49- I iS incohi iemer. VOLUME 22 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 1914 NUMBER 32 c?o NEWPORT The Bandon passed out over the bar Tuesday on a ten foot tide, towed by the Ollle S. She had on board 600,000 feet of heavy, green lumber, twelve large piling and two hugh spars for the Estabrook Co., of San Francisco. The lumber was consigned for San Pedro. The vessel drew 14 feet of water and the bar was rough and chop py, yet she passed out in safety. The channel is very crooked and this makes it dangerous to fol low. This ought to be remedied by making a straight channel to the sea. Engineers say that it would not cost a large sum to do thiB. The water transporta tion is getting to be so import ant that this improvement should be made by all means. Transportation for sea going vessels is good for nine months In the year. The three Winter months the hn r sometimes is so rough thar Jt would not be safe for vessels to pass over it. 1) ir lng the week the wharves In front of Newport were lined with sea going boats. The Ban don, Mirene, Ahwaneda, Ollle S., Eola, Mars from Seattle and other smaller boats. This looks like business. The Mars had nine tons of halibut aboard and she came in to get ice to keep her fish. It i3 reported that 39 boats were out on the halibut beds fishing. These fish are now taken to Seattb, Tacoma and other points north, when they ought to be shipped from Yaquina Bay. The beds lie about sixteen miles west of Newport and this would be the nearest snipping point. I un derstand a company has leased some water front at Yaquina and will put in a cold storage plant mere. This would be very good thing for Newport ana xaqulna Bay. ine season has closed and most of the summer visitors have gone home. The travel on the train keeps up fairly well for this season of the year. The Sunday excursion train brought in 110 persons who spent the day at the beach. The Fall rain has set in and wa nmv Avrw but very little sunshine for some time to come. The Fall election will soon be here and 1 wonder if everybody will register that want to vote The election will be the first Tuesday in -November, which is the 3d. The books close 15 before the election. All that did not register prior to the Spring Primary election will have to register before they can vote at the General election An amendment to be voted on prohibits the manufacture and sale of intoxicating li quors within the state of Ore gon, except for medical, sclen M cramental purposes. Prohibit on means to prohibit by law the manufacture of any intoxicating liquors at all if the amendment carries it will Rfo!8enlhe 8aloon8 wltWn the state. Those who want sa loons will vote yes on the a!! endment and those who do not want saloons will vote no. Col. Robert Miller of Portland spent a few days at Newport looking after business interest" He owns the place at Otter Uock that once belonged to Mrs. Nel lie Campbell. He is much in terested in the building of a coast wagon road to Siletz Bay Roland Chambers of Prairie City, Eastern Oregon, is here for a visit with his mother, Mrs. C. O. Copeluud. He brought three of his children along and will put them in the public school His wire will soon Join him ami for tho present will make their homo at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ander sen of Eureka, California, were on a visit at Mrs. Atidcrson'n mother's, Mrs. C O. Copeland Sunday. The Enterprise, Capt. Parker, came in Tuesday on her way to Wakiport and tied up at tho Pat rick dork. This was about 3 o'clock P. M at about 4 o'clock when no oi:a was on beard, she t )ok fire. The ilamcs issued from the window in front of the cabin. The fire alarm waB turned In and in less than ten COUNTY NEWS minutes two streams were play ing on the fire and soon it was out. Damage about $200, no in surance. The boat had 40 tons of freight for Waloport. Her machinery is all right and she will go to Waldport as soon as ' the bar can be crossed. A man by the name of Beaudry, who was moving to waldport, had his household goods on the boat and lost $200. It was in bis pocket book in his coat which was in the cabin, He is a poor man and it is quite a loss. The boat is owned by Captain Cas sada of Portland. When the fire was first discovered a man ran to the boat with a fire ex tinguisher but when told a large quantity of gasoline was on the boat his coat tails smoked as he cut around the