Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 21, 1914, Image 1

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Dr. C. J. Smith candidate of the
Democratic pa ty for Governor
came in Sunday on the excursion
train and remained till Tuesday.
Dr. Smith aa well as all other can
didates are minority candidates
cs only about sixty per cent voted
in the primaries. This shows a
great lack of interest among the
people in the primary election.
1 don't think anyone can be elected
Governor who decs cot stand fully
fcr law enforcement.
Fhil Metschen, proprietor of the
Imperial, is at tne Abby for a few
days' outing.
M. Alexander a uromincnt citi
zen of Pendleton is at the Abbey
spending a few days at thi3 deligh
ful resort.
Judge Dean cf the Supreme
Court is also here taking his vaca
(ion. He is a guest at the Osburn.
Prof. Harvy Dcnemure of Wash
ington Univcnity, Trof. J. B. Hcr, of OAC and daughters have
just returned from a week's outing
en Drift creek. While there Mr.
Ball the pbotographtr from Ccr
vallis took a high cIbes picture of
Wheelock Frills, wheie the party
was stopping. ThiEe falls ten
in number , rrch tumbling into the
one below end Ihcv are all about
100 feet in height. The water is
always clear and icy cu!d and in
the Summer months their clearness
I.8S the hue cf tilvcr crystals.
Their ripliing,' dur.cing. romping
from cascade to cascade seem to
illustrate the playfulness of a child
described by Samuel Simpson in
the line, "Leaping, dancing like a
child at nlav." Wheelock Falls is
a most beautiful place loc-itcd on
a river whose source ia in the biff,
vrren mountains ntur Marys Peak.
You would enjoy these falls almost
as inuch as Bridal Veil. The party
report ta having a yocd time ar.d
-a handeorr.e catch of the speckled
Let 'Er Buck is n new letter in the
althabet. TI12 cow toys their
Wild West Show cn the Baker ball
grounds Saturday and Sunday. A
K'jod audience was in attendance
both cloys. Their e;hititicn cf
Lucninu horses sr.d l ulls wps very
good with the waluial lliev had
"The Grave C.iprrr," a vici-HisLi;',
gray, was rode ly Redding lie
L'jcktd e'eor rcross the field ai:d it
times he seemed to be six or eight
feet in the air. He bucked eo
Lard that the liJci'a no;o Lied.
The Lhck hen?, an o.itlaw almost,
was rode by little Dutch. Hi?
humped his hack tu t'niost 43 de
rrrecs ?nd went into the air and
lawledlikea bull, but the rider
stayed vfith him. The big brown
htrsc brought from the Silctz thst
had never boon hacked by anyone
was rode by Broncho Bob the
champio'i rider. He was a vicious
bucker but ho never got the rider
off. The big roan bull taken oft"
the ranxe was rode by Slim Jim.
When he was mounted and the
epurs put in his flank you ought to
see him buck. He did his best
but the rider stayed on. The red
null was an outlaw and could not
be rode by anyone. Some of the
best riders tried it and failed.
The Indians thought a white boy
could ride it, an expert on calves.
The Indians put up $20 and the
cow boys took it. Young Kineson
mounted the bull took hia tail in
one hand and with the other he
took hold of tne bull's collar and
the bull was turned loose and with
a few big jumos Kincson came
sprawling to the ground. After
this two of the cow boys tried to
ride him double but he soon bucked
them otf One of- the best stunts
was bull-dogging a big, wild steer.
Thii was dor!e by Broncho Bob who
mounted a horse and chased the
etecr around the ring till ho got
cloce enough to jump from the
horse cn to the etecr'a head. Once
rented he took tlia steer by tho
nose ar.d twist id his neck till ho
cmiie to the ground. This is a
difficult end dangerous feat ami
ran only be di no by an expert,
The Indians in putting on the War
Dance did bettor than usual. They
hnd on tho finest costumes that
could be obtained on tho reserva
tion and they entered into the
ddtieo with the old 'imo spirit.
