Are you ready for the Fair next week. Ches Morrison was down from Elk City Tuesday. Jack Fogarty has just had a new walk built along his pro perty on Second street. y redit's Just as good with me As uuyone in town. Don Ai We Vv Dor B C to-d iiy your bread at the grocery keep the UaKery down, ke fresh bread, yen, every day i looking tor your trade, my the bread that's shipped around, jet it when it's made. i in and Inspect the clean, up sanitary bakery now in oper ation, in the Commercial Hotel build ing on the Water Front Pies, Coffee Cakes, Buns, Snails, Doughnuts, Cup Cakes, Bath Buns, Cookies, Cinnamon Rolls and goodies ot every sort. Toledo Bakery. This long looked for rain will put din finishing touches to the big pump Una to be exhibited at the Fair nwt week. . FOR SALE One hundred and fifty goats. Price $2.00 each. F. F. Foster. Nortons, Or. LINCOLN .COUNTY .FAIR NEXT WEEK. FOR RENT ICO acres at the Upper Farm, on Siletz river. First-class bot tom land, 50 acres plowed, GO acres can be plowed, some open open for pasture, good new house, and barn, good roads, and cream station V2 niile. Atoo 83 acres near Spencer Scott's, on Slletz river. Good bottom land, house and barn. 15-acre field, orchard, Vi mlle to e xl. Will rent for cash, 3 to 5 years. Write to owner, O. A. Loe, Sllverton, Oregon. Route 4, Box 69. R.ieumatism Pains Stopped The first application of Sioux's Liniment goes right to the painful part it penetrates without rubbing it stops the Rheumatic Pains around the joints and gives re lief and comfort. Don't suffer! Get a bottle to-day! It is a family medicine for all pains, hurts, bruises, cuts, sore throut, neuralgia and chest pains. Pie vents infection. Mr. Cha II Went worth. Calif omia. writea "It did wonders for mv rneu liiHh-ai. ain is as soon as I apii" it. I recommend it to mv friends as the best liniment 1 ever usen. ' uu--nteea. oc at vo ir Druggists. SHERIFFS SALE In t!-s Circuit Ciurt of tne State of Ctgon fur Lincoln County. Ed.nrd T. I'ticc, i'laintifl. VI. J. 1!. hteu, C A. Keep, and L. Dcveraux, Defendants. By virtue of an execution, decree and order cf sale, issued out of the above cntiitled court, in the above entitled caue. to me directed and dated the 18th day of August, 1914. upon a judgement or decree rendered and entered in the said ciurt on the 31st day of July, 1914. in favor of acid Edntard T. Trice, Plaintiff, and against J. R. Ken, C. A. Keep, and E. L. Deveraux, Defendants, for the aum cf Six Hundrtd ami Ninety-One and 77-100 Dollars, principal ai.d interct com puted to the date f said decree, and the further cum of $70.00 adjudged and allowed hcre;n as attorney's fees for the plaintiff, and the further sum of $18 50 as costs ard disbursements in this cause, making in an mc sum ci $780 27, und interest thcieon from the ' to of Raid d'eree and the tobtfi cf this wnt, and commanding me f rral'.e rale cf the following dsreribid real property, situated in the County of Lincoln, and Stats of Oicgcn, to-wit: IheSE char ter of section 36 T. 12 S. K. 10 W. of t'.e Willamette Meridian con taining One Hundred and Sixty a?re New Therefore, By virtue of said L. D. Wood of Siletz was in the city Tuesday. The recent rains have brought in a good run of salmon. R. R. Gwynn has recently finished a new sidewalk along his property on Grove street. Capt. and Mrs. W. R. Wake field of Waldport were county seat visitors last Tuesday. Brother Averill of the New port Signal was seeing the sights in this city last Saturday. The Toledo Creamery will be closed the first two days of the Fair, after 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Hall Bros, have commenced the erection of their new store building at the Agency. With its completion they will have one of the finest stores in the county. Game Warden Catena arrested A. N. Bones last week for fishing with a net stretched across the Sileti river. He was tried In Justice Berry's court at Newport and fined the sum of S50 and costs, which amounted to $13. G. G. Moorehead, after in stalling the linotype in this of fice, departed Tuesday morning for Portland, from which city he will soon go to California. Rev. Pearce of Siletz went to the Valley Wednesday morning. He will visit Salem, Portland and other points before return ing home about the first. He will attend the conference of the