Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, September 11, 1914, Image 1

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    - ' t
AC-' J A A
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News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
James H. Mattice, a retired
merchant from Vancouver, Wn.,
liis wife, daughter and nephew,
tame in Sunday on the excur
sion train and went to the Nico
lai hotel. In the evening the
party went to the Woodford
icstaurant for 'a lunch. This
vas about 7 p. m. At 8 o'clock
they returned to the hotel. In
tlarting down the stairway at
the back of the building leading
into the hotel. Mr. Mattice made
a false Btep and fell to the bot
tom of the stairs, a distance of
ubout twelve feet. When his
nephew got to him he was dead.
IliH wile thought when he made
ihe step he mistook the step of
the stairs for the floor of the
hotel. It was cloudy and some
rain was falling and it was quite
dark at that place. Death was
sudden. There were no bruises
on the body and the neck was
not broken. Drs. Mmthorn and
Carter were called and they
thought his death must have
been caused by heart failure or
a broken blood vessel in the
bra in. I ie was sixty-three- years
old, large and fleshy. I ie is sur
vived by Lis wife and daughter
who were completely prostrated
by I'i.i sudden death. Mis body i:M':'b;ed aivl will Le ship
ped East lor burial.
Pied, at tlie horn of bis sen,
W. J. Smith, Alien Smith, ageu
75 yer.r:, 10 month:; and 23 days.
I lis body will be cmLalmcd and
Hhii jieJ back to his oM home in
Michigan for burial. Jlo is
r- I
viveri by a son, who it, a resident
of Newport.
The public school commenced
Tuesuay with 223 pupils, 43 of
these in the High School. The
school is bupplied with a full
corps of teachers and it will tak?
a pretty frill purse to cany it
on, but the trustees believe it
will pay to have a first class
school. Money paid o..t in this
way is not lost but comes back
viili interest in the way of edu
cating fie y:nng, i:. c leaning the
V'iu:. t.r.a ai.t. tlcVi.tiag ti;e
i -.l'jivlduai c:"i::c;!. It ia the pi i.te
v i: l ambii-nii of Newport to
make tPis city a comer of c.Iu
cn'ion where the young men
and women of Use county can
receive a busines education
witiiout going elsewhere.
A delegation of Southern Pa
cific officials visited Newport
Tuesday evening and took sup
per at the Abbey. The party
was composed of the following
gentlemen : ' J. K. Wcatherford,
John Stevens, General Superin
tendent Campbell, Mr. Spraul,
president of the Southern Pa
cific Company, and two other
gentlemen whose names I did
not learn. Mr. Spraul had never
visited Newport before and he
was much pleased with the city,
its many interesting attractions
and its splendid harbor and
beautiful bay. The party re
turned to the Valley the same
evening on their special.
Judge Wolverton, of the U. S.
District Court, is spending his
vacation at Newport, the guest
of the Abbey.
Charles Litchfield, mall clerk
on the run between Portland
and Seaside, was a visitor here
Tuesday. He had been to see
his farm at Devil's Lake. This
Is a beautiful spot in Lincoln
county.but the devil Is not there,
although the Indians claim to
see him in the lake occasionally.
It Is estimated a third more
people have visited Newport
this season than ever before
and the automobile travel has
been quadrupled. Some of the
auto people complained of the
bad conditon of portions of the
road between here nnd tho Val
ley. This is especially true of
the Pioneer Mountain road.
This mountain road, before an
other season opens, should have
a broader and better grade made
over It. Some complaints were
also made of tho narrow grades
at other points on the road. This
should be remedied.
Newport occupies a union
position, being collected both
with rail and water transporta
tion. The more waterways we
have onencd will be better for
the railroads, as it will make
more business and Increase tho
population. Newport will soon
have a splendid city dock of 600
feet and the benefit of an open
sea. With co-operation, energy
and push we can get govern
ment aid to deepen and broaden
the channel from Newport to
Elk City. The mill business is
mainly at Toledo, and under the
new management the pay roll
will be increased to about $30,
000 per month. The great body
of timber on the Siletz will be
taken out this way over the Ya
quina bar, because it can b3
done so much cheaper.
George Selby mode a trip to To
ledo Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Licsy, Miscs
Lois Ohroort. Netu ami Helen
Phelps, Reynolds Chinart and Cliff
ord Phelps spent Sunday at the
Mr. and Mrs W. C. Weber made
a itip to Yaquina Friday.
Mri. J. II. Wolferspcrger, who
has bcrn visiting at the Commons
j home in Ilillsboro Friday.