The people were pleased wi!h lha
Wild West show and it may be
made h permanent thing at New
port. Capr. Wilson I. Davcnny cf
Washington, D C, Field Secretary
of the National River and Harbor
Congress, delivered an address at
the I. 0. 0. F. Banquet Hall Fri
day evening to the business men of
Newport. Subject: "Our Native
Waterways and Yaciuina as One of
Them." His address was full of
information emphasizing the im
portance of improving our harbors
and rivers. Congratulated the
people of Toledo on their energy
in taking the matter up with tho
Government, cf the wisdom of
bonding their Prt District to get
money to commence the work of
deepening the channel to the sea.
The channel is now ten feet at
low water and can still be made
deeper. The axiom holds, the
decDer the channel the cheaper tin
freight rates. He ssid these mat
ters now were taken entirely out
of corporate and political influence
and placed under the control cf
this Congress which acts imprrtial
and tries to do the right thing to
all sections of the country. He
urged the importance of bonding
the Port District to get money to
imrrcve tho harbor. Said tho
government would aid in the mat
ter but the people mutt take the
initiative. Said Newpcrt anJ To
ledo must stand together in thesa
improvements. Said cur million
dolld- appropriation was turned
down because of rival interest.
His talk was cf intense interest to
me peepie 01 tins section. Jt is
heped much good will be accom
plished by it.
A big clambake will be given at
Newport Sunday, tho 23, everybody
Fiegles Creek
Harry Lilliard cf reek haukd
lumber from Chas Mulkcy's mill
last week for Chas Lindley's barn.
Frank Mulvaney visited Robert
Clack Friday ar.d Saturday.
Chas Lir.dlcy visited Mortv Lake
Saturday end Sir-Jay ct the Peck.
John Rankin end Marion Walker
were in Corvalli3 last week.
Mr. Pauli was on Ficcla3 Crc:k
the other day.
Joe I ra Jy visit:-.! at Chas Lind,
Iev3 and t'.;3 Muivanry home Mon
day. I L'arion Waller ento:taineJ in
:l!ci:..r at lit. and Mrs. Ilarucv
JIVikslast Sunday dinner. Those
1 present were: Mr. and Mm. Zcb
'eisi. Miss Etta Boies, Miss Eliz:
jbcthKcsii, Jahn Rankin, Marion
I Walker. Mary Delbert and Dor.ald
wr. anu fl;rs. trar.x Davis carr.o
uu in their automobile Monday for
a capping and hunting trip. This
is tne first auto brought over this
road and it made the riffle all
A hunting party including Dr.
Cox of Albany, Frank Dai of
BlodRett, Robin Hathaway of Mich
ler Hill and Frank Mulvaney started
out at sunrise Tuesday. "Mollie
have the kettle on. '
WednesJay Mr. and Mr. Frank
Rowland of Hlcdgctt came in to
camp and visit the Daviscs and
Mr. Rowland. Chas Lindley and
Chas Lilliard. Jr., of Peek, went
to join Messrs. Cox, Hathuway,
Davis and Mulvaney on the hunt et
Fall creek.
Everything is fine and dandy at
present on Fiegles Creik.
Walter Bones is hauling lumber
from D. R. Ring's mill for ths
new bridge on Drift Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Jessa Stone re
turned from Toludo t!io Inst r.f iv,
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Chas!
Lawson. a baby girl weighing seven
The schooner Pilgrim made a
trip in tho last of tho week. f$.-.
G. S. Parmrln nml
----- M'llllj Ult
for Gaston tho first of tho week
where they intend tl) R IIP nil thn
J no nanormen'a strike la at an
end. They; started to fish ugain
August ICth.
The Catholic sl.itora who were
spending their outing here, left
the last of this week. They ex
pressed a delightful timo.
The dance given at Dodson's hall
August 15th was well attended and
all had a fine time.