M. E. church at Portland also. The Southern Pacific railroad has out posters announcing re duced rates on the Corvallis & Kastem railroad on account of the Lincoln County Fair. It makes a rate of one and one third fare from auy point on the rallrod to To.. l and reMira after the Fair. Joseph Blower and C. M. Gld dings were up from Newport Wednesday looking after busi ness matters, and Incidentally made this office a pleasant call. Mr. Giddings 1b a heavy property owner in this county and has been spending some time at the Blower home at Newport. The man who invented coffee is dead, but he left behind him many lovers of that invigorat ing beverage, who can have their appetites appeased by go ing to The Toledo Bakery, where they serve coffee that is coffee. One cup piping hot and you will be convinced. T. C. Bell of . Junction City was in the city the latter part of last week and secured the old photograph gallery, which he will open for business on Tues day, the 22d of this month Mr.Bcll is an experienced photo- grapher,having been in the busi ness for thirty years, the past sixteen in uregon. He nas a complete outfit and is well pre pared to do any knd of work in his line. He returned to Junc tion City on Sunday evening's train to pack up and move over here. GET YOUR WALL PAPER AT HOLLiNGSWORTH'S ONE THIRD OFF ON ALL WALL PAPER ONE THIRD OFF ON ALL WALL PAPER We are putting up for your Individ ual attention a fine selected Una of ar tistic wall paper and decorations and we are offering them this week at bargain prices. We have high grade paper of new de sign and for every room. We guaran tee every roll.. They are In a great variety of patterna and colorings and are lower than ever In price. O. R, HOLLINGSWORTH THE FURNITURE MAN OOOOO ooOOO OOOOO 00000 TOLEDO LIVERY FEED and SALE STABLES IS WELL EQUIPPED WITH GOOD SADDLE & BUGGY HORSES SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRAVELING MEN Runs Daily Dray Line. eral hauling. Goods delivered Promptly at all hours. Gen- Teams furnished on short notice.' UORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AND FEED FOR BDTII PHONES H. ZOPHAR THARP, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office hours 10 a. m. to 12:30; 2 p. m. to 4:30 Office, Hawking Bid. Residence and Office phones. FOR SALE. Team weighing 1900, with harness and light covered wag on, for sale at $150. Call or write, T. F. Travers, Siletz, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court uf the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln. S. G. Irvin. Plaintiff, vs. Lena M. Graves and Jackson Hoov er Defendants. Uy virtue of an execution and order of rale issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled action t3 mc directed and dated the 15th dav of August A. D. 1914, in favor of S. G. Irvin and onanist Lena M. Graves and Jackson Hoover fur the aum of $.100.00 with interest thereon at the rate ot 8 per cent per annum from the 23th day of April. A. D. 1914 and a further sum of $30.00 attorney's fees and $21 costs and cert of this writ commnnd'ng me I to aol! the following described real property lituate ic Lincoln County, Orrgon, is follows, towit: ...M I n dt.rtro unit finlnr of n e I urBllimilK oiu luei, norm iroin .n,i in ..nmnlimien with thn eorr-' the KE corner of Lot three in sec insr.'N of sail writ I will, cn the 7, T. 11 S., K. 11 W. of W. M.. I'ifh Aav r A. D.. ! run north 1 50 feet thence west 100 1311. ut Ten o'clock in the fore-' feet, south, 150 feet, thence mrr f that ilny. ut the frrrt door; cast 100 feet to pluceof beginning, nf !!., fi.untv ("cutt House, in the 'containing 15000 liquate feet all in Citv cf Toledo, In the Ctunty of Nervport. Lincoln Countv. Oregon. L'nv-rip. un.l State of Oregon, edl i Now Therefore in compliance a I'ul.lic Auction, (subject t'' re-' itli the demands or said execution dcrr.i lion as provi.Kd bv la) to und crckr of snle I will on Satur fie the hirhrit bidder for csh, '1l'. the 10th dav of September, A. all the riviM. title end interest U., lul l. one o'clock P. M. ut wl ich the v. ithin mmed d. -fcndanle th? nt door ( f the County Court or cither f.f them had on the 11th i Uo'.'bp. In the City of Toledo. Lin day (.f Dec-ember, 1!)08. tho date -cnn County. Oregon, sell tu the ,f tic txecution of the mortuagc .highest bidder for cash, all the