warehouse. He never showed up any more. Cause of fire unknown. CHITWOOD Miss Llnnie Gear came in from Portland Friday returning Monday. Prof. J. E. Dads left for To ledo Friday evening. Titus Kurtlchanov, Jr., left for Gaston a few days ago, after spending several weeks at home with his parents. The new bridge across the river is nearly completed and looks fine. A. a. Dwineil ana his son. Eddie, came in from Dayton Sat urday, bringing a wagon load of household goods with them Mr. Dwlnell went back to Day ton Monday after his wife and two children. S. S. Gossman returned Mon day from a trip back to the Eastern States, where he had been visiting friends. John Phillips who has been sick for some time was taken to Newport Tuesday to be placed under the care of doctor Smith. Mrs. Phillips and J. Kurtlchanov went with him. HARLAN Friday evening Mrs. Henry Martin arranged a musical and literary treat as a farewell to friends, before re turning to Corrallis to place her daughters In school. Mrs. Martin was assisted by Mrs. Blanch McCord Mul- vaney, violinist, who studied with the celebrated Hans Sltt, at the Royal con servatory of music, Leipzig, Germany. ine enjoyaoie program was given as follows: Accordion solo, Lenoard Grant Recitation, Lillian Martin; Vo cal solo, Mr. Allison; "A Mel lean Chinee'! and "Callin1 the Young Uns." Impersonations by Blanch Mulvaney; Vocal solos. Lulu Jacobs; Reading, "The Pilot's Story." Mrs. Lora Young; Piano solos. Miss Martin; Recitation, Percy Mulvany; The Fireman's Story, Peggy ThomaBon; Violin and Piano- Three Step Mrs. Mulvany and Miss Martin: Violin solos. Mra. Mulvunv: Violin and Piano solo, Pat Hodges and miss Martin; Bong, Lenoard Grant. Those present: Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Tomason, Misses Martin, Grant, Jacobs, Tomason, Amos, Mes srs. Allison, McDonald, Derrick, Grant, Pat and Dell Hodges, Blanch Mulvany, Evelyn Payne.Lllllan Martin, Vera and Florence Payne, Lawrence Martin and Percy Mulvany. RcfreHhmcnts wer served at midnight. All voted It a time well spent. WEST YAQUINA Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ryan and John Han Ion moved over from Ona last week and are going to fish tills Fall. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Smith and daughter, Freda, moved to Newport Monday. Mrs. Casteel and Mrs. Laura Weber aro running the restaurant. ' W. E. Ilanlon and Bert Miller start ed nailing Tuesday. Chub Willis 1ms tlio mumps. A. M. Wheiork of Llnvills railed on his daughter, Mrs. Carrie Ryan, Sun dny. A. H. PliclpB, John Coovert nnd Cllf- roru riirips, of Ona wore Ynqulna visiters tills week. West Yaquina Is pulling quite thlck ly populated tho3e duye. Mr. mid Mrs. John Pnrlow moved Into the old (Juburuu-liouue. OYbTERVILLE George Einemon nnd mother, Mrs. Emerson, went to Albany for a few days' viHlt Kuturdiiy morning. J. Mnrgson returned from tlio Val ley Saturday evening. Quite a number of young folks veil ed tho homo of T. Howling and pave ll'om a surprise party si urday nli;ht. All hud a good time and 1-rt at u late hour. MlHsChrlHtlno Lombard visited a couplo of days at the Goorgo Lewis home tho pant wook. J. M. Jlrler nnd paartnors ramo Thursday for the finning season. In The Btorniy weather Is causing a lot of sickness around our burg. UPPER BEAVER Mra. Adolph Peterson visited at the O. E. Lewis ranch Thursday. K. D. Martin and A. Peterson mads a trip to Yaquina Friday. J. M. Bowers made a trip to New port Saturday. Arthur Crawford was over from the Agency Saturday. ; FrlU Fallroan Just completed dig ging his fine, large crop of pototoes Monday. Mrs. W. C. Martin Is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Huntsucker made a trip to Yaquina Thursday. W. 0. Peterson who Is working on ,the C. & E. brldgecrew. spent the wek end visiting at the A. Peterson ranch, returning to Toledo Sunday. Mrs. Adolph Peterson and daughter, Hester, visited at the Fallman ranch Monday afternoon. Miss Alice Huntsucker la staying with Mrs. Q. E. Lewis, who Is on the sick list this week. ONA MlssCharlotte Koch accompanied by her mother, Mrs. George Selby, left for Albany Saturday. . Miss Charlotte will attend boarding school there this Winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coovert went to Toledo Wednesday. Fred Commons and Walter Wolfer- sperger left lor HUlsboro Saturday where Fred will attend High School this Winter. A. H. Phelps baa been quite tick the past lew days. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Weber went to Yaquina one day last week. Mr. Web er Intends to fish there this Fall. Our school started September 14th with Mrs. J. R. Coovert as teacher. The county surveyors have been very busy the past week surveying the long talked of road down Beaver Creek. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Weber spent Sunday t Uie Llssy ranch. J. F. Brown of Siletz has been to this city several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wlndred returned Wednesday evening from the bop fields. Dr. M. M. Davis of Eugene passed through to the Lower Bay Wednes day evening. - Mrs. Beck, alter an absence of sev eral years, has returned to her farm on Depoe slough. Spencer Scott has commenced the erection of. a new house on his place at the Agency. Lester Waugh and daughter Miss Elma, went to SileU last Saturday on a nsning trip. R. N. Warnock and daughter. Mrs, A- r. .Hughes, were passengers on yesterday, morning's train. Carl Logan returned to his home at Albany yesterday morning. Myrna Miller has taken his place at the de pot. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Rowe and chll dren departed Monday morning for Cottage Grove, where they will spend tne winter. Mrs. Carrie Standard. Ormal Stand' ard, Oscar Matthews and Miss Marie Tierney of Eddyville were Toledo visit ors yesterday. Mrs. R. R. Gwynn and children re turned Wednesday evening from the valley, where they spent a couple oi weeks in the hop fields. PARENTS' TEACHERS' MEETING There will be a Parents' Teachers' meeting at the High School building on Friday. September 18th. Ever- body cordially invited to attend tills meeting. FAIR NOTES. The buildings on the Fair Ground are now ready for the reception of exhibits and stock. From present Indications there will be some fine displays of fruits and vegetables as practically all of tho space In the north half of the build ing has been taken and twenty-eight feet of new display tables have boon added to meet the demand for more show spare The Christy Shows with three largo tents are under contract to npneur at tho Fair. O. 8. Purdy & Co. aro putting up their merry go-round and George Wal ker Is to furnish them power. Tho Toledo Band will furnlidi iiiubIc each day and evening and v.-o expec t the Newport Hand up on Thursday Newport bay. lliero wlll be speaking overy dny , .: r, ' "" U (annon, boeUh.t. will nn'a .n i rs nro hm'"? l" n ":U'",V ti uru i.i. r.im.n, iiemncrntle r.uull- rZX If(lf firwl Miw I.'-..... I. t.l l - from O.A.U., ore to li Willi US two - i'u i, i- i 1-mi ii. iii'i'i nurni'i h Arrangemonlii uro under way for a "Uetter Huhlf H" content on I'rl'li'V, un der the recuhitliiiH laid down h'y the Woman's Homo Coiiiiutil(ii, John llultey will hold nn nurtlnn nn tllO Kulr croiiiidrf u Tliuroduy after- i. J. II. Uof.s auctioneer. noon A football gamo between Toll do nnd Ncwp i t U being arranged for. Messrs. O. (llrdler hnd'j. L. Whltels win oe mo gate koepera, Ml,. t,.l n...i. -.. . . of the ticket olllce. i 1 i t . ... nuva cnargo News of each Community Gathered each week by Our Rustling Associate Editors At The Lincoln County FAIR 1 Trowbridge and Son will ' put up an exhibit of flower ins and ornamental plants at the Fair that they wish every man, woman and c"ild in the County to see. In addition to this they will have on sale five hundred of fine foliage and flowering plants for window decora tion, at from 10c to 20c each. Visit the Fair and take home a plant or two, to broighten up your home in the dark days that are com ing. Not in the next five years will you see a better and more beautiful lot of things at the Fair than you will see at Toledo next week. See your grocer for our tomatoes. Three and one half cents per pound by the case. TROWBRIDGE A SON, Toledo, Oregon. Stop that First Fall Cough Check your fall cough or cold Fend to I , ' . TY lead to SCri0U8 lung trouble, weaken your vitality and de - velop a chronic lung ailment, Get a bottle of fir. Bell's Pine- Tar-Honey today; it is pure and nanmeBs use it freely for that fall cough or cold. If baby or Children are sick give it to them it will relieve quickly and per manently. It soothes the irri tated throat, lungs nnd air pas sages. LooBens Phlegm, is antiseptic and fortifies the sys tem against colds. It surely prevents cold germs from get ting a hold. Guaranteed. Only 25c. at your diuirirlHfR. Dr. Thorn was culled to HIMi v. tcrday to attend John Wulno's family, MIhs Antoslu Wlmilov.skl of Tart arrived Wednesday evening and will ngaln make her homo with her sister Mrs. John Fornrty, nnd family and at - lend school here again this Winter. , 7T7, i !,,; e "'J llutn ,'u, fi i.iuio i. ik were In l in c Iv Weilneiuluv evening mnklng proof on their liuimv nking nroof on tin, r im I...f , . ... . .. .. umj i ht nowcu. John tiwyii of Kddyvllie acted es wit - I l,C'" l',0,n' i. n it t f -II 111 V l TK llOtt'e I ami t. 