Upper Beaver
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Huntsucker
and children went to WaldDort
Saturday to visit Mrs. Fannie Me-
Kenney, returning home Sunday.
A. Peterson and son, Peter, de
livered two veals and one beef to
Newport last week.
Peter Peterson end Gordon Em
erson made a business trip to To
ledo Monday.
Mrs. Dora Huntsucker anent the
week end visiting at George Lewis
and M. G. Shermt-rs,
I. N. Huyett is hauling lumber
from Poole Slough to build an ad
dition to his house.
Mrs. Dora Huntsucker and cons,
Johnny ar.d Eugene, and Gordon
and Henry Etnersun attended the
dance at M. G. Shermers Saturday
J. C. Huntsucker went over to
Bayview Tuesday with his team to
bring some surveyors and Mr. Dur
bin to Upper Beaver.
J. M. Powers delivered a veal to
Newport Saturday.
K. D. Mtrtin made a trip to
Newport Monday.
Miss Miie Uur.Uucker has been
obliged to quit school op. account
of ill health.
Friendo are congratulating Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Grant on the ar
rival of a new daughter, AugUEt
It. Payne und family have been
entertaining n party' of relatives
from Sheridan who came over in
Mr. Payne, Sr's., automobiile.
They wtre delighted with our cli
mpte but thought that our moun
tain roads could be better.
' Cn the evening of August 12th
the re it It ors gathered at the hume
of Mr. and Mra. G. F. Kinney to
wish them farewell before they
leave for their new home in Wal
lowa county.
Mrs. Myit'e Miller is visilir
her parent?, Mr. r.nd Mrs. G. F'!
"Lige" Crr.nt had tho misfor
tune to Irosa hia hou-:n r,nd r.M !u
i contents Ly firu cn the of ttrnocn
cf the Kith. The origin cf the
fire '13 unknown as it was all in
flames when discovereJ.
A farewell dance wes given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Lilliard 011 the eve of iha Mth
They left on the 17th for a few
days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ells
worth Lilliard in Portland, before
going to thei new home in Philo
math. Mr. Lloyd Lilliard an 3 Miss Lena
were in our little berg Sunday.
Little Elk
If it should rain now our little
potatoes would be spoiled.
Threshing is all done in this
vicinity, grain yielding better than
was expected.
H. O. Boynton is building a fine
new house on his farm. Matthew
brothers aredoincr tho nmii Th
are both fine workmen.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Loudon
went to Woodburn last Saturday.
Virigil is going to work there dur
ing the Fall months.
Tony Gcnini nml
Sophia, were visiting at the home
01 Airs, htnndnril mm flu,. i. t
1 1 . " " " mhj jacw
week, but that is nothing new.
William Horfa nf
passed through the Little Elk valley
one day last week with a load of
tewing machines.
DewfV find T rvj-nll C(..J... 1 -r
- - uioiiuuiu VI
Indriieridcni'fl nrn uUiiin i..;.
mother tnli week.
Mins Lola f.ninl nit Ulinf X) 1
'.v-Uli ,U VTOUU-
burn la3t Saturday to visit her
grandmother and aunt for to or
three weeks.
Therd w. n nnrtu .1 .l.
, - "M -1 .. 1 j,i;il mo
nom 01 wr. and Mrs. W. F,Wakc
ficld'a Friday evening, August 14,
in honor of liij nr,th in-rtk.i...
All reeort a
present from Eddyvillo were: Earl
Lynn. Rov Maii.-h m,.i i.-iu
Albcrtson, Leah Rutledite. Violet
Damon and Anna Mauch.
Everybody in this vicinity
News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
getting ready for the Lincoln
County Fair, There will be horses,
cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry,
fruit, vegetables and other things
too numerous to mention from this
Community. If everv onmmnnirii
will take what thev have in the
way of exhibits the Fair will be a
great success. It will not only
help the Fair but Lincoln County
and everyone in it.