Miss Lois Oi-.mart of Sahrn is
visiting her brother, K. Y. Olsmcrt,
tf thij jih:c. '
I Fred and I.'uvd Commons d:
I live red two fine hogs to Newport
I lliursday.
I Miss Lcta D:rr,y visitej l;3
j Daisy Ferr from Friday until
, Tuesday.
I 1 idewater
! Well, tht; rain vagon arrived er,d
, is de livtr':r. ic ergo to the cpect-
ant rarchrrs er.'j 11 others ccjn-
I.Mfmr.n $ M:':!!an ara l .i-y
EnwinR and delivtrinK lilcr.kinu' for
I the r;.ad v;ork cn ti.e road fn.m
, Wcl Jpurt to creek cn t!;e
! Ahea river.
ttks Uallia CIi:::s has bren
Itv.'ching ih2 ljwtr fJiocl, has
jahen l.rr tezi ncitls work ever
ito Kiss Iitne l.'rai-.-h of Ye'ma.
Miss Glir.cs his returned to her
homo in Wjhiprrt wliern cho is
lT:piri::g to o l Corvallii to at
I tend school ul the O.A.C. this Win
ner. The children are still whooping
around here.
Mr. McMillan, who was so low
with pneumonia, tsssed away Mon
day. August 31, at 13 a. m., at the
age of C2 years. He was hid
away in the Tidewater Cemetery
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
Kev. Silas Howell of Ocean View
conducting the ceremony. Mr.
McMillan had been a resident of
thii community over 27 years and
was greatly respected by everyone
and we feel we have lost a dear
friend and a good neighbor. We
all extend our deepest sympathy to
the bereft family. He leaves a
widow and five sons and many
other relatives to mourn his ab
sence. But he has only crossed
the hill that's left for us to climb,
that breaks tho echo and the thrill
of life's eternal rhyme. Another
cne to join with those who have
gone on before, to welcome you
with open arms when you, too,
reach that shore.
Upper Beaver
Mr. and Mrs. Feter SchirmerJ of
Poole slough spent Sunday visiting
ct the Peterson ranch.
K. D. Martin and Fritz Fallman
took a load of cream to Oyster
ville Thursday.
II. A. Emerson of Oyster City
was in our neighborhood Thursday.
A. Peterson made a trio to P.
Shcrmer'fl Thursday
Tracy Fallman was cn the tick
list last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Huntsucker
und hop, Kenneth, visited at I. N.
Huwett's Sunday.
Mrs. W. C. Martin visited her
daughter, Mrs. I. N. Ilewettl and
family Wednesday and Thursday.
Mr. M. Wachamut and Mrs.
Edith Lewis of Newport visited at
the Peterson ranch Thursday and
Fritz Fallman has been seriously
ill for the last few days.
Fiegles Creek
Miss Georgia Kessl came
home Friday for a short visit.
Fred Scheddler and George
Titus are here looking up a
location for a new building on
their homesteads upon which
they lately made final proof.
John Rankin and Marion
Walker go to Toledo the 25th
of this month to make final
proof on their homesteads. Very
fast Lincoln county is becom
ing deeded land. .
Ralph Darting took his wl'e
and little girls to Summit yes
terday for a week's visit. '
Jack F'ro3t made us a call a
few nights ago, leaving his im
print upon potatoe vines and
"sich." Probably the crop r;f
this particular vegetable is t
little short this year and now
the much wished for rain will
not do the good hoped, much t6
the regret of those of Irish pro-
Sunday John Rankin enter j lier neau
tained fricv.d3 at luncheon and, Miss Nina Gleason of Wood
ch! say, it ia a pleasure to ses jburn, Ore., is visiting her sister,
our F"icr;lcs Creek bachelors : Mrs. S. T. London, this week.
busy Ft the science of cookery,
This one cair.e away with the
idea that it vcro nettsr to send
front oi battle and spare the
man to do tho cookintr. I am
not "t:i!:.:inrr thrcurh mv hat."
Those who pa: took of Mr. John Tel erson was in this vi-Ranki-a's
rr-:r.?rous hospitality , finity Wednesday on business,
wore: :.Ii and Jivs. Frank Mul- ireturnlng to Toledo on the even
vanv, Miss Georgia Kesi, Miss 'N; train.