furel-.Kd in this niit. :is well on tight, title and interest of the all tight, title and interest which nlitive nanicu Lena M. '.raves and raid defendant or cither thereof, Jackeon Ilcovcr, defendunts In the rinre tNt 1:iW had in nnd to tho fcbuve t;mned notion, in the uliovo nbove described property cr any 'described proucrty to satisfy caid part he reof, to ratisfv said execu- execution and order of sale. In tiun. decue, intcrret. attorney's trrcst. cctts and accruing costs. foci. ecMs and ucmiing rests. I l'"t Urcr. Dated this ltth day of August. ! Sheriff of Lincoln .ountv. Oregon. i, 1914 I Date of first publication August ' l!cri (Jeer ,2Ut. 1911. Dote of laet publics- Sheriff of Lincoln County Oregon. Ition Sept. 18, 1914. J S&illhe Good Old Stand-by' f I III Tin gmm Ut its itmi bj egminrt H cof. fS f PkkovttameMmdroalwowwUaMoaa. Jf2k I A1 bwrt It Ut him bow tm the SoU y I fjm i BrMck, Bottom Ejoctioa thalU, rook and Nr XI I CO Aaniiwn from nor fua thraa lUlmtm til I Dorkot, timplo Talio-dowB, tho HammorUot I fVf 1 T'UMCdUri.U.iiMnMmnMr. Y"U kM kirn br I I IWtHXn, I Low Fares TO THE TU Oregon State FAIR GROUaVDS, SALEM SEPTEMBER 23th to OCTOBER 3d Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Will have In effect from all stations YA2UINA TO DETROIT INCLUSIVE REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES Sao Dates September 24th to October 3d Final Hot urn Limit Got. 7tli Connections tit Albany with S. P. TRAINS DIRECT .TO THE FAIR GROUNDS Kull pnrth ulnrs an to fiiros, trnin schetlulcs, etc. from neariht Aicnt JOHN M. 8COTT, Ctntral Paittngor Agont, Portland, Or. ARTHUR NYE Boat Supplies Plumbing and Fixtures Stover Gas Engines CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that all warrants drawn on the General Fund of Lincoln County and en dorsed not paid for want of funds prior to the 14th day of January, 1913, are hereby called and the interest stopped thereon this date. C. B. McCluskey County Treasurer. Toledo-Siletz Stage Daily except Sunday. Will make connections with morning train, arriving in Siletz about 10 a. m. Leaving there after dinner. Passengers. 50c. per trio. Toledo Livery Sables. John Rattey. Prop. R. 1. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND 81TRQ EOS TOLSDO, ohimom SUMMONS In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln. W. L. Morgan, Plaintiff, vs. Marie T. Cockrell, Marie A. Brown and H. E. Brown, her husband, E. O. Alfredson, Oeorge H. Alexander, N. A. Nlukern and C. F. Pruoer, Defend ants. To Marie T. CockreU. George H. Alexander, N. A. Nlukern and C. F. Pruner, Defendants: In the name of the State ef Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before Monday, October 5th, 1914, which dale is more than six weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to appear and answer be fore said date, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to' tho court for the relief prayed for In his complaint to-wit: That plaintiff have Judgement against defendant Marie T. Cockrell for 11,018.78 with Interest, attorney's fees and costs; and that the mort gage described In the complaint here in, executed by defendant Marie T. Cockrell to plaintiff, on the following described property, to-wit: -Commencing at the BE corner of the NE quar tor of section 22; thence west 400 feet; thence north 2340 feet; thence E 1720 feet; thence south 2340 feet; thence W 1320 feet to place of begin ning, being in sections 22 and 23, and containing 92.38 acrea. The SW quarter of the 8V quarter of section 23. The NE quarter of the NE quar ter of section 27.- SWV4 ot the NE4 of section 27. Commencing at the NE quarter ot aertion 27; thence N 27.24 rods; thence west 80 rods; thence south 27.24 rods; thence east 80 rods to place of beginning, contain ing 13.C2 acres all In section 22. Also the fractional NE quarter of the 8W quarter of section 27, containing 47 acres. And the western pert con taining 36 acrea In the fractional NW quarter of Uie SE quarter of section 27, being more fully described as fol lows: beginning at a point on high water mark 330 ft. W of the Oyster vile House, thence running N 1506 ft. to the N boundary ot the claim which Is the half mile sec. lino run ning E and W. through sec. 26: thenco W. along said line 2578 ft. to tho corners of lots 8, 4 and 6; thenco S. atone the Una between lots 4 and 6. 