Misses Violet and Gladys King
went to Elk Citv Friday for a visit
with friends, returning Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Deh. F.,l!r It rnmn
in from Corvallis Sunday noon for
an extended viBit at M. G. Sherm
ers. Quite a crowd attended the dance
at M. (). Shermers Saturdav niaht.
A number frcm Toledo wore there
and all had the very best of good
V. D. Boone has been quite sick
the past few dayi but is improv
ing. K. D. Martin of Beaver Creek
went to Newport en business Mon
day taking the train at Oysterville.
Buzz Engel and lady friend
cancel up from Newport and
visited the home of George King
Sundry afternoon.
Muitirs are still in our neighber
hood, Violet and Gla( jsKing being
the latest victims.
J. Vicars was a Tuledo visitor
Wednesday afternoon.
Earner Zeek has been hauli.ig
lumber for a county bridge up
Mill Four slough.
Road work re-commenced last
week- ti men havirg
got through,
it I
n Purtland last Saturdav after
JiJV';",K u '"n"" camping on
Dtif i Creek.
... .
wrr. V. I;. rJcrre srent ast
! Saturday v.ith Mrs. C
C. Lane
Mhs-.H Mvrtle, Friircs and Ikl
!j tVii.e an 1 .Mrjaret and Grace
l!:i!t cf Toledo spent hat week
i'.'i Misa Clare M:cre. The six
ci:i; ha J a big tins cn
U; i:t Creak.
Mir3 Editt Davenport went
Corvallis Tuesday to pick hops.
Mrs. J. W. Djvenp:rt went M-jnday.
Mis. W. R. Moro and dnuhster.
Clare wsnt to Toledo Tuesday.
J. E Croovs went to Elk City
t: ft. .. r. . n. j
Uwnvi.ii.ri m. t 1 11 u
i ,eJ'3ltedM".T.L. Bohannon
m ssea r.ivrnp rninn I nro
Mr. and Mrs. Enas Wilson and
children who have bctn visiting at
tho Common's ranch for some time.
returned to their home in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Phelps and
family visited at the Christensen
ranch Sunday.
Miss Lcta Denny went to Bay
view Monday.
Mrs. J. H, Wolfsocrger, Miss
Helga Holmgrcen anil Lloyd Com
mons attended the dunce at Wald
port Saturday evening.
Clifford Thelps attendeJ the
"Round Up," at Newport Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Weber. Mr.
and Mrj. Joe Lissv and RpvnnU
Ohmnrt euent Sunday at Seal
Clav Frozcr of Albanv U visititif
hisEister, Mrs. S. C. Dtnny.
W. C . nnd A. W. Weber made a
Iri.) to Newport Saturday.
Clyde Coovcrt killed n fina tirnv
ono day last week.
A tired, hur.izrv carrier nlunon
dropped down at tho I'hclna ranch
Tuesday evening. After a hcurty!
snnnrr it inmlo it a l.n.l in Ihn L... m '
Htid ut the present writing it Jtemt
reluctant ta le.nvo
Elk City and Big Elk
Rev. Devcnport was the guest
of A. B. Slocum and family last
Miss Bessie Gillet of Oakville,
wmi ine r.nrvcsi : which soen.'S
Mr. Silver returned to his homo'corrI,laint-
Linn county, was the guest of A.
B. Slocum and family the latter
part of .last week. Miss Gillet will
teacti the Bear Creek school this
Miss Vi King and sister, Gladys,
were the guests of Mrs. C. H.
The boys who are camped on the
Dalaba ranch seem to be havinit
good success peeling chittim.
Mrs. A. C. Ebert who has been
spending the Summer with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. H Stadlman,
expects to return to her home in
Eugene soon.
H. L. Slocum seems to ha vprv
much interested in and about Eddy-
viuc wonder why?
Hoppicking will soon bo here.
