0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 o Launch Transit. Leaves Elk City. 7:30 a. m. MERCHANT'S HOTEL Toledo, 9 a. m. Returning, leaves Newport 2:30 p. ra.; To ledo 4:30 p. m. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. H. A. Norton, Captain. FOR SALE Building on corner of Fourth I I Given Away GREATEST Voting Contest EVER SEEN IN TOLEDO OR YAQUINA Also Weekly Awards of Beautiful and Useful Presents c 9 f 1 ;&f Is u J'; PfPL, -rnmmm -A 4 V Rooms always Fresh, Light and Clean. Tables always supplied with the Best. ROOMS 25 and 50 Cents RATES Per Day, $1.50 and $2.00. Per Week, Room and Board, $6.00. Meal Tickets, 21 meals, $5.00 SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER every Sunday, 35c. per plate. GEO. X. McCAULOU, Prop and Hill streets, Toledo, Oregon ror particulars can on or appl to A. O. Kroestad. Toledo, Oregon. r , ; -. rj- J .. .. WARNCCK & HUGHES, OF TOLEDO, AND L. E. CASTEEL OF YAQUINA, HAVE INAUCUR ATED A CONTEST IN WHICH THE FORTUNATE CANDIDATE WILL BE GIVEN VALUABLE PRIZES EACH WEEK, WITH GRAND PRIZES OF PIANOS LI KE THAT ILLUSTRATED HERE TO BE AWARDED AT T HE END OF THE CONTEST. RULES OF THE CONTEST RULE 1. Tbe merchant shall Issue votes as per following schedule, ex cepting as hereafter may be mention ed: 103 for 11.00 on cash sales. 200 for $1.00 In merchandise paid with due bills. 300 for $100 on payment of old ac counts. 200 for $1.00 on due bill sold, i 200 for $1.00 on bargain and clear ance sales The LKDER gives 2,000 votes for each $1.50 on new, and 1,000 votes for each $1.60 for renewals or back subscriptions And votes will be given at the time sales are mado only. In reference to Issuing vote on old accounts, they may bo iFnued for the payment of old accounts, that were incurred prior to this dale. RULE 2. Votes will be Issued with a time limit of one week, and mu.it be cast in the ballot box, provided for that purpose, before the expira tion of the time limit. Itefore casting votes make record for your own guidance. In order to faclliate voting you are requested to place your votes in an envelope and seal it. Please write the number of votes the envelope contains and the name of the can didate you desire to vote for on the outside. JU'LE 3, Employes, clerks and rela tives of the merchant and news paper cannot participate as candi dates. RULE 4. Merchants shall in no In stance issue votes until such votes have been properly stamped with their Arm name, Customers should refuse them otherwise. RULE 5. The soliciting of votes la the merchant's stern, in front of the store or on premises Is PROHIB ITED. RULE 6. A vote that is scratched or marked in any manner after It leaves the merchant's hands .shall be thrown out, provided this defac ing should appear that figure had been tampered with. RULE 7. Six weeks from the open ing date candidates will no longer be entered, unless by special ar rangement with the merchant. RULE 8. Everybody is Invited to nominate candidates. All that Is necessary Is to send In the name of any young lady in the commun ity. This will entitle her to 2,0u0 nominating votes and sho will bo entered as a candidate. RULE 9. Votes am not transferable after boing cast. RULE 10. Votes that are not prop erly stamped with the merchunt's signature, or votes with the time limit expired, will not be accepted. RULE 11. A cummitto selected by the mcr.hant will count tho votes each week, beginning with the third week and report the results to the LEADER. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES to the Lincoln County Fair to be h eld at TOLEDO, OREGON via the CORVALLIS & EASTERN R.'R. Tickets will be sold to Toledo from all pom's on the Corvallis & Eastern, Albany to Yaquina inclusive, Sept. 21 to 25, inclus ive. Final return limit September 27th, 1914. Full Particulars from the nearest C. & E. Agent as to fares, train schedules, etc. SAWMILL FOR SALE I desire to sell my small saw mill located at EddTvtlle. 125,000 feet of timber enes with the mill. L. Edwards, Eddyville, Oregon. WANTED Young, registered Angora buck. Address, J. Maresoru Wlnant, Or. FOR SALE I have 7 young Jersey milk cows and young stock for sale. A. K. Oilar, Waldport, Oregon. FOR SALE One Jersey bull, 2 years old. Price, $50. A. M. Wheelock. Waldport, Oregon. FOR SALE ON THE FAMOUS YACHATS 159 acres, all improvements good furnished house, water piped, 8 rooms, out buildings, crops, orchard, hogs, sheep. to nead good cattle, sawmill, blacksmith shop, wagons and machinery, and many other ar ticles. Going at a bargain. See or write, J. C. Carson, 0-259 Ocean View. Or. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will bm S leased to learn that there 1 at least on readed disease that science has beea able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the onlr positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dliease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative pow ers that they otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Sena for list of testimonials. ASdrtse: F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, X Sold by all Druiilili. 16o. Take Hall's Family Pills for oonatlpaUoaa . John M. Scott, General Pas senger Agent, Portland, Or. Bush Davis was over from Siletz yesteiday. "George Hodges was down from Sa lado Monday. Jim Salvage was a passenger for the Valley Monday morning. Harley Wiahart returned Saturday evening from a trip to Portland. ' Paul Chatterton returned Saturday . evening from a visit to the Valley. ! Dr. W. M. Berry, the dentist, was a passenger for Portland Wednesday morning. James Coin returned to the Lower Siletz, where he will again teach the coming term. ' Mr. and Mrs. Baling went to the Valley Saturday morning whero they will look after their hop yards. i ' Newton Center went to Corvallis Wednesday morning, where he will enter the Oregon Agricultural t-'ol-lege. Mr. nnd Mrs. Phns. I.ttclinVld and i children returned to Portland Sutur-1 day morning after a several weeks' visit with relutlves and friends hero. Wednesday is Toledo Day at the Fair and will be one of the big days of the week. Thursday will be New port Day and we understand that they are going to close their business and come up and take charge of the Fair. Last year on Newport Day some 600 came up and this year they plan on a larger crowd. The Newport Band will come up on this day and furnish music and aid In the general Jollifi cation. Do not forget to turn out on Toledo Day and help make a big showing. Expert Watch Repairing . When others fail you Wo Guarantee Satisfaction A , trial will convince. Price very reasonable. Over 40 Years' Experience as practical watchmaker. All Work Guaranteed. HANS E. PETERSON Boy's Aches Call and See the Beautiful Prizes and learn Method of Distribution I L CASTEEL Ifapifi This Contest is conducted in connection with this Newspaper and Votes will be given on Subscriptions, new or old 2000 Votes on eucli 81.50 for New 1000 Votes on each 1.50 for Old TO THE FARMERS OF LINCOLN COUNTY Gentlemen, Farmers, libtcn here to what the buttermaker has to say! From September 28 to October 3 Is our State Fair, and as I got third prize two years ago and first last year, it .13 up to you whether or not we are going to get the same this year. We will not be able to get these prizes unlcr?3 you pay especial attention to your separ ators and milking utensils. I know you always do this, but please scald and clean a little belter than usual. This is to your own benefit because If we get first prize it will greatly ad vertise our brand of butter, and . that will mean an extra cent, and perhaps more, for each i pound of butter fat next year. So, again, take good care of 1 your cream end Bend It In ho it will be here Thursday, Septem ber 24th. Send it in a separate can. If you haven't but a two or five gallon can, send it. in whatever you have, and Rend it . In perfect, sweet condition, be l ause our creamery is not the only one who will send It to the SLato Fair. Youia very truly Peter Boycr. are various and sometimes aerloui. Small boys have a l:nack of eating what they shouldn't and that often means a doctor's visit and a prescrip tion that the boy won't like. But you will est orescrlotions for children put up all right hsre. The drugs and modi ! clncs arc of the beet qu.illtv and doc tor's ordcis arc sorcpu'ously filled, with ca.-e and r.re:d, and at rc.i-.on- able prices. Toledo Drug Co. NORGAARD'S RESTAURANT Hans Norfaatd, Prop. M KAT.S AT AM.lini'RS SI'liCIAT, Chlrkcn Dinner Kvery Sinrlay Chili foil Curnc every livening Opposite the liunk Til 10 HLAH tlii::it but well sciwnr.t'tl wood delivered Prompt Peliv ty iBON B0NIERE l. N. ANIiKIC-toN, 'ti.i. Choice CovfvrtitniH Summer Driuhn Ire Cirtnit Ire Cohl Driiit. Milt: Shaken I'VylilH, XlltH Tobitrro Stullmiery Bwt Krninlg I tram TOI.KDO. OIiK'JON WAUGH'S MARKET jPresh and Cured Meats i Pish and Oysters I in Season Highest Price Paid for Hides I LESTER WAUGH, Pre?.