14 GO ft. to highwator mark; thence along the line of high water mark to the place of beginning; containing In all 8Z acres mora or less, but except ing and reserving out ot the convey ance or tne last two pieces of land In sec. Z7 a strip of land running the wholo length ot the ' southern side thereof and being a hundred feet In breadth for the entire distance and lying north of the center of the track of the Wlllumete Valley and Coast Rnllroad Co., as now constructed there; and also excepting and rnserv Ing so much of said lots 6 and 6 of sec, 27 as lies to the H of the center line of a!d ruilroml track. All in T. 11 S K. U w., willaiuctto Meridian, .ontuln Ing 303 acres more or less; sltmito In tlio Ccunty of Lincoln. FW of Orr&on bo (leered a flrt loin on culd rrnrcrty and t'int said mortgage bo foreclosed and snld rcnl property be sold according to luw, and Unit each of you ntid nil of tho iWvnriniila nnd partleH claiming by through or under tiiom bo foruver barred and foreclosed or uuil from any and nil rli;M, title, miercBt and eipilly of redemption In io nam tnorh'nccd nremUcs nnd Office In Ofstoduhl ISulldlnK. OfBe hours: 10 to 12a. m.; 2to4tnJ7U p. m. Emergency Calls at any tlar BOTH 'PHONES- COLLINGSWORTH Funeral Director and Emlialnier Calls answered Day or Night Both Phones TOLEDO, OREGON ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE On Application for order of tale of Real Estate. In the County Court of the State cf Orsgon, for Lincoln county. In the matter of the estate of Marren Knudson, deceased. It appearing to this Court from the petition of 0. F. Jacobson. the duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of Marren Knudscn, deceased, filed in thia Court and this day pre sented, praying for an order of tale of certain real, estate belong ing to the deceased, Marren Knud son, that It is necessary to meet tne expenses of administration and pay the claims against aid estate, and for the best Interests of said estate and all concerned therein, that such real estate be told. It it hereby ordered that the next of kin and heirs of said deceased. Karl Knudson and M. Gunderson and all others unknown, if any such there be, and all other per sons interested in taid estate, ap pear before this Court on Saturday the 5 b day of October. 1914, at ten o'clock a. m.. of taid day, at the court room of this Court, at the Courthouse in Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, then an there to thow cause, if any there be, why an order should not be granted fur the tale of such real estate de scribed in taid petition at fullows: Lot Seven in Block . Seveu in Olson's First additinn to the City of Newport, Lincoln county, Ore gon. Sometimes distinguished as Olson's Addition to Newport, Ore gon. And it is further ordered that this order be published in the Lin coln County Lender, a newspaper of general ciiculation published in Lincoln county, Oregon, for four weeks. - Dated September 3d, 1914. John Fogarty, County Judge. or that plaintiff have such further relief as tho court may decree. This Buminoi.M Is published In pur ruaiicn of nn order of tlio llonornhle Uwrcncfl T. Harris, .ledce of the nbuve'.led Court niacin on tho 10th day of AuKiiHt. 191 4, directing tho same to be imliliHhed oiko n week for six roimeciuiso v . In tho Lincoln County leader, a ncwspnpnr of gener al circulation publlHlird In Toledo, Lin coln County, Orciton. Msnghum A Manghum, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Morgan Ilulldlng, Portland, Oregon. Ditto of flrt publication, Auguttt 21, 1914. Dato of last publication, Oc tober 2, 1914, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by order of the County Court of Lincoln county, Oregon, duly appointed adminis trator of tlio cstnte of Ellen Dru fclh, deccnaed. All rcnons having claims against taid estate pro here by noliiicd to rrejcnt the tame duly verified and with proper vouchers, a a by law required, to me ot my ofllcu in Toledo, Oregon, within six months from tho date of this notice. Dated this 27 th day of Augutt, 1914. C. E. Hawkins, Administrator of the estate of Ellen Druaeth, deceased. The Tea Gardens of Jnpan are famouo nil over the world but l hey haven't anything. on Tho Toledo Bakery, v.ltu ita famous rich, stimulating Coffee. Don't, go abroad, see America first, j