Everybody get ready for it
The most of the people arc mak
ing good use of the drv wtather
burning slashings. All scam
keep them well under control.
Mr. Allen and his crew of men
have the new bridge across Bear
Creek almost completed.
Mrs. Silver's mother returned tn
her home at Salt Lake City. Mrs.
Silver accompanying her aa far &a
Miss Bessie Grant is tho curst r,f
Frank Lang and family.
Tho work on the Deer
toad began laat Tuisday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Thompson
Walcott visited at Corvallis lat
MiS3 feggy lhomason 13 assiet-
ing Mrs. is. F. Grant cook far the
threshets during the absenco of
Miss Bessie who h visiting at fie
home cf f. A. Lang near Elk City.
P. il. Martin is threshing on Uo-
per tlk this week, commencing at
I. R. Payne's the 15th. Hie grain
" " hiaui
ia turning out light in thh vicinity
. . .
to be general
Frank Davis and family and Mr
and Mrs. Frank Roland, all of
( rjh.r!golt, who have been cjmnina
., L' 1 .. . 1. ... . . . .
' .es recs rciun.0,1 to their
c homes Sunday.
f Rir.t-:.
ivui! y iVi-UUUliy
Of tlu Board of Equalization uf
Li:i:oln county, Oregja, ur the
year 1911:
All to W'huiii it Mivj Cu;,ec in.'
Take iiotiea. that the J of
Equalization for Lincoln t.'ountv.
I Oregon, will meet on tlia reeoiid
to, Monday of Septemlur, the tame
nemg inc ntn uay ol heuiomuor.
1 1 1 1. for the nurposu of correct
ing, equalizing aril examining tlic
assessment rollj for Lincoln county .
CS returned bv the Assessor. Thn
first full week will be set nsido fjr'and being n hundred feet in breadth
. . . . .
j receiving tetitiuns and comp aints,
as Ly ,aw rcquire(Ji Tho abov
meeting will be held in the county
court room in the Court IIouss at
Toledo, Oregon, at 0 o'clock a. m.
on Monday, tho 1 1th day of Sep
I1.0"11'"' 19V'. , w- & Bull,
I As3Cssor ' Lincoln county, Oregon.
tember, 1011. W. E. Bull.
A good, young team, G and 7
years, Weight about 1200, well
matched. Wagon and harness.
Ira A. Miller, Newport, Or.
Scaled bids will bo received up
to noon Snturday August 22d, 1014,
bv tho Port of Tulnrtn fnr ihn
building of Warehouse tho Port of
loieuo 10 lurmsn ail material de
livered on the rgonnd. Plans and
specifications may bo seen at the
Port OHice.
The Port reserves tho riht to
reject any or all bids.
Lee Wade, Secretary.
Tho County Court of Li nctiln
county, Oreaon. will reecivo i;liIli1
bidd for furniahintr matetiul uml
contructing 11 bridge ovir Loht.ter
river near the homo of Tims, Tay
lor, in Road Diatrict No. 1; also
for furnishing material and build
ing n bridge over Ii!g Kile river
near the homo of B. V Grant, in
Road District No. 12. Said bida to
bo in accordance with on filu
with tho County Clerk and must bo
accompanied with a certified check
amounting to G per cent, of bid
All bids to be filed with the
County clerk on or before 9 o'clock
a. m., September 2, 1914.
R. H. Howell, County Clerk.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the Couny of Lin
coln. W. L. Morgan. Plaintiff
Marie T. Cockrell, Marie A.
Brown and H. E. Brown, her hus
band, E. G. Alfredson, George H.
Alexander, N. A. Niskern and c!
F. Pruner, Defendants.
To Marie T. Cockrell. Goo.