'll borir JuBllce Punish 1 i if I lilu 1 lit! ft-. r,..i .lll at hill IlltCU Jll Ki1it won Cmiwl i i i in ui.iii n i. 1 1 ii mim i mi' n urn I ii. I ..i, Hi., I... il.- n . PoDo Lux Clanlohes Plmplet Had ltlood, l'imples, Headaches, lllllolli ni r-H, Torpid Liver. CniiHtlpn lion, el"., comeu front Irnllinuil,,!. Tukn I'oDo Uix, the pleaii.iiil and uli-' "oliitel;.' euro l.:r:illvo, nnd you won't1 " r mini n ii"rani,'i"ii Mclnacli or oCer ui.i'htm I . will ton ur tho I-ivcr and purify tho lilu-,1. ji It r.ruh i y m.i you v. I.I ttv wri:, huve I I'm, i ..,ii l.vl.. ...I .. " mil neimy nerVFS i',ei neic Duttlo loil.iv. Money Imik BAIRD JACKSON Last Saturday afternoon at four o'clock was performed a ceremony which made Miss Nel lie Daird and Herbert Jackson iman and wife. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride in this city by Rev. Sanford Snyder of the M. E. church. Just a few intimate friends of the couple and the immediate family was present. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Baird, and has been a resident of Toledo for the past three years, coming here from Kan sas. She taught school the first year in Oregon, and during her short residence in Toledo has won the friendship of all who have made her acquain tance. The groom has resided here the past two years, con siderable of this time he has been employed In the store of Warnock & Hughes. He is one of Toledo's industrious and worthy young men. After the wedding the young couple took the evening train for a brief honeymoon trip to Newport, returning home Tues day evening. The Leader and a host of friends Join In wishing them a long, prosperous and happy married life. NOTICE A regular meeting of the Wo mans' Civic Improvement Club will be held in the City Hall, Saturday, September 19th, at 2:30 P. M . A full attendance is desired. By order of the President. NOTICE The County Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for painting Court House, inside and outside.. Also for sawing Into lumber the logs on the County Road Right of way between the Louie Fuller Ford and the Major Ludson Ford on the Siletz river. Bids must be filed with the County Clerk on or before 2 o'clock P. M., Friday, October the 25th, 1914. For particulars enquire of Judge Fogarty, Toledo, Ore gon. R. H. Howell, County Clerk. Al Waugh and Maurice Andersen left yesterday morning for a fishing trip on the Silets. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Davis this week enjoyed a visit from their daughter who resides In Eastern Oregon. Miss May Harrison, of the Wald port schools, visited her sister, Mrs. R. H. Howell, In this city several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Andersen re turned last Saturday evening from Eu reka, California, where they have been the past six months. Mrs. Mattoon and daughter returned to Portland this morning after having Va7r" h her mo her 1 and brother In this city. 1 prof. George Buthers win begin j teaching the Summit schools next M01"1'' morning . Tills win bo the i IoT0''' uecmA ycar ln t,,Bl ,cl,01 school Marriage licenses were Issued this week as follows: Oscar Matthews and Carrie Standard and Ormell Oli ver Standard and Mary Tlcrncy, both couples are from Eddyville. County Treasurer Geo. McCluskey turned the taxrolls over to the Sheriff tho lfith for the rollfcllcm of dlln. uuent taxes. The total amount of tax us set rortli in the tax rolls was was $:'14,609.43. The County Treasurer roneeieu lliercon the sum of IlKtl.. 72S.37 In taxes, and In addition thereto the sum of $093.18 In penalty. Tho amount of dellnnuent tax U fHCii mi 'or but 11 per cent, of tho amount of tax. Thin, wo bellevo, to bo tho smul- I'-hI percentage of delli,ii nt taxes "'I" early In the year. 1 Mrs. I. It. Wlshnrt entertained a ! parly of young folks last Wednesday 'evening, in honor of Fred Russell. I Fourteen were pre, nt and u most en- i.min . ii,,,. , , , ..... " .'hi-..,.,, lie. 1 MIJHO preneni were: mrn. F, . Uti'tieU ' Mrs. Wislmrt, MI-..H Verno ItoVs ! K"ru ('ri,""' Alvl.11.1 Itoinfv'dt, ffi 1 .. " " ' . " I'eler'liever nnd 'l! M f',.ni. Vn' j I I'm i ir,....'