Elizabeth Kossi, Will Kessl,
?,Ir.iiou Walker, Planche ana
Percy Mil !va:-.y. After luncheon
..iiD uti.iut i.ii1.riiiin,uiirrot!nr'a in order for the com In
with viuiin music. Perhaps her fair. The prospects are verv
mo; t p!c.t::ir selections were j favorable for the bcft fair ever
"II Tri'vaiorr." and Mlynarski's held. There will be goo:! spcik
distingutehed Mazurka in F. lors of rm-jinti. in
:.il23 Kes' i van a pupil of Dr.
c: the Pacific Unhvr-
Mijs Ti.'urza Eoics who ha:;
been vi::;i: V,-:a Kessl, re-'
turv.'.'d to A. C Friday to re
sume hwi' SliidlCS. !
Mr. Fdicor. am I not a hus
tling lit i!i news gatherer? Cn,
every lovalily and do likewise,
as it ho';;s i;.i to all become ac-
rjuainted and it helps the Editor i
to est subscribers and. well, i
have known people to get hus-jar,1 th" nr8t of January are re
bands and wives through ads in iucsttd tc start them in school at
the newspapers. I am married i once 8B 8lur the "'rst October
already, so let not vour heart be i beginners will not be received in.
trouDieu. a little nonsense
now and then," etc., etc.
The rain that we have
wanted has come at last.
Mr. Edward Peterson
has been working for D. It. Ring
for the last year, left here for
Salem, where he will visit
friends and relatives. And he
will go from there to Meadow
Glade, Wash., where he will at
tend school this coming term.
Ilia many friends wish him suc
cess. The Gerald C. came Into
Kernville from Astoria, loaded
with provisions for winter.
Sam nnd Arthur Gorten from
Rose Lodge visited here the first
of last week. They were on
their way to the hop yards.
The postofllce at Taft ha3 a
good supply of first class shoes
on hand. It will pay you to
call and look at them.
. '
The long-wishcd-for rain has
arrived at last.
rteryl King vblted home folks
Friday afternoon.
Louie liahi Bpcnt several days
In our town last week.
Tho Cindy pull and dance
that was held Saturday night at
I'. S. Shermer's ended up in
trouble. To bad some men can
not go to homes for a good time
without getting drunk and caus
ing trouble.
Henry Shermer had the mis
fortune to bo kicked in the face
by a cow Friday at the home of
Ida father.
J. Margson made a business
trip to tho valley Tuesday.
Mrs. Anna Detolla returned to
her home Sunday after a busy
summer at Newport
rock oysters.
Little Elk
The water
at last.
wagon has come
Fanners are taking in the
rain and getting ready to dig
tneir potatoes.
II. O. Boynton and S. T. Lou
don were over to Harlan last
week getting exhibits for the
coming fair. They report good
prospects for exhibits.
Armel Standard made a flying
trip to the valley last Thursday,
returning the next day.
Mr. Mathews of Portland ia
! visiting his son, Clarence, and
i Oscar this week.
. .
! George Brown of Corvallis
; was buying sheep In this valley
1 1,000 hend. paying from three
r f,
iu iour uunuis aim any cent3
Mr. John Kurtichanov of Chit-v.-ood
was in this vicinity last
Tuesday looking after school
i Kri 1 " waj "filing
W. F. Wakefield went to To-
ic.'Jo last Wednesday on countv
S. T. Loudon went to Toledo
cn the cvenmg train Wednes-
(!ay to finish frcttinc the fair
jfact everything that goes to
mai-.c a goon lair will i;e tPere
ar.d on the last dr.v there will
be a b::!.jy show. There will be
cor.ij tieat doctors to judge the
babes. They will bu iiul-'od
from a eugenic standpoint and
!a lcci. w ill be given i:i con
nection with the so
come and bring your babies and
:help the good work along.
Person having children who will
,ue ei jeurs oi CR0 Letwcen now
the primary grade. Another class
will be started the first of January
to accommodate those who come
in later. This Is done to facilitate
the work in the primary depart
ment as progress cannot be made
when beginners are allowed to join
the class any time during the
sehool year.
J. C. Carson of Ocean View was
a county seat visitor last week,
stopping: off here while enroute to
Portland where he was going to
purchase an engine and builer for
his sawmill at Ocean View. While
here he secured a contract from the
Countv G.urt for some bridge lum
ber. He will use steam and water
power combined to operate the
mill. A mill has long been needed
in that eeclion of tho county and
wo predict that Mr. Carson wilj do
After a lung delay it seems that
Gcorco Walker, the shipbuilder, is
ab-iut to secure a lease to the
around back of tho Leadrr office.
As coon as the lease is executed
Mr. Walker will commence tho fix
ing up of a shipyard. He now has
thn prospect of a boat or two to
build this winter.