Alexander, N. A. Niskern andC
In the name of the State
Oregon, you are hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in tha above en
titled court and causo on or before
Friday, October 2d, 1914, which
date is more than six weeks after
the date of the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail
to nupcar and answer Lefure said
date, for want thereof nlaintifT will
apply to the couit for tho relief
prayed for in this complaint, to
wit: That plaintiff have judgment
against defendant Mario T, Cock
rell for $1,016.78 with interest,
attorney's fe:s and costs; and that
I tin. mortaaiie described in ho...m.
'plaint herein, executed Ly defend
I ant Marie T. Cockrell to plaintiff
" the folIoirg property, to-wit:
jl'omrncing at the E coiner of it
Nil.' (1 iinUr of sctiim ')) t
. . - - - - . 111LMH.D
west 400 feet; thence no.iii 2340
feet; thence h. 1720 ft.; thence
S. 2340 ft I thence W. 1312 ft. to
place of beginning, hcjtiK ia sec
tions 22 and 23. and containing
02.39 acres. Th'j SW quarter? of
the SW quarter of sec. 23. The
NE quarter 01 tho NE quarter of
sec. 27. Cummcm:inK t the NE
corner of sec- 27; thence N. 27.24
rods; thence W. So rods; thence S.
27.24 rods; thence E. u rod3 to
place of beginning, containing
ig.u.iKuaui m ... nyj UIU
fractional NE quarter cf tl..-. SW,
quarter of taction 27, containing
47 acres, ml the wettn'ii part
contuiniiiR .15 acres in tho frurtion-
ul NW quarter of the SE. qu.irter
of b;c 27. bting more fully d
scribed ns follows: brginning
a point on hichv.ntnr mark 3..0
W. of the Ovsti rvi!!.' Ihuse. t'lence
running N. ISOd ft. t.i ti;o
bojudarv if the ,
ha'f mile sec. lin
W. tlironh re.-.
;i!nn.; Baid linn
cruris of l.ils 1.
I:tim wiiicli ii the
: t uni:i:: il. and
ft. ti
I a 1 1 .r; thence
,S. alonu 11,2 line
between lots
a:i:l 5. llliO ft. t hihwate i.uirk
1 fienco along tiie line of hi!r.ater
.mark to the place of bisiinning;
. containing in till S2 acres more or
kss. but cxccTtin-' Hnd reserving
-Out of the conveyance of the last
; two pieces of land in sec. Zl
strip of land running the who'o
lenuth of ihn sinilhi'rn side thornnf.
for the entire distance and lying
north of the center of the track of
the Willamette Valley an 1 Coat
Railroad Co., aj now constructed
there; and also excepting and rc
sorving so much of slid lots 5 and
G of sec. 27 as lies to tho S. of the
center line of said railroad truck.
All in T. 11 S.. R. 11 W. Willam
ette Meridian, containing 208 acres
more or less; situate in the County
of Lincoln, State of Oregon:
be decreeded a first lien on said
property and that said mortgage
be foreclosed according to law, and
that each of you and all of the de
fendants and parties claiming by
through or under them be forever
barred and foreclosed of and from
'any and
all riirht. title, interest
and equity of redemption in or
'said mortgaged premises and thit
' . I : . : iT i . l m .1 1 r m
iMuiiiuu uuvu sum luriner runci
as the court may decree.
This summons is published in
pursuance of on order of the Hon
orable Laurence T. Harris Judge
of tho above entitled Court made
on the 10th day of August. 1014.
directing thn sumo to bo publhhej
onc3 a week for six consecutive)
weeks in the Miir'uln n.iimtv .eA.
cr, a ncvwpaprr of generar circula
tion pablishcd in loloio. Lincoln
County, Oregon.
Attorneys for PlnintitT,
Morgan Building Portfund. Oregon.
Datti of first publiication August
21. 101 1. Date of last publication
October 2, 101 1.
Cluude Welch and Lawrence. Al
trec went to Portland Monday in
Mr. Welch's auto.
John Gwyn of Eddyvillo was
transacting business in this city be
teen tiaina Saturday.