 1911 2630 j1.66 16 l&irj Mch13,"1912 1244 j 1.48 16 1912" Mch" 21," 1913 1276 3.80 "15 1913 j'Jan 22," 1914 73J 40 16 Said" fl. A7 Stratfordas tlie owner of the legal title of the above des cribed property as the same appears of record, and each of the other por tions above named are hereby further notified that Verne Ross will apply to ithe Circuit Court of the County end State aforesaid for a decree foreclos ing the lien against the property above described, and mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby ummoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this summons, exclusive ot the day of said (first publication, and defend this action or pay us amount as above shown, together with costs aird accrued In terest, and In case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclos ing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable John Kogarty, Judge of tho County Court ot the State ot Oregon, for the C'nuntv of Llnrnln. Anil Lsaid order was made and dated tills 3d daT of December, 1914, and the " t5?5.rJ:L"V..Er ,,t. " All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served upon the under signed residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter men tioned. Edw. J. Clark, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, Toledo, Oregon. CALL FOR WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that all warrants drawn on tho General Fund of Lincoln county, Oregon, and endorsed "not paid for want of funds," prior to March 8th, 1913, are hereby called, and the Interest stopped thereon this date. C. McCluskey, County Treasurer. Dated November 30, 1914. WANTED Sheep or goats on shares, 1000-acre" pasture. John A. Silver, Elk City, Or, and at the Telephone I Kl l . SUMMONS For Publication In Foreclosure of Tax Lien In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lincoln County. L. F. Parsons, Plaintiff, . vs. Donald Flanery, and all other persons unknown, If any, having or claiming to have an Interest In or to the real property hereinafter described, De fendants. To Donald Flanery, the above-named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that L. F. Parsons is the holder of Certificate ot Delinquency numbered 127 Issued on the 16th day of August, 1913, by the Tax Collector of the County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, for the amount of Twenty-one and 44-100 (J21.44) Dol lars, the same telng the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1910, together with penalty, In terest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you ae the owner as appears of record, situated In said County and State, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: - Lot Four (4), and the SouUionst Quarter (SE) of the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section Eight (8), Township Ten (10), Range Eleven (11) west of the Willamette Meridian. You are further notified that said L. F. Parsons has paid taxes on said piemiees for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of Interest on said amounts as follows: Year's Date Paid Tax Re- Amt Rate Tax celpt No. Int. 19irrXuB7T57TS13 4 JJlS.fia Ii5 1912 I" Mar7 7, 19147 n445T 26.20T Id 1913" piar. 16, 1914 1446 -25.20j 15 SatdDonaldFlanery as the owner of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record and each of the other persons above named are hereby further notified that L. F. Parsons will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the Hen against the property above des cribed, and mentioned In said cer tificate. And you are hereby sum moned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this sum mons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this ac tion or pay the amount due as above shownr together with costs and ac crued interest, and Incase of your fail ure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. John Fogarty, Judge of the County Cou-c of the a ot Ore gon, for the County of Lincoln, and said order was m. de aud dated this 16th day of November, 1914. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the under signed residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter men tioned. .Hawkins A McCluskey, Attorneys tor Plaintiff. Address. Toledo, Oregon. TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC Bills are payable at the Tele phone ofllce beginning Novem ber 1, 1914. Wanted-Tract of unimproved land in Lincoln or Benton coun ty. Have 3 unincumbered lots in restricted district, Portland, and cash to trade for same. Ott Bros. 2002 E. Stark St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE ' Youns; Leghorn chickens and high grade jersey cows. C. Bruner, Toledo, Or. Persian Ivory Is all the rage, We nave it. Toledo Drug Co. Boy's Aches are various and sometimes serious. Small boys have a knack of eating what they shouldn't and that often means a doctor's vtalt and a prescrip tion that the boy won't like. But you will get prescriptions for children put up all right here. ' The drugs and medi cines aro of the best quality and doc tor's orders are scrupulously filled, with care and speed, and at reason able prices. Toledo Drug Co. j,aa AsTiaSsfcsLsfcJfcsfcsfcslhslL A AAA A its TTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTT TT TTTtttt THE BON BONIEREi SI. N. ANIlKltiSON, 1T(.I. Choice Confections Sit miner Di-lulm Ice Cream . Ice Cold Drinks Milk Shakes I raits, Nuts Tobacco Stationery Brst rnndff Igara TOLEDO, ORE10N H 4 BLOCK ' EDG12 SLAB Nothing but well wnsored wood delivered Prompt Delivery m A Test for Liver Complaint Mentally .Unhappy Physically Dull The Liver, sluggish and Inac tive, first shows itself In a men tal Btate unhappy and critical Never is there joy in living, as when the Stomach and Liver are doing their work. Keep your Liver active and healthy by us ing Dr. King's New Life Pills; they empty the Bowels freely, tone up your Stomach, cure your Constipation and purify the Lilood. 25c. at Druggist Bucklen's Arnica Salve excel lent for PileB. Have you noticed '.he big range at H. Lewis' store to be given away? The Weekly Oregonlan. including comic supplement, until January 1, 1916, more than an entire year, for 75 Cents, dnrlng the Bargain period ending November .".0, 1914, to new or present subscribers who hand us their 75 cents now. Mail or bring your sub scriptions today to the Leader ofllce, Bargain Day agents of the Weekly Income Forest Grove prop erty or Washington County farm to trade for Siletz timber. Lotus L. Langley, Board of Trade Bid., Portland. Cracked Corn for your chick ens or hogs at R. S. Van Cleve's. FOR SALE Complete agate outfit and 3 h. p. gas engine with water pump attached. Apply Anstruther Scarth. Prompt Action Will Stop Your Cough When you first catch a Cold (often indicated by a sneeze or cough), break it up at once. The Idea that "It does not mat ter" often leads to serious com plications. The remedy which lmmeaiatciy ana easily pene trates the lining of the throat Is the kind demanded. Dr. King's New Discovery soothes the irri tation, loosens the phlegm. You feel better at once. "It seems to reach the very spot of my Cough" Is one of many honest testimonials. 60c. at your drug- I J. S. AKIN 1 ARTHUR NYE Boat Supplies Plumbing and I Fixtures Stover Gas Engines X Toledo-Siletz Stage Daily except Sunday. Will make connections with morning train, arriving in Siletz about 10, a. m. Leaving there after dinner Passengers. 50c. per trio. Toledo Livery Sables. John Rattey, Proo. R. li. BURGESS l'UYSICIAN AND BURGEON TOLSDO, OHMlOit Ofllce In OfstedRbl Iir.lldinR. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 iuJ 7 to 8 p. m. Kmeryeucy Calls at auy tin BOTU 'PUOSES- C.I. COLLINGSWORTH Funeral Director nnj Emlmlmer Calls answered Day or Night Both Pliones TOLEDO. OREGON H. ZOPHAR THARP, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OFFICE In Residence, second house above Hardware Store. OFFICE HOURS 10 to 12; 2 to 4. and to 8. Calls any time to any place W. C. BELT, M. D. & C. M. Physician and Burgoon OFFICE Over Postofflce 'Phone 2103 ' Residence HI-AND-DM COTTAGE Phone 2552 NEWRPRT, OREGON - Stavton Flour and Feed at R. S. Van Cleve's. TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC Bills are payable at the Tele phone office beginning No. 1, KEEP IT HANDY FOR RHEU MATISM No use to squirm and wince and-ry to wear out your Rheu matism. It will wear you out. instead. Apply some Sloan's Liniment. Need not rub it In Just let It penetrate all through the affected parts, relieve the, soreness and draw the pain. You get ease at once and feel bo much, better you want to go right out and tell other suffer ers about Sloan's. Get a bottle of Sloan'B Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist und have It la the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but It does give almost instant re lief. Buy a bottle today. Buy your graniteware ot H. Lewis A4 (el ticket on the fine, pig range, -1.