. .... i m Tilfnev. Ml; W,i-.. n, i si. , .. . t , , . . won tho pilzeg iii tin, miitistrt. Ado - Helium lunch was s.-rved nt twolvo o'clock.. r.-.Z I I "'"i" mnouor i;onmir,atru7 I'r. King's New i.ir.t l'illu will euro .....n n iivimii) now or duo anil rids your titoniacli and MowcIh of. waiito and fermenting body poisons. They are n tonic to your Stomach nnd l.lver and tone tho general system. KlrKt iIoho will cuio you of that do- presscu, amy, niiious and coiihii. Would take a partner, young man prefered, in on a good pro position. No experience neces sary but must be willing to apply himself dally to business and in vest a little money. Enquire at Leader office. The Commissioners' Court of Lincoln County will meet in special session on the 15th of October for the purpose of mak ing changes in road district boundaries, etc. All Interested in these matters should be pre sent at this time. Rev. Sanford Snyder and fam ily departed Monday morning for their future home at Salem, after a year spent in Toledo, where Rev. Snyder was pastor of the M. E. Church. Rev. Sny der has retired from the minist ry on account of ill health and will rest a year or two anyway. Toledo hates to lose this es teemable family, who have done much good work along relig ious lines in the city. Lovers of music will greatly miss the sweet singing of Miss Nettie, and her position as leader of the choir at the church will be hard to fill. May success attend them In their chosen home. Funeral services over the late John Bain, a pioneer of the Si letz country, who died at the State Hospital for the Insane, were held here yesterday, under the auspices of the O. A. R. He Is said to have owned at the time of his death a valuable tim ber claim, and to have left no relatives. Should this prove true the property will escheat to the state. Portland Telegram. WIFE CAUSES ARREST OF JOHN FLEMING WILSON John Fleming Wilson, writer of sea stories and author of motion picture scenarios, who lived In Portland for a while, has been arrested in New Yorn. City in default of $750 cash bail, be cause, it is said, he threatened to leave the state without an swering his wife's petition for a divorce, according to news wnlch reached this city yester day. Wilson's wife was former ly Miss Lulu Burt, of Lincoln County, Or., and at the time of her marriage was a stenograph er in the office of the racifle Monthly, of which Wilson was then editor. Association with other women, excessive use of alchol and cruetly are alleged by Mrs. Wilson. She asks for $50 weekly alimony, alleging her husband's income to be $12,000 annually. Wilson is a graduate of Princeton. He spent con siderable time in this city, and at Newport and North Beach. Panama and San Francisco claimed him for a time after he left Portland. Of late years he has lived in New York. He owns a small farm in the Em pire State. Portland Telegram. neport f the Conuitlen of the Lincoln County Bank At Toledo, in tin nuta of Oregon, 1 ''j"'"9 of uu',l:,,,:,, September Resources Loans and discounts .... JSO.OGl 1 Overdrafts, secured and.. ., unsecured 67 J. 17 Bonds and warrants 32.373!3l mocKs and other securities 2 nnn ' 'Jinking house 3.R00 'urnuure ana " "","u, "Aiiires l.bOO .mur real esuuo owned 3,876 Duo from bunks (not reserve , banks 3,106.65 Due from approved reserve.. banks 14,087.26 I hecks and other rash items 62.84 vuhii on Hand inivr. n Total Liabilities ..161,863.95 Capital stock mld In 10.nno.00 Surplus fund 1,000.00 I'ndivldi'd prolltH, less expenses nnd t.ixes pn Id 1 US' 84 Individual deposit subject U , '''""'k 12f.0fT4.Bl lieiimnd rertllli aten of (I, jun.lt I'.lOi.OO Certlllcd checks hi) 00 Time certlllcateii of deperlt 11 731C0 Total STATIC OI- OIIUION, ) .lul.SG3.95 ) 8H. 1 ' V IT Lincoln. ) ' i ' Hawkins, Cnililer of the ?, ,""'1. Holcnmly swear 1 "lt I'1" uuove statement Is true to jthelienl of my knowledge and belief. c- O Hawkins, ('ashler &un.icriurd nnd sworn i w,.,. , this I'ith day of Sept., 10U O. It. McCIUKkev. Nulurv p.. I. ii I'nniM.-.-P .... ..' C. E. Hawkins, Wm. 8carth, tMrector.s Mrs. Morgan nnd Miss Crawford o! if not mMmicd. A; .rv,Kt,