P.avmond Piekson passed through
on tho train Monday morning en
route to Nortons. Mr. Dicknon has
neen cnjraiu'd to t"ndi in tho Hock
Creek s hool this Winter. School
commenced hut Monduy.
Tho dredge Liiinh the first of
the week did foino IfredKing at the
rear of the Merchants Hotel, for
Dr. riurgeas, who will inovo his
boathousu to this site.
Miss Cbira Larson commenced a
nlno months' tern of school in the
lliscr district last Tuesday.
hundred and fiftv goats.
Price $2.00 each
P. Y. Poster,
Nortons, Or.
At the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Lou-
on Little Elk. September
1914, Clifford Wakefield
1 8th,
and Miss Lois Loudon, were
united in marriage, Rev. Daven
port officiating.
The bride and groom are very
highly respected in this com
munity, where they have both
: resided for many years.
Tho bride was becomingly
dressed in white, wearing a
bouquet of white carnations.
The room was decorated with
ferns, asters and oleanders. The
bride and groom were attended
by Roger Loudon, brother of the
bride, and Miss Anna Mauch.
j Only the immediate relatives
j were present to wit ness the
1 ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Wake-
101(1 ieave ,,ext wet'K ,or tllelr
llome at 0na' tnls county.
Tne deader joins the many
friends of the happy couple in
wishing them a long life and
; '
One o'clock third day of
Fair. September 24, at Fair
Grounds. Will sell one, two and
three-seated rigs, buck boards,
farm wagons, saddle.;, harness,
horse;), cows, etc. For cash or
terms as announce.! al t'mo of
tale. Inhibitors and ibeis who
wish to sell stock make ar-
i rangomonts with auciioneer.
TOLEDO L1VMU r.TAIiLH ; cn the follow in ur.-r.'.-rty, to-'.vit:-J.
II. HOSS, Auctioneer. C'omrneinR at the S'M e .r;ur of the
oV t-iT""" NE Quarter of section lij; thence
C. C . iMiblor cai io up from 'W(f3t .1Co feet; thenca r.ortli lU
Newport yesterday. ifoet; thence E. 1720 f:..; thence
Ed Altree ar.d family moved out S. 211 SO ft ; thence W. i:r.!0 ft. to
to tlie Camo on Depot dough the place of beginning, li.i;, i., ..
whero Ed will
; work during the cmnmu Winior.
Mirs Vauiio Wakefield
over from Crcswcll Saturi!
ing nnd began
;y cvjr
in tur
sehosla Tuesday mor.un:;.
Misa Grace TiiTar.v r.i rived Satur
day roon from Ki gere. Shu took
no hrr duties ui tL'ueir.'r in our high
tchoul Tuesday morning'
Ju?t eleven days i.ii'.il the orcn
itU -f the'ilu t'.ianty lair.
Have j-ou those exhibits ;vdy?
Ihia rc:;t Fair b'mikl bo the
biggest and best Fair over held in
the ccin.ty. It's up to us ull to
make it ouch.
The Hoard of Managers are do
ing everything posiLb to mal.o
our County Pair the lett ever.
Everybody should help boost.
Jack Link who has been em
ployed at the sawmill hero the past
several months, departed Tuesday
morning for the Valley.
George Trowbrdg.', the green
house man, expects to make a dis
play of vegetables and llowcr at
the coming Pair. He has prepared
flowers in boxes, to facilitate the
handling of them, and lovers of
flowers will be treated to a mighty
fine dsplay. Mr. Trowbrdge is one
of the county's most successful
gardncrs and florists.
Attorney Arthur Clark of Cor
vallis camo over on the Labor Day
excusion last Monday.
Mrs. P. Frederick and niece re
turned Monday evening from a
week' vitit at Portland. While in
the city Mrs. Frederick purchased
her Fall millinery.
Mr. and Mrs. Ho Moore and
baby arrived over from Salem Mon
day evening.
Steven Skaggs of Chitwood was
a Toledo visitor Tuesday, coing
from here to Kosc Lodge.
W. C. Fischer was up from Ya
cuina lust Saturday. Mr. Fischer
started another nine nvmths term of
school at Yaiuina Monday, tho .'3 1st
of August.
W. II. Dean was over from Cor
vallis the first of tho week.
L. C. Mowcry of Lower Silutz
was a county seat visitor lust Sat
urday. While in town he renewed
his giib.'cription to tho Leader.
O. II. Ilaugunn mado some re
pairs to the coutny juil last week.
I urn going to sell at prices that
will surprise you, 4 heavy, 1 mid
dle weight, and several light buggy
and snddle horses. Come early
and avoid tho rush.
John Rattey,
Toledo Livery Stables.
Lee Slytcr was a, passenger for
the hop fields Saturday morning.
Dr. Clausius of the Agency was
a Dassenger fcr the Valley Wednes
day morning.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for tho Couny of Lin
coln. W. L. Morcan. Plaintiff
Mario T. Cockrel), Maria A.
Brown and II. E. Brown, her hus
band, R. G. Alfredson, George H.
Alexander, N. A. Niskcrn and C.
F. Pruner, Defendants.
To Mario T. Cockrell, Geo. H.
Alexander, N. A. Nittkern andC. F.
In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required
to apoeor and answer the complaint
filed against you in tho ubovu en
titled court and caum on or before
Monday. October 5th. 10M, which
date ia more than eix weeks after
the date rf the firtt publication
of this summons, ami if yi;u fail
to nnpenr and answer before said
date, for want thereof ihintiff will
apply to the court for tho relief
prayed for in this complaint, to
wit: That plaintiir have judgment
OKoinst d'.'f.:ni!nnt Mrie T. CjcU-
.rcll for ?l.t)li5.7;5 .itii ii-.ttrest,
iitt(,n;cy's fern and c,::ij; that
,tlie niertitacc deccri- v. h tivi-um-
pli.itit Herein, rxecutul by dofend-
ant Mane 1. ..oi:l;n !l t i n!:,;rfiir
tirr.s wzz anu zj, am eont:'.ininjr
92.2 teres. Thu fiw .ijrier of
the SW quarter of ,ec. 23. The
NE quarter of the tjii.irti-r of
ew. '11. SW of :;: . of Sec
tion 27. Co.V. i:e;n:j , .
corn!.,'. ot si'0. 1 ; tl;
red?; t'.ionca W. So ,
21:21 rodj; t!:eiiL.
place of bt,iii'.i!i:)n
i;i.fi2:iiTC in ri?t
fractional NE nuart"
ouiirtcr of !:';(!, a '.'
17 ii'.-rca. Art t!,f
ciiiit'tini'ig '-''i n to:', i
u NVV inciter of V'
of f;. c -7. h. in e.
c.Tilcd .is f,iH nxr.
a p iii:t on high.vt.!: r
W. of theOvstcrvilla
'na- N. ilV.24
uh; thciK'e S.
. c'l r;n'3 to
, C .IliUlIlillg
-2. Also tho
- t.i liit; SW.
, nv':;i:ing
'.. ' i:r. part
1 ihi' fi-iwtion-
:'i 'i'1-srter
ik' fully dc-
I - at
m:i:k '.VM ft.
II ju ;e, thence
running N. lOu ft. ti tho N.
Iioundary of tho cliiim which is the
j half mile sec. line rnnnini: E. and
V. through sec. 2ii; tluano W.
along said lino ft. to the
'corners of lots 3, 4 and 5; thence
S. along the line between lots 4
and 5, 14G0 ft. to highwnter mark;
thence along the line of highwater
i mark to the place of beginning:
containing in all 82 acres more or
less, but excepting and reserving
out of the conveyance of the last
two pieces of land in sec. 27 a
strip of land running the whole
length of the southern side thereof,
and being a hundred feet in breadth
for the entire distance and lying
north of the center of the track of
the Willamette Valley and Coant
Railroad Co., as now constructed
there; and also excepting and re
serving so much of said lots 5 and
6 of sec. 27 as lies to tho S. of the
center line of said railroad track.
All in T. 11 S., R. 11 W. Willam
ette Meridian, containing "08 acres
moro or less; situate in the County
of Lincoln, State of Oregon;
be deereeded a first lien on said
property and that said mortgage
be foreclosed according to law, and
that each of you und all of the de
fendants and purtiea claiiiiing by
through or under thi;m be forever
barred and foreclosed of ami from
any und all liht, titk, interest
and equity of redemption in or to
snid mortgaged premises and that
plaintilT have such further relief
us tho court may decrou.
This bummona is published in
pursuance of an order of tho Hon
orable Laurence T. Harris Judge
of tho above entitled Court made
011 the 10th day of August. 1914.
directing the ramc to bo uublwheJ
onca a week for six consecutive
weeks in the Lincoln Countv Lead
er, a newspaper of general circula
tion published in Toledo. Lincoln
County, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Morgan Iiuilding Portland. Oregon.
Date of first publiication August
21. 191-1. Date of last publication
October 2, 1914.